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Wan Jaafar, Wan Zurina, and Dawei Han, 2012. Calibration Catchment Selection for Flood Regionalization Modeling. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(4): 698‐706. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00648.x Abstract: There are two unsolved problems in flood regionalization model development related to the quantity and quality of calibration catchments: (1) how many calibration catchments should be used? and (2) how to select the calibration catchments? This study explores these two questions through a case study on the median annual maximum flood (QMED) model in the United Kingdom. It has been found that the chance of developing a good QMED model decreases significantly when the number of calibration catchments drops below a critical number (e.g., 60 in the case study). However, no significant improvement is achieved if the number of calibration catchments is above it. This number could be used as a benchmark for choosing randomly selected calibration catchments. Across a broad range of calibration catchment numbers, there are good and poor calibrated models regardless of calibration catchment numbers. High quality models could be developed from a small number of calibration catchments and also poor models from a large number of calibration catchments. This indicates that the number of calibration catchments may not be the dominating factor for developing a high quality regionalization model. Instead, the information content could be more important. The study has demonstrated that the standard deviation values between the best and poorest groups are distinctive and could be used in choosing appropriate calibration catchments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Runoff Routing model (RORB) is a general model applicable to both rural and urban catchments. The performance of the model is illustrated through its simulation of flood runoff hydrographs in an urban catchment in Singapore. The essential feature of the model is the routing of rainfall excesses on subareas through some arrangement of concentrated storage elements, which represent the distribution of temporary storage of flood runoff on the watershed. This nonlinear routing procedure of the storage elements has two common parameters, kc and m. With the limited data available, these two parameter values were determined through calibration runs. The same set of values of kc and m were then used in the model to determine the runoff hydrographs of five other storms selected from the rainfall events between 1979 and 1981. It was found that the simulated runoff hydrographs matched reasonably well with the recorded hydrographs.  相似文献   

The Storm Water Management Model was used to simulate runoff and nutrient export from a low impact development (LID) watershed and a watershed using traditional runoff controls. Predictions were compared to observed values. Uncalibrated simulations underpredicted weekly runoff volume and average peak flow rates from the multiple subcatchment LID watershed by over 80%; the single subcatchment traditional watershed had better predictions. Saturated hydraulic conductivity, Manning's n for swales, and initial soil moisture deficit were sensitive parameters. After calibration, prediction of total weekly runoff volume for the LID and traditional watersheds improved to within 12 and 5% of observed values, respectively. For the validation period, predicted total weekly runoff volumes for the LID and traditional watersheds were within 6 and 2% of observed values, respectively. Water quality simulation was less successful, Nash–Sutcliffe coefficients >0.5 for both calibration and validation periods were only achieved for prediction of total nitrogen export from the LID watershed. Simulation of a 100‐year, 24‐h storm resulted in a runoff coefficient of 0.46 for the LID watershed and 0.59 for the traditional watershed. Results suggest either calibration is needed to improve predictions for LID watersheds or expanded look‐up tables for Green–Ampt infiltration parameter values that account for compaction of urban soil and antecedent conditions are needed.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model combined with different snowmelt algorithms was evaluated for runoff simulation of an 114,345 km2 mountainous river basin (the headwaters of the Yellow River), where snowmelt is a significant process. The three snowmelt algorithms incorporated into SWAT were as follows: (1) the temperature‐index, (2) the temperature‐index plus elevation band, and (3) the energy budget based SNOW17. The SNOW17 is more complex than the temperature‐based snowmelt algorithms, and requires more detailed meteorological and topographical inputs. In order to apply the SNOW17 in the SWAT framework, SWAT was modified to operate at the pixel scale rather than the normal Hydrologic Response Unit scale. The three snowmelt algorithms were evaluated under two parameter scenarios, the default and the calibrated parameters scenarios. Under the default parameters scenario, the parameter values were