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ABSTRACT: Fresh water lake sediment removal is usually undertaken to deepen a lake and increase its volume to enhance fish production, to remove nutrient rich sediment, to remove toxic or hazardous material, or to reduce the abundance of rooted aquatic plants. Review of more than 60 projects and five case histories reveals that the first three objectives are usually met through sediment removal. Dredging to control aquatic plants has not been well documented. Disadvantages of dredging include cost, temporary phosphorus release from sediment, increased phytoplankton productivity, noise, lake drawdown, temporary reduction in benthic fish food organisms, the potential for toxic material release to the overlying water and potential for environmental degradation at the dredged material disposal site. The technique is recommended for deepening and for long range reduction of phosphorus release from sediment. Sediment removal to control toxic materials is possible with minimal environmental impact when proper equipment is used, but it may more than double the cost. Lack of definitive information about rooted plant regrowth rates in dredged areas prohibits explicit recommendations on sediment removal to control plant growth.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recovery of eutrophic lakes after nutrient diversion may be delayed if the lake experiences significant internal phosphorus (p) loading to the water column. A maximum dose of aluminum sulfate, defined herein, was applied to the anaerobic sediments of the hypolimnia of two dimictic Ohio lakes following septic tank diversion, with the objective of attaining long term control of the release of phosphorus to the water column from these sediments. The results were compared to a similar, downstream, untreated lake. Total phosphorus concentration declined sharply after treatment and has remained so through 1980 for both lakes, a period of 5 and 6 years of control, respectively. Internal P loading from anaerobic, hypolimnetic sediments was partially controlled by the treatment but there are other important sources, perhaps in the littoral zone, in these lakes. Algal biomass is Smaller and water transparency has increased. Both lakes became mesotrophic after treatment, as described by the Carlson (1977) trophic state index, and remain in that improved condition to date. No deleterious side effects were observed, although one lake experienced a significant decrease in diversity of planktonic microcrustacea and a lakeward extension of the macrophyte community. This method appears to be an effective and lasting means of accelerating the recovery of a eutrophic lake following nutrient diversion.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Alum and sodium aluminate were injected into the hypolimnion of eutrophic Kezar Lake, New Hampshire, with a specially designed applicator mechanism. This new method of applying aluminum salts to achieve phosphorus inactivation included two separate chemical distribution systems mounted on a hydraulic weed harvester. The design of the applicator system is described, and its cost-effectiveness is compared with other aluminum salt injections.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nutrient diversion does not always bring about prompt and sufficient reduction in lake phosphorus concentration due to recycling from nutrient rich sediments. Certain lakes and reservoirs may continue to experience nuisance algal blooms and require additional restorative steps. The phosphorus precipitation/inactivation technique is a procedure to remove phosphorus from the water column and to control its release from sediments in order to achieve P-limiting conditions to algal growth. Aluminum salts have been used in advanced waste water treatment to remove phosphorus and this technology was extended to lake rehabilitation. Guidelines for dose calculation and application are generally lacking, and are provided in this report. The dose determination suggested here allows maximum application of aluminum to bottom sediments and thus emphasizes long term control of phosphorus recycling. Dose can be calculated directly from the alkalinity of the water to be treated. Titration of lake water samples of Varying alkalinity allows the establishment of the relationship between residual dissolved aluminum, alkalinity, and dose which can then be employed for lake scale applications of alum to lakes and reservoirs. Application equipment and procedures are described. These depend on site characteristics and treatment objectives and include lakeside stores, a distribution pipe, and an application barge and manifold. Alum may also be used to meet other restoration objectives including the treatment of problem flows and the reduction of particulate concentrations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An alum treatment in Long Lake (mean depth, 2 m) in 1980 has been effective at controlling internal loading of phosphorus for four years. The fifth summer after treatment, the lake returned to its pro-treatment state. Lake P content decreased from a summer average of 65 μg/L during 1976–1978 to about 30 μg/L during four years following treatment. In 1985, summer P content was 61 μg/L. Algal abundance, species composition, and transparency have responded proportionately with P. Alum effectiveness apparently declined because the floe layer tended to sink and become dispersed at a deeper level in the sediment, as well as become covered with new, P-rich sediment. Iron-reduction may be the principal mechanism for internal P loading, although the lake is unstratified and anoxia is usually not pronounced.