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调查了昆山市养殖业现状,根据污染物排放系数,定量计算了2000年该市污染物排放量,并根据实际情况提出了污染防治对策。  相似文献   

根据启东市第一次全国污染源普查数据,对启东市畜禽养殖污染的现状和成因进行了深入分析,并提出了对畜禽养殖污染防治的对策思考。  相似文献   

我国畜禽养殖业引致的环境问题及主要对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在阐述目前畜禽养殖业引致的主要环境问题及其与可持续发展关系的基础上 ,从生态系统学的角度提出应强化规模化畜禽养殖废弃物的综合利用 ,开展固体废弃物和污水治理等相关领域的研究 ,进一步做好畜禽养殖污染防治工作 ,有效地保护和改善农村生态环境 ,以期促进畜禽养殖环境与经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

我国畜禽养殖业引致的环境问题及主要对策   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在阐述目前畜禽养殖业引致的主要环境问题及其与可持续发展关系的基础上,从生态系统学的角度提出应强化规模化畜禽养殖废弃物的综合利用,开展固体废弃物和污水治理等相关领域的研究,进一步做好畜禽养殖污染防治工作,有效地保护和改善农村生态环境,以期促进畜禽养殖环境与经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

对中国"十二五"前3年畜禽养殖业污染减排实践中存在的问题和面临的困境进行了分析和梳理,针对问题依据各地养殖现状核算了各区域耕地粪污承载负荷。据此提出种养结合是区域适宜的粪污治理思路,为地方政府与环境主管部门推进畜禽养殖污染防治和粪污资源化利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

镇江市酸雨污染现状及防治对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以镇江市近年来对酸雨的监测资料,论述了酸雨对环境已构成污染危害,并提出了防治对策.  相似文献   

郊区畜禽养殖对环境的污染越来越严重.以国内某城市周边畜禽养殖业为例,通过确定主要畜禽(猪、牛、鸡、羊)污染物的产污系数,估算了2009年北方某城市各区县的主要畜禽粪污中COD、TN、TP含量,分别约为1.1×106、5.4×104、9×103 t.在不同区县中,G区单位耕地面积N、P负荷最大,分别为309.5、52.7 kg/hm2,远远超出土壤的消纳能力;在靠海的主要3个区(A、B、C区)中,其中C区的畜禽粪污对水体潜在污染负荷最高,COD、TN、TP分别达4 858.4、252.4、47.9t,可能造成水质的污染.  相似文献   

调查了宝应县畜禽养殖业的发展现状及分布情况,阐述了该县畜禽养殖业的污染防治状况,分析了污染防治中存在的主要问题,并提出了当地畜禽养殖业污染防治的基本思路和治理措施,对贯彻落实防治措施提出了建议。  相似文献   

发展中国家正面临着发展经济与新老污染特别是水污染的问题。解决水污染问题时,资金是主要因素之一。恰当的战略思路有助于在有限资金条件下,逐步控制以至改善水污染状况。如何确定主要污染物并尽可能地降低主要污染物的排放量是一个实际问题。本文在作者过去对上海、烟台、常州锌等水污染控制研究的基础上,就以主要污染物为中心的向题作讨论。因篇幅所限,具体数据则不完全列举。  相似文献   

乡镇炼铝业是以大企业的含铝废渣(如电解铝废渣)、铝屑及废旧铝制品为原料的综合利用行业.据不完全统计,仅永康市乡镇炼铝企业1993年就消化掉来自全国各地的含铝废渣约5万吨.可以说,乡镇炼铝业是一个废渣“处理厂”,它为大企业处理废渣,为国家提供再生铝材,并为自身带来良好的经济效益.但是,乡镇炼铝业在生产过程中产生的废气、粉尘和二次废渣都对环境造成不同程度的污染,存在着二次污染问题.1主要污染物排放情况乡镇炼铝是以含铝废渣、铝屑以及废旧铝制品为原料,以焦炭为燃料,添加少量莹石粉或氟硅酸钠,经筛选、碾碎、熔炼、冷却几道工序生产铝锭的.含铝废渣(俗称铝灰)的主要成份是铝及氧化铝,其含铝量高的约为70%~80%,低的约为30%~40%.焦炭、莹石粉(或氟硅酸钠)的用量根据铝灰的含铝量而变  相似文献   

畜禽养殖业污染与循环经济   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
解决畜禽养殖业的污染问题要以充分利用资源为根本出发点,通过对污染全过程控制及废物综合利用,达到畜禽粪便的减量化、无害化、资源化,走循环经济的发展道路。  相似文献   

在常用燃煤锅炉污染物排放量计算经验公式的基础上,结合循环流化床锅炉中石灰石与二氧化硫反应的原理,推算出其污染物排放量及排放浓度的计算公式,并对锅炉污染物排放量的环评计算提出了原则性的建议。  相似文献   

After a short review on production technology of ceramic floor and wall tile, the main feature of pollutant emissions from each production phase are outlined. On the basis of thousands of measurements carried out by the Centro Ceramico of Bologna on most of the Italian ceramic factories, the variation ranges of pollutant concentrations in stack emissions are shown, and the respective emission factors are calculated. The results obtained show that the ceramic industry is relatively clean, in comparison with other industries, although some environmental problems were found in areas with particularly high concentrations of ceramic factories.  相似文献   


Title III of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 has increased the need for well defined and tested stationary source emission sampling and analysis methods. The Methods Branch of the Air Measurements Research Division of U.S. EPA's Office of Research and Development is responsible for a major methods development and evaluation program intended to help fill that need. This paper summarizes recent developments from several of the component projects of that program. Primary emphasis is placed on status and references for methods for organic hazardous air pollutants, such as phosgene, methanol, chloroform, acetonitrile, isocyanates, aldehydes, halogenated organics, non-halogenated organics, and volatile organic material  相似文献   

The NO, NO2, and CO emissions from residential gas combustion appliances contribute to indoor air pollution. The work described investigated the impact of various unvented gas appliances designs and/or operational factors on pollutant emission rates. All experiments were performed in a 1150 ft3 (32.56 m3) all aluminum chamber under controlled conditions. Results are presented for the effect of the following factors on emission rates: 1) appliance type and/or design, 2) primary aeration level, 3) firing rate (fuel input rate), 4) chamber humidity, and 5) time dependence of emission rates. It is concluded that primary aeration level has the largest impact on pollutant emission rates of range-top burners, followed in turn by firing rate, appliance type, chamber humidity, and time dependence of emission rate.  相似文献   

文中通过对泰兴市十一五期间主要污染物减排完成情况进行分析,总结成功经验,查寻存在问题,并通过对存在问题深入剖析,提出适应本地区减排工作的对策,为十二五主要污染物减排任务顺利完成提出积极的、有创新的建议。  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental, domestic-sized, oil-fired furnace to be used for evaluation of fuel additives and equipment design modifications in reducing air pollutant emissions. Operating data and emissions of particulate matter, smoke, carbon monoxide, gaseous hydrocarbons, oxides of nitrogen, and oxides of sulfur are reported over the range of operable air-fuel ratio. Emission levels are interpreted in terms of key operating parameters and potential areas for reduction of emissions.  相似文献   

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