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Solé-Cava  A. M.  Thorpe  J. P. 《Marine Biology》1992,112(2):243-252
A distinctive morph ofActinia equina (L.) is found at low frequency among populations on intertidal hard substrata on some shores on the Isle of Man. This morph is red with rows of green oval spots or elongate markings running longitudinally down the column. Starch gel electrophoresis of 21 allozyme loci was used to compare samples of this morph from two localities with other sympatricActinia spp. Collections were made in early summer 1986. For one sampling site the comparison was with redA. equina and greenA. prasina Gosse, whilst at the other site with redA. equina only. At both sites significant genetic differences in allele frequencies at several loci were found between the new morph and sympatricA. equina andA. prasina. The results also confirm the reproductive isolation ofA. prasina. As with much previous work on sea anemones, levels of mean heterozygosity per locus (H) were found to be high (H=0.157 to 0.342). A surprising feature of the results, although bearing out earlier unpublished data, is that high levels of genetic differentiation are found between populations of what appear to be the same morphs collected from shores only a few km apart. Among theActinia spp. studied, differentiation between populations of the same morph on different shores was of the same order as between sympatric, reproductively isolated populations.  相似文献   

Reproduction of the sea anemone Anthopleura dixoniana (Haddon and Shackleton) from the high intertidal zone of southern Taiwan (120°41 E; 22°01N) was studied from April 1987 through March 1989. A. dixoniana spawns once a year, in July, and divides asexually by longitudinal fission throughout the year, with a peak in July. During the spawning season, sea anemones>3 mm pedal dise diameter can be sexed, and display a 1:1 sex ratio. Dividing sea anemones are significantly larger than non-dividing individuals, and increase in body size before fission. Under laboratory conditions, individuals kept at 28 C and fed had larger oocytes and a higher division rate than those kept at 18, 22, 25 or 32°C or starved. The division rate significantly influenced the oocyte diameter. The present study revealed for the first time, that a long photoperiod (14 h hight:10 h dark) significantly enhances the growth of oocytes in A. dixoniana under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Cahan SH  Julian GE  Schwander T  Keller L 《Ecology》2006,87(9):2160-2170
Hybrid speciation occurs when combination of two interspecific genomes results in individuals that are of high fitness but reproductively incompatible with the parental species. Although hybrid speciation is a relatively common source of new species in plants, it appears to be a much rarer occurrence in animal taxa. Here we report on reproductive isolation and range overlap between the rough harvester ant Pogonomyrmex rugosus and two lineages with hybrid genotypes (H 1 and H2). Both lineages obligately interbreed and produce genetically distinct queen and worker offspring, a phenomenon referred to as genetic caste determination (GCD). Diploid offspring produced by gametes of the same lineage develop only into queens, whereas diploid offspring derived from gametes of distinct lineages develop into workers. We investigated small-scale patterns of gene flow between the parent and the two H lineages by sampling along an 80-km transect between a pure P. rugosus population and a two-lineage population. Microsatellite and mitochondrial markers both indicated virtually no gene flow between the parent species and either lineage even at sites where parental and H-lineage colonies co-occurred. The geographic ranges of the parental species and the two-lineage population were essentially parapatric, with a surprisingly narrow band of overlap and evidence of spatial structuring even at microgeographic scales within the transition zone. This suggests that ecological competition with the parent species plays a significant role in determining the evolutionary persistence and current distribution of the hybrid lineages and the genetic caste system.  相似文献   

This paper explores the implications of ribosomal ITS1-sequence analysis for evolutionary relationships between four species of corallimorphs which are morphologically very similar but have distinct distributions. The analyses highlight the unreliability of morphological criteria in establishing systematic relationships amongst tropical corallimorphs. Both parsimony and distance methods of phylogenetic analysis strongly support a deep divergence between the Caribbean species Rhodactics sanctithoma and the three morphologically-related species R. howesii and R. indosinensis from the Indo-Pacific and R. rhodostoma from the Red Sea. The analyses also strongly support a closer relationship between the Red Sea species, R. rhodostoma, and one of the Indo-Pacific species, R. howesii, than between these two and the second Indo-Pacific species, R. indosinensis. The first of these results is presumably a consequence of the closure of the Central American Seaway, the event which led to the separate development of Atlantic and Indo-Pacific coral faunas. However, the lack of detailed distribution data represents a major barrier to reconstructing the evolutionary history of the genus.  相似文献   

