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We characterized the structure and functioning of the food web associated to an intertidal rocky shore in the harbour of Brest (Western Brittany, France), through a seasonal δ13C and δ15N survey. The dominance of benthic-derived organic matter, and particularly resuspended sediment, in the local pool of suspended organic matter, is highlighted. This benthic-derived organic matter dominates the diet of filter-feeders, including a certain degree of selectivity displayed by various taxa belonging to this trophic group. The food web structure appeared very stable temporally, which suggested the dominance of mixed diets, rather than the consumption of pure sources. It was constituted of 4 trophic levels, including a large diversity of predators, likely favoured by the diversity of microhabitats that characterize this intertidal habitat. From our results, the trophic functioning of this peri-urban rocky shore community does not appear functionally simplified as previously reported for other anthropized and/or artificial rocky ecosystems. We suggest that the topological complexity of rocky habitats, including a diversity of microhabitats, might be responsible of the important animal diversity, in spite of the anthropogenic disturbances characterizing this peri-urban area.  相似文献   

We surveyed patterns in the relative abundance and size structure of the sea stars Pisaster ochraceus and Evasterias troschelii in five habitat types of varying structural complexity and prey availability (sand/cobble, boulder, and rocky intertidal; pilings; and floating docks) in Puget Sound and the San Juan Islands, Washington. For both species, small sea stars were most abundant in the most structurally complex habitat type (boulder), where they occurred almost exclusively under boulders during low tide. Larger individuals became more abundant as structural complexity decreased, occurring more frequently in open habitat types (rocky shores, pilings, and docks) known to have greater abundances of prey resources. Gull foraging observations and experiments demonstrated that exposed small sea stars of both species were highly vulnerable to predation, suggesting that small sea stars require structural complexity (crevice microhabitat) as a predation refuge. Large sea stars, once attaining a size refuge from predation, appear to migrate to more exposed habitat types with more abundant food resources. These results suggest parallel ontogenetic habitat shifts in two co-occurring consumer species related to a shared predation risk at early life stages and demonstrate how the relative importance of top-down and bottom-up processes may differ with ontogeny.  相似文献   

Closely related species may occupy very similar niches but are often found to diverge by one or more traits when they share the same habitat. Five indigenous and sympatric Gammarus species are characteristic for the Baltic rocky littoral ecosystem. Yet, the species-specific distribution of these sympatric gammarids has not been well studied in the northern Baltic Sea. This study was undertaken to assess the spatial distribution of gammarid amphipods along wave exposure and depth gradients to study whether they show segregation in their microhabitat use. We sampled 12 rocky sublittoral shores along a wave exposure gradient over a period of 5 years. Samples differed with respect to depth and macroalgal type. Three of the five gammarid species occurred mainly in different depth zones and among different macroalgae at the exposed shores. In contrast, on protected shores, where algal zonation is weaker, a link to zonation and macroalgal type was almost absent. Moreover, the microhabitat use was strongest during the reproductive seasons of the species. The observed microhabitats of the three gammarid species fit well to their species-specific mean body sizes.  相似文献   

Loss of macroalgae habitats has been widespread on rocky marine coastlines of the eastern Korean peninsula, and efforts for restoration and creation of macroalgal beds have increasingly been made to mitigate these habitat losses. Deploying artificial reefs of concrete pyramids with kelps attached has been commonly used and applied in this study. As a part of an effort to evaluate structural and functional recovery of created and restored habitat, the macroalgal community and food web structure were studied about a year after the establishment of the artificial macroalgal bed, making comparisons with nearby natural counterparts and barren ground communities. Dominant species, total abundance, and community structure of macroalgal assemblage at the restored macroalgal bed recovered to the neighboring natural bed levels during the study period. The main primary producers (phytoplankton and macroalgae) were isotopically well separated. δ13C and δ15N values of consumers were very similar between restored and natural beds but varied greatly among functional feeding groups. The range of consumer δ13C was as wide as that of primary producers, indicating the trophic importance of both producers. There was a stepwise trophic enrichment in δ15N with increasing trophic level. A comparison of isotope signatures between primary producers and consumers showed that, while suspension feeders are highly dependent on pelagic sources, invertebrates of other feeding guilds and fishes mainly use macroalgae-derived organic matter as their ultimate nutritional sources in both macroalgal beds, emphasizing the high equivalency of trophic structure between both beds. Isotopic signatures of a few mollusks and sea urchins showed that they use different dietary items in macroalgal-barren grounds compared with macroalgal beds, probably reflecting their feeding plasticity according to the low macroalgal biomass. However, isotopic signatures of most of the consumers at the barren ground were consistent with those at the macroalgal beds, supporting the important trophic role of drifting algae. Our results revealed the recoveries of the macroalgal community and trophic structure at the restored habitat. Further studies on colonization of early settlers and the following succession progress are needed to better understand the process and recovery rate in the developing benthic community.  相似文献   

