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A 6-month soil column experiment was conducted to compare the upward migration and plant uptake of radiochlorine and radioiodine from shallow, near-surface contaminated water tables. Both fixed and fluctuating water tables were studied. After 6 months, (36)Cl activity concentrations were relatively uniform throughout the soil profile apart from an accumulation at the soil surface, which was especially marked under a fluctuating water table scenario. In contrast, (125)I (a surrogate for (129)I) tended to accumulate at the boundary between the anoxic conditions at the base of the column and the oxic conditions above, due to its redox-dependent sorption behaviour. The uptake of (36)Cl by perennial ryegrass was much greater than that of (125)I due to its greater migration into the rooting zone and its ready availability in soil solution. In the context of radioactive waste disposal, where these radionuclides may potentially be released into groundwater, (36)Cl would be expected to present a greater potential for contamination of the biosphere than (129)I.  相似文献   

Direct deposition of radioactive material onto crops is one important pathway for safety assessment of radionuclides released from nuclear facilities. Foliar uptake of Cs by radish (Raphanus sativus L. cv. Redchim) was studied by applying droplets of Cs solution (CsCl or CsNO3) on an upper leaf surface. The uptake of Cs was strongly affected by counter anions of Cs in the applied solution. Approximately 80% of Cs was absorbed for CsCl solution, while only 20% was absorbed for CsNO3. The partition of absorbed Cs between leaf and root tuber was quite similar for both Cs compounds, which indicated that behavior of the absorbed Cs in radish was the same for both.  相似文献   

Most biosphere and contamination assessment models are based on uniform soil conditions, since single coefficients are used to describe the transfer of contaminants to the plant. Indeed, physical and chemical characteristics and root distribution are highly variable in the soil profile. These parameters have to be considered in the formulation of a more realistic soil-plant transfer model for naturally structured soils. The impact of monolith soil structure (repacked and structured) on Zn and Mn uptake by wheat was studied in a controlled tracer application (dye and radioactive) experiment. We used Brilliant Blue and Sulforhodamine B to dye flow lines and 65Zn and 54Mn to trace soil distribution and plant uptake of surface-applied particle-reactive contaminants. Spatial variation of the soil water content during irrigation and plant growth informs indirectly about tracer and root location in the soil profile. In the structured monolith, a till pan at a depth of 30 cm limited vertical water flow and root penetration into deeper soil layers and restricted tracers to the upper third of the monolith. In the repacked monolith, roots were observed at all depths and fingering flow allowed for the fast appearance of all tracers in the outflow. These differences between the two monoliths are reflected by significantly higher 54Mn and 65Zn uptake in wheat grown on the structured monolith. The higher uptake of Mn can be modelled on the basis of radionuclide and root distribution as a function of depth and using a combination of preferential flow and rooting. The considerably higher uptake of Zn requires transfer factors which account for variable biochemical uptake as a function of location.  相似文献   

Soil columns (50x15 cm) were used to determine the potential for 95mTc (as a surrogate for 99Tc which is an important component of some radioactive waste) to migrate from a contaminated, fluctuating water table, through sandy loam soil and into perennial ryegrass. Upward migration was significantly retarded with, generally, only the bottom few centimetres of soil becoming contaminated over the 6 months of the experiment. This is thought to have been due to the presence of anoxic conditions within the water table leading to the reduction of pertechnetate to Tc(IV) species which are relatively insoluble. However, some evidence of very slow upward migration over time was found. Only a small and inconsistent transfer of activity into the perennial ryegrass was observed. Whilst these observations would suggest that 99Tc is less important than radionuclides such as 129I and 36Cl in terms of the risk associated with radioactive waste disposal, the potential for a slow upward migration, and/or a pulse-release following the re-oxidation of reduced soil in which 99Tc has accumulated should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