determined based on a review of the current literature. The purpose of this type of evaluation was to assess the applicability of SWAT in ungauged basins, where there is little observed data available for calibration. Under the calibrated parameters scenario, the parameters were calibrated using an automatic calibration program, the Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE‐UA). The purpose of this type of evaluation was to assess the applicability of SWAT in gauged basins. Two time periods (1975‐1985 and 1986‐1990) of monthly runoff data were used in this study to evaluate the performance of SWAT with different snowmelt algorithms. Under the default parameters scenario, the SWAT model with complex energy budget based SNOW17 performed the best for both time periods. Under the calibrated parameters scenario, the parameters were calibrated using monthly runoff from 1975‐1985 and validated using monthly runoff from 1986‐1990. After parameter calibration, the performance of SWAT with the three snowmelt algorithms was improved from the default parameters scenario. Further, the SWAT model with temperature‐index plus elevation band performed as well as the SWAT model with SNOW17. The SWAT model with temperature‐index algorithm performed the poorest for both time periods under both scenarios. Therefore, it is suggested that the SNOW17 model be used for modeling ungauged basins; however, for gauged basins, the SNOW17 and simple temperature‐index plus elevation band models could provide almost equally good runoff simulation results.  相似文献   

In the Piedmont of North Carolina, a traditionally water‐rich region, reservoirs that serve over 1 million people are under increasing pressure due to naturally occurring droughts and increasing land development. Innovative development approaches aim to maintain hydrologic conditions of the undisturbed landscape, but are based on insufficient target information. This study uses the hydrologic landscape concept to evaluate reference hydrology in small headwater catchments surrounding Falls Lake, a reservoir serving Raleigh and the greater Triangle area. Researchers collected one year of detailed data on water balance components, including precipitation, evapotranspiration, streamflow, and shallow subsurface storage from two headwater catchments representative of two hydrologic landscapes defined by differences in soils and topographic characteristics. The two catchments are similar in size and lie within the same physiographic region, and during the study period they showed similar water balances of 26‐30% Q, ?4 to 5% ΔS, 59‐65% evapotranspiration, and 9‐10% G. However, the steeper, more elevated catchment exhibited perennial streamflow and nongrowing season runoff ratios (Q/P) of 33%, whereas the flat, low‐lying stream was drier during the growing season and exhibited Q/P ratios of 52% during the nongrowing season. A hydrologic landscape defined by topography and soil characteristics helps characterize local‐scale reference hydrology and may contribute to better land management decisions.  相似文献   

Abstract: The pollutant reduction possible with a given agricultural best‐management practice (BMP) is complex and site‐specific. Water‐quality models can evaluate BMPs, but model results are often limited by the lack of calibrated parameters for a given BMP. This study calibrated runoff prediction of two models (ADAPT and SWAT) for individual field plots having one till and two no‐till management practices. The factors used for runoff calibration were curve number II (CNII) and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) for ADAPT, and CNII, Ksat, and available water capacity for SWAT. Results were evaluated using coefficient of determination (R2), Nash‐Sutcliffe efficiency (Ef), root‐mean square error, median‐based Ef, and sign tests. Results indicated that for ADAPT, the best‐fit CNII was 66 for the NT/SB (no‐till plot with surface‐broadcast fertilizer) treatment, 68 for the NT/DB (no‐till with deep‐banded fertilizer) treatment, and 70 for the tilled plot, whereas for SWAT the best‐fit CNII was much higher, 86, for all treatments. Neither agreed with the textbook CNII, 78, for sorghum in silty clay loam soil. The best‐fit model parameters for both runoff calibration phases had excellent correlation to monthly totals and moderate correlation to individual events.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Improving the reliability of parametric hydrologic models (sometimes called cenceptual rainfall-runoff models) in the continuous simulation of runoff from ungaged catchments has been frustrated by difficulties in estimating model parameters from catchment characteristics. An underlying problem is that these models use parameters to represent catchments as a whole, whereas data on catchment characteristics are collected at multiple field locations and are difficult to transform into one measure of collective impact. Subdividing the catchment and calibrating a stochastic parametric model to estimate distributions for the parameters that covered the range of observed streamflow values was found to improve the simulations. This paper presents an optimization of the amount of subdivision to use in simulation with a version of the Stanford Watershed Model using available climatological data. The calibration process assumes that catchment heterogeneity introduces errors that can be reduced by calibrating parameters as spatial distributions rather than single values. Calibrations for three diverse small gaged catchments located in California and in Virginia found the optimal number of subdivisions to range from 4 to 25 and the optimal scale to range from 0.3 to 2.1 mi2.  相似文献   

