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Word Health Organization, WHO/EURO, has coordinated two rounds of follow-up studies on levels of PCDDs, PCDFs, and PCBs in human milk which were analyzed as two pooled samples from each participating country, one from urban and the other one from rural area. Finland has taken part to both of those studies and we are now reporting results of all the second round randomly sampled human milk samples (84 samples) from Southern (20) and Eastern (64) Finland. The levels of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in human milk in Southern Finland were considerably higher than in Eastern Finland. The level of PCDD/Fs in human milk in Southern Finland was the same as in the Central Europe but the level in Eastern Finland was similar to levels in Norway and eastern parts of Europe. The concentrations of PCDD/Fs and PCBs showed a significant decrease from 1987 to 1994. Declining of PCDD/Fs and PCBs was 36 and 49% in primiparae mothers' milk, respectively. This decrease in concentrations of PCDD/F and PCB was slightly greater in Eastern than in Southern Finland.  相似文献   

Monitoring of ambient air PCDD/F levels in Portugal   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Coutinho M  Pereira M  Borrego C 《Chemosphere》2007,67(9):1715-1721
As part of a monitoring program conducted by IDAD--Institute for Environment and Development and supported by regional municipal solid waste (MSW) management authorities, dioxin concentrations in ambient air were measured in three regions of Portugal: Porto, Lisbon and Madeira. These independent studies were performed with the intention of providing data as a basis for the evaluation of potential impacts of the operation of recently built MSW incinerators. Thus, 170 samples were collected in nine different sites from January 1999 till present. The measured levels revealed an extremely variable content of PCDDs/PCDFs depending both on the area and the season of the year. Samples taken in Porto and Lisbon reveal a similar homologue structure even if concentrations measured in the Porto region are significantly greater. Data from Madeira is characteristic of a remote site with some of the congeners concentrations below the detection limit.  相似文献   

Blood samples of pregnant women aged between 19 and 42 years at the time they gave birth and milk samples from the same women following delivery were collected between September 2000 and January 2003 from 169 participants living in an industrialized area of Germany (Duisburg birth cohort study). All samples were analyzed for their content of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) as well as dioxin-like and indicator polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). Levels of WHO-TEq were in the range of 4.34-97.3 pg/g(lipid base) (median: 26.37, arithmetic mean: 28.36) for blood, or 3.01-78.7 pg/g(lipid base) (median: 26.40, arithmetic mean: 27.27) for milk, respectively. The four congeners 12378-PeCDD, 23478-PeCDF, 33'44'5-PeCB (# 126) and 233'44'5-HxCB (# 156) contribute the main share to total WHO-TEq. The contribution of PCDD/F in relation to PCB to total WHO-TEq was 60:40% in blood and 52:48% in milk. Good correlations of the contaminant levels in lipid base between both matrices were found. The distribution between blood and milk depends on the molecular weight of the substances. Higher chlorinated PCDD/F- and PCB-congeners were found in 2-4-fold higher concentrations in blood in relation to milk and the concentrations of lower chlorinated PCB-congeners were up to 2-fold higher in milk in relation to blood. The body burden of PCDD/F and PCB increases with age and decreases over the total nursing period. Women who had lived outside highly industrialized countries showed lower concentrations of PCDD/F and PCB. In some cases, elevated levels of PCB were observed when the women had previously lived in Eastern Europe for a long time. In comparison with recent data, the decline in human PCDD/F and PCB levels observed during the nineties seems to have stopped. The individual exposures of the infants due to breastfeeding within the first 18 months were calculated to be from 4.4 to 318 ng WHO-TEq (median: 106, arithmetic mean: 118). The actual mean daily exposure of a breastfed infant can be estimated to 131 pg WHO-TEq/kg(body weight).  相似文献   

