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Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Coal combustion waste reaches huge amount that causes environmental problem. In modern world, wastes generated from an industry can be used by...  相似文献   

An attempt to substitute in concrete the 5% by weight of fine aggregate (natural sand) with an equal weight of PET aggregates manufactured from the waste un-washed PET bottles (WPET), is presented. The WPET particles possessed a granulometry similar to that of the substituted sand. Specimens with different cement content and water/cement ratio were manufactured. Rheological characterization on fresh concrete and mechanical tests at the ages of 28 and 365 days were performed on the WPET/concretes as well as on reference concretes containing only natural fine aggregate in order to investigate the influence of the substitution of WPET to the fine aggregate in concrete. It was found that the WPET concretes display similar workability characteristics, compressive strength and splitting tensile strength slightly lower that the reference concrete and a moderately higher ductility.  相似文献   

Catalytic pyrolysis of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) was investigated using various fly ash-derived silica–alumina catalysts (FSAs). FSAs were prepared by a simple activation method that basically includes NaOH treatment of fly ash by a fusion method, followed by an aging process. A series of LDPE pyrolysis experiments was conducted and the catalytic performance of FSAs was assessed in terms of the degradation temperature and the simulated boiling point distribution of the liquid products. The effects of synthesis conditions such as NaOH/fly ash weight ratio and aging time were examined by X-ray diffractometer (XRD), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area analyzer, and scanning electron microscope to clarify the controlling factors affecting the catalytic activity. To obtain catalyst with high activity, it is necessary to produce sufficient silica and alumina species that can be easily co-precipitated into solid acid catalyst by destruction of the fly ash structure and to optimize the activation time for catalyst synthesis to prevent the transformation into inactive phases. The catalytic performance of FSA obtained from optimal conditions was equivalent to that of commercial catalysts, demonstrating the effectiveness of the catalyst.  相似文献   

In this study, biodegradation of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) by isolated landfill-source fungi was evaluated in a controlled solid waste medium. The fungi, including Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus terreus and Fusarium solani, were isolated from samples taken from an aerobic aged municipal landfill in Tehran. These fungi could degrade LDPE via the formation of a biofilm in a submerged medium. In the sterilized solid waste medium, LPDE films were buried for 100 days in a 1-L flask containing 400 g sterile solid waste raw materials at 28 °C. Each fungus was added to a separate flask. The moisture content and pH of the media were maintained at the optimal levels for each fungus. Photo-oxidation (25 days under UV-irradiation) was used as a pretreatment of the LDPE samples. The progress of the process was monitored by measurement of total organic carbon (TOC), pH, temperature and moisture. The results obtained from monitoring the process using isolated fungi under sterile conditions indicate that these fungi are able to grow in solid waste medium. The results of FT-IR and SEM analyses show that A. terreus and A. fumigatus, despite the availability of other organic carbon of materials, could utilize LDPE as carbon source. While there has been much research in the field of LDPE biodegradation under solid conditions, this is the first report of degradation of LDPE by A. fumigatus.  相似文献   

In this work, a product distribution study from thermal degradation of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is presented. Thermal degradation of the polymer was investigated under dynamic condition in an inert environment using a thermo-gravimetric analyzer (TGA) coupled with evolved products’ analysis using a gas chromatograph (GC). Fractions evolved at nine different temperatures from 200 to 600 °C were injected into GC for a detailed product analysis. The main objective of the present investigation is to highlight the species-specific evolution profiles of LDPE pyrolyzates (C5–C44) at different stages of its degradation under an inert environment. Pyrograms have been analyzed in terms of amount of different products evolved at various pyrolysis temperatures. Volatile pyrolyzates essentially remain low at low decomposition temperature (200–300 °C) of the polymer, which gradually increase to attain a maximum at maximum decomposition temperature (470 °C) and finally level off at 600 °C. In the mechanistic approach adopted to understand the decomposition mechanism of LDPE, the following reaction types were considered: (a) main chain cleavage to form chain-terminus radicals; (b) intramolecular hydrogen transfer to generate internal radicals; (c) intermolecular hydrogen transfer to form both volatile products and radicals; and (d) β-scission to form both volatiles and terminally unsaturated polymer.  相似文献   