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Hypolimnetic aeration is a widely used technique for lake restoration and fisheries enhancement. However, system design still depends on application of “safety factors” to observed oxygen demand rates, in large part because actual oxygen demand may be greater after aeration than before. Laboratory incubations of sediment show that sediment oxygen demand (SOD) rates follow mixed order kinetics, with an initial period of zero order reaction, followed by first order kinetics. The transition from zero to first order kinetics may correspond to the transition from laminar to turbulent flow. This suggests that SOD reaction kinetics are governed by thickness of the diffusive sublayer adjacent to the sediments. Therefore, zero and first order reaction regions correspond with oxygen diffusion limitation and substrate limitation, respectively. Such a mechanism would account for the induced oxygen demand observed following hypolimnetic aeration and would reconcile differences in SOD reaction orders noted in the literature. This paper describes development of equations based on laboratory SOD incubations for predicting induced oxygen demand following hypolimnetic aeration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Flow-duration curves are concise pictures of flow variability at a point on a stream, and provide essential information for all water-resource planning. In New Hampshire, useful estimates of flow-duration curves for ungaged points on unregulated streams can be made using only information readily available from contour maps: 1) area of the basin above the point of interest; and 2) either the measured mean basin elevation or the elevations of the highest and lowest points in the basin. Measured or estimated mean basin elevation is then used in regression equations to estimate mean flow QC and the flow exceeded 95% of the time, Q95. QC is assumed to occur at the 27% exceedance frequency. Q02, Q05, and Q30 are estimated as multiples of QC. Equations are provided for calculating 95% confidence intervals for future estimates using the method. The dependence of mean flow on elevation is due to positive vertical precipitation gradients and negative vertical evapotranspiration gradients. The dependence of Q95 on elevation appears to be due largely to the fact that it rains more often, that snowmelt takes longer, and that evapotranspiration is reduced at higher elevations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: West Point Lake is a 10,360 ha mainstream impoundment of the Chattahoochee River located 95 kilometers downstream of Atlanta, Georgia. Origins and magnitude of external total phosphorus (TP) and total suspended solids (TSS) loads from the West Point Lake basin were estimated over a one-year period. Partitioning the drainage basin allowed the sources of these loads to be determined. The upper subbasin area, from Franklin, Georgia, to the headwaters of the Chattahoochee River, contributed 96 percent of the discharge and 97 percent of the TP and TSS loads into West Point Lake. The lower subbasin area, from Franklin to West Point Lake dam, only contributed 3 percent of the TP and TSS loads. Ninety-one percent and 87 percent of the TP and TSS loads, respectively, from the upper subbasin originated from the Atlanta area. Point sources discharged 70 percent and 3 percent of the upper subbasin TP and TSS loads, respectively. A large portion (66 percent) of the TP from the upper subbasin was in the bioavailable form.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Bottom sediment in Hillsdale Lake, Kansas, was analyzed to estimate the annual load of total phosphorus deposited in the lake from nonpoint sources. Topographic, bathymetric, and sediment-core data were used to estimate the total mass of phosphorus in the lake-bottom sediment. Available streamflow and water-quality data were used to compute the mean annual mass of phosphorus (dissolved plus suspended) exiting the lake. The mean annual load of phosphorus added to the lake from point sources was estimated from previous studies. A simple mass balance then was used to compute the mean annual load of phosphorus from non-point sources. The total mass of phosphorus in the lake-bottom sediment was estimated to be 924,000 kg, with a mean annual load of 62,000 kg. The mean annual mass of phosphorus exiting in the lake outflow was estimated to be about 8,000 kg. The mean annual loads of phosphorus added to the lake from point and nonpoint sources were estimated to be 5,000 and 65,000 kg, respectively. Thus, the contribution to the total mean annual phosphorus load in Hillsdale Lake is about 7 percent from point sources and about 93 percent from nonpoint sources.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Measured stream discharge plus calculated ground water discharge (total measured runoff) were compared with runoff calculated by the unit-runoff method for the two largest watersheds of Mirror Lake for 1981–1983. Runoff calculated by the unit-runoff method, using Hubbard Brook watershed 3 as the index watershed, was greater than the total measured runoff into Mirror Lake during periods of high flow and slightly less than the total measured runoff into Mirror Lake during periods of low flow. Annual calculated unit runoff was 17 to 37 percent greater than total measured runoff. Differences in monthly runoff are far greater, ranging from 0 to greater than 100 percent. For high flows the calculated unit runoff is about 2 times greater than total measured runoff. For low flows the northwest basin of Mirror Lake has the greatest ground water contribution compared to the other two basins. In contrast, Hubbard Brook watershed 3 has the least ground water contribution.  相似文献   

