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There is general agreement in literature that Alpine vegetation belt ecotones have shown a trend of upward migration in the last few decades. Despite the potential of such shifts as indicators of global change effects in mountain ecosystems, there are relatively few works focused on their assessment in a systematic and spatially explicit way. In this work our aim is to quantify the altitudinal shifts and analyse the spatial pattern dynamics of mountain ecotones. We developed a novel procedure to delineate the current and former state of three characteristic mountain ecotones, which we formalised as forest, tree and tundra lines. Our approach is based on the recognition of altitudinal extreme outposts identified with ecotone locations at a slope scale. The integration of multi-temporal datasets allows the identification and quantification of altitudinal advances and retreats in the outpost locations for a given period. We tested the method in a section of the Italian Alps for the period 1957-2003. Results show a general trend of an increase in altitude for the three ecotones, despite the occurrence of occasional decreases. We estimate decadal altitude increments of 25 m for forest line, 13 m for treeline and 11 m for tundra line. We also identified changes in ecotone spatial morphology between the two dates, with significant implications in connectivity and colonisation dynamics.  相似文献   

Developing tools to predict the location of new biological invasions is essential if exotic species are to be controlled before they become widespread. Currently, alpine areas in Australia are largely free of exotic plant species but face increasing pressure from invasive species due to global warming and intensified human use. To predict the potential spread of highly invasive orange hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum) from existing founder populations on the Bogong High Plains in southern Australia, we developed an expert-based, spatially explicit, dispersal-constrained, habitat suitability model. The model combines a habitat suitability index, developed from disturbance, site wetness, and vegetation community parameters, with a phenomenological dispersal kernel that uses wind direction and observed dispersal distances. After generating risk maps that defined the relative suitability of H. aurantiacum establishment across the study area, we intensively searched several locations to evaluate the model. The highest relative suitability for H. aurantiacum establishment was southeast from the initial infestations. Native tussock grasslands and disturbed areas had high suitability for H. aurantiacum establishment. Extensive field searches failed to detect new populations. Time-step evaluation using the location of populations known in 1998-2000, accurately assigned high relative suitability for locations where H. aurantiacum had established post-2003 (AUC [area under curve] = 0.855 +/- 0.035). This suggests our model has good predictive power and will improve the ability to detect populations and prioritize areas for ongoing monitoring.  相似文献   

青藏高原高寒草地植物光合与土壤呼吸研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
青藏高原是全球变化研究的热点地区之一,而高寒草地碳过程研究一直都是全球变化研究中的重要课题.简要综述了近年来青藏高原高寒草地的重要碳过程-植物光合与土壤呼吸的研究进展和不足,并展望未来的研究热点.主要包括高寒草地植物叶片光合生理特征及其对强太阳辐射、低CO2分压、低温等高寒生境特征的适应,植物群落光合生理特征,植物生产力与植被碳库状况;高寒草地土壤呼吸日变化与季节变化特征及其影响因子分析,土壤有机碳(SOC)储量及其周转研究等.目前高寒草地的植物光合生理研究多基于叶片水平,群落和生态系统水平研究较少;已有的土壤呼吸研究多为对总土壤呼吸的研究,而将总呼吸区分为根呼吸、根际微生物呼吸、植物凋落物的微生物呼吸、有根区的土壤有机质分解以及无根区的土壤有机质分解等仍然是目前的研究难点.并且目前高寒草地植物光合与土壤呼吸研究缺乏学科交叉,多为相互独立、单一的植物生理学、生态学或土壤学研究.因此有关植物光合与土壤呼吸的整合性研究将是未来该区域碳循环研究的一个新方向.有关这一独特地域单元碳过程整合研究的大量开展,必将进一步提高人们对青藏高原区域碳循环机理的认知水平.  相似文献   

