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以上海嘉定区环境空气自动监测数据为依据,利用中美合作-上海市环境空气质量发布系统示范项目(AIRNOW-International)提供的DMS数据自动审核模块,结合市区两级人工审核系统,对数据有效性审核中的异常数据情形进行归类和总结。以实例的方式介绍了环境空气常规六参数常见的异常数据情形,并提出应对异常数据的审核程序和办法。  相似文献   

基于“数字政府”统一框架,设计并建立了基于大数据智能技术的空气质量综合分析系统,集空气质量大数据集成、数据审核、监控报警、综合分析、达标管理、污染溯源功能于一体,建立城市空气质量综合监管数学模型,实现空气质量大数据快速分析及可视化、空气质量预测及评价,可以全方位提升城市环境空气质量综合监测与分析能力,及时、迅速地对城市环境空气质量异常状况作出应对,为环境空气污染精准治理及确保空气站监测数据准确性提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

基于GIS的珠三角区域空气质量实况发布平台介绍   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
地理信息系统是在计算机软件和硬件支持下,对整个或者部分地球表层空间中的各类地理信息数据进行采集、存储、管理、运算、分析、显示和描述的技术系统。根据中国发布的环境空气质量新标准,提出了基于地理信息系统的区域空气质量实况发布平台的总体设计思路,介绍了这一平台的开发与运行环境、主要功能模块设计和实现方法。该平台已成功应用于珠江三角洲区域。通过广东省环境保护公众网信息平台,实时更新各个站点最新的空气监测数据,为广东开展环境整治工作以及居民日常出行提供参考。  相似文献   

环境空气质量预报的准确率分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自2001年6月5日开始,47个环境保护重点城市已相继开展了环境空气质量的日报和预报工作。到目前为止,全国已有180个地级以上城市发布了环境空气质量日报,其中90个地级城市还实现了环境空气质量预报,并通过地方电视台、电台、报纸或因特网站等媒体向社会发布。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,环境监测技术已逐步向自动化、电子化和网络化的方向发展。环境空气质量自动监测系统提供的数据具有准确性、可靠性和可比性,能够及时反映环境空气质量的动态变化、预测发展趋势和加快应急事件的控制过程。锦州市城市环境空气自动监测系统已经运行2年时间,在实际工作中对环境空气自动监测的质量保证和质量控制进行了探索,总结了一套较为可行的适合东北地区的质量保证和质量控制方法,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

目前中国空气质量监测数据缺乏统一的数据采集及传输管理规范,导致数据集成困难,各监测网络间的数据无法充分共享,形成信息孤岛。该研究在深入分析中国环境空气质量监测数据采集与传输现状及问题的基础上,遵循已有的标准规定并结合实际业务需求,针对环境空气质量监测数据传输系统结构、通讯协议以及监测数据编码提出具有良好扩展性、通用性及规范化的设计方案,以期促进监测设备及系统集成工作的标准化,实现系统间信息数据高度集成,信息资源充分共享和互融互通,环境空气质量监测业务紧密互动。  相似文献   

由上海市环境监测中心和软件公司共同开发的市和区县两级环境空气自动监测数据审核系统,主要由区县监测站负责辖区自动监测数据的一级审核,市级监测站承担二级审核的责任。作为环境空气质量保证/质量控制体系的重要一环,新系统的建立极大地提高了上海市环境空气自动监测数据的有效性和数据质量。  相似文献   

重庆市环境质量自动监测(控)系统网络集成设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对目前重庆市环境空气质量自动监测现状,结合自动监控系统设计先进技术和国内部分省市已建成的环境信息监控网络的先进经验,对重庆市环境空气自动监测监控系统的建设进行设计,并介绍了环境空气质量自动监测监控系统的组成和实现的功能.现有的自动监测系统存在不同类型设备、通讯方式落后等问题,建设重庆市环境质量自动监控系统的思路是采用GPRS/CDMA/ADSL为主的数据通信传输技术,建立通信控制和信息集成系统,把重庆市环境空气、水、噪声自动监测系统进行系统化的集成,设计成一个完善的环境信息自动化动态监控平台.  相似文献   

