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ABSTRACT: We compared the recovery from abusive grazing of aquatic habitat due to different range management on two geomorphically similar rangeland streams in northwest Nevada. Managers excluded livestock from the Mahogany Creek watershed from 1976 to 1990 while allowing rotation of rest grazing on its tributary Summer Camp Creek. Bank stability, defined as the lack of apparent bank erosion or deposition, improved through the study period on both streams, but periodic grazing and flooding decreased stability more on Summer Camp Creek than flooding alone on Mahogany Creek. Pool quantity and quality on each stream decreased because of coarse woody debris removal and sediment deposition during a drought. Fine stream bottom sediments decreased five years after the removal of livestock, but sedimentation increased during low flows in both streams below road crossings. Tree cover increased 35 percent at both streams. Thus, recovery of stability and cover and decreased sedimentation are compatible with rotation of rest grazing on Summer Camp Creek. Width/depth ratio and gravel/cobble percent did not change because they are inherently stable in this stream type. Management activities such as coarse woody debris removal limited pool recover and road crossings increased sedimentation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The precision of width and pool area measurements has rarely been considered in relation to downstream or at section hydraulic geometry, fisheries studies, long-term or along a continuum research studies, or agency monitoring techniques. We assessed this precision and related it to other stream morphologic characteristics. Confidence limits (95 percent) around mean estimates with four transects (cross-sections perpendicular to the channel center-line) ranged from ± 0.4 to 1.8 m on streams with a width of only 2.2 m. To avoid autocorrelation, transects should be spaced about three channel widths apart. To avoid stochastic inhomogeneity, reach length should be about 30 channel widths or ten transects to optimize sampling efficiency. Precision of width measurements decreased with decreased depth and increased with stream size. Both observations reflect variability caused by features such as boulders or coarse woody debris. Pool area precision increased with pool area reflecting increased precision for flat, wide streams with regular pool-rime sequences. The least precision occurred on small, steep streams with random, boulder or coarse woody debris formed pools.  相似文献   

Deflector Designs for Fish Habitat Restoration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Paired current deflectors are structures that are installed on each bank of a river to locally reduce the width of the channel, thereby creating flow acceleration and promoting scouring. These instream habitat structures have been used extensively in restoration projects to create pool habitat for fish, but there are many discrepancies in deflector design recommendations in terms of orientation, height, and length. Our objectives were to (1) examine how the angle, height, and length of paired deflectors affect scour hole dimensions and potential for bank erosion; and (2) test the applicability to paired deflectors of existing equations for scour hole depth and volume. Three deflector angles (45°, 90°, and 135°), two deflector heights (with flow under and over the deflector height), and two lengths (reducing the width by 25% and 50%) were investigated using uniform sand in a laboratory flume. Results showed a 26–30% smaller scour depth resulting from 45° deflectors than from 90° deflectors and a 5–10% smaller scour depth for 135° deflectors compared to 90° deflectors. The volume of scour and the potential for bank erosion were greater when flow was under the height of the deflectors rather than overtopping and when the length of deflector was increased. When flow was under the deflector height, 135° deflectors had the highest amount of bank erosion; whereas during overtopping flow conditions, 90° deflectors had the greatest bank erosion potential. Values predicted by the model of Kuhnle and others were closest to observed scour depth and volume measurements. The assumption that upstream-oriented deflectors always generate the largest scour should be revised.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study investigates the use of a two‐dimensional hydrodynamic model (River2D) for an assessment of the effects of instream large woody debris and rock groyne habitat structures. The bathymetry of a study reach (a side channel of the Chilliwack River located in southwestern British Columbia) was surveyed after the installation of 11 instream restoration structures. A digital elevation model was developed and used with a hydrodynamic model to predict local velocity, depth, scour, and habitat characteristics. The channel was resurveyed after the fall high‐flow season during which a bankfull event occurred. Pre‐flood and post‐flood bathymetry pool distributions were compared. Measured scour was compared to predicted shear and pre‐flood and post‐flood fish habitat indices for coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and steelhead trout (O. mykiss) were compared. Two‐dimensional flow model velocity and depth predictions compare favorably to measured field values with mean standard errors of 24 percent and 6 percent, respectively, while areas of predicted high shear coincide with the newly formed pool locations. At high flows, the fish habitat index used (weighted usable area) increased by 150 percent to 210 percent. The application of the hydrodynamic model indicated a net habitat benefit from the restoration activities and provides a means of assessing and optimizing planned works.