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We determined concentrations of selected trace elements inlivers, kidneys and blood samples from common eiders (Somateria mollissima borealis) from the eastern Canadianarctic during 1997 and 1998. Concentrations of totalmercury and organic mercury were generally low in the liversof these birds (less than 6 and 4 g g–1 dry wt,respectively). Selenium ranged between 11–47 g g–1 inlivers. Renal cadmium concentrations were among the highestever published for this species (range: 47–281 g g–1). The regressions of log-transformed concentrations ofthese trace elements in blood samples on those in liver orkidney were significant (all P-values < 0.05) andpositive. However, except for organic mercury (RM 2 = 0.83), the co-efficients of determination were low tomoderate (range of R 2: 0.26–0.52), suggesting poorto moderate predictive capability. Furthermore, therelationships between total mercury in blood and liverchanged between 1997 and 1998, suggesting that it would notbe possible to predict consistently, concentrations ofmercury in blood from those in liver based on samples takenin one year. Blood samples can be used to determineconcentrations of these trace elements in common eiders (andprobably other sea duck species as well). The use of bloodsamples is especially warranted when it is undesirable tokill the animal such as when working with rare or endangeredsea duck species or when the objective is to relate traceelement exposure to annual survival rates. However, thepredictive equations developed here should not be used topredict expected concentrations in one type of tissue fromthose in the other.  相似文献   

We began monitoring concentrations of both total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) in surface water at Stormwater Treatment Area-2 (STA) on July 20, 2000. This 2602 hectare STA was constructed with three independent marshes to remove phosphorus from agricultural runoff and reduce eutrophication in the northern Everglades. However, there was concern that in doing so, STA-2 might inadvertently worsen the existing mercury problem in the Everglades. Accordingly, operating permits stipulated that flow-through operation of these treatment cells could not begin until concentrations of THg and MeHg in the interior marsh were not significantly greater than corresponding concentrations in the supply canal. Cells 2 and 3 quickly met the start-up criteria in the fall of 2000. In contrast, Cell 1 exhibited anomalously high MeHg concentrations in the fall of 2000 and 2001, and the summer of 2002. During the last such event, water-column concentrations in Cell 1 reached 32 ng THg/L and an unprecedented 20 ng MeHg/L. Tissue Hg in resident fishes reached levels as high as 430 ng/g in mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, 930 ng/g in sunfish, Lepomis spp., and 2000 ng/g in largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. Guided by results from the monitoring program, flow rate and water depth were managed as a means to alter sulfur biogeochemistry and, thereby, reduce in situ mercury methylation. This adaptive management strategy likely played a role in the decline in water-column concentrations of THg and MeHg in Cell 1 by late 2002 and the subsequent declines in tissue Hg levels in resident fishes. Cell 1 finally met formal start-up criteria on November 26, 2002.  相似文献   

Approximately 250 000 kg of mercury was lost towater and soils at the U.S. Dept. of Energy Y-12 Plantin Oak Ridge, Tennessee in the 1950s and early 1960s. A creek originating within the plant receivedcontinuous inputs of waterborne mercury, predominantlyas dissolved inorganic mercury, from groundwater,streambed contamination, and sump and process waterdischarges to the contaminated storm sewer network.These produce aqueous total mercury concentrations of1–2 g L-1 in the upper reaches of the stream,decreasing to about 0.1–0.2 g L-1 in its lowerreaches. A program to reduce mercury concentrationsin the creek identified specific sources (buildingsumps, contaminated springwater seeps, foundationdrains, and contaminated piping) and rerouted wateraround contaminated portions of the drain system orcollected and treated mercury-contaminated waterbefore discharging it. As a result, waterbornemercury concentrations in the creek and total mercuryloading were reduced from 1.8 g L-1 to0.6 g L-1 and 100 to 20 g d-1, respectively, in the last 5 yr.Mean mercury concentrations in fish nearest sourceareas in the creek headwaters decreased at roughly thesame rate as waterborne total mercury concentrationsover the past five years, but at the facility boundarydownstream the decline in mercury bioaccumulation wasmuch less. At sites 5–15 km farther downstream, nodecrease was evident. Dissolved methylmercury tendedto increase with distance downstream in a patterninverse to that noted for its dissolved inorganicmercury precursor.Improvements in water quality and modification ofweirs to allow the passage of fish have resulted inthe establishment of large populations of fish inmercury-contaminated headwater areas previously devoidof fish. It may be that the accumulation, retention,and eventual downstream transport of this reservoir ofbiologically incorporated methylmercury has acted tobuffer against expected reductions in mercury in fishat downstream sites.  相似文献   

