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This article provides a short overview of the main themes of ecological economics (EE). It is argued that EE provides a platform that fosters multidisciplinary environmental research by bringing together the core contributing disciplines – economics and ecology. In addition, EE is regarded as a pluralistic approach to environmental research that can be set opposite to, and has indeed developed as a response to, traditional environmental and resource economics. A comparison of the two fields is presented to clarify the essential differences between them. In addition, specific themes are examined in more detail. These include: sustainable development; the growth debate; international trade; dynamic processes; and behaviour and policy. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Humanity depends on the marine environment for a range of vital ecosystem services, at global (e.g. climate regulation), regional (e.g. commercial fisheries) and local scales (e.g. coastal defence and recreation). At the same time, marine ecosystems have been exploited for centuries, and many systems today are under stress from multiple sources. Recent studies have shown how both climate change and fishing have caused long-term changes in the marine environment. However, there is still poor understanding of how these changes influence change in coastal ecosystem services. In this paper, an integrated modelling approach is used to assess how the final delivery of marine ecosystem services to coastal communities is influenced by the direct and indirect effects of changes in ecosystem processes brought about by climate and human impacts, using fisheries of the North Sea region as a case study. Partial least squares path analysis is used to explore the relationships between drivers of change, marine ecosystem processes and services (landings). A simple conceptual model with four variables—climate, fishing effort, ecosystem process and ecosystem services—is applied to the English North Sea using historic ecological, climatic and fisheries time series spanning 1924–2010 to identify the multiple pathways that might exist. As expected, direct and indirect links between fishing effort, ecosystem processes and service provision were significant. However, links between climate and ecosystem processes were weak. This paper highlights how path analysis can be used for analysing long-term temporal links between ecosystem processes and services following a simplified pathway.  相似文献   

海洋生态问题本质上是制度问题。中国海洋生态保护制度经历了从无到有、从少到多的发展过程,但多种复杂制度之间是否能够形成治理合力,制度缺失、制度无效和制度冲突等问题是否存在,尚有待进一步解答。为此,文章在梳理中国海洋生态保护制度演进逻辑的基础上,基于制度互补视角挖掘现有制度的互补空间,探究查缺补漏、规范修正和协调统筹的制度改革路径,以期推动海洋生态保护制度“从多到优”的有效过渡。中国海洋生态保护制度的演进可分为初步建立、稳步推进和改革转型三个阶段,呈现出从陆海分割到陆海一体化治理、从政府单一主体监管到多元主体协同治理、从标准规范到法律保障的趋势特征。制度需求引致与制度供给滞后、制度成本制约与制度收益驱动之间的联动关系是推动海洋生态保护制度演进的内在动因。海洋生态保护是一项跨区域、跨部门的复杂系统性工程,不同生态保护制度之间的联动耦合至关重要。立足制度互补理论视角,中国海洋生态保护制度在保护主体、保护手段和保护过程三个层面均存在较大的互补需求,其中保护主体单一的问题主要因制度缺失导致,保护手段的低效主要受到制度适应性不足的影响,而保护过程的割裂主要反映了制度不协调、不匹配的矛盾。基于此,未来中国海洋生态保护制度的补充应围绕政府职责梳理和多元主体参与建设,制度的修正重点在于进一步完善市场激励、信息公开等非政府机制,制度的协调则要实现立足事前、事中和事后全过程,推动政策工具的有效衔接配合。  相似文献   