We explore the phylogeography of the broadcast spawner Marthasterias glacialis along south Europe and Azores. Sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase gene from 225 specimens, belonging to 10 localities, were analysed. We found 73 haplotypes grouped within two lineages (divergence 2.9%). One lineage was Atlanto–Mediterranean, whereas another one was exclusively Mediterranean. Estimation of lineages split goes back to 830,000–580,000 (±120,000) years ago. This suggests that sea-level oscillations during the Pleistocene glaciations promoted gene flow interruption, lineage divergence between basins and cryptic speciation. Secondary contact between populations allowed a recolonization of the Mediterranean by the Atlantic lineage. When animals of the Atlanto–Mediterranean lineage were considered separately, F st index and AMOVA did not show significant differences between populations along either the Iberian Peninsula or basins. Isolation by distance between populations was not detected, and only populations of Plymouth and Azores showed significant differences to all the others. The remoteness of Azores islands might explain the structure of this population. Haphazard arrival of larvae and local extinctions rather than contemporary restricted gene flow might be responsible for the distinctive population structure of Plymouth.  相似文献   

Summary. Allopatric populations of the leaf beetle Chrysomela lapponica are known to feed upon either willow (Salicaceae) or birch (Betulaceae). This study aimed to elucidate the differentiation process of these allopatric populations. We investigated whether these allopatric populations specialized on different host plants are still able to produce fertile offspring when interbreeding. Individuals from a population in Finland (willow specialists) and one in the Czech Republic (birch specialists) were crossed in laboratory. Hybrid formation succeeded only between females from the Czech, birch specialized population and males from the Finnish, willow specialized population, while no eggs were produced by females of the willow specialists having mated males of the birch specialists. Behavioral, morphological, physiological, and chemical features of the F1 hybrids were studied. The chemical composition of larval defensive secretion and feeding preferences of the resulting F1 hybrids mainly showed similarities with the paternal phenotype, while the area of black coloring on the offspring’s elytra was intermediate between those of the parental elytra. F1 hybrids did not accept the host plant (birch) of their mothers for feeding and only survived on willow. Thus, since mothers only lay eggs on birch, we found evidence for a postzygotic isolation mechanism between the individuals of the two investigated populations: when having been mated with willow specialized Finnish males, the birch specialized Czech mothers place the hybrid eggs on a plant species (birch), on which the hatching larvae cannot survive.  相似文献   

The mussels Mytilus edulis L. and M. trossulus Gould are found sympatrically in most areas of Newfoundland, with a low frequency of hybrids. To assess the potential for reproductive isolation, we sampled mussels from three sites in an eastern Newfoundland Bay from May–October 1996 to determine if there were differences in the reproductive cycles of the two species and their natural hybrids. In mussels with sheil lengths of 38–42 mm, males and females with mature gametes were dominant in June for M. edulis and hybrids, while M. trossulus showed a lower frequency of individuals with mature gametes. M. trossulus and hybrids spawned over a prolonged period (from late spring to early autumn) compared with most M. edulis individuals that spawned over a period of 2–3 weeks in July. This asynchrony in spawning activity between the two species may partially explain the low frequency of hybrids found in previous studies of these mussel populations. Female and male hybrids between M. edulis and M. trossulus showed normal gonad development, ripening and spawning, providing an opportunity for the introgression of genes between the two species. M. trossulus had a higher reproductive output than M. edulis of similar shell length, while hybrids showed intermediate values of reproductive output. M. trossulus females produced smaller eggs than either M. edulis or hybrids. Differences in reproductive traits may partially explain the maintenance of the mussel hybrid zone in Newfoundland. Published online: 13 August 2002  相似文献   

