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Lakes are landscape features that influence connectivity of mass and energy by being foci for the reception, mixing, and provision of water and material. Where lake fractions are high, they influence hydrological connectivity. This behavior was exemplified in the Baker Creek watershed in Canada's Northwest Territories during a two‐year drought in which many lake levels declined below outlet elevations. This study evaluated how lakes controlled surface runoff connectivity reestablishment following the drought using a new assessment method, T‐TEL (time scales — thresholds, excesses, losses). Analysis of daily data showed that during a summer period following the drought, connectivity occurred between 0% and 41% of the time. The size of run‐of‐the‐river lakes relative to their upstream watershed area, and the upstream lake fraction, are two factors for connectivity. These terms represent a lake's ability to control the size of storage deficits relative to rainfall, and evaporation and storage losses along pathways. The connectivity magnitude–duration curve only aligned with the watershed flow duration curve during high‐water conditions, implying lakes functioned as individuals rather than as part of a perennial watercourse during much of the study. The T‐TEL method can be used to quantify consistent metrics of hydrologic connectivity that can be used for regionalization exercises and understanding hydrologic controls on material transport.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Lake Chapala is the largest natural water body in Mexico and also one of the most important shallow lakes in Latin America. For the past several years it has suffered various environmental problems such as the upstream overuse of water, contamination, and sedimentation. For the past 10 years the lake has had less than 50 percent of its historical water level over the past century. No criteria are reported in the literature that establish a water storage volume that will guarantee water quality conditions necessary for the survival of the lake. After determining the behavior of total solids concentrations in relation to the variations in the lake's depth, we proposed a minimum water column height of 5.0 m, representing a storage volume of about 5,000 Mm3. This volume would result in the recommended water quality standards for total dissolved solids. Calculated distribution maps show that the total solids concentration in the lake has increased since the end of the 1970s. The solids are primarily concentrated in the eastern part of the lake, as a consequence of the high solids discharged from the Lerma River, its main tributary.  相似文献   

Stream temperatures are key indicators for aquatic ecosystem health, and are of particular concern in highly seasonal, water‐limited regions such as California that provide sensitive habitat for cold‐water species. Yet in many of these critical regions, the combined impacts of a warmer climate and urbanization on stream temperatures have not been systematically studied. We examined recent changes in air temperature and precipitation, including during the recent extreme drought, and compared the stream temperature responses of urban and nonurban streams under four climatic conditions and the 2008–2018 period. Metrics included changes in the magnitude and timing of stream temperatures, and the frequency of exceedance of ecologically relevant thresholds. Our results showed that minimum and average daily air temperatures in the region have increased by >1°C over the past 20 years, warming both urban and nonurban streams. Stream temperatures under drought warmed most (1°C–2°C) in late spring and early fall, effectively lengthening the summer warm season. The frequency of occurrence of periods of elevated stream temperatures was greater during warm climate conditions for both urban and nonurban streams, but urban streams experienced extreme conditions 1.5–2 times as often as nonurban streams. Our findings underscore that systematically monitoring and managing urban stream temperatures under climate change and drought is critically needed for seasonal, water‐limited urban systems.  相似文献   

Increasing reservoir storage is commonly proposed to mitigate increasing water demand and provide drought reserves, especially in semiarid regions such as California. This paper examines the value of expanding surface reservoir capacity in California using hydroeconomic modeling for historical conditions, a future warm‐dry climate, and California's recently adopted policy to end groundwater overdraft. Results show expanding surface storage capacity rarely provides sizable economic value in most of California. On average, expanding facilities north of California's Delta provides some benefit in 92% of 82 years modeled under historical conditions and in 61% of years modeled in a warm‐dry climate. South of California's Delta, expanding storage capacity provides no benefits in 14% of years modeled under historical conditions and 99% of years modeled with a warm‐dry climate. Results vary across facilities between and within regions. The limited benefit of surface storage capacity expansion to statewide water supply should be considered in planning California's water infrastructure.  相似文献   