Global and continental scale flood forecast provide coarse resolution flood forecast, but from the perspective of emergency management, flood warnings should be detailed and specific to local conditions. The desired refinement can be provided by the use of downscaling global scale models and through the use of distributed hydrologic models to produce a high‐resolution flood forecast. Three major challenges associated with transforming global flood forecasting to a local scale are addressed in this work. The first is using open‐source software tools to provide access to multiple data sources and lowering the barriers for users in management agencies at local level. This can be done through the Tethys Platform that enables web water resources modeling applications. The second is finding a practical solution for the computational requirements associated with running complex models and performing multiple simulations. This is done using Tethys Cluster that manages distributed and cloud computing resources as a companion to the Tethys Platform for web app development. The third challenge is discovering ways to downscale the forecasts from the global extent to the local context. Three modeling strategies have been tested to address this, including downscaling of coarse resolution global runoff models to high‐resolution stream networks and routing with Routing Application for Parallel computatIon of Discharge (RAPID), the use of hierarchical Gridded Surface and Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) distributed models, and pre‐computed distributed GSSHA models.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A diffusive tank model has been successfully applied to the simulation of runoff from paddy fields in Japan because it can well describe the features of local water flows. The main goal of the study is to evaluate the performance of the diffusive tank model with the calibrated parameters obtained in Jyau‐Shi to simulate discharge from paddy fields in two experimental catchments located in the areas of Shing‐Ying and Ta‐Liao, Southwestern Taiwan. The simulations were verified by comparing the model results with observed runoff data from the two experimental catchments. The model predicted the discharge from the paddy fields well. This indicates that the model with the calibrated parameters may be used in other paddy fields in Taiwan.  相似文献   

We coupled rainfall–runoff and instream water quality models to evaluate total suspended solids (TSS) in Wissahickon Creek, a mid‐sized urban stream near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Using stormwater runoff and instream field data, we calibrated the model at a subdaily scale and focused on storm responses. We demonstrate that treating event mean concentrations as a calibration parameter rather than a fixed input can substantially improve model performance. Urban stormwater TSS concentrations vary widely in time and space and are difficult to represent simply. Suspended and deposited sediment pose independent stressors to stream biota and model results suggest that both currently impair stream health in Wissahickon Creek. Retrofitting existing detention basins to prioritize infiltration reduced instream TSS loads by 20%, suggesting that infiltration mitigates sediment more effectively than detention. Infiltrating stormwater from 30% of the watershed reduced instream TSS loads by 47% and cut the frequency of TSS exceeding 100 mg/L by half. Settled loads and the frequency of high TSS values were reduced by a smaller fraction than suspended loads and duration at high TSS values. A widely distributed network of infiltration‐focused projects is an effective stormwater management strategy to mitigate sediment stress. Coupling rainfall–runoff and water quality models is an important way to integrate watershed‐wide impacts and evaluate how management directly affects urban stream health.  相似文献   

