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本文系统地论述了生物多样性的含义,在生态系统、物种及遗传基因多样性三个水平上阐述了生物多样性对人类生存和发展的意义;介绍了我国生物多样性的现状,总结了多年来我国在保护生物多样性方面的努力和取得的成就;提出适合我国国情的生物多样性保护战略,即加强生物多样性的宣传、管理、科研和科研队伍建设,制订生物多样性保护行动计划,开辟国际合作。  相似文献   

2020年全球生物多样性目标解读及其评估指标探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
2010年以来,全球开展了讨论和咨询,确定世界生物多样性保护的路线图。2010年10月在日本召开的《生物多样性公约》缔约方大会第十次会议通过了《生物多样性战略计划》(2011—2020年)。该战略计划确立了2020年全球生物多样性目标(简称2020年目标),设计了世界生物多样性保护的路线图和时间表,为制定国家目标提供了灵活的框架。该文剖析了《生物多样性公约》各缔约方对2020年目标的谈判立场,解读了2020年目标的内涵,论述了2020年目标评估指标研究的最新进展,在进一步加强生物多样性评价指标研究、建设生物多样性监测标准和网络、开展生物多样性长期监测方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

农业是全球景观和土地利用变化的主要驱动力,其不合理使用造成的生境丧失对生物多样性造成巨大威胁。国际《生物多样性战略计划》"爱知目标(Aichi Biodiversity Targets)"的实施是推动全球生物多样性保护的重要举措,其中目标7提到的农业可持续利用与农业生物多样性保护直接相关,同时目标1、4、5、8、13、14、15、18也促进了目标7的实现,掌握和评估相关"爱知目标"的进展状况,是调整、修改和确定全球农业生物多样性目标的关键。该研究以农业相关"爱知目标"为基础,统计所有提交《生物多样性公约》(Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD)秘书处的缔约方目标进展信息,对比分析各大洲或农业大国的进展情况。结果表明,亚洲、非洲、南美洲的完成情况总体较好,高于全球各目标的完成水平,而北美洲和欧洲完成情况则低于全球平均水平;选择的7个国家中,南非和中国完成情况较好,印度和巴西次之,法国、德国、加拿大靠后,总体表现出和大洲相似的趋势;目标总体有进展,但是仍无法有效实现农业生物多样性的保护。通过分析目标的进展情况和问题,研究提出从有差异地制定目标、增加新的可量化目标、设定新的技术指标、加强交流和合作4个方面入手完善农业生物多样性指标的制定思路,以期为《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会(Fifteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties, COP15)农业相关目标和指标的制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

生物多样性保护依赖于健全的国际立法和国家立法。中国已颁布一系列有关生物多样性保护的法律和条例。这些法规的实施,使生物多样性保护工作取得重大进展,但还存在许多不足和空白。本文概述了中国在生物多样性保护方面的立法现状,在此基础上,针对存在问题,并根据《生物多样性公约》要求,从生态系统、物种和遗传多样性保护3个层次上阐明需要完善和加强法规建设的若干方面和需求。  相似文献   

农业生物多样性是生物多样性的重要组成部分,可提供人类可持续发展所需的多种生态服务,但公众对于其重要性的认识远不及自然保护。作为全球生物多样性最为丰富之一、最早加入《生物多样性公约》及重要的农业国家,中国进一步加强农业生物多样性保护,对履行公约及推动农业可持续发展具有重要意义。该研究回顾了过去几十年中国农业生物多样性保护政策的发展过程、具体措施及成效,指出中国农业生物多样性的保护程度逐年加强,在种质资源保护、渔业资源保护、牧业资源保护、外来物种入侵防治方面开展了很多工作,并取得一定成效,但是仍然面临生境退化和破坏、外来物种入侵、遗传资源锐减、环境污染、气候变化等威胁。鉴于2020年后农业生物多样性保护在全球生物多样性保护中的受重视程度增加,笔者对于中国如何进一步加强农业生物多样性保护提出了6个方面的建议,包括:建立农业生物多样性调查和监测体系;建立农区生物多样性保护的国家计划,整合农业多样性保护、生态修复和农业可续发展,推动多目标的协同实现;推动建立完善的农业生物多样性保护政策、法律和生态补偿措施;完善针对外来物种防控的法律和政策;加强农业生物多样性保护利用的方法和技术研究;加强科普教育和推动公众参与。  相似文献   

