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Evaluating non-equilibrium solute transport in small soil columns   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Displacement studies on leaching of bromide and two pesticides (atrazine and isoproturon) were conducted under unsaturated steady state flow conditions in 24 small undisturbed soil columns (5.7 cm in diameter and 10 cm long) each collected from two sites differing in soil structure and organic carbon content in North Germany. There were large and irregular variabilities in the characteristics of both soils, as well as in the shapes of breakthrough curves (BTCs) of different columns, including some with early breakthrough and increased tailing, qualitatively indicating the presence of preferential flow. It was estimated that one preferential flow column (PFC) at site A, and four at site B, contributed, respectively to 11% and 58% of the accumulated leached fraction and to more than 80% of the maximum observed standard deviation (SD) in the field-scale concentration and mass flux of pesticides at two sites. The bromide BTCs of two sites were analyzed with the equilibrium convection-dispersion equation (CDE) and a non-equilibrium two-region/mobile-immobile model. Transport parameters of these models for individual BTCs were determined using a curve fitting program, CXTFIT, and by the time moment method. For the CDE based equilibrium model, the mean values of retardation factor, R, considered separately for all columns, PFCs or non-preferential flow columns (NPFCs) were comparable for the two methods; significant differences were observed in the values of dispersion coefficients of two sites using the two estimation methods. It was inferred from the estimated parameters of non-equilibrium model that 5-12% of water at site A, and 12% at site B, was immobile during displacement in NPFCs. The corresponding values for PFCs of two sites were much larger, ranging from 25% to 51% by CXTFIT and from 24% to 72% by the moment method, suggesting the role of certain mechanisms other than immobile water in higher degrees of non-equilibrium in these columns. Peclet numbers in PFCs of both sites were consistently smaller than five, indicating the inadequacy of the non-equilibrium model to incorporate the effect of all forms of non-equilibrium in PFCs. Overall, the BTCs of individual NPFCs, PFCs and of field average concentration at the two sites were better reproduced with parameters obtained from CXTFIT than by the moment method. The moment method failed to capture the peak concentrations in PFCs, but tended to describe the desorption and tail branches of BTCs better than the curve fitting approach.  相似文献   

In this note, we applied the temporal moment solutions of [Das and Kluitenberg, 1996. Soil Sci. Am. J. 60, 1724] for one-dimensional advective-dispersive solute transport with linear equilibrium sorption and first-order degradation for time pulse sources to analyse soil column experimental data. Unlike most other moment solutions, these solutions consider the interplay of degradation and sorption. This permits estimation of a first-order degradation rate constant using the zeroth moment of column breakthrough data, as well as estimation of the retardation factor or sorption distribution coefficient of a degrading solute using the first moment. The method of temporal moment (MOM) formulae was applied to analyse breakthrough data from a laboratory column study of atrazine, hexazinone and rhodamine WT transport in volcanic pumice sand, as well as experimental data from the literature. Transport and degradation parameters obtained using the MOM were compared to parameters obtained by fitting breakthrough data from an advective-dispersive transport model with equilibrium sorption and first-order degradation, using the nonlinear least-square curve-fitting program CXTFIT. The results derived from using the literature data were also compared with estimates reported in the literature using different equilibrium models. The good agreement suggests that the MOM could provide an additional useful means of parameter estimation for transport involving equilibrium sorption and first-order degradation. We found that the MOM fitted breakthrough curves with tailing better than curve fitting. However, the MOM analysis requires complete breakthrough curves and relatively frequent data collection to ensure the accuracy of the moments obtained from the breakthrough data.  相似文献   

Simple screening models of NAPL dissolution in the subsurface   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three simple screening models of nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) dissolution in the subsurface are proposed based on the NAPL mass conservation and the assumption of proportionality between the residual NAPL source zone concentration and the remaining residual NAPL mass. The purpose of the proposed models is to predict the solute concentration in the zone of the residual NAPL as a result of dissolution. The predicted source zone concentration decrease is used to simulate and account for the decrease of dissolution rate with time. The proposed simple NAPL dissolution models enable the pseudo-equilibrium formulation to be used and therefore the numerical simulations for field application problems can be simplified compared to the non-equilibrium counterpart. With proper choice of empirical parameters, the proposed simple screening models can work as well as more complex dissolution rate correlation models, such as that of Imhoff et al. [Water Resour. Res. 30 (1994) 307-320]. It is found that the proposed models are very good for quantifying non-equilibrium dissolution, which is characterized by tailing of breakthrough curves. The models are especially useful for situations of small residual NAPL saturation, which are typical for many field applications.  相似文献   