The sponge sub-class Homoscleromorpha is generally considered to include just two families, the Oscarellidae (without spicules) and the Plakinidae (with simple spicules). In May 1990, an unusual sponge was found deep inside a submarine cave in the western Mediterranean Sea. On the basis of externally visible characters this sponge appeared indistinguishable from the common plakinid species Corticium candelabrum Schmidt, 1862. However, on closer examination in the laboratory the new sponge proved to be devoid of spicules. Therefore, despite great morphological similarities to C. candelabrum, the new sponge should, by taxonomic convention, have been placed in the Oscarellidae. On the basis of other criteria, the similarities to C. candelabrum were great and the new sponge was at first considered to be conspecific. Thus, the taxonomic position of the new sponge and its relationship to C. candelabrum are highly confusing. It could be an aspiculate morph of C. candelabrum, or a new and undescribed related species or, lacking spicules, it could justifiably be placed in a different family (Oscarellidae). The relationship of the new sponge to C. candelabrum and also to two species of Oscarella (Oscarellidae) was assessed by the use of enzyme electrophoresis to estimate genetic divergence between species. It was found that the new sponge was reproductively isolated from sympatric C. candelabrum, with 6 of 16 loci proving diagnostic. Thus it is clear that the new sponge belongs to a different biological species. Surprisingly it was also found that, although this new species was fairly closely related to C. candelabrum (level of genetic identity, I0.47), the two Oscarella species were similarly closely related to C. candelabrum (I0.31 to 0.41) and rather less closely to the new species (I0.17 to 0.28). Indeed from genetic identity estimates, O. tuberculata is more closely related to C. candelabrum than it is to O. lobularis. It is concluded that all homoscleromorph sponges should be placed in the single family Plakinidae.  相似文献   

B. Czeczuga 《Marine Biology》1972,13(2):124-126
Investigations have been carried out on the carotenoids in Anemonia sulcata (Pennant) and Actinia equina (L.) (Coelenterata: Anthozoa) from the Adriatic Sea. The presence of the carotenoids was determined by means of columnar and thin-layer chromatography. The following carotenoids were found: Anemonia sulcata: β-carotene, lutein-like (epoxy and free) and astaxanthin; Actinia equina: α-carotene, β-carotene, actinioerythrin, lutein-like (?) and astaxanthin (ester and free).  相似文献   

Genomic relationships between North Atlantic, Australian and Japanese isolates of the benthic seaweed Cladophora albida (Huds.) Kütz. were examined in 1987 by means of DNA-DNA hybridization. The data indicate that C. albida can be divided into a North Atlantic and an Indo-West Pacific group with an intergroup hybridization response of 25 to 30% and 5.5° to 6.0°C for hybridization percentage and T me the melting temperature reduction of hybridized sequences, respectively. This level of genome divergence is considerably higher than that observed in most other eukaryotes. The separation between the two C. albida groups presumably dates back to the closure of the Asian part of the Tethys Ocean, about 12 million years ago. The data also indicate that transatlantic C. albida populations have a greater genetic inter-relatedness than have Japanese and Australian populations. In C. albida there is no clear correlation between molecular evolution and the evolution of morphological traits. C. albida and C. rupestris (L.) Kütz have hardly any DNA sequences in common.  相似文献   

Reciprocal inhibition experiments concerning the simultaneous absorption of acidic, basic and neutral amino acids give evidence that Anemonia sulcata Pennant (Coelenterata: Anthozoa) possess at least three distinct uptake systems for amino acids. The absorption of amino acids belonging to the same class is mutually inhibited. Increasing inhibitor concentrations reduce the uptake of the substrate successively, indicating that the receptors are saturated only at high substrate concentrations; this is not the case under natural conditions. The uptake system for acidic amino acids is highly specific; uptake is not inhibited by either basic or neutral amino acids. The specificity for basic amino acids is lower; uptake is influenced by neutral amino acids. Neutral amino acids are absorbed either by one single system with broad specificity or by several systems with overlapping specificity. D- and L-isomers seem to be absorbed by the same system, as the uptake is reciprocally inhibited. The restricted specificity of the amino-acid uptake systems, especially those for neutral amino acids, could be explained as an adaptation to avoid accumulation of certain amino acids in a most economic way. Moreover, a broad spectrum of various dissolved organic materials can thus be utilized. The experiments also give evidence that anemones are able to supply their metabolism completely with the necessary substances by absorbing dissolved organic material. The absorbed substances may, furthermore, be vital for the metabolism, although their individual energy content may be negligible. Anemones display optimum fitness to an important environmental factor-dissolved organic material — on a macromolecular level, in addition to structural and physiological adaptations.  相似文献   

