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The effectiveness of emissions control programs designed to reduce concentrations of airborne particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 microm (PM2.5) in California's San Joaquin Valley was studied in the year 2030 under three growth scenarios: low, medium, and high population density. Base-case inventories for each choice of population density were created using a coupled emissions modeling system that simultaneously considered interactions between land use and transportation, area source, and point source emissions. The ambient PM2.5 response to each combination of population density and emissions control was evaluated using a regional chemical transport model over a 3-week winter stagnation episode. Comparisons between scenarios were based on regional average and population-weighted PM2.5 concentrations. In the absence of any emissions control program, population-weighted concentrations of PM2.5 in the future San Joaquin Valley are lowest undergrowth scenarios that emphasize low population density. A complete ban on wood burning and a 90% reduction in emissions from food cooking operations and diesel engines must occur before medium- to high-density growth scenarios result in lower population-weighted concentrations of PM2.5. These trends partly reflect the fact that existing downtown urban cores that naturally act as anchor points for new high-density growth in the San Joaquin Valley are located close to major transportation corridors for goods movement. Adding growth buffers around transportation corridors had little impact in the current analysis, since the 8-km resolution of the chemical transport model already provided an artificial buffer around major emissions sources. Assuming that future emissions controls will greatly reduce or eliminate emissions from residential wood burning, food cooking, and diesel engines, the 2030 growth scenario using "as-planned" (medium) population density achieves the lowest population-weighted average PM2.5 concentration in the future San Joaquin Valley during a severe winter stagnation event. Implications: The San Joaquin Valley is one of the most heavily polluted air basins in the United States that are projected to experience strong population growth in the coming decades. The best plan to improve air quality in the region combines medium- or high-density population growth with rigorous emissions controls. In the absences of controls, high-density growth leads to increased population exposure to PM2.5 compared with low-density growth scenarios (urban sprawl).  相似文献   

The effectiveness of emissions control programs designed to reduce concentrations of airborne particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter <2.5 μm (PM2.5) in California's San Joaquin Valley was studied in the year 2030 under three growth scenarios: low, medium, and high population density. Base-case inventories for each choice of population density were created using a coupled emissions modeling system that simultaneously considered interactions between land use and transportation, area source, and point source emissions. The ambient PM2.5 response to each combination of population density and emissions control was evaluated using a regional chemical transport model over a 3-week winter stagnation episode. Comparisons between scenarios were based on regional average and population-weighted PM2.5 concentrations. In the absence of any emissions control program, population-weighted concentrations of PM2.5 in the future San Joaquin Valley are lowest under growth scenarios that emphasize low population density. A complete ban on wood burning and a 90% reduction in emissions from food cooking operations and diesel engines must occur before medium- to high-density growth scenarios result in lower population-weighted concentrations of PM2.5. These trends partly reflect the fact that existing downtown urban cores that naturally act as anchor points for new high-density growth in the San Joaquin Valley are located close to major transportation corridors for goods movement. Adding growth buffers around transportation corridors had little impact in the current analysis, since the 8-km resolution of the chemical transport model already provided an artificial buffer around major emissions sources.

Assuming that future emissions controls will greatly reduce or eliminate emissions from residential wood burning, food cooking, and diesel engines, the 2030 growth scenario using “as-planned” (medium) population density achieves the lowest population-weighted average PM2.5 concentration in the future San Joaquin Valley during a severe winter stagnation event.