中国生物多样性保护立法现状与需求   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物多样性保护依赖于健全的国际立法和国家立法。中国已颁布一系列有关生物多样性保护的法律和条例。这些法规的实施,使生物多样性保护工作取得重大进展,但还存在许多不足和空白。本文概述了中国在生物多样性保护方面的立法现状,在此基础上,针对存在问题,并根据《生物多样性公约》要求,从生态系统、物种和遗传多样性保护3个层次上阐明需要完善和加强法规建设的若干方面和要求。  相似文献   

重点论述了农业生态系统中生物多样性的功能,其功能主要表现在害虫控制、土壤侵蚀防治、退化环境恢复、消除污染和促进养分循环等方面。探讨了农业生态系统中生物多样性的保护途径及今后开展的研究重点。  相似文献   

正从书名:新生物学丛书ISBN:978-7-03-040461-9/Q·3288开本:16定价:280内容简介本书编译自Richard B.Primack编写的Essentials of Conservation Biology(第五版),系统阐述了保护生物学的范畴、主要内容和发展历程,生物多样性的概念、分布和价值,生物多样性面临的威胁及其引起的物种丧失和灭绝,种群和物种水平的保护,生态系统和景观水平的保护与恢复,生物多样性保护与社会经济可持续发展。全书内容丰富、知识系统、逻辑合  相似文献   

秦岭保护区群生物多样性及其保护与发展研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据秦岭保护区群的生物多样性和保护管理现状,提出了加强保护区群生物多样性保护和促进保护区发展的对策,其主要措施为:一、合理划分和调整功能区;二、强化内部管理,加强对自然资源的巡护、监测;三、协调周边社区关系,积极开展社区共管工作;四、加强对外合作,积极开展科学研究;五、开展环境教育,提高全民保护意识;六、开展资源适度开发利用,增强自养能力。  相似文献   

根据秦岭保护区群的生物多样性和保护管理现状 ,提出了加强保护区群生物多样性保护和促进保护区发展的对策 ,其主要措施为 :一、合理划分和调整功能区 ;二、强化内部管理 ,加强对自然资源的巡护、监测 ;三、协调周边社区关系 ,积极开展社区共管工作 ;四、加强对外合作 ,积极开展科学研究 ;五、开展环境教育 ,提高全民保护意识 ;六、开展资源适度开发利用 ,增强自养能力。  相似文献   

农业景观生物多样性保护一般原则探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在参阅大量文献的基础上,从过程和格局2个角度,概括和总结了农业景观生物多样性保护的一般原则,包括:区分并优先保护农业景观生物多样性的热点区域,保护和建立自然、半自然生境,构建多样化的土地利用/种植模式,通过连接残存的自然、半自然生境或新建生态廊道增加农田景观的连接度,提高集约化程度较低的农业用地面积,采取野生生物友好型的农作管理方式,保护关键物种并维持物种的相互联系,控制侵略性的、数量过多的入侵性物种等一系列原则。最后,对这些原则在实际推行及应用中面临的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

会稽山古香榧群农业多功能价值评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
香榧(Torreya grandis cv.Merrillii)是我国古老的原产树种和世界稀有的经济树种,目前会稽山古香榧群已列为全球重要农业文化遗产和中国重要农业文化遗产候选地.利用农业多功能多维评价模型并结合会稽山古香榧群的特点,从经济功能、生物多样性保护功能、农业景观保留功能、农业文化传承功能和生态环境保护功能5个方面,对会稽山古香榧群进行综合评价.结果表明,会稽山古香榧群的农业文化传承功能指数值最高,为1,生态环境保护功能和农业景观保留功能指数分别为0.85和0.43,经济功能值和生物多样性保护功能指数值比较低,分别为0.25和0.29.说明会稽山古香榧群的主导功能是农业文化传承功能,其次是生态环境保护功能和农业景观保留功能.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲生物多样性分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
黄河三角洲是我国东部最年轻的陆地,保存着中国暖温带地区最广阔、最完整、最年轻的湿地生态系统。鉴于已有的研究工作对黄河三角洲地区生物多样性通过黄河与周边地区的联系方面的研究相对薄弱,以现有研究工作为基础,以黄河的廊道作用为主线,并结合2003年9月和2004年10月两次实地地面植被调查,主要对黄河三角洲自然保护区的植物区系组成状况进行统计分析,总结出黄河三角洲地区生物多样性状况、植物区系组成的特点及其与周边地区的相互关系。黄河三角洲地区生物多样性主要表现出如下特点:植被结构简单、覆盖度低、生态系统年轻性特点和湿地生态系统特点明显;植物种类少、常具有抗盐、抗旱特性;旱生、中旱生植物以及与内蒙古共有植物种类多,充分体现了黄河的生物廊道作用;主要保护动物种类多,生物多样性保护意义重大。这些特征既反映了黄河三角洲新生陆地的盐化生境特点,同时也深刻揭示了河流通道对区域生物多样性形成的重要作用。  相似文献   

