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含硅熔渣对水稻养分吸收及产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用盆栽试验方法,研究了不同含硅熔渣对水稻养分的吸收和产量的影响,结果表明,在施用氮、磷、钾肥的基础上,增施不同类型的含硅熔渣,可提高水稻中硅和磷的含量,降低根系、茎叶和籽粒中的氮、钾含量,增加水稻对氮、磷、钾、硅的总吸收量。不同含硅熔渣的增产效果差异较大,增产最显著的是铁渣和黄磷炉渣,分别比对照增产43.4%和31.6%,施用含硅熔渣的各处理比对照平均增产19.1%,各处理间的产量经方差分析和多重比较达显著或极显著差异水平。扩散方程、Elovich方程和多项式方程均能很好地描述水稻生长期内水稻对N、P、K、Si的吸收过程,尤以多项式方程拟合最佳。  相似文献   

The photosynthetic fluorescence ratio Fv:Fm, in vivo absorption spectra and ion leakage were evaluated as biomarkers of ambient and elevated UV-B (280 to 320 nm) exposure of the intertidal alga Enteromorpha intestinalis (Chlorophyta) and the sublittoral alga Palmaria palmata (Rhodophyta). Measurements of thallus growth were also used to assess adverse biological effects. Ambient and elevated UV-B significantly inhibited photosynthesis in both species. It was shown that the Fv:Fm ratio is a sensitive, non-specific general biomarker of UV-B exposure in both species. Moreover, the in vivo absorption of what was tentatively identified as chlorophylls a and b as well as phycoerythrin and/or carotenoids, phycoerythrobilin and phycocyanin decreased in a dose-response dependent manner and was associated with a decrease in growth rate in P. palmata. The intertidal alga E. intestinalis showed a greater degree of tolerance to UV-B exposure. These results indicate that changes in the Fv:Fm ratio together with reductions in in vivo pigment absorption could provide an early quantitative warning of the detrimental effects of UV-B in marine macroalgae. Received: 16 May 1997 / Accepted: 16 July 1997  相似文献   

以1,4-二氯苯(1,4-DCB)处理后,角毛藻Chaetoceros mulleri的生长状况,藻体细胞的形态改变,及角毛藻中对1,4-DCB的富集能力,来检测1,4-DCB对海洋微藻的毒性效应.结果表明:1,4-DCB对角毛藻的生长有一定抑制作用,该效应表现出一定的质量浓度和时间依赖性;1,4-DCB处理后,角毛藻细胞能明显富集1,4-DCB,该富集能力与环境中1,4-DCB的质量浓度有关;而且角毛藻藻细胞形态受到1,4-DCB的损伤.这表明1,4-DCB污染后能在角毛藻细胞内富集并对其产生细胞毒害效应,且受有机物污染后藻类作为饵料的价值降低.  相似文献   

Life-form population responses of a centric planktonic diatom,Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus Mangin, were investigated in summer 1986 and 1988 in the Izu Islands, Japan, in regionally upwelled water where nutrient concentration changed from favorable to unfavorable conditions for active growth and reproduction (oligotrophication). Two types of life form were observed: vegetative cells of healthy and unhealthy looking conditions and resting spores. The observed life-form responses were experimentally evaluated along with a depletion of limiting nutrients. The algal population ceased vegetative growth and initiated resting spore formation with a disappearance of limiting nitrate, and this life-form response seemed to be triggered by the decrease of cellular nitrogen content below a certain level. Since a large amount of silicon was required for the resting spore formation, a part of vegetative cells were unable to form resting spores and formed unhealthy looking vegetative cells under insufficient concentrations of silicic acid. Percentage shares of the resting spores in the population were linearly related to the amounts of available silicic acid. Vegetative cells which did not form resting spores showed greater mortality than resting spores by attack of bacteria and protozoa; however, vegetative cells could respond quickly to possible nutrient replenishment.  相似文献   

