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The biodrying process of solid waste is a pre-treatment for the bio-stabilisation of the municipal solid waste. This study aims to investigate the fate of the municipal solid waste fine fraction (MSWFF) resulting from a biodrying treatment when disposed in landfills that are operated as bioreactors. Biodried MSWFF was apparently stable due to its low moisture content that slows down the microbial activity. The lab-scale anaerobic bioreactors demonstrated that a proper moisture content leads to a complete biodegradation of the organic matter contained in the biodried MSWFF. Using a pilot-scale landfill bioreactor (LBR), MSWFF stabilisation was achieved, suggesting that the leachate recirculation could be an effective approach to accomplish the anaerobic biodegradation and biostabilisation of biodried MSWFF after landfilling. The biostabilisation of the material resulting from the LBR treatment was confirmed using anaerobic and aerobic stability indices. All anaerobic and aerobic indices showed a stability increase of approximately 80% of the MSWFF after treatment in the LBR. The similar values of OD7 and BMP stability indices well agree with the relationship between the aerobic and anaerobic indices reported in literature.  相似文献   

This study investigates the feasibility of using a silty soil excavated in highway construction as landfill liner material. The tests were conducted both at laboratory and in situ scales, and the soil was tested in pure and lime treated forms. Different levels of compaction energy were used. For the field study, a test pad was constructed and in situ hydraulic conductivity experiments were conducted by sealed double ring infiltrometers (SDRI). Laboratory testing revealed that while lime treatment improved the shear strength, it resulted in higher hydraulic conductivity values compared to pure soil. It was observed that leachate permeation did not change the hydraulic conductivity of the pure and lime treated samples. Laboratory hydraulic conductivities were on the order of 10(-9) m/s and met the 1.0E-08 m/s criterion in the Turkish regulations, which is one order of magnitude higher than the value allowed in most developed countries. SDRI testing, which lasted for 6 mo, indicated that lime treatment increased the hydraulic conductivity of pure soil significantly in the field scale tests. In situ hydraulic conductivities were on the order of 1E-08 and 1E-07 m/s, and exceeded the allowable value in the Turkish regulations. Undisturbed samples collected from the test pad were not representative of field hydraulic conductivities. Contrary to laboratory findings, higher compaction efforts did not result in lower hydraulic conductivities in field scales. The study verified the importance of in situ hydraulic conductivity testing in compacted liners.  相似文献   

In recent history the volume of electronic products purchased by consumers has dramatically escalated. As a result this has produced an ever-increasing electronic waste (E-waste) stream, which has generated concerns regarding the E-waste’s potential for adversely impacting the environment. The leaching of toxic substances from obsolete personal computers (PCs) and cathode ray tubes (CRTs) of televisions and monitors, which are the most significant components in E-waste stream, was studied using landfill simulation in columns. Five columns were employed. One column served as a control which was filled with municipal solid waste (MSW), two columns were filled with a mixture of MSW and CRTs, and the other two were filled with MSW and computer components including printed wire boards, hard disc drives, floppy disc drives, CD/DVD drives, and power supply units. The leachate generated from the columns was monitored for toxic materials throughout the two-year duration of the study. Results indicate that lead (Pb) and various other heavy metals that were of environmental and health concern were not detected in the leachate from the simulators. When the samples of the solids were collected from underneath the E-waste in the columns and were analyzed, significant amount of Pb was detected. This indicates that Pb could readily leach from the E-waste, but was absorbed by the solids around the E-waste materials. While Pb was not observed in the leachate in this study, it is likely that the Pb would eventually enter the leachate after a long term transport.  相似文献   