Throughfall and bulk precipitation samples were collected for two watersheds at Acadia National Park, Maine, from 3 May to 16 November 2000, to determine which landscape factors affected mercury (Hg) deposition. One of these watersheds, Cadillac Brook, burned in 1947, providing a natural experimental design to study the effects of forest type on deposition to forested watersheds. Sites that face southwest received the highest Hg deposition, which may be due to the interception of cross-continental movement of contaminated air masses. Sites covered with softwood vegetation also received higher Hg deposition than other vegetation types because of the higher scavenging efficiency of the canopy structure. Methyl mercury (MeHg) deposition was not affected by these factors. Hg deposition, as bulk precipitation and throughfall was lower in Cadillac Brook watershed (burned) than in Hadlock Brook watershed (unburned) because of vegetation type and watershed aspect. Hg and MeHg inputs were weighted by season and vegetation type because these two factors had the most influence on deposition. Hg volatilization was not determined. The total Hg deposition via throughfall and bulk precipitation was 9.4 μg/m2/year in Cadillac Brook watershed and 10.2 μg/m2/year in Hadlock Brook watershed. The total MeHg deposition via throughfall and bulk precipitation was 0.05 μg/m2/year in Cadillac Brook watershed and 0.10 μg/m2/year in Hadlock Brook watershed.  相似文献   

The Las VegasWash, which drains the Las Vegas valley watershed and provides the second largest inflow to Lake Mead, is being dramatically altered with erosion control structures and wetland restoration efforts. The impact of these changes on the cycling and distribution of Hg and Se is of particular interest because of their tendency to bioaccumulate and because of a lack of information on these contaminants in the Wash. In this study, we determined concentrations of Hg and Se in surface water (monthly), groundwater (once) and sediments (quarterly) from strategic locations within and along theWash during 2002 and 2003. The data was used to characterize Se sources and loading into theWash. Samples containing resurfacing groundwater and urban runoff (LW10.75 and Duck Creek) had significantly higher yearly means (13.7 ± 4.4 and 23.8 ± 4.1μg/L, respectively) compared with mainstream samples containing primarily treated wastewater (2.8 ± 0.8μg/L). Investigation of Se in tributaries, street runoff and rain suggest that the source of the elevated Se is likely groundwater seeps located within a relatively narrow geographic band on the southeast side of the valley. Se content of sediments was similar, except for LW10.75 which was rich in organic matter. Hg concentrations in the water and sediments were low, averaging 4±5 ng/L and 34±20 ng/g, dw, respectively. Overall, this study suggests that water quality remains relatively stable despite changes in theWash and managers of developing wetlands should not use tributary water as source water.  相似文献   

We examined how length of fish is related to mercury concentrations in muscle tissue of seven species of fish from Lake Meredith, Texas and determined how sex and growth rate are related to mercury concentration in walleye (Sander vitreus). Flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris), walleye and white bass (Morone chrysops) had the highest concentrations of mercury and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), river carpsucker (Carpiodes carpio) and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) had the lowest concentrations of mercury. Mercury concentrations were positively correlated with total length (TL) of fish for all species except gizzard shad, which exhibited a negative correlation between mercury concentration and TL. Male walleye grew more slowly than females, and males had higher concentrations of mercury than females. We also assessed the differences in fish consumption advisories that would be issued using Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) guidelines versus United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) recommendations. Using DSHS guidelines, no fish species in Lake Meredith would be issued a fish consumption advisory. Nevertheless, DSHS has issued an advisory for walleye in Lake Meredith, possibly due to an inadequate sample size of fish. Using USEPA guidelines, a fish consumption advisory would be issued for the largest size class of flathead catfish but no advisory exists for flathead catfish in Lake Meredith. We suggest that when fish in a lake may be contaminated with mercury, all game fish in the lake should be assessed, and mercury advisories should take fish size into account.  相似文献   

Background Mercury Concentrations in River Water in Maine, U.S.A.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mercury concentrations in 58 rivers in Maine was measured to range from below detection up to 7.01 ng L-1 and averaged 1.80±1.29 ng L-1. The concentration gradient for mercury in rivers across the state was not uniform. Mercury strongly correlated with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and aluminum, and less strongly with copper, lead, and zinc. Mercuryexhibited significant differences in correlations with chemical variables and local geology when partitioned by flow state (high or low). Mercury concentrations were greatest in rivers flowingacross either wacke-type bedrock at low metamorphic grade, or glacial-till deposits. Elevated concentrations of mercury formed a locus in northern Maine under both high and low-flow states while in southwestern Maine a locus formed only during high-flowstates. These regional differences were statistically significantwhen compared by geographical location. We suggest that there is a bedrock source of mercury in northeastern Maine that is dilutedduring periods of high runoff. The elevated concentrations detected under high-flow states, as noted in southwestern Maine, may reflect mercury released from storage in association withDOC during periods of high runoff. The association of mercury with flow state indicates that watershed processes and local geology can modulate the concentration of mercury in rivers.  相似文献   

Lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium and manganese concentrations were measured in the eggs of horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) from 1993, 1994 and 1995; and from chelicera muscle in 1995 from Delaware Bay. Metal concentrations in the eggs represent levels derived from females. In eggs, mercury levels were below 100 ppb or were non-dectable; cadmium levels were generally low in 1993 and 1995 but were relatively higher in 1994; lead levels in eggs decreased from 558 ppb in 1993 to 87 ppm in 1995; selenium increased from 1993 to 1995; chromium decreased from 1993 to 1995; and manganese generally decreased. Leg muscles had significantly lower levels of all metals than eggs, except for mercury.  相似文献   

Samples of breast muscle from 32 species of waterfowl collected from 123 sites across Canada were analyzed for chlorobenzenes (CBz), chlordane-related compounds (CHL), hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCH), DDT, mirex, dieldrin, PCBs and mercury. ΣDDT, ΣCBz and ΣPCB were the compounds most frequently found above trace levels. ΣHCH and ΣMirex were detected the least often. Mercury was detected in all of the mergansers, over 50% of dabbling, bay and sea ducks, and in less than 2% of the geese analysed. The highest levels of contaminants were generally found in birds feeding at higher trophic levels such as sea ducks and mergansers. With the exception of a few samples of mergansers and long-tailed ducks from eastern Canada, which contained ΣPCB concentrations of 1.0–2.4 mg kg−1, ΣPCB levels were less than 1 mg kg−1 wet weight. Only one merganser from eastern Canada had a ΣDDT concentration (2.6 mg kg−1 ww) which was greater than 1 mg kg−1 ww. The highest ΣCHL (0.10 mg kg−1 ww) was also found in mergansers from eastern Canada. Levels of total mercury in breast muscle were either low (< 1 mg kg−1 ww) or below detection limits with the exception of a few samples of mergansers from eastern Canada which contained mercury concentrations of 1.0–1.5 mg kg−1 ww. Health Canada determined that the organochlorine and mercury levels found in samples of breast muscle of ducks and geese analysed in this study did not pose a health hazard to human consumers and therefore these waterfowl were safe to eat.  相似文献   

为研究株洲市夏季优良天气下大气中气态总汞(TGM)的浓度特征,于2013年8月利用大气汞分析仪(2537X,加拿大)进行了20 d的连续在线观测。结果显示,实验期间株洲市大气TGM的平均浓度为(4.20±3.37)ng/m3,中值浓度为3.40 ng/m3,高于背景地区和沿海城市,略低于国内其他重点城市。晴天、阴雨天TGM浓度分别为3.59、7.96 ng/m3。晴天TGM浓度具有一定日变化规律,最高值出现在早上7:00~9:00,之后逐渐降低,17:00出现最低值;TGM白天和夜间浓度分别为3.57、3.62 ng/m3,昼夜变化不大。晴天TGM与一次污染物SO2、CO、NO2具有显著的正相关性,与O3呈显著负相关性。株洲市夏季主导风向为东南风,该方向没有明显污染源,西北方向风向频率较低,但TGM浓度明显升高,其主要来源可能是位于西北方向的清水塘工业区。  相似文献   

Feathers serve as a useful, non-destructive approach for biomonitoring some aspects of environmental quality. Birds can eliminate over 90% of their body burden of mercury by sequestration in growing feathers, and they molt their feathers at least annually. Thus mercury concentrations should not vary in avian feathers as a function of age. We tested the null hypothesis that there are no age differences in the concentrations of mercury, lead, cadmium, selenium, copper, chromium and manganese in the feathers of immature and adult common loons Gavia immer from the Northeastern United States where the species is declining. Adults had significantly higher mean levels of mercury (20245 ppb) than immature loons (9677 ppb), but there were no age-related differences for other elements. Even with the small number of immatures, females had significantly higher levels of mercury than males, although the gender difference was not significant for adults.  相似文献   