Ruthenium-106 is of potential radioecological importance but soil-to-plant Transfer Factors for it are available only for few plant species. A Residual Maximum Likelihood (REML) procedure was used to construct a database of relative (103/106)Ru concentrations in 114 species of flowering plants including 106 species from experiments and 12 species from the literature (with 4 species in both). An Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), coded using a recent phylogeny for flowering plants, was used to identify a significant phylogenetic effect on relative mean (103/106)Ru concentrations in flowering plants. There were differences of 2,465-fold in the concentration to which plant species took up (103/106)Ru. Thirty-nine percent of the variance in inter-species differences could be ascribed to the taxonomic level of Order or above. Plants in the Orders Geraniales and Asterales had notably high uptake of (103/106)Ru compared to other plant groups. Plants on the Commelinoid monocot clades, and especially the Poaceae, had notably low uptake of (103/106)Ru. These data demonstrate that plant species are not independent units for (103/106)Ru concentrations but are linked through phylogeny. It is concluded that models of soil-to-plant transfer of (103/106)Ru should assume that; neither soil variables alone affect transfer nor plant species are independent units, and taking account of plant phylogeny might aid predictions of soil-to-plant transfer of (103/106)Ru, especially for species for which Transfer Factors are not available.  相似文献   

Changes in soil solution composition after a flooding event were hypothesised to be one of the key factors in explaining changes in radiocaesium incorporation in the food chain in the areas affected by the Chernobyl accident. A laboratory methodology was set up to monitor changes in the soil solution composition after a sequence of flooding cycles. Experiments were performed using column and batch approaches on test soils with contrasting initial soil solution composition (high and low initial concentrations of K+). Results from column experiments indicated a potential increase in NH(4)(+) concentrations, a parameter which could lead to an increase in the radiocaesium root uptake. Batch results in the soil with high initial K+ concentration showed that after a number of flooding cycles, especially for high ratios of flooding solution/mass of soil, K+ concentration decreased sometimes below a threshold value (around 0.5-1 mmol l(-1)), a fact that could lead to an increase in radiocaesium transfer. For the soils with a low initial K+ concentration, the flooding solution increased K+ and NH(4)(+) values in the soil solution. The comparison of test soils with soils from Ukraine areas affected by flooding showed that the final stage in soil solution composition was similar in both cases, regardless of the initial composition of the soil solution. Moreover, the comparison with unflooded soils from the same area showed that potential changes in other soil parameters, such as (137)Cs activity concentration, clay content, and radiocaesium interception potential, RIP (a parameter that estimates the radiocaesium specific sorption capacity of a soil), should also be monitored for additional effects due to the flooding event. Therefore, the changes in the root uptake would depend on the resulting situation from changes in RIP, K+ and NH(4)(+) values in the soil solution.  相似文献   

京津冀地区流动人口家庭化迁移的特征与影响机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章基于流动人口动态调查数据,使用空间相关分析、Multiple Logistic Regression等分析方法,对京津冀地区流动人口家庭化迁移的程度、空间特征及其影响因素进行了分析。结论显示:京津冀地区约65%左右的流动人口实现了家庭式迁移,一次性举家迁移已成为流动人口家庭迁移过程的主要模式;流动人口的家庭式迁移比重具有明显的空间差异,形成以北京、天津、张家口为轴线的高比重区域,其它地区则以地级城市为中心向外围递减,流动人口的家庭式迁移具有显著的空间依赖性;个体层面的性别、婚姻、年龄、流入时长等因素及家庭层面的家庭规模、家庭总收入、平均年龄、子女数量等因素均对流动人口的家庭迁移状态有显著影响,且流动人口的家庭式迁移表现出明显的基于经济发展水平的区域偏好。  相似文献   

Plant uptake of 134Cs in relation to soil properties and time   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
134Cs uptake by sunflower and soybean plants grown on seven different soils and its relation to soil properties were studied in a greenhouse pot experiment. Soil in each pot was contaminated by dripping the 134Cs in layers, and sunflower and soybean plants were grown for three and two successive periods, respectively. 134Cs plant uptake was expressed as the transfer factor (TF) (Bq kg(-1) plant/Bq kg(-1) soil) and as the daily plant uptake (flux) (Bq pot(-1) day(-1)) taking into account biomass production and growth time. For the studied soils and for both plants, no consistent trend of TFs with time was observed. The use of fluxes, in general, provided less variable results than TFs and stronger functional relationships. A negative power functional relationship between exchangeable potassium plus ammonium cations expressed as a percentage of cation exchange capacity of each soil and 134Cs fluxes was found for the sunflower plants. A similar but weaker relationship was observed for soybean plants. The significant correlation between sunflower and soybean TFs and fluxes, as well as the almost identical highest/lowest 134Cs flux ratios, in the studied soils, indicated a similar effect of soil characteristics on 134Cs uptake by both plants. In all the studied soils, sunflower 134Cs TFs and fluxes were significantly higher than the respective soybean values, while no significant difference was observed in potassium content and daily potassium plant uptake (flux) of the two plants.  相似文献   