This study investigated the odor compounds from different areas in a landfill site, which included the municipal solid waste (MSW)-related area, the leachate-related area and the sludge-related area. Nine sampling points were placed and 35 types of odorous substances were measured and quantified from these grabbed samples. The results showed that the main odorous substances emitted from landfill site were styrene, toluene, xylene, acetone, methanol, n-butanone, n-butylaldehyde, acetic acid, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide and ammonia. In the MSW-related area, the highest concentrations of oxygenated compounds were observed at the gas extraction wells (GW), while sulfur compounds were rare. Ammonia in the sludge-related area was very abundant. Sludge discharge area (SD1) and sludge disposal work place (SD2) were representative points of pre- and post-drying, in which the characterizations of the emitted odorous gas were different. After chemical drying, the concentration of ammonia increased, whereas those of volatile fatty acids and sulfur compounds decreased. In the leachate-related area, relatively low concentrations of all those odorants were detected in leachate storage pool (LS), which may be due to the enclosure operation of the leachate storage pool. Using principal components analysis and cluster analysis, GW, SD1 and SD2 were distinguished from the other sampling points. The typical odorants in GW were acetaldehyde, ethyl benzene, xylene, methylamine and dimethyl formamide. The typical odorants in SD1 were methyl mercaptan, valeric acid and isovaleric acid, while those in SD2 were carbon disulfide, acetone, 3-pentanone, methanol and trimethylamine. The typical odorants in other sampling points were hydrogen sulfide, n-butylaldehyde and acetic acid.  相似文献   

Long-term biodegradation of MSW in an aerobic landfill bioreactor was monitored as a function of time during 510 days of operation. Operational characteristics such as air importation, temperature and leachate recirculation were monitored. The oxygen utilization rates and biodegradation of organic matter rates showed that aerobic biodegradation was feasible and appropriate to proceed in aerobic landfill bioreactor. Leachate analyses showed that the aerobic bioreactor could remove above 90% of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and close to 100% of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) from leachate. Ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-) and sulphate (SO4(2-)) concentrations of leachate samples were regularly measured. Results suggest that nitrification and denitrification occurred simultaneously, and the increase in nitrate did not reach the levels predicted stoichiometrically, suggesting that other processes were occurring. Leachate recirculation reduced the concentrations of heavy metals because of the effect of the high pH of the leachate, causing heavy metals to be retained by processes such as sorption on MSW, carbonate precipitation, and hydroxide precipitation. Furthermore, the compost derived from the aerobic biodegradation of the organic matter of MSW may be considered as soil improvement in the agricultural plant production. Bio-essays indicated that the ecotoxicity of leachate from the aerobic bioreactor was not toxic at the end of the experiment. Finally, after 510 days of degradation, waste settlement reached 26% mainly due to the compost of the organic matter.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - This work is aimed at exploring the recovery of heavy metals from the fine fraction of solid waste incineration bottom ash. For this study,...  相似文献   

Since hydrogen is a renewable energy source, biohydrogen has been researched in recent years. However, data on hydrogen fermentation by a leachate from a waste landfill as inoculum are scarce. We investigated hydrogen production using a leachate from an industrial waste landfill in Kanagawa Prefecture. The results showed no methane gas production, and the leachate was a suitable inoculum for hydrogen fermentation. The maximum H2 yield was 2.67 mol of H2 per mol of carbohydrate added, obtained at 30°C and an initial pH of 7. The acetate and butyrate production was significant when the H2 yield was higher. Oxidation–reduction potential analysis of the culture suggested that hydrogen-producing bacteria in the leachate were facultative anaerobic. Scanning electron microscope observations revealed that the hydrogen-producing bacteria comprised bacilli about 2 μm in length.  相似文献   

Leaching tests of paraffin waste forms including boric acid, cobalt, strontium and cesium were performed to investigate the leaching characteristics of paraffin waste forms which had been generated in Korean nuclear power plants. The leaching tests were conducted according to ANSI/ANS-16.1 test procedure and the cumulative fractions leached (CFLs) of boric acid, cobalt, strontium and cesium were obtained. The compressive strength before and after the leaching test was measured for various waste forms with different mixing ratios of boric acid to paraffin. It was observed that boric acid and other nuclides immobilized within paraffin waste forms were congruently released and the leaching rates were influenced by reacted layer depth as the dissolution reaction progressed. A shrinking core model based on the diffusion-controlled dissolution kinetics was developed in order to simulate the test results. The CFLs and the leaching rates were well expressed by the shrinking core model and the cross-sectional view of specimen after the test demonstrated the applicability of this model with the shrinking dissolution front to the leaching analysis of paraffin waste forms.  相似文献   

