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钢铁产业是国民经济重要的支柱产业,也是典型的高能耗、高排放、高污染产业。钢铁产业生态化设计与政策选择是落实科学发展观,推动生态文明建设,加快转变经济发展方式的必然要求。以烧结(球团)、焦化、炼铁、炼钢、轧钢工序中节能减排、污染防治和落后生产能力淘汰为重点,以环境影响评价为导向,基于钢铁全生产流程物质流分析,融入循环经济和清洁生产理念,以新型节能清洁工艺技术、装备技术和仿真、信息化技术的开发应用为切入点,融入生态文明、循环经济和清洁生产理念,完善钢铁生态产业链,加强资源综合利用,强化生态技术创新。本文从市场引导、政策促进、环境监管、技术创新、过程控制、内部循环、外部联合、责任延伸、行业自律、公众参与等10个层面,构建促进钢铁产业生态化的政策体系,充分发挥政府、企业、行业、中介组织、金融机构和社会公众的作用,在规划、机制和技术层次上全面落实钢铁产业生态化政策,全面推动我国钢铁产业的转型升级和绿色发展。  相似文献   

论中国林业现状及可持续发展战略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对中国林业的现状及其因在林破坏而引发的一系列生态和环境、经济和社会等问题进行了评述,强调指出可持续发展特别是林业可持续发展是解决上述问题的必然选择,并从生态学、经济学、社会学等方面论述了林业可持续发展的目标、准则及对策。  相似文献   

The needles of juniper growing in spruce and birch forests of the Khibiny Mountains have been analyzed to evaluate the pattern of changes in their chemical composition (ADF, lignin, cellulose, lignin/cellulose, lipids, phenolic compounds, proanthocyanidins, flavonoids, N, C, and also Ca, Mg, K, Mn, Zn, P, S, Al, and Fe). It has been shown that the concentrations of lignin, lipids, phenolic compounds, Ca, Al, and Fe in the needles increase with age, while those of flavonoids, soluble and bound proanthocyanidins, N, P, K, Mg, Zn, and Mn decrease. The needles of juniper from spruce and birch forests differ in the contents of nutrient elements, which is explained by differences in the composition of soils. The contents of lignin, cellulose, and lipids in aging needles are lower in birch forests than in spruce forests.  相似文献   

快速工业化区域是工业化快速发展、工业化水平迅速提升、经济社会结构急剧变化的新兴地域类型。普遍存在着建设用地总量急剧扩张、空间无序分散、城乡缺乏统筹等问题。本文从佛山市南海区典型案例入手,运用新制度经济学原理。归纳和解析了快速工业化区域城乡建设用地的主要问题,认为双二元管理体制、农村土地产权不完善、城乡土地市场发育不平衡和部门规划不协调等是建设用地发展的主要体制性障碍因素,并从管理、产权、市场、规划等方面系统提出相应的制度优化对策。  相似文献   

"循环经济"概念辨析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
基于对循环经济在德国、日本产生和发展状况的考察和我国目前关于循环经济的着干代表性定义的分析,指出循环经济是相对于传统的“资源-产品-废弃物”单向流动的线形经济而言的,是建立在生态学规律之上的一种以“减量化、再利用、资源化”为原则。以资源(特别是物质资源)的节约和循环利用为核心,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为基本特征,以避免、减少、再利用、资源化、热回收、无害化处置作为处理废弃物的先后次序,构造上高度接近于“资源-产品-再生资源”反馈式闭路循环,符合可持续发展理念的经济增长模式,是解决我国资源环境与经济发展之间矛盾的重要途径之一。最后分析了循环经济与节约型社会、清洁生产、节约能源、资源综合利用等概念之间的分析,进而提出支持我国建设节约型社会的法律体系至少应当包括《循环经济与资源综合利用促进法》、节约型社会的基本目标、原则和法律制度。以此为基础,再考虑进一步制定针对包装物、电子垃圾、废旧汽车等的法律法规。  相似文献   

广州市生态风险重点及其防范策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了构建更适宜居住生活、更适宜创业发展的山水田园型生态城市,为实现城市可持续发展的总目标,广州市必须系统而有重点地防范生态风险,解决制约广州城市发展的重点和潜在的战略生态问题,保障城市生态安全。本文着重探讨了广州城市发展中的台风、暴雨、洪涝、临海重工业的发展布局与近岸海域生态系统的保护、饮用水保障与水环境质量、机动车尾气污染与大气环境质量等重点生态环境问题及其防范策略。  相似文献   