In estuaries, eelgrass meadows contribute to fundamental ecosystem functions of estuaries, providing food to several predators and buffering the negative effects of eutrophication. We asked whether the presence of the eelgrass Zostera noltii decreased the nitrogen concentration in the overlying water, affected the sources of nitrogen sequestrated by primary producers and changed the benthic and pelagic food web structures. We also studied the importance of these food webs in providing food to fish. We compared bare sediment to sediment covered by a Z. noltii meadow, and examined nutrient concentrations in the water column and δ15N in primary producers as indicators of anthropogenic inputs of nutrients. We then measured both δ13C and δ15N in the tissues of plants and consumers to establish food web structures. There were no differences in the concentrations and sources of nitrogen between sites. Rather, δ15N values indicated anthropogenic inputs of N (e.g. sewage discharges, agriculture) in both sites. There were no major differences in the structure of the planktonic food web, which was in part sustained by particulate organic matter and supported most predator fish, and in the structure of the benthic food web. Nonetheless, there were differences in the sources of food for omnivore consumers and for the detritivore Scrobicularia plana. Overall, the benthic food web did not use food derived from the eelgrass or macroalgae deposited on the substratum. Suspension feeders used particulate and sediment organic matter, whereas the δ13C and δ15N values of the other consumers indicated a likely contribution of benthic microalgae. Furthermore, in both habitats we found large variability in the isotope signatures of benthic macrofauna consumers, which did not allow distinguishing clearly different trophic groups and indicated a high level of omnivory and a mixed diet opportunistically making use of the availability of food in the surroundings.  相似文献   

As a top-level predator, the brown grouper Epinephelus marginatus can play an important role in maintaining the ecological balance of hard-bottom ecosystems. However, to fulfil this role, the species must have a sufficient population density and a wide size range. The presence of such a "healthy" grouper population is one of the known benefits of the protection measures applied to marine protected areas. The availability, in marine reserves, of areas suitable for settlement and recruitment of early juveniles can contribute to preserving a well-structured population. Thus, knowledge of microhabitats preferred by juvenile groupers is an important step in locating, within protected or not yet protected areas, nursery sites that might need a specific protection regime. The aim of the present work was to evaluate habitat and microhabitat preferences of juvenile E. marginatus, in comparison with two other serranids of comparable size, Serranus cabrilla and S. scriba, in the marine reserve of Ustica Island (SW Mediterranean). At different sites, located along the shallow coastal area of the reserve, 329 individuals of the three serranid species were visually surveyed by means of skin- or SCUBA-diving in June 1999. The location of each encountered fish was characterised by both biotic and abiotic variables evaluated at two spatial scales. In order to assess interspecific differences in the use of the spatial environment, the results were analysed by correspondence analysis. According to observations on a small spatial scale, juvenile groupers showed a preference for cavities and recesses, in clear contrast with both Serranus species. When out of such sheltered places, juvenile groupers avoided visually exposed locations (convex substrates and very large visual fields), preferring flat or sub-horizontal rocky substrates. Conversely, S. scriba, and especially S. cabrilla, chose rather open microhabitats (flat to convex substrates, with large to very large visual fields). On a larger spatial scale, brown groupers and the two other serranids showed no marked differences in their habitat preferences.  相似文献   

