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This article analyzes diverse aspects of the waste management of electronic and electric equipment. The scope of the study focuses on end-of-life strategies currently implemented in industrialized economies such as Japan, the United States, and the European Union. The objective is a comparative analysis of such strategies in order to identify logistic issues that may contribute to the further improvement of waste management policies. The results indicate that although all strategies follow the extended producer responsibility principle, in practice several logistic differences arise due to particular interpretations of the concept. In general, it was observed that a direct comparison is rather difficult since the strategies consider different legal frameworks, they cover different types and numbers of products, and the resultant mass flows and related operational costs are highly context-dependent variables. Therefore, it is not possible to indicate which strategy presents the highest overall efficiency. The study concludes that a little contribution is feasible if the advantages and weaknesses of the models depicted and discussed here are considered in further regulatory decisions.Extended version of the poster presentation A comparative analysis of end-of-life strategies for home appliances in Japan, America, and the European Union, accepted at the 31st Annual Meeting of Environmental Systems Research, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), October 24–25, 2003, Kitakyushu, Japan  相似文献   

大连在全国率先创建新型垃圾分类回收体系,实现废旧物资回收与垃圾分类回收在同一个垃圾分类回收站内完成,有利于各类废物资源集中收集、分类回收、资源化利用或处理,彻底改革了我国传统落后的废旧物资回收与垃圾收集处理方式,为废旧物资与垃圾资源再生与循环利用提供了保障条件,也为垃圾处理产业化奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

For the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from waste incineration it is essential to know the share of the renewable energy content of the combusted waste. The composition and heating value information is generally available, but the renewable energy share or heating values of different fractions of waste have rarely been determined.In this study, data from Finnish studies concerning the composition and energy content of mixed MSW were collected, new experimental data on the compositions, heating values and renewable share of energy were presented and the results were compared to the estimations concluded from earlier international studies. In the town of Lappeenranta in south-eastern Finland, the share of renewable energy ranged between 25% and 34% in the energy content tests implemented for two sample trucks. The heating values of the waste and fractions of plastic waste were high in the samples compared to the earlier studies in Finland. These high values were caused by good source separation and led to a low share of renewable energy content in the waste. The results showed that in mixed municipal solid waste the renewable share of the energy content can be significantly lower than the general assumptions (50–60%) when the source separation of organic waste, paper and cardboard is carried out successfully. The number of samples was however small for making extensive conclusions on the results concerning the heating values and renewable share of energy and additional research is needed for this purpose.  相似文献   

The authors of this paper report on the changing character of household waste, in the Czech Republic between 1999 and 2009 in households differentiated by their heating methods. The data presented are the result of two projects, financed by the Czech Ministry of Environment, which were undertaken during this time period with the aim of focusing on the waste characterisation and complete analysis of the physicochemical properties of the household waste. In the Czech Republic, the composition of household waste varies significantly between different types of households based on the methods of home heating employed. For the purposes of these studies, the types of homes were divided into three categories – urban, mixed and rural. Some of the biggest differences were found in the quantities of certain subsample categories, especially fine residue (matter smaller than 20 mm), between urban households with central heating and rural households that primarily employ solid fuel such coal or wood. The use of these solid fuels increases the fraction of the finer categories because of the higher presence of ash. Heating values of the residual household waste from the three categories varied very significantly, ranging from 6.8 MJ/kg to 14.2 MJ/kg in 1999 and from 6.8 MJ/kg to 10.5 MJ/kg in 2009 depending on the type of household and season. The same factors affect moisture of residual household waste which varied from 23.2% to 33.3%. The chemical parameters also varied significantly, especially in the quantities of Tl, As, Cr, Zn, Fe and Mn, which were higher in rural households. Because knowledge about the properties of household waste, as well as its physicochemical characteristics, is very important not only for future waste management, but also for the prediction of the behaviour and influence of the waste on the environment as the country continues to streamline its legislation to the European Union’s solid waste mandates, the results of these studies were employed by the Czech Ministry of Environment to optimise the national waste management strategy.  相似文献   

