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Life-history features of the sympatric amphipods Themisto pacifica and T. japonica in the western North Pacific were analyzed based on seasonal field samples collected from July 1996 through July 1998, and data from laboratory rearing experiments. T. pacfica occurred throughout the year, with populations peaking from spring to summer. In contrast, T. japonica were rare from autumn to early winter, but became abundant in late winter to spring. Mature T. pacifica females and juveniles occurred together throughout the year, indicating year-round reproduction. Mature T. japonica females were observed only in spring, and juveniles occurred irregularly in small numbers, suggesting limited, early-spring reproduction in this study area. Size composition analysis of T. pacifica identified a total of eight cohorts over the 2 years of the study. Due to the smaller sample size and rarity of mature females (>9.6 mm) and males (>7.1 mm), cohort analyses of T. japonica were not comparable. Laboratory rearing of specimens at 2°C, 5°C, 8°C and 12°C revealed that a linear equation best expressed body length growth by T. pacifica, while a logistic equation best expressed body length growth by T. japoncia. Combining these laboratory-derived growth patterns with maturity sizes of wild specimens, the minimum and maximum generation times of females at a temperature range of 2–12°C were computed as 32 days (12°C) and 224 days (2°C), respectively, for T. pacifica, and 66 days (12°C) and 358 days (2°C), respectively, for T. japonica. The numbers of eggs or juveniles in females marsupia increased with female body length and ranged from 23 to 64 for T. pacifica and from 152 to 601 for T. japonica. Taking into account the number of mature female instars, lifetime fecundities were estimated as 342 eggs for T. pacifica and 1195 eggs for T. japonica. Possible mechanisms for the coexistence of these two amphipods in the Oyashio region are also discussed.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

The genetic population structures of Atlantic northern bluefin tuna ( Thunnus thynnus thynnus) and albacore ( T. alalunga) were examined using allozyme analysis. A total of 822 Atlantic northern bluefin tuna from 18 different samples (16 Mediterranean, 1 East Atlantic, 1 West Atlantic) and 188 albacore from 5 samples (4 Mediterranean, 1 East Atlantic) were surveyed for genetic variation in 37 loci. Polymorphism and heterozygosity reveal a moderate level of genetic variability, with only two highly polymorphic loci in both Atlantic northern bluefin tuna ( FH* and SOD- 1*) and albacore ( GPI- 3* and XDH*). The level of population differentiation found for Atlantic northern bluefin tuna and albacore fits the pattern that has generally been observed in tunas, with genetic differences on a broad rather than a more local scale. For Atlantic northern bluefin tuna, no spatial or temporal genetic heterogeneity was observed within the Mediterranean Sea or between the East Atlantic and Mediterranean, indicating the existence of a single genetic grouping on the eastern side of the Atlantic Ocean. Very limited genetic differentiation was found between West Atlantic and East Atlantic/Mediterranean northern bluefin tuna, mainly due to an inversion of SOD- 1* allele frequencies. Regarding albacore, no genetic heterogeneity was observed within the Mediterranean Sea or between Mediterranean and Azores samples, suggesting the existence of a single gene pool in this area.  相似文献   

The genetic structure and phylogeography of the brown seaweed Sargassum horneri/filicinum complex in Japan were studied based on the mitochondrial cox3 haplotype. The cox3 haplotypes found were divided into three clades in a statistical parsimony network, among which there were large numbers of steps. Contrary to the reported large amount of drifting S. horneri along the Japanese coast, the three clades were dividedly distributed on the Japanese coast: the northern Pacific, the central Pacific, and western Japan. The western Japan S. horneri had haplotypes that were phylogenetically closer to those of S. filicinum than to the northern and central Pacific S. horneri populations. The S. filicinum populations were included within the western Japan clade and grouped together with the S. horneri samples from western Japan. Taken together with the unstable morphological diagnosis, this result suggests that S. filicinum should be reduced into a synonymy of S. horneri. The TMRCA analysis suggested that the divergence time of each clade may go back to the last interglacial period and a skyline plot suggested that the last glacial maximum had only a small effect on the population size of S. horneri. The geographic subdivision of the three groups, in spite of a large amount of drifting mats, suggests a limited contribution of drifting mats to gene flow on a large geographic scale. On a small geographic scale, a small number of haplotypes were shared between S. horneri-type and S. filicinum-type populations. This result suggests that populations of these two types are partially, though not completely, isolated from each other, possibly by selfing in S. filicinum-type populations or by a difference in peak reproduction.  相似文献   