We develop and compare three regression models for estimating flood quantiles at ungaged stream reaches in New Hampshire and Vermont. These models emerge from systematic analysis and validation of relations between flood magnitude and six candidate predictors reflecting basin size, topography, and climate and channel size at 36 gaging stations with record lengths exceeding 20 years. Of the candidate predictors, bank full width is most highly correlated with flood magnitude and the best prediction equation is based on width. Thus channel geometry is closely related to the current hydrologic regime in spite of geologically recent glaciation and apparently non-alluvial bank materials. We also develop models that use information obtainable from maps or GIS. The best of these uses drainage area and drainage-basin elevation as predictors, but it is substantially less precise than the width-based relation. A third relation using only drainage area as a predictor is even less precise but may be useful for some purposes. No other single predictors or combinations yielded useful predictions, although some had been included in previously-established models for the region. Model comparison included examination of residuals generated by regression using one-at-a-time suppression of data points and comparison with precision obtainable with gaging records of varying lengths.  相似文献   

: In general, the choice among reservoirs for water supply or flow augmentation is a multiobjective problem. Choices are based in part on the yield available from water supply reservoirs or, in the case of flow augmentation reservoirs, on the increase in low flows at downstream locations. Detailed estimates of these effects may be too costly for basin planning purposes. Thus this paper presents methods for rapid estimation of those quantities for New Hampshire. For water supply reservoirs, a composite empirical relation between Y95 (the draft available 95 percent of the time) and storage ratio, S*, is developed from previous studies in the region. For flow augmentation reservoirs, empirical relations between S* and degree of regulation, R*, are applied to each upstream regulating reservoir. Values of regulation arc then summed and divided by the mean flow at the downstream reach of interest. This parameter, (ΓR)*, is then related to increase in flow available 95 percent of the time by an empirical relation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to evaluate alternative land developments around New Hampshire lakes. Alternative development patterns, evaluated by their impacts on the lake area environment and area economy, included residential patterns, commercial patterns, and combinations of these two types. Phosphorus loading of the lake water was used as a proxy variable for changes in the lake water quality. Commercial developments yielded the highest revenues to the town and the local area. It also attracted the most lake users to the area as well as contributing the largest phosphorus loading in the lake waters. Residential developments, although contributing high revenues to the businessmen in the area, yielded less net income to the town. Phosphorus loading levels from residential developments were much lower than lake phosphorus loading by commercial developments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The influence of sediment resuspension on the water quality of shallow lakes is well documented. However, a search of the literature reveals no deterministic mass-balance eutrophication models that explicitly include resuspension. We modified the Lake Okeechobee water quality model - which uses the Water Analysis Simulation Package (WASP) to simulate algal dynamics and phosphorus, nitrogen, and oxygen cycles - to include inorganic suspend. ed solids and algorithms that: (1) define changes in depth with changes in volume; (2) compute sediment resuspension based on bottom shear stress; (3) compute partition coefficients for ammonia and ortho-phosphorus to solids; and (4) relate light attenuation to solids concentrations. The model calibration and validation were successful with the exception of dissolved inorganic nitrogen species which did not correspond well to observed data in the validation phase. This could be attributed to an inaccurate formulation of algal nitrogen preference and/or the absence of nitrogen fixation in the model. The model correctly predicted that the lake is light-limited from resuspended solids, and algae are primarily nitrogen limited. The model simulation suggested that biological fluxes greatly exceed external loads of dissolved nutrients; and sediment-water interactions of organic nitrogen and phosphorus far exceed external loads. A sensitivity analysis demonstrated that parameters affecting resuspension, settling, sediment nutrient and solids concentrations, mineralization, algal productivity, and algal stoichiometry are factors requiring further study to improve our understanding of the Lake Okeechobee ecosystem.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A model called SPNM from the words “sediment-phosphorus-nitrogen model” was developed for simulating agricultural contributions to water pollution. SPNM is designed to predict sediment, P, and N yields for individual storms on small basins and to route these yields through streams and valleys of large basins. Users need no computer programming experience because the model is a problem-oriented computer language. SPNM is useful in planning water resources projects and in research. Tests of the model on a watershed provided realistic results.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nitrogen and P fluxes, transformations and water quality functions of Lake Verret (a coastal Louisiana freshwater lake), were quantified. Ortho-P, total-P, NH4+-N NO3 -N and TKN in surface water collected from streams feeding Lake Verret averaged 104, 340, 59, 185, and 1,060 mg 1?1, respectively. Lake Verret surface water concentrations of ortho-P, total-P, NH+-N, NO3?-N and TKN averaged 66, 191, 36, 66, and 1,292 μg 1?1. The higher N and P concentrations were located in areas of the lake receiving drainage. Nitrification and denitrification processes were significant in removing appreciable inorganic N from the system. In situ denitrification rates determined from acetylene inhibition techniques show the lake removes 560 mg N m?2 yr?1. Laboratory investigations using sediment receiving 450 μg NH+4-N (N-15 labeled) showed that the lake has the potential to remove up to 12.8 g N m?2 yr?1. Equilibrium studies of P exchanges between the sediment and water column established the potential or adsorption capacity of bottom sediment in removing P from the overlying water. Lake Verret sediment was found to adsorb P from the water column at concentrations above 50 μg P 1?1 and the adsorption rates were as great as 300 μg P cm?2 day?1 Using the 137C s dating techniques, approximately 18 g N m?2 yr?1 and 1.2 g P m?2 yr?1 were removed from the system via sedimentation. Presently elevated nutrient levels are found only in the upper reaches of the lake receiving nutrient input from runoff from streams draining adjacent agricultural areas. Nitrification, denitrification, and adsorption processes at the sediment water interface over a relatively short distance reduces the N and P levels in the water column. However, if the lake receives additional nutrient loading, elevated levels will likely cover a larger portion of the lake, further reducing water quality in the lake.  相似文献   