赵景学  陈晓鹏  曲广鹏  尚占环 《生态环境》2010,19(12):2795-2799
采用样带法研究了冬季放牧、冬春季放牧和全年放牧3种放牧管理模式对西藏高寒沼泽草甸高度、盖度、地上生物量及群落结构的影响.研究表明,3种放牧管理模式下的高寒沼泽草甸植被群落物种数差异不显著(p〉0.05),高度、盖度和地上生物量差异显著(p〈0.05)。冬季放牧、冬春季放牧和全年放牧沼泽草甸地上生物量依次降低。放牧管理对沼泽草甸群落多样性影响较大,不同放牧管理模式下的沼泽草甸Shannon-Wiener指数差异显著(p〈0.05),冬春放牧沼泽草甸Shannon-Wiener指数较冬季放牧和全年放牧沼泽草甸低。冬季放牧和全年放牧沼泽草甸Margalef指数和Pielou指数差异不显著,显著(p〈0.05)高于冬春季放牧沼泽草甸。  相似文献   

Structural patterns of tall stands (“tussock”) and short stands (“lawn”) are observed in grazed vegetation throughout the world. Such structural vegetation diversity influences plant and animal diversity. A possible mechanism for the creation and preservation of such patterns is a positive feedback between grazing and plant palatability. Although some theoretical studies have addressed this point in a non-spatial setting, the spatial consequences of this feedback mechanism on the stability and spatial characteristics of vegetation structure patterns have not been studied.We addressed this issue by analyzing a spatially explicit individual-based plant-grazer simulation model, based on published empirical relations and the assumption of optimal foraging.In the model, the selection by the grazer of short stands (that have a higher energy content and are more palatable) is affected by traveling costs and the spatial organization of swards. Nevertheless, the most selected biomass in this type of short stands was the optimal biomass predicted by cropping and digestion constraints. As a result of the optimal foraging strategy, the grazers displayed Lévy-flight traveling behavior during the simulations with characteristic exponent μ ≈ 2.Patterns of short and tall stands created by grazing were preserved for at least a decade. Even in seasonal habitat, the spatial organization of the patterns remained relatively constant, despite fluctuations in the area of short stands. Heterogeneity of initial vegetation increased heterogeneity of the grazing-induced pattern, but did not affect its stability.The area of short stands that was preserved by grazing scaled with the herbivore mass to the power 0.4 and with the carrying capacity of the vegetation to the power −0.75.Patterns of tall and short stands can be created and perpetuated by optimally grazing ruminants, irrespective of possible underlying soil patterns. The simulations generate predictions for the stability and spatial characteristics of such structural vegetation patterns.  相似文献   

Rarefaction estimates how many species are expected in a random sample of individuals from a larger collection and allows meaningful comparisons among collections of different sizes. It assumes random spatial dispersion. However, two common dispersion patterns, within-species clumping and segregation among species, can cause rarefaction to overestimate the species richness of a smaller continuous area. We use field studies and computer simulations to determine (1) how robust rarefaction is to nonrandom spatial dispersion and (2) whether simple measures of spatial autocorrelation can predict the bias in rarefaction estimates. Rarefaction does not estimate species richness accurately for many communities, especially at small sample sizes. Measures of spatial autocorrelation of the more abundant species do not reliably predict amount of bias. Survey sites should be standardized to equal-sized areas before sampling. When sites are of equal area but differ in number of individuals sampled, rarefaction can standardize collections. When communities are sampled from different-sized areas, the mean and confidence intervals of species accumulation curves allow more meaningful comparisons among sites. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Daniel SimberloffEmail:

Interaction between flow, transport and vegetation spatial structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper summarizes recent advances in vegetation hydrodynamics and uses the new concepts to explore not only how vegetation impacts flow and transport, but also how flow feedbacks can influence vegetation spatial structure. Sparse and dense submerged canopies are defined based on the relative contribution of turbulent stress and canopy drag to the momentum balance. In sparse canopies turbulent stress remains elevated within the canopy and suspended sediment concentration is comparable to that in unvegetated regions. In dense canopies turbulent stress is reduced by canopy drag and suspended sediment concentration is also reduced. Further, for dense canopies, the length-scale of turbulence penetration into the canopy, δ e , is shown to predict both the roughness height and the displacement height of the overflow profile. In a second case study, the relation between flow speed and spatial structure of a seagrass meadow gives insight into the stability of different spatial structures, defined by the area fraction covered by vegetation. In the last case study, a momentum balance suggests that in natural channels the total resistance is set predominantly by the area fraction occupied by vegetation, called the blockage factor, with little direct dependence on the specific canopy morphology.  相似文献   