Many small marine herbivores utilize specific algal hosts, but the ultimate factors that shape host selection are not well understood. For example, the use of particular microhabitats within algal hosts and the functional role of these microhabitats have received little attention, especially in large algae such as kelps. We studied microhabitat use of the herbivorous amphipod Peramphithoe femorata that inhabits nest-like domiciles on the blades of giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera. The vertical position of nest-bearing blades along the stipe of the algal thallus and the position of the nests within the lateral blades of M. pyrifera were surveyed in two kelp forests in northern-central Chile. Additionally, we conducted laboratory and field experiments to unravel the mechanisms driving the observed distributions. Peramphithoe femorata nests were predominantly built on the distal blade tips in apical sections of the stipes. Within-blade and within-stipe feeding preferences of P. femorata did not explain the amphipod distribution. Amphipods did not consistently select distal over proximal blade sections in habitat choice experiments. Mortality of tethered amphipods without nests was higher at the seafloor than at the sea surface in the field. Nests mitigated mortality of tethered amphipods, especially at the seafloor. Thus, protective microhabitats within thalli of large kelp species can substantially enhance survival of small marine herbivores. Our results suggest that differential survival from predation might be more important than food preferences in determining the microhabitat distribution of these herbivores.  相似文献   

Ecologists primarily use δ15N values to estimate the trophic level of organisms, while δ13C, and even recently δ15N, are utilized to delineate feeding habitats. However, many factors can influence the stable isotopic composition of consumers, e.g. age, starvation or isotopic signature of primary producers. Such sources of variability make the interpretation of stable isotope data rather complex. To examine these potential sources of variability, muscle tissues of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and swordfish (Xiphias gladius) of various body lengths were sampled between 2001 and 2004 in the western Indian Ocean during different seasons and along a latitudinal gradient (23°S to 5°N). Body length and latitude effects on δ15N and δ13C were investigated using linear models. Both latitude and body length significantly affect the stable isotope values of the studied species but variations were much more pronounced for δ15N. We explain the latitudinal effect by differences in nitrogen dynamics existing at the base of the food web and propagating along the food chain up to top predators. This spatial pattern suggests that yellowfin and swordfish populations exhibit a relatively unexpected resident behaviour at the temporal scale of their muscle tissue turnover. The body length effect is significant for both species but this effect is more pronounced in swordfish as a consequence of their different feeding strategies, reflecting specific physiological abilities. Swordfish adults are able to reach very deep water and have access to a larger size range of prey than yellowfin tuna. In contrast, yellowfin juveniles and adults spend most of their time in the surface waters and large yellowfin tuna continue to prey on small organisms. Consequently, nitrogen isotopic signatures of swordfish tissues are higher than those of yellowfin tuna and provide evidence for different trophic levels between these species. Thus, in contrast to δ13C, δ15N analyses of tropical Indian Ocean marine predators allow the investigation of complex vertical and spatial segregation, both within and between species, even in the case of highly opportunistic feeding behaviours. The linear models developed in this study allow us to make predictions of δ15N values and to correct for any body length or latitude differences in future food web studies.  相似文献   

This study assessed the enrichment of mercury in the food web from the different community habitats in a zinc-smelting area of China. We used a nitrogen stable isotope technique to analyze trophic level relationships among arthropods and found that the first trophic level consisted of plants in the different community habitats, the second trophic level consisted of herbivores such as locusts and grasshoppers (primary consumers), and the third trophic level included spiders and mantes (secondary consumers). Mercury enrichment in the primary consumers was not evident, but enrichment in arthropods of the third trophic level was significant. The average of enrichment coefficients in spiders and mantes was greater than 1. The δ15N values indicated that mercury concentrations accumulated from primary producers to top carnivorous arthropods increased. In this zinc-smelting area, the biological amplification of mercury in the food web is significant. It is reasonable to assume that humans, located at the top of the food chain, are exposed to biomagnified levels of mercury.  相似文献   

