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在我国经济社会发展面临着严峻资源环境约束的背景下,发展废旧资源再生利用产业具有极为重要的战略意义。通过发展废旧资源的再生利用产业,打造"资源-产品-废旧资源-废旧资源再利用"的循环发展模式,实现资源的循环利用,可以直接减少对原生资源的依赖,提升资源综合利用效率,是缓解经济发展资源约束的必然选择。废旧资源再生利用产业将会进入快速发展时期,有利于培育新的经济增长点。  相似文献   

为正确引导废电池处理处置、资源再生技术的发展,规范废电池处理处置和资源再生行为,防治环境污染,我国相继出台《废电池污染防治技术政策》、《铅锌行业准入条件》等一系列政策,在这些政策的推动下,全国各地规模小、能耗高、冶炼技术落后的再生铅回收企业纷纷被淘汰,随之兴起的是一批技术先进、规模较大、政策鼓励发展的再生铅企业,从而有效地遏制了土法烧结、简易高炉、烧结锅、  相似文献   

随着我国铜冶炼(原生铜和再生铜)行业对含铜二次资源需求量的增加,集废旧资源回收、拆解和分选、二次资源出售、铜再生利用于一体的产业链逐渐发展壮大起来。然而高能耗、高污染、低质量、低产出的特点在再生铜行业依然存在,环境监管政策和标准也不健全不完善。随着人们对美丽生态环境诉求的增加,必须加强有色金属行业的环境管理。本文对再生铜行业发展和环境管理做了一些思考,特别是对再生铜行业环境管理存在的问题进行了分析,并针对问题提出了几点政策性建议,以期为我国再生铜产业的环境友好发展和环境监管提供借鉴。  相似文献   

发展资源循环(再生)产业是减少工业废物和废弃的工业产成品对环境污染的一个重要措施,但目前我国的资源循环(再生)产业对环境保护的贡献率较低,本文分析了其中原因,并提出了相应措施。  相似文献   

浙江省的再生资源回收利用企业发展迅速,在造纸、建材和有色金属等领域已经涌现出一批典型企业。作者通过对浙江省资源再生利用较为成功的典型企业进行问卷调查和实地考察,剖析了浙江省资源再生产业的现状、存在的问题,并提出了相关的对策建议。  相似文献   

废旧物资再生利用产业作为循环经济和循环型社会的主要内容,面临着极好的发展机遇。我们应从可持续发展的战略高度,促进废旧物资再生利用系统的建立和有效运行,使废旧物资再生利用产业成为一个新的经济增长点,在经济发展、环境保护和资源永续利用中发挥重要作用。主要体现在:废  相似文献   

文章分析了浙江省在废旧有色金属资源再生利用方面的几个典型模式的经验、存在问题及发展对策。  相似文献   

盘锦市是辽宁省15个资源型城市之一,在资源型城市中属于再生型城市,已基本摆脱了对资源的依赖,经济社会进入良性发展的轨道,旅游发展基础良好.采用定量分析与定性分析相结合方法分析了盘锦市的旅游发展状况,运用区位熵、弹性系数和集中系数对盘锦市旅游发展进行了定量分析,从旅游发展不足、旅游发展挑战和旅游发展对策对盘锦市旅游发展进行了定性分析.  相似文献   

以循环经济为主导推动废旧电器再生利用产业链的健康运行是可持续发展战略的需要,废旧电器属性和特性决定了其产业链运行调控的复杂性。从产业链循环机理和促进物质循环视角,基于生产者责任延伸制阐述产业运行过程的生态设计与资源减量化、绿色营销与资源节约、递阶使用与环境保护等主体责任及运行机理,以促进其生态设计、清洁生产、友好销售、绿色消费、合理利用、多元回收、充分再用、高效再生的健康和有序发展。  相似文献   

随着新能源产业发展,我国铅酸蓄电池市场需求旺盛,但再生铅产量占比不足30%,增加再生铅产量,提高资源再生利用率及环境安全保障,建立完善的铅回收市场体系和环境管理体系,形成多元善治格局更趋重要且紧迫。首先,运用SWOT方法分析了铅酸蓄电池和铅回收产业发展态势;其次,将全生命周期管理、生产者责任延伸(EPR)、环境产权界定与交易和环境经济政策转型四个理论整合为铅酸蓄电池回收再生和污染治理善治属性;第三,构建铅酸蓄电池铅回收再生业态以及污染治理善治结构范式,并提出通过政府、企业、行业、消费者和社会层面路径选择的各类对策。  相似文献   