Corridors (variably called landscape linkages, connectors, and gateways) are expanses of a landscape that facilitate the flow or movement of individuals, genes, and ecological processes. Protected areas with their buffer zones and the corridors that connect them are cornerstones of modern conservation actions to maintain the biodiversity we have and restore what we have lost. Policy and governance to guide the establishment and management of protected areas and supporting buffer zones is well established in the Central Indian Highlands. A policy and governance structure to create the context and enabling conditions for corridor maintenance, creation, and recovery is emerging but is constrained by the reigning land-management paradigm that separates conservation from development rather than mainstreaming species and habitat conservation into the rural development agenda. Well-nourished, healthy human populations and healthy ecosystems are inextricably linked. The worsening ecological conditions in the Central Indian Highlands can trigger the emergence of a common agenda for an inclusive, caring, and environment-friendly mode of development. The alternative is the business-as-usual scenario: a continuation of worsening ecological conditions. Entry points through the biodiversity, agriculture production, resource extraction, and economic/social sectors to enable integrated sustainable landscape management are identified. These include deepening what it means to successfully conserve a species combined with explicit threat analysis for at-risk tigers and the landscapes that supports them; landscape scenario modeling to advance communication by synthesizing diverse forms of research and articulating and evaluating alternative socio-economic futures; and the use of the smart green infrastructure process as an approach to development rather than only as a way to mitigate environmental damage. Models are presented to scale up from isolated conservation interventions to collective impact that unites supportive government partners with individuals, NGOs, and economic interests to achieve viable long-term relationships in human and natural systems to value, maintain, and recover landscape connectivity.  相似文献   

基于海洋经济发展进程的生态环境演化模型,建立了环渤海地区海洋经济与生态环境发展水平评价指标体系,通过构建响应度模型定量分析2004至2014年环渤海地区海洋经济发展的海洋生态环境响应变化及影响因素,得出以下结论:(1)通过构建海洋经济与生态环境发展水平评价指标体系及综合评价模型进行测算发现,环渤海地区海洋经济发展综合评价值由2004年的0.135提升至2014年的0.850,表明环渤海地区海洋经济发展水平不断提高,并呈现出良好的发展势头;海洋生态环境发展综合评价值先由2004年的0.647降至2012年的0.335,后又缓慢回升至2014年的0.374,表明环渤海地区海洋生态环境水平虽在2012至2014年间略有好转,但总体仍呈波动下降趋势。(2)通过构建海洋生态环境响应度模型进行测算发现,环渤海地区海洋经济发展的生态环境响应指数由2004年的-0.073下降至2012年的-0.576,而后又增大至2014年的-0.297,表明环渤海地区海洋经济发展对生态环境演变产生了"胁迫"影响,总体呈现出由"弱胁迫"向"强胁迫"变化的态势,但胁迫程度在2012至2014年间有所缓和。(3)通过多元回归分析发现,与海洋生态环境响应指数的偏回归系数较高的3个自变量分别为海洋科技课题成果应用数量、海域利用效率、单位面积工业废水排放达标量,且海域利用效率的回归系数最高为0.749。表明海域利用效率是影响环渤海地区海洋生态环境响应演变的主要因素,此外,海洋科技发展水平的提高以及海洋污染治理力度加强等因素也对胁迫程度的减小具有一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

海岛是海洋生态系统的重要组成部分,保护海岛生态环境是推进海洋生态文明建设、保护海洋生态环境的重要方面。海岛居民是保护海岛生态环境的主体之一,研究海岛居民环境友好行为的影响因素,引导和鼓励海岛居民主动采取环境友好行为是改善海岛生态环境的有效途径。本研究在梳理国内外相关文献的基础上,对海岛居民环境友好行为的概念、类型及影响因素进行理论分析,建立包含生态管理行为、消费行为、说服行为、公民行为四个环境友好行为变量,环境态度、环境保护知识、环境经历、社会政策、行为约束五个影响因素变量在内的理论模型。结合海岛生态环境和海岛居民的特点,设计海岛居民版环境友好行为测量量表,并在长岛县进行问卷调查,运用描述性统计分析、结构方程模型分析探究海岛居民环境友好行为的影响因素及影响因素间的内在关系。研究发现:①海岛居民环境友好行为总体水平差异较大,难度较低的环境友好行为实施较好,而难度较高的实施较差;影响因素变量中,环境态度积极,环境经历丰富,环境保护知识掌握较好,相关社会政策较为不利,行为约束偏中性。②环境态度、环境经历、社会政策对海岛居民环境友好行为具有显著正向影响。③环境保护知识对环境态度具有显著正向影响,但对海岛居民环境友好行为无显著影响,存在“知易行难”现象。行为约束对海岛居民环境友好行为无显著影响。④环境经历不仅直接影响海岛居民环境友好行为,而且通过环境态度对海岛居民环境友好行为施加间接影响。基于研究结论,提出了改善海岛居民环境友好行为的对策建议。  相似文献   

