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经江苏省政府同意,近日,江苏省环保厅、财政厅和物价局联合推出了《江苏省太湖流域主要水污染物排污权有偿使用和交易试点方案细则》,确定从现在起,太湖流域年排放COD10t以上的工业企业、接纳污水中工业废水量大于80%的污水处理厂、报批环评报告书(表)需新增COD排污量的新、改、扩建各类项目排污单位,都要推行主要水污染物排污权有偿使用。  相似文献   

排污许可制度是我国污染物总量控制、落实减排措施、改善环境质量的一项重要制度。依据新修订的《环境保护法》要求建立排污权有偿使用和交易制度。本文通过梳理我国排污许可制度取得的成效及存在问题,结合新疆实际,为新疆排污许可制度的建立提供建议。  相似文献   

从总量控制与排污权交易的概念出发,介绍园区的基本情况以及目前园区环境管理方法和缺点,结合国内总量控制与排污权交易试点省市经验,着重论述总量控制与排污权交易在园区环境管理中的作用,并阐述在园区中推行总量控制与排污权交易的几点意见.  相似文献   

“实施山水林田湖草生态保护和修复工程,全面提升自然生态系统稳定性和生态服务功能”是习近平生态文明思想的重要创新成果,为开展生态环境保护修复工作提供了重要指引和根本遵循。2019年以来,江苏省开展山水林田湖草生态保护修复省级试点工程共5类59个工程项目。在总结了试点地区工作经验做法的基础上,针对存在的生态保护修复和绿色发展协同理念认识不足、生态修复保护整体性和系统性不够、生态修复经验总结及全周期管理有待加强、打破界限的体制机制改革创新亟需完善等问题及难点,提出了相应的工作政策建议,以期打造全国生态保护修复的江苏样板。  相似文献   

该文对地区三级站如何搞,何处去.要不要等大问题.总的观点是撤、并、转.论述的地区站五大问题,带有普遍性,这里涉及到管理体制、经济政策,地区站的职能、作用以及地区站与四级站的关系等诸多问题,希望大家结合各自实践来搞加以探讨,以利于指导地区三级站的建设和管理.  相似文献   

简述了我国环境污染责任保险发展历程.以江苏省为例,介绍了环境污染责任保险试点概况,并从创新实施方式、配套规章政策和开展风险评估及智能化管理3个方面,总结了无锡市环境污染责任保险的试点经验.指出,目前环境污染责任保险在有效供给、法律法规基础支撑和核心技术体系完善方面仍存在不足.提出,坚持公益性原则,实施企业和保险公司双强...  相似文献   

简述了当前污染物总量控制现状,从技术角度和管理角度分析了其存在的缺陷。以泰州市刷卡排污试点工程为例,介绍了企业刷卡排污总量控制设备、环保部门刷卡排污系统控制管理平台、刷卡排污具体工作流程等。指出,刷卡管理系统有效提高了总量控制指导性,确保数据的真实、准确,加强环保监控,促进企业转型升级;有效实现总量定额分配,实现浓度、总量双控制,实现定向监管,减少企业偷排、漏排,促进排污权交易制度顺利实施。  相似文献   

环境健康风险评估是生态环境和卫生健康管理决策制定的重要依据之一,从政策制定、技术规范、制度试点、能力建设和管理应用等方面分析了我国环境健康风险评估工作现状。指出,我国环境健康风险评估制度存在各部门对环境健康风险评估的认识偏差,部门职责不清晰,管理需求不明确,技术体系不完善等问题。提出,生态环境和卫生健康部门应结合各自职责与需求制定相关工作办法,开展试点探索,条件成熟时制定专门法律;厘清生态环境和卫生健康部门在环境健康风险管理中的职责;紧密围绕生态环境和卫生健康管理需求,开展环境健康风险评估工作;借鉴国外经验,完善环境健康风险评估技术规范体系;从机构设置、技术队伍培训、合作共享、学术交流等方面提升环境健康风险评估能力。  相似文献   

水质等比例采样器在总量监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了水质等比例采样器在总量监测中的应用、配置及其在苏州市的使用试点情况,指出了水质等比例采校器在使用过程中存在着配置不足、对不同类型废水适应性不够、缺乏水样保存措施等问题,提出了环保部门可将水质等比例采样器的使用纳入污染控制管理的范畴,生产厂家应不断完善仪器性能,使用者必须接受专业培训,以及在仪器中设置低温冷藏室、加药系统和多个盛样器等对策。  相似文献   

环境生态风险评估(ERA)流程已经被纳入全球环境政策中,既用于规范新化学物质的授权和营销(前瞻性环境生态风险评估),也用于评估潜在的污染场地(回顾性环境生态风险评估)。将土壤生态毒理学应用于风险评估,能阐明有毒物质对土壤生态系统中生命有机体的危害程度与范围。笔者主要介绍了应用评估因子法和物种敏感度分布法对基于效应数据进行的外推与估算,并综述了欧美等主要国家和地区的土壤生态风险评估框架、相关法律法规及其实施情况等,为中国开展土壤污染物生态毒理效应和风险评估等相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