旱地长期施用锌肥对小麦吸锌及产量的影响   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
以17年的微量元素肥料定位试验为背景,研究了长期施用锌肥条件下小麦的需锌特点和增产效应。施人锌肥后,小麦对微量元素锌的吸收明显增加,籽粒中含锌量增加率为18.8%,秸秆含锌量增加率为41.1%。小麦吸锌量在收获期达最大值,收获期籽粒多吸收13.99g/hm^2,秸秆多吸收23.67g/hm^2,常态年锌肥增产率为4.3%。干旱年增产率为3.7%,丰水年增产率为4.1%。应根据小麦需锌特点和效应,合理施用锌肥。  相似文献   

Phylogeny, niches, and relative abundance in natural communities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Kelly CK  Bowler MG  Pybus O  Harvey PH 《Ecology》2008,89(4):962-970
Community structure refers to the number of species in a community and the pattern of distribution of individuals among those species. We use a novel way of representing community structure to show that abundance within closely related pairs of co-occurring tree species in a highly diverse Mexican forest is more equitable than is abundance within more distantly related pairs. This observation is at odds with the fundamental assumption of neutral models of community structure, i.e., that species are interchangeable. The observed patterns suggest niche apportionment, in which interaction is focused pairwise between congeners but falls away from the phylogenetic structure above the genus level. Thus niche processes may significantly affect community structure through regulating relative abundance in a substantial proportion of species, which in turn potentially enhances community stability. One such mechanism of stable coexistence has already been shown to be active in this forest.  相似文献   

Sparring,relative antler size,and assessment in male caribou   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary There are two kinds of antler combats in male deer. Fighting is rare, violent, occurs between matched males, and can cause injury and death. Sparring is common, usually gentle, often occurs between unmatched males, and involves no risk of injury. We recorded 1308 sparring matches and only 6 fights between wild male woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in 2 years of study. In the 713 sparring matches between males with unequal antlers, the animal with smaller antlers initiated close to half of the encounters, but terminated nearly 90% of them. That was true whether a sparring match involved two adults, two yearlings, or an adult against a yearling. We argue that the best interpretation of that shift in the decisions of the smaller-antlered male is that sparring serves to assess a partner's weight and strength relative to one's own. Thus, through sparring, antlers could be used to allow a form of tactile (proprioceptive) assessment of fighting ability, which could be the basis for subsequent visual assessment at a distance. Offprint requests to: C. Barrette  相似文献   

The release of dissolved free amino acids in axenic batch cultures of the diatom Chaetoceros debile during different growth phases was studied during the late summer of 1982. Variations due to ASP, HIS, ALA, SER, THR, PHE+NH4, LEU and ORN were observed. The proportions of each amino acid differed according to growth phase. Maximum release and accumulation in the medium, corresponding to a rise ranging from 10-8 to 10-6 M, occurred at the transition between the exponential and stationary phases, and coincided with a shift in the intracellular protein and carbohydrate concentrations, and in the chlorophyll: phaeophytin ratio. It is suggested that zooplankton grazers can benefit from the accumulation of phytoplankton standing stock and nutritious compounds at times when the concentration of extracellular amino acids is high enough to trigger chemosensory detection of algal food; i.e., at the end of the exponential growth phase.  相似文献   

Ophiocten gracilis is an ophiuroid found at bathyal depths in the North Atlantic Ocean. The adults show strong seasonal reproduction, with an ophiopluteus in the surface plankton. Settling postlarvae were collected in sediment traps moored at 1000 and 1400 m depth in the NE Atlantic during Julian Days 142 to 212 (May to July) in 1996. During this period, growth of postlarvae in the traps was linear and the diet consisted of phytodetritus and foraminifera. Experiments suggest that postlarvae sink at rates of up to 500 m d−1, although this may well be slower in the natural environment. The high fecundity, seasonality and high population density resulted in high fertilization success, and many of the offspring were advected outside the normal adult range, where they were able to settle but did not survive to adulthood. Received: 8 October 1999 / Accepted: 8 May 2000  相似文献   