Fractures and biopores can act as preferential flow paths in clay aquitards and may rapidly transmit contaminants into underlying aquifers. Reliable numerical models for assessment of groundwater contamination from such aquitards are needed for planning, regulatory and remediation purposes. In this investigation, high resolution preferential water-saturated flow and bromide transport data were used to evaluate the suitability of equivalent porous medium (EPM), dual porosity (DP) and discrete fracture/matrix diffusion (DFMD) numerical modeling approaches for assessment of flow and non-reactive solute transport in clayey till. The experimental data were obtained from four large undisturbed soil columns (taken from 1.5 to 3.5 m depth) in which biopores and channels along fractures controlled 96-99% of water-saturated flow. Simulating the transport data with the EPM effective porosity model (FRACTRAN in EPM mode) was not successful because calibrated effective porosity for the same column had to be varied up to 1 order of magnitude in order to simulate solute breakthrough for the applied flow rates between 11 and 49 mm/day. Attempts to simulate the same data with the DP models CXTFIT and MODFLOW/MT3D were also unsuccessful because fitted values for dispersion, mobile zone porosity, and mass transfer coefficient between mobile and immobile zones varied several orders of magnitude for the different flow rates, and because dispersion values were furthermore not physically realistic. Only the DFMD modeling approach (FRACTRAN in DFMD mode) was capable to simulate the observed changes in solute transport behavior during alternating flow rate without changing values of calibrated fracture spacing and fracture aperture to represent the macropores.  相似文献   

In this study, displacement experiments of isoproturon were conducted in disturbed and undisturbed columns of a silty clay loam soil under similar rainfall intensities. Solute transport occurred under saturated conditions in the undisturbed soil and under unsaturated conditions in the sieved soil because of a greater bulk density of the compacted undisturbed soil compared to the sieved soil. The objective of this work was to determine transport characteristics of isoproturon relative to bromide tracer. Triplicate column experiments were performed with sieved (structure partially destroyed to simulate conventional tillage) and undisturbed (structure preserved) soils. Bromide experimental breakthrough curves were analyzed using convective-dispersive and dual-permeability (DP) models (HYDRUS-1D). Isoproturon breakthrough curves (BTCs) were analyzed using the DP model that considered either chemical equilibrium or non-equilibrium transport. The DP model described the bromide elution curves of the sieved soil columns well, whereas it overestimated the tailing of the bromide BTCs of the undisturbed soil columns. A higher degree of physical non-equilibrium was found in the undisturbed soil, where 56% of total water was contained in the slow-flow matrix, compared to 26% in the sieved soil. Isoproturon BTCs were best described in both sieved and undisturbed soil columns using the DP model combined with the chemical non-equilibrium. Higher degradation rates were obtained in the transport experiments than in batch studies, for both soils. This was likely caused by hysteresis in sorption of isoproturon. However, it cannot be ruled out that higher degradation rates were due, at least in part, to the adopted first-order model. Results showed that for similar rainfall intensity, physical and chemical non-equilibrium were greater in the saturated undisturbed soil than in the unsaturated sieved soil. Results also suggested faster transport of isoproturon in the undisturbed soil due to higher preferential flow and lower fraction of equilibrium sorption sites.  相似文献   

Accurate assessment of the fate of salts, nutrients, and pollutants in natural, heterogeneous soils requires a proper quantification of both spatial and temporal solute spreading during solute movement. The number of experiments with multisampler devices that measure solute leaching as a function of space and time is increasing. The breakthrough curve (BTC) can characterize the temporal aspect of solute leaching, and recently the spatial solute distribution curve (SSDC) was introduced to describe the spatial solute distribution. We combined and extended both concepts to develop a tool for the comprehensive analysis of the full spatio-temporal behavior of solute leaching. The sampling locations are ranked in order of descending amount of total leaching (defined as the cumulative leaching from an individual compartment at the end of the experiment), thus collapsing both spatial axes of the sampling plane into one. The leaching process can then be described by a curved surface that is a function of the single spatial coordinate and time. This leaching surface is scaled to integrate to unity, and termed S can efficiently represent data from multisampler solute transport experiments or simulation results from multidimensional solute transport models. The mathematical relationships between the scaled leaching surface S, the BTC, and the SSDC are established. Any desired characteristic of the leaching process can be derived from S. The analysis was applied to a chloride leaching experiment on a lysimeter with 300 drainage compartments of 25 cm2 each. The sandy soil monolith in the lysimeter exhibited fingered flow in the water-repellent top layer. The observed S demonstrated the absence of a sharp separation between fingers and dry areas, owing to diverging flow in the wettable soil below the fingers. Times-to-peak, maximum solute fluxes, and total leaching varied more in high-leaching than in low-leaching compartments. This suggests a stochastic-convective transport process in the high-flow streamtubes, while convection dispersion is predominant in the low-flow areas. S can be viewed as a bivariate probability density function. Its marginal distributions are the BTC of all sampling locations combined, and the SSDC of cumulative solute leaching at the end of the experiment. The observed S cannot be represented by assuming complete independence between its marginal distributions, indicating that S contains information about the leaching process that cannot be derived from the combination of the BTC and the SSDC.  相似文献   

