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Summary Scarlet-tufted malachite sunbirds (Nectarinia johnstoni) are endemic to the alpine zones of East African mountains. On Mount Kenya they feed almost exclusively on the nectar of Lobelia telekii flowers. Males are resident on their territories all year and defend L. telekii inflorescences from conspecifics. Males are bright iridescent green, with scarlet pectoral tufts which are displayed prominently during aggressive interactions with other males. We investigated the role of pectoral tufts in territory defence using natural variation and experimental manipulation. Males with naturally large pectoral tufts defended more L. telekii inflorescences than males with smaller tufts, and achieved a higher reproductive success. Males were subjected to one of three experimental treatments - having their pectoral tufts enlarged, reduced or manipulated but kept at the same size. Males with reduced tufts spend more time in aggressive interactions than the control males, the interactions lasted longer and they lost a number of inflorescences to neighbours. Males with enlarged pectoral tufts increased the number of inflorescences defended. These results indicate that the pectoral tufts of male scarlet-tufted malachite sunbirds are used as a means of male-male assessment during aggressive interactions. Offprint requests to: M.R. Evans  相似文献   

Secondary sexual characters are assumed to be costly to produce or maintain. A test of this assumption was performed using the sexually exaggerated outermost tail feathers of male barn swallows Hirundo rustica, a trait currently subject of a directional female mate preference. A possible cost of sexual signalling in male barn swallows arises from increased flight cost during foraging in this aerially insectivorous species. A longer tail may impose a greater drag during flight and thereby affect foraging ability. This was tested by determining the relationship between experimentally modified male tail lengths and number and size of prey delivered to offspring in Spain, where sexual size dimorphism in tail length is small, compared to Denmark, where dimorphism is large. Food boluses contained significantly fewer small insects in Spain than in Denmark. Males with elongated tails captured more and smaller insects while males with shortened tails captured fewer and larger prey items at both sites. Males with naturally long tails were less affected by experimental treatment in terms of effects on the number and the size of prey delivered to their offspring, a finding consistent with a long tail being a condition-dependent viability indicator. The effect of a given degree of tail manipulation on prey size and number of prey per bolus was larger in Spain than in Denmark. These results demonstrate that (1) tail length in male barn swallows affects foraging, and (2) larger sexual size dimorphism occurs where the foraging cost of an increment in ornament size is smallest.Communicated by M. Zuk  相似文献   

Sexual selection and the tail ornaments of North American barn swallows   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary In this study conducted in southeastern Ontario, Canada, we manipulated the length of outer tail feathers (streamers) of male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) shortly after they returned to four small breeding colonies in the spring. Both streamers on most males in these colonies were experimentally either lengthened or shortened by 20 mm and as a result 10 randomly chosen males of each category had their streamer lengths manipulated before the fertile period of their mate. Males with elongated streamers had a significantly shorter pre-laying period (from arrival until first egg date) than those with shortened streamers and we interpret this as indicating that they obtained their mates more rapidly. Females mated to elongated males had significantly longer tails and laid their first egg significantly earlier than those mated to shortened males; no other indices of reproductive success differed between these two experimental groups. These results provide some support for previous work suggesting that females prefer males with longer streamers and thus that streamer length in this species is under the influence of sexual selection. We also found that males with longer natural streamers were significantly more likely to break them and that males were much more likely to break their streamers than were females. Since males participate in incubation in North America but not in Europe, we suggest that the aerodynamic disadvantages of streamer breakage that result from incubation attentiveness are at least partly responsible for the shorter streamer length of males in North America. Offprint requests to: R. Montgomerie  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in animal signalling behaviour has been well documented and has contributed much to our understanding of male signals. In contrast, we know little about seasonal variation in female signals or signals produced jointly by males and females, such as the vocal duets of birds. Here, we examine how singing behaviour changes in relation to time of year and breeding stage in rufous-and-white wrens (Thryothorus rufalbus), neotropical songbirds where both males and females sing and where breeding partners coordinate songs to produce vocal duets. We recorded a colour-marked population of birds over an extended time period encompassing multiple breeding stages. Across all time frames and breeding stages, males sang at higher rates than females and male solos were more common than duets or female solos. Males and females showed divergent seasonal patterns of singing. Females sang more often early in the year, during the pre-breeding season, and female song tapered off as the breeding season progressed. Duetting followed a parallel pattern, which resulted from females showing less duet responsiveness to their partner’s songs later in the year. Male independent song rate peaked at the onset of the rainy season – a time when females become fertile – and males showed the highest level of duet responsiveness during this period. Our results suggest that early in the year, duets appear to be cooperative displays, functioning in joint territory defence and/or the coordination of breeding activities. When females are fertile, however, increased duet responsiveness by males is consistent with mate or paternity guarding.  相似文献   