C. Van Dover 《Marine Biology》2002,141(4):761-772
Exploration of hydrothermal vent systems in locations remote from well-studied sites allows ecologists to determine the degree of site-specific variation in trophic relationships among communities. A preliminary outline of the trophic structure of the Kairei hydrothermal vent community on the Central Indian Ridge (25°19.23′S; 70°02.42′E) is provided here, based on analysis of collections from an April 2001 expedition. Invertebrate biomass at Kairei is dominated by organic carbon with a δ13C isotopic value of about –13‰, due to the abundance of primary consumers (shrimp: Rimicaris aff. exoculata) and secondary consumers (anemones: Marianactis n. sp.) with this isotopic composition. Filamentous thiotrophic episymbionts on shrimp have been interpreted to be the major diet items of the shrimp and hence are the dominant primary producers within the community. Free-living autotrophic microorganisms are implicated as the dietary base for other invertebrate species. Four trophic groups are identified within the Kairei invertebrates based on carbon- and nitrogen-isotope ratios, but these groups do not always define discrete trophic levels. Ontogenetic shifts in diet are documented for R. aff. exoculata and brachyuran crabs (Austinograea n. sp.). Diets of symbiont-bearing mussels (Bathymodiolus aff. brevior) and two species of gastropods are isotopically constant throughout the range of sizes analyzed. There is a consistent but unexplained pattern of increasing nitrogen isotopic composition with increasing carbon isotopic composition in vent communities from geographically disjunct oceanic regions. Given the assumptions associated with interpretations of isotopic data, there remains a missing pool of carbon (presumably unsampled bacterial biomass) that contributes to the maintenance of the 13C- and 15N-enriched primary consumers in these ecosystems.  相似文献   

The distribution of organisms at small spatial scales and their use of microhabitats are important determinants of species-level interactions. In many ubiquitous rocky shore invertebrates, use of intertidal microhabitats has previously been studied with relation to thermal and desiccation stress, ontogenetic changes and predation. Here, the effects of parasitism on the microhabitat use and movement of two New Zealand littorinid hosts, Austrolittorina antipodum and A. cincta, were investigated by examining the effect of infection by a philophthalmid trematode parasite. Alterations in microhabitat use and movement of infected versus uninfected individuals were found during both field mark-recapture and laboratory experiments, carried out from August 2012 to March 2013 in Otago Harbour, New Zealand (45.83°S, 170.64°E). Specifically, a trend towards increased use of rock surface habitats and a reduction in the distance moved by infected snails was observed. In addition, decreased downward movement was observed for some infected individuals. This alteration in individual distribution is likely to increase the availability of infected individuals to predators, hence aiding the successful transmission of the trematode parasite. These results highlight the importance of including parasitism as a biotic factor in studies of gastropod movement and spatial distribution.  相似文献   

Fish scales from seven species of demersal fish in an archival collection were analyzed for stable isotopic compositions of carbon and nitrogen to study long-term changes in trophic structure of the Georges Bank food web. Nitrogen isotopic compositions are often used to infer trophic level. In the case of haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Linnaeus), there was a trend towards feeding at 2/3 of one trophic level (2.45% in 15N) lower in 1987 than in 1929. Values of °13C, frequently employed to identify sources of organic carbon to consumers, declined by 1.5 from 1929 to 1960, and then increased again toward the present, suggesting changes in the food web at the level of the primary producers. Superimposed on long-term isotopic trends were short-term variations (1 to 10 yr).To identify potential causes for these isotopic trends, canonical correlation analysis was performed between isotopic data and a suite of environmental and population factors including sea surface temperature, the Greenland Regional Pressure Anomaly (GRPA), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and the following haddock stock parameters; stock size, fishing mortality, recruitment, and weight-at-age-2 (a measure of growth rate). Isotopic variation was significantly correlated with a combination of environmental and population variables: GRPA, NAO, weight-at-age-2, stock size, and fishing mortality. On the basis of published gut content analyses, the seven fish species were predicted to vary in trophic level (TL) from American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides (Fabricius), (TL 2.9) to summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus (Linnaeus), (TL 4.5), whereas measured °15N values suggested smaller differences in the trophic levels of these species (less than one TL). Four species showed good agreement between gut-predicted and measured 15N values, while three species did not. Inclusion of information on ontogenetic dietary shifts in our predictions improved the agreement in some cases but not in other. Differences between stable isotope analysis and gut content analysis in terms of what they measure, i.e., integrated assimilated diet vs short-term ingested diet, respectively, may account for some of the differences in results. Based on our analyses and previous studies, feeding habits of these fish may undergo considerable year-to-year and geographic variation, some of which may have been missed in gut content analyses. To the extent that these fish are representative members of the food web, trophic variation in these fish may indicate more general changes in the food web.  相似文献   

