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本文以体育理论为基础,通过对“人体语言”的概念、特点及“人体语言”与内心情感之间的联系进行剖析,进而阐明“人体语言”在体育教学中的作用。帮助体育教师更深入的理解课堂教学中各种行为的内在含意。为体育教师更好的完成教学任务提供理论依据。  相似文献   

语言是人类用来表达情感和交流思想的工具。在体育教学过程中,教师若能讲究语言的科学性和艺术性,既能使学生产生良好的心理定势和情感变化,又能激发学生的学习兴趣。本文通过对体育教师在体育教学过程中进行不同的讲解方式进行分析,进而阐明在体育教学中如何运动理论讲解使教学达到最佳效果。  相似文献   

高考到底要考什么?这个问题每年都牵动着千万考生、教师和家长的心弦。搞好高三总复习教学,既有严肃的理论问题,又有严峻的现实问题。人们一提起高三化学教学,总认为只有搞应试教育不可。然而ZI世纪的竞争是人才素质的竞争。试想,如果我们培养的高中毕业生只是会些应试技巧,而并不是具备现代人才素质的群体,很难想象国家的前途会是一个什么样于?这不能不引起我们深刻的反思。那么,能不能在高三化学复习教学中搞素质教育?转轨的切人点又是什么?要回答这些问题,让我们先来分析近几年高考化学试题命题新特点。一、近年高考化学试…  相似文献   

环源教育,作为素质教育的重要方面,真教育对象是我国21世纪两个文明建设的生力军,这些接班人的意识和行动将决定着21世纪我国环境状况的好坏和我国可持续发展战略的进程。因此,有识之士呼吁:"环境教育要从娃娃抓起。"教师进修学校担负着小学教师的培训任务,也应当成...  相似文献   

素质教育的提出与实施,是我国教育改革发展的必然趋势,是提高全民素质,迎接21世纪挑战、参与国际竞争的迫切需要,是全面贯彻教育方针,建设中国特色社会主义教育体系的时代要求.  相似文献   

正高中思想政治课是一门德育课程,挖掘课程资源,开展生态文明教育既是素质教育的根本要求,也是培养学生核心素养的应有之义。当前,全球生态环境的严重恶化,使环境问题成为21世纪最具爆炸性、灾难性的问题[1]。面对全球环境危机,《全国环境宣传教育行动纲要》指出,要根据大、中、小学的不同特点,开展环境教育,使环境教育成为素质教育的一部分。高  相似文献   

通过对教学环境的系统分析(自然环境、社会环境),发现在体育教学中,社会环境因素对体育教学质量、效果的影响以及相互关系。提出了科学掌握和利用教学环境,顺应社会环境的变化发展而自我完善,促进提高体育教学质量。  相似文献   

体育教学过程中,教学效果的好坏取决于师生双方对过程的调控程度,而对技能教学的调控,则依据教师的教学反馈和学生的自我反馈来实现。在体育教学过程中,教学反馈与自我反馈的有机结合,是提高教学质量的关键。  相似文献   

正沈阳市第二中学创办于1949年,学校隶属于沈阳市教育局,是辽宁省首批示范性高中,办学历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚。在学校实施素质教育的大背景下,对处于世界观形成重要阶段的高中学生开展环保意识培养也显得越来越重要。在高中教育阶段,各学科教学均应渗透环境教育的内容,潜移默化地培养学生环保意识,体育教学也应该承担起相关的责任。  相似文献   

21世纪是知识经济时代、循环经济时代、经济全球化时代和法律全球化时代.要打造21世纪合格的法律人,法学院应打破传统的教学模式,重组教育资源,重构新的教学方程式,重排学科体系矩阵图,创建全新的教师-教的模式、学生-学的模式,以应对西方教育的入侵.  相似文献   

Environment functions in various aspects including soil and water conservation, biodiversity and habitats, and landscape aesthetics. Comprehensive assessment of environmental condition is thus a great challenge. The issues include how to assess individual environmental components such as landscape aesthetics and integrate them into an indicator that can comprehensively quantify environmental condition. In this study, a geographic information systems based spatial multi-criteria decision analysis was used to integrate environmental variables and create the indicator. This approach was applied to Fort Riley Military installation in which land condition and its dynamics due to military training activities were assessed. The indicator was derived by integrating soil erosion, water quality, landscape fragmentation, landscape aesthetics, and noise based on the weights from the experts by assessing and ranking the environmental variables in terms of their importance. The results showed that landscape level indicator well quantified the overall environmental condition and its dynamics, while the indicator at level of patch that is defined as a homogeneous area that is different from its surroundings detailed the spatiotemporal variability of environmental condition. The environmental condition was mostly determined by soil erosion, then landscape fragmentation, water quality, landscape aesthetics, and noise. Overall, environmental condition at both landscape and patch levels greatly varied depending on the degree of ground and canopy disturbance and their spatial patterns due to military training activities and being related to slope. It was also determined the environment itself could be recovered quickly once military training was halt or reduced. Thus, this study provided an effective tool for the army land managers to monitor environmental dynamics and plan military training activities. Its limitation lies at that the obtained values of the indicator vary and are subjective to the experts' knowledge and experience. Thus, further advancing this approach is needed by developing a scientific method to derive the weights of environmental variables.  相似文献   