Data on polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) concentrations from Stockholm, Sweden, indoor microenvironments were combined with information from detailed questionnaires regarding the sampling location characteristics, including furnishing and equipment present. These were used to elucidate relationships between possible flame-retarded sources and the contaminant concentrations found in air and dust. Median concentration ranges of ΣPenta-, ΣOcta-, ΣDecaBDE and HBCD from all microenvironments were 19-570, 1.7-280, 29-3200 and < 1.6-2 pg/m3 in air and 22-240, 6.1-80, 330-1400 and 45-340 ng/g in dust, respectively. Significant correlations were found between concentrations of some PBDEs and HBCD in air and/or dust and the presence of electronic/electrical devices, foam furniture, PUF mattresses and synthetic bed pillows in, as well as floor area and construction year of the microenvironment. Car interiors were a source to indoor air in dealership halls. Using median and maximum concentrations of ΣPenta-, ΣOcta-, ΣDecaBDE and HBCD in air and dust, adult and toddler (12-24 months) intakes from inhalation and dust ingestion were estimated. Toddlers had higher estimated intakes of ΣPenta-, ΣDecaBDE and HBCD (7.8, 43, 7.6 ng/d, respectively) from dust ingestion than adults (5.8, 38, 6.0 ng/d, respectively). Air inhalation in offices was also an important exposure pathway for ΣPenta-, ΣOcta- and ΣDecaBDE in adults. For ΣPentaBDE and HBCD, air inhalation and dust ingestion play minor roles when compared to previously published Swedish dietary intakes (median exposures). However, in worst case scenarios using maximum concentrations, dust ingestion may represent 77 and 95% of toddler intake for ΣPentaBDE and HBCD, respectively.  相似文献   

A small part of the scientific community is seeking hard to enhance the contribution of science, knowledge and capacity building to environmentally sustainable and socially fair human development around the world. Many researchers over the globe share the same commitment – anchored in concerns for the human condition. They believe that science and research can and have influenced sustainability. Therefore their main goals are to seek and build up knowledge, know-how and capacity that might help to feed, nurture, house, educate and employ the world's growing human population while conserving its basic life support systems and biodiversity. They undertake projects, that are essentially integrative, and they try to connect the natural, social and engineering sciences, environment and development of communities, multiple stakeholders, geographic and temporal scales. More generally, scientists engaged in sustainable development are bridging the worlds of knowledge and action. This pro-active, heavily ethics- and wisdom-based "science for sustainability" can be seen as the conclusion of all dialogues and discussions amongst scientists at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) 2002 in Johannesburg. The "Plan of Implementation" after WSSD will be based on political will, practical steps and partnerships with time-bound actions. Several "means of implementation" are going to be proofed and initiated: finance, trade, transfer of environmentally sound technology, and, last but not least, science and capacity building.Some characteristics of working scientific sustainability initiatives are that they are regional, place-based and solution-oriented. They are focusing at intermediate scales where multiple stresses intersect, where complexity is manageable, where integration is possible, where innovation happens, and where significant transitions toward sustainability can start bottom-up. And they have a fundamental character, addressing the unity of the nature – society system, asking how that interactive system is evolving and how it can be consciously, if imperfectly, steered through the reflective mobilization and application of appropriate knowledge and know-how. The aims of such sustainability-building initiatives conducted by researchers are: first to make significant progress toward expanding and deepening the research agenda of science and knowledge-building for sustainability; secondly to strengthen the infrastructure and capacity for conducting and applying science, research and technology for sustainability – everywhere in the world where it is needed; and thirdly, to connect science, policy and decision-making more effectively in pursuit of a faster transition towards real sustainable development. The overall characteristic is, that sustainability initiatives are mainly open-ended networks and dialogues for the better future. A world society that tries to turn towards sustainable development has to work hard to refine their clumsy technologies, in "earthing" their responsibility to all creatures and resources, in establishing democratic systems in peace and by heeding human rights, in building up global solidarity through all mankind and in commit themselves to a better life for the next generations.  相似文献   

江西庐山自然保护区主要森林植被水土保持功能评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着环境压力的与日俱增以及森林过度采伐带来的生态危机的加剧,森林生态系统控制水土流失与涵养水源功能的量化及机理研究已成为各国生态学家、林学家、水土保持学家共同关注的课题。以江西庐山自然保护区的6种主要森林植被为研究对象,基于野外调查和室内实验获取的相关数据,采用层次分析法,选取郁闭度、丰富度指数、土壤容重、毛管孔隙度、土壤稳渗速率、枯落物储量、枯落物分解强度、海拔、坡度等15个指标构建多层次多指标的水土保持功能评价体系,根据层次总排序结果,分别计算出各指标的权重,并利用线型评分函数求出各森林植被类型水土保持功能的综合评价值,即6种主要森林植被类型水土保持功能排序为:常绿阔叶林玉山竹林常绿-落叶阔叶混交林落叶阔叶林黄山松林马尾松林。  相似文献   