Melaleuca quinquenervia, is expanding rapidly throughout seasonally wet areas of southern Florida (USA), including the littoral zone of Lake Okeechobee. Natural resource managers are concerned that a lower lake level regulation schedule under consideration for Lake Okeechobee, while potentially beneficial to overall ecosystem health, might increase the rate of Melaleuca expansion. To investigate this possibility, Melaleuca saplings (harvested from the littoral zone) and 7-week-old seedlings (grown from harvested seeds) were subjected to various hydroperiod treatments in replicated mesocosms. Hydroperiod treatments were selected based on a simulation of historical water level variations. Saplings grew taller under longer hydroperiods with fluctuating water levels, including periods of submersion. Time since germination affected the response of seedlings to inundation. Submersed 7-week-old seedlings grew slower and had less biomass than submersed 12-week-old seedlings, yet mortality was low at both ages. Melaleuca's plasticity allows it to adapt to hypoxic, aquatic conditions by means of aquatic heterophylly and adventitious roots. Algae and drought also increased mortality. Based on faster growth of Melaleuca under longer hydroperiods and its adaptability to seasonal flooding, a lower lake regulation schedule may not stimulate its expansion. Therefore, water levels should not be manipulated only to control Melaleuca. Control of Melaleuca should continue using current practices such as manual removal or chemical treatment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Lake Chapala, whose primary tributary is the Río Lerma, is the largest freshwater lake in Mexico and for the past 95 years has maintained an average storage capacity close to 6,700 Mm3. Starting hi the early 1970s, the Lerma-Chapala basin rapidly industrialized. In response to these upstream anthropogenic activities, the fisheries, aesthetics, and water quality of Lake Chapala have decreased as a consequence of the increasing chemical and biologic pollutants mainly from the Río Lerma. Additionally, the growth of Guadalajara has resulted in increasing potable water demands on the lake to satisfy a population currently greater than 4.5 million. During the 1980s, the outflow and water losses from the lake substantially exceeded the inflow and other water contributions. In this paper, the recent behavior of the hydrologic and bathymetric parameters of Lake Chapala are summarized and some important physical stresses on the system are identified. The focus of this work is the 1934–1989 period, and it is shown that starting around 1980 some of the main contributors to the lake water balance were severely perturbed and the lake reached its second lowest recorded level. The disturbances of the system are so severe that the entire regional ecosystem could be irreversibly affected in the near future.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Most of California's precipitation falls at the wrong place in the wrong season in relation to the water needs. Redistribution and regulation are essential. Aquifer systems – groundwater basins – can provide a share of the future cyclic storage regulation. There are some differences in management concepts in using a full basin in comparison with a partially dewatered basin. Legal, water quality, and physical impacts on aquifer systems, including subsidence, are concerns. Storage may be for the benefit of overlying water users or for distant areas. Extraction during dry periods or recharge methods will require careful planning. Existing rights and uses and equitable treatment of all parties must be assured. Financial compensation may be involved. Changes in methods of operation or degree of self-determination by affected water agencies will require committed watermanship to resolve. Legislation or amendments to organic acts may be needed but much can be accomplished within existing statutes. Environmental impacts which can be avoided by not using large surface storage sites are important. Energy for pumping will be a key consideration. About 40 percent of California is underlain by aquifer systems. This resource offers major potential in overcoming the maldistribution of natural water resources.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The fact that dendrochronology can be a useful tool in water resources management is demonstrated by a study of past changes in lake levels. The study was necessitated by the recent (1967) closure of the gates on the W.A.C. Bennett Dam on the Peace River in British Columbia, causing a drop in water levels of Lake Athabasca, the lake levels control water level undulations in a series of smaller lakes which lie in the 1.5 million acre delta area along its western edge in Alberta. The W.A.C. Bennett Dam has by its regulation of the Peace River affected the river's historical role of creating a hydraulic dam during early summer flood stages thereby preventing outflow from Lake Athabasca and inducing annual inundation of the delta area. Because the ecololgy of the lake and adjacent delta region has depended on the now attenuated snow-melt flooding from the Upper Peace River Basin, it became necessary to consider some means of artificially inducing this annual inundation. It was not known, however, what the long-term water level changes were around which the present ecology had developed. Continuous historical lake level records exist only for the period 1935–1967. Was this period one of anomalously high or low water levels? Relatively old white spruce trees growing along natural levees of the channels in the delta region were found to contain tree-ring records that reflected the water stages in the channels. Because the water levels in the channels could be correlated with lake levels, it was possible to use the three-ring series to extend the known 33-year record of lake level changes to 158 years. By using canonical analysis and 10-day mean lake levels for three different subperiods in the 33-year period of calibration, along with tree-ring series from appropriately chosen stands of white spruce, reconstructions were made of the long-term record for late May, early July, and late September. The reconstructed record shows that the May 21–30 lake levels have been three times as variable in the past as in the period of historical record (1935–1967), the July 11–20 levels twice as variable, and the September 21–30 levels 10% less variable. However, the mean water level for each of the three subperiods for the long-term record is very close to the means for the period of historical record. The reconstructed record shows that, before the dam gates were closed, there was only one three-year period (1866–1868) in which the lake levels were as low as they have been since closure of the gates (that is, 1967–1970). (Levels were nearly as low, however, during the period 1942–1945.  相似文献   