Allozyme and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genetic variation was compared in orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus Collett) collected from waters off southern Australia and from waters about 22 000 km away in the North Atlantic west of Scotland. Samples were screened for 11 polymorphic allozyme loci and with 9 restriction enzymes. Significant heterogeneity between the two areas was detected for three allozyme loci (ADA *, CK * and GPI-1 *), and the overall G ST (gene-diversity statistic) value of 1% was small but significant. Significant mtDNA haplotype heterogeneity was observed after 2- of haplotype frequencies but not after a G ST analysis. Nucleotide sequence-diversity analysis showed very low net divergence (0.0023%) between the two samples. The Australian orange roughy had a lower allozyme heterozygosity and a lower mitochondrial DNA nucleon diversity than the North Atlantic sample. The very limited, although significant, allozyme and mitochondrial DNA heterogeneity between these areas suggests that there is some gene flow between these two populations. The species appears to be widespread, with its presence reported from the southern Pacific, southern Indian, and northern and southern Atlantic Oceans, and it is likely that gene flow between the antipodes is mediated by stepping-stone exchange between adjacent populations rather than by direct migration.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural features of gametogenesis are described in male and female colonies of the sea pen Pennatula aculeata. Specimens were collected for observation and fixation at 113 to 231 m depth in the Gulf of Maine, USA, in August 1993. The species is gonochoric, and all stages of gametogenesis are observed in both male and female colonies >45 mm in height. Gametogenesis shows several features that differ from sea anemones. The developing oocytes and sperm cysts are completely encompassed by gastrodermally derived follicle cells, and they are released from the mesenteries into the coelenteron before they are fully differentiated. Following maturation in the coelenteron, the eggs and intact sperm cysts are expelled through the mouths of the autozoids during spawning. The expulsion of sperm cysts suggests that they function as primitive spermatophores, perhaps as a way of reducing sperm dilution. Vitellogenesis results in the biosynthesis of lipid droplets which are the sole nutrient reserves in the egg. Heterosynthetic vitellogenesis is characterized by the importation of lipid precursors into the oocyte, and there is some indirect evidence that hypertrophic follicle cells play a role in production, transport, and/or mediation of these precursors. Spermatogenesis is similar to that of other anthozoans. The spermatozoon has a cone-shaped head, a posterior nuclear fossa, a ring of lipid-like bodies in the midpiece, a prominent cytoplasmic collar surrounding the proximal flagellum, and a single mitochondrion, but the posterior region of the sperm also contains previously undescribed concentric rings of cisternae resembling smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Received: 23 March 1998 / Accepted: 31 July 1998  相似文献   

Analyses of bottom trawl samples and feeding experiments in the laboratory revealed a reproduction period ranging from late March to early August in Eledone cirrosa of the Catalonian Sea (Western Mediterranean). The embryonic development, studies for the first time on eggs laid in the laboratory, shows no basic difference from that of other Octopodidae. The newly hatched animals are planktonic; morphologically, this feature is expressed by a relatively small arm-length.Laboratoire associé au C.N.R.S.  相似文献   

Summary Philoponella oweni (Uloboridae) is a facultatively communal orb-web spider found in arid regions in the southwestern United States. Within one habitat solitary adult females and communal groups of adult females coexist.This study compared the reproductive output (egg production) and reproductive success (production of live offspring) of solitary and communal females. There was no significant difference in the mean number of egg-cases produced by solitary and communal females, but communal females produced significantly more eggs per egg-case. However, communal females suffered significantly higher rates of egg-case parasitism from the pteromalid wasp Arachnopteromalus dasys. As a result, the mean number of liver offspring produced by solitary and communal females did not differ. Thus, both strategies led to roughly equal reproductive success. The advantages of aggregation of adults may be significant in the evolution of social behavior in spiders.  相似文献   

DOAS自动监测系统越来越广泛用于环境空气质量监测中SO2、NO2的监测,将差分吸收光谱法与紫外荧光法自动测量空气中SO2进行对比实验,并对监测结果进行讨论和统计检验,得出两种方法测定空气中的SO2,其监测结果具有较好的相关性、一致性、两者无显著性差异,在今后的监测工作中可用DOAS自动监测系统代替传统的干法点式自动监测系统监测SO2,以降低运行成本,减少仪器维护量,节约经费。  相似文献   

