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为提高非常规突发灾害事故情景分析的有效性和全面性,在界定非常规突发灾害事故情景概念的基础上,基于知识元表示非常规突发灾害事故的情景,利用动态贝叶斯网络对非常规突发灾害事故情景演变进行构建;以大连"7·16"中石油储运公司油库火灾为例,演示基于知识元和动态贝叶斯网络的非常规突发灾害事故情景分析方法的具体流程,并对推演结果进行分析。推演结果显示,18时12分输油管线爆炸起火的概率为72.0%,18时19分T103罐爆炸起火的概率为92.6%,21时30分泵房爆炸起火的概率为87.5%,与实际情况基本一致,证明了该方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

部分高风险危化品企业搬迁改造困难重重,为控制风险、保护周围人民生命和财产安全,有必要建立动态风险评价系统,对事故发生概率进行监控和预测。采用贝叶斯网络对事故发生概率进行定量分析。先在利用蝴蝶结模型辨识事故原因和后果的基础上,将其转化为贝叶斯网络模型;再导入"前导事件"信息和先验概率推导后验事故发生概率,量化分析事故发生随时间的变化概率;最后,以储罐溢流场景为例进行动态风险计算,结果表明,随化工装置生产时间和"前导事件"增长,元件失效概率和事故风险呈显著增长趋势。因此建议企业应重视"前导事件"并采取措施减少"前导事件",如优化检维修方案、及时更换关键部件、进行全面的事故调查等。  相似文献   

为加强煤气化装置核心设备气化炉的安全风险管理,利用动态领结(DBT)模型和动态贝叶斯网络(DBN)相结合的风险分析方法,构建气化炉超温事故风险分析模型.首先,分析设备故障的时序性,建立超温事故的DBT模型,结合模糊评价确定设备故障的发生概率;然后,将DBT映射到DBN中,将故障维修的动态特征定义为转移概率,双向推理气化...  相似文献   

为有效应对危化品事故发生与演变时存在的动态性及不确定性问题,基于事故演变过程中的关键情景状态及对应孕灾环境、应急活动和处置目标等要素,引入动态贝叶斯网络方法,构建危化品事故情景推演网络,并结合复杂网络知识,对孕灾环境和应急活动2类事故影响因素节点进行敏感性和重要度分析。结果表明:情景推演网络计算的情景节点概率符合事故发生的实际情况,能够对危化品事故在不同孕灾环境和应急救援下的演变路径进行推演,并且分析得到燃烧物、消防力量、火场环境和建筑密度等关键影响因素节点,研究结果可为事故处理提供应急辅助决策支持。  相似文献   

为研究城市燃气管网风险的动态性,针对传统风险分析方法的局限性,提出基于贝叶斯网络的燃气管网动态风险分析方法。构建燃气管网失效蝴蝶结模型并将其转化为贝叶斯网络模型;在事故发生状态下更新事件失效概率,识别出关键因素;根据异常事件数据和贝叶斯理论,对基本事件失效概率进行实时动态改变;随之更新管网失效及各后果发生的概率,从而实现管网的动态风险分析。研究结果表明:该方法克服了传统风险分析方法的不足,可动态反映燃气管网失效和事故后果发生概率随时间变化的特征,能够为城市地下燃气管网的风险分析与事故预防提供参考。  相似文献   

为解决综合管廊燃气管网系统风险因素多、风险状态随时间动态变化等问题,在传统故障树和静态贝叶斯网络等方法的基础上提出了基于动态贝叶斯网络的城市综合管廊燃气泄漏动态风险评价方法。首先利用蝴蝶结模型分析总结了导致综合管廊燃气管网发生泄漏的主要风险源和不同事故后果。然后,引入时间因素与Leaky Noisy-or Gate模型,根据故障树模型的映射规则,建立城市综合管廊燃气泄漏的动态贝叶斯网络模型。最后,利用动态贝叶斯网络的双向推理功能对模型进行求解。由实例分析得到了某综合管廊燃气泄漏概率及各事故后果概率的时序变化曲线,通过反向推理得到了导致燃气泄漏的主要风险源。研究成果可为综合管廊的风险评估、日常维护提供理论支持。  相似文献   