Data provided by the Australian Commonwealth Bureaus of Meteorology and Mineral Resources are used in this water budget study of the Queanbeyan River watershed. Air and soil temperatures show close correlation from month to month during the five-year period. A close parallel also exists for the air temperature values and the seasonal variations in the Nett-Moisture (rainfall minus evaporation) plots. Ground-water levels appear to be influenced by drought periods and by under groundwater storage conditions such as “nick-points” in the sub-surface migration conditions. The groundwater levels were unusually high early in the drought year of 1964-65. The annual rainfall totals for 1962, 1963, and 1966 were all exceeded by the evaporation totals. In 1964 and in 1965 (the drought year) the evaporation total exceeded the rainfall total. The minimum annual water discharge values for the Queanbeyan River ranged from 4.9″ in 1963 to 1.4′ in 1965.  相似文献   

The agricultural production from the Lower South Platte Basin in Colorado represents a significant portion of the state economy. Until the early 1950's the production had developed almost exclusively by use of river water. Drought conditions combined with improved well technology resulted in an inordinate amount of well development in the valley during the period 1952-56. These wells were used for supplemental supply in many cases, but the application of sprinkler irrigation brought many acres of here-to-fore dry land into irrigated production. As a result of the vast amounts of groundwater withdrawal by the newly developed wells, senior surface appropriators found a decreasing amount of water available for use in the streams. The legislature, observing the doctrine of prior appropriation, ruled that all surface and ground water in a tributary would be treated and administered as one resource. This, of course, spelled doom for the well-oriented segment of the economy. Analysis of a segment of the river on an inflow-outflow basis was made with careful determination of all inflow-outflow in the study reach to include correlations required to determine ungaged side-channel in-flow and unmetered irrigation wells. Results indicate that wells have intercepted normal return flows to the river resulting in a decreased amount of surface water during the irrigation season. Stream depletion appears to equal the expected consumptive use of well water which ranged between 40% to 50% of the groundwater extraction.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A methodology for assessing reservoir management was applied to the historical conflict between winter fish and wildilife flows below Island Park Reservoir on Henrys Fork of the Snake River and the fulfillment of storage water rights. The methodology consists of (1) identifying impacts of flow regulation, (2) quantifying relationships among variables affecting physical reservoir fill, and (3) assessing effects of these discharges on the fulfillment of water rights in the context of a larger system of interrelated reservoirs. Winter (storage season) flows are critical to management of fish and wildlife populations below Island Park Dam, but flow regulation has resulted in decreased winter discharge. Allowable winter flows are a function of inflow, length of storage season, reservoir content at the start of storage season, and potential for downstream capture of excess storage season water discharged at Island Park. Modeling results indicate that winter flows in the range of those recommended for fish and wildlife management are attainable during average years but not during years when initial reservoir content is low. The methodology was successful in quantifying information useful to decision makers in a variety of agencies and disciplines and could be applied to solve water management problems on other regulated river systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Northridge Lakes, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, receive runoff from a 3.8 square kilometer drainage area. Almost 30% of the watershed is covered by shopping centers, apartment buildings, and roadways. Deicing agents used on the paved areas, primarily NaCl with some CaCl2, dissolved in surface runoff and entered the lakes during the winter season. This highly saline inflow was denser than the receiving lake water and formed a saline-water stratum at the lakes' bottom. The salinity stratification remained stable until the spring thaw when a rapid decay began. After the stratification had disappeared, the lakes continued to act as a storage site for dissolved salts. Chloride concentrations in the lakes remained well above the levels found in natural lakes until the advent of the next salting season. Furthermore, outflow from the lakes also showed abnormally high salt concentrations year-round.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: By United States Supreme Court action, the diversion of water from Lake Michigan and the Lake Michigan Drainage Basin in the Metropolitan Chicago Area is regulated at an annual maximum rate of 3,200 cfs. Approximately 1,700 cfs of this diversion is used for water supply, and the remaining 1,500 cfs consists primarily of stormwater runoff with lesser amounts of direct lake diversion, such as lockage and leakage, navigational makeup water flows, and discretionary diversion needed to maintain water quality standards in the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago's basic waterways. In order to assess the schedule of its discretionary diversion needs, the District, using a computer model of its basic waterway system, has calculated the minimum discretionary diversion requirements for projected water quality conditions as successive elements of the District's water pollution control program are completed. The results of these analyses can be used as a basis for developing plans for future allocations of the limited supply of Lake Michigan water to other uses such as domestic water supply, when and if such supplies become available.  相似文献   

