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In this study, spatial and temporal distributions of three gelatinous macrozooplankton, the scyphozoan Aurelia aurita and the ctenophores Pleurobrachia pileus and Mnemiopsis leidyi, were evaluated using the data obtained from seven southern Black Sea cruises carried out from 1996 to 1999. A comparison of nets used for the sampling of gelatinous macrozooplankton illustrated the superiority of the Hensen net with a larger mesh size (300 µm) over the Nansen net (112 µm). P. pileus was mainly concentrated below the mixed layer, while A. aurita and M. leidyi were generally confined to surface waters. Horizontally, P. pileus was associated with deep, offshore waters. P. pileus also displayed the least interannual variation of the three species. Biomass of A. aurita and M. leidyi varied substantially seasonally and inter-annually. In September 1999, the average biomass of M. leidyi was at its lowest level (12 g wet weight m-2) since its explosive development at the end of the 1980s. This was associated with the appearance of the new predatory ctenophore Beroe ovata, which appeared in the Black Sea at the end of the 1990s.  相似文献   

Quantification of the accumulated or eroded sediment is an important procedure towards the understanding of shoreline migration and therefore, to the evaluation of littoral dynamics. Tróia Peninsula is a sand spit, made up of dunes and beaches. It is located on the left margin of the Sado River mouth near the foot of the Arrábida Mountain, on the west coast of Portugal, 30?km south of Lisbon. Data from 1928 to 1995 clearly shows an oceanwards coastline migration during this period. The objective of this work is to quantify the volume of sediment accumulated in the NW sector of Tróia Peninsula from 1928 to 1995, a 67?years period, and determine sediments net accumulation rate for that period of time. Using the 1928 bathymetry, from a 1930 nautical chart, and the altimetry, from the 1995 Imoareia topographic survey, the volume of sediments accumulated was calculated, with a Geographic Information System. Digital Terrain Models, representing the topography and bathymetry of both years, were created for the evaluation. Results show a positive variation of 5.718.224?m3 for an area of 938.440?m2, i.e. a net sedimentation rate of approximately 85.000 m3year-1 or 0,09 myear-1.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate historical and current mercury (Hg) contamination in the surface and core sediments of the Ambarl? Port area. Textural parameters, total organic carbon (TOC), 210Pb and total Hg (THg) contents were measured. Mercury contamination of the sediments was assessed on the basis of the enrichment factor (EF), anthropogenic factor (AF), index of geoaccumulation (Igeo) and corresponding sediment quality guidelines. Most surface sediment samples were also non-toxic with mercury concentrations below the effects range-low (ERL) value, but mercury levels at five stations were between ERL and effects range-median (ERM) values, where occasional adverse effects concerning risk analysis are expected. The EF and Igeo analysis showed that there was no significant mercury enrichment and contamination in the core sediment before the 1650s, but values increased from then onwards to 2009 (being especially accelerated in line with port activities from 1989), disclosing a serious ecotoxicological risk to sediment-inhabited marine organisms.  相似文献   

The seacoasts protection does not stand standard solutions. Every part of a shore needs to be creatively approached and its hydrodynamic, lithodynamic, geological, geomorphological and other peculiarities must be thoroughly studied for each particular situation. It takes a complex scientific approach considering not only local features, but also the reaction of the whole lithodynamic system in limits of which the coast protective activity is planned with consideration of calculated hydrodynamic parameters (waves, sea level, etc.).  相似文献   

The social aspects of primate reintroduction are of primary importance to the success of release programs and need to be assessed through the study of changes in social behavior over time. This study reports on the development of social structure and organization in a community of 37 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) released into the wild in the Conkouati Douli National Park, Republic of Congo. Analyses of post-release monitoring data collected over 10 years on association patterns between individuals show that during the years following individual releases, chimpanzees exhibited changing social structure and organization until they stabilized in one community living in a fission–fusion system. Social organization development was directly affected by several factors including community size and experience in the wild, while social structure was affected by individual characteristics: gender, pre-release history, and release history. Similarities between social structure and organization observed in the released community and wild chimpanzee communities demonstrate that the release program is a success from a social point of view.  相似文献   

