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Problems associated with urban wastes are now at crisis stage in Nigeria. All efforts made to solve the problems have failed, as the efforts were directed towards instant cleaning rather than long lasting programs to cope with problems associated with environmental sanitation. Measurements were taken of the domestic waste generated by randomly selected households in Ilorin, to predict the generation rate for the city. The data was subjected to various analyses. The models used in developed nations were found inappropriate to predict the waste generation rate of the people at Ilorin because of cultural factors. Various methods to cope with the environmental sanitation problems of cities of developing areas were then suggested.  相似文献   

阐述了当前环境监测的现状,指出了新常态下环境监测的机遇和挑战,提出了环境监测要抓住机遇,面对挑战,充分发挥职能,保证环境监测数据真实,完善环境监测体系,深度运用环境监测数据,实行信息公开。  相似文献   

Nanobioaerosols--reconsidering agricultural irrigation in a warming world   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nanobacteria are best described as 60-300 nm nanovesicles. In the body they collect calcium and phosphate to form apatite, adhere to cells, or invade them--processes regulated by a slime based on proteins (primordial proteins). A versatile functionality realized with a minimum of properties equips nanobacteria with a unique survival potential. They were identified in humans, animals, wastewater and the stratosphere. In South Africa they were detected in people infected with HIV. Models indicate that they boost the genetic diversity of the HIV-1 virus. Experiments showed that they are excreted via urine, explaining their presence in the environment. Eradication would be virtually impossible if they had an extraterrestrial origin, implying a permanent bombardment from space. Whereas the biological status of nanobacteria is still not clarified, we postulate here that the native habitat of nanobacteria are mammals, suggesting that at least modern species have their origin on Earth. The thesis results from mapping functions and properties of the slime, and could facilitate the localisation of nanobacterial reservoirs, identification of local distribution routes and tracking of global transport cycles. Agricultural irrigation with water containing excreta from humans infected with nanobacteria could be a central disseminator of the nanobioaerosols.  相似文献   

The Coal Industry Advisory Board (CIAB) of the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimated the total methane emissions from worldwide mining, treatment and storage of coal to be approximately 25 million tonnes/year for 1990. Slightly more than one million tonnes of methane are utilized by the industry. Thus, the net annual discharge to the atmosphere is 24 million tonnes. Methane emissions data were available for the U.S., the U.K., former U.S.S.R., Australia, China, Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia. Methane emissions for India and S. Africa were estimated from a linear correlation between the average depth of mining and specific methane emissions derived from the available data for the eight countries. These ten largest coal producing countries represented nearly 90% of world coal production in 1990. Total methane emissions for the world coal industry were calculated by prorating the methane emissions from these ten countries in proportion to coal production.The reported values represent the best international data available at present. The net total emissions of 24 million tonnes/year are substantially less than some previously reported indirect estimations and constitute only 4 to 6% of the global methane emissions.  相似文献   

由于宾馆、酒楼、发廊、桑拿、医院等第三产业企业数量多,规模较小,监管成本相对高,导致缺少监测.排污收费改革后,排污者应如实申报排污量,环保部门应按照监测结果或物料衡算方法核定排污量和排污费.为了减少成本和争议,简便科学地计算排污量,广东省环保局制定了排污系数.  相似文献   

This article examines community-based ecological monitoring in Nova Scotia, with an emphasis on watershed stewardship groups. It discusses successes to date and future challenges, drawing on examples from the Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP) and other community groups. The barriers to the generation of robust monitoring datasets and effective participation in watershed management are examined. The article concludes with a discussion of issues to be addressed to ensure that community groups can both gather scientifically valid ecological data and have meaningful input into the management of their local natural resources.  相似文献   