A nation-wide ecosystem science network for Canada was formed in 1994. At that time, mercury was a re-emerging issue in Canada and the Coordinating Office for the networksought collaboration to assess the issue. The key mechanismsby which the network has added value in addressing this issue are: 1) Information Dissemination, the network has organised, facilitated and co-hosted a number of regional,national and international mercury events (meetings, conferences and workshops) which have served to bring theexpertise together, the network also disseminates informationon it's web page, and the Coordinating Office hosts an annualNational Science Conference; 2) Collaborative Mercury Monitoring, network partners advocated the need for a singlehemispheric mercury network which resulted in the developmentof a compatible Canada–U.S. mercury deposition network, whichmay also be expanded into Mexico, and 3) Environmental Reporting, the network has collaborated with others to reporton current mercury findings through initiatives such as the 1998 Northeast States and Eastern Canadian Mercury Study, a 1999 Mercury Case Study and is presently a partner in the University of Quebec's proposal to form a Collaborative Mercury Ecosystem Research Network in Canada.  相似文献   

Precipitation and streamwater samples were collected from 16 November 1999 to 17 November 2000 in two watersheds at Acadia National Park, Maine, and analyzed for mercury (Hg) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN, nitrate plus ammonium). Cadillac Brook watershed burned in a 1947 fire that destroyed vegetation and soil organic matter. We hypothesized that Hg deposition would be higher at Hadlock Brook (the reference watershed, 10.2 μg/m2/year) than Cadillac (9.4 μg/m2/year) because of the greater scavenging efficiency of the softwood vegetation in Hadlock. We also hypothesized the Hg and DIN export from Cadillac Brook would be lower than Hadlock Brook because of elemental volatilization during the fire, along with subsequently lower rates of atmospheric deposition in a watershed with abundant bare soil and bedrock, and regenerating vegetation. Consistent with these hypotheses, Hg export was lower from Cadillac Brook watershed (0.4 μg/m2/year) than from Hadlock Brook watershed (1.3 μg/m2/year). DIN export from Cadillac Brook (11.5 eq/ha/year) was lower than Hadlock Brook (92.5 eq/ha/year). These data show that ∼50 years following a wildfire there was lower atmospheric deposition due to changes in forest species composition, lower soil pools, and greater ecosystem retention for both Hg and DIN.  相似文献   

With increasing interest in assessing the health or well-being ofcommunities and ecosystems, birds are being used asbioindicators. Coloniallynesting species breed mainly in coastal areas that are alsopreferred for humandevelopment, exposing the birds to various pollutants. Inthis paper concentrations of heavy metal and selenium in the feathers ofHerring Gulls(Larus argentatus) nesting in several colonies fromMassachusetts toDelaware are reported. There were significant differencesamong colonies forall metals, with metal concentrations being two to nearly fivetimes higher atsome colonies than others. Selenium showed the leastdifference, and cadmium showed the greatest difference among sites. Concentrations of lead werehighest at Pralls Island; mercury was highest at Shinnecock,Huckleberry andHarvey, and manganese was highest at Captree.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of natural and anthropogenic watershed disturbances on methyl mercury (MeHg) concentration in bulk zooplankton from boreal Shield lakes. MeHg in zooplankton was monitored for three years in nine lakes impacted by deforestation, in nine lakes impacted by wildfire, and in twenty lakes with undisturbed catchments. Lakes were sampled during spring, mid- and late summer. MeHg in zooplankton showed a seasonal trend: concentrations were the lowest in spring, then peaked in mid-summer and decreased in late summer. Over the three study years, MeHg concentrations observed in mid-summer in zooplankton from forest harvested lakes were significantly higher than in reference and fire-impacted lakes, whereas differences between these two groups of lakes were not significant. The pattern of distribution of MeHg in zooplankton during the different seasons paralleled that of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), which is known as a vector of Hg from watershed soils to lake water. Besides DOC, MeHg in zooplankton also showed a positive significant correlation with epilimnetic temperature and sulfate concentrations. An inter-annual decreasing trend in MeHg was observed in zooplankton from reference and fire-impacted lakes. In forest harvested lakes, however, MeHg concentrations remained higher and nearly constant over three years following the impact. Overall these results indicate that the MeHg pulse observed in zooplankton following deforestation by harvesting is relatively long-lived, and may have repercussions to the accumulation of MeHg along the food chain. Therefore, potential effects of deforestation on the Hg contamination of fish should be taken into account in forest management practices.  相似文献   

