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海水混合和层化对叶绿素a垂直分布的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据长江口海区、近岸浅水区、黄海冷水团海区和水深超过200m的陆架区等四个区域的定点调查获得的数据,分析了温度、盐度与叶绿素a垂直分布的相互关系。结果表明,长江口海区,陆源径流与海水混合不充分,表层营养盐含量较高,表层叶绿素a含量高于中下水层。近岸浅水区的苏北近岸海水垂向没有温跃层和盐跃层,叶绿素a的垂向分布也均匀,东海西部沿岸出现逆温跃层和逆盐跃层,海水垂直混合不充分,叶绿素a含量(6.72mg/m^3)在10m深水域最高。黄海冷水团海区海水的垂直混合不充分,叶绿素a的垂直变化显著,高值区出现在温跃层下方(4.37mg/m^3)。水深超过200m的陆架区,温度的阶梯状结构、营养盐跃层、光照等因素共同导致整个水层叶绿素a含量普遍较低。同时,结合历史资料分析认为,海水的混合、温度和盐度的层化将影响营养盐的浓度和分布,从而影响海水中叶绿素a的垂直分布。  相似文献   

Three sets of nonlinear similarity functions for strong stability are selected to compare their performance in bulk parameterization. To uncover their advantages and disadvantages, theoretical and measurement analyses are made with four profile metrics and the Deacon number technique. Main disadvantages include the negligence of the different transfer efficiency between momentum and heat, the flux cutoff due to the upper limit in gradient Richardson number (Ri) and the ignorance of limited stability range where the dimensionless gradient functions ( and ) approach constants. Accordingly, three suggestions are made for future improvement. First, the functions for wind velocity and potential temperature should have the same function form, but with different coefficients. Second, and should approach constants only within a certain stability range. Third, the limit value in Ri should be avoided to widen their applicability in flux modeling. Furthermore, quantitative comparisons in transfer coefficients for moment and sensible heat (C D and C H) are made among the similarity functions in the bulk Richardson number (Ri B) range 0 < Ri B < 1. Generally, significant discrepancy is found, which may approach a factor of two and three at large Ri B in C D and C H, respectively. Finally, a new recommendation is made to one of the three sets, mainly because of its ability to predict C D and C H that decrease rather slowly in very stable conditions.  相似文献   

For lowering sediment, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) pollution of surface water bodies at the catchment scale, environmental legislation require programs of pollution abatement measures. To be able to ensure the cost-effectiveness of such programs we first need to identify high risk areas, which give rise to increased pollutant runoff. Process-based GIS models provide the opportunity to identify such critical areas and hence better target diffuse pollution abatement actions. However, these models are data intensive and their spatially-distributed parameterization in poorly monitored catchments is not feasible without extensive input data pre-processing and significant simplifying assumptions. This study implements the widely-used SWAT river basin model (Soil Water Assessment Tool) to study a medium-sized Greek catchment with the typical data limitations met at the national level, in order to identify critical diffuse pollution source areas that may serve as the key areas for meeting the objective of ‘good ecological status’ of water bodies set by the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Model parameterization and evaluation are presented along with the decisions made to overcome problems related to data representation in the catchment, in an effort to provide guidance on SWAT modeling in areas with similar characteristics. The results show that sediments and nutrients could be adequately reproduced in large time steps (monthly or seasonal) and that even with the current data limitations, the seasonal variation and the most critical areas of pollutant losses to waters could be adequately identified. The study proposes a transparent modeling approach under data limitations without neglecting possible deficiencies; however, it maintains that the SWAT model, if appropriately parameterized with respect to the land-use and soil differentiation within a limited-gauged catchment, can still facilitate the selection and placement of suitable practices across the landscape for a cost-effective diffused pollution management.  相似文献   