Traditionally, uncertainty in parameters are represented as probabilistic distributions and incorporated into groundwater flow and contaminant transport models. With the advent of newer uncertainty theories, it is now understood that stochastic methods cannot properly represent non random uncertainties. In the groundwater flow and contaminant transport equations, uncertainty in some parameters may be random, whereas those of others may be non random. The objective of this paper is to develop a fuzzy-stochastic partial differential equation (FSPDE) model to simulate conditions where both random and non random uncertainties are involved in groundwater flow and solute transport. Three potential solution techniques namely, (a) transforming a probability distribution to a possibility distribution (Method I) then a FSPDE becomes a fuzzy partial differential equation (FPDE), (b) transforming a possibility distribution to a probability distribution (Method II) and then a FSPDE becomes a stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE), and (c) the combination of Monte Carlo methods and FPDE solution techniques (Method III) are proposed and compared. The effects of these three methods on the predictive results are investigated by using two case studies. The results show that the predictions obtained from Method II is a specific case of that got from Method I. When an exact probabilistic result is needed, Method II is suggested. As the loss or gain of information during a probability–possibility (or vice versa) transformation cannot be quantified, their influences on the predictive results is not known. Thus, Method III should probably be preferred for risk assessments.  相似文献   

Chang CM  Wang MK  Chang TW  Lin C  Chen YR 《Chemosphere》2001,43(8):1133-1139
The predictive accuracy of using the one-dimensional advection–dispersion equation to evaluate the fate and transport of solute in a soil column is usually dependent on the proper determination of chemical retardation factors. Typically, the distribution coefficient (Kd) obtained by fitting the linear sorption isotherm has been extensively used to consider general geochemical reactions on solute transport in a low-concentration range. However, the linear distribution coefficient cannot be adequately utilized to describe the solute fate at a higher concentration level. This study employed the nonlinear equilibrium-controlled sorption parameters to determine the retardation factor used in column leaching experiments. Copper and cadmium transportation in a lateritic silty-clay soil column was examined. Through the explicit finite-difference calculations with a third-order total-variation-diminishing (TVD) numerical solution scheme, all results of the theoretical copper and cadmium breakthrough curves (BTCs) simulated by using the Freundlich nonlinear retardation factors revealed good agreement with the experimental observations.  相似文献   

Using one- and two-dimensional homogeneous simulations, this paper addresses challenges associated with sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation for virus transport simulated using sorptive-reactive processes. Head, flow, and conservative- and virus-transport observations are considered. The paper examines the use of (1) observed-value weighting, (2) breakthrough-curve temporal moment observations, and (3) the significance of changes in the transport time-step size. The results suggest that (1) sensitivities using observed-value weighting are more susceptible to numerical solution variability, (2) temporal moments of the breakthrough curve are a more robust measure of sensitivity than individual conservative-transport observations, and (3) the transport-simulation time step size is more important than the inactivation rate in solution and about as important as at least two other parameters, reflecting the ease with which results can be influenced by numerical issues. The approach presented allows more accurate evaluation of the information provided by observations for estimation of parameters and generally improves the potential for reasonable parameter-estimation results.  相似文献   