During the discussion on the “Environmental Protection Law Amendment (draft)” in 2011, it was decided to drop the proposed clauses related to environmental impact assessments (EIAs) on policy, which means that there remained no provisions for policy EIAs, and China's strategic environmental assessment system stayed limited to the planning level. However, considering that economic policy making is causing significant direct and indirect environmental problems and that almost every aspect of governmental policy has an economic aspect, EIAs on economic policies are of the utmost urgency. The purpose of this study is to review the EIA work that has been carried out on trade policy in China through four case studies, and illustrate how trade policy EIAs can be helpful in achieving better environmental outcomes in the area of trade. Through the trade policy EIA case studies we try to argue for the feasibility of conducting EIAs on economic policies in China. We also discuss the implications of the case studies from the point of view of how to proceed with EIAs on economic policy and how to promote their practice.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the development and application of an urban high temporal-spatial resolution vehicle emission inventory model and decision support system based on the current situation in China and actual vehicle emission control requirements. The system incorporates a user-friendly modular architecture that integrates a vehicle emission model and a decision support platform and includes scenario analysis and visualisation capabilities. A bottom-up approach based on localised emission factors and actual on-road driving condition has been adopted to develop the system. As a case study of application and evaluation, an emission reduction effect analysis of the supposed low-emission zone (LEZ) policy in Beijing (2012) was conducted. According to the simulated results in the forms of tables, histograms and grid maps, the establishment of this LEZ had a definite effect on the emission reduction of various types of air pollutants, especially carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon. In the system, the simulation methodology for identifying environmental benefits brought by the LEZ policy could be used to assess other similar environmental policies. Through flexible modification of configuration values or input data variables, the efficacy of separate or joint policies could be quantifiably evaluated and graphically displayed.  相似文献   

Delhi is one of the many megacities struggling with punishing levels of pollution from industrial, residential, and transportation sources. Over the years, pollution abatement in Delhi has become an important constituent of state policies. In the past one decade a lot of policies and regulations have been implemented which have had a noticeable effect on pollution levels. In this context, air quality models provide a powerful tool to study the impact of development plans on the expected air pollution levels and thus aid the regulating and planning authorities in decision-making process. In air quality modeling, emissions in the modeling domain at regular interval are one of the most important inputs. From the annual emission data of over a decade (1990–2000), emission inventory is prepared for the megacity Delhi. Four criteria pollutants namely, CO, SO2, PM, and NO x are considered and a gridded emission inventory over Delhi has been prepared taking into account land use pattern, population density, traffic density, industrial areas, etc. A top down approach is used for this purpose. Emission isopleths are drawn and annual emission patterns are discussed mainly for the years 1990, 1996 and 2000. Primary and secondary areas of emission hotspots are identified and emission variations discussed during the study period. Validation of estimated values is desired from the available data. There is a direct relationship of pollution levels and emission strength in a given area. Hence, an attempt has been made to validate the emission inventory for all criteria pollutants by analyzing emissions in various sampling zones with the ambient pollution levels. For validation purpose, the geographical region encompassing the study area (Delhi) has been divided into seven emission zones as per the air quality monitoring stations using Voronoi polygon concept. Dispersion modeling is also used for continuous elevated sources to have the contributing emissions at the ground level to facilitate validation. A good correlation between emission estimates and concentration has been found. Correlation coefficient of 0.82, 0.77, 0.58 and 0.68 for CO, SO2, PM and NO x respectively shows a reasonably satisfactory performance of the present estimates.  相似文献   

A global consensus on carbon emission reductions has been reached for combating climate change. The Chinese government has clearly stated that it is necessary to make full use of market means to improve the level of environmental governance. Emissions trading scheme (ETS) is a typical market means to accelerate low-carbon economic transition. Low-carbon technological innovation is one of the key factors affecting carbon emissions. However, literature on the relationship between ETS and low-carbon technological innovation is relatively scarce at present. This study assesses the effect of pilot ETSs on low-carbon technological innovation, and a difference in differences (DID) model is adopted to analyze China's provincial panel data from 2003 to 2017. The results indicate that China's pilot ETSs can significantly promote low-carbon technological innovation, and changing the window period, PSM-DID and placebo test all verify the robustness of this finding. The dynamic effect test reveals that China's pilot ETSs will gradually increase the effect on low-carbon technological innovation over time. The heterogeneity analysis shows that the effect of China's pilot ETSs on low-carbon technological innovation is more obvious in Guangdong, Hubei, Tianjin and Chongqing. The mechanism analysis suggests that marketization degree and green consumption concept can positively moderate the impact of China's pilot ETSs on low-carbon technological innovation, and industrial structure upgrading plays a positive mediating role between China's pilot ETSs and low-carbon technological innovation. This study is conducive to assessing the policy effectiveness of China's pilot ETSs and provides an empirical evidence for promoting the development of the carbon emissions trading market.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use a two-region version of the CETA model to analyze international CO2 emission control policies. The policies we consider are all substantially equivalent to a policy recently proposed by the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS). The AOSIS proposal requires the OECD alone to reduce emissions, while the alternatives we consider achieve equivalent reductions via emission rights traded (1) between regions, (2) between time periods, or (3) both. We find that tradeable rights systems provide significant overall cost savings relative to the AOSIS proposal. Cost reductions may be roughly 60% for rights tradeable between regions, 50% for rights tradeable between time periods, and 95% for rights tradeable between regions and time periods. The benefits of these cost reductions accrue to both the OECD and the Rest of the World. Our results underscore the importance of using an efficient policy to achieve any given atmospheric concentration objective.  相似文献   