A new quantity, gyration vector, measuring the gyration effect in turbulent flow field is suggested. While the formerly introduced spin characterizes the trajectories of fluid particles within the Lagrangian stochastic turbulence models, then the suggested gyration vector is defined as an average Eulerian characteristic of the turbulent flow field. The relation between the gyration vector and the average spin is analyzed. The meridional distributions of the gyration vector and of the average spin estimated from the global ocean surface drifter data in the Pacific Ocean are presented. Although the estimates of values of both quantities differ substantially for certain latitude intervals, their meridional distributions exhibit extensive qualitative similarities. The gyration vector as well as the average spin estimated for the unaltered original data on the velocity of drifters display the anticyclonic orientation of rotation at all latitudes, while for the low-pass filtered velocity data with the cut-off frequency value corresponding to 1.5 inertial periods the both quantities show a cyclonic orientation of rotation in narrow zonal bands around 10–20°N and S. The estimates of meridional distribution of two other quantities related to the gyration vector are presented and some aspects of theoretical context of the gyration vector are discussed.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence indicates that there is a significant departure of the wind profile above the underlying surface consisting of patches of solid and liquid parts, and plant communities with different morphological from that predicted by the logarithmic relationship, which gives the values larger than those observed. This situation can seriously affect the transfer of momentum, heat and water vapor from the surface fluxes into the atmosphere.The object of this paper is to generalize the calculation of the exchange of momentum between the atmosphere and a very heterogeneous surface, find a general equation for the wind speed profile in a roughness sublayer under neutral conditions, and, then, derive aggregated roughness length and displacement height over the grid cell. The suggested expression for the wind profile is compared with some earlier approaches, using a common parameterization of aerodynamic parameters over the grid cell, and the observations obtained at an experimental site in Philadelphia, PA.  相似文献   

从耕地占有数量及利用效率、土地资源构成、村落农业生产技术以及村落布局4个方面,研究岷江上游4个典型村落农业资源利用变化特点,认为农业资源禀赋条件、科技进步程度、民族文化和历史因素、制度政策、市场因子以及生态环境状况是形成村落资源利用的基本动因。  相似文献   

张建利  沈蕊  施雯  柳小康  欧晓昆 《生态环境》2010,26(6):1272-1277
选择金沙江干流及支流小江干热河谷典型草地,采用标准样地调查法,对其上游、中游、下游以及支流干热河谷草地植物分布特征、群落结构、种群习性等开展研究,结果表明:(1)金沙江干热河谷草地植物群落结构自上游至下游,多年生草本植物种类的比例逐渐增加,灌木和一年生草本植物种类比例逐渐减少;金沙江干热河谷草地植物群落是以多年生草本为主灌木为辅的群落结构类型;支流小江干热河谷群落中,多年生草本和灌木植物种类比例相同,一年生草本植物种类比例较低。(2)金沙江流域干热河谷草地群落中,扭黄茅(Heteropogon contortus)为优势种群,次优种群随地理环境的改变而不同。(3)金沙江干热河谷存在种群扩散通道作用,但种群扩散通道作用受扩散距离的影响。(4)金沙江干热河谷草地植物种群的扩散、定居受到经向、纬向的影响。  相似文献   

Impact of consistent boundary layer mixing approaches between NAM and CMAQ   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Discrepancies in grid structure, dynamics and physics packages in the offline coupled NWS/NCEP NAM meteorological model with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model can give rise to inconsistencies. This study investigates the use of three vertical mixing schemes to drive chemistry tracers in the National Air Quality Forecast Capability (NAQFC). The three schemes evaluated in this study represent various degrees of coupling to improve the commonality in turbulence parameterization between the meteorological and chemistry models. The methods tested include: (1) using NAM predicted TKE-based planetary boundary height, h, as the prime parameter to derive CMAQ vertical diffusivity; (2) using the NAM mixed layer depth to determine h and then proceeding as in (1); and (3) using NAM predicted vertical diffusivity directly to parameterize turbulence mixing within CMAQ. A two week period with elevated surface O3 concentrations during the summer 2006 has been selected to test these schemes in a sensitivity study. The study results are verified and evaluated using the EPA AIRNow monitoring network and other ozonesonde data. The third method is preferred a priori as it represents the tightest coupling option studied in this work for turbulent mixing processes between the meteorological and air quality models. It was found to accurately reproduce the upper bounds of turbulent mixing and provide the best agreement between predicted h and ozonesonde observed relative humidity profile inferred h for sites investigated in this study. However, this did not translate into the best agreement in surface O3 concentrations. Overall verification results during the test period of two weeks in August 2006, did not show superiority of this method over the other 2 methods in all regions of the continental U.S. Further efforts in model improvement for the parameterizations of turbulent mixing and other surface O3 forecast related processes are warranted.  相似文献   

Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (AAPB) represent a widespread mixotrophic bacterial group in marine ecosystems. Here we investigated AAPB genetic diversity in the surface waters and upper twilight zones of the central Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans by amplifying an AAPB marker gene (pufM, encoding photosynthetic reaction center small subunit) directly from bacterioplankton community DNA. Phylogenetic and statistical analysis of 267 pufM partial sequences in six clone libraries revealed a high diversity pattern in open ocean AAPB communities. Various AAPB subgroups belonging to Alpha- and Gamma-proteobacteria were found in both surface and upper twilight zone waters. In most samples, subgroups in which no pure culture was isolated as yet were predominant. By sampling a wide size range of bacterioplankton (0.22–200 μm) and introducing nested PCR to amplification, we retrieved abundant pufM fragments (136 sequences in 37 OTUs) directly from upper twilight zone samples. AAPB populations in upper twilight zones covered major subgroups found in surface waters and had a slightly lower diversity, higher dominance, and lower GC and GC3 contents in pufM genes than those in surface AAPB populations. These diversity data combined with previous BChl.a data in upper twilight zones support the hypothesis that AAPB may be present below euphotic zones based on the speculation that AAPB can utilize the dim light in twilight zones as a supplement to energy supply in their heterotrophic lives.  相似文献   

岷江上游山区聚落生态位地域边界划分与垂直分异分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山区聚落生态位是当地居民长期适应山地自然环境的结果,涵盖了人类居所在山地生态系统中所处的地理位置及居民生计所能利用的资源空间.基于SPOT-5遥感数据和GIS技术,对岷江上游山区聚落生态位边界进行甄别,提出了山区聚落生态位地域边界的划分方法,并对其分异特征进行定量分析.结果表明,河流、山脚、山沟、图像纹理和色差等因素对边界划分具有指示意义,是界定山区聚落生态位地域范围的关键因子;岷江上游山区聚落生态位地域面积介于2.27~528.67 hm2之间,且随着海拔升高而增大;在<1 600m海拔段,聚落生态位的增速较小,当海拔高度超过1 600m时,聚落生态位的增速明显增加.  相似文献   

东江中上游主要造林树种光合生理特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在东江中上游,以6年生造林树种木荷Schima superba、红锥Castanopsis hystrix、火力楠Michelia macclurei和藜蒴Castanopsis fissa为材料,利用Li-6400光合作用测定系统,对东江中上游水源林主要造林树种木荷、红锥、火力楠和藜蒴叶片光合日变化和光响应进行了测定,探讨了4种树种在当地自然生境下的光合生理特征。结果表明:木荷和藜蒴净光合速率(Pn)日变化呈"单峰"曲线,火力楠和红锥净光合速率(Pn)日变化呈"双峰"曲线,4种树种净光合速率(Pn)最大值均出现在10:00左右,分别为8.73、6.00、6.68和7.91μmol.m-1.s-1;4种树种净光合速率(Pn)日均值表现为木荷〉火力楠〉红锥〉藜蒴,蒸腾速率(Tr)日均值表现为红锥〉木荷〉火力楠〉藜蒴,水分利用效率(WUE)日均值表现为木荷〉藜蒴〉火力楠〉红锥,木荷具有高光合、高水分利用效率的生理特性,对环境适应能力强。4种树种光响应曲线均符合非直角双曲线模型(R2〉0.98)和指数模型(R2〉0.98),采用非直角双曲线模型拟合的4种树种最大净光合速率(P,max)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)和表观量子效率(a)基本高于指数模型相应拟合值,且接近实测值,但2种模型拟合的光饱和点低于实际观测值。在中幼龄阶段,木荷、红锥、火力楠和藜蒴表现出较高的光饱和点(LSP)、较低的光补偿点(LCP)和较低表观量子效率,具有较强的耐阴喜光特性,对光照强度表现出一定的适应性和可塑性,对弱光与强光的利用能力较高。这些研究结果为东江流域水源林造林设计、树种筛选和抚育提供理论参考。  相似文献   