Nuisance-causing flies were studied in and around a West Midlands, UK, landfill site from mid-January 2003 to mid-January 2004. The most important species was the common housefly, Musca domestica, which made up more than 92% of the total catch on traps in premises and was also frequent on the landfill site. An estimated 2 million common houseflies were imported to the site in waste as eggs, larvae or pupae during the peak month, July. Most did not apparently survive to maturity, only about 20 000 per month emerging from the tipped refuse. Lesser houseflies (Fannia canicularis) were also very commonly imported but they seemed unable to survive the conditions on the tip in their immature stages and few were found in emergence traps. No correlation was found between the distance separating premises from the landfill site and the number of M. domestica trapped in those premises. White sticky traps were effective for monitoring changes in fly populations over the longer term whereas the Scudder grill was more useful for making objective 'snapshots' of fly activity. There is scope to improve both the monitoring of fly activity and the investigation of complaints made by the general public about flies.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative changes in organic matter were studied at different stages of treatment in a bioreactor designed to process leachates from a municipal solid waste landfill. The particulate matter (PM) and macromolecular fractions of the dissolved organic matter with solubility properties comparable to humic (acid-insoluble) and fulvic (acid-soluble) acid fractions (AI, AS, respectively) from the incoming black liquid, the bioreactor content, and the final processed effluent were isolated, quantified, and characterized by visible and infrared (IR) spectroscopies. The macromolecular signature either aliphatic (glycopeptides, carbohydrates) or aromatic (coinciding with infrared patterns of lignin, tannins etc.) enabled us to characterize the different organic fractions during the course of microbial transformation. The results reveal significant changes in the nitrogen speciation patterns within the different organic fractions isolated from the wastewater. The final increase in the relative proportions of nitrogen in the least aromatic AS fraction during microbial transformation could be related to protein formation inside the bioreactor. After biological treatment and ultrafiltration, the amount of organic matter was reduced by approximately 70%, whereas aromaticity increased in all fractions, indicating preferential elimination of aliphatic wastewater compounds. Most of the remaining fractions at the end of the process consisted of a yellow residue rich in low molecular weight AS fractions.  相似文献   

A large number of hazardous compounds can be expected to be present in landfill leachates, many of which have not yet been identified. Thus this study screened samples from 12 Swedish municipal landfill sites for 400 parameters and compounds. More than 90 organic and metal organic compounds and 50 inorganic elements were detected, some of which seem to have not been detected before. Compounds detected include halogenated aliphatic compounds, benzene and alkylated benzenes, phenol and alkylated phenols, ethoxylates, polycyclic aromatic compounds, phthalic esters, chlorinated benzenes, chlorinated phenols, PCB, chlorinated dioxins and chlorinated furans, bromated flame-retardants, pesticides, organic tin, methyl mercury and heavy metals. The presence of this large number of hazardous compounds in landfill leachates should have a significant impact on future landfill risk assessments and the development of leachate treatment methods. We propose that future research should pay more attention to the metal-organic and organic compounds detected in this study. We also suggest using leachate sediments as a matrix for detecting hydrophobic compounds, and reflecting on the degradation phase when evaluating results from monitoring studies. The extensive compilation of compounds in this paper can be used to select compounds to search for in future studies.  相似文献   

With limited assessment, leachate treatment of a specified landfill is considered to be a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In our study, the cumulative GHG emitted from the storage ponds and process configurations that manage fresh or aged landfill leachate were investigated. Our results showed that strong CH4 emissions were observed from the fresh leachate storage pond, with the fluxes values (2219–26,489 mg C m?2 h?1) extremely higher than those of N2O (0.028–0.41 mg N m?2 h?1). In contrast, the emission values for both CH4 and N2O were low for the aged leachate tank. N2O emissions became dominant once the leachate entered the treatment plants of both systems, accounting for 8–12% of the removal of N-species gases. Per capita, the N2O emission based on both leachate treatment systems was estimated to be 7.99 g N2O–N capita?1 yr?1. An increase of 80% in N2O emissions was observed when the bioreactor pH decreased by approximately 1 pH unit. The vast majority of carbon was removed in the form of CO2, with a small portion as CH4 (<0.3%) during both treatment processes. The cumulative GHG emissions for fresh leachate storage ponds, fresh leachate treatment system and aged leachate treatment system were 19.10, 10.62 and 3.63 Gg CO2 eq yr?1, respectively, for a total that could be transformed to 9.09 kg CO2 eq capita?1 yr?1.  相似文献   