Mittman, Tamara, Lawrence E. Band, Taehee Hwang, and Monica Lipscomb Smith, 2012. Distributed Hydrologic Modeling in the Suburban Landscape: Assessing Parameter Transferability from Gauged Reference Catchments. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(3): 546-557. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00636.x Abstract: Distributed, process-based models of catchment hydrologic response are potentially useful tools for the assessment of Low Impact Development (LID) techniques in urbanized catchments. Their application is often limited, however, by the lack of continuous streamflow records to calibrate poorly constrained parameters. This article examines the transferability of soil and groundwater parameters from a forested reference catchment to a nearby suburban catchment. We use the Regional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System (RHESSys) to develop hydrologic models of one gauged forested and one ungauged suburban catchment within the Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES) study area. We use a parameter uncertainty framework to calibrate soil and groundwater parameters for the forested catchment, and discrete measurements of streamflow from the suburban catchment to assess parameter transferability. Results indicate that the transfer of soil and groundwater parameters from forested reference to nearby suburban catchments is viable, with performance measures for the suburban catchment often exceeding those for the forested catchment. We propose that the simplification of hydrologic processes in urbanized catchments may account for the increase in model performance in the suburban catchment.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess curve number (CN) values derived for two forested headwater catchments in the Lower Coastal Plain (LCP) of South Carolina using a three‐year period of storm event rainfall and runoff data in comparison with results obtained from CN method calculations. Derived CNs from rainfall/runoff pairs ranged from 46 to 90 for the Upper Debidue Creek (UDC) watershed and from 42 to 89 for the Watershed 80 (WS80). However, runoff generation from storm events was strongly related to water table elevation, where seasonally variable evapotranspirative wet and dry moisture conditions persist. Seasonal water table fluctuation is independent of, but can be compounded by, wet conditions that occur as a result of prior storm events, further complicating flow prediction. Runoff predictions for LCP first‐order watersheds do not compare closely to measured flow under the average moisture condition normally associated with the CN method. In this study, however, results show improvement in flow predictions using CNs adjusted for antecedent runoff conditions and based on water table position. These results indicate that adaptations of CN model parameters are required for reliable flow predictions for these LCP catchments with shallow water tables. Low gradient topography and shallow water table characteristics of LCP watersheds allow for unique hydrologic conditions that must be assessed and managed differently than higher gradient watersheds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Three urban runoff models, namely, the Road Research Laboratory Model (RRLM), the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) and the University of Cincinnati Urban Runoff Model (UCURM), were examined by comparing the model simulated hydrographs with the hydrographs measured on several instrumented urban watersheds. This comparison was done for the hydrograph peak points as well as for the entire hydrographs using such statistical measures as the correlation coefficient, the special correlation coefficient and the integral square error. The results of the study indicated that, when applying the three selected non-calibrated models on small urban catchments, the SWM model performed marginally better than the RRL model and both these models were more accurate than the UCUR model. On larger watersheds, the comparisons between the SWM model and the other two models would be likely even more favourable for the SWM model, because it has the most advanced flow routing scheme among the studied models.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) has been applied successfully in temperate environments but little is known about its performance in the snow‐dominated, forested, mountainous watersheds that provide much of the water supply in western North America. To address this knowledge gap, we configured SWAT to simulate the streamflow of Tenderfoot Creek (TCSWAT). Located in central Montana, TCSWAT represents a high‐elevation watershed with ~85% coniferous forest cover where more than 70% of the annual precipitation falls as snow, and runoff comes primarily from spring snowmelt. Model calibration using four years of measured daily streamflow, temperature, and precipitation data resulted in a relative error (RE) of 2% for annual water yield estimates, and mean paired deviations (Dv) of 36 and 31% and Nash‐Sutcliffe (NS) efficiencies of 0.90 and 0.86 for monthly and daily streamflow, respectively. Model validation was conducted using an additional four years of data and the performance was similar to the calibration period, with RE of 4% for annual water yields, Dv of 43% and 32%, and NS efficiencies of 0.90 and 0.76 for monthly and daily streamflow, respectively. An objective, regression‐based model invalidation procedure also indicated that the model was validated for the overall simulation period. Seasonally, SWAT performed well during the spring and early summer snowmelt runoff period, but was a poor predictor of late summer and winter base flow. The calibrated model was most sensitive to snowmelt parameters, followed in decreasing order of influence by the surface runoff lag, ground water, soil, and SCS Curve Number parameter sets. Model sensitivity to the surface runoff lag parameter reflected the influence of frozen soils on runoff processes. Results indicated that SWAT can provide reasonable predictions of annual, monthly, and daily streamflow from forested montane watersheds, but further model refinements could improve representation of snowmelt runoff processes and performance during the base flow period in this environment.