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The potential of fly ash to dechlorinate and destroy PCDD, PCDF and PCB was tested under oxygen deficient conditions in the laboratory. Specifically, two types of fly ash were compared, originating either from a fluidized bed incinerator using Ca(OH)2 spray (FA1), or a stoker incinerator without Ca(OH)2 impact (FA2).

Results from the present study indicate that on FA2 type fly ash, the degradation processes of OCDD, OCDF and D10CB occurred primarily via dechlorination/hydrogenation up to temperature settings of 340 °C. In contrast, FA1 type fly ash was found to effect both dechlorination and destruction of these compounds already at temperature settings of 260 °C.

The dechlorination velocity of PCDD and PCDF did not differ significantly. However, the first dechlorination step of OCDF in the 1,9-position occurred faster compared to the first dechlorination step of OCDD.

The isomer pattern resulting from the dechlorination processes was quite similar on both FA1 and FA2, indicating that differences in alkalinity or elemental composition of the two types of fly ashes do not have a significant influence on the position of dechlorination. PCDD and PCDF dechlorination of the 2,3,7,8-positions was not favoured over dechlorination of the 1,4,6,9-positions on either type of fly ash. In contrast, dechlorination of PCB occurred predominantly on the toxicological relevant 3- and 4-positions.

The dechlorination/destruction processes were completed on both types of fly ash at 380 °C within one hour, which correlates well with results obtained from actual plant operation practices.  相似文献   

Formation characteristics of PCDD and PCDF during pyrolysis processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, pyrolysis processes have become technologies developed to industrial scale and discussed as alternatives to the existing waste combustion technology. However, little information is published regarding PCDD/F formation characteristics during pyrolysis processes. Two common shredder fractions – industrial light shredder (ILS) and refrigerators (REF) – both with high chlorine and copper content were pyrolysed for this pyrolysis study using a pilot plant with a capacity of 100 kg/h. At oxygen concentrations below 2% and temperatures between 430°C and 470°C, considerable amounts of PCDD/F were formed during the pyrolysis. More than 90% of total TEQ was found in the oil fraction (gas phase). The PCDD/PCDF ratio and the homologue pattern differed significantly from those formed during waste incineration. Considering mono- to octachlorinated congeners, up to 400 times more PCDF were formed compared to PCDD. For the investigated pyrolysis conditions, the formation of low chlorinated congeners was highly favoured. The distribution of TEQ within the individual congeners were very similar in all investigated runs. More than 80% of total TEQ stem from 2,3,7,8-substituted T4CDF and P5CDF. The isomer pattern, however, did not show significant differences compared to the common waste incineration pattern suggesting that the basic formation routes are similar.  相似文献   

When in the vicinity of a metal reclamation plant in Tyrol, Austria, increased PCDD/PCDF levels were found in soil and spruce needles, the extent of grass contamination as well as the PCDD/PCDF content in milk of cows fed with hay from this area was determined. The milk samples showed a significant increase in PCDD/PCDF levels compared to control samples. In a blood sample of a farmer a significant increase in PCDD/PCDF levels was found. Correlations in PCDD/PCDF levels between soil, spruce needles, grass, cow's milk and human blood will be presented.  相似文献   

Formation and destruction of PCDD/F inside a grate furnace   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hunsinger H  Jay K  Vehlow J 《Chemosphere》2002,46(9-10):1263-1272
Formation and destruction of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans PCDD/F during the combustion process was investigated experimentally in a pilot plant. All important process steps like the burnout of the fuel bed on the grate, the burnout of the flue gas inside the combustion chamber, the heat recovery in a boiler as well as influences of the fuel composition are described in detail.

High concentrations especially of PCDF are formed during the burnout of the fuel bed. The formation reaction is mainly influenced by the fuel composition and the burnout characteristic of the fuel bed. Fuels with low chlorine and low metal content (Cu) result only in negligible concentrations of PCDD/F.

Under stable combustion conditions characterized by an excellent flue gas burnout PCDD/F will almost be completely destroyed already inside the combustion chamber. “Cold strands” of unburned flue gas (high CO concentrations) caused by disturbed combustion conditions will result in high concentrations of PCDD and especially of PCDF in the raw gas.

A second place of PCDD/F formation is the well-known boiler section. Here fly ash deposits containing residual carbon (mainly soot particles) are the source for the formation reaction. Under stationary effective combustion conditions, they are dominant for PCDD/F concentrations in the raw gas over a very long period of time.

