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高职《特种经济动物养殖技术》课程设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文阐述了作者对《特种经济动物养殖技术》课程设计所进行的探索.以高职教育培养目标和人才市场需求为导向,设计课程目标;以行业发展为导向,设计课程内容;以职业岗位能力要求和工作项目为导向,设计课程结构.实践结果表明,该课程设计符合现代职业技术教育的要求,具有前沿性、科学性和职业性.参5.  相似文献   

药理学是医学、药学高职高专院校的一门重要的专业基础课程,也是一门桥梁学科.知识更新迅速、学科发展细化,传统教学模式难以取得很好的教学效果.该文结合笔者的教学经验,阐明了药理学课程中应用多媒体教学的必要性、优越性与局限性,并探讨了如何合理应用多媒体技术有效组织药理学教学.参6.  相似文献   

学生感恩意识及感恩教育现状的调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
感恩教育是当前教育学、心理学等学科研究的一个热点,该文在问卷调查的基础上对大学生感恩意识及感恩教育现状进行了探讨与分析:首先,文章对大学生感恩意识的现状从对待父母和亲人,对待老师和母校,对待同学和朋友,对待国家和社会等四个方面进行了相关的数据分析,然后对大学生感恩教育缺失的现状从社会环境、学校教育、家庭教育以及大学生自身修养四个方面进行了分析与总结,为加强和改进大学生感恩教育提供了参考和依据.表6,参7.  相似文献   

Female choice and the quality of parental care in the great tit Parus major   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Previous work on great tits suggested that female mate choice was based on the characteristics of the male rather than the quality of his territory. The aim of this paper was to see whether females were deriving any direct benefits as a result of such choice by comparing male plumage colouration (the size of the central black breast-stripe) with the quality of parental care provided by both members of the pair. Males with large stripes were more likely to defend their broods because their nest attentiveness was higher increasing the chances of predator detection. Males with large stripes produced heavier fledglings primarily as a result of faster growth early in the nestling period. Previous work on great tits has shown that heavier fledglings have a higher survival probability than lighter ones. The results of this study can more easily be explained by differences in parental quality between males rather than as a result of variation in female or territory quality. Therefore, female great tits could increase their reproductive success by pairing with males with a large stripe because such males appear to be better quality parents. This suggests that female choice in the great tit may concern, at least in part, the quality of male parental care.  相似文献   

Summary The conspicuous male plumage coloration of many avian species is often regarded as the result of sexual selection through female choice. In general terms such plumage characters may evolve in monogamous species if males bearing them pair with high quality females and so reproduce more successfully than males lacking the character. Male great tits have a conspicuous, central black breast stripe which varies in size between individuals. The stripe is also present in the female although it is smaller in size. Male great tits with large stripes paired with females which laid large clutches. Furthermore, in one of three years, females paired with such males commenced breeding earlier in the season than other females. Individual females were significantly more consistent in their clutch size and laying date between years than were nesting boxes. Males with large stripes paired with females which had previously laid a large clutch. Although there was evidence that territory quality may affect female reproductive success by influencing nesting success and nestling quality, there was no significant relationship between the stripe size of a male and the quality of his territory. Therefore, the results suggest that female great tits are choosing the characteristics of the male rather than the quality of his territory. The evidence thus suggests that female choice may be important in the evolution of male secondary sexual characteristics in great tits.  相似文献   

通过对某高尔夫球场运营过程中化肥和农药施用的分析,用简化模型计算了一般情况下和最不利情况下化肥、农药对地面水环境的影响,提出控制农药化肥污染的对策措施。  相似文献   

Female choice in sage grouse: the roles of attraction and active comparison   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Previous studies of female choice in sage grouse Centrocercus urophasianus have implicated both the acoustic quality and repetition rate of the stereotyped strut display as putative cues for female choice. Stages in the choice process at which specific components of male courtship display influence female decisions were investigated using field observations of female pre-mating behavior. Females visited a subset of territorial males and then actively chose one of these as a mate. The order in which males were visited suggested that females searched until an acceptable mate was found, rather than employing a “best-of-n” tactic. Numbers of females visiting a male were related to differences in an acoustical component of display (inter-pop interval) whereas the probability that a visiting female mated was related to display rate (Table 3), indicating that initial attraction and active choice are influenced by different components of display. In addition, inter-pop interval and display rate tended to covary inversely (Fig. 1), suggesting that attraction and active choice may impose conflicting selection pressures on display performance. Received: 11 November 1995/Accepted after revision: 16 March 1996  相似文献   

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