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An extensive group of datasets was analyzed to examine factors affecting widths of streams and rivers. Results indicate that vegetative controls on channel size are scale dependent. In channels with watersheds greater than 10 to 100 km2, widths are narrower in channels with thick woody bank vegetation than in grass lined or nonforested banks. The converse is true in smaller streams apparently due to interactions between woody debris, shading, understory vegetation, rooting characteristics, and channel size. A tree based statistical method (regression tree) is introduced and tested as a tool for identifying thresholds of response and interpreting interactions between variables. The implications of scale dependent controls on channel width are discussed in the context of stable channel design methods and development of regional hydraulic geometry curves.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The influence of a forest on the formation of steps in two small streams of the Colorado Rocky Mountains was studied. Steps provided by logs fallen across the channel added to flow energy reduction. The streams required additional gravel bars to adjust to slope. Average step length between logs and gravel bars was strongly related to channel gradient and median bed material size. Based on the average number of log steps per 50 feet of channel, an average of 116 percent of gravel bars were added at Fool Creek and 60 percent at Deadhorse Creek. The latter had 52 percent more logs in the channel and therefore required less bed material movement than the former. Although these are “rushing mountain streams,” most flow velocities ranged between 0.5 and 2.5 f.p.s. Exponents of a function relating rate of change of depth or velocity to discharge indicated that dynamic stream equilibrium was attained. Implications for forest management are that sanitation cuts (removal of dead and dying trees) would not be permissible where a stream is in dynamic equilibrium and bed material movement should be minimized.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A flood-control dam was completed during 1979 on Bear Creek, a small tributary stream to the South Platte River in the Denver, Colorado, area. Before and after dam closure, repetitive surveys between 1977 and 1992 at five cross sections downstream of the dam documented changes in channel morphology. During this 15-year period, channel width increased slightly, but channel depth increased by more than 40 percent. Within the study reach, stream gradient decreased and median bed material sizes coarsened from sand in the pools and fine gravel on the rime to a median coarse gravel throughout the reach. The most striking visual change was from a sparse growth of streamside grasses to a dense growth of riparian woody vegetation.  相似文献   

This paper synthesizes information on the spatial and temporal dynamics of wood in small streams in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. The literature on this topic is somewhat confused due to a lack of an accepted definition of what constitutes “small” streams and what is the relative size of woody debris contained within the channel. This paper presents a matrix that defines woody debris relative to channel size and then discusses the components of a wood budget. Headwater streams are in close proximity to wood sources and, in steeplands, are often tightly constrained by steep hillslopes. Special consideration is given to ecosystem characteristics and to management practices that affect the wood dynamics in this context. Knowledge gaps and uncertainties that can be used to guide future research are identified. Very little is currently known about the role of mass wasting in wood recruitment and storage relative to other processes, such as bank erosion and mortality, in larger streams. Further, very little work has addressed the relative importance of different wood depletion processes, especially those associated with wood transport. The effect of other ecosystem variables on wood dynamics locally across a watershed (from valley bottom to mountaintop) and regionally across the landscape (from maritime to continental climates) is not addressed. Finally, the scientific community has only begun to deal with the effects of management practices on wood quantity, structure, and movement in small streams.  相似文献   