不同氮源对4种海洋微藻生长的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
胡章喜  徐宁  段舜山 《生态环境》2010,19(10):2452-2457
采用实验室一次性培养的方法,研究了硝氮、氨氮、尿素和混合氨基酸等4种不同氮源对典型赤潮藻赤潮异弯藻Heterosigma akashiwo、凯伦藻Karenia sp.、球形棕囊藻Phaeocystis globosa和常见浮游植物优势种类角毛藻Chaetoceros sp.生长的影响。结果表明,这4种海洋微藻不仅能利用无机氮硝氮和氨氮,而且也均能利用有机氮尿素和混合氨基酸。赤潮异弯藻、凯伦藻和角毛藻均在以硝氮为唯一氮源时,比生长速率分别达到最大值0.45、0.52和0.70 d-1;而球形棕囊藻在以硝氮和尿素为唯一氮源时,比生长速率均达最大值0.65 d-1。可溶性有机氮库中的重要组成成分尿素和氨基酸均能显著促进4种海洋微藻的生长;相比较而言,赤潮异弯藻和凯伦藻更加喜好有机氮氨基酸,而球形棕囊藻和角毛藻更加喜好尿素。海洋微藻具备利用有机氮源的能力,无疑扩展了其氮营养来源,在无机氮缺乏而有机氮丰富的水体中,它们在浮游植物群落中更具有竞争优势。  相似文献   

The relative effects of NH 4 + (N) and PO 4 3- (P) on growth rate, photosynthetic capacity (Pmax), and levels of chemical constituents of the red macroalga Gracilaria tikvahiae McLachlan were assayed during winter and summer, 1983 in inshore waters of the Florida Keys by using in-situ cage cultures. During winter, both N and P enrichment enhanced growth over that of ambient seawater; however, P rather than N accounted for more (60%) of the increased winter growth. During summer, P, but not N, enhanced growth over ambient seawater and accounted for 80% of increased growth. Similarly, Pmax was enhanced by both P and N during winter (but mostly by P) and only by P during summer. Elevated C:P, C:N and N:P ratios of G. tikvahiae tissue during winter, but only C:P and N:P ratios during summer, support the pattern of winter N and P limitation and summer P-limitation. This seasonal pattern of N vs P limited growth of G. tikvahiae appears to be a response to seasonally variable dissolved inorganic N (twofold greater concentrations of NH 4 + and NO 3 - during summer compared to winter) and constantly low to undetectable concentrations of PO 4 3- . Mean C:P and N:P ratios of G. tikvahiae tissue during the study were 1 818 and 124, respectively, values among the highest reported for macroalgae.  相似文献   

The effect of feeding the flagellate Isochrysis galbana (Parke; clone T-Iso) of modified lipid composition on the growth and lipid composition of juvenile scallops [Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin)] was investigated in the spring of 1993. I. galbana grown in 85-liter cage culture turbidostats under conditions of nitrogen limitation had a significantly higher total lipid content than when grown under nutrient-replete conditions. This was due mainly to a doubling in the amount of less unsaturated triacylglycerol in the cells. The concentrations of methyl and ethyl ketones were also greater in nitrogen-limited cells. Diets of nitrogen-limited I. galbana and nutrient-replete I. galbana grown in continuous and semi-continuous cultures were compared. Scallop juveniles were batch fed daily, and measurements of ingestion were determined. Samples of juveniles were removed periodically for determination of organic weight. The juveniles did not grow when fed nitrogen-limited or nutrient-replete I. galbana alone; however, when each diet was supplemented with 20% of the diatom Chaetoceros muelleri (Lemm.), there was a significant increase in growth in the juveniles receiving the nitrogen-limited I. galbana compared with juveniles on other diets. In comparison with I. galbana,  C. muelleri provided a rich source of carbohydrates and the essential fatty acid 20:4ω6. This study shows the importance of providing optimal dietary levels of ω3 and ω6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as less unsaturated fatty acids and carbohydrates. Received: 29 September 1997 / Accepted: 2 October 1998  相似文献   