Sanitary landfills for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) disposal have been identified as one of the most important anthropogenic sources of methane (CH4) emissions; in order to minimize its negative effects on the environment, landfill gas (LFG) recovery is a suitable tool to control CH4 emissions from a landfill site; further, the measurement of CH4 emissions can represent a good way to evaluate the effectiveness of LFG recovering systems. In general, LFG will escape through any faults in the landfill capping or in the LFG collection system. Indeed, some areas of the capping can be more permeable than others (e.g. portions of a side slope), especially when considering a temporarily capped zone (covered area that is not expected to receive any further waste for a period of at least 3 months, but for engineering reasons does not have a permanent cap yet). These areas, which are characterized by abnormal emissions, are usually defined as “features”: in particular, a feature is a small, discrete area or an installation where CH4 emissions significantly differ from the surrounding zones. In the present study, the influence that specific features have on CH4 emissions has been investigated, based on direct measurements carried out in different seasons by means of a flux chamber to the case study of Palermo (IT) landfill (Bellolampo). The results showed that the flux chamber method is reliable and easy to perform, and the contoured flux maps, obtained by processing the measured data were found to be a suitable tool for identifying areas with abnormal (high) emissions. Further, it was found that a relationship between methane emission rates and landfill side slope can be established. Concerning the influence of the temporary HDPE cover system on CH4 recovery efficiency, it contributed to a significant decrease of the free surface area available for uncontrolled emissions; this aspect, coupled to the increase of the CH4 volumes collected by the LFG recovery system, led to a significant increase of the recovery efficiency.  相似文献   

Characteristics and formation of leachates from waste gasification and grate firing bottom ash were studied using continuous field measurements from 112 m3 lysimeters embedded into landfill body for three years. In addition, the total element concentrations of the fresh ash were analysed and laboratory batch tests were performed to study leachate composition. The three-year continuous flow measurement showed that about one fifth of the leachates were formed, when the flow rate was >200 l/d, covering <3.5% of the study time. After three years, the liquid/solid-ratio for the quenched grate ash was 1 (l/kg (d.m.)) and for the initially dry gasification ash 0.4 (l/kg (d.m.)). The low initial water and residual carbon content of the gasification ash kept the leachate pH at a high level (>13) major part of the study. In the grate ash leachate pH was lower (<8) due to the presence of organic carbon and biodegradation indicated by biological oxygen demand and redox potential measurements. In the gasification ash the high pH probably delayed leaching of major elements such as Ca, therefore, raising the need for a longer after-care period. The high pH also explains the higher leaching of As from the gasification ash compared to the grate ash both in the batch test and under landfill conditions.  相似文献   

填埋场已填埋陈垃圾具有丰富的资源,我国填埋量已达几千万吨.通过对上海老港生活垃圾填埋场6年填埋龄和10年填埋龄陈垃圾基本特性的测试研究,揭示出填埋6年以上的陈垃圾已具有相当稳定的性状,原始垃圾特征已完全消失,开挖后没有异味,在组成上除部分大颗粒无机物和大块难降解有机物外,其余部分已腐化为类土壤物质,可以开采再利用.陈垃圾中类土壤部分在物理化学性质、水力学和微生物学性质上均表现出在自然条件下难以形成的、极为优良的基质特征,可用作污染物生物处理基质或作物培育基质.  相似文献   

The PAF model: an integrated approach for landfill sustainability   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Lab-scale tests were set up to investigate different options for achieving sustainability by reducing long-term landfill emissions. The options which have been studied and compared with the traditional anaerobic landfill for unprocessed refuse were: mechanical-biological pretreatment, landfill aeration with forced and with natural advective air flow (semi-aerobic), flushing. Combination of different options have been experimented. The combination of mechanical-biological Pretreatment, Aeration by the semi-aerobic method and Flushing (PAF model) seems to synergize the advantages of the individual options. The research is ongoing and further studies are necessary in order to assess the full-scale applicability of the model.  相似文献   


