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Varying concentrations of Zn, Pb and Cu over the last 15-30 years (1963-1991) have been found in two undisturbed cores with preserved sediment-water interfaces from the Skagerrak (Station A: 645 m, Station B: 405 m water depth). Mass Accumulation Rates (MAR) in g/m2/year were used to resolve the question of increased or decreased supply. Station A-MAR increased exponentially: Zn from 0.05 to 0.28, Cu from 0.009 to 0.044, and Pb from 0.003 to 0.114 g/m2/year, while concentrations did not show this increase over the last 15-30 years. Station B-MAR increased exponentially: Zn from 0.07 to 0.29, Cu from 0.013 to 0.049, and Pb from 0.014 to 0.114 g/m2/year, while concentrations decreased over the same period. MAR indicated that both stations received similar trace metal flux. Release of trace metals from the sediment to the water column and/or dilution by water and organic matter within the upper few centimeters of the sediment accounted for the concentration decrease at both stations. MAR revealed an increase in trace metal supply, and thus an increase in pollution, over the last 15-30 years, although concentrations indicated the opposite.  相似文献   



This study aims at evaluating (a) whether concentrations of a suite of elements in mosses sampled in the arctic region around Zackenberg reflect background concentrations useful for estimating pollution levels in industrialized parts of the northern hemisphere as is attempted, e.g. in the framework of the UNECE ICP Vegetation monitoring programme, and (b) whether there are any influences from Zackenberg research station detectable in these concentrations.  相似文献   

Plant species release appreciable quantities of volatile organic substances to the atmosphere. The major compounds emitted are monoterpenes (C10) like α-pinene, β-pinene, and limonene and the hemiterpene (C5) isoprene. The rate of emission of isoprene is light dependent and ranges between 0.04 to 2.4 ppb/cm2/min/l for oak, cottonwood, and eucalyptus foliage. The rate of emission of a- and/3-pinene and limonene is dependent on the rate of transpiration, structural integrity of the oil cells and resin glands, and temperature of the foliage. Rates of emission for conifer foliage range from 0.4 to 3.5 ppb/g/min/l. An inventory of North American forest regions for the frequency of occurrence of these chemicals released by different tree species showed that 15% was the lowest value for a specific forest-type that emitted terpenes to the atmosphere. More commonly 100% of the trees of a given forest-type emitted terpenes to the atmosphere. An average of 70% is typical of the United States forested regions as a whole. The annual contribution of forest hydrocarbon emissions to the air pollution problem on a global basis is reflected in the 175 × 106 tons of reactive hydrocarbons from tree foliage sources compared to the 27 × 106 tons from man’s activities; in other words, there is a 6.2-fold greater emission level from natural sources than from man made sources. The fate of these gaseous olefins in the atmosphere is undetermined.  相似文献   

Ecotoxicity tests are often conducted following standard methods, and thus carried out at a fixed water temperature under controlled laboratory conditions. Yet, toxicity of a chemical contaminant may vary in a temperature-dependent manner, depending on the physiology of the test organism and physicochemical properties of the chemical. Although an assessment factor of 10 (AF10) is commonly adopted to account for variability in toxicity data related to temperature in the development of water quality guidelines and/or ecological risk assessment, no one has ever rigorously assessed the appropriateness of AF10 to account for potential variation in temperature-dependent chemical toxicity to aquatic organisms. This study, therefore, aims to address this issue through a meta-analysis by comparing median lethal concentration data for nine chemicals (cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, silver, zinc, arsenic, selenium and DDT) on a range of freshwater ectothermic animal species at different temperatures, and to assess whether AF10 is under- or over-protective for tropical and temperate freshwater ecosystems. Our results reveal varying extents of interaction between temperature and different chemicals on organisms and the complexity of these interactions. Applying AF10 sufficiently protects 90 % of the animal species tested over a range of temperatures for cadmium, copper, nickel, silver, zinc and DDT in the tropics, but it is insufficient to adequately encompass a larger temperature variation for most studied chemicals in temperate regions. It is therefore important to set specific AFs for different climatic zones in order to achieve the desired level of ecosystem protection.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that climate warming will allow southern species to advance north and invade northern ecosystems. We review the changes in the Swedish mammal and bird community in boreal forest and alpine tundra since the nineteenth century, as well as suggested drivers of change. Observed changes include (1) range expansion and increased abundance in southern birds, ungulates, and carnivores; (2) range contraction and decline in northern birds and carnivores; and (3) abundance decline or periodically disrupted dynamics in cyclic populations of small and medium-sized mammals and birds. The first warm spell, 1930–1960, stands out as a period of substantial faunal change. However, in addition to climate warming, suggested drivers of change include land use and other anthropogenic factors. We hypothesize all these drivers interacted, primarily favoring southern generalists. Future research should aim to distinguish between effects of climate and land-use change in boreal and tundra ecosystems.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Examining the heterogeneous factors behind the conversion of various types of non-urban land into urban use is of great significance for controlling...  相似文献   