2020年12月在深圳市城市区域典型生境特征溪流——城市山区源头溪流金龟河、国家地质公园保护区入海溪流杨梅坑河与黑臭水体治理后溪流石溪河,开展底栖动物多样性与生境质量状况取样,通过多元统计分析探明各溪流底栖动物群落结构差异及其主要环境影响因子.结果表明:(1)金龟河底质异质性(SI)最高;杨梅坑河水质最好且流态异质性(Fr)最优,石溪河水质最差且底质异质性(Fr)最低.(2)共采集鉴定大型底栖动物118个分类单元,隶属于3门6纲14目87科.水生昆虫均占绝对优势,其中金龟河67属(81.7%),杨梅坑河62属(95.4%),石溪河12属(52.2%).金龟河中底栖动物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、改进的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度均高于杨梅坑河与石溪河.(3)金龟河的主要功能摄食类群是滤食者(45.5%),杨梅坑河(38.3%)与石溪河(58.7%)的主要功能摄食类群均为收集者.(4)冗余分析(RDA)结果显示,氨氮、海拔、湿宽、水温、溶氧、底质异质性(SI)、电导率和流态异质性(Fr)为影响深圳市溪流的大型底栖动物群落结构的主要环境因子.研究表明:(1)深圳市的山区溪流可作为深圳市生物多样性保护的重点区域.(2)在城市溪流生态系统中,水环境化学因子并非为主要影响因子,生境多样性发挥了重要作用.(图6表3参43)  相似文献   

C. Krembs  A. Engel 《Marine Biology》2001,138(1):173-185
The distribution and abundance of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) was determined in and below pack ice of the Laptev Sea from July to September 1995. Samples were collected from the lowermost 10 cm of ice floes and at 10 cm below the ice–water interface. Abundance of bacteria, protists and TEP was determined, and the sea ice–water boundary layer was characterized using temperature, salinity and molecular viscous shear stress. TEP, with a distinct size distribution signal, were found in highest concentrations inside the sea ice, ranging from not detectable to 16 cm2 l−1 (median: 2.9 cm2 l−1). In the water, concentrations were one order of magnitude lower, ranged from below detection to 2.7 cm2 l−1 (median: 0.2 cm2 l−1) and decreased after the middle of August, whereas abundances of autotrophic flagellates (AF), diatoms, heterotrophic flagellates (HF) and ciliates increased. The abundance of TEP decreased with its size in all samples following a power law relationship. The relation of TEP to the microbial community differed between the sea ice and water, being positively correlated with bacteria and diatoms in the ice and negatively correlated with HF in the sea water. The presence of a pycnocline significantly influenced the abundance of organisms, diatom composition and TEP concentrations. Pennate diatoms dominated by Nitzschia frigida were most abundant inside the ice. Though bacteria have the potential to produce exopolymeric substances (EPS), the results of this study indicate that the majority of TEP at the ice–water interface in first-year Arctic summer pack ice are produced by diatoms. Received: 19 August 1999 / Accepted: 4 July 2000  相似文献   

 Many species of the carnivorous copepod family Augaptilidae, a primarily meso- and bathypelagic group, possess specialized “buttons” on the setae of their maxilla and maxilliped, which have been thought to be a simple cuticular outgrowth. The fine structure of the button setae in three species of Euaugaptilus was examined by light- and electron microscopy from samples collected in the eastern Indian Ocean and the subtropical western North Pacific. The buttons are arranged in two rows along the inner surface of the setae. There are differences in the shape, size, and arrangement of buttons among the three species, Euaugaptiluslaticeps, E.longimanus, and E.magnus. The button setae have an elaborate internal structure consisting of “setal shaft”, “stalk”, “disc”, and “outer membrane”, with microtubule bundles in the setal lumen, but have no muscular tissues. The disc has only pin-point contact to the core of the stalk, but has connection over a wider area with the fibrous tissue surrounding the core, and the contact area between the stalk and the setal shaft is also small. These structures suggest that the disc will move freely on the apex of the core of the stalk and the stalk may be movable at its connection to the setal shaft. All these components of the button setae may function in concert to fit the surface of the discs firmly to the surface of a prey, and to absorb the energy generated by the struggling prey. Received: 30 November 1999 / Accepted: 19 May 2000  相似文献   

