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Analytical solutions are developed for approximating the time-dependent contaminant discharge from DNAPL source zones undergoing dissolution and other decay processes. The source functions assume a power relationship between source mass and chemical discharge and can consider partial DNAPL source remediation (depletion) at any time after the initial DNAPL release. The source functions are used as a time-dependent boundary condition in an idealized chemical transport model to develop leading order approximations of the plume response to DNAPL source removal. The results suggest that partial DNAPL remediation does not tend to have a dramatic impact on the maximum extent of the plume if very low concentration values are used to define the plume boundaries. However, the solutions show that partial DNAPL removal from the source zone is likely to lead to large reductions in plume concentrations and mass, and it reduces the longevity of the plume. When the mass discharge from the source zone is linearly related to the DNAPL mass, it is shown that partial DNAPL depletion leads to linearly proportional reductions in the plume mass and concentrations.  相似文献   

We investigated, using model simulations, the changes occurring in the distribution of dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) mass (Sn) within the source zone during depletion through dissolution, and the resulting changes in the contaminant flux distribution (J) at the source control plane (CP). Two numerical codes (ISCO3D and T2VOC) were used to simulate selected scenarios of DNAPL dissolution and transport in three-dimensional, heterogeneous, spatially correlated, random permeability fields with emplaced sources. Data from the model simulations were interpreted based on population statistics (mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation) and spatial statistics (centroid, second moments, variograms). The mean and standard deviation of the Sn and J distributions decreased with source mass depletion by dissolution. The decrease in mean and standard deviation was proportional for the J distribution resulting in a constant coefficient of variation (CV), while for the Sn distribution, the mean decreased faster than the standard deviation. The spatial distributions exhibited similar behavior as the population distribution, i.e., the CP flux distribution was more stable (defined by temporally constant second moments and range of variograms) than the Sn distribution. These observations appeared to be independent of the heterogeneity of the permeability (k) field (variance of the log permeability field=1 and 2.45), correlation structure (positive vs. negative correlation between the k and Sn domains) and the DNAPL dissolution model (equilibrium vs. rate-limited), for the cases studied. Analysis of data from a flux monitoring field study (Hill Air Force Base, Utah) at a DNAPL source CP before and after source remediation also revealed temporal invariance of the contaminant flux distribution. These modeling and field observations suggest that the temporal evolution of the contaminant flux distribution can be estimated if the initial distribution is known. However, the findings are preliminary and broader implications to sampling strategies for remediation performance assessment need to be evaluated in additional modeling and experimental studies.  相似文献   

Changes in contaminant fluxes resulting from aggressive remediation of dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source zone were investigated at two sites, one at Hill Air Force Base (AFB), Utah, and the other at Ft. Lewis Military Reservation, Washington. Passive Flux Meters (PFM) and a variation of the Integral Pumping Test (IPT) were used to measure fluxes in ten wells installed along a transect down-gradient of the trichloroethylene (TCE) source zone, and perpendicular to the mean groundwater flow direction. At both sites, groundwater and contaminant fluxes were measured before and after the source-zone treatment. The measured contaminant fluxes (J; ML(-2)T(-1)) were integrated across the well transect to estimate contaminant mass discharge (M(D); MT(-1)) from the source zone. Estimated M(D) before source treatment, based on both PFM and IPT methods, were approximately 76 g/day for TCE at the Hill AFB site; and approximately 640 g/day for TCE, and approximately 206 g/day for cis-dichloroethylene (DCE) at the Ft. Lewis site. TCE flux measurements made 1 year after source treatment at the Hill AFB site decreased to approximately 5 g/day. On the other hand, increased fluxes of DCE, a degradation byproduct of TCE, in tests subsequent to remediation at the Hill AFB site suggest enhanced microbial degradation after surfactant flooding. At the Ft. Lewis site, TCE mass discharge rates subsequent to remediation decreased to approximately 3 g/day for TCE and approximately 3 g/day for DCE approximately 1.8 years after remediation. At both field sites, PFM and IPT approaches provided comparable results for contaminant mass discharge rates, and show significant reductions (>90%) in TCE mass discharge as a result of DNAPL mass depletion from the source zone.  相似文献   