Sedimentation rates and sediment provenance were examined for lacustrine sediments deposited in Fairfield Lake, western North Carolina, during the past 111 years. Stratigraphic, radionuclide, and cartographic data indicate that sedimentation rates have increased several fold during the past three decades in response to localized development. The magnitude of increased sedimentation was surprising given limited development within the basin: 0.12 to 0.68 buildings/ha in 2000 in those parts directly delivering sediment to the dated cores. Thus, the analysis illustrates the potential sensitivity of watersheds in the southern Appalachians to changes in land cover. An approach that combined geochemical fingerprinting with sediment mixing models was subsequently evaluated to determine its ability to accurately estimate the contribution of sediment from (1) major bedrock formations that underlie the watershed and (2) potential sources associated with four land cover categories. Sediment sources in both analyses proved difficult to geochemically fingerprint to greater than 90 percent accuracy using data on acid‐soluble metals and selected isotopes of lead (Pb). The relative contributions of sediment from delineated sources, estimated by the mixing models, generally corresponded with known temporal and spatial patterns of land cover. However, the models were plagued by two significant problems — the chemical alteration of sediments as they were transported through upland streams to depositional sites within the lake and the loss of elemental mass. Thus, future investigations using the fingerprinting approach in this area of intense weathering, and presumably others, will need to modify the existing methods to more accurately elucidate changes in sediment provenance related to development.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The potential for joint public and private action for lake restoration is examined using Lake Apopka, Florida, as a case study. Initial calculations indicate that private incentives alone are inadequate to attract investment in a facility to grow and harvest water hyacinths for conversion to methane gas. However, the private externality of water quality improvement associated with harvesting water hyacinths provides a key linkage between the public's water quality objectives and the private gas producer's actions. In order to establish the potential basis for negotiation, the public's willingness-to-pay for environmental services associated with improved water quality is estimated and compared with the estimated subsidy required to induce private action. A conceptual framework is then presented for coordinating actions between private firms and public water management agencies in order to internalize the private externality of water quality improvement while simultaneously achieving the public and private objectives. Results indicate that the subsidization of water hyacinth production and harvesting compares favorably with alternative means of enhancing the water quality of Lake Apopka.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Specific annual suspended sediment yields and their standard deviations are presented for 47 basins of North Island, New Zealand. Most of the variance in yields is explained by catchment mean rainfall. Rivers with similar flow range have similar suspended sediment concentration ratings, independent of differing watershed lithology and regolith, except for six basins having an abundance of soft fine sediments. Prediction equations for yield and its standard deviation are derived for four essentially arbitrary regions. AU feature rainfall as the independent variable. Differences between regions may owe to variations in intensity, frequency, and duration patterns of storms and, in one area, to bed material size as well. The temporal distribution of annual yields from a basin m be modeled by a two-parameter lognormal function: the prediction equations above may be used to evaluate this function at a site for which suspended sediment data are unavailable.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water quality in eutrophic Lake Tohopekaliga, Florida, improved markedly from 1982 to 1992 as a result of reductions in phosphorus and nitrogen loading to the lake. Annual budgets of water, chloride, phosphorus and nitrogen were constructed for the lake, and indicate it is a sink for phosphorus and a source for nitrogen. Water column concentrations of total phosphorus, soluble reactive phosphorus, total nitrogen, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, and chlorophyll a all declined as external inputs of nutrients decreased. Water column nitrogen: phosphorus ratios have increased, suggesting a probable shift from nitrogen- to phosphorus-limitation. This apparent shift in nutrient limitation status also is supported by comparisons of the mean Trophic State Indices for phosphorus, nitrogen, and chlorophyll a. These improvements in water quality are attributed to the diversion of wastewater treatment plant effluent from the lake, and the increased use of wet retention ponds for stormwater runoff.  相似文献   

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