Anecdotal information suggests that woody debris have had an important channel-forming role in Swedish streams and rivers, but there are few data to support this view. We identified 10 streams within near-natural and 10 streams within managed forest landscapes in central Sweden, and quantified their channel characteristics and content of woody debris. All pieces of woody debris greater than 0.5 m in length and greater than 0.05 m in base diameter were included. The near-natural forests were situated in reserves protected from forest cutting, whereas the managed forests had previously faced intensive logging in the area adjacent to the stream. The two sets of streams did not differ in general abiotic characteristics such as width, slope, or boulder cover, but the number of wood pieces was twice as high and the wood volume almost four times as high in the near-natural streams. This difference resulted in a higher frequency of debris dams in the near-natural streams. Although the total pool area did not differ between the two sets of streams, the wood-formed pools were larger and deeper, and potentially ecologically more important than other pools. In contrast to what has been believed so far, woody debris can be a channel-forming agent also in steeper streams with boulder beds. In a stepwise multiple regression analysis, pool area was positively and most strongly related to the quantity of woody debris, whereas channel gradient and wood volume were negatively related. The frequency of debris dams increased with the number of pieces of woody debris, but was not affected by other variables. The management implications of this study are that the wood quantity in streams in managed forests would need to be increased if management of streams will target more pristine conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: We evaluated changes in channel habitat distributions, particle‐size distributions of bed material, and stream temperatures in a total of 15 first‐or second‐order streams within and nearby four planned commercial timber harvest units prior to and following timber harvest. Four of the 15 stream basins were not harvested, and these streams served as references. Three streams were cut with unthinned riparian buffers; one was cut with a partial buffer; one was cut with a buffer of non‐merchantable trees; and the remaining six basins were clearcut to the channel edge. In the clearcut streams, logging debris covered or buried 98 percent of the channel length to an average depth of 0.94 meters. The slash trapped fine sediment in the channel by inhibiting fluvial transport, and the average percentage of fines increased from 12 percent to 44 percent. The trees along buffered streams served as a fence to keep out logging debris during the first summer following timber harvest. Particle size distributions and habitat distributions in the buffered and reference streams were largely unchanged from the pre‐harvest to post‐harvest surveys. The debris that buried the clearcut streams effectively shaded most of these streams and protected them from temperature increases. These surveys have documented immediate channel changes due to timber harvest, but channel conditions will evolve over time as the slash decays and becomes redistributed and as new vegetation develops on the channel margins.  相似文献   

Headwater streams comprise 60 to 80 percent of the cumulative length of river networks. In hilly to mountainous terrain, they reflect a mix of hillslope and channel processes because of their close proximity to sediment source areas. Their morphology is an assemblage of residual soils, landslide deposits, wood, boulders, thin patches of poorly sorted alluvium, and stretches of bedrock. Longitudinal profiles of these channels are strongly influenced by steps created by sediment deposits, large wood, and boulders. Due to the combination of small drainage area, stepped shallow gradient, large roughness elements, and cohesive sediments, headwater streams typically transport little sediment or coarse wood debris by fluvial processes. Consequently, headwaters act as sediment reservoirs for periods spanning decades to centuries. The accumulated sediment and wood may be episodically evacuated by debris flows, debris floods, or gully erosion and transported to larger channels. In mountain environments, these processes deliver significant amounts of materials that form riverine habitats in larger channels. In managed steepland forests, accelerated rates of landslides and debris flows resulting from the harvest of headwater forests have the potential to seriously impact the morphology of headwater streams and downstream resources.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: We surveyed first‐to third‐order streams (channel widths from 1.4 to 10 m) in the southeastern slopes of the Cascade Range of Washington and found two distinct endpoints of riparian vegetation. Where the forest overstory is dominated by park‐like Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), channels are commonly bordered with a dense scrub‐shrub vegetation community. Where fire suppression and/or lack of active riparian zone management have resulted in dense encroachment of fir forests that create closed forest canopies over the channel, scrub‐shrub vegetation communities are virtually absent near the channel. Other factors being equal, distinct differences in channel morphology exist in streams flowing thru each riparian community. The scrub‐shrub channels have more box‐like cross‐sections, lower width‐to‐depth ratios, more pools, more undercut banks, more common sand‐dominated substrates, and similar amounts of woody debris (despite lower tree density). Temperature comparisons of forest and scrub‐shrub sections of two streams indicate that summer water temperatures are slightly lower in the scrub‐shrub streams. We surmise that these morphology and temperature effects are driven by differences in root density and canopy conditions that alter dynamic channel processes between each riparian community. We suspect that the scrub‐shrub community was more common in the landscape prior to the 20th century and may have been the dominant native riparian community for these stream types. We therefore suggest that managing these streams for dense riparian conifer does not mimic natural conditions, nor does it provide superior in‐stream habitat.