We present a 576‐year tree‐ring‐based reconstruction of streamflow for northern Utah's Weber River that exhibits considerable interannual and decadal‐scale variability. While the 20th Century instrumental period includes several extreme individual dry years, it was the century with the fewest such years of the entire reconstruction. Extended droughts were more severe in duration, magnitude, and intensity prior to the instrumental record, including the most protracted drought of the record, which spanned 16 years from 1703 to 1718. Extreme wet years and periods are also a regular feature of the reconstruction. A strong early 17th Century pluvial exceeds the early 20th Century pluvial in magnitude, duration, and intensity, and dwarfs the 1980s wet period that caused significant flooding along the Wasatch Front. The long‐term hydroclimatology of northern Utah is marked by considerable uncertainty; hence, our reconstruction provides water managers with a more complete record of water resource variability for assessment of the risk of droughts and floods for one of the largest and most rapidly growing population centers in the Intermountain West.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Although droughts are a frequent occurrence over much of the United States, response by state and federal government has been ineffective and poorly coordinated. Recently, several states have recognized the value of drought emergency planning and have developed plans to assist them in responding more effectively to prolonged periods of water shortage. These states have created an organizational structure to coordinate the assessment and response activities of state and federal agencies. Each state's drought response plan is unique since each state's water supply and management problems, and their consequent impacts, are unique. The drought response plans developed by Colorado, South Dakota and New York are reviewed here in detail. We recommend that other states affected by frequent and severe water shortages also develop drought emergency plans. These plans will enhance state government's ability to implement effective measures in a timely manner and, ultimately, may provide added incentive for the federal government to develop the national drought response plan called for by the General Accounting Office in 1979.  相似文献   