The diversity and community composition of phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs) in the sediments of the Sanshiliujiao Lake reservoir in Pingtan island, Fujian Province, were investigated by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) methods combined with the construction of clone libraries. The diversity of PAOs in summer samples was significantly higher than that in winter. The dominant terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) of PAOs were in the range of 200 to 300 bp in summer, while they were in the range of 150 to 200 bp in winter. Cloning sequencing and phylogenetic analysis showed that the main phyla of PAOs in the sediment of the Sanshiliujiao Lake reservoir were Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Acidobacteria. Anaeromyxobacter, Azospirillum, Microlunatus phosphovorus, and Burkholderia were the dominant genera in the summer samples. Anaeromyxobacter, Methylobacterium, Solibacter, Azospirillum, and Microlunatus phosphovorus were the dominant genera in sediment samples in winter. The results of this study demonstrated that the diversity and community composition of PAOs in the sediments of the Sanshiliujiao Lake reservoir had specific seasonal characteristics. Various forms of phosphorus also showed their influence on the diversity of PAOs, especially Fe/Al-P. Our findings lays a scientific foundation for the future disclosure of microbial mechanisms involved in the phosphorus metabolic cycle in the sediments of reservoirs. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The shortjaw mudsucker, Gillichthys seta, an intertidal goby endemic to the Sea of Cortez, has been proposed to be the paedomorphic derivative of the longjaw mudsucker, Gillichthys mirabilis. G. mirabilis is a disjunct species, with populations found along the Pacific coast of central California to central Baja California, and with isolated populations found in the northern Sea of Cortez. Previous studies have suggested that the endemic paedomorph form speciated in sympatry with the Sea of Cortez population of G. mirabilis. Alternatively, this speciation event could have occurred before the separation of G. mirabilis populations into two disjunct entities. To test these alternative hypotheses, we collected adult individuals from both species throughout their ranges from December 1997 to November 1998. We amplified and sequenced 142 partial [527 base pairs (bp)] mitochondrial cytochrome b regions and 18 nuclear creatine kinase introns (140 bp). We found that Pacific populations of G. mirabilis separated into two distinct clades, possibly reflecting a phylogeographic break found in other fish species along the Baja California coast at Punta Eugenia. These two Pacific populations were well separated from Sea of Cortez populations. Furthermore, our results indicate that the split between Sea of Cortez and Pacific populations of G. mirabilis occurred well after the speciation event that separated G. mirabilis from its paedomorphic counterpart, G. seta. Received: 30 March 2000 / Accepted: 4 September 2000  相似文献   

The fish assemblage of the Ciclopi Islands marine reserve, which is located along the eastern coast of Sicily (Central Mediterranean), was unknown until our study provided insight into the cryptobenthic fish assemblage inhabiting this integral reserve zone. Visual census surveys were periodically conducted along the littoral rocky shores of Lachea, the largest island of the Ciclopi archipelago. The fish assemblage, which comprised 20 species belonging to Blenniidae, Gobiidae, Tripterygiidae, Scorpaenidae and Gobiesocidae, was dominated by Scorpaena maderensis and Trypterigion delaisi. Species richness (S) did not show significant differences between the northern, eastern, southern and western island coasts, whereas both species diversity (H) and evenness (J) were significantly higher on the western coast than on the northern coast. The effect of the island coast on fish density was not significant with regard to the whole assemblage or to single species, except for S. maderensis and T. delaisi. The pattern of variation of assemblage parameters was mainly positively correlated with microhabitat variables, especially substratum composition and type of cover. The best predictors of fish total density were bottom slope, rugosity and substratum composition. Variations in relative species density were specified by a different combination of macro- and microhabitat variables. The density pattern of S. maderensis showed a positive relationship with depth. In T. delaisi, the influence of slope was interrelated to that of exposure to waves. This species preferentially inhabited flat habitat, sheltered from the open sea and covered by small boulders, but also more-exposed rockwalls. The population densities of Tripterygion melanurus and Lipophrys trigloides were negatively affected by depth, thus reflecting their preference for the upper infralittoral. T. melanurus was associated with a more complex habitat (stones and boulders), whereas L. trigloides was mainly censused on a narrow strip of solid rock between the waterline and 1 m depth.Communicated by R. Cattaneo-Vietti, Genova  相似文献   