为揭示乙烯装置风险的动态特征,本文采用T-S动态故障树分析乙烯装置工艺过程中的动态风险。通过T-S动态故障树的上级事件求解算法定量计算了乙烯工艺装置发生事故扩大化的动态风险概率,得出乙烯装置发生事故扩大化的概率随着装置运行时间的增加而变大,在装置持续运行500 h时风险概率为0.012 583,而持续运行时间大于2 000 h时风险概率增大至0.562 974。并针对乙烯工艺装置风险的动态特征提出风险管控的措施,有效降低事故风险。  相似文献   

为提高景区密集人群应急管控能力,采用情景分析和动态贝叶斯网络相结合的方法,研究景区密集人群踩踏事故情景演化过程。通过分析景区密集人群踩踏事故,选取情景状态、致灾体、承灾体、驱动要素为关键要素,探索密集人群踩踏事故情景演化的特征与路径;运用动态贝叶斯网络构建密集人群踩踏事故情景网络,从情景状态概率推演情景发展趋势。结果表明:引起事故发生风险概率较高的情景状态依次为人群跌倒、人群僵持、人群流量剧增和人群聚集;预防准备不充分、景区安保管理不足、人流监测设备和人群限流设施不完善等相应驱动要素的介入是造成事故发生的主要原因。  相似文献   

由于危险化学品事故的演化路径具有不确定性和动态性的特点,往往很难科学地采取应急处置措施。以天津港"8·12"事故为例,基于外部环境、事件情景、应急处置3类情景要素分析危险化学品事故的情景演变路径,结合动态贝叶斯网络构建情景推演模型,利用联合概率公式计算情景发生概率,来实现危险化学品事故中关键情景的推演,便于有针对性地采取应急处置措施。推演结果表明:应加强事故初期的应急处置力度,遏制事态发展;事故发展中期,救援难度非常大,宜尽量争取应急疏散时间,避免人员伤亡;进行应急处置时,要统筹考虑各种内外部因素及事故演变的具体情况,特别要阻止向事故扩大的趋势转变。  相似文献   

为研究化工装置在突发事故情景下事故各阶段演变趋势规律和差异情况,进行定量评估化工装置风险,在此基础上确定重点监控化工装置。基于系统动力学原理和方法以及Vensim软件仿真模拟功能,以层次变量"安全防护性能→事故隐患危险性"作为主要变量,辅以多个辅助变量(即影响因素指标)的补充和完善,构建突发事故情景下事故各阶段的化工装置事故演变规律因果图和系统图并模拟。仿真模拟结果表明,安全防护性能和事故隐患危险性在化工事故情景下的事故演变趋势存在明显差异,相对于以往单一的对化工事故后果的定量风险分析,其对事故演变过程进行动态模拟研究有较明显的进步。  相似文献   

This paper takes the safety in emergency processes as the starting point, from the perspective of scenario deduction, to study the consequences of fire accidents for oil-gas storage and transportation. Through the statistical analysis of actual accident cases, 19 frequently occurring basic scenarios in emergency processes are summarized. The scenario evolution paths of fire accidents for oil-gas storage and transportation are given by analyzing the evolution law of the accident development. Fuzzy numbers are introduced to express experts' qualitative judgment on accident scenarios. The empirical probabilities of scenario nodes are obtained by defuzzification calculation, and the state probability of each scenario node is calculated by using the dynamic Bayesian network joint probability formula. Under the comprehensive consideration about the probability statistics of actual accident cases, the critical scenario nodes on the evolution path and their final scenario probabilities are jointly determined to realize the optimization of the scenario evolution path. By constructing the correlation between the optimized scenario evolution path and the accident consequences, an accident consequence prediction model is established. The occurrence probability of accident consequences is calculated by the defuzzification method and dynamic Bayesian network. The accuracy of the consequence prediction model is verified by the July 16 Dalian's Xingang Harbor oil pipeline explosion accident. The research results provide scientific basis for helping decision makers to make the effective emergency measures that are most conducive to the rapid elimination of accidents and reducing the severity of accident consequences.  相似文献   