PCDD/F levels in food and canteen meals from southern Germany   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mayer R 《Chemosphere》2001,43(4-7):857-860
Analysis of food samples collected in 1997 and 1998 in Bavaria, Germany showed that PCDD/F levels in food of animal origin, with the exception of fish, have decreased to low levels way below 1 pg I-TEQ/g fat. Lowest PCDD/F contents were found in pork (mean: 0.27 pg I-TEQ/g fat) followed by poultry and cow's milk (mean: approx. 0.5 pg I-TEQ/g fat). Average contamination levels determined in beef and eggs lay in the range from 0.7 to 0.8 pg I-TEQ/g fat. PCDD/F levels in fish were clearly higher than levels in meat, milk and egg samples (mean: 5.6 pg I-TEQ/g fat). Comparison of topical levels with former results from Bavaria show that the recently detected decline of contamination of food has continued during the past few years. In addition to investigations of unprepared food, we analysed prepared canteen meals over a period of 1 year. The average PCDD/F level found in canteen food (0.37 pg I-TEQ/g fat) was in good conformity with determined PCDD/F levels in unprepared food regarding the estimated fat composition of prepared meals. The average consumption of fat per meal via canteen food was 21.1 g and the average PCDD/F intake per meal was 7.6 pg I-TEQ. On the supposition that determined PCDD/F levels in canteen food on fat basis are representative of total fat consumed by humans (102 g fat/day), the daily PCDD/F intake would amount to a mean value of 36.7 pg I-TEQ corresponding to 0.52 pg I-TEQ/kg body weight.  相似文献   

This study proposes a method to estimate the maximal tolerable value for the atmospheric deposition of dioxins (PCDD/Fs) to soil. The case study for the application of this methodology is an Alpine valley where a steel production plant is present. In order to estimate the limit value for the PCDD/F deposition, consolidated food chain models were applied, but were adapted to be run backwards with respect to their original formulation, by starting from the diet of people living in the region and from the PCDD/F Tolerable Daily Intake value proposed by the World Health Organization. For this case study, the estimated limit value was 2.30 pg WHO-TEQ m−2 d−1 when only local diary products were taken into account and 1.91 pg WHO-TEQ m−2 d−1 when also the role of local cereals and vegetables was considered. The average PCDD/F deposition measured in the same region during a monitoring campaign was lower than the above limit values (1.40 pg WHO-TEQ m−2 d−1). Indications on how to consider the contribution of meat and fish are provided too. The approach proposed in this paper represents a useful tool to assess the acceptable overall deposition for a specific region.  相似文献   

Sun SJ  Kayama F  Zhao JH  Ge J  Yang YX  Fukatsu H  Iida T  Terada M  Liu DW 《Chemosphere》2011,85(3):448-453
There is a dearth of information on the temporal changes in polychlorinated dibenzodioxin/furans (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) contamination, in both environmental and biological specimens, in China. We compared the concentrations of PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs in human milk collected in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, in northern China in 2002 (n=30) and 2007 (n=20). The level of PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs showed an increasing trend. The mean concentrations of PCDD/Fs plus dl-PCBs were 4.47 TEQ pg g(-1) fat and 6.24 TEQ pg g(-1) fat in human milk from Shijiazhuang in 2002 and in 2007, respectively. Based on statistical analysis of questionnaire data collected by in-person interviews with mothers, we found positive correlations between consumption of sea fish and PCDFs. The PCDDs, PCDFs, PCDD/Fs, and PCDD/Fs plus dl-PCBs levels in individuals consuming greater amounts of sea fish were higher than those consuming less sea fish, both with and without adjustments for potential confounding factors. Among 17 congeners of PCDD/Fs, the 2,3,7,8-TCDF, 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF, 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF, 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF, 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF, and 2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF congener concentrations in 2007 increased 134%, 55%, 53%, 57%, 65% and 130% when compared to 2002 levels, respectively. The 2007 dl-PCB congener levels were greater than those of the 2002 samples, with the exception of PCB81 and PCB77. Specifically, PCB105, PCB114, PCB118, PCB123 and PCB156 had increased greater than twofold from 2002 to 2007. Continuous surveillance of PCDD/F and dl-PCB levels in human milk is needed to accurately evaluate both environmental contamination and the human health risk to neonates in China.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 17 toxic 2,3,7,8-substituted polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) have been determined in pooled samples of breast milk from 15 mothers living in two residential areas (Tarragona downtown and an industrial area) in the vicinity of a new hazardous waste incinerator (HWI), now under construction in Tarragona (southern Catalonia, Spain). PCDD/Fs in human milk samples ranged between 5.9 and 17.1 pg I-TEQ/g fat (162-498 pg I-TEQ/l), with a mean value of 11.8 pg I-TEQ/g fat (310.8 pg I-TEQ/l). The percentages of fat ranged between 1.53 and 3.52. Although PCDD/F levels in milk from mothers living in the industrial area were found to be slightly higher than those observed in women living Tarragona downtown, most differences did not reach the level of statistical significance. In general terms, PCDD/F concentrations in human milk (pooled) samples of mothers living in the area of Tarragona are similar or lower than those previously reported for most industrialized countries.  相似文献   

