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ABSTRACT: Constructed wetlands have recently gained popularity as an alternative method for wastewater treatment. This paper compares two design methodologies currently used for constructed wetlands; Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) methods. A discussion of parameters for both methods is given and a wetland treatment system is designed for an individual residence with typical BOD5 loads and flow rates. Calculation results revealed significant discrepancies in the required constructed wetlands volume, and thus detention time, stemming from inherent differences in the design methodologies. The EPA method relies heavily on plug flow kinetics, and is therefore sensitive to changes in the reaction rate constant and media porosity. Conversely, TVA determines the surface area by sizing in accordance with a recommended hydraulic loading criterion and is affected only by the hydraulic flow rates. This study concluded that a constructed wetland is a viable option under design considerations that are not favorable for traditional on-site wastewater treatment methods. However, it is recommended that conservative values for flow and loading rates be assumed to assure complete treatment for either of the design methods.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: From 1984 to 1987, the Penn State Cooperative Extension Service conducted 40 safe drinking water clinics for more than 3000 rural homeowners. The clinics were developed to provide homeowners and farmers with information on managing their private water supplies. Four of the clinics were evaluated using a mail survey. By using a four part mailing, response rates of 63 to 77 percent were achieved. Based on the evaluation results of the four clinics, 11 of the 14 objectives dealing with information value, knowledge gained, and actions taken were met.  相似文献   

Within a few years all domestic wastewater effluents in the United States will be subjected to a minimum of a properly operated primary and secondary treatment process. This implies a very high degree of removal of the more readily biologically degradable material as measured by the BOD test. This practice will to a large degree negate the value of the BOD test as a pollution parameter. Organic carbon appears to be a more suitable means for determining the strength of a wastewater or for controlling the operation of physical and chemical treatment processes. Studies were conducted to determine the effect of time of passage on the ratio of organic carbon to BOD, COD and carbohydrate. The ratio was found to vary with both time and the state of the sample. The carbon content was reduced to a lesser degree than the other parameters. Organic carbon content appears to correlate better with COD than with BOD. The efficiency of a chemical precipitation process can be determined on the basis of organic carbon removal.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A free water surface (FWS) constructed wetland was installed at a dairy in Glendale, Arizona, to study the potential of such a wetland to remove nitrogen (N) from wastewater. The study objectives were: (1) to determine N removal from the wastewater, and (2) to evaluate N accumulation in soil and plant tissues. The system consisted of eight cells (70 × 9 × 1.5 m) planted with Typha domingensis, Scirpus validus, and Phragmites australis. The four cells in series were lined with plastic, and the four cells in a parallel series were lined with clay. Cells received approximately 180 m3/d of partially treated dairy effluent. Plant tissues and soil samples were collected above and below ground from 24 locations during one year. Total N removal from wastewater was about 17 percent. Clay‐lined cells accumulated more N in the soil and less N in plant biomass compared with plastic lined cells. Plant biomass accounted for approximately 60 percent of total N accumulated in cells with dense plant communities. Ninety percent of accumulated soil N was organic. Total N accumulated in soil reached a maximum (1,100 mg/kg) eight months after the introduction of wastewater.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Accurate data about nutrient concentrations in wastewater treatment plant effluents are needed for river basin water-quality studies. As part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program in the South Platte River Basin, nutrient data were requested from 31 wastewater-treatment plants located in the basin. This article describes the types of nutrient data available from the plants, examines the variability of effluent nutrient concentrations, and discusses methods for estimation of nutrient concentrations where data are lacking. Ammonia was monitored at 88 percent of the plants, nitrite plus nitrate was monitored at 40 percent of the plants, and organic nitrogen and phosphorus were monitored at less than 25 percent of the plants. Median total nitrogen concentrations and median total phosphorus concentrations were small compared to typical literature estimates for wastewater-treatment plants with secondary treatment. Nutrient concentrations in effluent from wastewater-treatment plants varied widely between and within plants. For example, ammonia concentrations varied as much as 5 mg/L during a day, as much as 10 mg/L from day to day, and as much as 30 mg/L from summer to winter within a plant. In the South Platte River Basin, estimates of median annual ammonia and nitrite plus nitrate concentrations can be improved based on plant processes; and nitrite plus nitrate and organic nitrogen concentrations can be estimated based on ammonia concentrations. However, to avoid large estimation errors, more complete nutrient data from wastewater-treatment plants