自然资源资产负债表概念是中国的一项重要理论和制度创新,但其研究还存在一些问题和争议,如对自然资源资产负债表中资源类别未能达成共识,对资产、负债和权益的界定不清晰,价值核算还不准确等。此外,其编制工作也进展缓慢。本文认为,自然资源资产负债表基础理论和方法都尚不成熟,需要重新诠释概念,并引入新的核算方法,使其中的资产、负债和权益概念更加清晰,数量核算和价值核算方法更加科学。可以另辟蹊径,借鉴生态足迹的思想,从三方面做出改进:第一,将资源类别界定为耕地、林地、草地、湿地、水域、能源矿产和非能源矿产七类,以避免重复核算问题。第二,进一步明确土地和矿产两类资源的资产、负债和权益的含义,可以引入生态足迹方法,用土地生态足迹、生态承载力和生态赤字分别衡量土地资产、土地权益和土地(过载)负债,使得土地过载负债的核算成为可能,且在土地权益核算时能够同时考虑土地面积和质量;可以用已消耗的矿产资源衡量环境负债,以避免环境负债价值的系统性偏误问题。第三,可以将生态足迹方法与生态系统服务价值评估方法结合起来,以估算土地的资产、权益和负债价值,以避免土地价值估算的系统性偏误问题;可以用改进的市场价格法核算矿产或环境的三种价值,避免环境负债价值核算的随意性。引入生态足迹方法可以使自然资源资产负债表中的资产、负债和权益概念更加清晰易懂,并使得资源的数量核算和价值核算方法更加科学,结果更加可信。  相似文献   

Reviewing the existing environmental policies in Western China,we find that:in time sequence,the characteristics of China's western environmental policies shift from"development drive governance"to the full implementation of environmental protection and construction;and in spatial sequence,the ecological,social,and economic development of Western China reach to coordination through the nature reserve setting,ecological migrants,fiscal transfer payment and differentiated ecological environmental policies.Due to the implementation of the policies and projects,environmental degradation trends in the western ecological environment were alleviated significantly,the living conditions of farmers and herdsmen were improved,and many successful experiences were explored.However,future ecological environmental construction in Western China requires further improvement in integrated planning,eco-compensation mechanism,and policy assessment.This paper concludes with specific recommendations such as drawing up ecological environment construction planning,strengthening environmental law enforcement and incentive mechanisms,improving policy assessment and scientific support,enhancing environmental protection capacity,improving eco-compensation mechanism,and refining the environmental policies for key areas.  相似文献   

This article reviews critical linkages between land-use transition and human health in the Himalayan region by applying ecosystem approaches to human health (or EcoHealth). Land-use transition in the Himalayan and similar regions includes sedentarization, agricultural intensification, habitat modification, migration, change of livelihoods and lifestyles, biodiversity loss, and increasing flash floods. These transitions, which can have impacts on human health, are driven by state policies, a market economy, and climate change. Human health is dependent on access to ecosystem services for food, nutrition, medicine, fiber and shelter, fresh water, and clear air. Ecosystem management has been a key means of controlling disease vectors and creating suitable habitats for human well-being. The paper identifies the web of environmental factors that influence human health. Institutional and policy issues for land-use and health transitions are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe a spatially explicit scenario analysis of global change effects on the potential future trade-offs and conflicts between agriculture, energy generation, and grassland and wetland conservation in North Dakota (ND), USA. Integrated scenarios combining global policy, oil security, and climate change were applied to North Dakota using a spatial multi-criteria analysis shell. Spatial data describing climate changes and grassland, wetland, cropland, and energy distributions were used to characterize the geographical environment. The final multi-criteria framework examined the potential trade-offs between climate change, agricultural expansion, and energy generation resulting from global change scenarios on one hand, and the current footprint of wetlands and grasslands for six regions of ND that capture the major climate gradients and differences in land use. The results suggest that the tension between regional climate changes that may limit agricultural expansion, and global changes in food and energy security and commodity prices that favor agricultural expansion, may focus a zone of potential pressure on grasslands and wetland conversion in central ND and the Prairie Pothole Region. The balance between conservation programs, commodity prices, and land parcel productivity may determine grassland conversion, while wetland outcomes may almost totally depend upon regional climate change.  相似文献   