Summary Foraging theory depicts dietary choice as a function of prey quality and absolute abundance. Ecological processes, however, can depend on the way foragers respond to the relative abundances of available prey types; several models for frequency-dependent foraging adequately describe these responses. Our laboratory experiments with white-throated sparrows investigated preferential choice of two food rewards as we manipulated both reward quality and relative abundance. In any single experiment the two rewards provided the same mean food quantity, but the variances differed. Average energy budgets predicted risk-aversion, so that foraging preference should decrease as reward variance increases. We presented each two-reward pairing at availability ratios of 1:2, 1:1, and 2:1 for three consecutive days. By the third day risk-aversion exceeded preference for reward variance significantly. When relative abundances of the low and high variance rewards were not equal, the birds tended to prefer the rare over the common reward. This response began before the birds had thoroughly sampled the reward distributions. Preference for rarity apparently constrained the birds' economic response to reward variance levels.  相似文献   

Three marine diatoms, Skeletonema costatum, Chaetoceros debilis, and Thalassiosira gravida were grown under no limitation and ammonium or silicate limitation or starvation. Changes in cell morphology were documented with photomicrographs of ammonium and silicate-limited and non-limited cells, and correlated with observed changes in chemical composition. Cultures grown under silicate starvation or limitation showed an increase in particulate carbon, nitrogen and phosporus and chlorophyll a per unit cell volume compared to non-limited cells; particulate silica per cell volume decreased. Si-starved cells were different from Si-limited cells in that the former contained more particulate carbon and silica per cell volume. The most sensitive indicator of silicate limitation or starvation was the ratio C:Si, being 3 to 5 times higher than the values for non-limited cells. The ratios Si:chlorophyll a and S:P were lower and N:Si was higher than non-limited cells by a factor of 2 to 3. The other ratios, C:N, C:P, C:chlorophyll a, N:chlorophyll a, P:chlorophyll a and N:P were considered not to be sensitive indicators of silicate limitation or starvation. Chlorophyll a, and particulate nitrogen per unit cell volume decreased under ammonium limitation and starvation. NH4-starved cells contained more chlorophyll a, carbon, nitrogen, silica, and phosphorus per cell volume than NH4-limited cells. N:Si was the most sensitive ratio to ammonium limitation or starvation, being 2 to 3 times lower than non-limited cells. Si:chlorophyll a, P:chlorophyll a and N:P were less sensitive, while the ratios C:N, C:chlorophyll a, N:chlorophyll a, C:Si, C:P and Si:P were the least sensitive. Limited cells had less of the limiting nutrient per unit cell volume than starved cells and more of the non-limiting nutrients (i.e., silica and phosphorus for NH4-limited cells). This suggests that nutrient-limited cells rather than nutrient-starved cells should be used along with non-limited cells to measure the full range of potential change in cellular chemical composition for one species under nutrient limitation.Contribution No. 943 from the Department of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA.  相似文献   

Hoeger  U.  Mommsen  T. P. 《Marine Biology》1984,81(2):123-130
Hydrolytic enzyme activities were determined in tissue extracts of the two North Sea ctenophores Pleurobrachia pileus and Beroe gracilis. The following activities were measured in field samples and characterized according to their mean specific activities and their pH optima: protease, aminopeptidase, amylase, N-acetylglucosaminidase, -glucosidase, chitinase, carboxylesterase, phosphatase. Many of the enzyme activities are correlated, indicating their control by the same factors (i.e. nutritional conditions). Differences found between the phosphatase activities and the apparent lack of the chitinolytic system in B. gracilis reflect the differences in body composition and food specialization in both ctenophores, respectively. The low amylase and -glucosidase activities in both ctenophores agree with the low carbohydrate content of their prey. In spite of high carboxylesterase activities, no lipolytic activity was detected in either of the ctenophores. In a laboratory feeding experiment with P. pileus, the enzyme activities increased but did not reach the activities found in the field samples. In B. gracilis, seasonal variations of some enzyme activities are discussed in relation to the seasonal abundance of its prey, P. pileus.  相似文献   