Previously recommended rhizosphere-based method (RHIZO) applied to moist rhizosphere soils was integrated with moist bulk soils, and termed adjusted-RHIZO method (A-RHIZO). The A-RHIZO and RHIZO methods were systematically compared with EDTA, DTPA, CaCl2 and the first step of the Community Bureau of Reference (BCR1) methods for assessing metal phytoavailability under field conditions. Results suggested that moist bulk soils are equally suited or even better than rhizosphere soils to estimate metal phytoavailability. The A-RHIZO method was preferred to other methods for predicting the phytoavailability of Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Mn to wheat roots with correlation coefficients of 0.730 (P<0.001), 0.854 (P<0.001), 0.887 (P<0.001), 0.739 (P<0.001), 0.725 (P<0.001) and 0.469 (P<0.05), respectively. When including soil properties, other extraction methods were also able to predict phytoavailability reasonably well for some metals. Soil pH, organic matter and Fe-Mn oxide contents, and cation-exchange capacity mostly influenced the extraction and phytoavailability of metals.  相似文献   

Plant communities on plots with different metal pollution levels were compared in a field study in order to select the most suitable plant species for the direction of secondary succession toward the targeted grassland vegetation. The vegetational succession showed a gradual increase in plant cover and the number of plant species on the less polluted locations. Two predominant grass species Calamagrostis varia and Sesleria caerulea were selected for phytostabilisation, but a severely reduced seed germination capacity obstructed their use in practice. The mycorrhizal succession showed a gradual replacement of non-mycorrhizal with mycorrhizal plant species. Similar levels of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation of a particular plant species may be developed within each growing season regardless of the levels of pollution, with the exception of vesicle/intraradical spore formation. The results suggest that lower overall mycorrhizal colonisation levels and increased vesicle/spore formation may be a part of a mycorrhizal strategy at the most polluted locations.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Monitoring water at high spatial and temporal resolutions is important for maintaining water quality because the cost of pollution remediation is...  相似文献   

We tested the effects of the herbicide metsulfuron-methyl on growth of the submerged macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum under laboratory conditions using different exposure scenarios. The exposures of each scenario were comparable in the concentration × time factor, viz., the same 21-d time-weighted average (TWA) concentrations but variable in peak exposure concentrations (ranging from 0.1 to 21 000 ng ai L−1) and exposure periods (1, 3, 7, 14 or 21 d). To study recovery potential of the exposed M. spicatum plants we continued the observation on shoot and root growth for another 21 d in herbicide-free medium so that the total observation period was 42 d. Non-destructive endpoints, length and number of new shoots and roots, were determined weekly from day 14 onwards. Destructive endpoints, dry-weight (DW) of main shoots, new shoots and new roots, were measured at the end of the experiment (t = 42 d).Metsulfuron-methyl exposure in particular inhibited new tissue formation but was not lethal to main shoots. On days 21 and 42 after start exposure, EC10/EC50 values for new tissues expressed in terms of peak concentration (=measured concentration during exposure periods of different length) showed large differences between exposure scenarios in contrast to EC10/EC50 values for days 21 and 42 expressed in terms of 21-d and 42-d TWA concentrations, respectively. At the end of the experiment (day 42), 42-d TWA ECx values were remarkably similar between exposure scenarios, while a similar trend could already be observed on day 21 for 21-d TWA ECx values. For the macrophyte M. spicatum and exposure to the herbicide metsulfuron-methyl the TWA approach seems to be appropriate to use in the risk assessment. However, the data from the toxicity experiment suggest that on day 21 also the absolute height of the pulse exposure played a (minor) role in the exposure - response relationships observed.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The aim of this review was to evaluate if micronucleus assay in oral exfoliated cells is a suitable tool for biomonitoring children exposed to...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify the influences of tubificid worms on the biogeochemical functioning of an infiltration system impacted by a stormwater sediment deposit. Effects of worms with stormwater sediment deposit were compared with effects of worms with two other natural sediment deposits (one low and one rich-particulate organic matter deposits). We measured the effects of invertebrates on sediment reworking, organic matter processing, solute fluxes, microbial characteristics, and pollutant release from stormwater deposit to water. Our results showed that tubificid worms had slight effects on microbial activities in presence of the stormwater deposit whereas they significantly stimulated microbial activities in columns impacted by the other two deposits. High contents of labile organic matter contained in stormwater sediments probably led to very strong microbial activities that could not be easily stimulated by worm activities. In our experimental conditions, no significant influence of tubificid worms on the fate of pollutants (heavy metals and PAHs) contained in the stormwater deposit was measured. In conclusion, our study demonstrated that the organic matter characteristics of the stormwater sediments limited the efficiency of tubificid worms to stimulate organic matter mineralization in infiltration systems.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Cremation is commonly practiced around the world because it requires small space for the disposal of ashes. Among various options for ash disposal,...  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of investigations on the suitability of lugworms (Arenicola marina) to study the bioaccumulation potential of Hg, PCB and PAH compounds from dredged sediments upon laboratory exposure. The results of tissue concentrations for several sediments from Spanish ports showed that it is possible to identify increased levels of contaminants in lugworms just after 10 days of exposure although different bioaccumulation trends were shown amongst compounds and sediments. Total and organic Hg compounds were accumulated following a non-linear trend, with a sharp increase of tissue concentrations in lugworms exposed to levels of contamination associated to a significant increase in mortality. Interestingly organic Hg compounds accounted for an average of 40% of the total Hg in lugworms exposed to sediments presenting sublethal concentrations while, when exposed to sediments presenting lethal concentrations, organic Hg compounds only accounted for 4% of the total Hg accumulated in lugworms. While lugworms seem to readily accumulate Hg and PCB compounds, with some variability explained by the organic matter content in sediments or other factor for which it accounts for, the results for PAHs suggest a more complex process of bioaccumulation as no relationship was observed between the measured concentrations in sediments and in lugworms, not even after correcting the results for this factor. Besides, the differences in the calculated BSAFs for each compound and for each sediment supported the use of bioassays for evaluating the bioaccumulation potential of sediment-bound contaminants as part of the assessment framework required in pre-dredging investigations, as they still offer unique information about the bioavailability of sediment-bound contaminants.  相似文献   