日本应对面源污染的法律措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自1992年农林水产省首次提出“环境保全型农业”的概念以来,日本政府逐渐重视以农业污染为主的面源污染。此后,政府根据面源污染在各个时期的变化情况,把农业生产污染、禽畜养殖业污染、固体废物污染、高速公路和城市生活污染等方面的各种政策、目标和经济措施予以法制化,陆续出台了一系列有利于防治面源污染的法律、法规。这些法规虽然不是防治面源污染的单行性法规,但其内容具有配套性、系统性、可操作性的特点,惩戒措施也具有针对性和层次性的特点,而且经济措施与法律责任并举,客观上对防治面源污染起到了重要作用。借鉴日本的立法经验,我国防治面源污染立法应该进一步完善法律法规,明确管理部门的职责,强化法律责任,通过多种手段引导公民自觉防治面源污染.  相似文献   

资源环境承载力研究进展:基于地理学综合研究的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资源环境承载力作为连接社会系统、环境系统与经济系统之间的纽带,是协调人口、资源与环境相互联系、又彼此相对独立的矛盾统一体的关键所在。资源环境承载力是地理学综合研究的重要方向。综合性与区域性、人地关系是支撑其发展的重要理论框架。本文对国内外资源环境承载力的研究进展、存在问题和发展趋势进行了详尽的综述。国内外资源环境承载力研究经近百年发展,从最初的单一的土地资源承载力、水资源承载力甚至农业资源承载力发展到资源承载力、环境承载力以及生态环境承载力。近几十年,生态足迹、虚拟水、能值分析等综合研究理论与方法兴起,极大地推动了资源环境承载力研究的定量化和模式化。目前,资源环境承载力的研究面临着一系列新的要求和挑战。主要表现在:资源环境承载力理论基础、学科范式和方法体系尚需继续完善;若干关键科学问题(包括:尺度效应、关键阈值、变化机制等)亟待解答;基础研究需要与实践应用加强联系等等。在此基础上,本文主张从地理学综合视角重新审视资源环境承载力研究的理论框架和今后研究的优先主题。通过建构资源环境承载力的地理学综合研究范式,能够拓展资源环境承载力的理论深度和广度,有助于提升资源环境承载力在国民经济社会发展中的应用水平。本研究提出未来相关研究应围绕以下优先主题开展:(1)资源环境承载力关键要素的变化及驱动机制;(2)资源环境承载力综合评价的理论与方法;(3)资源环境承载力的动态监测与预警;(4)基于资源环境承载力的国土功能区划与管控;(5)重点区域的资源环境承载力的恢复与提升途径。  相似文献   

长江口为典型的多级分汊中等潮汐河口,口门宽阔、径潮流强劲、泥沙运动复杂、河槽交替多变,给河口综合治理带来困难。长江口各分流汊道演变过程中,此消彼长是永恒的主旋律,其产生、发展、扭曲、萎缩、消亡具有周期性演变规律。为发挥长江黄金水道的优势,促进国民经济发展,长江口先后实施了深水航道治理工程、南北港分流口处的新浏河沙护滩和南沙头通道限流工程,以及中央沙促淤圈围工程和青草沙水源地工程等,南北港和南北槽分流口河段得到有效控制,对长江口未来的演变产生深远影响。基于南北港分流口以下丰富的地形、水文现场资料,对近年来南港地形演变进行了深入分析,在肯定工程稳定河势的同时,认为目前南北港分流口以下,尚存在南港主流偏离南岸致使发生近岸淤积,以及瑞丰沙中下段沙体刷深导致水流分散,不利于河势稳定等问题。并探讨了长江口“先下后上”治理模式的优缺点,建议在长江口河势尚未发生较大变化时,站在整体的高度,综合考虑河势、航道、水土资源、防洪潮及排灌、生态环境保护等诸多因素,尽快实施长江口综合整治工程。  相似文献   