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The at-a-station hydraulic geometry of stream channels can serve as a predictor of alluvial stream channel behavior. This geometry is the empirical relations describing changes in water surface width, mean depth, and mean velocity with changing discharge. The exponent values are correlated with channel morphology and behavior such as scour and fill, flow resistance, bank resistance, and competence. Channel behavior and morphology are apparently related, but some causes for effects are uncertain. Several studies, using empirical and theoretical bases, are reviewed here to illustrate the relation between hydraulic geometry and channel behavior, but the relations are not always consistent. Hydraulic geometry variables are easy to measure and readily available, but they do not always reflect what may be more important ones such as turbulence, the velocity distribution profile, and distribution and cohesion of sediment particles. This paper illustrates some of these problems, provides some solutions, and addresses need for more work to better predict stream channel behavior from hydraulic geometry  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Throughout the United States, land managers are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of small streams for a wide range of resource benefits. Where channel morphology is modified or structural features are added, stream dynamics and energy dissipation need to be considered. Unit stream power, defined here as the time-rate loss of potential energy per unit mass of water, can be reduced by adding stream obstructions, increasing channel sinuosity, or increasing flow resistance with large roughness elements such as woody root systems, logs, boulders, or bedrock. Notable morphological features of small streams are pools, riffles, bed material, and channel banks. Pools, which vary in size, shape, and causative factors, are important rearing habitat for fish. Riffles represent storage locations for bed material and are generally utilized for spawning. The particle sizes and distributions of bed material influence channel characteristics, bedload transport, food supplies for fish, spawning conditions, cover, and rearing habitat. Riparian vegetation helps stabilize channel banks and contributes in various ways to fish productivity. Understanding each stream feature individually and in relation to all others is essential for proper stream management. Although engineered structures for modifying habitat may alter stream characteristics, channel morphology must ultimately be matched to the hydraulic, geologic, and (especially) vegetative constraints of a particular location.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recent environmental concerns in floodplain management have stimulated research of the effect vegetation and debris have on flow conveyance, and their function in a productive riparian ecosystem. Although the effect of stable, in-channel woody debris formations on flow resistance has been noted by several authors, studies concerning entrapment of detrital debris in vegetation are lacking. Logs, limbs, branches, leaves and other debris transported during flooding often become lodged against bridges, hydraulic structures, trees and vegetation, and other obstacles, particularly in and near the overbank areas. Hydraulic measurements obtained in a channel prior to and following the removal of woody debris indicated that the average Manning's n value was 39 percent greater when woody debris was present. An examination of the drag-velocity relation for vegetation indicated that an increase in the frontal area of debris and/or vegetation results in a nearly proportional increase in Manning's n. The influence of debris on flow resistance decreased as flow depth increased.  相似文献   

The effect of stream geomorphology, maturity, and management of riparian forests on abundance, role, and mobility of wood was evaluated in 20 contrasting reaches in the Agüera stream catchment (northern Iberian Peninsula). During 1 year the volume of woody debris exceeding 1 cm in diameter was measured in all reaches. All large woody debris (φ > 5 cm) pieces were tagged, their positions mapped, and their subsequent changes noted. Volume of woody debris was in general low and ranged from 40 to 22,000 cm3 m−2; the abundance of debris dams ranged from 0 to 5.5 per 100 m of channel. Wood was especially rare and unstable in downstream reaches, or under harvested forests (both natural or plantations). Results stress that woody debris in north Iberian streams has been severely reduced by forestry and log removal. Because of the important influence of woody debris on structure and function of stream systems, this reduction has likely impacted stream communities. Therefore, efforts to restore north Iberian streams should include in-channel and riparian management practices that promote greater abundance and stability of large woody debris whenever possible.