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Over the past 3 decades, indigenous guardian programs (also known as indigenous rangers or watchmen) have emerged as an institution for indigenous governments to engage in collaborative environmental governance. Using a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature for research conducted in Australia, Canada, Aotearoa-New Zealand, and the United States, we sought to characterize the emergence of indigenous guardians in the literature and explore whether guardian approaches are representative of Indigenous approaches to environmental governance. Using a multistep relevance-screening method, we reviewed 83 articles published since 1995, that report on, critique, or comment on Indigenous guardians. Our findings indicated that most articles on the topic were published in the last decade (88%), focused on Australia (65%), and were in a social science discipline (53%). The lead author of the majority of articles was an academic, although only half of the articles included an indigenous scholar or member of an indigenous group or organization as a coauthor. Finally, 11 articles were on research of guardian programs that were locally led and only 5 exemplified indigenous governance, based on 2 well-known community-based monitoring typologies. Our findings indicate that more research is required to understand the implications of current guardian programs for indigenous self-determination, particularly when such programs are embedded in a broader western environmental governance structure.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a positive theory of environmental instrument choice. We study a democratic society that seeks to lower the level of pollution from industrial sources to a pre-specified target. The target can be implemented by one of three instruments: [S]: uniform emission standards; [P]: tradeable permits; and [T]: emission taxes. The conflict of interest between special-interests, representing polluters, and the electorate is resolved by an elected politician. We characterize when each of the three policy instruments is chosen in political equilibrium and show that the transition, observed in many countries, from [S] to either [P] or [T] can be understood as a natural consequence of increasingly ambitious environmental targets.  相似文献   

Alterations in development and reproduction as a consequence of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) have been demonstrated in many wildlife species. Animals living in, or closely associated with, the aquatic environment are particularly vulnerable to endocrine disruption because thousands of chemicals are actively disposed into rivers, estuaries and seas. Fish have thus been a focus in endocrine disruption studies, and some of the most comprehensive studies on the disruption of sexual development and function are on the roach (Rutilus rutilus). This paper provides a critical analysis of the roach as a sentinel for studies into endocrine disruption. The paper starts by describing what is known on the basic reproductive biology of the roach, information essential for interpreting chemical effect measures on sexual development and function. We then analyze where and how the roach has been applied to improve our understanding of the estrogenic nature of discharges from wastewater treatment works (WWTWs) and describe the phenomenon of feminized male roach in UK rivers. In this paper, the causation of these effects and issues of relative susceptibility and sensitivity of the roach to the effects of estrogenic EDCs are addressed. The paper then describes the ongoing work on the development of genetic and genomic resources for roach and analyses how these are being applied in studies to understand the mechanisms of disruption of sexual development. Finally, the paper addresses the biological significance of sexual disruption and intersex for the individual and discusses the possible implications for wild populations.  相似文献   

Oreochromis mossambicus collected from Koraiyar, a tributary of the river Cauvery exhibited variations in their external genital features such as enlarged male genital papilla among equal sized fish, branching or budding in existing male genitalia, development of imposex (male genital papilla in female fish) and increased gonado-somatic index (GSI) and elevated male sex ratio in the population. All these variations at different levels is observed in their external genitalia indicated that they were all prompted towards maleness. This ambiguous sexual characteristic might be caused by endocrine disrupting environmental androgenic or anti-estrogenic substances, perhaps, present in the agrochemicals and sewage-mixed Koraiyar water.  相似文献   

本文把最优控制理论中的极大值原理引入环境经济系统分析中,通过实例计算,阐述了企业微观环境经济调控模型的建立过程及求解方法。  相似文献   

Ecosystem constraints are both ontic and epistemic. They limit activity, and as problems to be solved they drive organization, which is our hypothesis:
The driver of organization is constraint.
Solutions proliferate further constraints in an unending spiral of problem (constraint) generation and solution. As constraints proliferate, behavior narrows, and species diversify to compensate (paradox of constraint). Resource enrichment reduces constraints, releases behavior, and reduction of challenges decreases diversity (paradox of enrichment)—high diversity is expressed in low-resource environments and low diversity in high-resource environments. A three-part model of constraints is formulated for non-living systems, and also for goal-directed, problem-solving biota. Mode 1: dynamical means behavior is co-determined by internal states and external inputs. Mode 2: cybernetic employs negative feedback to keep dynamics within goal-oriented operating limits. Mode 3: model-making entails ability to represent (model) physical reality and respond to both phenomenal (modeled) and physical inputs; this property distinguishes living from nonliving systems. Principal sections of the paper elaborate dynamical constraints (three classes), boundary constraints (expressed in edge effects and trophic dynamics), physical constraints (space, time, temperature), chemical constraints (environment fitness, ecological stoichiometry, chemical evolution, limiting factors), coding constraints (environmental vs. genetic coding), network and pathway constraints (connectivity), and natural selection constraints (fitting to the biosphere). Consideration of how the world would look without constraints suggests how fundamental these are in ecosystem emergence, and how the next property in this series, differentiation, would be unmotivated without them. We conclude that constraints as a category are under-studied in ecology, poorly understood in ecological phenomenology, and (our hypothesis) comprise a ubiquitous organizing force in nature.  相似文献   