This study examines experimentally how water movement may alter epiphyte-grazer systems in intertidal seagrass beds. Field observations in the Sylt-Rømø Bay (German Wadden Sea, SE North Sea) showed that the biomass of seagrass epiphytes was highest on seagrasses exposed to water movement, whereas at sheltered sites the epiphyte cover was negligible. In contrast, the seagrass shoot density and aboveground biomass was comparably sparse and the abundance of Hydrobia ulvae was extremely low at exposed areas, but showed maximum values at sheltered seagrass beds. Cross transplantation experiments and enclosure experiments between sheltered and exposed seagrass beds showed that adhering snails were washed off from seagrasses soon after transplantation into an exposed seagrass bed, and epiphytes started to grow. After 4 weeks the epiphyte biomass was similar to the that of the adjacent exposed seagrass bed. When heavily epiphytised seagrasses were transplanted from exposed into sheltered areas, the epiphytes were completely grazed down by immigrating snails within a week. Experiments carried out by means of an in situ "three-current-flume", modifying the entire current velocity, showed that snail density was significantly negatively correlated with increasing current velocity, whereas epiphyte biomass showed a significant positive correlation with current speed. These results suggest a cascading impact of hydrodynamics on an epiphyte-grazer system in intertidal seagrass beds, by directly affecting the density of grazers and indirectly leading to enhanced epiphyte growth, thereby inhibiting seagrass development. Additionally it shows that cascading effects within the trophic web cannot only be triggered by biotic interdependencies, but can also be caused by physical factors.  相似文献   

Diel migration of Mesodinium rubrum, Eutreptiella sp., Scrippsiella trochoidea, Dinophysis acuminata and Ceratium furca throughout a 24 h cycle is described for a stable, well-stratified estuary (Ría de Vigo, NW Spain). Daily changes in light quantity and in spectral light ratios i.e. red:far-red, blue:red, green:red and blue:green have been analysed. The spectral light ratios changed at twilight and around noon at various depths. Some of the downward migrations were well predicted by Stokes' law, while other migrations were faster and deeper than calculated. The coincidence of these movements with abrupt changes in red:far-red, green:red and blue:green light ratios is discussed. Some species are able to migrate through the pycnocline, whereas others do not seem to be able to do so. Several species are present in maximum numbers at depth at night, while others display upward migration independent of light, suggesting the existence of endogenous rhythms. Upward migration at dusk began with dispersal of populations, with renewed aggregation at the sea surface coincident with an increase in the red:far-red ratio at 6 m and the green:red ratio at 6 and 10 m. Based on direct evidence for the control of flagellar mobility by light quality reported by other authors from laboratory studies, it is suggested that, together with other cues, spectral light ratios of different light qualities modulate vertical phytoplanktonic migration. Received: 18 July 1997 / Accepted: 17 October 1997  相似文献   

The Elqui watershed (northern Chile) constitutes a highly contaminated river system, with arsenic exceeding by up to three orders of magnitude the average for river waters. There are three main reasons that explain this contamination: (1) the regional geology and hydrothermal (mineralizing) processes that developed in this realm during Miocene time; (2) the later unroofing–erosion–oxidation–leaching of As–Cu rich sulfide ores, a process that have been taking place for at least 10,000 years; and last but not least (3) mining activities at the high-altitude (>4000 m above sea level) Au–Cu–As El Indio mine, from the late 1970s onwards. The El Indio mineral deposit hosted large veins of massive sulfides, including the important presence of enargite (Cu3AsS4). The continuous natural erosion of these veins and their host rocks (also rich in As and Cu) during Holocene time, led to important and widespread metal dispersion along the river system. During the studied pre mining period (1975–1977), the high altitude river Toro waters already showed very large As concentrations (0.36–0.52 mg l−1). The initiation of full scale mining at El Indio (1980 onwards) led to an increase of these values, reaching a concentration of 1.51 mg l−1 As in 1995. During the same year other rivers of the watershed reached peak As concentrations of 0.33 (Turbio) and 0.11 mg l−1 (Elqui). These figures largely exceed the USEPA regulations for drinking water (0.01 mg l−1 As), and about 10% of the total As data from the river Elqui (and 70% from the river Turbio) are above the maximum level allowed by the Chilean law for irrigation water (0.1 mg l−1 As).  相似文献   