Can ecological distribution conflicts turn into forces for sustainability? This overview paper addresses in a systematic conceptual manner the question of why, through whom, how, and when conflicts over the use of the environment may take an active role in shaping transitions toward sustainability. It presents a conceptual framework that schematically maps out the linkages between (a) patterns of (unsustainable) social metabolism, (b) the emergence of ecological distribution conflicts, (c) the rise of environmental justice movements, and (d) their potential contributions for sustainability transitions. The ways how these four processes can influence each other are multi-faceted and often not a foretold story. Yet, ecological distribution conflicts can have an important role for sustainability, because they relentlessly bring to light conflicting values over the environment as well as unsustainable resource uses affecting people and the planet. Environmental justice movements, born out of such conflicts, become key actors in politicizing such unsustainable resource uses, but moreover, they take sometimes also radical actions to stop them. By drawing on creative forms of mobilizations and diverse repertoires of action to effectively reduce unsustainabilities, they can turn from ‘victims’ of environmental injustices into ‘warriors’ for sustainability. But when will improvements in sustainability be lasting? By looking at the overall dynamics between the four processes, we aim to foster a more systematic understanding of the dynamics and roles of ecological distribution conflicts within sustainability processes.  相似文献   

Flora of the still unchanged or slightly modified floodplains is particularly valuable. Such are the natural, periodically flooded riparian ecosystems within the Mid-Pripyat river valley in Belarus. Distinctive elements of that area are ‘periodic islands’, which arise from the most elevated parts of the riverbed during flooding and have a specific microtopography. The aim of the research was to recognize floristic composition and ecological conditions of the ‘islands.’ Noted plants were mainly photophilous, by clearly varied in soil moisture, acidity and fertility requirements.  相似文献   

在气候变化、人类活动的共同影响下,湿地生态系统退化的形势日益严峻。因此,开展浅水湖泊洲滩植被健康状态评价,探索导致湖泊洲滩植被结构和功能退化的原因具有十分重要的意义。通过构建逐层聚合的指标体系,运用综合健康指数法(EHCI)对鄱阳湖洲滩植被健康状态进行评价;并通过不健康年份湖泊水情与多年平均湖泊水情的对比,揭示对洲滩植物健康状态影响最为显著的湖泊水情。主要结论如下:(1)1989~2010年春季,鄱阳湖洲滩植被处于健康和亚健康状态的年份约占总体的80%,不健康年份约占总体的20%;同时段的秋季,鄱阳湖洲滩植被在健康和亚健康状态的年份约占总体的85%,不健康年份约占总体的15%。1989~2010年,鄱阳湖年均洲滩植被健康状态均在健康与亚健康之间,无不健康年份。鄱阳湖洲滩植被健康状态在年尺度上表现出比单一季节更好的稳定性。(2)涨水期水情是影响鄱阳湖春季洲滩植被健康状态的主要水文要素。1989~2010年春,鄱阳湖洲滩植被不健康年份发生在典型的春旱年份2005年和典型的春涝年份2010年。丰水期水情是影响鄱阳湖秋季洲滩植被健康状态的主要水文要素。1989~2010年秋,鄱阳湖洲滩植被不健康年份出现在典型的丰水期高水情年份1999年和典型的丰水期低水情年份2001年。就鄱阳湖年均水位波动状况而言,其具有比单一季节水位波动更好的稳定性,因此导致鄱阳湖洲滩植被全年的总体健康状态比单一季节具有更好的稳定性。本研究结果对于科学的认识鄱阳湖洲滩植被现状及其变化原因具有重要的现实意义,也为鄱阳湖洲滩湿地管理、生态修复及工程决策提供了重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

