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为探究结冰过程中微塑料赋存对典型环境因子(总氮、总磷、盐度、化学需氧量、悬浮物)等分布及迁移规律的影响,采用室内模拟的方式研究不同条件下(结冰比例、结冰温度及方式、初始浓度)各典型环境因子在冰-水相间的分布及迁移规律,采用物质分配系数(K)表征环境因子的迁移能力。结果表明,结冰过程中冰体对环境因子具有排斥作用,不同条件下微塑料赋存对环境因子的分布规律均有一定程度的影响,由于微塑料自身特性致使原本应迁移至冰下水体中的环境因子部分滞留于冰体中,导致冰体中环境因子浓度的提高,为对照组冰体中环境因子浓度的1.13~1.49倍;同时使冰下水体中环境因子浓度下降,为对照组冰下水体中环境因子浓度的0.73~0.93倍;微塑料的赋存同时导致环境因子分配系数K值提高0.04~0.18,致使环境因子向冰下水体迁移的能力下降,但微塑料的赋存并未改变结冰过程中环境因子由冰体向冰下水体迁移的趋势,微塑料对于环境因子的携带作用小于冰体对环境因子的排斥作用;同时不同条件下结冰过程中微塑料对环境因子分布与迁移机理的影响均可以从结晶学角度与共晶理论得到解释。  相似文献   

The Kyoto Protocol created the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to allow industrial countries to reach part of their greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction through projects in developing countries. To calculate the achieved emission reduction a reference scenario has to be developed – the baseline. Despite efforts to develop realistic baselines, a certain degree of uncertainty regarding actual reductions will be inevitable. It is therefore necessary to compare the costs (including transaction costs) of developing a baseline against the informational benefit it can be expected to produce. While project-related baselines are already being applied, the proponents of country-related baselines have still to show the applicability of their approach for the CDM. The possibility of quantifying indirect effects and considering market distortions and subsidies through aggregation in the country-related baselines is weighed up by the manipulability and uncertainty of the assumptions required in such a baseline. Thus project-specific baselines are recommended. In cases of severely distorted markets undergoing liberalization or subsidy phase-out, a country-related baseline can be helpful. Sectoral or programme baselines would be suited to large-scale energy and sequestration projects. Moreover it has to be considered whether emission reductions are generally achieved in the context of relocation or done in the context of global emitting capacity expansion.  相似文献   

清洁发展机制,是《京都议定书》中引入的三个灵活履约机制之一。由于发达国家减排温室气体的成本是发展中国家的几倍甚至几十倍。发达国家因此通过在发展中国家实施具有温室气体减排效果的项目,把项目所产生的温室气体减少的排放量作为履行《京都议定书》所规定的一部分义务。对清洁生产机制的理论和意义进行了简要的阐述和说明。  相似文献   

以2003-2015年的中国资源型地级城市为研究对象,利用全局主成分分析、耦合协调模型和面板VAR模型对中国不同类型的资源型城市精明发展与环境质量的耦合关系及交互响应机制进行综合测度。研究发现:(1)资源型城市精明发展水平相对较低,各地区间差异有所减弱;环境质量亟待改善,各地区间差异在波动中有所增加。(2)二者间的耦合协调关系有待提升,耦合协调度由高到低排名依次为成长型、衰退型、再生型和成熟型。(3)不同类型资源型城市的精明发展与环境质量均有自我增强和惯性增长趋势。资源型城市精明发展对环境质量呈现先正后负的作用机制,成熟型资源城市精明发展提升对环境质量具有正向增强机制,而衰退型资源城市环境质量对精明发展、再生型资源城市精明发展对环境质量均呈现先负后正的交替作用机制。未来15期,成熟型和再生型资源城市精明发展将会促进环境质量提升。针对不同类型资源城市提出了差异化的对策与转型发展建议。  相似文献   

Humic acids, especially FA in fractions, contain more oxygen functional groups. In this experiment, on the basis of confirming the action of humic acids on KBD, what was studied is the biological effects of one of main oxygen functional groups, hydroxy group (-OH). The results indicate that inducing pathologic process of KBD, obviously decrease the GSH-Px activity and induce peroxidation membrane injury of tissue. The SOD activity increase in the tissues caused by oxygen functional groups showed that enhancing of free radical reaction should not be neglected.  相似文献   

王健  林双娇 《中国环境科学》2021,41(7):3441-3452
基于2002~2015年中国多区域投入产出表(MRIO)数据,结合中介效应和动态门槛效应模型,检验物流产业集聚对物流业碳转移的影响机制,并拓展性地就物流产业集聚对物流业碳转移方向的非对称性影响进行研究.结果表明:物流产业集聚与碳转移之间呈显著的正向关系.物流产业集聚不仅直接促进碳转移,还通过信息化运作和交通运输压力作用...  相似文献   

本文阐述了实施可持续发展战略的历史必然性和必要性,并结合实际列举了实现经济与环境协调发展的实例,对于从事环境研究和环境管理人员有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Deforestation is currentlythe source of about 20% of anthropogenicCO2 emissions. Avoided deforestationhas, nonetheless, been ruled out as a CleanDevelopment Mechanism (CDM) category in theKyoto Protocol's first commitment period,because several methodological issues wereconsidered too difficult to resolve. Thispaper explores whether CDM issues such as(1) carbon quantification, (2)additionality and baseline setting, (3)leakage risks, (4) non-permanence risks,and (5) sustainable development can beadequately dealt with in large, diversifiedforest conservation projects. To this aim,it studies the case of the Costa RicanProtected Areas Project (PAP), anActivities Implemented Jointly (AIJ)project which was meant to consolidate thenational park system to avoiddeforestation, promote the growth ofsecondary forests and regenerate pastureson an area that, in total, covers 10% ofthe national territory. The case studyexamines how the issues mentioned abovehave been addressed in the project designand in the certification process. It isfound that baseline uncertainties are themajor problem in this case. Nonetheless,the case suggests the possibility toaddress CDM issues by specific requirementsfor project design and very conservativeand temporary crediting. Provided thatother case studies support this conclusion,eligibility of well-designed forestconservation projects under the CDM in thesecond commitment period may be worthconsidering, given the secondary benefitsof avoided deforestation.  相似文献   

六氯苯对离体鱼肝线粒体抗氧化酶的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用差速离心法从鲫鱼肝脏中提取线粒体,用不同浓度(0,2,4,8,16,32mg/L)六氯苯对其体外染毒30min.测定线粒体超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性,用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法分析其同工酶谱,并检测线粒体中丙二醛(MDA)含量.结果显示,SOD和GSH-Px活性及其同工酶的活性表达均呈现出低浓度六氯苯作用下被激活,高浓度六氯苯作用下被抑制的变化趋势.在高浓度六氯苯(32mg/L)作用下线粒体中MDA含量显著增加.说明六氯苯的毒性作用可能为一种自由基机制,即低浓度的六氯苯导致线粒体内活性氧自由基(ROS)生成量少量增加,SOD和GSH-Px及其同工酶活性由于氧化应激的诱导被激活;随着六氯苯浓度增加,线粒体内ROS生成量大量增加,并破坏了SOD和GSH-Px的抗氧化活性,导致其活力下降或丧失,自由基含量增加,线粒体脂质过氧化加剧.  相似文献   

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