Understanding the process of mass transfer from source zones of aquifers contaminated with organic chemicals in the form of dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPL) is of importance in site management and remediation. A series of intermediate-scale tank experiments was conducted to examine the influence of aquifer heterogeneity on DNAPL mass transfer contributing to dissolved mass emission from source zone into groundwater under natural flow before and after remediation. A Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) spill was performed into six source zone models of increasing heterogeneity, and both the spatial distribution of the dissolution behavior and the net effluent mass flux were examined. Experimentally created initial PCE entrapment architecture resulting from the PCE migration was largely influenced by the coarser sand lenses and the PCE occupied between 30 and 60% of the model aquifer depth. The presence of DNAPL had no apparent effect on the bulk hydraulic conductivity of the porous media. Up to 71% of PCE mass in each of the tested source zone was removed during a series of surfactant flushes, with associated induced PCE mobilization responsible for increasing vertical DNAPL distributions. Effluent mass flux due to water dissolution was also found to increase progressively due to the increase in NAPL-water contact area even though the PCE mass was reduced. Doubling of local groundwater flow velocities showed negligible rate-limited effects at the scale of these experiments. Thus, mass transfer behavior was directly controlled by the morphology of DNAPL within each source zone. Effluent mass flux values were normalized by the up-gradient DNAPL distributions. For the suite of aquifer heterogeneities and all remedial stages, normalized flux values fell within a narrow band with mean of 0.39 and showed insensitivity to average source zone saturations.  相似文献   

The transfer of contaminant mass between the nonaqueous- and aqueous-phases is a process of central importance for the remediation of sites contaminated by dense nonaqueous-phase liquids (DNAPLs). This paper describes a comparison of the results obtained with various alternative DNAPL-aqueous-phase mass transfer models contained in the literature for predicting DNAPL source-zone depletion times in groundwater systems. These dissolution models were largely developed through laboratory column experiments. To gain insight into the implications of various representations of the local-scale kinetic as well as equilibrium DNAPL dissolution processes, aquifer heterogeneity and the complex architecture of a DNAPL source-zone, the aqueous-phase contaminant concentrations and mass fluxes arriving at a down-gradient compliance boundary are analyzed in a conditional stochastic framework. The hydrogeologic setting is a heterogeneous fluvial aquifer in Southwest Germany, referred to as the aquifer analog dataset, that was intensively characterized in three dimensions for hydrogeological parameters that include permeability, effective porosity, grain size, mineralogy and sorption coefficients. By embedding the various dissolution models into the compositional, multiphase flow model, CompFlow, the relative times predicted for complete depletion of a released DNAPL source due to natural dissolution are explored. Issues related to achieving environmental benefits through, for example, partial DNAPL-zone source removal via enhanced remedial technologies are also discussed. In this context, performance metrics in the form of peak aqueous-phase contaminant concentrations and mass fluxes arriving at a down-gradient compliance boundary are compared to each other. This is done for each of the alternative mass transfer models. A significant reduction in the fractional flux at a downstream location from the DNAPL source can be achieved by partial source-zone mass reduction; however, peak concentration levels at the same location remain much higher than the United States Environment Protection Agency (US-EPA) drinking water limits. Although groundwater quality was found to improve more rapidly for the equilibrium dissolution model, it is also shown that dissolution models that promote rapid DNAPL disappearance produce greater prediction uncertainty in the aqueous-phase flux reduction.  相似文献   

