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The morphology and development are described for Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibiricaDu Tour) growing at the timberline in the Western Sayan Mountains. Throughout ontogeny, these plants have a short stem trailing in an approximately horizontal direction. Maximal longevity and viability are characteristic of basal branches, which are able to root and produce vegetative generations. This allows these plants to be classified with the procumbent tree life form, in which the clones of most adaptive genotypes not only survive under extreme environmental conditions, but can also reproduce vegetatively.  相似文献   

The role of the Siberian musk deer in the diets of the Amur tiger, brown bear, and Asian black bear has been studied in the Sikhote-Alin State Biosphere Reserve in 1992 to 2016. Information has been collected from 763 tiger feeding sites, and the contents of tiger feces have been analyzed. Radiotelemetry has been used to evaluate tiger–musk deer relationships. The musk deer accounted for 0.26% of all animal species found to be eaten by the tiger. Musk deer remains in feces of the tiger, brown bear, and Asian black bear occurred with frequencies of 1.3, 0.2, and 0.3%, respectively. A case of musk deer avoiding the presence of brown bear is described.  相似文献   

Daily food requirements and seasonal aspects of the diet have been studied in the Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus Pall.) at the northernmost limits of its range in northeastern Asia, under specific sharply continental climatic conditions of the East Siberian light conifer (larch) taiga forests. Seasonal changes in the composition of the diet and the consumption of different food items are discussed.  相似文献   

The results of a karyological study on Siberian stone pines growing in the bog demonstrated differences from the populations of this species studied earlier with respect to sizes of chromosomes and location of secondary constrictions. The number of nucleolar organizer regions in the chromosomes of Siberian stone pine trees growing in the bog was larger than in other populations. A wide spectrum of chromosome aberrations was revealed, which had not been observed in this species before. These were genome and chromosome aberrations of various types, as well as structural aberrations accompanied by changes in the number of chromosomes. It is assumed that the aberrations in the karyotype of Siberian stone pine resulted from stressful conditions.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of the formation of two damaged xylem layers in one frost ring is described in Siberian spruce grown in western Siberian forest-tundra. Temperature conditions providing for the formation of pathological cell and tissue structures are determined. The relationship between the formation of double frost injuries and cold periods is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the ecology of Siberian stone pine and Siberian larch in recent Altai mountain glacial basins at elevations above 2100 m a.s.l. The representative example of the Aktru basin is used to demonstrate the ranges of tolerance of these tree species to a series of ecological factors.  相似文献   

Intrapopulation and interspecific territorial contacts of the eastern Grus leucogeranus population during the breeding period are described and analyzed on the basis of data obtained in the course of long-term observations.  相似文献   

In the southern-taiga low grass–green moss fir forest completely defoliated by the Siberian moth, the rate of soil respiration in the third year after the pest population outbreak was 1.5 times higher than in an undisturbed tree stand. This was explained by a significant increase in the abundance and activity of soil microorganisms in the pest-defoliated forest, which occurred due to the qualitative changes in the litter composition and the increased temperature and moisture in the upper soil layers. The rate of carbon emission from the soil in the defoliated forest was 41.7 kg/ha per day, compared to 28.3 kg/ha per day in the undisturbed fir forest.  相似文献   

The data presented have been obtained in the course of long-term stationary quantitative studies on the annual seed reproduction dynamics of Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) stands, including the abundance of seedlings, and the local population of the nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes macrorhynchos C.L. Brehm) in forests of the Northern Urals. Statistically significant consortive relationships of the nutcracker population density with the yield of Siberian stone pine seeds and of the abundance of pine seedlings with the yield of seeds and the abundance of nutcrackers over preceding years have been hrevealed for the first time and formalized mathematically.  相似文献   

Reference populations identified within the continuous range of Norway (Picea abies) and Siberian (P. obovata) spuces significantly differ in biometric characters of seed scales, relative position in the same coordinate system (Root 1 and Root 2), phenotypic structure, and mutual taxonomic position (according to the squared Mahalanobis distance). Due to the symmetrically equal positions of the populations relative to each other, they can be used as reference populations in discriminant analysis at a two-, three- or five-class gradation of the test character.  相似文献   

Structure and diversity of populations in the European and Siberian spruces were studied by their phenotypes. On vast areas of their total range in the east of Europe and Siberia, significant variability of intrapopulation diversity index in the frequency of individual phenotypes is observed. All analyzed populations are divided into two large groups: with low (and decreased) and high (and increased) levels of intrapopulation diversity. A high level of diversity was observed in the regions with hybrid or intermediate populations, while a low level was in the regions with populations of European and Siberian spruces without genetic interference. Mean level of diversity is typical for the areas with populations transient in these characters.  相似文献   

Regional Environmental Change - The rapid environmental changes currently underway in many dry regions of the world, and the deep uncertainty about their consequences, underscore a critical...  相似文献   

The structure of the crown and branching; the growth, development, and ontogeny of branches; and organogenesis and growth of female shoots in the model Siberian stone pine trees were studied in four types of habitats at the timberline in the central Altai Mountains (1700–2170 m a.s.l.). The results provided evidence that the ecological forms of trees appear due to changes in the pattern of branching as well as to the decreased rate of vegetative (primarily apical) growth. The diameter of the shoot pith is one of the most variable characters reflecting the deterioration of environmental conditions at higher elevations.  相似文献   

Ground-living spiders were studied using modified pitfall traps during several years in four characteristic habitats in Giant Mountains (Krkono?e Mts.), the High Sudetes, Czech Republic: alpine tundra, subalpine mire, tall-herb stand at the bottom of a glacial corrie, and decaying mountain spruce forest. Ecological and zoogeographical aspects of spider communities were analysed. The spider communities of alpine tundra, subalpine mire, and glacial corrie exhibited long-term stability, whereas the community of decaying mountain forest changed during observations. Small linyphiid spiders, dominating in mature forest, were gradually replaced by larger Iycosid and gnaphosid species. Zoogeographic characterization of mountain habitats was made based on species exhibiting disjunctive area. In contrast to plants, for spiders of boreal origin alpine tundra is the most important habitat for survival, followed by screes, mires, spruce forests, and corries.  相似文献   

The natural microflora of Middle Siberian karst cavities, which comprises psychrotolerant bacteria and fungi capable of growing at 3–15 and 3...+28°C, respectively, has been studied. Bacteria are ubiquitous in caves, their count varying from 103 to 107 cells/g ground. The bacteria have been identified as Pseudomonas, Arthrobacter, Bacillus, and coryneform bacteria. Fungi have been found in places exposed to increased anthropogenic impact, their count being as large as 106 to 107 cells/g ground. Mucor, Penicillium, and Chrysosporium were dominant fungal genera.  相似文献   

Taxonometric parameters and morphological characters of cones and seeds were studied in larch trees growing in uneven-aged larch forests of the green-moss and herbaceous types. Significant differences in trunk volume and the number of cones in the crown was revealed. Differences in the parameters of cones and the quality of seeds proved to be insignificant. Correlations between the taxonometric parameters of trees and the morphological characters of cones and seeds were analyzed.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of interannual variation in a set of vegetative and generative characters over 13 years has been performed to characterize the growth and seed production dynamics of the Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) in the southeast of the forest zone in western Siberia. The results have shown that the range of fluctuations in most of vegetative characters is ordinary and their distribution is close to normal. The range of fluctuations in many generative characters is enormous (from 0 to +∞), and the distribution of their values is usually skewed, with low values being recorded several times more frequently than high values. Most variable are the proportion of abortive cones and other characters that are determined mainly in the spring of the pollination year. These characters account for a very high level of variation in the total seed production.  相似文献   

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