高通量测序技术极大地方便了深度考察不同种群中宿主相关微生物群的组成和功能。研究表明微生物在动物包括人类的健康和疾病发病中扮演着必要的角色。微生物已成为环境毒理学中新兴的重要研究主题。这是因为微生物在免疫系统中起着重要的交互的作用,同时在化学解毒中也有作用。污染物扰动肠道微生物,引起胃肠组织的病理生理变化,导致一系列系统效应,致使营养摄入变差和肠道发炎。本文检索了关于环境污染物对水生物种微生物影响的文献,重点关注了肠道微生物。我们强调了脊柱动物宿主中的一些已知的肠道上皮细胞的主要蛋白,这些均是化合物破坏的靶标,这些蛋白可以与微生物直接对话。我们提出了一个有害结局路径(adverse outcome pathway)的总体框架,将肠道生态失调作为有害效应终点事件的主要贡献因子。我们展示了两个案例研究,分别是(1)纳米材料;(2)碳氢化合物,我们参考了Deepwater Horizon港口的石油泄漏事件, 生态失调在案例中展示了微生物的考察如何改善有害结局的研究。最后,我们提出了一些策略以建立化合物诱导的肠道生态失调与有害结局的关联。我们通过实验建立了特定微生物与肠道生态失调的关联。对毒物与微生物关系的深入研究将成为改善动物及人类健康的重大突破。 精选自Ondrej Adamovsky, Amanda N. Buerger, Alexis M. Wormington, Naomi Ector, Robert J. Griffitt, Joseph H. Bisesi Jr., Christopher J. Martyniuk. The gut microbiome and aquatic toxicology: An emerging concept for environmental health. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,2018,37:2758-2775.
详情请见 https://doi.org/10.1002/etc.4249

This introduction article is for the special issue ‘Managing organizations for sustainable development in emerging countries: natural resources, biodiversity, and climate change’ in the International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology and presents an introduction to the topics and summarizes accepted contributions in the special issue. The accepted works may contribute with organizational management in the search for more sustainable organizations. The works focus on the challenges of managing organizations in a context of degradation of natural resources, loss of biodiversity, and climate change. Accepted papers discuss these issues, based on the reality of emerging economies (e.g. Brazil, India, and China).  相似文献   

Both the UK and Japan are densely populated islands with relatively short rivers. Therefore, both countries are likely to be highly exposed to contaminants emanating from their human populations. This review considered how effective the different sewage treatment facilities of the two countries are at removing steroid estrogens from the effluent. The methods of estrogen analysis in sewage effluent, the number and importance of different sewage treatment types, and their apparent effectiveness at removing estrogens were all considered. In both countries, the activated sludge treatment was dominant in terms of people served and water discharged. The analytical techniques used by those studying estrogen concentrations in effluents in both countries were broadly similar. Activated sludge plant (ASP) effluent in the UK typically contained around 2 ng/L estradiol (E2) and 8 ng/L estrone (E1), while Japanese ASPs typically reported E2 as below detection, and 10 ng/L E1 in their effluents. When estrogenic bioassays were used in Japan, they typically record an estrogenic potency of 10 ng/L E2 equivalents. Even taking into account ethinylestradiol (EE2) (not found in Japanese effluents), the overall estrogenicity of British sewage effluents would appear to be the same as that of Japanese sewage effluents (around 10 ng/L E2 equivalents). This suggests that the ASPs serving the large urban communities in Japan and the UK would have effluent of similar estrogenic potencies. Less information is available about the more numerous biological (trickling) filter plants (BFP) in the UK and oxygen ditches (OD) in Japan which tend to serve smaller, more rural communities. The available data would suggest that the BFPs are significantly less efficient than the ODs at removing E1. This would suggest that in similar circumstances, British headwaters (where this sewage treatment plant (STP) type is often found) might be more at risk from endocrine disruption than their Japanese counterparts. Overall, the apparently higher incidence of endocrine disruption in British wild fish than in Japanese wild fish cannot be attributed to differences in the efficiency of their respective STPs.  相似文献   

