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In this first paper of a series, the results of a study at a non-operational tailings site are presented and are used to construct a general conceptual model for seepage migration from uranium-tailings impoundments. Many parts of the model are applicable to other types of tailings and to acid drainage in general.At the field site, the impoundment lies over a portion of a glaciofluvial sand aquifer. Tailings seepage drains downward into the aquifer and then migrates laterally away. Results of the field study indicate the seepage can be divided into three geochemical zones: (1) the inner core, which is essentially unaltered, acidic seepage from the tailings; (2) the neutralization zone, in which inner-core water is neutralized and aqueous concentrations decrease significantly; and (3) the outer zone, which contains both neutralized water from the neutralization zone and pH-neutral process water from the uranium milling operation. Yearly comparisons from 1979 to 1984 indicate the neutralization zone and inner core are migrating downgradient at a rate of about 1 meter/year, which is about 1/440 of the groundwater velocity. The mechanisms that produce the retardation and the decreases in aqueous concentrations are part of the conceptual model.The main features of the conceptual model are solid-liquid interactions, particularly mineral precipitation-dissolution, and buffering effects of dominant aqueous species. The important minerals undergoing precipitation-dissolution are the calcite-siderite solid solution, gypsum, Al-OH minerals, and Fe-OH minerals. “Cell and streamtube” calculations are used to evaluate the general trends in aqueous concentrations and to assist in explaining observed migration rates. Co-precipitation with the above minerals apparently accounts for decreases in other major, minor, and metal solutes. Because of the large amount of mineral precipitation and co-precipitation, variations in 2H and 18O were observed over a flow distance of several meters, while 13C remained essentially constant. 相似文献
In this third paper of the series, the conceptual model for contaminant migration is coded into a family of computer programs named adneut. Program framework, execution time and cost, efficiency, accuracy based on comparisons with other programs, and sensitivity of simulated results to input data provide insight into the benefits and limitations of adneut.Simulations with adneut show that the neutralization zone is composed of a sequence of several sub-regions through which a theoretical step-function increase in pH and change in other aqueous constituents occur from the inner core to the outer zone. The pH, aqueous chemistry, and retardation of each sub-region are the result of the dissolution of, and buffering by, one of the minerals of the conceptual model. The behavior of a sub-region affects the behavior of all downgradient sub-regions, resulting in a complex scenario of dependence for sub-regions at a site. Depending on the information required from a simulation, adneut can be used in its one-cell, two-cell or multi-cell mode. The use of adneut in its one-cell mode demonstrates the limitations of laboratory batch tests, titration tests, and non-transport geochemical programs in evaluating contaminant migration.adneut is calibrated to current conditions at Seepage Area A at the Nordic Main impoundment in order to demonstrate the applicability of the conceptual model, to show specific limitations of the model, and to illustrate the measured data required for a reliable simulation. Following calibration, adneut is used to examine probable past behavior of the contaminant plume prior to monitoring. The plume was likely more acidic in the past, apparently originates very close to or within the waste-rock impoundment dam, and began migrating out of the source area in 1966–1967. adneut is then used to examine possible future behavior of the plume under the assumptions of continuation of current conditions, decreasing acidity, and increasing acidity through time, which can result in variations in retardation coefficients and in the number of sub-regions within the plume. 相似文献
Oxidation of pyrite at the Nopal I uranium deposit, Peña Blanca district, Chihuahua, Mexico has resulted in the formation of Fe-oxides/hydroxides. Anomalous U concentrations (i.e. several hundred to several thousand ppm) measured in goethite, hematite, and amorphous Fe-oxyhydroxides in a major fracture that crosscuts the deposit and the absence of U minerals in the fracture suggest that U was retained during secondary mineral growth or sorbed on mineral surfaces. Mobilization and transport of U away from the deposit is suggested by decreasing U concentrations in fracture-infilling materials and in goethite and hematite with distance from the deposit. Greater than unity 234U/ 238U activity ratios measured in fracture-infilling materials indicate relatively recent ( < 1 Ma) U uptake from fluids that carried excess 234U. Systematic decreases in 234U/ 238U activity ratios of fracture materials with distance from the deposit suggest a multistage mobilization process, such as remobilization of U from 234U-enriched infill minerals or differential or diminished transport of U-bearing solutions containing excess 234U. 相似文献