Preheated14C-labeled LDPE-films with 15% corn starch and a proxidant formulation [masterbatch (MB)] incubated in aqueous solutions with fungi at ambient temperature are about three times more susceptible to biodegradation than the corresponding preheated pure LDPE as observed by liquid scintillation counting (LSC). The inbuilt induction time before autoxidation commences can be shortened by initial heating. Preheated LDPE-MB materials biodegrade about five times faster than nonheated ones. After 1 year of biodegradation of nonheated LDPE-MB, sporadic increases in the evolution of14CO2 have been noted, showing that the induction time may be running toward and end.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - A feasible process for preparing lightweight building materials from the low-silicate iron tailings was developed. Various proportions of...  相似文献   

Waste glass creates serious environmental problems, mainly due to the inconsistency of waste glass streams. With increasing environmental pressure to reduce solid waste and to recycle as much as possible, the concrete industry has adopted a number of methods to achieve this goal. The properties of concretes containing waste glass as fine aggregate were investigated in this study. The strength properties and ASR expansion were analyzed in terms of waste glass content. An overall quantity of 80 kg of crushed waste glass was used as a partial replacement for sand at 10%, 15%, and 20% with 900 kg of concrete mixes. The results proved 80% pozzolanic strength activity given by waste glass after 28 days. The flexural strength and compressive strength of specimens with 20% waste glass content were 10.99% and 4.23%, respectively, higher than those of the control specimen at 28 days. The mortar bar tests demonstrated that the finely crushed waste glass helped reduce expansion by 66% as compared with the control mix.  相似文献   

Building demolition waste constitutes a major component of municipal solid waste in Kuwait. Over 90% of this waste is currently land-filled, causing extreme pressure on the available land-fill sites. At the same time, the sources of natural aggregates are almost depleted, and there is an increasing demand because of the increased construction and maintenance activities. This article presents the results of a technical feasibility study into meeting this need by recycling the aggregates obtained from building demolition waste for asphalt concrete. The Marshall test, the immersion compression test, the loss of stability test, and the wheel track test were performed to evaluate the asphalt concrete made with recycled aggregate. The results showed that the asphalt concrete produced using an aggregate of demolition waste met all the requirements of local specifications.  相似文献   

介绍了废聚乙烯塑料膜及制品的循环再生利用技术。原料100%采用废聚乙烯塑料膜;不需造粒、熔粒,直接一次熔融制成新塑料膜;再生的农用地膜和包装膜经权威部门检验测试,各项质量技术指标均达到或超过国家标准,少部分指标超国标5倍以上。由于减少了工序,节约了能源,降低了成本,彻底突破了传统工艺在废聚乙烯塑料膜再生利用过程中,只能添加10%废料的约束;解决了必须经过造粒、二次熔融才能成膜的技术难题。其生产工艺独特、新颖,无"三废"产生。为节约资源、节约能源、循环经济、综合利用、减少污染、保护环境,创出了一条全新的技术途径。  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - A crushed concrete aggregate, processed from construction and demolition waste and a siderurgical aggregate, processed from electric arc furnace...  相似文献   

Cellulose/polyethylene mixture (3:1 w/w) and Tetra Pak wastes with and without metal chloride (ZnCl2, AlCl3, CuCl2, FeCl3) addition were subjected to a fast pyrolysis process at 350–500 °C and heating rate 100 °C/s to evaluate the possibility of liquid product formation with a high yield. The addition of zinc, aluminum, iron and copper chlorides has influenced the range of samples decomposition as well as the chemical composition of resulting pyrolytic oils. It was found that formation of levoglucosan, the main product of cellulose thermal decomposition, and phenol and its derivatives decreased in a presence of metal chlorides. Non-catalytic fast pyrolysis of polyethylene leads to the formation of solid long chain hydrocarbons, whereas the addition of metal chlorides promotes the formation of more liquid hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