The article studies the nature of current policy and management practice in Thailand on vegetation burnings and haze pollution and examines how these take into account heterogeneity and complexity of local conditions and causal factors on the ground. Chang Mai province’s recent haze episodes are used as case study. The country’s policy regime on vegetation burning and haze pollution is characterized as command-and-control and highly regulatory. Authors argue that haze problem is framed by the central and provincial government as a purely an administrative task of control and penalizing perpetrators of fire. This fails to take into account the heterogeneity and complexity of local conditions and drivers of burning occurrences, which in Chang Mai involves a variety of widely diffused forest and farming-based livelihood activities, such as hunting and forest product gathering, swidden farming, and burning of agricultural residues in rice cultivation. This state simplification in policy combines well with and is further reinforced by a centralized, top-down, and institutional landscape and functioning of government in decision-making, enabling the policy to cascade down to the province, districts, and sub-districts basically unaltered. Further, traditional administrative separatism between ministries and their provincial counterparts undermines the possibility of area-wide planning and integration of responses. The authors’ recommend a major policy shift, among others, including components of using local research on causal factors as tool for planning and policy, instituting incentives and reward systems for would-be fire igniters, area-wide local-transboundary approach, and strengthening autonomy of local government bodies. Authors have used documents review, secondary sources, and key informant interviews.  相似文献   

近10年中国可持续发展研究进展与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续发展概念的提出以来,我国从学术界到社会各界分别进行了相应的研究和实践。可持续发展是一个涉及到自然、经济、社会三个子系统组成的动态、开放复杂系统,其研究内容涉及到地理学、资源管理、生态学、环境科学、人口学、系统工程、经济学、社会学等许多相关领域。为了实施闺家可持续发展战略.国寒加大了对可更新资源保护的力度、愿域生态环境建设工程的布局、区域综合减灾规划制定与工程的建设。与此间时。图家有关资源、环境、灾害管理等职能部门。从制定可持续发展途径出发.开展了大量的区域可持续发展研究。这些工作为区域可持续发展的理论和方法论建设提供了足够丰富的案例研究。利用中国知网网络平台和Google搜索引擎工具。检索并分析了我国可持续发展近10年的主要研究内容。即:可持续发展的理论研究、可持续发展的信息分类和指标体系以及评价的模型方法。在此基础上对今后的研究趋势进行了分析。认为可持续发展过程与机理研究、尺度问题、区域要素和地域结构的整合、区域综合集成以及区域要素变化、区域整体关系研究需要进一步加强。  相似文献   

洞庭湖淤积、围垦对湖区江湖洪水影响的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用数值模拟技术,通过建立洞庭湖与长江耦合的水动力学数值模型,并利用长江沿江的宜昌、枝江、沙市、监利、螺山和洞庭湖区沿湖的南咀、小河咀、沅江、鹿角、岳阳和城陵矶等水文测站的水文资料,开展洞庭湖区湿地恢复的洪水效应模拟计算,选用1998年6月15日~8月31日洪水资料作为模型计算依据。通过模拟计算,对1952年以来洞庭湖淤积、围垦对江湖洪水的影响进行了定量评估。结果显示,1952~1998年的47年间,洞庭湖湖泊湿地围垦对江湖洪水位升高影响的相对量是湖泊淤积对江湖洪水位升高影响值的2~10倍。  相似文献   

外来种入侵对乡土生物多样性的影响机制   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
外来种入侵是全球性变化研究的重要组成部分,已经成为各国生物多样性保 护和管理的核心问题。近年来,大多数人给予了外来种对生态系统的负面作用充分的论述和研究,而忽视了它们的积极效应。如何客观辨证地评价外来种的作用和可能的影响是规避和管理外来种所带来的风险的前提和保障。在综述外来种、乡土种和外来种入侵的基本概念及其危害情况的基础上,系统阐述了外来种侵入和种群扩大对生物多样性所带来的正负两方面的影响。外来种入侵可能的影响途径及其机制主要包括:(1)竞争与排斥;(2)杂交;(3)打断或改变食物链关系;(4)带入病毒等。外来种入侵对乡土物种多样性的影响途径和机制实际上是上述众多因素综合作用的结果。外来种之所以给生态系统和人 类带来危害和损失,根本原因在于人们缺乏外来种入侵的相关知识以及预防手段和意识,更缺乏对外来种的有效管理。规避外来种所带来的风险,最关键是要尽可能地避免人为的、有意的协助外来种的入侵,并在做好各种安全措施后,有计划、有步骤地慎重引入,科学管理,规划发展。目前对外来种入侵的生态学知识还是零碎的、局部的、表象的,深入研究外来种的生物学生态学特性及其入侵的生态学机制是当前最为急迫的工作。建议我国近期加强外来种的本底调查与现状评估、外来种入侵的通道与入侵过程及其影响因素、外来种入侵的生态过程及其效应以及外来种入侵的进化后果等方面的工作。  相似文献   

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