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper investigates application of the Army Corps of Engineers’ Hydrologic Engineering Center Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC‐HMS) to a burned watershed in San Bernardino County, California. We evaluate the HEC‐HMS’ ability to simulate discharge in prefire and postfire conditions in a semi arid watershed and the necessary parameterizations for modeling hydrologic response during the immediate, and subsequent recovery, period after a wildfire. The model is applied to City Creek watershed, which was 90% burned during the Old Fire of October 2003. An optimal spatial resolution for the HEC‐HMS model was chosen based on an initial sensitivity analysis of subbasin configurations and related model performance. Five prefire storms were calibrated for the selected model resolution, defining a set of parameters that reasonably simulate prefire conditions. Six postfire storms, two from each of the following rainy (winter) seasons were then selected to simulate postfire response and evaluate relative changes in parameter values and model behavior. There were clear trends in the postfire parameters [initial abstractions (Ia), curve number (CN), and lag time] that reveal significant (and expected) changes in watershed behavior. CN returns to prefire (baseline) values by the end of Year 2, while Ia approaches baseline by the end of the third rainy season. However, lag time remains significantly lower than prefire values throughout the three‐year study period. Our results indicate that recovery of soil conditions and related runoff response is not entirely evidenced by the end of the study period (three rainy seasons postfire). Understanding the evolution of the land surface and related hydrologic properties during the highly dynamic postfire period, and accounting for these changes in model parameterizations, will allow for more accurate and reliable discharge simulations in both the immediate, and subsequent, rainy seasons following fire.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A comprehensive study was conducted to implement the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) for urban areas in Kuwait. The updated version of the model designed to run on an IBM Personal Computer and compatibles (PCSWMM3.2C) was utilized. The study revealed that urban runoff simulation in arid areas by the SWMM model is a powerful and efficient tool in designing drainage systems and as such, a viable replacement of the commonly used rational method. It was found that only the streets and paved areas that are hydraulically connected to the drainage system contribute to runoff. Fine and coarse discretization approaches were used in the study. The difference between the hydrographs simulated by the two approaches were relatively small. The performance of the existing drainage system and the accuracy of the design method used were tested using a 25-year storm. The result of the simulation revealed that the storm sewers were oversized by factors ranging from 1.2 to 3.6. The SWMM model was used to estimate the storm water runoff volume collected from all urbanized areas in Kuwait City. The annual expected harvested runoff water was found to be significant; however, the quality of runoff water needs to be assessed before a decision is made on its reuse.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the influence of sub‐daily precipitation time steps on model performance and hydrological components by applying the Green and Ampt infiltration method using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Precipitation was measured at a resolution of 0.1 mm and aggregated to 5‐, 15‐, 30‐, and 60‐min time steps. Daily discharge data over a 10‐year period were used to calibrate and validate the model. Following a global sensitivity analysis, relevant parameters were optimized through an automatic calibration procedure using SWAT‐CUP for each time step. Daily performance statistics were almost equal among all four time steps (NSE ≈ 0.47). Discharge mainly consisted of groundwater flow (55%) and tile flow (42%), in reasonable proportions for the investigated catchment. In conclusion, model outputs were almost identical, showing simulations responded nearly independently of the chosen precipitation time step. This held true for (1) the selection of sensitive parameters, (2) performance statistics, (3) the shape of the hydrographs, and (4) flow components. However, a scenario analysis revealed that the precipitation time step becomes important when saturated hydraulic conductivities are low and curve numbers are high. The study suggests that there is no need in using precipitation time steps <1 h for lowland catchments dominated by soils with a low surface runoff potential if daily flow values are being considered. Editor's note : This paper is part of the featured series on SWAT Applications for Emerging Hydrologic and Water Quality Challenges. See the February 2017 issue for the introduction and background to the series.  相似文献   