Solutes spread out in time and space as they move downwards from the soil surface with infiltrating water. Solute monitoring in the field is often limited to observations of resident concentrations, while flux concentrations govern the movement of solutes in soils. A recently developed multi-compartment sampler is capable of measuring fluxes at a high spatial resolution with minimal disturbance of the local pressure head field. The objective of this paper is to use this sampler to quantify the spatial and temporal variation of solute leaching below the root zone in an agricultural field under natural rainfall in winter and spring. We placed two samplers at 31 and 25 cm depth in an agricultural field, leaving the soil above undisturbed. Each sampler contained 100 separate cells of 31 × 31 mm. Water fluxes were measured every 5 min for each cell. We monitored leaching of a chloride pulse under natural rainfall by frequently extracting the collected leachate while leaving the samplers buried in situ. This experiment was followed by a dye tracer experiment. This setting yielded information that widely surpassed the information that can be provided by separate anionic and dye tracer trials, and solute transport monitoring by coring or suction cups. The detailed information provided by the samplers showed that percolation at the sampling depth started much faster (approximately 3 h after the start of rainfall) in initially wet soil (pressure head above − 65 cm) than in drier soil (more than 14 h at pressure heads below − 80 cm). At any time, 25% of the drainage passed through 5–6% of the sampled area, reflecting the effect of heterogeneity on the flow paths. The amount of solute carried by individual cells varied over four orders of magnitude. The lateral concentration differences were limited though. This suggests a convective–dispersive regime despite the short vertical travel distance. On the other hand, the dilution index indicates a slight tendency towards stochastic–convective transport at this depth. There was no evidence in the observed drainage patterns and dye stained profiles of significant disturbance of the flow field by the samplers.  相似文献   

Brazil is the largest sugarcane producer in the world in which hexazinone (3-cyclohexyl-6-dimethylamino-1-methyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-dione) and tebuthiuron (1-(5-tert-butyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)-1,3-dimethylurea) are heavily used. Sugarcane harvesting is changing from the manual system with previous straw burning to the mechanized system without straw burning. The lack of burning results in soil organic carbon accumulation mainly in clayey soils, which should affect herbicides availability and fate. Therefore, we evaluated sorption of these herbicides in soil samples with and without straw burning. Both herbicides presented low apparent sorption coefficients (mean Kd,app= 0.6 and 2.4 L kg?1 for hexazinone and tebuthiuron, respectively), suggesting that they may leach to groundwater. Moreover, their sorption correlated primarily with soil organic carbon (SOC), but iron oxide contents extracted with ammonium oxalate (Fe2O3AOX) also affected it (Kd,app = ?0.228 + 0.0397 SOC + 0.117 Fe2O3AOX for hexazinone and Kd,app = ?1.407 + 0.201 SOC + 0.348 Fe2O3AOX for tebuthiuron). Soil organic carbon accumulation due to straw maintenance in the field positively affected sorption of both herbicides, but its effects were not enough to classify them as “non-leachers.”  相似文献   

A tracer model, the DREAM, which is based on a combination of a near-range Lagrangian model and a long-range Eulerian model, has been developed. The meteorological meso-scale model, MM5V1, is implemented as a meteorological driver for the tracer model. The model system is used for studying transport and dispersion of air pollutants caused by a single but strong source as, e.g. an accidental release from a nuclear power plant. The model system including the coupling of the Lagrangian model with the Eulerian model are described. Various simple and comprehensive parameterizations of the mixing height, the vertical dispersion, and different meterological input data have been implemented in the combined tracer model, and the model results have been validated against measurements from the ETEX-1 release. Several different statistical parameters have been used to estimate the differences between the parameterizations and meterological input data in order to find the best performing solution.  相似文献   

Xu R  Wu J  Liu Y  Zhao R  Chen B  Yang M  Chen J 《Chemosphere》2011,84(7):908-912
The Quick Easy Cheap Effective Rugged and Safe multiresidue method (QuEChERS) has been validated for the extraction of 15 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in completely different matrices of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The method employed a rapid, simple and cost-effective procedure. The spiking levels for the recovery experiments were 0.1, 0.5 and 2.0 mg kg−1. Mean recoveries mostly ranged between 76.0% and 114.0% (96.0% on average), and relative standard deviations (RSD) were generally below 10% (4.72% on average). Based on these results, the methodology has been proven to be highly efficient and robust and thus suitable for monitoring the MRL compliance of a wide range of commodity. The contamination status of 15 OCPs on 80 different TCMs marketed in China, and a total of 400 samples were also performed using a previously validated method. 15 OCPs were benzene hexachloride (BHC, including α-BHC, β-BHC, γ-BHC, δ-BHC), hexachlorobenzene, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, aldrin, p, p′-DDE, p, p′-DDD, o, p′-DDT, p, p′-DDT, mirex, endrin, dieldrin. This study indicates that the proposed method is useful for analyzing OCPs in TCM.  相似文献   

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