Outdoor water use is a key component in arid city water systems for achieving sustainable water use and ensuring water security. Using evapotranspiration (ET) calculations as a proxy for outdoor water consumption, the objectives of this research are to quantify outdoor water consumption of different land use and land cover types, and compare the spatio-temporal variation in water consumption between drought and wet years. An energy balance model was applied to Landsat 5 TM time series images to estimate daily and seasonal ET for the Central Arizona Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research region (CAP-LTER). Modeled ET estimations were correlated with water use data in 49 parks within CAP-LTER and showed good agreement (r 2 = 0.77), indicating model effectiveness to capture the variations across park water consumption. Seasonally, active agriculture shows high ET (>500 mm) for both wet and dry conditions, while the desert and urban land cover types experienced lower ET during drought (<300 mm). Within urban locales of CAP-LTER, xeric neighborhoods show significant differences from year to year, while mesic neighborhoods retain their ET values (400–500 mm) during drought, implying considerable use of irrigation to sustain their greenness. Considering the potentially limiting water availability of this region in the future due to large population increases and the threat of a warming and drying climate, maintaining large water-consuming, irrigated landscapes challenges sustainable practices of water conservation and the need to provide amenities of this desert area for enhancing quality of life.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A number of studies conducted since the late 1970s have evaluated state and federal responses to drought in the United States. Each of these studies identified a number of key issues and impediments that needed to be addressed to improve the nation's ability to cope with and prepare for future episodes of drought. A content analysis of these studies was performed to identify common threads in their recommendations. The premise of this analysis was that the series of drought years that occurred between 1986 and 1992 and recurred between 1994 and 1996 increased awareness of our nation's continuing and apparent growing vulnerability to drought. This awareness has led to greater consensus among principal constituents and stakeholders, and also a greater sense of urgency to implement actions now to lessen vulnerability. The results of this analysis revealed that several themes recur: create an integrated national drought policy and plan; develop an integrated national climate monitoring (drought watch) system; incorporate drought in FEMA's National Mitigation Strategy; conduct post-drought audits of response efforts; establish regional drought forums; and encourage development of state drought mitigation plans.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The implications of Lake Ontario regulation under transposed climates with changed means and variability are presented for seasonal and annual time scales. The current regulation plan is evaluated with climates other than the climate for which it was developed and tested. This provides insight into potential conflicts and management issues, development of regulation criteria for extreme conditions, and potential modification of the regulation plan. Transposed climates from the southeastern and south central continental United States are applied to thermodynamic models of the Great Lakes and hydrologic models of their watersheds; these climates provide four alternative scenarios of water supplies to Lake Ontario. The scenarios are analyzed with reference to the present Great Lakes climate. The responses of the Lake Ontario regulation plan to the transposed climate scenarios illustrate several key issues: (1) historical water supplies should no longer be the sole basis for testing and developing lake regulation plans; (2) during extreme supply conditions, none of the regulation criteria can be met simultaneously, priority of interests may change, and new interests may need to be considered, potentially requiring substantial revision to the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909; (3) revised regulation criteria should be based on ecosystem health and socio-economic benefits for a wider spectrum of interests and not on frequencies and ranges of levels and flows of the historical climate; and (4) operational management of the lake should be improved under the present climate, and under any future climate with more variability, through the use of improved water supply forecasts and monitoring of current hydrologic conditions.  相似文献   

Atoll island communities rely on rainwater catchment systems (RWCS) as a primary method of storing freshwater. However, stored freshwater can be depleted during times of drought, requiring importation of water to sustain community living. To maintain adequate water supply under future climatic conditions, the functioning of RWCS for atoll communities must be analyzed and optimal designs must be adopted. In this study, a quantitative analysis of stored daily water volumes is provided for atoll islands within the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), with Nikahlap Island, Pakein Atoll, and a generic island in western FSM used as representative cases. Using a daily water balance model for the RWCS, baseline conditions are simulated for the 1997‐1999 time period, during which an intense El Niño‐induced drought occurred, and a sensitivity analysis is performed to quantify the influence of RWCS features on water system outputs, whereupon an optimal RWCS design using existing infrastructure is analyzed. Results indicate the strong influence of catchment area, system efficiency, and storage capacity on water volumes and the depletion of water during dry seasons and drought periods using current RWCS infrastructure. Adequate storage can be maintained during a major drought if unused RWCS features are employed and if minimal rationing is adopted. Study results provide water resource managers and government officials with valuable data for consideration in water security measures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Vrana Lake on the island of Cres in the Adriatic Sea represents a specific phenomenon of karst hydrology. The island of Cres covers an area of 404.3 km2 with an average volume of 220 × 106 m3 of fresh water in the lake. The island has an average rainfall of 1,063 mm, with a Mediterranean climate. The lake has a bottom reaching a depth of 62 m below mean sea level. The average water level is 14 m above mean sea level. The most probable theories on the origin of the lake and its hycirologic-hydrogeologic functioning state that it is a flooded poije in karst. The water budget method was used to define the lake catchments area at approximately 25 km2. During the last six years, there has been drastic decrease of about 3 m in the lake's water level. This phenomenon was analyzed and it was calculated that 53 percent of the water-level decline was caused by water discharges from the lake to satisfy water supply demands, and 47 percent was due to a period of low precipitation during the analyzed period.  相似文献   

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