This paper examines the performance of a semi‐distributed hydrology model (i.e., Soil and Water Assessment Tool [SWAT]) using Sequential Uncertainty FItting (SUFI‐2), generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE), parameter solution (ParaSol), and particle swarm optimization (PSO). We applied SWAT to the Waccamaw watershed, a shallow aquifer dominated Coastal Plain watershed in the Southeastern United States (U.S.). The model was calibrated (2003‐2005) and validated (2006‐2007) at two U.S. Geological Survey gaging stations, using significant parameters related to surface hydrology, hydrogeology, hydraulics, and physical properties. SWAT performed best during intervals with wet and normal antecedent conditions with varying sensitivity to effluent channel shape and characteristics. In addition, the calibration of all algorithms depended mostly on Manning's n‐value for the tributary channels as the surface friction resistance factor to generate runoff. SUFI‐2 and PSO simulated the same relative probability distribution tails to those observed at an upstream outlet, while all methods (except ParaSol) exhibited longer tails at a downstream outlet. The ParaSol model exhibited large skewness suggesting a global search algorithm was less capable of characterizing parameter uncertainty. Our findings provide insights regarding parameter sensitivity and uncertainty as well as modeling diagnostic analysis that can improve hydrologic theory and prediction in complex watersheds. Editor's note : This paper is part of the featured series on SWAT Applications for Emerging Hydrologic and Water Quality Challenges. See the February 2017 issue for the introduction and background to the series.  相似文献   

Abstract: In efforts to control the degradation of water quality in Lake Tahoe, public agencies have monitored surface water discharge and concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended sediment in two separate sampling programs. The first program focuses on 20 watersheds varying in size from 162 to 14,000 ha, with continuous stream gaging and periodic sampling; the second focuses on small urbanized catchments, with automated sampling during runoff events. Using data from both programs, we addressed the questions (1) what are the fluxes and concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus entering the lake from surface runoff; (2) how do the fluxes and concentrations vary in space and time; and (3) how are they related to land use and watershed characteristics? To answer these questions, we calculated discharge‐weighted average concentrations and annual fluxes and used multiple regression to relate those variable to a suite of GIS‐derived explanatory variables. The final selected regression models explain 47‐62% of the variance in constituent concentrations in the stormwater monitoring catchments, and 45‐72% of the variance in mean annual yields in the larger watersheds. The results emphasize the importance of impervious surface and residential density as factors in water quality degradation, and well‐developed soil as a factor in water quality maintenance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The rainfall‐runoff response of the Tygarts Creek Catchment in eastern Kentucky is studied using TOPMODEL, a hydrologic model that simulates runoff at the catchment outlet based on the concepts of saturation excess overland flow and subsurface flow. Unlike the traditional application of this model to continuous rainfall‐runoff data, the use of TOPMOEL in single event runoff modeling, specifically floods, is explored here. TOPMODEL utilizes a topographic index as an indicator of the likely spatial distribution of rainfall excess generation in the catchment. The topographic index values within the catchment are determined using the digital terrain analysis procedures in conjunction with digital elevation model (DEM) data. Select parameters in TOPMODEL are calibrated using an iterative procedure to obtain the best‐fit runoff hydrograph. The calibrated parameters are the surface transmissivity, TO, the transmissivity decay parameter, m, and the initial moisture deficit in the root zone, Sr0. These parameters are calibrated using three storm events and verified using three additional storm events. Overall, the calibration results obtained in this study are in general agreement with the results documented from previous studies using TOPMODEL. However, the parameter values did not perform well during the verification phase of this study.  相似文献   

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