水环境承载能力调控与水质信息系统模式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水环境承载能力是可持续发展理论的重要体现,它具有很强的动态、空间时空、水量水质兼顾、补偿等特性。建立水质信息系统基础平台,科学地利用和调控水环境承载能力,实现水环境保护目标的实现。本文就水环境承载能力调控与水质信息系统模式的建立进行了分析研究,并结合中国实情提出了建模总体框架。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Tualatin is the first watershed in Oregon to implement the Total Maximum Daily Load provisions of the Clean Water Act to deal with nonpoint source pollution. Local officials cite residential yard care practices as potential contributors to nonpoint source pollution in the basin. Qualitative and quantitative methods, including observation of yard maintenance styles, suggest behaviors potentially harmful to water quality and conservation. Yard maintenance is influenced by the importance of neighborhood appearance and concern for aesthetics. These concerns stimulate residents to water, fertilize, and apply weed control at more frequent intervals than yard care experts recommend. Better understanding of the effects that relations with neighbors and yard maintenance knowledge have on residential yard care practices can help improve water quality.  相似文献   

Relative cancer risks of chemical contaminants in the great lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anyone who drinks water or eats fish from the Great Lakes consumes potentially carcinogenic chemicals. In choosing how to respond to such pollution, it is important to put the risks these contaminants pose in perspective. Based on recent measurements of carcinogens in Great Lakes fish and water, calculations of lifetime risks of cancer indicate that consumers of sport fish face cancer risks from Great Lakes contaminants that are several orders of magnitude higher than the risks posed by drinking Great Lakes water. But drinking urban groundwater and breathing urban air may be as hazardous as frequent consumption of sport fish from the Great Lakes. Making such comparisons is difficult because of variation in types and quality of information available and in the methods for estimating risk. Much uncertainty pervades the risk assessment process in such areas as estimating carcinogenic potency and human exposure to contaminants. If risk assessment is to be made more useful, it is important to quantify this uncertainty.  相似文献   

"素质教育"是我们在新的历史时期对教育中出现问题的有所针对的强调提法.可是,这恰恰说明了我们在教育理念认识上的偏差,"素质教育"这一概念本身就已经切割了教育的整体内涵,说明我们在教育中已经将文化素质的培养作为教育的全部,忽视了教育对其他素质的培养功能.正是由于我们教育理念的偏差,忽视了心理素质、道德素质、思想素质、政治素质等综合素质的培养,直接导致了教育的畸形与"迫害性".  相似文献   

孟子教育思想中的理想人格,不仅对我国教育发展有重大影响,而且对当代大学生的素质教育也有深刻的启示。从理想人格的涵义入手,分析了孟子理想人格的重要内容及其实现方式,并研究了孟子理想人格对大学生素质教育的启示。  相似文献   

人才是一切事业发展的重要资本和资源,而人才的陪养关键在教育,教育的质量在很大程度上又取决于教育的水平,没有高素的教师队伍,一切高素质的教育计划都会限于空谈。当前提高教育质量所遇到的困难,在很大程度上来自于教师整体素质不高,抓住教师教育,就抓住了整个教育工作的根本和关键的环节。因此,大力发展教育,培养优秀教师是当前摆在我们面前的一项刻不容缓的任务。  相似文献   

加入WTO,对高校教育提出了新课题,实施素质教育势在必行。各高校都在探讨一条合理的模式,但不免存在这样那样的问题。文章通过对素质、素质教育、教师与素质教育关系的分析,指出了目前高校教改中存在的问题,并提出了解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

高等职业技术教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,在实施高职教育的过程中必须大力推进素质教育。实施素质教育应观念先行,树立素质教育理念;调整结构,建立合理的高职课程体系;强化师资,确保素质教育顺利推进;以学生为本是素质教育的出发点和落脚点。  相似文献   

Visual Aesthetic Quality of Northern Ontario's Forested Shorelines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Only a few empirical studies on forest aesthetics have adopted a water-based perspective for observers and have investigated the perceived visual quality of forested shorelines. In forested environments with many lakes, such as the boreal forest in the Canadian Shield, individuals have greater exposure to forests from water-based rather than in-stand vantage points. This study employed the psychophysical research direction to explore the relationships between scenic beauty and biophysical characteristics of the forested shorelines in the boreal forests. Two model forms were tested. One model related the variation of shoreline forest aesthetic evaluations of near-vista views (140 m offshore) to a set of forest mensuration data. Tree size, tree mortality, conifer shrubs, tree density, amount of hardwood, and slope explained 60.2% of the variance in scenic beauty between the study sites. A second model was calibrated to test the relationship between an already existing ecosystem vegetation classification system and the aesthetic evaluations of the same forested shorelines. When the ecosystem classification was simplified to eight groups, the model explained 48.5% of variance. These models suggest that the psychophysical approach to studying aesthetics can be applied successfully to near-vista evaluations of scenic beauty. The finding that a forest ecosystem classification system is highly related to scenic beauty suggests that, at least in the boreal forest, managers can reasonably estimate the scenic beauty of forested shoreline environments from an ecosystem classification, with little need for intensive data on these sites.  相似文献   

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