Geochemical and geostatistical study of the chromium concentration in groundwater occurring at variable depths of 12 to 33.5 m (40 to 110 ft) in the Karachi urban area of Pakistan have been made. Samples were collected at variable distances, with a maximum of 1 km interval, on the bases of population, industries, types, and density. The chromium concentration has also been worked out to deduce the threshold value of the area under study and the estimation of probability impact modeling, in terms of concentration variation, by using the disjunctive kriging technique. The outcome of the present work appears to be a good tool to decipher pollution variation in the groundwater of highly urbanized areas, with respect to the population and industries. The patterns of distribution of chromium concentration in groundwater and pollution hotspots in particular localities appear to be more related to the types of industries than to the effect of population types. 相似文献
矿山酸性废水中重金属污染较普遍,利用赤泥陶粒对模拟酸性废水中的Cu2+进行净化处理。实验结果表明,当pH值为3、温度为30 ℃、Cu2+初始浓度为150 mg/L、陶粒添加量为20 g/L、吸附时间为4 h时,Cu2+的去除率达到95.06%。陶粒对Cu2+的吸附符合准二级动力学模型,相关系数为0.998 3,饱和吸附量为7.412 9 mg/g;等温吸附模型中更符合Langmuir等温吸附模型,相关系数为0.993 3。处理废水后的陶粒用硫酸-硝酸浸提,浸出液中重金属离子浓度均低于国家浸出毒性标准,表明陶粒是一种很好的酸性废水处理剂。吸附饱和的陶粒用1 mol/L的NaOH溶液再生效果好。实验结果表明,陶粒对Cu2+的吸附过程是物理吸附和化学吸附的共同作用。 相似文献
Phytoremediation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) in groundwater using constructed wetlands is a potentially economical remediation alternative. To evaluate Explosives removal and fate was evaluated using hydroponic batch incubations of plant and substrate treatments with explosives-contaminated groundwater amended with [U-14C]-TNT or [U-14C]-RDX. Plants and substrates were collected from a small-scale wetland constructed for explosives removal, and groundwater originated from a local aquifer at the Milan Army Ammunition Plant. The study surveyed three aquatic, four wetland plant species and two substrates in independent incubations of 7 days with TNT and 13 days with RDX. Parent compounds and transformation products were followed using 14C and chemical (HPLC) analyses. Mass balance of water, plants, substrates and air was determined. It was demonstrated that TNT disappeared completely from groundwater incubated with plants, although growth of most plants except parrot-feather was low in groundwater amended to contain 1.6 to 3.4 mg TNT L-1. Highest specific removal rates were found in submersed plants in water star-grass and in all emergent plants except wool-grass. TNT declined less with substrates, and least in controls without plants. Radiolabel was present in all plants after incubation. Mineralization to 14CO2 was very low, and evolution into 14C-volatile organics negligible. RDX disappeared less rapidly than TNT from groundwater. Growth of submersed plants was normal, but that of emergent plants reduced in groundwater amended to contain 1.5 mg RDX L-1. Highest specific RDX removal rates were found in submersed plants in elodea, and in emergent plants in reed canary grass. RDX failed to disappear with substrates. Mineralization to 14CO2 was low, but relatively higher than in the TNT experiment. Evolution into 14C-volatile organics was negligible. Important considerations for using certain aquatic and wetland plants in constructed wetlands aimed at removing explosives from water are: (1) plant persistence at the explosives level to which it is exposed, (2) specific plant-mass based explosives removal rates, (3) plant productivity, and (4) fate of parent compounds and transformation products in water, plants, and sediments. 相似文献
The activity concentrations of radionuclides (60Co, 54Mn, 137Cs, 40K) in whole plants of Fucus vesiculosus of different ages, and also in tissues of different ages from the same plants were investigated in the vicinity of the Barseb?ck nuclear power plant in southern Sweden. Activity concentration differed between the tissues of different age of the plants, depending on the radionuclide as well as the time of year. The highest concentrations of 60Co and 54Mn were measured in the older parts of the plants in spring and summer, while the activity concentrations of 137Cs and 40K were highest in receptacles and new vegetative fronds. The discharge of radionuclides from the nuclear power plant was reflected in the measured activity concentration in the algae. For 60Co, the response seemed to be smoothed out when considering the whole plant, while the new vegetative tissue better reflected the discharge during the autumn. Thus, it is important to have knowledge about the autecology of the organism when it is used as an indicator for radionuclides. 相似文献