As part of a longitudinal cohort study, now in its second decade, we determined PCDDs/Fs dl-PCBs and PBDEs in serum of adolescents with known perinatal PCDD/F exposure. Of the original cohort, 33 adolescents aged 14-19 years, who had been studied previously during their neonatal (n=60), toddler and pre-pubertal period (n=41) agreed to participate in the current follow-up. PCDD/F-, dl-PCB- and PBDE congeners were measured using GC/MS. Current serum levels of PCDD/Fs determined in our cohort were relatively low (mean of 2.2pg/g) compared to the perinatal exposure. No correlation between perinatal exposure and current serum PCDD/F was found. Planar PCB TEQ levels were 2.2pg/g. Current summation operatorPBDE levels were 8.7ng/g lipid. There was one outlier with a summation operatorPBDE of 74ng/g lipid. The presence of this high value indicates that the exposure pathway is different from PCDD/F and PCB, most likely by dust and food contaminated with dust. Concluding we can say that current PCDD/F levels are quite low compared to the perinatal PCDD/F exposure of the cohort. PBDE levels however are relatively high compared to other European countries, more research on possible health effects of these levels, especially for subjects with outlier concentrations, should be performed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To observe how PCDD/F and Co-PCB concentrations in breast milk relate to infant birthweights in Tokyo, Japan. STUDY DESIGN: Breast milk samples were collected from 240 mothers (aged 25-34years old) residing in Tokyo to measure the concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs; 14 congeners), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs; 15 congeners), and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (Co-PCBs; 12 congeners) in the breast milk fat. Individual milk samples (about 50ml) were obtained 30days after delivery, between the months of June and September in 1999 and 2000. The relationship of the infant birthweights with the PCDD/F and Co-PCB concentrations was observed. RESULTS: The birthweights were negatively correlated the concentrations of many of the PCDD/F and Co-PCB congeners, with the mean toxic equivalent quantities (TEQs) of the Co-PCBs, and with the sum of the PCDD, PCDF and Co-PCBs, although their correlation coefficients were less than 0.200. Multiple regression analysis showed octachlorodioxin was statistically significant explanatory variate. CONCLUSIONS: There were slight relationship between the dioxins levels of breast milk and the birthweights of the infants.  相似文献   

The Biobio River basin, located in central Chile, is one of the most important freshwater resources for a population of 1 million inhabitants. The river receives discharges of pulp mills, sewage treatment plants and there is a diffuse input of materials coming from the drainage basin. Previous studies reported high levels of etoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) induction in fish from the lower stretch of the river, mainly due to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) exposure. The present study investigates polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-furans (PCDFs) levels as well as EROD induction in fish livers from Central Chile's Biobio River. Dioxin and furan levels in fish livers are reported for the first time in three areas of the Basin. In all samples the highest concentrations were found for the octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) and PCDD/F TEQ concentrations ranged from 2.83 to 6.33 ppt (wet weight). The results indicate a clear induction of EROD activity in different fish species as the river mouth is approached, although this induction is not clearly related with dioxin and furan levels found in the fish livers. Our results clearly show that other pollutants might be acting as EROD inductors in the Biobio Basin.  相似文献   

Good quality data apt for an assessment of temporal trends of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDDs/Fs) in soils are difficult to obtain since there is a general lack of information on their residues in soils. Variability of soil profiles, non-homogeneity of samples, and often also inconsistency of applied sampling procedures further complicate this problem. To assess spatial and temporal trends of contamination, three soil sampling campaigns have been performed over the period of 12 years at the mountain forest sites in the Czech Republic. Relation between the air, needle and soil contaminations was addressed in addition to time-related variability of soil. It has been confirmed that soil is a good matrix for evaluation of spatial distribution of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) but difficult for establishment of temporal trends. A slow rate of the soil-forming processes and their site-specificity was generally the major source of uncertainties.  相似文献   