高寒草甸不同植被类型土壤全氮含量变化动态分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用凯氏定氮法对高寒草甸不同植被类型土壤全氮进行季节动态测定分析,结果表明:在整个生长季中0~20 cm层土壤全氮质量分数的顺序为:藏嵩草沼泽化草甸(Kobresia-swamp meadow)>露梅灌丛草甸(Dasiphoru fruticosa shrubs)>人工燕麦草地(Avena sativa artficial grassland)>矮嵩草草甸(Kobresia humilis meadow)>矮嵩草退化草地(Kobresia humilis-degraded grassland).原生植被草甸类型下单位面积土壤全氮含量远高于退化草地.藏嵩草沼泽化草甸土壤每平方米的全氮含量最高,达到0.712 kg,金露梅草甸次之,两者之间差异性不显著(p>0.05);其他三种草地类型单位面积土壤全氮含量差异性显著(p<0.05);原生草甸矮嵩草草甸每平方米全氮平均含量为0.406 kg,而退化的矮嵩草草地每平方米全氮平均含量为0.301 kg,可以推算,土地退化导致土壤全氮流失的量为0.105kg,即高寒草地退化导致25.86%氮流失.随着季节的变化,土壤全氮质量分数随生长季均有所增加,最高值都出现在8月份,但各月份之间土壤全氮质量分数变化差异性不显著(p>0.05).原生植被0~10 cm层土壤全氮含量高于10~2O cm层,人工草地与退化草地差异性不显著.  相似文献   

青藏高原湿地景观空间格局的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在RS和GIS技术的支持下,以1990年左右的TM、2000年左右的ETM和2006年为主的CBERS遥感影像为主要数据源,利用人机交互目视解译方法获取青藏高原景观数据,运用景观生态学原理,选取景观异质性指数,对青藏高原湿地景观格局及其动态变化进行定量分析.结果表明,(1)青藏高原现有湿地面积131894.18 km2.(2)近16年来湿地总面积先大幅度减少后显著增加,柴达木盆地内的湿地减少量最为明显,长江流域次之;羌塘高原的湿地增加最为显著,塔里木盆地、雅鲁藏布江流域次之.(3)景观格局整体波动较大,多样性指数和均匀度指数降低,优势度指数增加,破碎度指数先增加后减少.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse an ordination method in which spatial contiguity information is included. The original method, proposed by Ver Hoef and Glenn-Lewin (1989), is extended, using graphs to describe spatial contiguity for several sampling schemes where locations are given. Extensions for two dimensional grids and for the case of discrete measures of abundance are analysed. Applications to simulated transect frequency data and real data collected on a regular grid are reported.  相似文献   

We develop a spectral framework for testing the hypothesis of complete spatial randomness (CSR) for a spatial point pattern. Five formal tests based on the periodogram (sample spectrum) proposed in Mugglestone (1990) are considered. A simulation study is used to evaluate and compare the power of the tests against clustered, regular and inhomogeneous alternatives to CSR. A subset of the tests is shown to be uniformly more powerful than the others against the alternatives considered. The spectral tests are also compared with three widely used space-domain tests that are based on the mean nearest-neighbor distance, the reduced second-order moment function (K-function), and a bivariate Cramér-von Mises statistic. The test based on the scaled cumulative R-spectrum is more powerful than the space-domain tests for detecting clustered alternatives to CSR, especially when the number of events is small.  相似文献   

动态监测植被覆盖的时空演变,深入研究植被与气候变化和人类活动之间的响应关系,揭示区域环境状况的演变和变迁有着重要的现实意义。山东省植被覆盖率高,为了更好地了解自然因素和土地利用变化对山东地区植被的影响,研究利用MODIS-EVI、气象及城市化数据,通过分析2000—2008年7月月均EVI植被指数与月均温、降水及城市建成区面积之间的关系。得出如下结论:山东省的植被指数在其西部地区和南部地区值比较高;7月EVI指数与月平均气温存在相关系数r=-0.43的负相关关系,EVI指数与月降水间存在相关系数r=0.38的弱正相关关系,与城市建成区面积相关系数为0.30,表明山东地区植被指数的变化与气温的关联度要大于其与降水的关联度。此外,研究考虑了离海远近,将山东地区划为东部和西部地区。从地理位置来看,东部区域EVI值与降水之间的相关度普遍低于西部地区,而东部地区植被指数与气温的相关度要高于西部地区,东部地区在城市化进程加快的同时应更注意环境的保护与人工植被的种植。  相似文献   