An assessment of the impact of an illustrative portfolio of policy instruments that address different sustainability concerns in the global energy system in areas of climate change, air pollution and introduction of renewable-energy resources is conducted. The effects of a policy set containing three instruments, implemented either individually or in combination, were examined. The policy instruments under examination in this work include: Cap-and-Trade policies imposing a CO2 emission reduction target on the global energy system, a renewable portfolio standard that forces a minimum share of renewable electricity generation, and the internalisation of external costs of power generation associated with local pollution. Implementation of these policy instruments significantly changes the structure and environmental performance of the energy sector, and particularly the structure of the electric-generation sector. The positive effects are amplified when the policy instruments are simultaneously applied, illustrating the potential for synergies between these energy-policy domains. The analysis has been conducted with the multi-regional, energy-system Global MARKAL Model (GMM), a “bottom-up” partial-equilibrium model that provides a detailed representation of energy technologies and endogenizes technology learning. A preliminary version of this paper has been presented at the 6th IAEE European Energy Conference on “Modelling in Energy Economics and Policy”, 1–3 September 2004, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the impact of several sources of uncertainties on the assessment of energy and climate policies when one uses in a harmonized way stochastic programming in a large-scale bottom-up (BU) model and Monte Carlo simulation in a large-scale top-down (TD) model. The BU model we use is the TIMES Integrated Assessment Model, which is run in a stochastic programming version to provide a hedging emission policy to cope with the uncertainty characterizing climate sensitivity. The TD model we use is the computable general equilibrium model GEMINI-E3. Through Monte Carlo simulations of randomly generated uncertain parameter values, one provides a stochastic micro- and macro-economic analysis. Through statistical analysis of the simulation results, we analyse the impact of the uncertainties on the policy assessment.  相似文献   

The rural landscape has long been eroded by urban and infrastructural development that has altered the system of relationships between town and country. These phenomena, including agriculture intensification, have radically changed the rural landscape, especially in terms of land use, visual and ecological diversity and biocultural heterogeneity. However, agriculture is gradually changing, moving from an exclusively productive model (highly specialised) to one more sensitive to landscape issues. In particular, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has many environmental aims and, theoretically, its financial tools might be used for landscape purposes. However, the CAP does not have a “landscape dimension” and does not include assessment and integration phases with landscape policies. These issues that have arisen not only appear to be influenced by a lack of clarity on the differences between environmental and landscape orientations, but also by a shortage of indicators to identify and assess the landscape dimension in the Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. Here, we attempt to show that a “landscaped role” for the CAP is possible, based upon identifying the main dimensions involved, as well as verifying the effects and induced changes of rural policies. In this scenario, this paper highlights the development and testing of landscape key indicators to support the decision-makers of rural policies. The main result, in an Italian pilot case, reveals direct and indirect relations between Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) and landscape, not only in terms of negative effects, but also in relation to the real contribution of CAP towards preserving farmland and enhancing the rural landscape. Finally, these tools may also be useful in different timescales and different situations, including the improvement of current RDP spatial targeting which often seems to be ineffective compared to the requirements of landscape character areas.  相似文献   

Human rights impact assessment (HRIA) is a process for systematically identifying, predicting and responding to the potential impact on human rights of a business operation, capital project, government policy or trade agreement. Traditionally, it has been conducted as a desktop exercise to predict the effects of trade agreements and government policies on individuals and communities. In line with a growing call for multinational corporations to ensure they do not violate human rights in their activities, HRIA is increasingly incorporated into the standard suite of corporate development project impact assessments. In this context, the policy world's non-structured, desk-based approaches to HRIA are insufficient. Although a number of corporations have commissioned and conducted HRIA, no broadly accepted and validated assessment tool is currently available. The lack of standardisation has complicated efforts to evaluate the effectiveness of HRIA as a risk mitigation tool, and has caused confusion in the corporate world regarding company duties. Hence, clarification is needed. The objectives of this paper are (i) to describe an HRIA methodology, (ii) to provide a rationale for its components and design, and (iii) to illustrate implementation of HRIA using the methodology in two selected corporate development projects—a uranium mine in Malawi and a tree farm in Tanzania. We found that as a prognostic tool, HRIA could examine potential positive and negative human rights impacts and provide effective recommendations for mitigation. However, longer-term monitoring revealed that recommendations were unevenly implemented, dependent on market conditions and personnel movements. This instability in the approach to human rights suggests a need for on-going monitoring and surveillance.  相似文献   

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