Building uses a combination of materials resources ranging from clay to bronze. Some of these resources are widely available, but require substantial energy resources to process and distribute them as the volumes used are so great. Other resources, like copper, are in much smaller supply. The resources used in building need to be examined against the future resource limitations in their supply and the possibilities of recycling. The links between building and waste cycles will also be critical, as wastes from other processes can often be incorporated into the building process. Design for recycling has to be balanced against the advantages of design for longer life. Reversible cementitious processes could confer enormous advantages if the reversibility was safely controllable, but this represents a very formidable scientific problem. The advantages of composite materials need to be balanced against the difficulties of effective recycling, for example reinforced concrete. The building as an energy conservation device also needs more emphasis. The final section deals with the concept of the materials conservation city in a Utopian way. It is designed to stimulate constructive thinking about resource conservation and materials recycling.  相似文献   

The dwindling global reserves of extractable phosphorus (P) and its growing demand to produce the required food for a burgeoning global population (the global P crisis) necessitate the sustainable use of this crucial resource. To advert the crisis requires informed policy decisions which can only be obtained by a better understanding of the nature and magnitude of P flow through different systems at different geographical scales. Through a systematic and in-depth review of twenty one recent substance flow analyses of P, we have assessed the key P inflows, outflows, stocks, internal flows, and recycling flows at the city, regional, and country scales. The assessment has revealed, the main inflow and outflow of P at the city scale occurs through food and wastewater respectively, while the main stock of P occurs in landfill. At the regional scale, mineral ore is the main P inflow and chemical P fertilizer is the main outflow particularly in the regions that have P fertilizer production sector. In contrast, either chemical P fertilizer or animal feed is the key inflow and either food and agricultural products or soil losses (erosion, runoff, and/or leaching) is the major outflow especially in the regions without P fertilizer production sector. At the country scale, the key P inflow occurs either through mineral ore or chemical P fertilizer and the key outflow takes place either as food and agricultural products, waste (both solid and liquid), or soil losses (erosion, runoff, and/or leaching). The main stock of P both at the regional and country scales occurs in the soil of the agricultural production sector. As identified in this assessment, the key unproductive outflows and stocks at different geographical scales indicate that there is a potential scope to improve P management through the increased P recovery and recycling, and by the utilization of available soil P stocks. In many of the studies at all the geographical scales, P recycling flow has been found to be less than 20% of the total inflow, and even in some studies at the country scale, P recycling has been found to be entirely absent, which is a clear indication of poor P management. This study has also identified, there is a clear knowledge gap in relation to understanding the P flow over multiple years at the regional scale. The information about the key flows and stocks at different geographical scales as we identified can be utilized to make better P policy and management decisions for a city, region, or country. The information can also be used to guide future research that aims to analyze P flow at the city, regional, and country scales.  相似文献   

An improved understanding of the cascading structure of recycling is important for increasing resource productivity. The cascading theory, developed to analyze resource cascading, has two major dimensions; resource quality and resource lifetime. The latter is the only dimension for which a quantitative evaluation has been carried out in the previous research. In this study, we propose new tools to quantify both dimensions. These tools enable statistical estimation of the times of utilization of the material cascaded. The pre-circulation index (pre-CI) counts how many times the material has been utilized before consumption. For material in which quality deterioration is measurable largely on the basis of the number of utilization times, pre-CI can be an index of resource quality. The post-circulation index (post-CI) counts how many times the material will be utilized after consumption. The higher the number of utilization times, the longer the lifetime of the material. Thus, post-CI can be an index of resource lifetime. Total-circulation index (TCI) is the sum of pre- and post-CIs. This can be an overall index of resource productivity. We apply the method presented herein to an analysis of the paper recycling system in Japan. Some important features of the CIs are demonstrated by the results; certain potential remains for further improvements in paper recycling in Japan. In the case that two products have the same utilization rates, their pre-CIs can still differ according to the positions they occupy in the cascade. In the case that two recycling policies achieve the same size of primary raw material reduction, they can still differ in their impact to the whole cascade. By the method described herein, the CIs can represent the structure of a material cascade quantitatively and offer important knowledge by which to increase resource productivity.  相似文献   