A methodology for estimating the methane emissions from waste landfills in Hanoi, Vietnam, as part of a case study on Asian cities, was derived based on a survey of documents and statistics related to waste management, interviews with persons in charge, and field investigations at landfill sites. The waste management system in Hanoi was analyzed to evaluate the methane emissions from waste landfill sites. The quantity of waste deposited into the landfill was evaluated from an investigation of the waste stream. The composition of municipal waste was surveyed in several districts in the Hanoi city area, and the quantities of degradable organic waste that had been deposited into landfill for the past 15 years were estimated. Field surveys on methane emissions from landfills of different ages (0.5, 2, and 8 years) were conducted and their methane emissions were estimated to be 120, 22.5, and 4.38 ml/min/m2, respectively. The first-order reaction rate of methane generation was obtained as 0.51/year. Methane emissions from waste landfills were calculated by a first-order decay model using this emission factor and the amount of landfilled degradable waste. The estimates of methane emissions using the model accorded well with the estimates of the field survey. These results revealed that methane emissions from waste landfills estimated by regional-specific and precise information on the waste stream are essential for accurately determining the behavior of methane emissions from waste landfills in the past, present, and future.  相似文献   

The consumption of electrical and electronic equipment is surging, so is the generation of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). Due to the large quantity, high potential risk and valuable capacity of WEEE, many countries are taking measures to regulate the management of WEEE. The environmental pollution and human health-harming problems caused by irregular treatment of WEEE in China make the government pay more and more attention to its management. This paper reviews the development of WEEE management in China, introduces the new policy which is established for WEEE recycling and especially analyzes the effectiveness of the policy, including huge recovery, formation of new recycling system, strict supervision to related enterprises, and the stimulation to public awareness. Based on the current achievement, some recommendations are given to optimize the WEEE management in China.  相似文献   

The co-digestion of a variable amount of fruit and vegetable waste in a waste mixed sludge digester was investigated using a pilot scale apparatus. The organic loading rate (OLR) was increased from 1.46 kg VS/m3 day to 2.8 kg VS/m3 day. The hydraulic retention time was reduced from 14 days to about 10 days. Specific bio-methane production increased from about 90 NL/kg VS to the maximum value of about 430 NL/kg VS when OLR was increased from 1.46 kg VS/m3 day to 2.1 kg VS/m3 day. A higher OLR caused an excessive reduction in the hydraulic retention time, enhancing microorganism wash out. Process stability evaluated by the total volatile fatty acids concentration (mg/l) to the alkalinity buffer capacity (eq. mg/l CaCO3) ratio (i.e. FOS/TAC) criterion was <0.1 indicating high stability for OLR <2.46 kg VS/m3 day. For higher OLR, FOS/TAC increased rapidly. Residual phytotoxicty of the digestate evaluated by the germination index (GI) (%) was quite constant for OLR < 2.46 kg VS/m3 day, which is lower than the 60% limit, indicating an acceptable toxicity level for crops. For OLR > 2.46 kg VS/m3 day, GI decreased rapidly. This corresponding trend between FOS/TAC and GI was further investigated by the definition of the GI ratio (GIR) parameter. Comparison between GIR and FOS/TAC suggests that GI could be a suitable criterion for evaluating process stability.  相似文献   

宁夏地区再生资源的回收利用,对推动当地循环经济的发展和环境保护起着非常重要的作用。通过实地调查研究,分析了宁夏再生资源回收利用行业的现状、特点及问题,并提出了发展当地再生资源回收利用行业的对策和建议。  相似文献   

石家庄市是再生资源回收体系建设试点城市,再生资源回收利用事业扎实推进,成绩显著,但石家庄市广大农村地区再生资源回收利用网络建设事业发展缓滞。分析了石家庄市农村再生资源回收体系建设的现状和存在的问题,对如何有效地推进农村再生资源回收利用事业发展,更好地促进农村生态文明和社会主义新农村建设提出建议和对策。  相似文献   