根据环境在线监控的数据特征和普遍存在的问题,提出了针对环境在线监控数据交换的系统设计方案,包含数据交换中心、前置系统、发布过程安全的设计。该系统可实现污染源(固定源、移动源)、水环境、大气环境、生态环境、辐射环境等各类在线监控数据的自动归集、交换和集成。为各级环保部门同时、准确地掌握各种在线监控数据,提高监管能力提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

美国环境空气监测数据质量核查工作的经验与启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
国控网城市环境空气自动监测点位的监测事权上收后,对监测数据精密度和准确度的定量化评价已成为考核运维公司工作成果、评估国控网数据质量、编制数据质量报告的迫切需求。为加强中国环境空气数据质量核查体系的建设,总结了美国环境空气监测数据质量核查体系及其相关的技术规范,简要介绍其包含的各类核查项目和主要特点,提出了建设中国环境空气数据质量核查体系的建议。  相似文献   

根据上海市空气自动监测网络由市级中心站负责子站和区/县级监测站自建子站共同组成和两级管理的结构特点,上海自2006年开始实施对空气自动监测子站的年度质保审核,并在实践中持续改进和完善。以上海为例对新环境空气质量标准实施和AQI实时发布背景下完整的空气质量自动监测QA/QC体系中的质保审核的建立实施及其效果进行讨论。  相似文献   

A study has been carried out to assess the contribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) from asphalt plant operation, utilising Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) as a marker for PAHs, to the background air concentration around asphalt plants in the UK. The purpose behind this assessment was to determine whether the use of published BaP emission factors based on the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) methodology is appropriate in the context of the UK, especially as the EPA methodology does not give BaP emission factors for all activities. The study also aimed to improve the overall understanding of BaP emissions from asphalt plants in the UK, and determine whether site location and operation is likely to influence the contribution of PAHs to ambient air quality. In order to establish whether the use of US EPA emissions factors is appropriate, the study has compared the BaP emissions measured and calculated emissions rates from two UK sites with those estimated using US EPA emission factors. A dispersion modelling exercise was carried out to show the BaP contribution to ambient air around each site. This study showed that, as the US EPA methodology does not provide factors for all emission sources on asphalt plants, their use may give rise to over- or under-estimations, particularly where sources of BaP are temperature dependent. However, the contribution of both the estimated and measured BaP concentrations to environmental concentration were low, averaging about 0.05 ng m(-3) at the boundary of the sites, which is well below the UK BaP assessment threshold of 0.25 ng m(-3). Therefore, BaP concentrations, and hence PAH concentrations, from similar asphalt plant operations are unlikely to contribute negatively to ambient air quality.  相似文献   

上海世博会长三角区域空气质量预警联动系统开发与应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
陆涛 《中国环境监测》2013,29(1):141-146
围绕2010年上海世博会空气质量保障目标,开发了长三角区域空气质量预警联动系统.系统主要由区域数据共享、预报预警、信息发布和应急联动等4个子系统构成,运用了自动质量控制检查、多模式集合预报、秸秆焚烧火点判定、预警联动机制研究、GIS自动化处理和表达等关键技术.在世博会期间,实时监控了长三角区域空气质量状况,科学预测了空气质量未来变化趋势,成功发布了5次大气污染预警,启动了应急联动措施,为世博空气质量保障提供了坚实的技术基础.同时,该系统也是一次跨行政区解决区域性空气污染问题的有益实践,具有十分重要的示范意义.  相似文献   

目前 ,我国重点城市都在开展环境空气质量日报或预报工作 ,开展这一工作的基本条件之一是必须建立环境空气质量自动监测系统。由于我国目前的研制水平有限 ,空气质量自动监测系统基本上是靠引进国外技术及设备来完成的。而引进设备往往与我国的具体实际结合不够 ,尤其是在系统结构、数据采集、远程控制与诊断方面同我们的实际要求相去甚远。为此本文将围绕国内环境监测共同关注的环境空气质量自动监测系统及其设计的问题展开讨论 ,内容包括目前国内自动监测系统的现状 ;国外发展情况及趋势 ;自动监测系统结构与要求  相似文献   

针对现有空气质量预报系统存在预报精度低、人工经验辅助、适用范围单一等问题,利用深度学习方法在分析数据内在特征方面表现出的优异性能,结合多源数据融合技术,设计了基于深度学习的空气质量预报系统实现方案.通过对多源数据集的实时制作更新、分析空气质量演变的时空特性、定义和拟合深度学习模型并部署于服务器等关键技术的研究,最终实现...  相似文献   