The number of energy transformation levels in trophic webs is usually below five, but can be extended up to ten when parasites and hyper-parasites are included. Research on the structure and function of food webs is relevant to the complexity–stability–productivity debate. The aim of this theoretical analysis is to link energetic and connectional aspects of ecosystems with information theory. Updating an energetic model reported by Ricklefs [Ecologia, Zanichelli Editore S.p.A., Bologna, Italy, 1993, p. 896], our approach is integrated with a static analysis of food webs. The length of food webs is theoretically associated with the average ecological efficiency which can be empirically correlated with the effective connectance between species. Furthermore, the advantage of greater complexity when applied to a signalling network is qualitatively addressed.The overall efficiency of energy transformation into biomass throughout a trophic web, in an ecosystem with a given number of species, is the resultant of the various ecological efficiencies, η, at the transitions between the trophic levels. However, we propose that an increment in effective connectance and interspecies connectivity based on a superimposed signalling web may increase the η values, despite the fact that signalling per se has an energetic cost. According to this hypothesis, ecosystem stability would not be necessarily reduced by increasing the number of trophic levels, N, whenever stability in terms of persistence is improved by a cost-efficient regulatory network.  相似文献   

Predator diversity and trophic interactions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Schmitz OJ 《Ecology》2007,88(10):2415-2426
The recognition that predators play important roles in ecosystems has prompted research to resolve how combinations of predator species influence ecosystem functions. Interactions among predator species and their prey can lead to a host of linear and nonlinear effects. Understanding the conditions causing these effects is critical for assigning predator species to functional groups in ways that lead to predictive theory of predator diversity effects on trophic interactions. To this end, I provide a synthesis of experiments examining multiple-predator-species effects on mortality of single shared prey. I show how experimental design and experimental venue can determine the conclusion about the importance of predator diversity on trophic interactions. In addition, I link natural history insights on predator species habitat and hunting behavior with linear and nonlinear multiple-predator effects to derive a new concept of predator diversity effects on trophic interactions. This concept holds that the nature of predator diversity effects is contingent upon predator species hunting mode plus predator and prey species habitat domain (defined as the spatial extent to which a microhabitat is used by a species). This concept allows the classification of multiple-predator effects into four broad functional categories: substitutable, nonlinear due to predator species interference, nonlinear due to intraguild predation, and nonlinear due to predator species synergism. Experimental evidence so far provides ample and comparatively equal support for substitutable, interference, and intraguild effects, and equivocal support for nonlinear synergisms. The paper closes by discussing ways to further a research program aimed at using the building blocks presented here to understand predator functional diversity and trophic interactions in complex ecological systems.  相似文献   

Few studies have compared the underlying nature or structure of marine communities and assemblages across broad spatial scales, despite the importance of such comparisons in understanding global scale responses to environmental change and biodiversity conservation. The aim of this study was to examine the consistency of relationships between sponge abundance and richness on the undersides of boulders (to control for multiple confounding factors) in relation to space availability (boulder size) in three widely separated biogeographic regions. Sponges followed typical species-area (SA) relationships irrespective of site or ocean and we consistently found no decrease in sponge richness at larger boulder sizes. We also found reliable underlying density–area (DA) relationships, with larger boulders supporting more sponge patches at all sites. Although the general SA and DA relationships were similar between oceans and sites, the exact nature of these relationships in terms of the actual species present per unit area, total number of species present or density differed between sites. There were no consistent differences between SA and DA relationships at each locality, suggesting that although disturbance (particularly wave action) regimes may play an important role in controlling sponge biodiversity and abundance, its effects are manifested differently at local-scales. Even though boulders have received a considerable amount of research effort over the past three decades, this is the first study to examine the consistency of DA and SA relationships between ocean basins, finding similar relationships.  相似文献   