In situ chemical oxidation is a technology that has been applied to speed up remediation of a contaminant source zone by inducing increased mass transfer from DNAPL sources into the aqueous phase for subsequent destruction. The DNAPL source zone can consist of one or more individual sources that may be present as an interconnected pool of high saturation, as a region of disconnected ganglia at residual saturation, or as combinations of these two morphologies. Potassium permanganate (KMnO(4)) is a commonly employed oxidant that has been shown to rapidly destroy DNAPL compounds like PCE and TCE following second-order kinetics in an aqueous system. During the oxidation of a target DNAPL compound, or naturally occurring reduced species in the subsurface, manganese oxide (MnO(2)) solids are produced. Research has shown that these manganese oxide solids may result in permeability reductions in the porous media thus reducing the ability for oxidant to be transported to individual DNAPL sources. It can also occur at the DNAPL-water interface, decreasing contact of the oxidant with the DNAPL. Additionally, MnO(2) formation at the DNAPL-water interface, and/or flow-bypassing as a result of permeability reductions around the source, may alter the mass transfer from the DNAPL into the aqueous phase, potentially diminishing the magnitude of any DNAPL mass depletion rate increase induced by oxidation. An experiment was performed in a two-dimensional (2D) sand-filled tank that included several discrete DNAPL source zones. Spatial and temporal monitoring of aqueous PCE, chloride, and permanganate concentrations was used to relate changes in mass depletion of, and mass flux, from DNAPL residual and pool source zones to chemical oxidation performance and MnO(2) formation. During the experiment, permeability changes were monitored throughout the 2D tank and these were related to MnO(2) deposition as measured through post-oxidation soil coring. Under the conditions of this experiment, MnO(2) formation was found to reduce permeability in and around DNAPL source zones resulting in changes to the overall flow pattern, with the effects depending on source zone configuration. A pool with little or no residual around it, in a relatively homogeneous flow field, appeared to benefit from resulting MnO(2) pore-blocking that substantially reduced mass transfer from the pool even though there was relatively little PCE mass removed from the pool. In contrast, a pool with residual around it (in a more typical heterogeneous flow field) appeared to undergo increased mass transfer as MnO(2) reduced permeability, altering the water flow and increasing the mixing at the DNAPL-water interface. Further, the magnitude of increased PCE mass depletion during oxidation appeared to depend on the PCE source configuration (pool versus ganglia) and decreased as MnO(2) was formed and deposited at the DNAPL-water interface. Overall, the oxidation of PCE mass appeared to be rate-limited by the mass transfer from the DNAPL to aqueous phase.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a simple mass-removal function for characterizing mass-flux-reduction/mass-removal behavior for organic-liquid contaminated source zones was evaluated using the data obtained from a series of flow-cell experiments. The standard function, which employs a constant exponent, could not adequately reproduce the non-singular (multi-step) behavior exhibited by the measured data. Allowing the exponent to change as a function of mass removal (as the organic-liquid distribution and relative permeability change) produced non-singular relationships similar to those exhibited by the measured data. Four methods were developed to dynamically inform the exponent through use of measurable system-indicator parameters. Key factors that mediate the magnitude of mass flux (dilution and source accessibility) were accounted for using measures of source zone cross-sectional area, ganglia-to-pool (GTP) ratio, and relative permeability. The two methods that incorporated only the ganglia-to-pool ratio produced adequate simulations of the observed behavior for early stages of mass removal, but not for later stages. The method that incorporated parameters accounting for the source zone cross-sectional area (i.e., measure of system dilution) and source accessibility (GTP ratio and relative permeability) provided the most representative simulations of the observed data.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on parameters describing the distribution of dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) contaminants and investigates the variability of these parameters that results from soil heterogeneity. In addition, it quantifies the uncertainty reduction that can be achieved with increased density of soil sampling. Numerical simulations of DNAPL releases were performed using stochastic realizations of hydraulic conductivity fields generated with the same geostatistical parameters and conditioning data at two sampling densities, thus generating two simulation ensembles of low and high density (three-fold increase) of soil sampling. The results showed that DNAPL plumes in aquifers identical in a statistical sense exhibit qualitatively different patterns, ranging from compact to finger-like. The corresponding quantitative differences were expressed by defining several alternative measures that describe the DNAPL plume and computing these measures for each simulation of the two ensembles. The uncertainty in the plume features under study was affected to different degrees by the variability of the soil, with coefficients of variation ranging from about 20% to 90%, for the low-density sampling. Meanwhile, the increased soil sampling frequency resulted in reductions of uncertainty varying from 7% to 69%, for low- and high-uncertainty variables, respectively. In view of the varying uncertainty in the characteristics of a DNAPL plume, remedial designs that require estimates of the less uncertain features of the plume may be preferred over others that need a more detailed characterization of the source zone architecture.  相似文献   

Nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) dissolution was studied in three-dimensional (3D) heterogeneous experimental aquifers (25.5 cm x 9 cm x 8.5 cm) with two different longitudinal correlation lengths (2.1 cm and 1.1 cm) and initial spill volumes (22.5 ml and 10.5 ml). Spatial and temporal distributions of NAPL during dissolution were measured using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). At high NAPL spill volume, average effluent concentrations initially increased during dissolution, as NAPL pools transitioned to NAPL ganglia, and then decreased as the total NAPL-water interfacial area decreased over time. Experimental results were used to test six dissolution models: (i and ii) a one-dimensional (1D) model using either specific NAPL-water interfacial area values estimated from MR images at each time step (i.e., 1D quasi-steady state model), or an empirical mass transfer (Sh') correlation (i.e., 1D transient model), (iii and iv) a multiple analytical source superposition technique (MASST) using either the NAPL distribution determined from MR images at each time step (i.e., MASST steady state model), or the NAPL distribution determined from mass balance calculations (i.e., MASST transient model), (v) an equilibrium streamtube model, and (vi) a 3D grid-scale pool dissolution model (PDM) with a dispersive mass flux term. The 1D quasi-steady state model and 3D PDM captured effluent concentration values most closely, including some concentration fluctuations due to changes in the extent of flow reduction. The 1D transient, MASST steady state and transient, and streamtube models all showed a monotonic decrease in effluent concentration values over time, and the streamtube model was the most computationally efficient. Changes during dissolution of the effective NAPL-water interfacial area estimated from imaging data are similar to changes in effluent concentration values. The 1D steady state model incorporates estimates of the effective NAPL-water interfacial area directly at each time point; the 3D PDM does so indirectly through mass balance and a relative permeability function, which causes reduced water flow through high saturation NAPL regions. Hence, when model accuracy is required, the results indicate that a surrogate of this effective interfacial area is required. Approaches to include this surrogate in the MASST and streamtube models are recommended.  相似文献   

A 16-year study of a hydrocarbon plume shows that the extent of contaminant migration and compound-specific behavior have changed as redox reactions, most notably iron reduction, have progressed over time. Concentration changes at a small scale, determined from analysis of pore-water samples drained from aquifer cores, are compared with concentration changes at the plume scale, determined from analysis of water samples from an observation well network. The small-scale data show clearly that the hydrocarbon plume is growing slowly as sediment iron oxides are depleted. Contaminants, such as ortho-xylene that appeared not to be moving downgradient from the oil on the basis of observation well data, are migrating in thin layers as the aquifer evolves to methanogenic conditions. However, the plume-scale observation well data show that the downgradient extent of the Fe2+ and BTEX plume did not change between 1992 and 1995. Instead, depletion of the unstable Fe (III) oxides near the subsurface crude-oil source has caused the maximum dissolved iron concentration zone within the plume to spread at a rate of approximately 3 m/year. The zone of maximum concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) has also spread within the anoxic plume. In monitoring the remediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated ground water by natural attenuation, subtle concentration changes in observation well data from the anoxic zone may be diagnostic of depletion of the intrinsic electron-accepting capacity of the aquifer. Recognition of these subtle patterns may allow early prediction of growth of the hydrocarbon plume.  相似文献   

Groundwater contamination due to complex organic mixtures such as coal tar, creosote and fuels is a widespread problem in industrialized regions. Although most compounds in these mixtures are biodegradable, the contaminant sources are very persistent for many decades after the contamination occurred (e.g., more than 100 years ago at gasworks sites). This limited bioavailability is due to slow dissolution processes. This study presents results from a large scale tank experiment (8 m long) on the long-term (354 days) dissolution kinetics of BTEX and PAHs from a 2.5 m long coal tar pool and 0.5 m long (smear) zone containing coal tar blobs distributed in a coarse sand. The results inidicate (1) that Raoult's law holds for estimation of the saturation aqueous concentrations of the coal tar constituents, (2) that for the dissolution of smear zones longer than approximately 0.1 m and with more than 3-5% residual saturation, the local equilibrium assumption is valid and (3) that although very small (< 0.1 mm), the transverse vertical dispersivity dominates the pool dissolution processes. Typical time scales for removal of the pollutants from the blob zone and the pool are in the order of a few weeks to more than 10,000 years, respectively.  相似文献   

In this study, we demonstrate the utility of conditional probability functions (CPFs), potential source contribution functions (PSCFs), and hierarchical clustering analysis (HAC) to identify the source region and transport pathways of hydrocarbons measured at five photochemical assessment monitoring stations (PAMS) near the Houston Ship Channel from June to October 2003. In contrast to scatter plots, which only show the pair-wise correlation of species, commonality in CPF figures shows both correlation and information on the source region of the species in question. In this study, we use over 50 hourly volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations and surface wind observations to show that VOCs with similar CPF patterns likely have common transport pathways. This was established with the multivariate technique, which uses the hierarchical clustering analysis to define clusters of VOCs having similar CPF patterns. This method revealed that alkenes, and in particular those with geometric isomers such as cis-/trans-2-butene and cis-/trans-2-pentene, have similar CPF patterns and hence, a common area of origin. The alkane isomers often show CPF patterns among themselves, and similarly, aromatic compounds often show similar patterns. We also show how calculated trajectory information can be used in the PSCF analysis to produce a graphic picture that identifies specific geographic areas associated with a given VOC (or other pollutant). The use of these techniques in the chemically and meteorologically complex environment of Houston, Texas, suggests its further utility in other areas with relatively simpler conditions.  相似文献   

Dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) are immiscible with water and can give rise to highly fingered fluid distributions when infiltrating through water-saturated porous media. In this paper, a conceptual mobile-immobile-zone (MIZ) model is presented to describe the structure of a DNAPL finger in water-saturated porous media and the velocity of finger propagation. A finger is composed of a finger body and a tip. The finger body has a mobile core and an immobile sheath. All the DNAPL within the tip of a finger is mobile. Lab experiments utilizing image analyses of a DNAPL (PCE) penetrating into water-saturated homogeneous glass beads were carried out in a two-dimensional transparent chamber. The results show that the fingers elongated almost linearly with time. The fingers did not grow laterally after the tip of the finger had passed. The average finger diameters were between 3.9 and 5.4 mm for PCE propagation in water-saturated glass bead porous media with mean particle diameters from 0.32 to 1.36 mm. The estimated mobile core diameters were 51-60% of the average finger diameters.  相似文献   

The rate of conversion of SO2 to SO4(2-) was re-estimated from measurements made in the plume of the Cumberland power plant, located on the Cumberland River in north-central Tennessee, after installation of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) scrubbers for SO2 removal in 1994. The ratio of SO2 to NOy emissions into the plume has been reduced to approximately 0.1, compared with a prescrubber value of approximately 2. To determine whether the SO2 emissions reduction has correspondingly reduced plume-generated particulate SO4(2-) production, we have compared the rates of conversion before and after scrubber installation. The prescrubber estimates were developed from measurements made during the Tennessee Plume Study conducted in the late 1970s. The postscrubber estimates are based upon two series of research flights in the summers of 1998 and 1999. During two of these flights, the Cumberland plume did not mix with adjacent power plant plumes, enabling rate constants for conversion to be estimated from samples taken in the plume at three downwind distances. Dry deposition losses and the fact the fact that SO2 is no longer in large excess compared with SO4(2-) have been taken into account, and an upper limit for the conversion rate constant was re-estimated based on plume excess aerosol volume. The estimated upper limit values are 0.069 hr(-1) and 0.034 hr(-1) for the 1998 and 1999 data, respectively. The 1999 rate is comparable with earlier values for nonscrubbed plumes, and although the 1998 upper limit value is higher than expected, these estimates do not provide strong evidence for deviation from a linear relationship between SO2 emissions and SO4(2-) formation.  相似文献   

The source term is an integral part of the mathematical formulation of the problem leading to the well-known solutions to the diffusion equation. Its representation through the material balance and through the boundary of the domain is discussed. Three alternative mathematical formulations of the problem have been obtained.  相似文献   

During autumn, 2006, variation in the frequency of aerosol nucleation events, as inferred from nanoparticle growth events, and associated hygroscopicity were investigated as a function of air mass transport history at a mixed deciduous forest in central Virginia, U.S. Above-canopy size distributions of aerosols between 0.012 and 0.700 μm diameter, size-resolved particle hygroscopicity at eight dry diameters between 0.012 and 0.400 μm, and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity were characterized. Air mass back trajectories were clustered to identify source regions. Growth events were most frequent in fast-moving air masses (mean = 9 m s?1) that originated over the north central U.S. Under these flow regimes, mean values for preexisting sub-μm aerosol number concentrations (4700 cm?3), corresponding surface area (142 μm2 cm?3), air temperature (6.2 °C), and relative humidity (RH, 49.4%) were relatively low compared to other regimes. Under stagnant flow conditions (mean = 3 m s?1), mean number concentrations were higher (>6000 cm?3) and size fractions <0.1 μm diameter exhibited enhanced hygroscopicity compared to other source regions. These results indicate that precursors emitted into relatively clean, cold, and dry air transported over the southeastern U.S. reacted to form condensable intermediates that subsequently produced new aerosols via nucleation and growth. This pathway was an important source for CCN. During events in October, nanoparticles were produced in greater numbers and grew more rapidly compared to November and December.  相似文献   