Both cooperation and conflict between the sexes are commonplace in monogamous mating systems. However, little is known about how cooperation and competition varies seasonally in monogamous species that maintain permanent territories. We presented territorial pairs of male and female New Zealand robins (Petroica australis) with a large supply of insect prey at monthly intervals for 2 years. Behavioural observations after food presentation were then made to quantify seasonal and sexual differences in aggressive interactions over prey, prey acquisition rates, mate provisioning, offspring provisioning, selfish food hoarding and cache retrieval. Data were used to evaluate sex-specific behavioural strategies of mediating competition for food. Results showed that males aggressively excluded females from experimental food sources year-round. Females only accessed food sources when males left them unattended. Consequently, females acquired fewer prey than males. After controlling for differences in prey acquisition, both sexes consumed similar amounts of prey in the non-breeding season. Even though males aggressively excluded females from accessing food sources directly, males fed large amounts of prey to females during the breeding season. Both sexes provisioned young at similar rates. Males cached less prey than females in the breeding season but more prey than females in the non-breeding season. Females showed similar caching intensities year-round. Although males tried to defend their hoards, females frequently retrieved male-made caches. Overall, results showed that although New Zealand robins cooperate to raise offspring during the breeding season, conflict between the sexes occurs year-round. Males and females display different behavioural strategies to gain access to experimental food sources, which appear to lessen male–female competition for food and evenly distribute food resources between the sexes.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous species, extra-pair paternity has the potential to increase the variance in male reproductive success, thereby affecting the opportunity for sexual selection on male extravagant ornamentation. In the European barn swallow (Hirundo rustica rustica), the tail streamer length is a sexually selected male ornament and an honest indicator of viability. The North American barn swallow (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster) also shows sexual dimorphism in tail streamer length, but whether this trait holds the same signalling function in this subspecies is a controversial issue, and the available literature is presently scarce. Here, we present data on paternity in the North American barn swallow, including a complete sampling of extra-pair sires in four colonies. We analysed how extra-pair paternity affected the variance in male fertilization success and examined whether male tail streamer (i.e. the outermost tail feather) length correlated with fertilization success (n=86 males). Extra-pair paternity constituted 31% of all offspring and significantly increased the variance in male fertilization success. The number of offspring sired by extra-pair males accounted for almost half of the total variance in male fertilization success. Males with naturally long tail streamers had a higher fertilization success than males with shorter tail streamers, and this pattern was mainly caused by a higher extra-pair success for males with long tail streamers. Males with long tail streamers also paired with early breeding females in prime body condition. These results are consistent with the idea that there is directional sexual selection on male tail streamer length, possibly mediated through male extra-pair mating success or the timing of breeding onset.  相似文献   