Large rivers often present a river–lakedelta system, with a wide range of temporal and spatial scales of the flow due to the combined effects of human activities and various natural factors, e.g., river discharge, tides, climatic variability, droughts, floods. Numerical models that allow for simulating the flow in these river–lakedelta systems are essential to study them and predict their evolution under the impact of various forcings. This is because they provide information that cannot be easily measured with sufficient temporal and spatial detail. In this study, we combine one-dimensional sectional-averaged (1D) and two-dimensional depth-averaged (2D) models, in the framework of the finite element model SLIM, to simulate the flow in the Mahakam river–lakedelta system (Indonesia). The 1D model representing the Mahakam River and four tributaries is coupled to the 2D unstructured mesh model implemented on the Mahakam Delta, the adjacent Makassar Strait, and three lakes in the central part of the river catchment. Using observations of water elevation at five stations, the bottom friction for river and tributaries, lakes, delta, and adjacent coastal zone is calibrated. Next, the model is validated using another period of observations of water elevation, flow velocity, and water discharge at various stations. Several criteria are implemented to assess the quality of the simulations, and a good agreement between simulations and observations is achieved in both calibration and validation stages. Different aspects of the flow, i.e., the division of water at two bifurcations in the delta, the effects of the lakes on the flow in the lower part of the system, the area of tidal propagation, are also quantified and discussed.  相似文献   

The temporal variation in metal concentrations in soil and vegetation samples collected in an area of Catalonia (Spain), which will be under the potential influence of a new hazardous waste incinerator was determined. In 1996 and again in 1998, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn, Tl and V were measured in 40 soil and 40 herbage samples collected at 250–4000 m from the facility at the same sampling points. Data of both surveys and the percentages of variation are here presented for all metals. Results are shown according to the main wind directions in the area, as well as distances from the new facility. During the period 1996–1998, a general decrease was noted for most metals. Only the levels of Hg were significantly increased during this period. The present results will be useful for future surveys aimed to evaluate the environmental impact of metals derived from emissions of the new plant.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution and temporal variation of epibenthic assemblages of coralligenous biogenic rocky outcrops occurring in the northern Adriatic Sea (45°04′–45°24′N; 12°23′–12°43′E) were investigated by photographic sampling from 2003 to 2006 at 12 randomly selected sites. The dominant reef-forming organisms were the encrusting calcareous algae (Lithophyllum stictaeforme, Lithothamnion minervae and Peyssonnelia polymorpha), while the main bioeroders were boring sponges (Cliona viridis, C. celata, C. thoosina, C. rhodensis, Piona vastifica) and the bivalve Gastrochaena dubia. Composition of the assemblages varied thorough years and among sites. Spatial heterogeneity, at local and regional scale, prevailed over temporal variation. This variability was related both to the geo-morphological features of the outcrops and to environmental variables. Sites clearly differed in the percent cover of reef builder and bioeroder species while only limited temporal variation within site was found. Some taxa revealed complex intra-site temporal trends. These results provide valuable information on the diversity and variability of epibenthic assemblages of the northern Adriatic coralligenous reefs, essential for the management and conservation of these unique biogenic habitats.  相似文献   

To investigate the bacterial community structure features of soak solutions used to preserve bamboo slips that were excavated from Han dynasty tomb located in Laoguanshan of Chengdu and to reveal the diversity of bacteria in these soak solutions, PCR-DGGE was employed. Subsequently, the major DGGE bands were excised and sequenced to analyze the phylogeny of bacteria. The richness (S), Shannon-Wiener index (H), and Simpson index (D) of deionized water (0#) without the soaked bamboo slips were higher than those of the other samples. Among the bamboo slip soak solution samples, there were significant differences in these indicators; the bacterial genetic diversity of sample 121# was the highest and that of sample 1# was the lowest. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed that there were comparatively large differences among the samples, and the similarity between sample 1# and others was the lowest. Based on the sequence analysis, the major community of bacteria in soak solution were belonged to Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, and Actinobacteria, including Cupriavidus, Aquabacterium, Comamonas, Albidiferax, Hyphomicrobiaceae, Azospirillum, Nevskia, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Sediminibacterium, and Propionibacterium, among which Cupriavidus of the β-Proteobacteria class was detected in all samples. The bacterial community structure of the soak solutions that were collected from different bamboo slips was quite complex and significantly different. The analysis of the main bacterial community revealed the potential bacteria species that may trigger the damage in bamboo slips; the result provided a reference to prevent waterlogged bamboo slips from microbial diseases in the future. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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