Stationary efficient flue gas burnout (especially soot) together with effective boiler cleaning will guaranty low concentrations of PCDD/F in the flue gas in front of the flue gas cleaning system.  相似文献   

Open burning of crop residues has been identified as an important emission source of PCDD/PCDF to the environment. This paper presents the first known data on the emission of PCDD/PCDF to the land considering the influence of pesticides applied in crops planting. Emission factor for PCDD/PCDF to the land from open burning of corn straw with pesticides contamination ranged from 0.07 to 0.57 ng WHO2005-TEQ/kg straw burned with a mean value of 0.24 ng WHO2005-TEQ/kg straw burned and median value of 0.20 ng WHO2005-TEQ/kg straw burned, respectively. The concentration was 35 to 270 times higher than that without additional pesticide contaminated. Initial observation was that emission factor for PCDD/PCDF from open burning of crop residues was overestimated in the former UNEP Dioxin Toolkit. Pesticides contamination should be considered in some hotpots where special and over dosed pesticides has been sprayed especially in developing countries.  相似文献   

Dechlorination of commercial mixtures of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) as well as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofurans (PCDF) on extracted and non-extracted fly ash obtained from municipal waste incinerator (MWI) was studied in closed systems under nitrogen atmosphere at temperatures of 260°C and 340°C. Decomposition results (given as the difference between PCB or PCDD/F molar amounts before and after the experiment (in %) due predominantly to dechlorination reactions) and detoxification data (expressed similarly but related to toxic PCB and PCDD/F congeners only and given in I-TEQ units) are reported. Detoxification of Delor 105/80T at 260°C and 340°C at a loading of 0.65 wt% was 99.48% and 100%, respectively. The decomposition of Delor 103 at 340°C and for the loading of 0.75 wt% corresponded to 99.99%. The detoxification capability of PCDD/Fs on extracted and non-extracted fly ash for loading of 130 and 264 ng/0.4 g of fly ash at 340°C made 96 and 98%, respectively.  相似文献   

At a MSWI (municipal solid waste incinerator) plant PCDD/PCDF samples (gasphase and particulates) were taken simultaneously be a shock-freezing method in the incinerator combustion chamber at approx. 800°C and in four sampling sections in the boiler at about 490°C, 370°C, 330°C and 270°C. In this way PCDD/PCDF-formation in the flow through the boiler was determined. Two data sets were evaluated. A considerable PCDD/PCDF-formation had occurred already at boiler temperatures of about 490°C; the highest concentration, however, was found at the end of the boiler at about 300°C. The accompanying measuring program of plant parameters made the calculation of the PCDD/PCDF mass flows possible, which allowed the inclusion of the PCDD/PCDF-content in the ESP dust in the mass flow calculations.  相似文献   

Experimental data on PCDD and PCDF emissions in raw gases from municipal solid waste combustion in a pilot plant were processed by Response Surface models to gain information on process parameter values which minimize both the total PCDD/PCDF concentrations and those of a selected congener group.  相似文献   

Open burning for waste disposal is, in many countries, the dominant source of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins, dibenzofurans and biphenyls (PCDD/PCDF/PCB) release to the environment. To generate emission factors for open burning, experimental pile burns of about 100 kg of household waste were conducted with emissions sampling. From these experiments and others conducted by the same authors it is found that less compaction of waste or active mixing during the fire - “stirring” - promotes better combustion (as evidenced by lower CO/CO2 ratio) and reduces emissions of PCDD/PCDF/PCB; an intuitive but previously undemonstrated result. These experiments also support previous results suggesting PCDD/PCDF/PCB generation in open burning - while still highly variable - tends to be greater in the later (smoldering) phases of burning when the CO/CO2 ratio increases.  相似文献   

One goal of the Swedish survey project is to discover possible sources of PCDD/F. Bottom sediment and pike were sampled at various sites near different types of industries along the coast line of two lakes and one river. The results show background levels of PCDD/F in some lakes which can only be explained by atmospheric input. In some lakes paper mill emissions of chlorinated PCDD/F give high levels of local contamination (≈1 ng/g IG) within short distances (<1 km) from the source. PCDD/F from paper mill effluents are transported long distances and traces can be detected over the entire lake area. The PCDD/F levels in pike are correlated with levels in the underlying sediment.  相似文献   