Summary Recent studies of the lekking great snipe (Gallinago media) have shown that male mating success increases with display rate and the amount of white on the tail. An obvious question then arises: what is setting the limits to male display rate and to the evolution of even whiter tails? In this study the costs of these two traits are considered. In the case of the white on the tail, almost no predation was observed during the display period. However, predation on the winter grounds and/or during migration cannot be ruled out. Males differed in the amount of white on the tail between years. It is suggested that increasing the amount of white is costly, though the reason for this is still unknown. In the case of display rate, it is shown that predation cannot be a considerable cost, again because of the near absence of predation on the leks. Instead, it is shown that male displays are energetically costly. The daily energy expenditure of displaying males was estimated to be on average 4 times the basal metabolic rate, which is close to the supposed maximum sustainable work load for birds. Furthermore, males lost on average 1.8 g per h (1.7% of the body mass) which is about 7.2 g (6.8%) during a night of display activity. Males do gain some weight during the day when no displays are performed but loose on average 9 g during an 11-day period in the early part of the breeding season. These results indicate that high energetic demands set the limits to male display performance and that males do not have to trade off the benefit of attracting females by their displays against a cost of attracting predators. Offprint requests to: J. Höglund  相似文献   

Badge size in the house sparrow Passer domesticus   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary I studied female mate choice in house sparrows Passer domesticus in relation to the size of the black throat patch of males (badge size), which is a signal of dominance status, and to territory quality. Males with large badges obtained a mate earlier in spring than males with small badges. Males which remained unmated during the entire breeding season had smaller badges than mated males, even when controlling for the effect of other morphological traits and age. Largebadged males had territories with more breeding sites than small-badged males. Territories defended by males with large badges primarily had hole nest sites, which were safe from predators, and nestlings rarely fell from hole nests. Females were implanted with estradiol to induce copulation solicitation displays. Females responded more strongly to a male taxidermic mount and song than to song alone, and they responded more strongly and frequently to male mounts with large badges. Female house sparrows chose mates on the basis of male badges and perhaps on the basis of the quality of the nesting territories offered.  相似文献   

In monogamous species, females often choose between males according to the quality of the territories they defend, but the extent to which females themselves contribute to territory defence is frequently underestimated. Here we test for differences in male and female roles during paired scent-marking bouts, a key component of territorial defence, in a monogamous antelope. In two populations (Kenya, Zimbabwe) of klipspringer, Oreotragus oreotragus, both males and females usually scent-marked at the same site, but there were significant differences between sexes in terms of investment within bouts. Females initiated most bouts, thus dictating the marking strategy of the pair. Males initiated relatively few bouts, but deposited more scent marks per bout than females and were usually the last to scent-mark before leaving the site; they marked on the same branches as the female and thus overmarked her scent. Both sexes deposited more marks during paired than solo visits. Immediately preceding and following scent-marking bouts, males approached females and females left males more often than expected. Female scent-marking rates were higher when they were receptive than at other times, and this increase was matched by elevated marking rates of males. Females may increase marking rates when they are receptive in order to test the quality of their mate or to incite male competition. However, these ideas are unlikely to explain female scent-marking behaviour outside the mating season, which appears to be related primarily to territorial defence. We suggest that these differences in investment in scent-marking bouts are consistent with predictions that females may be autonomously territorial and that overmarking of female scent by males is a form of mate-guarding. Received: 17 November 1999 / Received in revised form: 24 February 2000 / Accepted: 13 March 2000  相似文献   

Recent work on fluctuating asymmetry has suggested that ornaments should have higher levels of fluctuating asymmetry than (1) non-ornaments and (2) homologous structures in the non-ornamented sex. In addition, as both ornament size and symmetry should increase with individual quality there should be a tendency for ornament symmetry to increase with ornament size. In non-ornaments, a U-shaped relationship between symmetry and size is expected, with the individuals at the extremes being more asymmetrical than individuals around the optimum. We tested these predictions in the red-billed streamertail (Trochilus polytmus), a sexually dimorphic endemic Jamaican hummingbird. The lengths of four bilaterally symmetrical traits (first and second outermost tail feathers, tarsi and wings) in 43 adult males and 42 females were measured. The second outermost tail feathers of adult males (which are elongated into streamers) were absolutely but not relatively more asymmetrical than non-ornaments (including the homologous feathers in females). When character size was controlled for, wings were shown to be relatively more symmetrical than other traits. Symmetry did not increase with increasing trait size in any of the morphological traits measured. There was a U-shaped relationship between asymmetry and trait size for four traits (adult male streamers, adult male wings and female outer tail feathers). These results do not support any of the predictions made by fluctuating asymmetry hypotheses and suggest that stabilising selection may act on ornaments as well as non-ornaments. These predictions have been supported in swallows and peafowl but not in sunbirds; this may be due to differences in female perception of tail ornaments. Perhaps male tails do not convey information about quality in some species, or there may be inter-specific differences in the relative costs of tail ornaments and the benefit of marginal increases in tail length and symmetry.  相似文献   