The sorptive behavior of the experimental herbicide quinmerac (7-chloro-3-methyl-quinoline-8-carboxylic acid) was investigated in soils of different organic carbon content. Distribution coefficients are low (K d = 0.03 - 12 mL g −1) and are mainly determined by the soil organic carbon content. The adsorption mechanism operating in neutral to slightly acid agricultural soils is supposed to be cation bridging with the anionic form of quinmerac. Under acid conditions (pH 5.2) the predominating sorption mechanism is hydrophobic interaction. Therefore soil pH and cationic composition are also major factors determining the sorptive capacity of soils for quinmerac. Adsorption kinetics, equilibrium adsorption and desorption isotherms were determined in batch experiments. Sorption kinetics were investigated at various times from 15 min to 96 hours. A two-step sorption behavior with time was found for the anionic form indicating two types of sorption mechanisms or sorption sites. Equilibrium for the first type was reached at a time-scale of minutes and for the second type after 24 hours. Adsorption isotherms were determined for two soil/solution ratios 1/5 and 1/3. Alteration of the adsorbent concentration exerted a strong influence on the adsorption isotherms. An increase of sorption was found with increasing adsorbent concentration. Under natural soil conditions sorption is therefore expected to be higher compared to the batch experiments. Desorption isotherms were obtained using the consecutive desorption method. Desorption hysteresis was not observed which indicates weak interactions. Implications of the results for the movement of quinmerac under field conditions and for models describing transport are discussed. 相似文献
Water quality in terms of nutrient concentrations, turbidity, suspended solids, and chlorophyll a, was studied during 2000–2001 at a total of 27 beaches in the Kihei and West Maui–Lahaina districts of Maui, Hawaiian Islands. Nitrate concentrations varied widely and averaged as much as 15–20 μM at some beaches. Most turbidities fell in the range 1–10 nephelometric turbidity units. Resuspension of bottom sediments on shallow reef flats appeared to be a cause of some of the highest turbidity. Onshore-offshore transect studies showed that turbidity and concentrations of nitrate and chlorophyll a declined dramatically with distance from the shoreline. The dramatic gradients in water quality within the first 100 m from the shoreline and the fact that some violations of water quality criteria within that zone appear to be the result of natural phenomena, underscore the difficulty of assessing the quality of coastal waters based on traditional parameters. 相似文献
Adsorption of Ni and Pb on aquifer sediments from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA increased with increasing pH and metal-ion concentration. Adsorption could be described quantitatively using a semi-mechanistic surface complexation model (SCM), in which adsorption is described using chemical reactions between metal ions and adsorption sites. Equilibrium reactive transport simulations incorporating the SCMs, formation of metal-ion-EDTA complexes, and either Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide solubility or Zn desorption from sediments identified important factors responsible for trends observed during transport experiments conducted with EDTA complexes of Ni, Zn, and Pb in the Cape Cod aquifer. Dissociation of Pb-EDTA by Fe(III) is more favorable than Ni-EDTA because of differences in Ni- and Pb-adsorption to the sediments. Dissociation of Ni-EDTA becomes more favorable with decreasing Ni-EDTA concentration and decreasing pH. In contrast to Ni, Pb-EDTA can be dissociated by Zn desorbed from the aquifer sediments. Variability in adsorbed Zn concentrations has a large impact on Pb-EDTA dissociation. 相似文献
Bio-Recovery Systems, Inc. conducted a project under the Emerging Technology portion of the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPAs) Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program to evaluate the ability of immobilized algae to adsorb mercury from contaminated groundwater in laboratory studies and pilot-scale field tests. Algal biomass was incorporated in a permeable polymeric matrix. The product, AlgaSORB, packed into adsorption columns, exhibited excellent flow characteristics, and functioned as a "biological" ion exchange resin. A sequence of eleven laboratory tests demonstrated the ability of this product to adsorb mercury from groundwater that contained high levels of total dissolved solids and hard water components. However, use of a single AlgaSORB preparation yielded nonrepeatable results with samples collected at different times of the year. The strategy of sequentially extracting the groundwater through two columns containing different preparations of AlgaSORB was developed and proved successful in laboratory and pilot-scale field tests. Field test results indicate that AlgaSORB could be economically competitive with ion exchange resins for removal of mercury, with the advantage that hardness and other dissolved solids do not appear to compete with heavy metals for binding capacity. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the groundwater quality and conduct a non-carcinogenic risk assessment of nitrate contamination in an... 相似文献