Voncina E  Solmajer T 《Chemosphere》2002,46(9-10):1279-1286
The influence of aluminium cation as a strong electrophilic centre on the thermolysis of chlorophenols chemisorbed on Al(OH)3 surface was investigated. If thermolysis is carried out at 300 °C the spontaneous rupture of the bond between aluminium and oxygen of phenol takes place in the temperature range of 260–280 °C. The thermolysis of chlorophenoxy aluminium compounds occurs through homolytic and heterolytic bond cleavage. In the case of heterolytic cleavage the leaving chlorophenoxy anion causes a simultaneous formation of the aluminium cation, which is the driving force for the rearrangement of the unstable intermediate. By homolytic cleavage of the Al–O bond the chlorophenoxy radical is formed. The isolation of reaction products of the thermolysis of the system Al(OH)3/2,4,6-trichlorophenol gave five isomers of dimeric compounds of resonance stabilised 2,4,6-trichlorophenoxy radical. The compounds are stable in nonaqueous, aprotic solution, but they are very sensitive to acid catalysis. They quickly transform into aromatic hydroxydiphenyl ethers. The process of dechlorination and aromatisation of cyclohexadienone dimers gives PCDD/PCDF.  相似文献   

Weber R 《Chemosphere》2007,67(9):S109-S117
One important criterion for assessment of a POPs destruction technology is the potential formation of new POPs and other toxic by-products, in particular whether the highly toxic PCDDs/PCDFs are formed and under which operation conditions their formation is relevant. For incineration processes the formation mechanisms of PCDDs/PCDFs have been investigated thoroughly and strategies and technologies were developed to minimize their formation and emission. A detailed assessment of non-combustion technologies with respect to PCDD/PCDF formation is, however, lacking to date. A comparison of reaction conditions for PCDD/PCDF formation from precursor formation studies and actual applied conditions of a broad range of POPs destruction technologies in the present paper indicates that the operation conditions for a number of destruction technologies have the potential to generate high concentrations of PCDDs/PCDFs if dioxin precursors are present and that also PCDD/PCDF de novo formation can take place. Therefore a strategy and regulations for a more profound assessment and monitoring of the fate of PCDD/PCDF formation and emission is essential for the evaluation of POP destruction technologies and for a sound risk management of POPs. The present paper aims to provide a critical impulse in this respect, discusses the relevant formation pathways with respect to POPs destruction technologies and proposes a basic framework on how evaluations may be performed.  相似文献   

The effect of synthetic and mineral oils on the formation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and biphenyls (PCBs) in emissions from a spark ignition engine was studied on a Skoda Favorit engine fueled with leaded gasoline. The test cycle simulated urban traffic conditions on a chassis dynamometer, in accordance with the ECC 83.00 test. The data for selected PAHs as well as PCDDs, PCDFs, and PCBs congener profiles are presented. PCDD/Fs emissions for an unused oil and the oil after 10000-km operation varied from 300 to 2000 fmol/m3, PCBs emissions from 75 to 178 pmol/m3, and PAHs emissions from 150 to 420 microg/m3. The content of PCBs in oils varied from 2 to 920 mg/kg.  相似文献   


Wheat is more sensitivity to CdO and ZnO compared with rice plant. The yield of wheat decreased by 30% in the presence of 30 ppm Cd, but that of rice plants by only 8%. The critical levels of meal uptake by wheat and rice plants for applying metal oxides to soil (CdO, ZnO, PbO) were determined. The highest concentration obtained for wheat grain was 141 μg/g Cd at the Cd 10,000 ppm in soil. This value is higher the value of 4.97 μg/g for unpolished rice and higher than any other we have seen in the reports for treatment with CdO. Also, as concentration of more than 1.0 μg/g Cd in wheat was obsertced at 5 ppm Cd, while similar concentrations for rice plants were observed at 30 ppm Cd in soil.  相似文献   

对粉煤灰和电石渣为催化剂的聚丙烯裂解进行模型研究.通过模型计算了裂解反应的表观活化能、频率因子、反应级数等.模型计算表明随着反应温度的升高反应速率增加,达到相同转化率所需反应时间减少.当剂塑比从0增加到30%时,聚丙烯裂解的活化能呈现降低的趋势,特别当剂塑比为30%时,其活化能降低约50%.说明粉煤灰和电石渣对聚丙烯裂解具有一定的催化效果.  相似文献   

The objectives of this work were to study the formation mechanisms of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) in thermal aluminium recycling processes by use of laboratory experiments. The pattern of isomers of PCDD/F indicates that de novo synthesis is important in aluminium smeltery. The mechanisms of PCDD/F formation in aluminium smelting are similar to that of various incineration processes of waste material. The results of bioanalysis (EROD-test) confirms the existence of de novo synthesis of PCDD/F, but points out to the existence to some additional, toxic compounds of unknown structure. To reduce the amount of PCDD/F the input of carbon at the metal should be reduced; in addition the metal smeltery plants should be cleaned from fly ash particles. It is suggested to use good primary methods in the technical plants like constant feeding of the metal into the oven will minimise PCDD/F concentration. The biological EROD-bioassay is a good tool to estimate PCDD/F-TEQ values also for this technical process simulated in the laboratory.  相似文献   