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Urban development has compromised the quality of physical elements offish habitat in low‐order spawning and rearing streams. In order to identify where priorities should lie in stream rehabilitation, field surveys of a number of streams were conducted near Vancouver, British Columbia. All of the streams were located in watersheds which were urbanized approximately 20 years earlier. The study watersheds ranged from 5 to 77 percent total impervious area (percent TIA). The urban streambeds were found to have less fine material and slightly higher values of intragravel dissolved oxygen than in rural streams. This improved gravel quality is attributed to the higher peak flows generated by impervious areas, and the reduced recruitment of fine material in the urban watersheds. Summer base flow was uniformly low when imperviousness was above 40 percent, evidenced by a decrease in velocity rather than water depth. Large woody debris (LWD) was scarce in all streams with > 20 percent TIA. A healthy buffer zone and abundant LWD were found to stabilize stream banks. The introduction of LWD is considered the most important strategy for stream rehabilitation. Stormwater detention ponds, in contrast, are concluded to have few hydrological benefits if constructed after a stream has reached its urban equilibrium.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were used to assess the relationships between land use patterns and the physical habitat and macroinvertebrate fauna of streams within similar sized watersheds. Eleven second or third order watersheds ranging from highly urbanized to heavily forested were selected along Lake Superior's North Shore. Land use patterns within the watersheds were quantified using readily available digital land use/land cover information, with a minimum mapping resolution of 16 ha. Physical habitat features, describing substrate characteristics and stream morphology, were characterized at sample points within each stream. Principle component and correlation analyses were used to identify relationships between macroinvertebrates and stream physical habitat, and between habitat and land use patterns. Substrate characteristics and presence of coarse woody debris were found to have the strongest correlations with macreinvertebrate assemblage richness and composition. Agricultural and urban land use was correlated with substrate characteristics. Algal abundance, associated with macroinvertebrate compositional differences, was correlated with housing density and non-forest land covers. The use of readily available spatial data, even at this relatively coarse scale, provides a means to detect the primary relationships between land use and stream habitat quality; finer-resolution GIS databases are needed to assess more subtle influences, such as those due to riparian conditions.  相似文献   

Channelization is one of the most common solutions to urban drainage problems, despite the fact that channelized streams are frequently morphologically unstable, biologically unproductive, and aesthetically displeasing. There is increasing empirical and theoretical evidence to suggest that channelization may be counterproductive unless channels are designed to prevent the bank erosion and channel silting that often accompanies stream dredging. Many of the detrimental effects of channelization can be avoided, with little compromise in channel efficiency, by employing channel design guidelines that do not destroy the hydraulic and morphologic equilibria that natural streams possess. These guidelines include minimal straightening; promoting bank stability by leaving trees, minimizing channel reshaping, and employing bank stabilization techniques; and, emulating the morphology of natural stream channels. This approach, called stream restoration or stream renovation, is being successfully employed to reduce flooding and control erosion and sedimentation problems on streams in Charlotte, North Carolina.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Since the majority of road drainage points in western Washington and Oregon enter small, often ephemeral streams rather than large, fish-bearing waters, impact of road-surface sediment on biota in permanent streams depends, to a large extent, on transport through these small watercourses. A series of experimental additions of road-surface sediment was made to two ephemeral streams to examine the downstream transport of this material as a function of discharge and channel characteristics. These small streams were found to store large amounts of sediment washed from road surface. In no instance did either stream transport more than 45 percent of the added material to their mouths, distances of 95 and 125 m. Larger-sized sediment particles were delivered at a lower rate than finer material. Added sediment <0.063 mm in size was transported efficiently through the systems at all but the lowest flows tested. Material between 0.5 and 0.063 mm and from 2.0 to 0.5 mm in size were retained at progressively higher rates, with sediment in the coarser size category never exceeding a delivery of 10 percent of the added material. There were significant differences in the transport of sediment in the two larger size categories between the two streams. These differences were due to a much greater amount of woody debris in the stream with the lower delivery rates, which acted to trap and hold sediment, as well as a slightly longer and less steep channel.  相似文献   

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