are needed for integration into river basin water quality studies. The paucity of data hinders attempts to evaluate the relative importance of point source and nonpoint source nutrient loadings to rivers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The use of peatlands as the main form of wastewater treatment in a northern climate was studied for the James Bay Energy Society. The Fontanges campsite (70° 17′ 30″ W; 54° 34′ 00″ N) was chosen as the study site. In less than 1.5 km from the point of discharge BOD5, COD, total hardness, inorganic carbon, orthophosphates, total phosphorus, ammonia and total nitrogen were reduced by at least 90 percent. The peatland treatment system studied is divided into four components, each having a specific function. The first part combines the action of microorganisms and adsorption on peat, thus reducing the organic content while increasing the inorganic constituents. The second part uses peat to adsorb the inorganic elements already present in the wastewater and those produced in the first part of the system. The third component acts as an aerator, increasing the dissolved oxygen and decreasing the BOD5 levels of the water. The fourth part removes most of the remaining nutrients, thus acting like a tertiary treatment. Overall, peatlands seemed to be effective in treating domestic settled wastewater in a cold climate.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Two factors affecting the centralization of wastewater treatment facilities were investigated; the cost of collection and treatment systems and the performance of treatment plants. Based on computer-generated minimum cost designs, wastewater collection networks were found to be characterized by diseconomies of scale of magnitude similar to the reported economies of scale for wastewater treatment works. The combined costs of collection and treatment are U-shaped functions from which the least cost size of collection and treatment systems were found for particular values of population density. Examination of the day-to-day performance of five metropoitan-area waste-water treatment plants revealed that, for time series shorter than one month, the day-to-day variation in effluent quality was random, although the variation in quantity discharged was distinctly non-random. The performances of all five plants on any given day showed little correlation. This suggests that the decentralization of treatment facilities can produce benefits both through the reduction in quantities of waste discharged at a given point and through in-stream averaging of the varying performances of several treatment plants. Since the cost function of collection and treatment combined is generally flat in the region of the minimum-cost size, little penalty is invoked to gain the potential benefits of treatment plant decentralization.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Piped water supply and sewerage have been taken almost for granted in the developed countries. However, most people in the United States have little knowledge of the condition of public health amenities in the developing countries. The paper reviews the importance, background and current status of water and wastewater facilities in India. The relative situation in urban and rural areas, conventional practices in environmental hygiene, the programs for improvement and the problems involved with possible solutions are given. The case history of a town is also included for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Environmental Protection Agency administers a construction grant program to encourage abatement of wastewater pollution by sharing with municipalities the costs of wastewater treatment facilities. The enabling legislation (P.L. 92–500) specifies that EPA's cost share will be 75% of construction costs. It further requires municipalities to collect user fees from industrial users of the facilities to repay that part of the federal grant allocable to the treatment of industrial wastewater. The municipality must return half of the user fees collected to the U.S. Treasury; the municipality is allowed to retain the remaining half. Retention by municipalities of these user fees lowers their effective cost shares and results in the following consequences: (1) a bias for municipalities to select certain kinds of abatement techniques regardless of whether or not they are the least-cost techniques from the national perspective; (2) a bias for municipalities to select larger-than-optimal scales of abatement facilities; (3) a hidden federal subsidy to industry; and (4) grants that favor industrial communities. This article examines the legislative and regulatory requirements for user charges, derives the algebraic expressions for calculating the real federal, municipal, and industrial cost shares with user fees; computes municipal cost shares for selected values of the determinant factors; evaluates efficiency and other consequences of current user fee arrangements; and concludes that the efficiency distortions brought about by the impacts of user fees on cost sharing could be eliminated by requiring that all user fees collected from industry against the federal cost share be returned to the U.S. Treasury.