While the cathode ray tube (CRT) funnel containing lead could be transported to a smelting facility to recover lead, which could be an available option in domestic, a proper technology to recycle a CRT panel must be developed. Thus, it was suggested that CRT panel glass be used as aggregates of concrete blocks and clay bricks. Samples of blocks and bricks were fabricated with CRT powders and tested to measure their strength and absorption rate to determine their qualities, and environmental soundness was determined by measuring the leaching rate of hazardous metals. For concrete blocks, CRT panel glass powders incorporated as aggregates up to 40 % replacing stone powder was proposed as the proper condition for manufacturing blocks. Around 2 % of CRT panel incorporated into clay brick to substitute Kaoline was suggested to fabricate the best quality of clay brick. Results of leaching test met the criteria with much less concentration of hazardous metals, even lead compound containing in the CRT funnel. To conclude, the use of CRT panel powder after crushing it to the proper size as an aggregate of concrete blocks or clay bricks could be one of the appropriate alternatives to recycle for CRT glass waste being generated drastically in a short term.  相似文献   

This article describes the gasification of polyethylene–wood mixtures to form syngas (H2 and CO) with the aim of feedstock recycling via direct fermentation of syngas to ethanol. The aim was to determine the effects of four process parameters on process properties that give insight into the efficiency of gasification in general, and particularly into the optimum gasification conditions for the production of ethanol by fermentation of producer gas. Gasification experiments (fluidized bed, 800°–950°C) were done under different conditions to optimize the composition of syngas suitable for fermentation purposes. The data obtained were used for statistical analysis and modeling. In this way, the effect of each parameter on the process properties was determined and the model was used to predict the optimum gasification conditions. The parameters varied during the experiment were gasification temperature, equivalence ratio, the ratio of plastic to wood in the feed, and the amount of steam added to the process. The response models obtained proved to be statistically significant in the experimental domain. The optimum gasification conditions for maximization of carbon monoxide and hydrogen production were identified. The conditions are: temperature 900°C, equivalence ratio 0.15, amount of plastic in the feed 0.11 g/g feed, and amount of steam added 0.42 g/g feed. These optimum conditions are at the edge of the present experimental domain. The maximum combined CO and H2 efficiency was 42%, and for the maximum yield of CO and H2 it is necessary to minimize the polyethylene content, minimize the added steam and the equivalence ratio, and maximize temperature.  相似文献   

Bottom ashes from a north Italian municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) were vitrified at 1450 degrees C without adding any vitrifying agent, then ground and sieved to different granulometry (ranging from 50 microm to 20mm), and used as filler, sand, or aggregate for concrete. Samples were characterized via slump tests (UNI 9418), alkali-silica reactivity (UNI 8520/22 and ASTM C 298), and compression strength tests (UNI 6132, 6132/72, 6686/72), and compared to reference samples obtained without vitrified bottom ashes (VBA). Our results show that vitrified bottom ashes are unsuitable as a sand substitute; however, concrete containing up to 20 wt.% of VBA filler used as a substitute for cement and up to 75 vol.% of VBA as a substitute for natural aggregate retains the same mechanical properties as reference samples. Alkali-silica or other detrimental reactions were not observed in VBA-containing concrete samples after a period of two years. The results of this work demonstrate that vitrified bottom ashes from MSWI can be used instead of natural aggregates in mortar and concrete production.  相似文献   

Waste marble dusts are obtained by different methods of cutting marble in marble manufacturing companies. However, environmental damage can occur from the uncontrolled spill of these waste materials in natural habitats. In this study, we investigated the utilization of waste marble in the soil improvement of clayey soils, and as a fine aggregate in concrete production. Specifically, we determined the physical, mechanical and physicochemical characteristics of clayey soils with marble dust (MD) additive. The test results showed that some improvement occurred in the behavior of clay soil. Also, the cutting waste of marble sludge can be used as a filler material instead of fine aggregate in concrete production. This will reduce the porosity of the concrete due to the filling of the pores by MD.  相似文献   

含氯塑料的使用及再生利用有利于节能减排,介绍了含氯塑料和其再生利用的特性,以及日本含氯塑料的再生利用现状和存在的问题,提出推动再生利用技术开发和构筑高效回收运转体系等应对措施.  相似文献   

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