卢颖  黄炎  姜学鹏 《火灾科学》2021,30(4):185-191
为预防养老院火灾事故,结合事故树法(FTA)和贝叶斯网络法(BN),建立了一套养老院火灾风险定量评估模型。首先,采用事故树法建立潜在的养老院火灾事故场景;其次,考虑到养老院火灾事故场景中不确定因素的影响,将事故树模型转化为贝叶斯网络模型,并结合有人员伤亡的养老院火灾事故发生发展实际优化模型;最后,以某市养老院为例,结合调研、文献及统计数据确定先验概率及条件概率,并用GENIE 2.0软件实现贝叶斯图形化,分析验证该模型逻辑可行性。结果表明:通过该模型和方法,不仅可以预测养老院火灾事故中各场景发生发展概率,还能对各风险因素敏感度和最大致因链进行分析,提高了风险因素辨识和评价的准确性,可以为养老院火灾风险分析和防控提供参考。  相似文献   

In recent years, hazardous chemicals road transport accidents have occurred frequently, causing huge casualties and property losses, and accident risk assessment has become the focus of researchers' research. To predict the risk probability value of hazardous chemical road transport accidents, first, we compiled data on road transportation accidents of hazardous chemicals in China in the past five years. And the nine nodes in the Bayesian network (BN) structure were defined in combination with relevant classification standards. The optimal Bayesian network structure for hazardous chemical road transport accidents was determined based on the K2 algorithm and the causalities between the nodes. Second, the node conditional probabilities were derived by parameter learning of the model using Netica, and the validity of the model was verified using the 5-fold cross-validation method. Last, the Bayesian network model of hazardous chemical road transport accidents is used to analyze accident examples, and the accident chain of “rear-end-leakage” is predicted, and the accident is most likely to be disposed of within 3–9 h. The study shows that the derived accident prediction model for hazardous chemical road transportation can reason reasonably about the evolution of accident scenarios and determine the probability values of accident risks under different parameter conditions.  相似文献   

王自龙  蒋勇 《火灾科学》2021,30(1):54-62
化工园区中危险源众多,一旦发生事故很容易在整个园区内蔓延和发展.针对化工园区内储罐密集,容易引发连锁反应导致事故扩大的特点,利用FDS软件对储罐火灾场景进行数值模拟,根据储罐所受热辐射确定化工园区内储罐火灾最可能的事故发生序列,并引入基于设备失效前时间的机械设备故障概率模型对罐区内单个储罐的火灾风险进行研究,得到储罐区...  相似文献   

Industrial technical accidents caused by natural disasters are defined as Natech accidents, such as earthquakes and landslides, which can cause tremendous damage to industrial storage tanks, and lead to accidental leakage and even serious fire and explosion accidents. In this study, a landslide-induced storage tank accident model under earthquake disasters was proposed, and the relationship between landslide mass impact and target impact resistance was taken into account. Also, tank failure and the formation of the pool fire were considered to be the consequences of the Natech accident. Through scenario deduction, the dynamic process of landslide Natech was transformed qualitatively into a disaster chain network diagram composed of a scenario state, a disaster-causing factor and emergency management. The Bayesian network was used to learn and deduce the parameters of the network diagram, and in this process, the prior probability and conditional probability of nodes were obtained primarily by Monte Carlo simulation, and by an improved expert scoring method based on the fuzzy set theory. Through visualization software, the sensitivity analysis of landslide Natech was achieved. Finally, a case study of a liquor storage tank area in Guizhou Province, China was carried out, and the results show that a large amount of hazardous material leakage caused by buckling is key to the formation of pool fire accidents, and several prevention measures for earthquake-induced landslide Natech was proposed according to the sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