Implications: The San Joaquin Valley is one of the most heavily polluted air basins in the United States that are projected to experience strong population growth in the coming decades. The best plan to improve air quality in the region combines medium- or high-density population growth with rigorous emissions controls. In the absences of controls, high-density growth leads to increased population exposure to PM2.5 compared with low-density growth scenarios (urban sprawl).  相似文献   

Organic and elemental carbon and a number of carboxylic acids and n-alkanes were measured in aerosol samples collected at three sites in the Ohio River Valley between October 1980 and August 1981. Approximately 100 filters were analyzed for organic and elemental carbon for each site. For the 11-month period organic and elemental carbon comprised about 19 percent of the total aerosol mass with about two-thirds of the carbon as organic. Regression analysis showed that the principal source of organic carbon was combustion. The measurements of the specific organic compounds indicated a weak biogenic component to the organic aerosol.  相似文献   

The Alamo and New Rivers located in the Imperial Valley, California receive large volumes of irrigation runoff and discharge into the ecologically sensitive Salton Sea. Between 1993 and 2002 we conducted a series of studies to assess water quality using three aquatic species: a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia), a mysid (Neomysis mercedis), and a larval fish (Pimephales promelas). Although no mortality was observed with the P. promelas, high-level toxicity to the invertebrate species was documented in samples from both rivers during many months of each year. Toxicity identifications and chemical analyses identified the organophosphorus insecticides (OP), chlorpyrifos and diazinon, as the cause of C. dubia toxicity. The extent of the C. dubia mortality was highly correlated with quantities of these OPs applied in the river watersheds. C. dubia mortality occurred during more months of our 2001/2002 study than in the 1990s investigations. During 2001/2002, the extensive C. dubia mortality observed in New River samples was caused by OP insecticide pollution that originated from Mexico. Mortality to N. mercedis in New River samples was likely caused by contaminants other than OP insecticides. Our studies document OP insecticide-caused pollution of the Alamo River over a 10-year period and provide the necessary information for remediation efforts.  相似文献   

From October 1999 through September 2000, particulate matter (PM) with aerodynamic diameter > or =2.5 microm (PM2.5) mass and composition were measured at the National Energy Technology Laboratory Pittsburgh site, with a particle concentrator Brigham Young University-organic sampling system and a tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) monitor. PM2.5 measurements had also been obtained with TEOM monitors located in the Pittsburgh, PA, area, and at sites in Ohio, including Steubenville, Columbus, and Athens. The PM data from all these sites were analyzed on high PM days; PM2.5 TEOM particulate mass at all sites was generally associated with transitions from locally high barometric pressure to lower pressure. Elevated concentrations occurred with transport of PM from outside the local region in advance of frontal passages as the local pressure decreased. During high-pressure periods, concentrations at the study sites were generally low throughout the study region. Further details related to this transport were obtained from surface weather maps and estimated back-trajectories using the hybrid single-particle Lagrangian integrated trajectory model associated with these time periods. These analyses indicated that transport of pollutants to the Pittsburgh site was generally from the west to the southwest. These results suggest that the Ohio River Valley and possible regions beyond act as a significant source of PM and its precursors in the Pittsburgh area and at the other regional sites included in this study.  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion of corn ethanol thin stillage was tested at thermophilic temperature (55 degrees C) with two completely stirred tank reactors. The thin stillage wastestream was organically concentrated with 100 g/L total chemical oxygen demand and 60 g/L volatiles solids and a low pH of approximately 4.0. Steady-state was achieved at 30-, 20-, and 15-day hydraulic retention times (HRTs) and digester failure at a 12-day HRT. Significant reduction of volatile solids was achieved, with a maximum reduction (89.8%) at the 20-day HRT. Methane yield ranged from 0.6 to 0.7 L methane/g volatile solids removed during steady-state operation. Effluent volatile fatty acids below 200 mg/L as acetic acid were achieved at 20- and 30-day HRTs. Ultrasonic pretreatment was used for one digester, although no significant improvement was observed. Ethanol plant natural gas consumption could be reduced 43 to 59% with the methane produced, while saving an estimated $7 to $17 million ($10 million likely) for a facility producing 360 million L ethanol/y.  相似文献   