Because they contribute little to climate change, fisheries, aquaculture and other uses of marine renewable resources and environment have limited means to mitigate climate impacts. Adaptation is, therefore, critical. Though likely effects on oceans and fisheries can be identified, few can be quantified and, thus, priorized. Consequently, adaptation strategies should aim at enhancing the resilience of marine renewable resources and their uses and the current capacity to respond to surprises. Already, these uses are characterized by massive over-capacities, excessive resource exploitation, and pervasive conflicts within and between uses. Two complementary adaptation strategies are available. The first consists in adjusting conventional management systems to the new conditions of resource scarcity. The second aims at reducing the current resource constraint by promoting the development of aquaculture and a better utilization of fishery and aquaculture harvests. In this respect, small-scale and large-scale production systems, and developing and developed countries, have different capabilities. In summary, climate change does not modify, but enhances, existing priorities of environment and fisheries management and aquaculture development.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews the process of exotic pest risk assessments and presents some examples of emerging opportunities for spatial bioclimatic modeling of exotic species in Canada. This type of analysis can support risk assessments but does not replace the need for on-going high quality field-based observations to validate and update models. Bioclimatic analysis of several exotic pests is provided to illustrate both opportunities and limits. A link is demonstrated to the National Forest Inventory to characterize timber volumes at risk for one exotic species. Challenges' are both scientific and administrative. More accessible and current field survey data are required to improve models. Our experience is that for many exotic species, historical, and even current, data are not always digital or quality controlled for taxonomic identity and accurate geo-referencing. This inhibits their use for integrated spatial modeling applications.  相似文献   

EIA plays an important role in enhancing the environmental performance of the construction sector. In recent years, the construction sector has been developing green procurement practices. Green procurement is a process that involves the incorporation of environmental requirements during the procurement of services and products. However, discussion on green procurement is rarely seen during the EIA phase. This paper addresses possible opportunities for improving the coordination between EIA and green procurement within the construction sector. The linking of EIA and green procurement has been postulated in the paper as an aid to strengthen the coordination between project planning and implementation. The paper is based on a literature review and is an outcome of an on-going research project concerning EIA and green procurement. This study indicated that it would be appropriate to introduce green procurement during the pre-decision phase of an EIA. In the present study, the opportunities for integrating green procurement at the stage of EIA are associated with the integration of project planning and EIA. Future research should investigate the mechanism through which the link can be established.  相似文献   

Sustainability indicators are increasingly recognized as a useful tool to provide policy information in support of environmental, economic or social improvement. Various approaches to sustainability have also been adopted in universities through the introduction of specific rankings. International rankings are an important communication tool that allows the comparison of universities according to combinations of different appropriately weighed parameters. The GreenMetric World University Ranking is the only worldwide ranking of universities that compares environmental sustainability across various campuses. It uses indicators involving education, research and the environment to evaluate the measures undertaken by universities to develop ecological infrastructures and stimulate improvement. The aim of this work is to analyze the individual indicators and categories used in the GreenMetric ranking in detail to verify whether they are, in fact, useful in assessing the sustainability of universities. Through the implementation of the cluster analysis, based on a selection of identified variables, all campuses were classified in homogeneous groups. The results identify four levels of sustainability and show a strong relationship between the rankings of the different categories (setting and infrastructure, energy and climate change, transportation, waste and water conservation and recycling) and specific aspects for assessing institutional policies. These results are useful information to guide universities in the research of key issues on where to invest time and resources to improve the sustainability of their structures and, therefore, their attractiveness.  相似文献   

Environmental issues, bringing together the natural and the social spheres, are probably one of the most appropriate fields of development for transdisciplinary research. Transdisciplinarity, in addition to other contemporary epistemological paradigms, stresses the need to approach complex problems by blending new forms of non-expert knowledge with combined epistemologies. However, practical application of the transdisciplinary approach is still almost non-existent in everyday socio-environmental management. This paper has a two-fold aim: firstly, to establish the suitability of the transdisciplinary approach in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as a means of rectifying a common incapacity to address the social dimension in the assessment process; and secondly, to evaluate this idea from the perspective of technicians and professionals in the EIA sector in Spain. To this end, a qualitative methodology was used, based on semi-structured interviews, which enabled in-depth investigation of the willingness of specialists to effectively integrate new forms of knowledge into the EIA procedure. Further, interviewees evaluated the real possibilities of widening public participation in the process of identifying and assessing impacts and discussed the difficulties facing the treatment and analysis of the social dimension within the EIA process.  相似文献   

EIA has been instituted in developing countries in the last decade largely in response to outside pressures. Governments have been quick to initiate reforms rather than jeopardize projects that might be key to national development plans. At the subnational level, most projects are not financed by foreign aid. The application of EIA at this level is often the result of pressure exerted on policy elites by the bureaucracy. This paper describes the reorganization of environmental protection agencies in the state of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. This reorganization provided the setting for a bureaucratic initiative on EIA. The authors also analyze two cases in which EIA was applied unsatisfactorily and comment on the political realites of implementing EIA at the subnational level.  相似文献   