Trends have been analysed for 12 years ofchemical data from six mountain lakes in the UK AcidWaters Monitoring Network (AWMN). With minimal localanthropogenic impacts, these sites offer the bestavailable opportunity for clear identification of surfacewater chemical response to external factors, whethernatural or anthropogenic. Results indicate that naturalclimatic variations have had a major impact on lakechemistry, through fluctuations in (i) intensity ofstorms, which cause dilution of weathering-derived basecations, and/or displacement of hydrogen and aluminiumions on soil exchange sites by deposited marine basecations; and (ii) winter temperature, which is thought tobe inversely related to spring nitrate (NO3) maxima.Both climatic factors can be linked to the North AtlanticOscillation. For the first decade of AWMN monitoringthese natural `confounding factors' to a significantextent obscured any recovery from acidification due todeclining anthropogenic sulphur deposition. However, theadditional data presented here provide strengtheningevidence for chemical recovery at a number of sites, atwhich decreases in sulphate (SO4), acidity andlabile aluminium can now be identified. It is believedthat changes at these sensitive mountain lake sites mayherald more widespread recovery in UK surface waters aspollutant emissions decline further. However, largeincreases in dissolved organic carbon, and hence inorganic acidity, may have partially offset reductions inmineral acidity. The cause of these increases remainsuncertain, but may be linked to climatic change.  相似文献   

Fallout radionuclides have increasing value as tracers of pathways for pollutant transport through catchment/lake systems, in addition to their more traditional role in dating sediment records. The objectivesof this study, carried out within the EU MOLAR project, were tomeasure atmospheric fluxes of fallout 210Pb, 137Cs and 7Be at Redó, to establish mass balances for theseradionuclides, and test and validate models of pollutant transport through the lake and its catchment. This was achieved by comparing measured fluxes and concentrations in the water column with theoretical estimates using simple compartment models. Several interesting points emerged. Differences betweensoil core and rainwater measurements suggest that Saharan dust may be an important source of fallout 210Pb. Fluxes throughthe water column had a clear seasonal trend reflecting winter icecover. Significant concentrations of 137Cs are still presentin the water column, due to continued inputs from the catchment and/or remobilisation from the bottom sediments.  相似文献   

This study focuses on providing a direct insight into the process by which sulfate is formed on mineral dust surface in the actual atmosphere. Six sets of aerosol measurements were conducted in the outskirts of Beijing, China, in 2002–2003 using a tethered balloon. The mineralogy of individual dust particles, as well as its influence on the S (sulfur) loadings was investigated by SEM-EDX analysis of the directly collected particles. The mixed layer in the urban atmosphere was found to be quite low (500–600m), often appearing as a particle dense stagnant layer above the surface. It is suggested that mineral dust is a common and important fraction of the coarse particles in Beijing (35–68%), and that it is relatively enriched with Calcite (>28%). An exceptional amount of S was detected in the mineral particles, which can be explained neither by their original composition, nor by coagulation processes between the submicron sulfates and the dust. Heterogeneous uptake of gaseous SO2, and its subsequent oxidation on dust was suggested as the main pathway that has actually taken place in the ambient environment. The mineral class found with the largest number of particles containing S was Calcite, followed by Dolomite, Clay, Amphibole etc., Feldspar, and Quartz. Among them, Calcite and Dolomite showed distinctly higher efficiency in collecting sulfate than the other types. A positive correlation was found with the number of S containing particles and the relative humidity. Calcite in particular, since almost all of its particles was found to contain S above 60% r.h. On the other hand, the active uptake of SO2 by the carbonates was not suggested in the free troposphere downwind, and all the mineral classes exhibited similar S content. Relative humidity in the free troposphere was suggested as the key factor controlling the SO2 uptake among the mineral types. In terms of sulfate loadings, the relationship was not linear, but rather increased exponentially as a function of relative humidity. The humidity-dependent uptake capacity of mineral types altogether showed an intermediate value of 0.07 gSO4 2− g−1 mineral at 30% r.h. and 0.40 gSO4 2− g−1 mineral at 80%, which is fairly consistent with laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

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