The emission estimation of nine volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from eight organic liquids storage tanks companies in Dar-es-Salaam City Tanzania has been done by using US EPA standard regulatory storage tanks emission model (TANKS 4.9b). Total VOCs atmospheric emission has been established to be 853.20 metric tones/yr. It has been established further that petrol storage tanks contribute about 87% of total VOCs emitted, while tanks for other refined products and crude oil were emitting 10% and 3% of VOCs respectively. Of the eight sources (companies), the highest emission value from a single source was 233,222.94 kg/yr and the lowest single source emission value was 6881.87 kg/yr. The total VOCs emissions estimated for each of the eight sources were found to be higher than the standard level of 40,000 kg/yr per source for minor source according to US EPA except for two sources, which were emitting VOCs below the standard level. The annual emissions per single source for each of the VOCs were found to be below the US EPA emissions standard which is 2,000~kg/yr in all companies except the emission of hexane from company F1 which was slightly higher than the standard. The type of tanks used seems to significantly influence the emission rate. Vertical fixed roof tanks (VFRT) emit a lot more than externally floating roof tanks (EFRT) and internally floating roof tanks (IFRT). The use of IFRT and EFRT should be encouraged especially for storage of petrol which had highest atmospheric emission contribution. Model predicted atmospheric emissions are less than annual losses measured by companies in all the eight sources. It is possible that there are other routes for losses beside atmospheric emissions. It is therefore important that waste reduction efforts in these companies are directed not only to reducing atmospheric emissions, but also prevention of the spillage and leakage of stored liquid and curbing of the frequently reported illegal siphoning of stored products. Emission rates for benzene, toluene, and xylene were used as input to CALPUFF air dispersion model for the calculation of spatial downwind concentrations from area sources. By using global positioning system (GPS) and geographical information system (GIS) the spatial benzene concentration contributed by organic liquid storage tanks has been mapped for Dar-es-Salaam City. Highest concentrations for all the three toxic pollutants were observed at Kigamboni area, possibly because the area is located at the wind prevailing direction from the locations of the storage tanks. The model predicted concentrations downwind from the sources were below tolerable concentrations by WHO and US-OSHA. The highest 24 hrs averaging time benzene concentration was used for risk assessment in order to determine maximum carcinogenic risk amongst the population exposed at downwind. Established risk for adult and children at 2.9×10-3 and 1.9×10-3 respectively, are higher than the acceptable US-EPA risk of 1×10-6. It is very likely that the actual VOCs concentrations in some urban areas in Tanzania including Dar-es-Salaam City are much higher than the levels reported in this study when other sources such as petrol stations and motor vehicles on the roads are considered. Tanzania Government therefore need to put in place: an air quality policy and legislation, establish air quality guidelines and acquire facilities which will enable the implementation of air quality monitoring and management programmes.  相似文献   

上海市工业区大气污染预警监测信息平台研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据上海市工业区大气污染排放特征,在构建大气特征污染监控网络的基础上,搭建了工业区大气污染预警监测信息平台,并研究了适用于大气特征污染自动站的通信传输规范,确保数据联网和应用。平台设置了大气质量监控、大气数据管理、污染源一厂一档、大气质量分析评价、污染源溯源分析、应急监测数据管理、智能移动终端查询等7个子系统,可为上海市工业区大气污染预警和管控提供实时监测数据。  相似文献   

中国环境空气质量监测现状与发展   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
中国的环境空气质量监测经过20多年的发展,已经进入到自动监测阶段。完善城市空气自动监测系统、区域监测系统、质量保证、质量控制和监测项目,以及实现地级以上城市空气质量预报等是下一阶段的主要发展目标。  相似文献   

环境空气质量自动监测系统质量保证工作的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兰国栋 《干旱环境监测》2007,21(1):23-26,46
根据全国多个省市的环境空气自动监测质量保证工作的经验和做法,结合乌鲁木齐市环境空气自动监测质量保证工作实际情况,对点位设置要求、制度体系建立、仪器质量控制难点、数据审核与研判等环境空气自动监测质量保证工作的关键环节进行探索,为加强环境空气自动监测质量保证体系提供参考依据.  相似文献   

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