建立了碱提取-丙基化衍生方式同时测定土壤中甲基汞和乙基汞的方法。优化了仪器分析条件,研究了碱提取温度、提取时间、缓冲溶液加入量和衍生化试剂加入量对测定结果的影响。应用本方法对5种实际土壤样品进行测定,甲基汞和乙基汞的方法检出限分别为0.5 μg/kg和0.3 μg/kg,相对标准偏差分别为1.3%~17%和0.94%~16%,平均回收率分别为88.2%~110%和66.1%~110%。该法适用于批量土壤样品中甲基汞和乙基汞的分析测定。  相似文献   

Mercury concentrations are usually significant in historic Hg mining districts all over the world, so the atmospheric environment is potentially affected. In Asturias, northern Spain, past mining operations have left a legacy of ruins and Hg-rich wastes, soils and sediments in abandoned sites. Total Hg concentrations in the ambient air of these abandoned mine sites have been investigated to evaluate the impact of the Hg emissions. This paper presents the synthesis of current knowledge about atmospheric Hg contents in the area of the abandoned Hg mining and smelting works at ‘La Peña–El Terronal’ and La Soterraña, located in Mieres and Pola de Lena districts, respectively, both within the Caudal River basin. It was found that average atmospheric Hg concentrations are higher than the background level in the area (0.1 μg Nm?3), reaching up to 203.7 μg Nm?3 at 0.2 m above the ground level, close to the old smelting chimney at El Terronal mine site. Data suggest that past Hg mining activities have big influences on the increased Hg concentrations around abandoned sites and that atmospheric transfer is a major pathway for Hg cycling in these environments.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of selenium have been found in water and aquatic biota downstream from two open-pit coal mines in the Rocky Mountain foothills of Alberta. Birds are particularly sensitive to excessive dietary selenium. However, there is relatively little information on selenium accumulation in birds' eggs on fast-flowing mountain streams. We determined levels of selenium in water samples, caddisfly larvae and eggs of American dippers (Cinclus mexicanus) nesting on the Gregg River, downstream from the mines, and on reference streams in the same general vicinity. Selenium levels (mean, 95% confidence limits) in water samples and caddisflies collected from sites near dipper nests on the Gregg River (water: 4.26, 1.90–9.56 μg L−1; caddisflies: 8.43, 7.51–9.46 μg g dry wt−1) were greater than those collected from sites near nests on reference rivers (water: 0.38, 0.21–0.71 μg L−1; caddisflies: 4.65, 4.35–4.97 μg g dry wt−1). The mean (± 1SE) selenium level in dipper eggs from the Gregg River (6.3 ± 0.2 μg g−1 dry wt) was significantly higher than it was in eggs from reference streams (4.9 ± 0.2 μg g−1 dry wt). Concentrations of selenium in eggs were significantly correlated with those in water samples (r = 0.45). The maximum selenium level in eggs from the Gregg River (9.0 μg g−1) may have been high enough to warrant concern from an ecotoxicological perspective. The American dipper can serve as a useful bioindicator of selenium contamination in mountainous, lotic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Nine stream sites in the Blackfoot River, Salt River, and Bear River watersheds in southeast Idaho, USA were sampled in May 2001 for water, surficial sediment, aquatic plants, aquatic invertebrates, and fish. Selenium was measured in these aquatic ecosystem components, and a hazard assessment was performed on the data. Water quality characteristics such as pH, hardness, and specific conductance were relatively uniform among the nine sites. Of the aquatic components assessed, water was the least contaminated with selenium because measured concentrations were below the national water quality criterion of 5 g/L at eight of the nine sites. In contrast, selenium was elevated in sediment, aquatic plants, aquatic invertebrates, and fish from several sites, suggesting deposition in sediments and food web cycling through plants and invertebrates. Selenium was elevated to concentrations of concern in fish at eight sites (> 4 g/g in whole body). A hazard assessment of selenium in the aquatic environment suggested a moderate hazard at upper Angus Creek (UAC) and Smoky Creek (SC), and high hazard at Little Blackfoot River (LiB), Blackfoot River gaging station (BGS), State Land Creek (SLC), upper (UGC) and lower Georgetown Creek (LGC), Deer Creek (DC), and Crow Creek (CC). The results of this study indicate that selenium concentrations from the phosphate mining area of southeast Idaho were sufficiently elevated in several ecosystem components to cause adverse effects to aquatic resources in southeastern Idaho.  相似文献   

综述了环境中汞污染的来源及其危害,结合湖南省汞污染排放源现状调查,摸清了湖南省主要涉汞行业的基本情况。为有效进行汞污染的防治和监管,提出了加快工业结构转型、加强汞污染源信息管理、进一步提高涉汞行业的准入条件、逐步推进重点行业的汞减排等具体措施和建议。  相似文献   

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