与传统学科界限鲜明不同,生态经济学强调跨学科交叉研究,注重让问题来决定研究工具集,而不是由研究工具来决定合适的对象。由于生态经济问题涉及生态系统与社会经济系统,研究对象属性多样、关系复杂,既有采用传统意义上的生态经济学方法如生态系统服务价值核算等方法,也包括生活质量、生计途径、消费评估等社会学方法。因此,采取关注学科主要方法发展演化的思路,难以系统地总结生态经济研究进展。我国西北地区生态环境脆弱,经济发展相对落后,无疑是生态经济研究的"天然典型实验场",取得了大量的研究成果。遵循从研究对象出发的思路,采用经典的ImPACTS等式框架,以更宽泛的视野和系统的思维框架综述了西北地区典型生态经济实证研究的思路,即:采用等级层次分析方法研究生态系统和经济系统某个或多个结构性成分及其关系,再用实际结果检验其正确性。综述重要进展包括:可持续性衡量从物质、能量和信息角度开展了水资源承载力、生态足迹、能值与上升性的研究;生态系统服务和自然资本的价值评估开展了条件估值和选择模型,以及环境经济账户、物质流等集成核算工作;人类福利状况评价开展了幸福及生活质量核算工作;开展了生态补偿全流程的实证研究工作;集成模拟模型开展了空间建模环境的构建及简单自然过程的模拟,以LUCC和生态补偿为例进行了较好的自然过程和人文因素相耦合的集成模拟研究;以社会适应性能力作为整体性指标研究了社会资源对水资源的适应作用,将社会资源解耦为文化类型、社会资本和制度三个维度进行实证分析。在此基础上,提出了未来开展研究的建议。  相似文献   

Calls for humanity to ‘reconnect to nature’ have grown increasingly louder from both scholars and civil society. Yet, there is relatively little coherence about what reconnecting to nature means, why it should happen and how it can be achieved. We present a conceptual framework to organise existing literature and direct future research on human–nature connections. Five types of connections to nature are identified: material, experiential, cognitive, emotional, and philosophical. These various types have been presented as causes, consequences, or treatments of social and environmental problems. From this conceptual base, we discuss how reconnecting people with nature can function as a treatment for the global environmental crisis. Adopting a social–ecological systems perspective, we draw upon the emerging concept of ‘leverage points’—places in complex systems to intervene to generate change—and explore examples of how actions to reconnect people with nature can help transform society towards sustainability.  相似文献   

It has been shown that ecological prerequisites for the spread of bloodsucking mosquitoes from different aquatic ecosystems in the south of Western Siberia may be controlled by reducing the density of larval hemipopulations. The bacterial agent Bactiñide is most efficient in open water systems. In ecosystems overgrown with herb-shrub vegetation, an integrated approach should be used, which involves both stocking with belica (Leucaspius delineatus) and application of Bacticide. The development of larvivorous fish in the permanent water systems of the Karasuk-Burlinsk region and Teletskoye Lake basin contributes to elimination of mosquito larvae and, thus, to the improvement of natural environment.  相似文献   

Antibiotics play a pivotal role in the management of infectious disease in humans, companion animals, livestock, and aquaculture operations at a global scale. Antibiotics are produced, consumed, and released into the environment at an unprecedented scale causing concern that the presence of antibiotic residues may adversely impact aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Here we critically review the ecotoxicological assessment of antibiotics as related to environmental risk assessment (ERA). We initially discuss the need for more specific protection goals based on the ecosystem service concept, and suggest that the ERA of antibiotics, through the application of a mode of toxic action approach, should make more use of ecotoxicological endpoints targeting microorganisms (especially bacteria) and microbial communities. Key ecosystem services provided by microorganisms and associated ecosystem service-providing units (e.g. taxa or functional groups) are identified. Approaches currently available for elucidating ecotoxicological effects on microorganisms are reviewed in detail and we conclude that microbial community-based tests should be used to complement single-species tests to offer more targeted protection of key ecosystem services. Specifically, we propose that ecotoxicological tests should not only assess microbial community function, but also microbial diversity (‘species’ richness) and antibiotic susceptibility. Promising areas for future basic and applied research of relevance to ERA are highlighted throughout the text. In this regard, the most fundamental knowledge gaps probably relate to our rudimentary understanding of the ecological roles of antibiotics in nature and possible adverse effects of environmental pollution with sub-inhibitory levels of antibiotics.  相似文献   