Reef habitats of the tropical Atlantic are separated by river outflows and oceanic expanses that may preclude larval dispersal or other population connections in shorefishes. To examine the impact of these habitat discontinuities on the intraspecific phylogeography of reef-associated species we conducted range-wide surveys of two amphi-Atlantic reef fishes that have dispersive pelagic larval stages. Based on 593 bp of mtDNA cytochrome b from the rock hind Epinephelus adscensionis and 682 bp from the greater soapfish Rypticus saponaceous (n=109 and 86, respectively), we found evidence of relatively ancient separations as well as recent surmounting of biogeographic barriers by dispersal or colonization. Rock hind showed slight but significant population genetic differentiation across much of the tropical Atlantic Ocean (ST=0.056), but deep divergence between the southeastern United States and seven other localities from the Bahamas to the south, central and east Atlantic (mean pairwise d=0.040, overall ST=0.867). The geographic distribution of the two rock hind lineages is highly unusual in genetic studies of Caribbean Sea reef fishes, because those lineages are separated by less than 250 km of open water within a major biogeographic region. In contrast, highly significant population genetic structure was observed among greater soapfish from the SW Caribbean, Brazil, and mid-Atlantic ridge (ST=0.372), with a deep evolutionary separation distinguishing putative R. saponaceous from West Africa (mean pairwise d=0.044, overall ST=0.929). Both species show evidence for a potential connection between the Caribbean and Brazilian provinces. While widespread haplotype sharing in rock hind indicates that larvae of this species cross oceanic expanses of as much as 2000 km, such a situation is difficult to reconcile with the isolation of populations in Florida and the Bahamas separated by only 250 km. These findings indicate that populations of some species in disjunct biogeographic zones may be isolated for long periods, perhaps sufficient for allopatric speciation, but rare gene flow between zones may preclude such evolutionary divergence in other species.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

This study devised a staging system for, and monitored, the gonad development of the limpet species Patella vulgata and Patella ulyssiponensis on the South West coast of Ireland using histological techniques. Maturation began in the males of both species in January and in the females it began in March. There was no statistical difference in gonad development between sexes and between species. Spawning in the male P. vulgata occurred from September to December 2003 and in September and October 2004. In female P. vulgata spawning occurred from October to December 2003, no spawning of females was observed in 2004. In male P. ulyssiponensis spawning occurred in November and December 2003 and from September 2004 to December 2004. Spawning was observed from November 2003 to January 2004 and in September 2004 in female P. ulyssiponensis. Sex ratios also varied between the species and between months sampled. Nevertheless more males were observed in both species.  相似文献   

The hamlets are a group of vividly colored fish species of the Serranidae family differentiated only by the color pattern of the body. Although there are divergent views about hamlet taxonomy, experimental and field observations have shown a strong assortative mating, justifying a species status for the different color morphs. Here we analyze the level of evolutionary divergence among six species in respect of mitochondrial DNA, with a view to contrasting the pattern observed with color partitions and previous results obtained with isozymes. The estimated molecular distance among species was low and of the same magnitude as nucleotide diversity within species. Consequently, the net distance and hence the time of divergence between taxa was virtually zero in most comparisons. Although not critically tested, haplotype distribution showed no clear phylogeographic structure, and in many cases the most closely related haplotypes were found at different geographical locations. The absence of differentiated clades between species, based on mitochondrial DNA and isozyme analysis, may have one of two possible origins: a very recent differentiation of species or a lack of absolute barriers to gene flow. However, the available information is insufficient to determine the effect of one or the other, and may require supplementary information from other genes as well as experiments on hybrid fertility. Finally, based on some biological evidence, we suggest that self-fertilization may be an interesting phenomenon to be tested in Hypoplectrus.Communicated by S.A. Poulet, Roscoff  相似文献   

The wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri (Cuvier, 1832), is a pelagic, highly migratory, scombroid fish, distributed worldwide throughout tropical and warm temperate seas. To evaluate population genetic and phylogeographic structure against a null hypothesis of panmixia, the entire mitochondrial DNA control-region (~890 base pairs) was sequenced for 231 wahoo. Samples were collected from 1997 to 2001 from seven sites: North Carolina (NC; n=23), east central Florida (CF; n=30), Bimini, Bahamas (BB; n=40), southern tip of Florida (SF; n=21), Cayman Islands (CI; n=23), northern Gulf of Mexico (NG; n=54), and Hawaii (HI; n=40). Inter-annual samples were obtained from four of these locations (NC, BB, SF, NG). Seventeen haplotypes were shared by individuals within and among samples; 187 singleton haplotypes were observed. Within-sample haplotype diversities ranged from 0.995 to 1.000 (overall h=0.999) and within-sample nucleotide diversities ranged from 0.049 to 0.055 (overall =0.053). A neighbor-joining tree based on inter-haplotypic distances revealed two monophyletic lineages differing by 13.6% nucleotide divergence. Nested within each major lineage were several, well-supported subclades. There was no evidence of temporal heterogeneity in haplotype distributions. Partitioning mtDNA variation, 99.75% of the variance was within samples and 0.25% (P=0.307) between samples; the fixation index (ST=0.0025) was not significant. Likewise, pairwise ST values were low or negative, and none were significant on a table-wide basis. Exact tests for sample differentiation in haplotypes were also non-significant. All population analyses were consistent with the null hypothesis of panmixia. However, analytical power was limited by sample size. Mismatch distributions were inconsistent with expected distributions based on sudden-expansion and static-growth models. Wahoo exhibit concurrently high haplotype and nucleotide diversities, presumably a consequence of secondary contact between historical subpopulations rather than a long, stable evolutionary history. Given the level of geographic and individual sampling, wahoo thus far represent the sole example of a scombroid or xiphioid fish exhibiting coarse-grain genetic homogeneity across a broad, inter-oceanic range despite a deeply coalescing genealogical structure. Accordingly, cooperative fishery management on a broad, inter-ocean scale may be warranted.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

Morphological and behavioural traits can serve as anti-predator defence either by reducing detection or recognition risks, or by thwarting initiated attacks. The latter defence is secondary and often involves a ‘startle display’ comprising a sudden release of signals targeting more than one sensory modality. A suggested candidate for employing a multimodal defence is the peacock butterfly, Inachis io, which, by wing-flicking suddenly, produces sonic and ultrasonic sounds and displays four large eyespots when attacked. The eyespots make small birds retreat, but whether the sounds produced thwart predator attacks is largely unknown. Peacocks hibernate as adults in dark wintering sites and employ their secondary defence upon encounter with small rodent predators during this period. In this study, we staged predator–prey encounters in complete darkness in the laboratory between wild mice, Apodemus flavicollis and Apodemus sylvaticus, and peacocks which had their sound production intact or disabled. Results show that mice were more likely to flee from sound-producing butterflies than from butterflies which had their sound production disabled. Our study presents experimental evidence that the peacock butterfly truly employs a multimodal defence with different traits targeting different predator groups; the eyespots target birds and the sound production targets small rodent predators.  相似文献   

Fish belonging to the genus Macroramphosus are distributed throughout the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. Some authors consider this genus monotypic, Macroramphosus scolopax being the only valid species. Other authors consider (based on several morphological and ecological characters) that another species (Macroramphosus gracilis) exists and occurs frequently in sympatry with the first one. Intermediate forms are also reported in literature. In this paper, using the mitochondrial control region and the nuclear first S7 intron markers, we failed to find genetic differences between individuals considered to belong to both species as well as the intermediate forms. Our results suggest that in the northeastern Atlantic, Macroramphosus is represented by a single species, M. scolopax, with different morphotypes interbreeding in the sampling areas.  相似文献   

The patterns of genetic diversity and connectivity were investigated in Cucumaria frondosa, the most abundant sea cucumber in the North Atlantic, to assist in the management and conservation of this ecologically important marine invertebrate, which is the target of an emerging fishery. Mitochondrial DNA COI sequences of 334 C. frondosa were obtained and analyzed, mainly from its western North Atlantic range, where the commercial fishery is being developed, with complementary sampling in the mid- and eastern North Atlantic. Analysis of molecular variance showed no significant (P > 0.05) differences among subpopulations in the western region suggesting that it constitutes one panmictic population. The same analysis showed low, but significant differences between eastern and western Atlantic populations. Coalescent analyses using isolation with migration models and a Bayesian skyline plot indicated historical divergence and a general increase in population size prior to the last glacial maximum and highly asymmetric gene flow (nearly 100 times lower from west to east) between sea cucumbers from North America and Norway. Results suggest that subpopulations of C. frondosa within the western North Atlantic have been highly connected. We propose that aided by the high-connectivity local subpopulations can recover rapidly from natural (i.e., ice ages) or anthropogenic (i.e., overfishing) population declines through recruitment from deep refugia.  相似文献   