To date, despite the fact it represents a very important part of the national dairy production, no data are available concerning the concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in camel milk from the Republic of Kazakhstan. Selected PCDDs, PCDFs, and PCBs were measured in pools of milk from camels (n=15) located in various places of Kazakhstan (Almaty, Atyrau, Aralsk, Shymkent) and sampled at two different seasons for two different species (Camelus bactrianus and Camelus dromedarius). Non-dioxin-like (NDL-)PCB concentrations (6.3±2.7 ng g(-1) fat, median 5.1 ng g(-1) fat, range 0.6-17.4 ng g(-1) fat) were far below the maximum value of 40 ng g(-1) fat proposed by the EU. Dioxin-like (DL-)PCB concentrations (1.7±0.7 ng g(-1) fat, median 1.5 ng g(-1) fat, range 0.3-4.2 ng g(-1) fat) and the NDL-PCB to DL-PCB ratio (4.3) were similar to what is reported in EU for cow-based dairy products. PCB 52 and PCB 101 appeared to be proportionally more present in Kazakh camel milk samples (>60% of the sum of the 6 indicator NDL-PCBs) than in European cow milk samples (<10% of the sum of the 6 indicator NDL-PCBs), indicating possible differences in the route of exposure to PCBs in Kazakhstan. PCB 105 and PCB 118 appeared to be present at higher concentrations in camel milk (>80% of the sum of the 12 DL-PCBs). PCB 105, PCB 118 and PCB 156 were the major congeners for DL-PCBs, accounting for 92% of the sum of concentrations of DL-PCBs (88% for Belgian cows). In terms of TEQ, PCB 126 and PCB 118 are the major contributors and represent, respectively, 80% and 14% of the DL-PCB TEQWHO05 concentrations. No significant interracial or geographical trends were observed for NDL- and DL-PCB profiles. However, concentrations of all DL-PCBs appeared to be significantly higher for samples collected in Atyrau region. 2,3,7,8-TCDD level (mean 0.08±0.07 pg g(-1) fat, median 0.08 pg g(-1) fat, range 0.00-0.18 pg g(-1) fat, 60%>LOQs) were very low for all samples and 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF was the major contributor (27%) to the PCDD/F TEQWHO05. Considering the total TEQWHO05 (sum of DL-PCBs and PCDD/Fs), DL-PCB and PCDD/F contributed for 73% and 27%, respectively. A decrease of only 1% of the total TEQ was observed when using the TEFWHO05 scale instead of the TEFWHO98 scale. Two samples collected in the region of Atyrau exceeded the EU maximum level value of 6.00 pg TEQWHO98 g(-1) fat (6.4 pg TEQWHO05 g(-1) fat and 6.9 pg TEQWHO05 g(-1) fat). Both samples exceeded the EU action level for the sum of DL-PCBs. Based on the fact that camel milk is used to prepare popular traditional fermented drinks like shubat, this suggests that the human exposure in the Caspian Sea region of Atyrau should be expected to be higher than in the other regions studied here.  相似文献   

In Germany, there is a lack of consistent and comparable data for the time dependent behaviour and spatial distribution of dioxin-like and indicator PCB in ambient air, deposition and plants. The aim of this study was to improve the data on PCDD/PCDF, dioxin-like PCB and non dioxin-like PCB in spruce and pine shoots from different locations and years by retrospective monitoring. The survey was conducted with archived samples of one-year old spruce shoots (Picea abies) and pine shoots (Pinus sylvestris) from the German environmental specimen bank. Two sets of samples from locations in urbanized areas in western and eastern Germany (Warndt and Duebener Heide Mitte, respectively) were investigated as time series. Additionally, spruce shoots from seven different rural locations sampled in the years 2000-2004 were analyzed in order to get an overview about the spatial distribution of PCB and PCDD/PCDF. The analytical results of the samples from the two urbanized areas clearly show that the atmospheric contamination with PCDD and PCDF has declined by about 75% between 1985 and 1997 at Warndt and about 40% between 1991 and 1997 at Duebener Heide. However, concentrations stayed virtually constant at both locations from 1997 to 2004 at a level of about 1 ng WHO-TEQ/kg dry matter (d.m.). Similarly, the investigation of spruce shoots from rural locations from 2000 to 2004 did not reveal a temporal trend at any site. PCDD/PCDF levels were between 0.1 and 1.0 ng WHO-TEQ/kg d.m. At the urbanized location Warndt the six indicator PCB as well as the 12 dioxin-like PCB according to WHO revealed a significant decline by more than 75% between 1985 and 1999. Thereafter, PCB levels stayed virtually constant. At the location Duebener Heide an overall decrease of PCB concentrations in pine shoots of about 60% was detected between 1991 and 2004. Spruce shoots from all locations showed a relevant contribution of dioxin-like PCB to the total WHO toxicity equivalent (PCDD/PCDF+PCB). In most samples, the contribution of dioxin-like PCB was between 21% and 41%. The TEQ contribution of PCB in the samples from three rural sites was higher and similar to the TEQ value of PCDD/PCDF. The investigated pine shoots from the urbanized site Duebener Heide showed a 15-28% contribution of dioxin-like PCB to total TEQ and thus lower than in spruce shoots from different locations. In all samples except one PCB 126 contributed to more than 80% to the PCB-TEQ.  相似文献   