Recent studies have shown that geological emissions of methane are an important greenhouse-gas source. Remarkable amounts of methane, estimated in the order of 40–60 Tg yr ?1, are naturally released into the atmosphere from the Earth's crust through faults and fractured rocks. The main source is natural gas, both microbial and thermogenic, produced in hydrocarbon-prone sedimentary basins and injected into the atmosphere through macro-seeps (onshore and offshore mud volcanoes and other seeps) and microseepage, an invisible but pervasive flux from the soil. This source is now evaluated for Europe on the basis of a literature survey, new field measurements and derived emission factors. The up-scaling criteria recommended by the EMEP/CORINAIR guidelines are applied to the local point and area source data.In Europe, 25 countries host oil and/or natural gas reservoirs and potentially, or actually, emit geological methane. Flux data, however, are available only from 10 countries: the onshore or offshore petroliferous sectors of Denmark, Italy, Greece, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Black Sea countries (Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia). Azerbaijan, whose emissions due to mud volcanism are known to be relevant, is included in the estimate.The sum of emissions, regional estimates and local measurements, related to macro-seeps leads to a conservative total value of about 2.2 Tg yr ?1. Together with the potential microseepage fluxes from the petroliferous basins, estimated on the basis of the Total Petroleum System concept (around 0.8 Tg yr ?1), the total European seepage is projected to 3 Tg yr ?1. This preliminary figure would represent, in terms of magnitude, the second natural methane source for Europe after wetlands. The estimate will have to be refined by increasing the number of seepage measurements both on lands, where there is high potential for microseepage (e.g., Germany, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Georgia) and in coastal marine areas (the North Sea, the Black Sea, offshore Greece and Italy) where emission factors and the extent of the underwater seeping area are not completely known. 相似文献
The adsorption behavior of 241Am, 60Co, 137Cs and 85Sr in the presence and absence of chelating ligands (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, ethylenediaminediacetic acid, hydroxyethyliminodiacetic acid, iminodiaceiticacid and methyliminodiacetic acid) was investigated. Sorption affinity in the absence of chelating ligands followed: Am(III) > Co(II) > Cs(I) > Sr(II). The presence of chelating ligands generally had little effect on sorption of 85Sr and 137Cs with Kd values 110 and 690 mL g −1, respectively. But at 0.02 M of ethylenediaminetetraacetic or hydroxyethyliminodiacetic, the Kd decreased to 5 or 63 mL g −1, respectively, where thermochemical modeling indicated almost all 85Sr is complexed with these ligands. The Kd values for 241Am and 60Co generally decreased with increasing chelating agent concentrations. In notable cases, the Kd values for Am increased at specific concentrations of 10 −3 M for IDA, MIDA and 10 −4 M for EDDA. This is proposed to be due to formation of a ternary surface complex. 相似文献
This study considers the flux of radioactivity in flowback fluid from shale gas development in three areas: the Carboniferous, Bowland Shale, UK; the Silurian Shale, Poland; and the Carboniferous Barnett Shale, USA. The radioactive flux from these basins was estimated, given estimates of the number of wells developed or to be developed, the flowback volume per well and the concentration of K (potassium) and Ra (radium) in the flowback water. For comparative purposes, the range of concentration was itself considered within four scenarios for the concentration range of radioactive measured in each shale gas basin, the groundwater of the each shale gas basin, global groundwater and local surface water. The study found that (i) for the Barnett Shale and the Silurian Shale, Poland, the 1 % exceedance flux in flowback water was between seven and eight times that would be expected from local groundwater. However, for the Bowland Shale, UK, the 1 % exceedance flux (the flux that would only be expected to be exceeded 1 % of the time, i.e. a reasonable worst case scenario) in flowback water was 500 times that expected from local groundwater. (ii) In no scenario was the 1 % exceedance exposure greater than 1 mSv—the allowable annual exposure allowed for in the UK. (iii) The radioactive flux of per energy produced was lower for shale gas than for conventional oil and gas production, nuclear power production and electricity generated through burning coal. 相似文献