Hosseini PR  Dhondt AA  Dobson AP 《Ecology》2006,87(12):3037-3046
In this paper we quantify the rate of spread of the newly emerged pathogen Mycoplasma gallisepticum of the House Finch, Carpodacus mexicanus, in its introduced range. We compare and contrast the rapid, yet decelerating, rate of spread of the pathogen with the slower, yet accelerating rate of spread of the introduced host. Comparing the rate of spread of this pathogen to pathogens in terrestrial mammalian hosts, we see that elevation and factors relating to host abundance restrict disease spread, rather than finding any major effects of discrete barriers or anthropogenic movement. We examine the role of seasonality in the rate of spread, finding that the rate and direction of disease spread relates more to seasonality in host movement than to seasonality in disease prevalence. We conclude that asymptomatic carriers are major transmitters of Mycoplasma gallisepticum into novel locations, a finding which may also be true for many other diseases, such as West Nile Virus and avian influenza.  相似文献   

内分泌干扰物 (Endocrine Disrupting Compounds, EDCs)可以通过干扰下丘脑-垂体-性腺(HPG)轴来影响生殖系统。虽然目前已有筛选内分泌干扰物的体外检测方法,但这些方法在用于体内实验时却有着不稳定的准确性。本文记录了以黑头呆鱼(Pimephales promelas)的下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴与肝(HPG-L)的共培养组织作为组织外植体来模拟体内反应的结果。我们对成年鱼的大脑(下丘脑),垂体,性腺和肝进行了单独和共同培养的检测来确定可以在体内重复的情况与组合。只有共培养体表现出去甲雄三烯醇酮对于雌二醇,睾酮和卵黄生成素生成趋势的影响。较低的暴露剂量会抑制激素生成,而较高的暴露剂量则会促进激素生成,形成U型作用曲线。这些数据表明下丘脑-垂体-性腺-肝轴的全部组织的共同培养可以作为体内实验与体外实验的连接,从而预测在完整生物体内内分泌系统的扰乱。本实验中以组织为基础的下丘脑-垂体-性腺-肝系统作为一个灵活的体内系统的解构版本得到了更好的实验控制。通过分离、审查和重组需要的组织,我们能够检测到生物系统功能与对于内分泌干扰物反应中的微小变化。
精选自Theresa K. Johnston, Edward Perkins, Duncan C. Ferguson, Donald M. Cropek. Tissue explant co-culture model of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal-liver axis of the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) as a predictive tool for endocrine disruption. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 35, Issue 10, pages 2530–2541, October 2016. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3415

Study on effective disposal and utilization of sewage sludge has recently been the target of growing interest in China. However, potential risks are associated with the use of sludge due to its contamination with toxic organics, heavy metals and pathogenic microorganisms. In this study, a screening assessment was conducted on sewage sludge samples collected from 17 different sewage treatment plants in Beijing, based on a batch of in vitro bioassays, including a set of recombinant gene yeast assays for endocrine disruption, and an ethoxy resorufin-O- deethylase (EROD) assay using H4IIE cells for aryl hydrocarbon receptor (Ah-R) agonistic activities. Our results suggested that moderate levels of estrogen receptor agonistic activities (0.9 ng E2. g-1 to 6.8 ng E2. gl, dw), but relative higher androgen receptor antagonistic activ- ities (nd to 45%), progestin receptor antagonistic activities (nd to 80%) and Ah-R agonistic activities (1390 to 6740 pg 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)·g-1, dw) were found in sewage sludge samples. However, there were no significant correlations between the toxic effects of sewage sludge and the sewage treatment processes. In addition, the 17β-estradiol (E2) equivalent quantity (EEQ) level of the sewage sludge was increased after the composting treatment, whereas the 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodi- benzo-p-dioxin toxic equivalent quantity (TEQ) level of sewagesludge composted was much lower than that of sewage sludge.  相似文献   

The principal purpose of this paper is to discuss the research and policy lessons learned from a large environmental quality management model constructed for the Lower Delaware River Valley Region, The policy lessons involve estimates of the costs of meeting varying standards on air and water quality and the impact on those costs of certain region-wide management alternatives. The research lessons concern: (a) the desirability of considering air and water quality, and solid waste disposal, simultaneously in a single model; (b) the costs of and returns to including nonlinear models of natural systems in a regional optimization framework; and (c) the feasibility of working with constraints on the geographic distribution of the costs of environmental quality improvement within the regional, nonlinear model.  相似文献   