In birds, many aspects of male socio-sexual and parental behavior are influenced by androgens, most notably testosterone (T). We report the effects of subcutaneous T-implants in male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) on male and female parental behavior and on seasonal reproductive success. Males were assigned to one of three experimental groups: (i) implanted with a T-filled Silastic tube; (ii) implanted with an empty Silastic tube; and (iii) not implanted. T-implanted males provided a smaller proportion of feedings (number of feedings by the male/total number of feedings by both parents) and fed nestlings less frequently (number of feedings/h) than males of the other two groups. Females paired to T-implanted males fed nestlings significantly more often than females paired with unimplanted males. Females almost fully compensated for their mates' shortfall, and this resulted in similar combined feeding efforts among treatments. Reproductive success in their first broods or during the entire breeding season was unaffected by T- treatment. These results confirm earlier reports of the suppressive effects of T on male parental behavior. However, they are inconsistent with current ESS models that predict partial compensation as the optimal response by one individual to reduction of parental effort by its mate in monogamous, biparental systems.  相似文献   

Summary Montane voles (Microtus montanus nanus, Rodentia: Muridae) were studied in unconfined populations and in an exclosure in open fields in Wyoming, USA. Field work involved capture-mark-recapture grids, tagging select individuals with irradiated wires, subcutaneous implantation of dye pellets, and behavioral observations.Territorial males were found in both high and low density populations. They were characterized as having scrotal testes, actively defended territories, residency over time, association with females, few scars, and scent-marking behavioral patterns.Males maintaining territories in high-density populations were nearly the only males in breeding condition. Five high-density populations were trapped in late fall, and age distributions were determined by an eye lens technique. There were two age cohorts of territorial males: those born earlier in the season and those which had overwintered. For each grid, the distribution of males by age was discontinuous at about 95 days. The ratio of older males to older females of comparable ages in these five populations varied between 1:2.1 and 1:3.8. The operational sex ratio was even more unequal.The observations of territoriality at such high densities did not support the hypothesis that territoriality and social rank are two poles of a behavioral continuum related to density.The system of polygyny found, wherein the male has a territory overlapping those of several females, does not neatly fit previous schemata considered favorable for the evolution of polygyny, but is considered adaptive in view of female movements and the labile response of female reproduction to the male.  相似文献   

Male pine engravers, Ips pini (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), assist their mates during reproduction by removing the debris that accumulates while females excavate oviposition tunnels in the phloem tissue of host tree bark. Although duration of paternal care and male reproductive success are positively correlated, large males leave their mates and brood sooner than small males. We address two hypotheses to explain the earlier departure of larger males from their breeding galleries: (1) females oviposit most rapidly when paired with large males, thereby reducing the length of time that paternal care increases male reproductive success, (2) larger males have better prospects for future reproduction, and thus leave their galleries in search of new breeding opportunities sooner than smaller males. Contrary to the first hypothesis, when females were paired either with large or small males, there was no effect of male size on their rate of oviposition. Consistent with the second hypothesis, males that initiated breeding galleries were larger than males from the general population. In addition, large males flew farther and faster on flight mills than small males, which may indicate that large males have an advantage in locating suitable breeding sites. Thus, we suggest that large male pine engravers leave their galleries earlier than small males because large individuals have better prospects for future reproduction. Received: 30 November 1997 / Accepted after revision: 23 May 1998  相似文献   