Nannochloris atomus was maintained in exponential growth at photon flux densities (PFD) from 400 to 700 nm, ranging from 10 to 200 mol m-2 s-1. Growth was lightsaturated at PFDs in excess of 100 mol m-2 s-1, with a mean light-saturated growth rate at 23 °C of 1.5×10-5s-1 (1.2 d-1). The light-limited growth rates extrapolated to a compensation PFD for growth that was not significantly different from zero, although no changes in cell numbers were observed in a single culture incubated at a PFD of 1.0 mol m-2s-1. Dark-respiration rates were independent of PFD, averaging 1.7×10-6 mol O2 mol-1 C s-1 (0.14 mol O2 mol-1 C d-1). The maximum photon (quantum) efficiency of photosynthesis was also independent of PFD, with a mean value of 0.12 mol O2 mol-1 photon. The chlorophyll a-specific light absorption cross-section ranged from 3 to 6×10-3 m2 mg-1 chl a and was lowest at low PFDs due to intracellular self-shading of pigments associated with high cell-chlorophyll a contents. The C:chl a ratio increased from 10 to 40 mg C mg-1 chl a between PFDs of 14 and 200 mol m-2 s-1. These new observations for N. atomus are compared with our previous observations for the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum in terms of an energy budget for microalgal growth.  相似文献   


Farmland size is a key factor in debates over agricultural land use, food security, agrochemical pollution, and the future of smallholder systems. This paper examines relationships between farmland size, chemical fertilizers and irrigation management, and maize and wheat yield in Mexico. We used agricultural census data to estimate the mean farmland areas and crop yields of 5.5 million farms and nine million agricultural plots in 2,455 Mexican municipalities. We also derived indices of socio-environmental and management factors to examine relationships with yield. Using multiple regression models, we found that although mean farmland area positively relates to maize and wheat yield, the relationships depend critically on the management contexts of chemical fertilizers and irrigation, which vary widely across farm size gradients. Smallholder yield gaps were associated with deficits in irrigation, rather than chemical inputs. Findings highlight the growing need for expanded irrigation access and/or water management assistance for smaller farms.  相似文献   

Cell growth of a coastal marine diatom, Chaetoceros sociale, in the presence of different premixed organic-Fe(III) complexes [EDTA-Fe(III) (100:1 and 2:1), citric-Fe(III) (100:1) and fulvic-Fe(III) (0.1, 0.2 and 1 ppm C)] and solid amorphous hydrous ferric oxide [am-Fe(III) or Fe(III) hydroxide] were experimentally measured in culture experiments at 10 °C under 3000 lux fluorescent light. Fulvic-Fe(III) (0.1 and 0.2 ppm C) and citric-Fe(III) (100:1) induced maximal cell yields of C. sociale. The order of cell yields was: fulvic-Fe(III) (0.1 and 0.2 ppm C) ≥ citric-Fe(III) (100:1) > EDTA-Fe(III) (2:1) ≫ solid am-Fe(III) > EDTA-Fe(III) (100:1) ≫ fulvic-Fe(III) (1 ppm C). The short-term iron uptake rates by C. sociale in fulvic-Fe(III) (0.1 and 0.2 ppm C) and citric-Fe(III) (100:1) media were about five to six times faster than those in EDTA-Fe(III) (100:1) and solid am-Fe(III) media. The dissociative precipitation rates of premixed organic-Fe(III) complexes in seawater at 10 °C were determined by simple filtration (0.025 μm) involving γ-activity measurements of 59Fe. The order of estimated initial Fe(III) dissociative precipitation rates of these organic-Fe(III) complexes in seawater were nearly consistent with those of cell yields in the culture experiments and short-term iron uptake rates by C. sociale [except for fulvic-Fe(III) (1 ppm C) medium]. In fulvic-Fe(III) (0.1 and 0.2 ppm C), citric-Fe(III) (100:1) and EDTA-Fe(III) (2:1) media, the concentrations of dissolved organic-Fe(III) complexes in initial culture experiments are prone to supersaturate under the culture conditions. The supersaturated dissolved organic-Fe(III) complex in seawater supplies biologically available inorganic Fe(III) species in culture media through its dissociation at high pH and high levels of seawater cations. Therefore, the natural dissolved organic-Fe(III) complexes supplied by riverine input may play an important role in supplying bioavailable iron in estuarine mixing system and coastal waters. Received: 6 September 1998 / Accepted: 8 April 1999  相似文献   