Resilience has emerged as a prominent paradigm for interpreting and shaping human–environment connections in the context of global environmental change. Resilience emphasizes dynamic spatial and temporal change in social–ecological systems where humans are inextricably interwoven with the environment. While influential, resilience thinking has been critiqued for an under-theorized framing of socio-cultural dynamics. In this paper, we examine how the resilience concepts of planetary boundaries and reconnecting to the biosphere frame human–environment connection in terms of mental representations and biophysical realities. We argue that focusing solely on mental reconnection limits further integration between the social and the ecological, thus countering a foundational commitment in resilience thinking to social–ecological interconnectedness. To address this susceptibility we use Tim Ingold’s ‘dwelling perspective’ to outline an embodied form of human–environment (re)connection. Through dwelling, connections are not solely produced in the mind, but through the ongoing interactivity of mind, body and environment through time. Using this perspective, we position the biosphere as an assemblage that is constantly in the making through the active cohabitation of humans and nonhumans. To illustrate insights that may emerge from this perspective we bring an embodied connection to earth stewardship, given its growing popularity for forging local to global sustainability transformations.  相似文献   

Traditional environmental knowledge (usually imparted orally) is being lost from many regions of the world, requiring novel forms of transmission if this situation is to be redressed. Loss of this knowledge may be a significant contributory factor towards ecological decline. Undoubtedly, disruption to ecosystems and societies that depend on these has impacted on traditional land management practices, with negative ramifications for biodiversity. From an environmental perspective, scientists in northern Australia need to understand traditional Aboriginal methods of ‘caring for country’, such as burning regimes, so that these can be incorporated into strategies today for maintaining Australia’s rich biodiversity. However, information exchange should be two-way: as well as learning from local people, science can in turn benefit people who may have little experience of, for example, invasive species. The challenge is how can the complexity of biological knowledge from within different ontologies be represented and integrated in a way that it can be of use to scientists and local people, in order to ensure a sustainable future? The main aim of this study was to record existing local knowledge of biodiversity for the community of Aurukun (far north Queensland), integrating this knowledge with scientific data, while giving parity to both knowledge systems and protecting intellectual property rights. A cross-cultural collaboration between community members and ethnobiologists resulted in development of the Aurukun Ethnobiology Database. An interdisciplinary approach was taken to effectively model autochthonous biological knowledge and scientific data to create a database with a number of practical applications.  相似文献   


Ecological city (eco-city) and its planning approach are emerging concepts in urban study, urban planning, ecological economics, environmental policy and corporate environmental management. However, opinions remain divided over the connotation and denotation of the term “ecological city”, what key issues ecocity planning can solve, and its specific contents. In this study, we present 10 basic propositions that define the eco-city and clarify its key parameters, thereby providing the basis for discussing the assumptions and principles underlying different approaches to sustainable urban development. We then summarize the concept and principles of an eco-city, and define the main requirements for ecocity planning. We conclude that an eco-city is a city in which the urban population, scale of land use and intensity of human activities are limited to the regional resource and environmental carrying capacity, which does not cause increasing or irreversible damage to the regional ecosystem’s structure, functions and processes.  相似文献   

Research aimed at understanding the response of plants to ozone has been conducted for over four decades but little of it has addressed intact natural systems. Even so, there is sufficient scientific information at this time to support air quality standards that will protect natural terrestrial ecosystems from ozone. What is unknown is the risk associated with continued exposure of natural systems, including both above- and below-ground components, in combination with other stresses including changing temperature and precipitation, elevated carbon dioxide, pests and pathogens, invasive species, and other activities that may fragment the landscape. Research to support an assessment of the ecological risk associated with ozone as it exists, in a milieu of stresses, must include endpoints beyond those addressed in the past, primarily productivity and species composition. To estimate the risk to society of ozone impacts on natural systems, endpoints such as the integrity of soil food webs, the quantity and quality of water supplied from terrestrial ecosystems, wildlife and recreational values, and the transfer and fate of carbon, nutrients, and water within the systems must be quantified. Not only will this research provide the basis for a sound estimate of risk, but also it will improve our understanding of fundamental ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