Abstract: The conflict between economic growth and biodiversity conservation is understood in portions of academia and sometimes acknowledged in political circles. Nevertheless, there is not a unified response. In political and policy circles, the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) is posited to solve the conflict between economic growth and environmental protection. In academia, however, the EKC has been deemed fallacious in macroeconomic scenarios and largely irrelevant to biodiversity. A more compelling response to the conflict is that it may be resolved with technological progress. Herein I review the conflict between economic growth and biodiversity conservation in the absence of technological progress, explore the prospects for technological progress to reconcile that conflict, and provide linguistic suggestions for describing the relationships among economic growth, technological progress, and biodiversity conservation. The conflict between economic growth and biodiversity conservation is based on the first two laws of thermodynamics and principles of ecology such as trophic levels and competitive exclusion. In this biophysical context, the human economy grows at the competitive exclusion of nonhuman species in the aggregate. Reconciling the conflict via technological progress has not occurred and is infeasible because of the tight linkage between technological progress and economic growth at current levels of technology. Surplus production in existing economic sectors is required for conducting the research and development necessary for bringing new technologies to market. Technological regimes also reflect macroeconomic goals, and if the goal is economic growth, reconciliatory technologies are less likely to be developed. As the economy grows, the loss of biodiversity may be partly mitigated with end‐use innovation that increases technical efficiency, but this type of technological progress requires policies that are unlikely if the conflict between economic growth and biodiversity conservation (and other aspects of environmental protection) is not acknowledged.  相似文献   

中国农业发展正呈现现代化、结构优化、产业化、标准化、信息化、生态良性化等发展趋势。在经济全球化背景下 ,中国加入WTO后 ,农业生态学也面临着新的问题和任务 ,主要包括 :(1 )农业结构调整中的生态学问题 ;(2 )农业生物安全问题 ;(3)食物安全与生态农业建设问题 ;(4)农业资源与物种多样性保护问题 ;(5)农业生态管理与生态补偿问题 ;(6)农业与农村生态环境建设与生态恢复问题 ;(7)农业人口迁移与城市化过程中的生态学问题 ;(8)贫困地区的农业生态经济与可持续发展问题  相似文献   

One of the main goals of conservation biology is to understand the factors shaping variation in biodiversity across the planet. This understanding is critical for conservation planners to be able to develop effective conservation strategies. Although many studies have focused on species richness and the protection of rare and endemic species, less attention has been paid to the protection of the phylogenetic dimension of biodiversity. We explored how phylogenetic diversity, species richness, and phylogenetic community structure vary in seed plant communities along an elevational gradient in a relatively understudied high mountain region, the Dulong Valley, in southeastern Tibet, China. As expected, phylogenetic diversity was well correlated with species richness among the elevational bands and among communities. At the community level, evergreen broad‐leaved forests had the highest levels of species richness and phylogenetic diversity. Using null model analyses, we found evidence of nonrandom phylogenetic structure across the region. Evergreen broad‐leaved forests were phylogenetically overdispersed, whereas other vegetation types tended to be phylogenetically clustered. We suggest that communities with high species richness or overdispersed phylogenetic structure should be a focus for biodiversity conservation within the Dulong Valley because these areas may help maximize the potential of this flora to respond to future global change. In biodiversity hotspots worldwide, we suggest that the phylogenetic structure of a community may serve as a useful measure of phylogenetic diversity in the context of conservation planning.  相似文献   