Many ant species adjust the volume of their underground nest to the colony size. We studied whether the regulation of the volume of excavated sand could result from an interplay between recruitment processes and ant density. Experiments were performed with different group sizes of workers in the ant Messor sancta. When presented with a thin homogeneous sand disk, these groups excavated networks of galleries in less than 3 days. The excavation dynamics were logistic shaped, which suggests the existence of a double feedback system: a positive one resulting in an initial exponential growth phase, and a negative one leading the dynamics to a saturation phase. The total volume of excavated sand was almost proportional to the number of workers. We then developed a model in which we incorporated the quantitative behavioral rules of the workers digging activity. A positive feedback was introduced in the form of a recruitment process mediated by pheromones. The model predicts that the excavation dynamics should be logistic shaped and the excavation should almost stop despite the absence of any explicit negative feedback. Moreover, the model was able to reproduce the positive linear relationship between nest volume and colony size.Communicated by K. Ross  相似文献   

In many arid zones around the word, the vegetation spontaneously forms regular patterns to optimize the use of the scarce water resources. The patterns act as early warning signal that fragile ecosystems may suddenly undergo irreversible shifts, thus, interpreting the structural shape of vegetation patterns is crucial to deciphering the ecosystem history and its expected further development. The sudden and irreversible shift of delicate ecosystems as a consequence of minor variation of the climatic forcing has been studied extensively in the past. The attitude of the ecosystem to recover after a catastrophic event, such as fire, did not receive as much attention so far. Here we modelled fire, as a sudden shift of the ecosystem state variables and functionality and evaluated post-fire scenarios under the hypothesis that two major feedbacks shaped the vegetation patterns: a positive feedback between preferential infiltration and plant growth, and a second feedback between infiltration and vegetation burning. A simple model solving a set of partial differential equations for soil moisture, plant biomass, surface water and dead biomass balance predicted significantly diverse post-fire vegetation patterns depending on the fire severity and on the degree of soil water repellency induced by the vegetation burning.  相似文献   

Kinetics and local spatial patterns of bioluminescence in the mesopelagic copepodGaussia princeps (T. Scott), collected by net off the coast of southern California, USA, were investigated from 1986 to 1989. Luminescence elicited by single electrical stimuli began as a localized secretion from any of 16 widely distributed sites on the body. Appendage or body movements swept the particulate luminescent exudate away from the cuticle. Three types of single flashes were identified in response to single electrical stimuli, including a fast flash of ca. 2 s duration, a long flash of 7 s duration, and a 17 s slow flash. In addition, in 20% of the tests a fourth, two-component flash consisting of a fast or long component followed by a slow component was elicited. Frequency of the four flash types was dependent on the recovery time after collection. Shorter, less intense fast and long flashes occurred early in the recovery period, and longer, brighter slow and compound flashes became more common as recovery progressed. The laboratory handling protocol strongly affected total stimulable light (TSL). Strong handling resulted in a reduced TSL, which recovered to the original level upon termination of the stimulation. TSL and flash kinetics in the laboratory were highly dependent on the chronic laboratory stimulation protocol and represent an equilibrium between recovery of luminous reserves and re-stimulation. Flash kinetics and TSL were also affected by the frequency of stimulation. Higher stimulation rates resulted in greater temporal summation of the flashes, a decreased response duration, and a lower TSL. Stimulus frequency and duration therefore determine the nature of the bioluminescent response. Flash kinetics and TSL made with either in situ bathyphotometric measurements of laboratory measurements strongly depend on the extent of prestimulation, depletion of bioluminescent reserves, and the level of stimulation inherent with the particular device.  相似文献   