上海海洋经济发展战略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在沿海各国和地区都高度重视发展海洋经济的背景下,研究上海海洋经济发展战略,对进一步推进上海海洋经济发展,建设“海洋强市”具有重要的意义。开发海洋、发展海洋经济是提升上海国际竞争力,促进社会经济可持续发展,更好地服务于长江三角洲、长江流域乃至全国以及保障城市、国家安全的战略需要。目前,上海海洋经济的发展面临着一系列问题、困难和瓶颈制约,主要表现为:海洋产业结构有待优化提升;海陆互动机制有待进一步完善;河口岛屿资源开发利用程度严重不足;海洋生态环境保护与可持续发展形势依然严峻;海洋科技自主创新能力不强,科技资源亟需开发与整合。因此,从转变思想,树立海洋兴市的战略意识;整体规划,重点布局;产业升级,结构优化;海洋经济发展重在创新;大力发展岛屿经济;注重海洋生态保护与可持续发展7方面,提出了上海发展海洋经济的战略和重点。  相似文献   

海洋碳汇渔业绿色发展空间关联性及其外溢效应对于海水养殖业的有效协调和区域海洋环境的有效保护具有重要意义,科学估算沿海各省(自治区)海水养殖渔业碳汇量并探讨其空间相关性特征是制定差异化渔业碳汇发展政策的重要基础。根据2006—2016年中国大陆沿海9个省(自治区)的碳汇渔业资源清查数据,在检验和比较省域空间渔业碳汇总量相关性特征的基础上,运用空间计量模型分析了渔业碳汇的外溢效应及其影响因素。结果表明:①中国海水养殖渔业碳汇量整体上呈现上升趋势,但各省渔业碳汇量也存在明显差异。②研究期内的Moran's I指数整体呈现为"V"型的波动变化特征,渔业碳汇在省域空间分布上的差异性并不是随机的,而是具备显著的空间相关性。③海水养殖渔业碳汇存在明显的空间外溢效应,通过随机效应的杜宾模型分解后得出渔业产值、劳动力投入的直接效应为正,而渔业受灾面积和科研项目经费投入的直接效应为负;从间接效应来看,渔业产值在各省域间存在竞争与依存关系,海水养殖业劳动力投入和渔业技术推广的项目经费投入在各省域间存在互补关系。因此,中国沿海各省份在发挥海洋水产养殖业生态功能时,应当考虑省域区位因素,合理制定兼具差异化和协调性的海洋碳汇渔业发展政策。  相似文献   

In this study,we identified ecological pressures on grassland ecosystems and adaptive countermeasures in Northern China.Our research revealed that the main sources of these pressures included population growth,economic development,resources exploitation,and global climate change,with human-related activities being overriding factors.Overgrazing was an important reason for grassland imbalance,causing soil erosion and desertification,especially during the sensitive spring greening phase.In steppe zones,commercial coal mining was destructive to the ecological environment.Regarding long-term strategies,we recommend that policy-makers devote more consideration to a new conceptual approach for transforming grasslands through shifting the focus from die grassland’s traditional production functions to meir ecological functions.Applying this concept,adaptive countermeasures should be developed to reduce human impacts based on the environmental capacities of grasslands.Moreover,we recommend the development of environment-friendly industries and reduction of pressures from human activities as effective measures for maintaining the balance between sustainable economic development and grassland conservation.Lastly,we suggest that restoration of degraded grasslands should conform to the principle of natural vegetation to further improve the ecological adaptability of plants and ecosystem stability.This study is expected to provide scientific support for policy-makers engaged in grassland protection.  相似文献   

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