Chlorophenols (CP) are transformed in vitro to polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) by a biochemical-catalyzed oxidation. This is shown for 2,4,5-tri-, 2,3,4,6-tetra-and pentachlorophenol with myeloperoxidase recovered from human leucocytes in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The yield, the reaction, and the PCDD/F-pattern found depend on the CP. The formation rates are in the micromol-per-mol range for all substrates. The experiments confirm the suspicion that a biochemical formation of PCDD/F from precursors such as CPs can take place in the human body and that this metabolic pathway may lead to a higher inner exposure with PCDD/F than is now assumed.  相似文献   

In the context of two Environmental Health Surveillance Programs, launched in response to public and scientific concern in relation to waste incinerators located near Lisbon and in Madeira Island, two human biomonitoring projects have been started in Portugal, focussed in dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in human milk. Results from the undertaken studies have already provided data on the extent and pattern of dioxin body burden of both studied groups as well as a preliminary temporal trend of dioxin levels for the population residing near Lisbon incinerator. The present paper investigates difference between exposed and non-exposed subjects under study and, from a preventive perspective, possible covariates of the dioxin levels in human milk. Emissions from both incinerators appear to be well controlled as there is no increase of human body burden of dioxins as measured in human milk of individuals living near these facilities. Concerning other determinants of dioxin levels, results suggest confirmation of previously found significant age-dependent trend towards higher levels of dioxins in aged subjects. On the contrary, association between mother's levels of dioxins and parity lost significance. Apart from the issue of incineration, the general conclusion for the general population is that living in Lisbon as compared to Madeira results in higher milk dioxin levels and possible health risks. The profile of the single congeners for PCDD/Fs in human milk from Madeira and Lisbon shows similar contributions for 12378-PCDD, 23478-PCDF, 123678-HCDD and 2378-TCDD, that account altogether for about 84% of the total identified dioxin body burden in the studied groups.  相似文献   

We evaluated the impact of the 1999 Belgian dioxin incident on the blood plasma polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF) levels among 232 Belgian blood donors (74% men, mean age 47 years). The Red Cross made plasma samples from before the incident of these donors available. A second plasma sample was collected during the second half of 2000. The sum of the 17 PCDD/F congeners was significantly lower in 2000 compared to 1998 (417 pg/g fat versus 445 pg/g fat, respectively). This could be completely attributed to the significant decrease of OctaCDD (301 pg/g fat in 2000 versus 277 pg/g fat in 1998). Moreover a slight but significant decrease was observed for 2,3,7,8-TetraCDF and for 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HeptaCDF. 1,2,3,7,8-PentaCDF and 2,3,4,7,8-PentaCDF however showed a slight but significant increase (respective levels in 1998 were 0.004 and 14.5 pg/g fat compared to 0.006 and 17.9 pg/g fat in 2000). Given their significantly higher presence in incident related food samples this increase can be attributed to the food contamination episode. However, the total toxicity remained unchanged (22.9 in 1998 versus 23.1 pg WHO-TEQ/g fat, p>0.05). Moreover the observed congener profiles and the total PCDD/F levels were similar to those of other European non-occupationally exposed populations. In conclusion, the 1999 PCB/dioxin incident was traceable in the plasma profiles (rise of the two specific PCDF congeners), but comparison of the results for both years indicates that the changes were too small to cause an adverse public health effect.  相似文献   

PCDD/F and PCB concentrations in remote mountainous spruce stands of the Central European Alps show strong geographic variation. Independent of the matrix (0.5 year old needles, humus or mineral soil), the highest pollutant levels were always found at the lateral zones of the mountain range. High levels coincided with strong precipitation, particularly along the northern margin of the study region. The most volatile PCB congener propagated farther into the colder, drier central Alps than the heavier species. Matrices with different accumulation history (needles and humus) repeatedly reflected different spatial immission patterns. Consistent with its much longer exposure, pollutant levels in humus exceeded those of needles by up to two orders of magnitude. Needle contamination varied with altitude but the vertical trends were highly variable between transsects and changed between years, too.  相似文献   