Summary Free-ranging, sexually mature meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) were tracked by using radiotelemetry from June through August in Front Royal, Virginia, U.S.A. Estimates of intraspecific spacing were derived from the concurrent movements of up to 16 voles. Positions were recorded hourly for 24 h, twice per week. A total of 16 male and 15 female voles were studied during sixteen 24-h sessions.The daily ranges of males (192.3±109.7 m2) were larger and more variable than those of females (68.6±39.4 m2). Males also changed locations more frequently (Fig. 2).Adult females usually maintained territories free of other females; males overlapped considerably among themselves (Fig. 2). Males temporarily moved into the areas occupied by estrous females, indicating intrasexual competition among males for access to receptive females (Fig. 3). M. pennsylvanicus appears to be promiscuous, is socially organized into territorial, maternal-young units during the breeding season, and fits the female territorial model of population regulation.  相似文献   

In the pipefish Syngnathus typhle, only males brood embryos in specially developed brood pouches, supplying oxygen and nutrients. Laboratory studies have shown that this elaborate paternal care has led to sex-role reversal in this species: males limit female reproductive rate, females are the primary competitors for mates and males exercise greater selectivity in accepting mates. In the first field study of this pipefish, we describe mating behaviour in the wild and test the hypothesis that temporal variations in the operational sex ratio (OSR) determine sex differences in mating behaviour. Our study comprised two reproductive seasons of two sequential mating periods each, the latter separated by a lengthy interval of male brooding. During mating periods, females displayed to all males without wandering and males moved about searching for females, without reacting to all females. The OSR was least female-biased (or even male-biased) at the onset of the breeding season, when most pipefish were simultaneously available to mate, but became strikingly female-biased as males' pouches were filled. The OSR remained substantially female-biased during the second mating period, because few males became available to remate at any one time. As hypothesised, female-biased OSRs resulted in more female-female meetings. As well, females were above the eelgrass more often than brooding males, thus exposing themselves to conspecifics and/ or predators. In the second year, males arrived earlier than females on the breeding site and male pregnancies were shorter, because of higher water temperatures, so rematings occurred earlier. Males met more often during that year than the previous one, but male competitive interactions were still not observed. The field results support laboratory studies and demonstrate that behaviours associated with female-female competition are more prominent when the OSR is more female-biased. Correspondence to: A. Vincent  相似文献   

The timing of arrival to breeding areas can have profound effects on reproductive success. Under some conditions (restricted breeding seasons and mating systems characterized by a longer period of mating among males than females), the maximization of mating opportunities by males theoretically selects for the earlier arrival of males than females (a phenomenon called protandry). This study quantifies the relationship between the arrival timing and spawning success of male kokanee (non-anadromous Oncorhynchus nerka). The spawning behavior of kokanee was observed in a large pen and the spawning success of each male was estimated as the number of spawning events he participated in. A male's spawning success depended primarily on his success at pairing with and mate-guarding females, and less on participation in spawning events while unpaired. Males who paired earlier in the season had higher spawning success than males who paired later in the season because they experienced more opportunities to pair with new females. Among males who eventually paired (some males never did), arriving early was correlated with pairing early. However, selection for protandry was weak, largely because early arrival did not guarantee that a male would pair. Pre-spawning waiting by females also weakened the correlation between arrival day and pairing day. The random probability of pairing with respect to arrival day and pre-spawning waiting by females likely explains the weak selection for protandry in kokanee and the low amount of protandry observed in other sockeye salmon (anadromous O. nerka) populations.  相似文献   