壳聚糖联合碱改性粉煤灰对重金属离子的吸附特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨文澜 《环境工程学报》2009,3(12):2281-2284
采用浸渍法将壳聚糖负载在经NaOH改性的粉煤灰上,制备了联合改性的粉煤灰。随粉煤灰上壳聚糖负载量的增加,粉煤灰对Pb2+和Cd2+的吸附率均提高。当负载壳聚糖的质量分数为8%,吸附温度为30℃,吸附时间为120 min时,粉煤灰对Pb2+的吸附率最高(为98.9%),对Cd2+的吸附率也最高(为91.5%)。其吸附行为符合Freundlich等温吸附模型,但表现为2个线性区。粉煤灰负载壳聚糖的改性机理是粉煤灰与带正电荷的壳聚糖的化学键合作用。  相似文献   

由于还原剂甲烷价廉易得,甲烷选择性催化还原NOx(简称CH4-SCR)被认为是最有潜力替代NH3-SCR的催化还原技术。现有的CH4-SCR催化剂中,分子筛类催化剂因催化活性高而被广泛研究,但由于其水热稳定性不好,使得非分子筛负载的催化剂成为近年来的研究热点,其中主要包括固体超强酸和氧化物两大类。综述了这两类催化体系在催化活性、反应机理及掺杂改性等方面的研究现状,比较了各种催化剂的优缺点,并对CH4-SCR的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Guéguen F  Stille P  Millet M 《Chemosphere》2011,85(2):195-202
Tree barks were used as biomonitors to evaluate past atmospheric pollution within and around the industrial zones of Strasbourg (France) and Kehl (Germany) in the Rhine Valley. The here estimated residence time for trace metals, PCBs and PCDD/Fs in tree bark is >10 years. Thus, all pollution observed by tree bark biomonitoring can be older than 10 years. The PCB baseline concentration (sum of seven PCB indicators (Σ7PCBind)) determined on tree barks from a remote area in the Vosges mountains is 4 ng g−1 and corresponds to 0.36 × 10−3 ng toxic equivalent (TEQ) g−1 for the dioxin-like PCBs (DL-PCBs). The northern Rhine harbor suffered especially from steel plant, waste incinerator and thermal power plant emissions. The polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran (PCDD/Fs) concentrations analyzed in tree barks from this industrial area range between 392 and 1420 ng kg−1 dry-weight (dw) corresponding to 3.9 ng TEQPCDD/Fs kg−1 to 17.8 ng TEQPCDD/Fs kg−1, respectively. Highest PCDD/F values of 7.2 ng TEQ kg−1 to 17.8 ng TEQ kg−1 have been observed close to and at a distance of <2 km southwest of the chemical waste incinerator. However, very close to this incinerator lowest TEQ dioxin-like PCB (TEQDL-PCB) values of 0.006 ng TEQ g−1 have been found. On the other hand close to and southwest and northeast of the steel plant the values are comparatively higher and range between 0.011 ng TEQ g−1 and 0.026 ng TEQ g−1. However, even stronger Σ7PCBind enrichments have been observed at a few places in the city center of Kehl, where ΣDL-PCB values of up to 0.11 ng TEQ g−1 have been detected. These enrichments, however, are the result of ancient pollutions since recent long-term measurements at the same sites indicate that the atmospheric PCB concentrations are close to baseline. Emissions from an old landfill of waste and/or great fires might have been the reasons of these PCB enrichments. Other urban environments of the cities of Kehl and Strasbourg show significantly lower Σ7PCBind concentrations. They suffer especially from road and river traffic and have typically Σ7PCBind concentrations ranging from 11 ng g−1 to 29 ng g−1. The PCB concentration of 29 ng g−1 has been found in tree bark close to the railway station of Strasbourg. Nevertheless, the corresponding TEQDL-PCB are low and range between 0.2 × 10−3 ng TEQ g−1 and 7 × 10−3 ng TEQ g−1. Samples collected near road traffic are enriched in Fe, Sb, Sn and Pb. Cd enrichments were found close to almost all types of industries. Rural environments not far from industrial sites suffered from organic and inorganic pollution. In this case, TEQDL-PCB values may reach up to 58 × 10−3 ng TEQ g−1 and the corresponding V, Cr, Co, Ni, and Cd concentrations are comparatively high.  相似文献   

对粉煤灰的平衡湿含量在各影响因素下进行了试验研究 ,并且利用半经验公式对实验数据进行了回归 ,得到了较好的拟合效果 ;为相关的理论及试验研究提供了计算公式及实验数据  相似文献   

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