Urban air pollution is on the rise in many cities of the world. There are associated health impacts that affect urban residents, especially the poor. By doing economic valuation, it is possible to draw the attention of citizens, policy-makers and, of course, researchers to the extent of damage and the value of it. In this paper, such a valuation is done using time-series data for the suburb of Mumbai called Chembur and cross-sectional data for several wards. We value mortality and morbidity from air pollution using the above data. It is shown that the pollution in Mumbai can lead to high health costs. In general the average cost amounts 0.26% of income due to highly subsidised treatment and poverty. However, 5% of patients who suffer severe attacks may pay as much as much as 19% of their income. Workdays lost are of equal importance to health expenditures. Distributional aspects of the damage are such that children and senior citizens are affected most.  相似文献   

BackgroundThis study examines perceived health effect risks from air pollution during the work-related commute by socio-demographic and travel mode variables.MethodsPopulation-representative survey data were collected by telephone from 745 adults from Queensland, Australia. Variables assessed included socio-demographics, usual work travel mode, commute perceptions, and perceived health effects associated with air pollution during the work-related commute.ResultsApproximately 45% of the sample perceived air pollution negatively affected health outcomes when commuting to/from work, yet only 13% recognised air pollution as a major barrier to walking or cycling to/from work. No relationships existed between usual travel mode to/from work and perceived health risks associated with air pollution. Those higher educated or living in major cities were more likely to recognise air pollution harmed their health during their work-related commute when compared to respective referent categories (p ≤ 0.05).ConclusionsRecognition of health risks from air pollution during the work-related commute was high, and awareness did not differ by travel mode. For the majority, air pollution was not a primary barrier for walking or cycling to/from work.  相似文献   

We analyzed 13 years of hourly measurements of SO2, NOx, and O3, at forest ecosystem research sites in SE Germany. A quasi-continuous data record was obtained by combining data sets from two locations. Before interpreting trends in the combined data set, we analyzed if the change of location introduced a systematic bias. We employed autocorrelation functions, Hurst statistics, complexity analysis, and recurrence quantification and found that the partial data sets exhibited no indication of the presence of any bias. For SO2, we also compared the data from the forest sites with data obtained in nearby cities and also found no indications for any systematic effects. Applying nonparametric trend statistics we found a significant decrease of the SO2. Most of the observed decrease is due to the reductions of SO2 emissions in eastern Germany, but reductions in western Germany and the Czech Republic also played important roles. For O3, we observed a significant increase, the causes of which are unclear from our data alone. No trend was identified for NOx.  相似文献   

Because of the limited spatial extent and comprehensiveness of protected areas, an increasing emphasis is being placed on conserving habitats which promote biodiversity within production forest. For this reason, alternative silvicultural programs need to be evaluated with respect to their implications for forest biodiversity, especially if these programs are likely to be adopted. Here we simulated the effect of varied rotation length and associated thinning regimes on habitat availability in Scots pine and Norway spruce production forests, with high and low productivity. Shorter rotation lengths reduced the contribution made by production trees (trees grown for industrial use) to the availability of key habitat features, while concurrently increasing the contribution from retention trees. The contribution of production trees to habitat features was larger for high productivity sites, than for low productivity sites. We conclude that shortened rotation lengths result in losses of the availability of habitat features that are key for biodiversity conservation and that increased retention practices may only partially compensate for this. Ensuring that conservation efforts better reflect the inherent variation in stand rotation lengths would help improve the maintenance of key forest habitats in production forests.  相似文献   