Previous research on gametic incompatibility in marine invertebrates suggests that for highly dispersive marine invertebrate species, barriers to fertilization among closely related taxa are often incomplete and sometimes asymmetric. The nature of these barriers can dramatically affect the patterns of gene flow and genetic differentiation between species, and thus speciation. Blue mussels, in the genus Mytilus, are genetically distinct in allopatry yet hybrids are present wherever any two species within the group co-occur. The present study sampled M. edulis (L.) and M. trossulus (Gould) in May and June 2001 from the East Bay section of Cobscook Bay, Maine, USA (latitude 44°56′30″N; longitude 67°07′50″W), where the two species are sympatric. Gamete incompatibility was investigated in a series of laboratory fertilizations carried out in July 2001. The proportion of fertilized eggs typically exceeded 80% at sperm concentrations of 103–104 ml?1 among intraspecific matings (n=18), but was <30% even at sperm concentrations in excess of 105–106 ml?1 for interspecific matings (n=13). Further analysis indicated that approximately 100- to 700-fold higher sperm concentrations were required to achieve 20% fertilization in interspecific matings relative to intraspecific matings, indicating strong barriers to interspecific fertilization. The proportion of fertilized eggs did not follow this general pattern in all matings, however. The eggs from two (out of five) M. edulis females were almost as receptive to M. trossulus sperm as they were to M. edulis sperm. In contrast, the eggs from all M. trossulus females (n=3) were unreceptive to M. edulis sperm, suggesting that fertilization barriers between these species may be asymmetric. Given the experimental design employed in this study, the results are also consistent with a strong maternal or egg effect on the level of interspecific gamete compatibility in M. edulis.  相似文献   

We conducted grazing experiments with the three marine cladoceran genera Penilia, Podon and Evadne, with Penilia avirostris feeding on plankton communities from Blanes Bay (NW Mediterranean, Spain), covering a wide range of food concentrations (0.02–8.8 mm3 l–1, plankton assemblages grown in mesocosms at different nutrient levels), and with Podon intermedius and Evadne nordmanni feeding on the plankton community found in summer in Hopavågen Fjord (NE Atlantic, Norway, 0.4 mm3 l–1). P. avirostris and P. intermedius showed bell-shaped grazing spectra. Both species reached highest grazing coefficients at similar food sizes, i.e. when the food organisms ranged between 15 and 70 µm and between 7.5 and 70 µm at their longest linear extensions, respectively. E. nordmanni preferred organisms of around 125 µm, but also showed high grazing coefficients for particles of around 10 µm, while grazing coefficients for intermediate food sizes were low. Lower size limits were >2.5 µm, for all cladocerans. P. avirostris showed upper food size limits of 100 µm length (longest linear extension) and of 37.5 µm particle width. Upper size limits for P. intermedius were 135 µm long and 60 µm wide; those for E. nordmanni were 210 µm long and 60 µm wide. Effective food concentration (EFC) followed a domed curve with increasing nutrient enrichment for P. avirostris; maximum values were at intermediate enrichment levels. The EFC was significantly higher for P. intermedius than for E. nordmanni. With increasing food concentrations, the clearance rates of P. avirostris showed a curvilinear response, with a narrow modal range; ingestion rates indicated a rectilinear functional response. Mean clearance rates of P. avirostris, P. intermedius and E. nordmanni were 25.5, 18.0 and 19.3 ml ind.–1 day–1, respectively. Ingestion rates at similar food concentrations (0.4 mm3 l–1) were 0.6, 0.8 and 0.9 g C ind.–1 day–1.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

The present study compared population genetic structure of two northern hemisphere polychaetes, Neanthes virens (Sars, 1835) and Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776), with different life-history traits. N. virens has a pelagic larval phase that may last as long as 9 days, while H. diversicolor broods its offspring. It was predicted that N. virens populations, especially over relatively short geographic distances, would be more genetically similar than H. diversicolor populations. Sequence data were obtained for two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and cytochrome b (cyt b). The COI gene showed no variation in 16 N. virens individuals from 12 locations, and it was not examined in H. diversicolor. The nucleotide sequence of the cyt b gene was examined in 93 N. virens individuals collected in 1992, 1999, and 2000 from 12 localities throughout its range (North America, Europe, Japan) and from 33 H. diversicolor individuals collected in 1999 and 2001 from one locality in eastern Canada and two localities in France (Roscoff and Marseille). In N. virens, one cyt b haplotype was shared by 89% (83 out of 93) and only two other haplotypes were found. Significant population structure was observed in H. diversicolor. In the 33 sequences compared, 18.9% of sites were polymorphic and 12 haplotypes were identified. There were two haplotypes in the Canadian population, three in the Marseille samples, and seven in the Roscoff samples, and no haplotype was found in common between any two sites. These results show that widely separated H. diversicolor populations are strongly differentiated at the cyt b locus. The most plausible interpretation for the low variation at the COI and cyt b loci in N. virens, and for the lack of variation at allozyme loci (based on an initial survey of a smaller subset of populations), is that this species has experienced a drastic bottleneck and that a few remaining lineages recolonized its entire range.  相似文献   