介绍混凝沉降实验与实际沉降工艺各自的特点和存在的问题,从相似理论的角度出发,指出了玻璃量筒沉降实验和实际沉降工艺存在着几何尺寸、初始条件、运动条件三方面的不相似,较好地解释了两者的沉降速度和沉降效果的差异;并提出今后的混凝沉降实验应该进一步符合相似理论,从而更加合理地模拟实际沉降工艺.  相似文献   

Decision making in dune management: theory and practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effective decision making depends upon the availability of quality information. Procedures involved in assessing dune vulnerability and protection require monitoring of sporadic processes and information must be collected from many discipline sources. In particular, a significant challenge to strategic management is recognition of subtle discontinuities which could undermine the long term stability of the dune system. These changes may be irregular and/or non linear requiring managers to be aware of existing parameters, patterns and emerging discontinuities. A range of components within the system should be measured on a systematic, temporal and spatial basis. An environmentalchecklist is a useful management technique which systematises information, so that strategic objectives can be made operational and achievable. Problems can be identified and solved with this methodology particularly if it is incorporated into aW problem solving model. The checklist procedure proposed in this paper has been developed and tested in field conditions for a range of north-west and south-European dune systems. Whereas a universalchecklist applicable to all systems is utopian in aim, intra and extra-regional comparisons can be undertaken with only minor modifications of some components. Parameters covering site and dune morphology, beach condition; surface character of the seaward 200 m of the dunes; pressure of use and recent protection measures are the basis for calculating vulnerability and protection indices. The balance between these indices can be determined, analysed and form the foundation for future informed management decisions.  相似文献   

Fresh straw burning (SB) particles were generated in the laboratory by the combustion of rice straw and corn straw. The chemical composition and mixing state of the fresh SB particles were investigated by an Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (ATOFMS). Based on the mass spectral patterns, the SB particles were clustered into four major types: Salt, Organic Carbon (OC), Elemental Carbon (EC), and internally mixed particles of EC and OC (EC-OC). In addition, particles containing ash, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals or nicotine were also observed. Physical and chemical changes of the SB particles immediately after the emission were analyzed with highly time-resolved data. During the aging processes, the average particle size increased steadily. Freshly emitted organic compounds were gradually oxidized to more oxygenated compounds in the OC-containing particles. Meanwhile, an important displacement reaction (2KCl+ SO42→ K2SO4 + 2Cl) was observed. The marker ions for SB particles were optimized and applied to identify the SB particles in the ambient atmosphere. The fluctuation of the number fraction of ambient SB particles sorted by ATOFMS agrees well with that of water soluble K+ measured by an online ion chromatography, demonstrating that the optimized marker ions could be good tracers for SB particles in field measurements.  相似文献   