An eleven-year foliar sulphur (S) monitoring program was carried out from 1976 to 1986 near a sulphur recovery-gas plant in west-central Alberta, Canada, as part of a case study designed to determine the effects of chronic, low concentration sulphur gas emissions on the forest ecosystem surrounding the gas plant. Measurements of both foliar total sulphur (ST) and foliar inorganic sulphur (SO4-S) concentration in lodgepole x jack pine trees at the end of each of the 11 growing seasons were taken to provide an indication of S loading of the forest from industrial sulphur emissions. To measure the state of the forest ecosystem, foliar ST was separated into foliar accumulated sulphur (inorganic sulphur or SO4-S) and foliar assimilated sulphur (organic sulphur or S0) and the ratio of SO4-S/S0 taken. Foliar S0 was calculated as the difference between foliar ST and foliar SO4-S. The median SO4-S/S0 ratio, with all three years of needles considered, varied from 0.29 at a reference location (AV) to 0.88 at the location with the highest stress (AI). The corresponding mean values ranged from 0.3 at the reference location to 2.2 at the location of highest stress. The mean seasonal photosynthetic rate of current year's foliage of the pine trees and soil pH were reduced at a stressed location (AI) compared to the reference location (AV), between 1976 and 1981. Over this same time period the mean foliar SO4-S/S0 ratio increased from 0.4 +/- 0.1 to 1.0 +/- 0.3 at the stressed location (AI) and remained nearly the same at the reference location (AV) at 0.3 +/- 0.1. This research suggests that the foliar SO4-S/S0 ratio is a useful indicator of the state of forest ecosystems under S air pollution stress. It is concluded that foliar S separated into various fractions has potential as an early warning environmental management tool.  相似文献   

The relationships between chemical composition of birch foliage, individual performance and population density of both solitary and gregarious species of Eriocrania leafminers (Lepidoptera: Eriocraniidae) were studied in the vicinity of the Harjavalta copper-nickel smelter, southwestern Finland. The contents of heavy metals (Cu, Ni, Fe and Zn) in birch foliage exponentially decreased with the distance from the factory whereas the content of manganese showed the opposite trend. Performance parameters of Eriocrania miners were correlated neither with the distance from the pollution source nor with the foliar content of heavy metals. However, larval masses of both solitary and gregarious species were highest at the zone of moderate pollution. The levels of total nitrogen and total carbon and the carbon: nitrogen ratio in birch leaves showed no clear patterns in relation to distance from the factory. Feeding efficiency of solitary larvae increased with higher foliar nitrogen content but decreased when the carbon: nitrogen ratio was high. Survival of solitary Eriocrania species was negatively correlated with total leaf carbon content. However, the population density of solitary miners showed a negative correlation with total foliar nitrogen and a positive correlation with the carbon:nitrogen ratio. Performance of the gregarious E. haworthi was not correlated with the chemical composition of birch leaves, whereas population density was highest close to the factory complex and correlated positively with the levels of copper and nickel in birch leaves. Consequently, pollution-induced changes in measured host plant chemicals were unlikely to affect population densities of Eriocrania miners via altered larval performance.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the influences of a warm high-pressure meteorological system on aerosol pollutants, employing the simulations by the Models-3/CMAQ system and the observations collected during October 10–12, 2004, over the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region. The results show that the spatial distributions of air pollutants are generally circular near Guangzhou and Foshan, which are cities with high emissions rates. The primary pollutant is particulate matter (PM) over the PRD. MM5 shows reasonable performance for major meteorological variables (i.e., temperature, relative humidity, wind direction) with normalized mean biases (NMB) of 4.5–38.8% and for their time series. CMAQ can capture one peak of all air pollutant concentrations on October 11, but misses other peaks. The CMAQ model systematically underpredicts the mass concentrations of all air pollutants. Compared with chemical observations, SO2 and O3 are predicted well with a correlation coefficient of 0.70 and 0.65. PM2.5 and NO are significantly underpredicted with an NMB of 43% and 90%, respectively. The process analysis results show that the emission, dry deposition, horizontal transport, and vertical transport are four main processes affecting air pollutants. The contributions of each physical process are different for the various pollutants. The most important process for PM10 is dry deposition, and for NOx it is transport. The contributions of horizontal and vertical transport processes vary during the period, but these two processes mostly contribute to the removal of air pollutants at Guangzhou city, whose emissions are high. For this high-pressure case, the contributions of the various processes show high correlations in cities with the similar geographical attributes. According to the statistical results, cities in the PRD region are divided into four groups with different features. The contributions from local and nonlocal emission sources are discussed in different groups.
Implications: The characteristics of aerosol pollution episodes are intensively studied in this work using the high-resolution modeling system MM5/SMOKE/CMAQ, with special efforts on examining the contributions of different physical and chemical processes to air concentrations for each city over the PRD region by a process analysis method, so as to provide a scientific basis for understanding the formation mechanism of regional aerosol pollution under the high-pressure system over PRD.  相似文献   