Statistical methods as developed and used in decision making and scientific research are of recent origin. The logical foundations of statistics are still under discussion and some care is needed in applying the existing methodology and interpreting results. Some pitfalls in statistical data analysis are discussed and the importance of cross examination of data (or exploratory data analysis) before using specific statistical techniques are emphasized. Comments are made on the treatment of outliers, choice of stochastic models, use of multivariate techniques and the choice of software (expert systems) in statistical analysis. The need for developing new methodology with particular relevance to environmental research and policy is stressed.Dr Rao is Eberly Professor of Statistics and Director of the Penn State Center for Multivariate Analysis. He has received PhD and ScD degrees from Cambridge University, and has been awarded numerous honorary doctorates from universities around the world. He is a Fellow of Royal Society, UK; Fellow of Indian National Science Academy; Foreign Honorary Member of American Academy of Arts and Science; Life Fellow of King's College, Cambridge; and Founder Fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences. He is Honorary Fellow and President of International Statistical Institute, Biometric Society and elected Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. He has made outstanding contributions to virtually all important topics of theoretical and applied statistics, and many results bear his name. He has been Editor of Sankhya and theJournal of Multivariate Analysis, and serves on international advisory boards of several professional journals, includingEnvironmetrics and theJournal of Environmental Statistics. This paper is based on the keynote address to the Seventh Annual Conference on Statistics of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   

In the last few winters, shark communities have been aggregating near the Israeli Mediterranean coast, at a specific point, near Hadera power station. This unusual phenomenon has fascinated residents, visitors, kayakers, divers, and swimmers. We analyse the effects of this intense human interest on the sharks, using contingent behaviour, in Hadera and in Ashkelon, where sharks are present and there is available infrastructure for their observation. We also report on changes in shark behaviour due to change in tourism intensity. We find a change of about ILS 4.1 million annually for both sites but a larger individual consumer surplus in Hadera, where sharks are currently observable. Touristic intensity crosses the threshold level by about 12% and making the socio-equilibrium sustainable for both humans and sharks would have a social cost of ILS 0.157 million. This paper, which is based on the assessment of conservation values to marine and coastal tourists, raises a need for spatial planning in order to protect this endangered species.  相似文献   

Considering the significant roles of the policies in developing environmental finance, an overview is conducted on the environmental finance policies (EFPs) in China. This paper analyzed the definition, scope, evolution and main instruments of EFPs. The implementation progress of financial activities on each instrument are investigated respectively. Then the experiences learned from and failures discovered in the development of the EFPs are discussed well recommendations for further improvement of the EFPs and their implementation are provided. Our study found that the EFPs have been established in China after a four-phase evolution since the early 1980s. The policies have played a critical role in leading to a rapid development in environmental finance by involving more financial instruments to accomplish the objective-led environmental plans. Driven by the policies, the new green credit (GC), green security (GS), and green insurance (GI) instruments have been phased in as supplements to the conventional command and control approaches to improve the environmental governance of financial activities and pollution sources. However, the market mechanism of financial institution is limited due to their defensive and incapable performance on implementation some of EFP instruments. To further strengthen the effectiveness of EFPs in facilitating environmental man- agement, recommendations are made mainly on the aspects including developing more specific policy guidelines, enhancing information sharing and disclosure, providing sufficient economic incentives, establishing environmental liabilities with financial activities, and involving issues related to climate change, and biodiversity and ecosystem service.  相似文献   

In September 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were endorsed by the United Nations and adopted by all 193 Member States. The SDGs integrate the 5P’s: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership and clearly stress the need for all stakeholders to collaborate to create a sustainable world. Most importantly, the SDGs appeal to the central and diverse role that the business sector can play to deliver on the SDGs. This paper provides an analysis of inclusive business (IB) models as market-based solutions to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and benefit those at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP). We investigate the IB models and their social impact in 20 organizations from emerging economies across five different sectors. The findings should help increase the uptake and scale of quality IB models and practices among the private sector, development communities, and governments to promote inclusive economic growth and social impact.  相似文献   

Land use change is influenced by a complexity of drivers that transcend spatial, institutional and temporal scales. The analytical framework of telecoupling has recently been proposed in land system science to address this complexity, particularly the increasing importance of distal connections, flows and feedbacks characterising change in land systems. This framework holds important potential for advancing the analysis of land system change. In this article, we review the state of the art of the telecoupling framework in the land system science literature. The article traces the development of the framework from teleconnection to telecoupling and presents two approaches to telecoupling analysis currently proposed in the literature. Subsequently, we discuss a number of analytical challenges related to categorisation of systems, system boundaries, hierarchy and scale. Finally, we propose approaches to address these challenges by looking beyond land system science to theoretical perspectives from economic geography, social metabolism studies, political ecology and cultural anthropology.  相似文献   

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