PCDD/F analyses were made in soil and ambient air samples taken from Kocaeli, an industrialized area of Turkey. Results showed that the levels of PCDD/F pollution are comparable to the levels observed in the various urban areas in the world. PCDD/F concentrations in surface soils ranged between 0.4 and 4.27 pg I-TEQ kg(-1) with a geometric mean of 0.76 pg I-TEQ kg(-1), while those in ambient air were between 23 and 563 f gm(-3), with geometric mean of 82.0 f gm(-3). Ambient air PCDD/F concentration in the city center was about 10 times higher than those in the rural area. Combustion activities present in the area were assessed to be the most significant source of the PCDD/F pollution based on the congener and homologue profiles and statistical analysis of the data. The deposition rate modeling of USEPA was applied and the deposition rates were determined in the range between 7.6 and 66.3 ng I-TEQ m(-2)year(-1) with a geometric mean of 15.9 ng I-TEQ m(-2)year(-1). The rates were higher than the recommended deposition rates in relation to the tolerable daily intake (TDI) range of PCDD/Fs for humans. The deposition velocities computed were also found to be high in both low and highly chlorinated PCDD/Fs, and this was attributed to the vapor phase deposition of volatile PCDD/Fs, and the scavenging effect of the precipitation on the particle-bound PCDD/Fs.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out from 2008 to 2010 to determine the concentrations of 16 organochlorine pesticide residues (OPRs) from Tizayuca, Hidalgo, Mexico. Organochlorine residue determinations were made from milk fat, using chromatographic cleanup and analysis by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector. The OPR concentrations found were from below the detection limit (DL) to 0.91 ng g?1 in 2008, DL to 0.38 ng g?1 in 2009 and DL to 0.59 ng g?1 in 2010. In general concentrations of organochlorine pesticides were higher in the wet season (3.37 ng g?1 and 4.79 ng g?1) than the dry season (1.92 ng g?1 and 2.71 ng g?1) for 2009 and 2010, due to control of pests in the pasture and sheds. According to Codex Alimentarius regulations, individual pesticides did not exceed the permissible limits, which for example were 10 μg kg?1 for alpha hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and endosulfan I, 20 μg kg?1 for p,p’-DDT, and 6 μg kg?1 for dieldrin, endrin and heptachlor. A reduction of organochlorine pesticide concentrations in cow's milk was noted, indicating that the Mexican government has achieved reduction or elimination of some organochlorine pesticides in response to global agreements on persistent organic pollutants.  相似文献   

The PCDD/F and PBDD/F pollution in the ambient atmosphere of Shanghai, China   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
Li H  Feng J  Sheng G  Lü S  Fu J  Peng P  Man R 《Chemosphere》2008,70(4):576-583
Rapid economic growth in the last two decades in Shanghai has had a great adverse influence on its air quality. Therefore, the atmospheric pollutants of Shanghai have received much concern. In this study, concentrations of 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/Fs and PBDD/Fs congeners were measured in the ambient air of four districts in Shanghai. The mean atmospheric concentrations (TEQs) of total 2,3,7,8-PCDD/Fs and 2,3,7,8-PBDD/Fs were 8031 fg m(-3) (497.1 fg I-TEQ m(-3)) and 1358 fg m(-3) (304.1 fg I-TEQ m(-3)) for Jiading District, 5308 fg m(-3) (289.0 fg I-TEQ m(-3)) and 709 fg m(-3) (146.9 fg I-TEQ m(-3)) for Zhabei District, 4014 fg m(-3) (144.4 fg I-TEQ m(-3)) and 1239 fg m(-3) (256.9 fg I-TEQ m(-3)) for Pudong District, 3348 fg m(-3) (143.2 fg I-TEQ m(-3)) and 699 fg m(-3) (148.4 fg I-TEQ m(-3)) for Huangpu District, respectively. Our results showed that almost all the PCDD/Fs and PBDD/Fs congeners were partitioned into the particulate phase except the lower chlorinated or brominated ones. The logarithm of the gas/particle partitioning coefficient K(p) has good linear correlation with that of the sub-cooled vapor pressure p(L). Concentrations of PCDD/Fs and PBDD/Fs were both positively correlated to elemental carbon in all districts except Pudong District, suggesting elemental carbon could be a good indicator for dioxins' air pollution. It is intensively suggested that more detailed and deeper studies about PBDD/Fs should be carried out due to their relatively high atmospheric concentrations in Shanghai.  相似文献   

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