We evaluated the Danish AirGIS air quality and exposure model system using air quality measurement data from New York City in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution (MESA Air). Measurements were used from three US EPA Air Quality System (AQS) monitoring stations and a comprehensive MESA Air measurement campaign including about 150 different locations and about 650 samples of about 2 week measurements of NOx, NO2 and PM2.5. AirGIS is a deterministic exposure model system based on the dispersion models Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM) and the Urban Background Model (UBM). The UBM model reproduced the annual levels within 1–26% depending on station and pollutant at the three urban background EPA monitor stations, and generally reproduced well the seasonal and diurnal variation. The full model with OSPM and UBM reproduced the MESA Air measurements with a correlation coefficient of r2 = 0.51 for NOx, r2 = 0.28 for NO2 and r2 = 0.73 for PM2.5.  相似文献   

One question in the use of plants as biomonitors for atmospheric mercury (Hg) is to confirm the linear relationships of Hg concentrations between air and leaves. To explore the origin of Hg in the vegetable and grass leaves, open top chambers (OTCs) experiment was conducted to study the relationships of Hg concentrations between air and leaves of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), radish (Raphanus sativus L.), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). The influence of Hg in soil on Hg accumulation in leaves was studied simultaneously by soil Hg-enriched experiment. Hg concentrations in grass and vegetable leaves and roots were measured in both experiments. Results from OTCs experiment showed that Hg concentrations in leaves of the four species were significantly positively correlated with those in air during the growth time (p?<?0.05), while results from soil Hg-enriched experiment indicated that soil-borne Hg had significant influence on Hg accumulation in the roots of each plant (p?<?0.05), and some influence on vegetable leaves (p?<?0.05), but no significant influence on Hg accumulation in grass leaves (p?>?0.05). Thus, Hg in grass leaves is mainly originated from the atmosphere, and grass leaves are more suitable as potential biomonitors for atmospheric Hg pollution. The effect detection limits (EDLs) for the leaves of alfalfa and ryegrass were 15.1 and 22.2 ng g–1, respectively, and the biological detection limit (BDL) for alfalfa and ryegrass was 3.4 ng m–3.  相似文献   

The effects of the burning of fireworks on air quality in Beijing was firstly assessed from the ambient concentrations of various air pollutants (SO2, NO2, PM2.5, PM10 and chemical components in the particles) during the lantern festival in 2006. Eighteen ions, 20 elements, and black carbon were measured in PM2.5 and PM10, and the levels of organic carbon could be well estimated from the concentrations of dicarboxylic acids. Primary components of Ba, K, Sr, Cl, Pb, Mg and secondary components of C5H6O42−, C3H2O42−, C2O42−, C4H4O42−, SO42−, NO3 were over five times higher in the lantern days than in the normal days. The firework particles were acidic and of inorganic matter mostly with less amounts of secondary components. Primary aerosols from the burning of fireworks were mainly in the fine mode, while secondary formation of acidic anions mainly took place on the coarse particles. Nitrate was mainly formed through homogeneous gas-phase reactions of NO2, while sulfate was largely from heterogeneous catalytic transformations of SO2. Fe could catalyze the formation of nitrate through the reaction of α-Fe2O3 with HNO3, while in the formation of sulfate, Fe is not only the catalyst, but also the oxidant. A simple method using the concentration of potassium and a modified method using the ratio of Mg/Al have been developed to quantify the source contribution of fireworks. It was found that over 90% of the total mineral aerosol and 98% of Pb, 43% of total carbon, 28% of Zn, 8% of NO3, and 3% of SO42− in PM2.5 were from the emissions of fireworks on the lantern night.  相似文献   

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