In the course of a study performed on traditional pollutants, deposition of radionuclides from Chernobyl was observed at a forest in E Belgium. The main deposition flux occurred as a consequence of a 7.4 mm rainfall episode which took place on 4 May. The deposition behaviour of radionuclides is very similar to the behaviour of traditional pollutants with the noteworthy exception of radioactive caesium which seems to have been absorbed by tree foliage. 相似文献
The fruticose lichen Stereocaulon vesuvianum, growing on the slopes of Mt. Vesuvius (south Italy), was used as a biomonitor of 134Cs, 137Cs, 103Ru and 106Ru derived from the April 26 1986 Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident. Samples were taken at five different quotes (370, 490, 580, 780 and 960 m a.s.l.) and four successive dates (October 1986, December 1986, October 1987 and May 1999). At the first sampling, the concentrations (as Bq kg(-1) dry weight) ranged between 460 and 1020 for 134Cs, 1330 and 2500 for 137Cs, 90 and 200 for 103Ru and 360 and 710 for 106Ru, values generally lower in respect to those measured in soil and higher plants. Of the total 137Cs measured only 14% was due to 1950s and 1960s nuclear weapons tests fallout. Highest average activities of all nuclides were observed at the quote of 960 m and significant correlation (0.7相似文献
Uptake and fate of TNT and RDX by three aquatic and four wetland plants were studied using hydroponic, batch, incubations in explosives-contaminated groundwater amended with [U-14C]-TNT or [U-14C]-RDX in the laboratory. Substrates in which the plants were rooted were also tested. Plants and substrates were collected from a small-scale wetland constructed for explosives removal, and groundwater originated from a local aquifer at the Milan Army Ammunition Plant. This study demonstrated rapid uptake of [U-14C]-TNT derived 14C, concentration at the uptake sites and limited transport in all plants. Per unit of mass, uptake was higher in submersed than in emergent species. Biotransformation of TNT had occurred in all plant treatments after 7-day incubation in 1.6 to 3.4 mg TNT L-i, with labeled amino-dinitrotoluenes (ADNTs), three unidentified compounds unique for plants, and mostly polar products as results. Biotransformation occurred also in the substrates, yielding labeled ADNT, one unidentified compound unique for substrates, and polar products. TNT was not recovered by HPLC in plants and substrates after incubation. Uptake of [U-14C]-RDX derived 14C in plants was slower than that of TNT, transport was substantial, and concentration occurred at sites where new plant material was synthesized. As for TNT, uptake per unit of mass was higher in submersed than in emergent species. Biotransformation of RDX had occurred in all plant treatments after 13-day incubation in 1.5 mg RDX L-1, with one unidentified compound unique for plants, and mostly polar products as results. Biotransformation had occurred also in the substrates, but to a far lower extent than in plants. Substrates and plants had one unidentified 14C-RDX metabolite in common. HPLC analysis confirmed the presence of RDX in most plants and in three out of four substrates at the end of the incubation period. 相似文献
Groundwaters have been collected from deltaic areas of West Bengal (Chakdaha and Baruipur blocks) to record their hydrogeochemical characteristics, and to verify the mechanism of arsenic (As) release. The data reveals that shallow (<70 m) groundwaters in both areas are of Ca-Mg-HCO(3) type; however deeper (>70 m) groundwaters in Baruipur areas are slightly enriched with Na, Cl and SO(4), indicating possible saline water intrusion. The groundwater is anoxic (mean Eh: -124 and -131 mV) with high levels of As (mean: 116 and 293 mug/L), Fe (mean: 4.74 and 3.83 mg/L), PO(4) (mean: 3.73 and 3.21 mg/L) and Mn (mean: 0.37 and 0.49 mg/L), respectively for Chakdaha and Baruipur areas. The observed values of As and bicarbonate (mean: 409 and 499 mg/L) in the shallow aquifer are indicative of redox processes (e.g., oxidation of organic matter) favouring the release of As. Moreover, the presence of DOC in the shallow aquifer suggests that organic matter is young and reactive, and may actively engage in redox driven processes. Our study further confirms that both Fe- and Mn-reduction processes are the dominant mechanisms for As release in these groundwaters. 相似文献