A model predicting 137Cs uptake in plants was applied on data from artificially contaminated lysimeters. The lysimeter data involve three different crops (beans, ryegrass and lettuce) grown on five different soils between 3 and 5 years after contamination and where soil solution composition was monitored. The mechanistic model predicts plant uptake of 137Cs from soil solution composition. Predicted K concentrations in the rhizosphere were up to 50-fold below that in the bulk soil solution whereas corresponding 137Cs concentration gradients were always less pronounced. Predictions of crop 137Cs content based on rhizosphere soil solution compositions were generally closer to observations than those based on bulk soil solution composition. The model explained 17% (beans) to 91% (lettuce) of the variation in 137Cs activity concentrations in the plants. The model failed to predict the 137Cs activity concentration in ryegrass where uptake of the 5-year-old 137Cs from 3 soils was about 40-fold larger than predicted. The model generally underpredicted crop 137Cs concentrations at soil solution K concentration below about 1.0 mM. It is concluded that 137Cs uptake can be predicted from the soil solution composition at adequate K nutrition but that significant uncertainties remain when soil solution K is below 1 mM.  相似文献   

Careful measurements of activity concentrations of 137Cs in soil samples taken layer by layer in autumn of 1999 in Slovenia are confronted with a prediction based on the diffusion-convection equation with a boundary condition which--unlike the boundary conditions applied in the literature so far--conserves the deposited activity over time, except for the natural decay. It is shown that it is essential to consider the deposits from atmospheric nuclear weapons tests and the Chernobyl accident to arrive at a good fit to the measured data. The corresponding Green's function as well as the diffusion constant and migration speed based on the analysis are given.  相似文献   

Distribution and migration of 95Zr in a tea plant/soil system   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
(95)Zr is a primary radionuclide in the radioactive liquid efflux from a pressurized water reactor and one of the main radionuclides released after nuclear accidents. The fission yield of (95)Zr is as high as 6.2%, however, its environmental behavior has not been well documented. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the accumulation and distribution of (95)Zr in a tea plant/soil system. (95)Zr was accumulated primarily in the trunk of tea plants after being taken up from the soil. The radioactivity concentration of (95)Zr in the trunk increased slowly with time, then it reached a dynamic equilibrium 14 days after application. The radioactivity concentration of (95)Zr in the other parts of the tea plant was very low; only slighter greater than the detection limit. The results indicated that (95)Zr was not readily translocated in the tea plant. About 98.9% of applied (95)Zr was found to concentrate in the upper 5 cm layer after being sprayed onto the soil surface. The results indicated that (95)Zr could not readily move downwards with percolating water due to strong adsorption to surface soil.  相似文献   

The prevalence of arbuscular mycorrhizas and nonsymbiotic modifications of absorbing organs (dauciform roots) has been studied in species of the genus Carex with competitive (C) and stress-tolerant (S) types of Grime-Ramenskii’s ecological strategies. The groups of C- and S-strategists do not differ in the ability to form mycorrhizas. Dauciform roots are more frequent in S-strategists, which accounts for a higher diversity of means for soil nutrient uptake in this group, compared to S-strategists.  相似文献   

We investigated the variability of anthropogenic radionuclide content of the edible fractions of individual edible crabs (Cancer pagurus L.) and European lobsters (Homarus gammarus L.) caught commercially in the Sellafield offshore area. Sixteen female and 18 male crabs and 20 female and 17 male lobsters were selected from commercial catches made between 25 May and 5 June 1997. Each gender group was selected to be within the known weight range for commercially caught crustacea from the area. Four artificial radionuclides (60Co, 110mAg, 137Cs or 241Am) were detected by gamma-spectrometry. The edible fraction content of these radionuclides between males and females for either species were not statistically significantly different. 99Tc was analysed by chemical separation and beta-counting. 99Tc concentrations in female crabs tended to be higher (172 +/- 205 (16) Bq kg-1(wet); mean +/- standard deviation (n samples)) than those in males (85 +/- 58 (18) Bq kg-1 (wet)), although this was not a statistically significant difference. For both male and female crabs, 99Tc concentrations tended to decrease with increasing whole live weights. For 99Tc in lobsters the picture is less clear. Female lobsters contained more activity (14800 +/- 7400 (20) Bq kg-1 (wet)) than males (7100 +/- 3900 (17) Bq kg-1 (wet)). The results were used to discuss the implications for sampling and monitoring.  相似文献   