Protected areas are an important part of broader landscapes that are often used to preserve biodiversity or natural features. Some argue that protected areas may also help ensure provision of ecosystem services. However, the effect of protection on ecosystem services and whether protection affects the provision of ecosystem services is known only for a few services in a few types of landscapes. We sought to fill this gap by investigating the effect of watershed protection status and land use and land cover on biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services. We compared the ecosystem services provided in and around streams in 4 watershed types: International Union for Conservation of Nature category II protected forests, unprotected forests, unprotected forests with recent timber harvesting, and unprotected areas with agriculture. We surveyed 28 streams distributed across these watershed types in Quebec, Canada, to quantify provisioning of clean water, carbon storage, recreation, wild foods, habitat quality, and terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity richness and abundance. The quantity and quality of ecosystem services and biodiversity were generally higher in sites with intact forest—whether protected or not—relative to those embedded in production landscapes with forestry or agriculture. Clean-water provision, carbon storage, habitat quality, and tree diversity were significantly higher in and around streams surrounded by forest. Recreation, wild foods, and aquatic biodiversity did not vary among watershed types. Although some services can be provided by both protected and unprotected areas, protection status may help secure the continued supply of services sensitive to changes in land use or land cover. Our findings provide needed information about the ecosystem service and biodiversity trade-offs and synergies that result from developing a watershed or from protecting it.  相似文献   

中国农业生物多样性及其保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国农业生物多样性现状与变化态势进行了评述,分析了农业生物多样性丧失的原因,认为生境丧失、退化与破碎化、农业单一化耕作与驯养、农业物种的过度开发利用、外来物种的引进或入侵、环境污染以及全球气候变化等是造成农业生物多样性减少的主要威胁,同时提出一系列相应的保护对策。  相似文献   

Abstract: Current networks of protected areas are biased in many countries toward landscapes of low productivity. Voluntary conservation incentives have been suggested as a socially acceptable way to supplement existing networks with more productive, privately owned areas of high priority for nature conservation. The limited resources committed to nature conservation demand cost‐efficiency. Efficiency, however, depends not only on costs incurred to society from alternative ways of maintaining biodiversity but also on ecological values that can be captured. We examined the ecological efficiency of the new market‐based voluntary program to preserve forest habitats on private land in southwestern Finland. We compared sites that have become protected (10‐year contracts) in the program with managed forests, with sites that have been negotiated for protection for which no contract has been signed, and with the most ecologically valuable privately owned sites in the region that have not been offered for protection by forest owners. We surveyed sites for the amount of dead wood, wood‐decomposing fungi, and epiphytic lichens to evaluate their ecological quality. Contracted sites had more features important for overall biodiversity than managed forests and negotiated sites with no contract. These results indicate that procedures used during site selection and negotiations were appropriate and not opportunistic. The contracted sites were also as valuable in ecological terms as the best, still‐unprotected, privately owned forests in the region that have not been offered for protection. We conclude that voluntary conservation programs have the potential to yield ecologically valuable sites for protection if the site‐selection procedures are appropriate. Reliance on completely voluntary programs, however, may entail uncertainties and inadequacies, for example, in terms of spatial configuration and persistence of the ecological values. Thus, such programs may often need to be supplemented with alternative methods such as land purchase to achieve an ecologically effective network of protected sites.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are the preferred tool for preventing marine biodiversity loss, as reflected in international protected area targets. Although the area covered by MPAs is expanding, there is a concern that opposition from resource users is driving them into already low-use locations, whereas high-pressure areas remain unprotected, which has serious implications for biodiversity conservation. We tested the spatial relationships between different human-induced pressures on marine biodiversity and global MPAs. We used global, modeled pressure data and the World Database on Protected Areas to calculate the levels of 15 different human-induced pressures inside and outside the world's MPAs. We fitted binomial generalized linear models to the data to determine whether each pressure had a positive or negative effect on the likelihood of an area being protected and whether this effect changed with different categories of protection. Pelagic and artisanal fishing, shipping, and introductions of invasive species by ships had a negative relationship with protection, and this relationship persisted under even the least restrictive categories of protection (e.g., protected areas classified as category VI under the International Union for Conservation of Nature, a category that permits sustainable use). In contrast, pressures from dispersed, diffusive sources (e.g., pollution and ocean acidification) had positive relationships with protection. Our results showed that MPAs are systematically established in areas where there is low political opposition, limiting the capacity of existing MPAs to manage key drivers of biodiversity loss. We suggest that conservation efforts focus on biodiversity outcomes and effective reduction of pressures rather than prescribing area-based targets, and that alternative approaches to conservation are needed in areas where protection is not feasible.  相似文献   

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