Summary Energy stress during the breeding season and relationships between calling activity and growth were investigated in male carpenter frogs, Rana virgatipes. This species has a prolonged breeding season of up to three months in Southern New Jersey. Monthly collections made in 1985 revealed that both dry mass and percent body lipid decreased throughout the breeding season but sharply increased at the end of the breeding season. Observations of free-living males showed that small males were more likely to gain mass than large males during the breeding season. All males gained mass at higher rates after the breeding season. A simultaneous record of calling activity and mass change was obtained for 42 males. Males called on 95% of nights, indicating that they rarely ceased their reproductive activities. Small males tended to have low calling efforts and high growth rates. When the effect of initial mass was removed, growth rate was negatively correlated with calling effort among small males. This is the first demonstration of a direct tradeoff between a reproductive activity and growth in an anuran.  相似文献   

We tested several hypotheses to explain low between-year territory fidelity in a breeding population of yellow-headed blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus). During a 5-year study the population of territorial males declined by two-thirds and some of the marshes that supported territories significantly deteriorated. Individual males held territories and bred for an average of 1.9 years. Of males that bred for at least 2 years, 30% skipped owning a territory in the study area during at least 1 year of their breeding lifetimes. Our information suggests that they may have bred outside of the area in those years. Of males with territories in two or more breeding seasons, 60% changed breeding marshes at least once. Males changed territories during 42.9% of between-year opportunities to do so. We found no support for the hypotheses that male yellow-headed blackbirds: (1) are more likely to move when territory density is low; (2) are likely to abandon territories that are deteriorating; or (3) change territories to improve their reproductive success. We suggest three non-mutually exclusive explanations for the yellow-headed blackbird's weak site fidelity: (1) it is a response to habitat deterioration and to other factors that may be causing the population's decline; (2) the males, being migratory, make fresh settlement decisions each year after they arrive on the breeding grounds in the general vicinity of their previous year's breeding; (3) yellow-headed blackbirds may have evolved in, and be adapted to, highly unstable habitats, moving frequently in response to changes in local breeding site conditions. Correspondence to: L.D. Beletsky  相似文献   

Much of our knowledge concerning the functions of territorial behaviour and how territories are defended by individuals comes from research on birds. The vast majority of this work has focused on temperate zone breeding territoriality in which territories are defended most obviously by males. Our understanding of the female role in territory defence is limited because they are less conspicuous and much harder to observe. We studied sex roles in territory maintenance and defence in a duetting, resident neotropical passerine, the white-bellied antbird (Myrmeciza longipes). This species maintains territories and pair bonds year round and both sexes sing and actively participate in territory defence. We performed a series of playback experiments throughout the dry (non-breeding) and wet (breeding) seasons. We exposed territorial pairs to three types of stimuli including: (1) single sex, male only songs, (2) single sex, female only songs, and (3) both sex songs/duets. Contrary to findings for most other tropical species, individuals defended their territories with equal levels of aggression regardless of stimuli. Furthermore, sex roles were very different, with males responding more aggressively than females to all stimuli throughout both seasons. Both males and females consistently responded more aggressively to territorial intrusions during the dry season than during the wet season, likely because food abundance is low in the dry season and territory value is high. Our analysis of duetting behaviour suggests that duets do not serve a significant role in mate guarding, or territory defence.  相似文献   

Many animals show seasonal shifts in behaviors that coincide with breeding, migration, or hibernation. These behavioral shifts provide ideal opportunities to study the regulation of behavior. The red-sided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) spends 8 months of the year inactive in underground hibernacula, 1 month breeding, and 3 months feeding to build up enough energy stores to survive the following winter. Although they emerge from 8 months of hibernation with severely depleted energy reserves, they do not feed until weeks later, after the breeding season. We tested the hypothesis that this lack of feeding during the breeding season is due to a shift in behavior rather than the distribution of food and potential mates. Male garter snakes were given a series of choices between pursuing a breeding or feeding opportunity. The proportion of tests in which males selected feeding over breeding gradually increased throughout the study period, reaching almost 100% in the final tests. Males also were given opportunities to feed and court at the beginning and end of the study. Males initially refused food and courted females, but when retested at the end of the study they fed and did not court females. Thus aphagia during the breeding season is due at least in part to an endogenous shift in behavior.Communicated by P. Weatherhead  相似文献   

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