Resting stages (cysts) of Artemia franciscana, Hexarthra fennica and Fabrea salina were exposed for two periods (acute and chronic exposures) to different concentrations of five aquaculture disinfectants (formalin, sodium hypochlorite, potassium permanganate, organic iodine, copper sulphate). The effects of chemical treatments were ranked according to their action on cyst hatching: total inhibition (no cyst hatching), heavy inhibition (significant decrease of cyst hatching), alteration of hatching synchrony, and occurrence of anomalous hatching (death of emerging individuals or birth of malformed organisms). Resting-stage viability was not completely impaired by disinfectant exposures at the ordinary doses used in aquaculture, so that usual treatments are possibly ineffective against the protist and metazoan cysts potentially present in breeding systems. On the other hand, the high resistance shown by cysts suggests the possibility of using these chemicals in live-feed disinfection.  相似文献   

Determining the magnitude of homing behaviour within migratory fish species is essential for their conservation and management. We tested for population genetic structuring in the anadromous alosines, Alosa alosa and A. fallax fallax, to establish fidelity of stocks to spawning grounds in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Considerable genetic differences were present among populations of both species, suggesting strong fidelity to breeding grounds and compatible with homing to natal origins. Moreover, the genetic structure of A. fallax fallax showed a clear pattern of isolation-by-distance, consistent with breeding populations exchanging migrants primarily with neighbouring populations. Spatial genetic differences were on average much greater than temporal differences, indicating relatively stable genetic structure. Comparing anadromous A. fallax fallax populations to the landlocked Killarney shad subspecies, A. fallax killarnensis (Ireland), demonstrated a long history of separation. These results demonstrating regional stock structure within the British Isles will inform practical management of stocks and their spawning habitats.  相似文献   

Among the diverse patterns of energy allocation to the offspring of gastropods, the presence of egg capsules to protect embryos is common. Females of the edible snail Zidona dufresnei attach egg capsules to hard substrates in shallow Argentine Patagonian waters (40°45′S, 64°56′W) during spring-summer. Embryonic development takes about 30 days at 22°C. In this study, three likely capsule predator species and the marks left by each on egg capsule walls were identified in laboratory experiments in February 2010. Abundances of predators and egg capsules with evidence of predation were assessed in the field in the summers of 2010 and 2011. Under laboratory conditions (N = 10 replicates per treatment and control), the predation rate by the chiton Chaetopleura isabellei was the highest (up to 90%), followed by the gastropod Tegula patagonica and the crab Neohelice granulata (~20% each). Nearly 60% of 41 capsules found in the field showed signs of predation. According to the marks identified in the laboratory, C. isabellei was responsible for 79% of this predation, and T. patagonica for the rest. Predation appears to be important during the encapsulated early life and could be an agent for selecting for resistant capsule walls and a relatively shorter development time.  相似文献   

The influence of abiotic factors on the establishment and success of invasive species is often difficult to determine for most marine ecosystems. However, examining this relationship is critical for predicting the spread of invasive species and predicting which habitats will be most vulnerable to invasion. Here we examine the mortality and physiological sensitivity to salinity of adult colonies of the colonial ascidians Botryllus schlosseri and Botrylloides violaceus. Adult colonies of each species were exposed to abrupt changes in salinity (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 psu) in the laboratory. Salinity ranges used in the laboratory corresponded with those of the field distributions of B. violaceus and B. schlosseri in the Great Bay Estuary, NH. Heart rate was used as a proxy for health to assess the condition of individual colonies. Heart rates were monitored daily for approximately 2 weeks. Results revealed that both species experienced 100% mortality after 1 day at 5 psu and that their heart rates declined with decreasing salinity. Heart rates of B. schlosseri remained consistent between 15 and 30 psu and slowed at 10 psu. Heart rates of B. violaceus remained constant between 20 and 30 psu, but slowed at 15 psu. These laboratory results corresponded to the distribution of these species in estuaries, indicating salinity is a key factor in the distribution and dominance of B. schlosseri and B. violaceus among coastal and estuarine sites. Furthermore, physiological differences to salinity were found between colonies of B. schlosseri in the Venetian Lagoon and colonies in Portsmouth Harbor, suggesting adaptation to environmental variables.  相似文献   

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