Two distinct modes of development in the common polychaete Scoloplos armiger (O. F. Müller, 1776) occur in the North Sea region: holobenthic development in egg cocoons and pelagic larvae hatching from suspended eggs. In the northern Wadden Sea near the island of Sylt, we observed that egg cocoons are produced intertidally while pelagic larvae originate from the adjacent subtidal zone. A previous genetic comparison between these subtidal and intertidal populations revealed distinct gene pools, suggesting that reproductive differences are not phenotypic but heritable. In this study, crossbreeding experiments show that intertidal and subtidal populations are reproductively isolated. Couples with males and females from different habitats had no offspring. Production of egg cocoons is determined by female origin from the intertidal zone. Pelagic larvae occurred only in couples with subtidal females and subtidal males. Intertidal males have spermatozoa with heads twice as long as those from subtidal males and a significantly shorter flagellum. We suspect that deviating sperm morphology may cause the reproductive breakdown at the fertilization stage. Juveniles hatching from cocoons have shorter anal cirri compared to juveniles that metamorphosed from pelagic larvae. We conclude there to be two sympatric sibling species in S. armiger: 'type I' in intertidal areas, which have egg cocoons, no pelagic larvae, elongated sperm heads, shortened sperm flagella and anal cirri; and a subtidal 'type S', lacking egg cocoons but with pelagic larvae, short sperm heads, long sperm flagella and anal cirri.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

The known distribution of Calanus helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Drift is difficult to explain in the absence of a reproductively active population inhabiting continental waters off eastern North America. New evidece indicates that this population, overlooked in the past, does in fact exist. The species has been found in a study of zooplankton samples from a number of MARMAP (Marine Resource Monitoring, Assessment, and Prediction Program) cruises surveying ichthyoplankton between Cape Hatteras and the New York Bight. Sexual activity in these stocks of C. helgolandicus was indicated by the ripeness of ovaries, the frequency of males, the presence of sperm in the females' seminal receptacles and the appearance of a female bearing a Calanus spermatophore. The new records provide a likely origin for the presence of the species in the vicinity of the Labrador Grand Banks as well as further east in the North Atlantic Drift. C. finmarchicus, similarly sexually active, was found to be sympatric with C. helgolandicus in the MARMAP collections which were taken from a region contiguous with the southernmost, known distribution, of C. glacialis. The distribution of integumental organs (i.e., pore signature patterns) was examined in the three species to determine whether they would be taxonomically useful. Strikingly different patterns were found on the female urosome. Pore signature differences between the polar species C. glacialis and the temperate C. helgolandicus proved to be as pronounced as those between the boreal C. finmarchicus and its two neighboring species. The successively overlapping ranges and the distinctive differences in pore signature patterns suggest that divergence from the generic pattern of integumental organ distribution has been a product of selection against hybridizing among the three species. If this is in fact the case, the reproductive range of C. helgolandicus has overlapped with those of C. finmarchicus and C. glacialis for appreciable periods in the history of the three species.  相似文献   

The sea anemone Actinia equina was considered a highly variable species with a wide geographical distribution, but molecular systematic studies have shown that this wide distribution may be the result of the lumping of cryptic species. In this work enzyme electrophoresis was used to analyse the genetic variability of A. equina from the Atlantic coasts of Europe and Africa, as well as the relationships between those populations and other species of the genus. Samples of A. equina from the United Kingdom and France were compared with supposedly conspecific populations from South Africa and a recently described species from Madeira, Actinia nigropunctata. The South African and Madeiran populations were genetically very divergent from each other (genetic identity, I=0.15), as well as from the A. equina population from the United Kingdom and from the other species studied (I between 0.23 and 0.78), indicating that the African population of A. equina belongs to a different species. High genetic similarities were found between west Atlantic A. bermudensis and east Atlantic A. sali, in spite of the great geographical distance between them, and between the European A. equina and A. prasina. The results confirm the presence of the new species A. nigropunctata from Madeira and suggest a new species within the A. equina species group, from South Africa.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

J. Grahame 《Marine Biology》1977,40(3):217-224
The growth and spawning of Lacuna pallidula and L. vincta were measured in the laboratory over 7 months. In both cases, there were significant differences between the mean number of eggs per batch or weight of egg batches from females of the same species and also between rates of spawning by females of the same species. The reproductive effort of L. vincta, estimated by the ratio total spawn weight: body weight and by the time taken to exceed body weight in cumulative spawn, is approximately twice that of L. pallidula. L. vincta has a long-lived planktotrophic larva, while L. pallidula has direct, lecithotrophic development, and therefore in this instance planktotrophic development seems to be more expensive to the parent than lecithotrophic development. Published work on two Pacific seastars leads to the opposite conclusion, and it is suggested that the paradox can be resolved in terms of r-K-selection theory. In both cases, the r-selected species has a higher reproductive effort, notwithstanding that the snail is planktotrophic and the seastar lecithotrophic in development.  相似文献   

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