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes L.) has shown to be effective in the treatment of municipal wastewater in a pilot study begun in January 1989 by the Pima County Wastewater Management Department and researchers associated with The University of Arizona's Office of Arid Lands Studies in the Sonoran Desert near Tucson. The influent pumped into the pilot facility's six raceways (ponds) typically has been treated secondary effluent diverted from a conventional treatment facility, although primary effluent from the same facility also has been treated. The Secondary Influent Treatment System has met the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) tertiary standard for BOD5 and TSS of 10 mg/l for every month of its operation since March 1990; the Primary Influent Treatment System met the ADEQ secondary standard for BOD5 and TSS of 30 mg/1 for most of the 10 months it was in operation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In 1983, the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, completed construction of advanced wastewater treatment (AWT) systems to enlarge and upgrade its existing Belmont Road and South port Road secondary treatment plants. A nonparametric statistical procedure, a modified form of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney rank-sum test, was used to test for trends in water quality at two upstream and two downstream sites on White River and at the two treatment plants. Results comparing the pre- (1978–1980) and post- (1983–1986) AWT periods show statistically significant improvements in the quality of the treated effluent and of the White River downstream from the plants. Water quality at sites upstream from the city was relatively constant during the period of study. Total ammonia (as N) decreased 14.6 mg/L and BOD5 (five-day biochemical oxygen demand) decreased 10 to 19 mg/L in the two effluents. Total ammonia in the river downstream from the plants decreased 0.8 to 1.9 mg/L and BOD5 decreased 2.3 to 2.5 mg/L. Nitrate (as N) increased 14.5 mg/L in the plant effluents and 2.0 to 2.4 mg/L in the river because of in-plant nitrification. Dissolved oxygen concentration in the river increased about 3 mg/L because of reduced oxygen demand for nitrification and biochemical oxidation processes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Fish confined to cages were used to determine the effects of effluent from a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Control fish were kept in cages in an aquaculture pond. Acute effects of the effluent entering the final oxidation pond of the WWTP were determined by confining channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) at the pond inlet; the mean total residual chlorine (TRC) concentration was 0.9 mg/l during this exposure. After 8 h, 42 percent of the fish had died and survivors had severe lesions of the skin and gills. During the first two weeks of exposure, channel catfish at the outlet of the final oxidation pond (mean TRC=0.1 mg/l) were predisposed to bacterial infection but lost the parasitic trematodes that were on the gills when the fish were placed in cages. After several weeks, exposed fish had histologic lesions, enlarged livers, and reduced growth. The presence of unidentified carcinogen(s) in the effluent of this WWTP was indicated by papillomas developing on caged black bullheads (Ictalurus melas) and hepatic-enzyme induction in channel catfish. In situ exposure of caged fish was advantageous because storage and pretreatment of water samples were not required, and exposure levels corresponded to those present in the environment. The use of cages for containment of fish during field exposure allowed confinement to the location of interest and convenient sampling of the fish. Unlike wild fish, the caged fish could be compared to control fish with the same pre-exposure history.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT There are several possible ways in which wastewater from municipalities may be reclaimed and reused so as to minimize the need for imported water in North Central Texas. The rationale for reuse is enhanced by the fact that new water quality requirements in the Trinity River system will necessitate a very high degree of treatment at municipal sewage plants, just for discharge to surface streams. The largest potential market for municipal effluent is the steam-electric power industry. Within the next decade the generating capacity for electric power in North Central Texas will have to be more than doubled to meet increasing demand. Adequate supplies of condenser cooling water for such expansion will be difficult to obtain and assure. New large power stations might advantageously be located adjacent to municipal wastewater treatment plants, to utilize effluent as make-up water for cooling towers. Experience elsewhere has shown that well-treated wastewater can be used for cooling tower make-up with a minimum of trouble, with a considerable saving in overall cost, and with conservation of pristine water for other uses.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A Management level model has been formulated in which a system analysis format is employed to answer some of the basic questions regarding urban water management strategies The model incorporates a multilevel optimization scheme to coordinate urban water supply, distribution, and wastewater management. A test of the model's utility is made in an application to the water management problems of the Denver, Colorado metropolitan area. Denver has utilized both agricultural transfers and transmountain diversions to supplement the natural stream resources of the South Platte River. Although plans are being made to increase the capacity of these sources, increasingly stringent standards on the area's effluents are enhancing the feasibility of reclaiming and recycling a portion of the wastewater. The urban model used in this study indicates the decision points at which respective strategies are introduced. However, by formulating the model from a planner's viewpoint, the most important results gained from the analysis are the costs of various institutional constraints which may restrict the decision maker's ability to implement optimal policies.  相似文献   

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