A conjoint analysis of gut contents and stable C and N isotopes was applied to determine the main food sources and feeding habits of dominant amphipods in an eelgrass bed (Zostera marina) in Gwangyang Bay, Korea. Gut content observations demonstrated that, while Gammaropsis japonicus and Jassa slatteryi are herbivorous, feeding on epiphytes and detritus, Pontogeneia rostrata and Monocorophium acherusicum are omnivorous, feeding on mesozooplankton fragments and detritus. Stable isotope data confirmed that epiphytes, detritus, and mesozooplankton fragments were major food sources for amphipods in the eelgrass bed. Isotopic mixing model calculations clearly showed an interspecific difference in diet composition. A high isotopic dissimilarity between amphipod taxa demonstrated interspecific trophic diversity, reflecting their herbivorous (G. japonicus and J. slatteryi) and omnivorous (P. rostrata and M. acherusicum) feeding habits and confirmed the detrivorous feeding habits of caprellids. Such trophic diversity at interspecific level of the amphipod species indicates that they use different food resources within their microhabitats and play species-specific functional roles as mediators in trophic pathways from producers to higher-level consumers of the eelgrass ecosystem. Finally, our findings suggest that information on the species-specific trophic ecology of amphipods is needed to better understand their potential role in the trophic dynamics and carbon flow of seagrass bed ecosystems.  相似文献   

The spring zooplankton community in the Strait of Georgia (British Columbia, Canada) is characterized by the presence of several calanoid copepod species which collectively make up ~90% of the mezozooplankton biomass. Here, we investigate interspecific, interannual, and geographic variability in the diets and trophic positions of these copepods using a combination of fatty acids and stable isotopes. To characterize geographic variability in diet, we compare our findings from the Strait of Georgia with similar data from Ocean Station P in the subarctic northeast Pacific. Both fatty acid and stable isotope signatures indicate the existence of three trophic levels, even within the limited size range of these copepods: Neocalanus plumchrus and Calanus marshallae are primarily omnivorous, while Euchaeta elongata is carnivorous and Eucalanus bungii is herbivorous. Fatty acid markers of trophic position (e.g., DHA/EPA, 18:1n-9/18:1n-7) correlate significantly with δ15N, while markers indicating the proportion of diatoms to flagellates in the diet (e.g., 16PUFA/18PUFA and DHA/EPA) correlate significantly with δ13C, after the effect of lipid concentration on δ13C is accounted for. Despite the general correlation between stable isotopes and fatty acids, the former are not sensitive enough to capture the range of interannual variability observed in the latter, and can only capture substantial shifts in the diet over geographic scales. However, regardless of variability in food quality, the relative trophic positions of these copepods do not change significantly either spatially or temporally.  相似文献   

The food web of two intertidal seagrass (Zostera marina and Zostera noltii) beds that may be influenced by the seasonal variation in food source abundance was studied in winter and in summer with δ13C and δ15N analysis. In spite of high relative variation of abundance of main primary producers at the two sites, the food web did not vary between winter and summer. The δ13C range of primary producers was wide. Zostera leaves, the most 13C-enriched source, were not consumed directly by grazers. Deposit and filter feeders have a similar δ13C and could use a mix of suspended and sedimented organic particulate matter, largely composed of detritus from macroalgae to seagrass. This trophic pathway allows the local incorporation of the high biomass produced by seagrasses. The wide δ15N range of predators was linked either to a large variety from omnivore to carnivore predators or to the also wide ranges of δ15N of primary consumers.  相似文献   

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