A field survey was conducted to investigate the metal contamination in soils and vegetables, and to evaluate the possible health risks to local population through foodchain transfer near a smelter in Nanning, southern China. Contamination levels in soils and vegetables with cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) were measured, and transfer factors (TF) from soils to vegetable plants and its health risk (risk index, RI) were calculated accordingly. Results showed that both soils and vegetables from villages 1 and 2 (V1 and V2, 1500 m and 500 m from the smelter) were heavily contaminated, compared to a village 50 km from the smelter. Geometric mean of Cd and Pb concentrations in vegetables for V1 and V2, respectively, were 0.15 and 0.24 mg Cd kg(-1) and 0.45 and 0.38 mg Pb kg(-1) (on fresh weight basis). Oral intake of Cd and Pb through vegetables poses high health risk to local residents. Risk indices for V1 and V2, respectively, were 3.87 and 7.42 for Cd, and 1.44 and 13.5 for Pb. The complexity of metal contamination and their health risks are also discussed.  相似文献   

137Cs and 60Co, two of the radionuclides more representative of discharges from nuclear facilities, are of interest for radiological protections because of their great mobility in biosphere and affinity with biological systems. The aim of the present work is the investigation of the possible influence of the vertical distribution of 137Cs and 60Co in soil upon their uptake by lettuce as function of plant's growth. An experiment ad hoc has been carried out in field conditions. The results show that (i) the transfer of 137Cs and 60Co from soil to lettuce is independent by their distribution in soil, (ii) the soil–plant transfer factors of 137Cs and 60Co show a similar trend vs. growth stage, (iii) the 40K transfer factor trend is different from those of anthropogenic radionuclides, and (iv) 137Cs and 60Co specific activities are about 1 Bq/kg, in the mature vegetable with soil activity from 9 to 21 kBq/m2.  相似文献   

This paper aims to give an overview of the effect of organic matter on soil-radiocaesium interaction and its implications on soil-to-plant transfer. Studies carried out after the Chernobyl accident have shown that high 137CS soil-to-plant transfer persists in organic soils over years. In most of these soils, the specific sites in clays control radiocaesium adsorption, organic compounds having an indirect effect. Only in organic soils with more than 95% of organic matter content and negligible clay content does adsorption occur mostly on non-specific sites. After a contamination event, two main factors account for the high transfer: the low solid-liquid distribution coefficient, which is due to the low clay content and high NH4+ concentration in the soil solution, and the low K+ availability, which enhances root uptake. The estimation of the reversibly adsorbed fraction, by means of desorption protocols, agrees with the former conclusions, since it cannot be correlated with the organic matter content and shows the lack of specificity of the adsorption in the organic phase. Moreover, the time-dependent pattern of the exchangeable fraction is related to soil-plant transfer dynamics.  相似文献   

The fission yield of 99Tc from 239Pu and 235U is similar to that of 137Cs or 90Sr and it is therefore an important component of nuclear weapons fall-out, nuclear waste and releases from nuclear facilities. There is particular current interest in 99Tc transfer from soil to plants for: (a) environmental impact assessments for terrestrial nuclear waste repositories, and (b) assessments of the potential for phytoextraction of radionuclides from contaminated effluent and soil. Vascular plants have a high 99Tc uptake capacity, a strong tendency to transport it to shoot material and accumulate it in vegetative rather than reproductive structures. The mechanisms that control 99Tc entry to plants have not been identified and there has been little discussion of the potential for phytoextraction of 99Tc contaminated effluents or soil. Here we review soil availability, plant uptake mechanisms and soil to plant transfer of 99Tc in the light of recent advances in soil science, plant molecular biology and phytoextraction technologies. We conclude that 99Tc might not be highly available in the long term from up to 50% of soils worldwide, and that no single mechanism that might be easily targeted by recombinant DNA technologies controls 99Tc uptake by plants. Overall, we suggest that Tc might be less available in terrestrial ecosystems than is often assumed but that nevertheless the potential of phytoextraction as a decontamination strategy is probably greater for 99Tc than for any other nuclide of radioecological interest.  相似文献   