Bad choices in municipal waste (MW) management cause negative effects on sustainability. Evolving regulation has identified prevention and recycling as the best strategies; nevertheless, disposal in landfilling sites plays an essential role since a complete zero-waste scenario is not realistic, currently. Nowadays, policies require a preliminary waste stabilization to decrease the putrescible content. Therefore, mechanical biological treatment (MBT) has replaced the previous crushing, aimed at simple volume reduction. Literature has proved the effectiveness of MBT when MW collection system is ineffective. The present paper considered a facility in an area with a high-performance MW collection system. A long-term (1999–2019) on-site sampling allowed the comparison between two sites of the facility: the old site (before the MBT activation) and the new area, where the stabilized waste is disposed of. Monitoring of biogas, leachate (analyzed parameters: pH, BOD5, COD, ammonia-nitrogen) and odorous emissions was performed to verify the effect of the stabilization process. The considered long period and the on-site sampling support the relevance of the results, compared to the available literature, often referred to as laboratory scale. The results proved the relatively low benefit of stabilization at the considered facility, which cannot justify the energy consumption of MBT.


According to the European Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC and the related Italian Legislation (“D. Lgs. No. 36/2003”), monitoring and control procedures of landfill gas emissions, migration and external dispersions are clearly requested. These procedures could be particularly interesting in the operational circumstance of implementing a temporary cover, as for instance permitted by the Italian legislation over worked-out landfill sections, awaiting the evaluation of expected waste settlements.A possible quantitative approach for field measurement and consequential evaluation of landfill CO2, CH4 emission rates in pairs consists of the static, non-stationary accumulation chamber technique. At the Italian level, a significant and recent situation of periodical landfill gas emission monitoring is represented by the sanitary landfill for non-hazardous waste of the “Fano” town district, where monitoring campaigns with the static chamber have been annually conducted during the last 5 years (2005-2009). For the entire multiyear monitoring period, the resulting CO2, CH4 emission rates varied on the whole up to about 13,100 g CO2 m−2 d−1 and 3800 g CH4 m−2 d−1, respectively.The elaboration of these landfill gas emission data collected at the “Fano” case-study site during the monitoring campaigns, presented and discussed in the paper, gives rise to a certain scientific evidence of the possible negative effects derivable from the implementation of a temporary HDPE cover over a worked-out landfill section, notably: the lateral migration and concentration of landfill gas emissions through adjacent, active landfill sections when hydraulically connected; and consequently, the increase of landfill gas flux velocities throughout the reduced overall soil cover surface, giving rise to a flowing through of CH4 emissions without a significant oxidation. Thus, these circumstances are expected to cause a certain increase of the overall GHG emissions from the given landfill site.  相似文献   

Due to the increase in energy cost by constantly high oil prices and the obligation to reduce greenhouse effect gases, landfill gas is frequently used as an alternative energy source for producing heat and electricity. Most of landfill gas utility facilities, however, are experiencing problems controlling siloxanes from landfill gas as their catalytic oxidizers are becoming fouled by silicon dioxide dust. To evaluate adsorption characteristics of siloxanes, an adsorption equilibrium test was conducted and parameters in the Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms were analyzed. Coconut activated carbon (CA1), coal activated carbon (CA2), impregnated activated carbon (CA3), silicagel (NCA1), and activated alumina (NCA2) were used for the adsorption of the mixed siloxane which contained hexamethyldisiloxane (L2), octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4), and decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5). L2 had higher removal efficiency in noncarbon adsorbents compared to carbon adsorbents. The application of Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm demonstrated that coconut based CA1 and CA3 provided higher adsorption capacity on L2. And CA2 and NCA1 provided higher adsorption capacity on D4 and D5. Based on the experimental results, L2, D4, and D5 were converted by adsorption and desorption in noncarbon adsorbents. Adsorption affinity of siloxane is considered to be affect by the pore size distribution of the adsorbents and by the molecular size of each siloxane.  相似文献   

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