为提高危化品爆炸事故电力应急预警的准确性,建立基于贝叶斯网络的危化品爆炸事故电力系统风险评估模型.基于危化品爆炸事故电力应急典型情景分析,建立综合考虑突发事件、承灾载体和应急管理等风险因素的贝叶斯网络结构.应用概率刻画风险因素信息的不确定性及其相互影响,定量分析事件后果.结合一般条件和典型情景等的应用实例,分析评价方法...  相似文献   

为深入分析船舶火灾事故风险因素及其后果产生的影响,通过分析1991-2017年全球船舶火灾事故调查报告,从人员、管理、船舶设备、货物、环境5个方面对船舶火灾影响因素进行识别研究;采用三脚架事故致因模型(Tripod-Beta model),构建考虑安全栅的船舶火灾事故情景演化模型,识别船舶火灾关键影响因素;并在样本量较少的情况下,采用信息扩散理论计算船舶火灾发生率;最后,利用布尔函数和风险矩阵,对船舶火灾事故风险进行评价研究。结果表明:船员不安全行为和船舶设备表面过热、设备短路是船舶火灾事故的关键风险因素;事故后果链中安全栅遭到破坏时,船舶火灾风险处于不希望发生范围内。该方法能有效评估船舶火灾风险的等级,满足海事管理部门的监管工作需求。  相似文献   

Dynamic accident modeling for a gas gathering station is implemented to prevent high-sulfur natural gas leakage and develop equipment inspection strategy. The progress of abnormal event occurring in the gas gathering station is modeled by the combination of fault tree and event sequence diagram, based on accident causal chain theory, i.e. the progress is depicted as sequential failure of safety barriers, then, the occurrence probability of the consequence of abnormal event is predicted. Consequences of abnormal events are divided into accidents and accident precursors which include incidents, near misses and so on. The Bayesian theory updates failure probability of safety barrier when a new observation (i.e. accident precursors or accidents data) arrives. Bayesian network then correspondingly updates failure probabilities of basic events of the safety barriers with the ability of abductive reasoning. Consequence occurrence probability is also updated. The results show that occurrence probability trend of different consequences and failure probability trend of safety barriers and basic events of the safety barriers can be obtained using this method. In addition, the critical basic events which play an important role in accidents occurrence are also identified. All of these provide useful information for the maintenance and inspection of the gas gathering station.  相似文献   

Natural gas pipeline construction is developing rapidly worldwide to meet the needs of international and domestic energy transportation. Meanwhile, leakage accidents occur to natural gas pipelines frequently due to mechanical failure, personal operation errors, etc., and induce huge economic property loss, environmental damages, and even casualties. However, few models have been developed to describe the evolution process of natural gas pipeline leakage accidents (NGPLA) and assess their corresponding consequences and influencing factors quantitatively. Therefore, this study aims to propose a comprehensive risk analysis model, named EDIB (ET-DEMATEL-ISM-BN) model, which can be employed to analyze the accident evolution process of NGPLA and conduct probabilistic risk assessments of NGPLA with the consideration of multiple influencing factors. In the proposed integrated model, event tree analysis (ET) is employed to analyze the evolution process of NGPLA before the influencing factors of accident evolution can be identified with the help of accident reports. Then, the combination of DEMATEL (Decision-making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) and ISM (Interpretative Structural Modeling) is used to determine the relationship among accident evolution events of NGPLA and obtain a hierarchical network, which can be employed to support the construction of a Bayesian network (BN) model. The prior conditional probabilities of the BN model were determined based on the data analysis of 773 accident reports or expert judgment with the help of the Dempster-Shafer evidence theory. Finally, the developed BN model was used to conduct accident evolution scenario analysis and influencing factor sensitivity analysis with respect to secondary accidents (fire, vapor cloud explosion, and asphyxia or poisoning). The results show that ignition is the most critical influencing factor leading to secondary accidents. The occurrence time and occurrence location of NGPLA mainly affect the efficiency of emergency response and further influence the accident consequence. Meanwhile, the weight ranking of economic loss, environmental influence, and casualties on social influence is determined with respect to NGPLAs.  相似文献   

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