The results of an experimental study on the behaviour of 134Cs, 85Sr and 65Zn in processing tomato plants grown in peat substrate are presented. Plants were contaminated by wet deposition of 134Cs, 85Sr and 65Zn, either by sprinkling the above ground part at two phenological stages or by administering 134Cs, 85Sr and 65Zn to the soil. The plants contaminated at the second phenological stage intercepted 38.3% less than those contaminated at the first stage, although leaf area increased by more than double. Transfer coefficients from peat soil to ripe fruit for 134Cs are significantly higher than those for 85Sr and 65Zn. Leaf to fruit transfer coefficients for 134Cs are one order of magnitude higher than for 65Zn and two orders higher than for 85Sr. Only when deposition affects fruits, as at the second phenological stage, are transfer coefficients to fruits similar for the three radionuclides.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to study the influence of elemental sulphur (S) on solubility of soil Pb, Zn and Cd and uptake by maize (Zea mays L.). Two rates of elemental sulphur (S) applied at 0 (S0) and 200 (S200) mmol kg(-1) soil with three rates of each heavy metal at Pb, 0 (Pb0), 200 (Pb200), 400 (Pb400) mg kg(-1) soil, Zn, 0 (Zn0), 100 (Zn100), 200 (Zn200) mg kg(-1) soil and Cd, 0 (Cd0), 50 (Cd50), 100 (Cd100) mg kg(-1) soil, respectively. The result showed that with S application at 200 mmol S kg(-1), soil pH decreased about 0.3 unit and the solubility of the Zn and Cd was significantly increased, but the solubility of Pb had no significant influence. The concentration of Pb, Zn and Cd in maize shoots and roots were increased with increasing rates of heavy metals. However, the concentration of Zn and Cd in shoots and roots were higher with application of S rather than without S but no significant difference was found for Pb. The highest concentration of Zn in the shoots was 2.3 times higher with application of S rather than without at the same rate of Zn, 200 mg kg(-1). Plant biomass was also significantly affected by the application of S and of heavy metals. With heavy metal addition, the shoot and root biomass were decreased with the rates of those of heavy metals increased either with or without application of S. However, the shoot biomass was significantly decreased with S application at the same rate of heavy metals except that with Zn addition. The removal of Cd and Pb by maize uptake and accumulation with application of S had no significant increase compared to that without, but the removal Zn by maize uptake from the soil increased by application of S, 90.9 microg plant(-1) contrast to 25.7 microg plant(-1) at Zn200 within a growth period of only 40 days.  相似文献   

Rice is a staple food in Japan and other Asian countries, and the soil-to-plant transfer factor of 137Cs released into the environment is an important parameter for estimating the internal radiation dose from food ingestion. Soil and rice grain samples were collected from 20 paddy fields throughout Aomori Prefecture, Japan in 1996 and 1997, and soil-to-polished rice transfer factors were determined. The concentrations of 137Cs, derived from fallout depositions, stable Cs and K in paddy soils were 2.5-21 Bq kg(-1), 1.2-5.3 and 5000-13000 mg kg(-1), respectively. The ranges of 137Cs, stable Cs and K concentration in polished rice were 2.5-85 mBq kg(-1) dry wt., 0.0005-0.0065 and 580-910 mg kg(-1) dry wt., respectively. The geometric mean of soil-to-polished rice transfer factor of 137Cs was 0.0016, and its 95% confidence interval was 0.00021-0.012. The transfer factor of 137Cs was approximately 3 times higher than that of stable Cs at 0.00056, and they were well correlated. This implied that fallout 137Cs, mostly deposited up to the 1980s, is more mobile and more easily absorbed by plants than stable Cs in the soil, although the soil-to-plant transfer of stable Cs can be used for predicting the long-term transfer of 137Cs. The transfer factors of both 137Cs and stable Cs decreased with increasing K concentration in the soil. This suggests that K in the soil was a competitive factor for the transfers of both 137Cs and stable Cs from soil-to-polished rice. However, the transfer factors of 137Cs and stable Cs were independent of the amount of organic materials in soils.  相似文献   

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