Basing on the material emission data obtained in a test chamber, chemical mass balance (CMB) was used to assess the source apportionment of volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations in three newly built timber frame houses. CMB has been proven to be able to discriminate the source contributions for two contrasted environmental conditions (with and without ventilation). The shutdown of the ventilation system caused an increase in the VOC concentrations due to the increased contribution of indoor surface materials like the door material and furniture explaining together over 65% of total VOCs. While the increase in formaldehyde concentration is mainly due to furniture (contribution of 70%), the increase in α-pinene concentration is almost exclusively attributable to the emission of door material (up to 84%). The apportionment of VOC source contributions appears as highly dependent on the position of source materials in the building (surface materials or internal materials) and the ventilation conditions explaining that the concentrations of compounds after the shutdown of ventilation system do not increase in equivalent proportion. Knowledge of indoor sources and its contributions in real conditions may help in the selection of materials and in the improvement of construction operations to reduce the indoor air pollution.  相似文献   

The multiple nested three-dimensional (3D) mesoscale Eulerian grid point model MM5 is directly coupled with a Lagrangian particle trajectory model in order to perform a four-dimensional source attribution for the area of Berlin based on the horizontal distribution of the import probability density (IPD). The technical aspects are already demonstrated in the companion paper A (Part I) including the illustration of the meteorological situation at the two consecutive days of investigation and a primarily 3D source attribution. We conducted further sensitivity studies concerning the effect of vertical mixing, the static stability of the particles/emissions and the regarded time scale on the IPD distribution which is extended to four dimensions. The main results are:
  • •Heterogeneity and temporal variability of the wind field enhance the contributions of nearby sources (emissions) to the total import of the receptor in contrast to stationary wind fields which increase the scope of the IPD distribution in the upstream direction.
  • •Regions of static stability, for example morning hour inversion layers, enhance the contribution of far distance sources with longer import times.
  • •The import velocities increase, as far as long distance source-receptor transitions are concerned, because they are mostly realised via higher transport paths.
  • •The third (vertical) dimension is not negligible for the task of a complete source attribution, as a considerable amount of elevated emissions, preferably out of 300±100 m elevation, reaches the receptor box which is only 50 m in depth. Hence, downward mixing of elevated and far distance sources is an important process and driven by the diurnal course of turbulence and low level jets within the PBL
  • •On the short time scale (few days), the source attribution is not independent from the regarded time scale (simulation time) due to the neglecting of older emissions released before the beginning of the simulation.

As part of the 1976 field program of Project MISTT, the plume of the coal-fired Labadie power plant near St Louis was positively identified and sampled from aircraft over a range exceeding 300 km and 10 h of transport during day and night on July 9 and July 18. Measurements were made of SO2, NOx, ozone, particulate sulfur and various other pollutant and meteorological parameters. For both days, it is found that the gas-to-particle conversion of sulfur occurred mostly during daylight hours. The ratio of particulate to total sulfur was related linearly with the total solar radiation dose experienced by the plume. The maximum rate of paniculate sulfur formation was less than 3%h−1 on both days. Production of ozone was also observed within the plume on both occasions. Ground removal of total sulfur was found to be about 25% in the first 200 km, and its magnitude is compared to that of the gas-to-particle conversion.  相似文献   

Soxhlet extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to tandem mass spectrometry detection (MS/MS) was used for the determination of selected quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) in solid samples. The method was applied for the determination of alkyl benzyl, dialkyl and trialkyl quaternary ammonium compounds in sediment and sludge samples in Austria. The overall method quantification limits range from 0.6 to 3 microg/kg for sediments and from 2 to 5 microg/kg for sewage sludges. Mean recoveries between 67% and 95% are achieved. In general sediments were especially contaminated by C12 chain benzalkonium chloride (BAC-C12) as well as by the long C-chain dialkyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC-C18) with a maximum concentration of 3.6 mg/kg and 2.1mg/kg, respectively. Maxima of 27 mg/kg for DDAC-C10, 25 mg/kg for BAC-C12 and 23 mg/kg for BAC-C14 were determined for sludge samples. The sums of the 12 selected target compounds range from 22 mg/kg to 103 mg/kg in the sludge samples.  相似文献   

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