能值理论研究中存在的几个问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
能值理论与研究方法是当前生态经济学研究中的一个热点问题.被认为是连接生态学与经济学的桥梁,具有重大的理论和实践意义.尽管能值分析有效的将自然环境的价值纳入了产品的生产,更能真实地揭示产品的真实价值,从而克服了传统能量分析和经济分析的诸多缺陷.但其在理论和研究方法仍存在一些不足之处.综合国内外有关能值理论与研究方法的相关文献,对当前能值理论研究中能值转化率的计算问题、多产品或复合产品系统的能值流计算问题、能值价值论与市场价值论结合问题、能值与可持续发展研究问题等几个方面进行了探讨.  相似文献   

The observed growth of a particular forest stand can be described by many models and explained by some of them. The forest growth models are also successfully applied for extrapolating the growth curve. However, the known models of forest growth are not “one-point” models. They are not designed to predict the future growth of a forest stand from its current state: the model parameters either are not directly measurable or cannot be measured with relevant accuracy. This article is an attempt to use Jørgensen–Svirezhev theory as a new clue to the choice of variables that determines forest growth. The postulates of this theory combined with the pipe theory of tree growth lead to conclusion that biomass of a stand should be proportional to the four-fifths power of its age. Empirical validation, however, disclosed that calendar age is rather approximate measure of ecosystem ontogeny. Delayed development or intensive thinning of a forest stand at the early stages leads to rejuvenation bias. Thus derived 4/5-law model approximates well-known Chapman–Richards model in the neighborhood of the inflection point, and is applicable to middle-aged forest stands.  相似文献   

The roughness length at the air-sea interface during free convection (z0fc) is mainly related to the convective velocity (w*) rather than the friction velocity (u*). The parameterization of z0fc with w * 2 /g as proposed by Abdella and DAlessio in 2003 is evaluated. It is shown that their proposed formula is consistent with field measurements. In order to avoid self-correlation by using u*, a new parameterization of w* with wind speed (Uz) at height z and stability parameter (z/L, where L is the buoyancy length) is proposed. This new formula for w* is in agreement with an independent field result.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the performance of different methods for estimation of the vertical eddy diffusivity in thermally stratified lakes, two field studies were conducted in Lake Biwa, Japan and Lake Kinneret, Israel. Lake Biwa experienced three typhoons during the campaign while Lake Kinneret experienced high winds in the afternoons. Microstructure profiles were collected by a portable flux profiler (PFP) during calm and disturbed periods. Then, the vertical eddy diffusivity was estimated by three indirect methods. The estimated vertical eddy diffusivities varied more than one order of magnitude, from 4.7× 10−7 to 7.7× 10−6 m2 s−1. The comparison of results with previous buoyancy flux measurements and scaling arguments showed that the Dillon–Park’s method is not appropriate and Osborn–Cox method performs better than Osborn method in the studied case. Furthermore, the low value of vertical eddy diffusivity within the thermocline suggests that within the thermocline of these lakes, diffusive vertical transport can be neglected.  相似文献   


Land system science and affiliated research linked to sustainability require improved understanding and theorization of land and its change as a social-ecological system (SES). The absence of a general land-use theory, anchored in the social subsystem but with explicit links to the environmental subsystem, hampers this effort. Drawing on land-use explanations, meta-analyses, and associated frameworks, we advance a broad framework structure of eight elements – aggregations of explanatory variables – with links to the biophysical subsystem, for systematic comparisons of extant explanations. Tests and models can be employed to identify which set of variables and their configurations provide robust explanations of across land uses, identifying the potential for theory development. The framework and its application are applicable to both top-down and bottom-up explanatory approaches employed in the social sciences. Links to the environmental subsystem invite future exploration of SES explanations that reach across the different dimensions of global change and sustainability science.  相似文献   

Recent ecological studies have shown a strong relation between temperature, echinoids and their grazing effects on macro-algal communities. In this study, we speculate that climate warming may result in an increasingly favourable environment for the reproduction and development of the sea urchin Arbacia lixula. The relationship between increased A. lixula density and the extent of barren grounds in the Mediterranean Sea is also discussed.  相似文献   

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