Increases in the deposition of anthropogenic nitrogen (N) have been linked to several terrestrial ecological changes, including soil biogeochemistry, plant stress susceptibility, and community diversity. Recognizing the need to identify sensitive indicators of biotic response to N deposition, we empirically estimated the N critical load for changes in alpine plant community composition and compared this with the estimated critical load for soil indicators of ecological change. We also measured the degree to which alpine vegetation may serve as a sink for anthropogenic N and how much plant sequestration is related to changes in species composition. We addressed these research goals by adding 20, 40, or 60 kg N x ha(-1) x yr(-1), along with an ambient control (6 kg N x ha(-1) x yr(-1) total deposition), to a species-rich alpine dry meadow for an eight-year period. Change in plant species composition associated with the treatments occurred within three years of the initiation of the experiment and were significant at all levels of N addition. Using individual species abundance changes and ordination scores, we estimated the N critical loads (total deposition) for (1) change in individual species to be 4 kg N x ha(-1) yr(-1) and (2) for overall community change to be 10 kg N x ha(-1) x yr(-1). In contrast, increases in NO3- leaching, soil solution inorganic NO3-, and net N nitrification occurred at levels above 20 kg N x ha(-1) x yr(-1). Increases in total aboveground biomass were modest and transient, occurring in only one of the three years measured. Vegetative uptake of N increased significantly, primarily as a result of increasing tissue N concentrations and biomass increases in subdominant species. Aboveground vegetative uptake of N accounted for <40% of the N added. The results of this experiment indicate that changes in vegetation composition will precede detectable changes in more traditionally used soil indicators of ecosystem responses to N deposition and that changes in species composition are probably ongoing in alpine dry meadows of the Front Range of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Feedbacks to soil N cycling associated with changes in litter quality and species composition may result in only short-term increases in vegetation N pools.  相似文献   

Boone RB  Thirgood SJ  Hopcraft JG 《Ecology》2006,87(8):1987-1994
We used evolutionary programming to model innate migratory pathways of wildebeest in the Serengeti Mara Ecosystem, Tanzania and Kenya. Wildebeest annually move from the southern short-grass plains of the Serengeti to the northern woodlands of the Mara. We used satellite images to create 12 average monthly and 180 10-day surfaces from 1998 to 2003 of percentage rainfall and new vegetation. The surfaces were combined in five additive and three multiplicative models, with the weightings on rainfall and new vegetation from 0% to 100%. Modeled wildebeest were first assigned random migration pathways. In simulated generations, animals best able to access rainfall and vegetation were retained, and they produced offspring with similar migratory pathways. Modeling proceeded until the best pathway was stable. In a learning phase, modeling continued with the ten-day images in the objective function. The additive model, influenced 25% by rainfall and 75% by vegetation growth, yielded the best agreement, with a multi-resolution comparison to observed densities yielding 76.8% of blocks in agreement (kappa = 0.32). Agreement was best for dry season and early wet season (kappa = 0.22-0.57), and poorest for the late wet season (0.04). The model suggests that new forage growth is a dominant correlate of wildebeest migration.  相似文献   

Prognostic vegetation models have been widely used to study the interactions between environmental change and biological systems. This study examines the sensitivity of vegetation model simulations to: (i) the selection of input climatologies representing different time periods and their associated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, (ii) the choice of observed vegetation data for evaluating the model results, and (iii) the methods used to compare simulated and observed vegetation. We use vegetation simulated for Asia by the equilibrium vegetation model BIOME4 as a typical example of vegetation model output. BIOME4 was run using 19 different climatologies and their associated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The Kappa statistic, Fuzzy Kappa statistic and a newly developed map-comparison method, the Nomad index, were used to quantify the agreement between the biomes simulated under each scenario and the observed vegetation from three different global land- and tree-cover data sets: the global Potential Natural Vegetation data set (PNV), the Global Land Cover Characteristics data set (GLCC), and the Global Land Cover Facility data set (GLCF). The results indicate that the 30-year mean climatology (and its associated atmospheric CO2 concentration) for the time period immediately preceding the collection date of the observed vegetation data produce the most accurate vegetation simulations when compared with all three observed vegetation data sets. The study also indicates that the BIOME4-simulated vegetation for Asia more closely matches the PNV data than the other two observed vegetation data sets. Given the same observed data, the accuracy assessments of the BIOME4 simulations made using the Kappa, Fuzzy Kappa and Nomad index map-comparison methods agree well when the compared vegetation types consist of a large number of spatially continuous grid cells. The results of this analysis can assist model users in designing experimental protocols for simulating vegetation.  相似文献   

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