Identifying process from pattern is one of the most vexing tasks inenvironmental monitoring. Given information on the distribution of speciesin a pre-defined area, together with comprehensive data on how environmentalconditions in that area have altered through time, is it possible toidentify the factors controlling the species‘ layout? Here, the practicalsignificance of this quandary is demonstrated using a series ofenvironmentally-degraded coastal lagoons in New South Wales. The TuggerahLakes (33°17′S,151°30′E) have over the last 50 yearsexperienced significant changes in species‘ distributions. Seagrasses,macroalgae, phytoplankton, molluscs, prawns and the jellyfish Catostylus mosaicus have altered in spatial pattern. Two human activitieshave been blamed for these perturbations: (1) agricultural clearance ofnative vegetation from the catchment, with associated input of top-soil andnutrients; (2) the commissioning of a coal-fired power station in 1967, withmassive uptake and recirculation of lake water for cooling purposes. In thispaper, spatial changes in macrophyte distributions over the last 50 yearsare reviewed in an attempt to identify the true source(s) of perturbation.The model adopted assumes that the power station is a point source of impactwhile nutrient inputs from the catchment are a diffuse source of impact;changes in species distributions can hypothetically be related back to thesesources according to whether they are localised or widespread. However,after a comprehensive analysis of available macrophyte data derived frominterviews, aerial photography and line transect methodologyies theconclusion is reached that changes in biogeographical pattern around theTuggerah Lakes cannot be attributed to specific anthropogenic pressures atanything beyond the coarsest of levels. This is considered to be the normfor most coastal management situations where natural background variation(’noise‘) and the complexity of linkages between physical, chemical andbiological components confounds the identification of causal relationships.The practical implications of this conclusion are discussed in the contextof litigation and remedial management design. Emphasis is placed on theneed to adopt an adaptive approach to estuarine management, incorporatingexplicit recognition of the limitations of available data, and to developnew techniques for identifying cause-effect relationships.  相似文献   

In the developing world, environmental chemical exposures due to hazardous waste sites are poorly documented. We describe the approach taken by the Blacksmith Institute's Toxic Sites Identification Program in documenting environmental chemical exposures due to hazardous waste sites globally, identifying sites of concern and quantifying pathways, populations, and severity of exposure. A network of local environmental investigators was identified and trained to conduct hazardous waste site investigations and assessments. To date, 2,095 contaminated sites have been identified within 47 countries having an estimated population at risk of 71,500,000. Trained researchers and investigators have visited 1,400 of those sites. Heavy metals are the leading primary exposures, with water supply and ambient air being the primary routes of exposure. Even though chemical production has occurred largely in the developed world to date, many hazardous waste sites in the developing world pose significant hazards to the health of large portions of the population. Further research is needed to quantify potential health and economic consequences and identify cost-effective approaches to remediation.  相似文献   

There has been an increased interest in using sustainability indicators for evaluating the impacts of development and conservation projects. Past and recent experiences have shown that sustainability indicators can be powerful tools for measuring the outcomes of various interventions, when used appropriately and adequately. Currently, there is a range of methods for applying sustainability indicators for project impact evaluation at the environment–development interface. At the same time, a number of challenges persist which have implication for impact evaluation processes especially in developing countries. We highlight some key and recurrent challenges, using three cases from Kenya, Indonesia and Brazil.In this study, we have conducted a comparative analysis across multiple projects from the three countries, which aimed to conserve biodiversity and improve livelihoods. The assessments of these projects were designed to evaluate their positive, negative, short-term, long term, direct and indirect impacts. We have identified a set of commonly used sustainability indicators to evaluate the projects and have discussed opportunities and challenges associated with their application. Our analysis shows that impact evaluation processes present good opportunities for applying sustainability indicators. On the other hand, we find that project proponents (e.g. managers, evaluators, donors/funders) face challenges with establishing full impacts of interventions and that these are rooted in monitoring and evaluation processes, lack of evidence-based impacts, difficulties of measuring certain outcomes and concerns over scale of a range of impacts.We outline key lessons learnt from the multiple cases and propose ways to overcome common problems. Results from our analysis demonstrate practical experiences of applying sustainability indicators in developing countries context where there are different prevailing socio-economic, cultural and environmental conditions. The knowledge derived from this study may therefore be useful to a wider range of audience who are concerned with sustainable integration of development and environmental conservation.  相似文献   

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