J. Lewin  D. Mackas 《Marine Biology》1972,16(2):171-181
Two species of diatoms, Chaetoceros armatum T. West and Asterionella socialis Lewin and Norris, which account for virtually all of the plant biomass present in the surf zone along the Olympic Peninsula (USA), have been isolated and grown in culture, and comparisons have been made with respect to their physiological behavior in response to aeration, light, temperature, salinity, and nutrients. A. socialis displayed the greater maximum growth rate under most situations, which would give this species a natural advantage over C. armatum. However, in the natural habitat, C. armalum is by far the more important of the two, since the blooms often consist of almost pure stands of this species. This may be due to its apparent ability to use low light levels more efficiently. The maximum growth rate of C. armatum was reached at light levels of 750 to 1000 lux in cultures, whereas A. socialis required a higher light intensity (4000 lux) for maximum growth. C. armatum did not produce its mucilage envelope under any culture conditions. Such a mucilage envelope, with its accompanying clay particles, is invariably present surrounding the diatom chains when they are collected from the natural habitat. The absence of the mucilage envelope (and clay particles) may explain the peculiarities of iron nutrition which were observed in culture experiments, i.e., a dependence on the presence of iron as NaFe-EDTA or ferric citrate, and failure to utilize ferric choloride as a source of Fe for growth.Contribution No. 652 from the Department of Oceanography, University of Washington.  相似文献   

Different criteria for the assessment of conversion efficiencies of fishes are briefly reviewed, and some important terms defined. In the eurysaline fishes Megalops cyprinoides and Ophiocephalus striatus, transformation of food has been studied as a function of body weight, using both protein and energy transfer criteria. The duration of the 28 experiments conducted varied from 15 to 30 days. Rates of food intake, digestion, absorption and conversion decrease with increasing body weight. Absorption efficiencies are about 97% for the protein fraction, and 91% for the total food consumed; they do not vary appreciably among the individuals of different body weights. Conversion efficiencies of the protein fraction and the total food consumed decrease from about 40% in 2 g individuals to about 15% in 150 g ones. In general, the relations show curvilinear trends, but in weight groups between 10 and 150 g, straight lines are obtained. The slopes of these lines differ in the two species tested. Such differences are related to the physiological state of the fishes and their growth potential. The inverse relation between body weight on the one hand, and food intake, absorption and conversion on the other, are attributed to aging. It is suggested that age affects these intermediate steps via the enzyme-complex of the digestive system. The b values obtained for the relation between body weight on the one hand, and metabolism, food intake and absorption on the other, do not correspond to the surface or weight proportion rule, but to an intermediary type of neither surface nor weight proportionality. As the values obtained are similar, it is concluded that there exists a direct and proportionate relation between metabolism, food intake and absorption. The respective values for the relation between body weight and conversion rate are low indicating that there is a direct, but nonproportionate relation between growth and metabolism.Dedicated to Professor C. P. Gnanamuthu, Madras, on his 66th birthday, April 29, 1967.  相似文献   

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