The state of solid waste recycling by scavengers in Onitsha, a heavily commercial city in Anambra State, and some other urban areas such as Nsukka, Enugu, and Port Harcourt was analyzed. Data were obtained through interviews of scavengers who deal with recyclables. Although the activities of scavengers are sub-optimal, they can have a great impact on Nigerian economy with respect to resource conservation, creation of job opportunities, and reduction of the magnitude of waste disposal problems. A cost analysis is presented to compare the different forms of recycling utilized by municipal solid waste management. It is shown that a well-planned recycling program with recycling and composting would result in 18.6% savings in waste management costs and 57.7% in landfill avoidance costs. However, if the compost materials are not recycled, the corresponding savings in cost become 8.6% and 28.6%, respectively. The option with the lowest cost involves encouraging individual households to separate at the source their recyclables, which are bought by scavengers. This results in 78.0% savings in waste management cost and 79.5% landfill avoidance cost. A low-cost approach aimed at the integration of scavenging activities into conventional solid waste management is presented.  相似文献   

发展中国家已经将非正式回收系统进行了几次正规化,其目的是将其整合入正式的回收系统,其目的不仅仅是解决经济问题。而且还包括了非正规回收行业的社会问题,例如:社会歧视、教育的缺失以及健康和工作条件问题。然而,往往不能得到准确、正面的社会影响的评价和测量。本文的目的是根据社会生命周期评价法,用正确的手段对发展中国家的回收系统评价开发方法。以秘鲁城市案例研究表现了应用这一方法评价回收系统的案例显示了关于歧视、公认就业关系、社会效益的实现、体力工作条件和接受教育指标的负面绩效。关于结社自由、心理工作条件和社会的接受,城市回收业(从前的非正规)形成了较好的评价,而对于工作时间、最低、公平工资并没有获得好的评价。  相似文献   

Social conscience and public opinion have promoted a popular belief that all recycling is good for the environment. Planning policies and environmental legislation have been and continue to be influenced in part by this belief. Economic and political factors have been important especially in terms of developing recovery programmes and systems for collecting waste material. This is particularly true for paper products, for which there is now a whole range of arbitrary set recycling targets in most western countries. Paper products are different from all other major recycled products in that they are made from a renewable resource and, as recovered waste, it has alternative uses such as energy recovery. In the framework of mounting empirical evidence the aim of the paper is to question the validity of social conscience as a raison d'etre for increasing the rate of recycling paper products. Forests, which are the primary renewable resource, have important implications for a whole range of economic, social and climatic issues, especially global warming. There is an urgent need to take stock of these issues for both planning and managing the environment.  相似文献   

Recycling materials have always some degree of contamination. The presence of contaminations in the recycling streams causes a shift in the original composition of the materials to recycle. As a consequence, their quality may decrease with each recycling step. Additionally, lower quality resources are produced from resource streams that had initially a higher quality. These quality losses cannot be measured by mass balances, as the quality degradation cannot be translated by mass measures alone. To account all losses caused by recycling contaminations, all downstream recycling processes required to bring the materials back to the resource cycles must be included. This article describes a method to calculate the exergy content and exergy losses of metal solutions during recovery and recycling. The losses attributed to recycling, namely the material losses, the contamination losses with other metals, and the consequent need for dilution can be used as indicators of the quality loss of materials and of the efficiency of resource use in product systems. Therefore, exergy is proposed here as a measure of the efficiency of resources use.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of municipal promotion and education (P&E) investments on the recycling rates of recyclables found in Ontario's residential waste stream. Using panel data collected from 223 Ontario municipalities between 2003 and 2012, this study examines whether investments in recycling P&E lead to an increase in household recycling. Investments in recycling promotion and education have been characterized as a policy best practice and is promoted as one of the primary drivers of resource conservation and sustainability in Ontario. Focus is placed on analyzing: (a) the relationship between P&E expenditures and recycling rates in the province, (b) the relationship between municipal recycling rates and P&E investments at different funding levels and (c) the impact of locality on promotion and education efficacy. The results of the statistical regressions indicate that investments in recycling P&E do not increase municipal recycling rates, necessitating a re-evaluation of existing policy and management practices.  相似文献   

Recycling is still in its relative infancy in many Western societies, although recycling programmes have grown considerably in recent years and different programmes have evolved. This paper applies straightforward analytical techniques to demonstrate ways to achieve an optimal recycling programme – a policy that would result in a longer-term cost-efficient programme which would be beneficial in overall resource and environmental management .  相似文献   

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