Birth weight may be influenced by environmental and socio-economic factors that could interact. The main objective of our research was to investigate whether area deprivation may modify the association between drinking water exposure to a mixture of atrazine metabolites and nitrates during the second trimester of pregnancy and prevalence of small for gestational age (SGA) neonates. We conducted a historic cohort study in Deux-Sèvres, France between 2005 and 2010, using birth records, population census and regularly performed drinking water withdrawals at community water systems. Exposure to an atrazine metabolite/nitrate mixture in drinking water was divided into six classes according to the presence or absence of atrazine metabolites and to the terciles of nitrate concentrations in each trimester of pregnancy. We used a logistic regression to model the association between SGA and mixture exposure at the second trimester while taking into account the area deprivation measured by the Townsend index as an effect modifier and controlling for the usual confounders. We included 10,784 woman–neonate couples. The risk of SGA when exposed to second tercile of nitrate without atrazine metabolites was significantly greater in women living in less deprived areas (OR?=?2.99; 95 % CI (1.14, 7.89)), whereas it was not significant in moderately and more deprived areas. One of the arguments used to explain this result is the presence of competing risk factors in poorer districts.  相似文献   

Many epidemiologic studies have observed, in different contexts, a slight short-term relationship between particles in air and cardiopulmonary mortality, even when air quality standards were respected. The causality of this relationship is important to public health because of the number of people exposed. Our aim was to make a critical assessment of the arguments used in 15 reviews of published studies. We explain the importance of distinguishing validity from causality, and we systematically analyze the various criteria of judgment within the context of ecologic time studies. Our conclusion is that the observed relationship is valid and that most of the causality criteria are respected. It is hoped that the level of exposure of populations to these particles be reduced. In Europe, acting at the root of the problem, in particular on diesel emissions, will also enable the reduction of levels of other pollutants that can have an impact on health. In the United States, the situation is more complicated, as particles are mainly secondary. It is also essential to continue with research to become better acquainted with the determinants of personal global exposures and to better understand the toxic role of the various physicochemical factors of the particles.  相似文献   

The study aimed to assess morphological, structural and compositional alterations in Scrobicularia plana nacre environmentally exposed to mercury in order to seek out the possibility of the assessed alterations as a monitoring tool to handle complexity and interactions of metals in the environment involving a non-invasive methodology. Bivalves were collected from a mercury contaminated site (Laranjo basin – Ria de Aveiro, Portugal) and a reference site in the same aquatic system. The combination of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) technique depicted a sheet like morphology of bivalve nacre collected from the reference site. Moreover, EDS plot exhibited the presence of potassium, oxygen, calcium, and carbon elements. Shells collected from the contaminated area depicted lamellar patches like structures with particle like morphology composition. SEM images corresponding to the elemental analysis by EDS plot clearly denoted the presence of mercury. SEM images from the other locations of the contaminated shells depicted large surface area, a broken or ruptured symmetry of organic matrix as well as crack-like gaps. The influence of environmental mercury affecting the surface morphology of S. plana nacre showed dimple like morphology (as proved by transmission electron microscopy, TEM). The possible explanation may be the replacement of calcium elements with other elements or alloys from the nacre composite collected from contaminated region. Therefore, the nacre fingerprint may be useful as innovative knowledge and applicable tool aiming at risk reduction from noxious mercury present in the environment. Overall results suggested the use of shell as an indelible fingerprint of metal exposure.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study firstly aimed to investigate the potential of simultaneous metal (loid) removal from metal (oid) solution through adsorption on iron-peat,...  相似文献   

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