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梳理了上海市生活垃圾分类减量的管理工作,就推进生活垃圾源头分类的瓶颈进行了阐述,并提出了促进生活垃圾分类减量的对策。  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Malaysia is a developing country, and its economic growth has caused the increase in the generation of industrial waste in terms of its volume. The...  相似文献   

Using conjoint analysis, we estimated the willingness to pay (WTP) of households for source separation of plastic waste and the improvement of related environmental impacts, the residents' loss of life expectancy (LLE), the landfill capacity, and the CO(2) emissions. Unreliable respondents were identified and removed from the sample based on their answers to follow-up questions. It was found that the utility associated with reducing LLE and with the landfill capacity were both well expressed by logarithmic functions, but that residents were indifferent to the level of CO(2) emissions even though they approved of CO(2) reduction. In addition, residents derived utility from the act of separating plastic waste, irrespective of its environmental impacts; that is, they were willing to practice the separation of plastic waste at home in anticipation of its "invisible effects", such as the improvement of citizens' attitudes toward solid waste issues.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - College students are one of the most important groups of participants and promoters of household waste separation. Taking Ningbo as a case study,...  相似文献   

Recycling and reusing recyclables is an important way to solve the municipal solid waste (MSW) problem. As the collection of solid waste takes up the largest percentage of MSW management budgets, improving the collection of recyclables is important. Since the decline of government-run waste buying depots in the late 1980s, the collection of recyclables from households and waste deposit sites in China is done by buyers with small informal bases and waste pickers, who are usually unskilled rural people who have come to the cities. Because of this, the current system is seen to have social problems. So, the recyclable collection system has both social as well as economic significance. China is in the process of rapid industrialization and urbanization, and a new mode of community collection system is emerging. It operates by market mechanisms, with waste collection companies that are supported by the municipal government, establishing recycle service sites, and employing workers to buy recyclables door-to-door. This paper is a case study of the new system in the Haidian District, Beijing. It summarizes the system, compares it to experiences in other countries and discusses whether the new approach contributes to resources recycling in China.  相似文献   

Tremendous increases in biodegradable (food waste) generation significantly impact the local authorities, who are responsible to manage, treat and dispose of this waste. The process of separation of food waste at its generation source is identified as effective means in reducing the amount food waste sent to landfill and can be reused as feedstock to downstream treatment processes namely composting or anaerobic digestion. However, these efforts will only succeed with positive attitudes and highly participations rate by the public towards the scheme. Thus, the social survey (using questionnaires) to analyse public’s view and influencing factors towards participation in source separation of food waste in households based on the theory of planned behaviour technique (TPB) was performed in June and July 2011 among selected staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor. The survey demonstrates that the public has positive intention in participating provided the opportunities, facilities and knowledge on waste separation at source are adequately prepared by the respective local authorities. Furthermore, good moral values and situational factors such as storage convenience and collection times are also encouraged public’s involvement and consequently, the participations rate. The findings from this study may provide useful indicator to the waste management authorities in Malaysia in identifying mechanisms for future development and implementation of food waste source separation activities in household programmes and communication campaign which advocate the use of these programmes.  相似文献   

Cameron Highlands is a mountainous region with steep slopes. Gradients exceeding 20 are common. The climate is favourable to the cultivation of tea, sub-tropical vegetables and flowers (under rain-shelter). Crop production is sustained by high fertiliser and manure applications. However, agriculture in this environment is characterised by high levels of soil erosion and environmental pollution. A study on the sustainability of these agro-ecosystems was conducted. Results indicated that soil loss was in the range of 24–42 ton/ha/yr under vegetables and 1.3 ton under rain-shelter. Sediment load in the vegetable sub-catchment reached 3.5 g/L, 50 times higher than that associated with flowers under rain-shelter and tea. The sediments contained high nutrient loads of up to 470 kg N/ha/yr. The N, P and K lost in runoff from cabbage farms was 154 kg/season/ha, whereas in chrysanthemum farms it was 5 kg. In cabbage farms, the N, P, and K lost through leaching was 193 kg/season/ha. The NO3–N concentration in the runoff from the cabbage farms reached 25 ppm but less than 10 ppm in runoff from rain-shelters. Inorganic pollution in the rivers was within the acceptable limit of 10 ppm. The sustainability of the agro-ecosystems is in the order of tea { > } rain–shelter ≫ vegetables.  相似文献   

Recycling of paper and glass from household waste is an integrated part of waste management in Denmark, however, increased recycling is a legislative target. The questions are: how much more can the recycling rate be increased through improvements of collection schemes when organisational and technical limitations are respected, and what will the environmental and economic consequences be? This was investigated in a case study of a municipal waste management system. Five scenarios with alternative collection systems for recyclables (paper, glass, metal and plastic packaging) were assessed by means of a life cycle assessment and an assessment of the municipality’s costs. Kerbside collection would provide the highest recycling rate, 31% compared to 25% in the baseline scenario, but bring schemes with drop-off containers would also be a reasonable solution. Collection of recyclables at recycling centres was not recommendable because the recycling rate would decrease to 20%. In general, the results showed that enhancing recycling and avoiding incineration was recommendable because the environmental performance was improved in several impact categories. The municipal costs for collection and treatment of waste were reduced with increasing recycling, mainly because the high cost for incineration was avoided. However, solutions for mitigation of air pollution caused by increased collection and transport should be sought.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Growing concern over fossil fuel depletion and the environmental impact of greenhouse gases have driven the demand for solid biofuel energy as an...  相似文献   

The organic fraction of municipal solid wastes in Southeast Asia, which has a high moisture content, accounts for a large proportion of total waste. Local governments need to pay adequate attention to the composition of wastes to determine alternative waste management technologies. This study proposed the use of a triangle diagram to describe changes in proximate composition and rates of successful source separation of municipal solid waste and to identify technical challenges about alternative waste management technologies such as incineration, composting, and refuse-derived fuel production based on physical and proximate composition analysis of household waste sampled in Hanoi, Vietnam, as a case study. The analysis indicated the effectiveness of different types of source separation as well as different levels of successful achievement of source separation as an adjustment mechanism for the proximate composition of waste. Proper categorization of wastes for source separation is necessary for the appropriate use of alternative waste management technologies. The results showed that, at a source separation rate of just greater than 0.52 in a three-way separation scheme, the waste separated as combustible waste would be suitable for incineration with energy recovery. Based on well-designed schemes of source separation, alternative waste management technologies can be applied.  相似文献   

Efficacy of waste recycling is one of the key determinants of environmental sustainability of a city. Like other pro-environmental activities, waste recycling cannot be successfully accomplished by just one or two people, but only by a concerted effort of the community. The collective-action dilemma creates a common underlying difficulty in formulating workable solutions to many environmental problems. With a view to the non-excludability of the outcome, rationality drives people to free-ride efforts of others in waste recycling. To solve this free-rider problem, some scholars suggest the use of economic incentive. This article attempts to study the impacts of reward schemes on waste recycling behaviour of residents in 122 private housing estates in Hong Kong. The study is differentiable from the others as the latter mainly focus on domestic waste recycling in low-rise low-density housing while this one looks into the same in a high-rise high-density residential setting. According to the results of analyses on a set of aggregate data, reward schemes are found to have a significant positive relationship with the per-household weight of recyclables collected, keeping other things constant. The research findings suggest that economic incentives do work in promoting waste recycling in Hong Kong. Practical and policy implications follow.  相似文献   

This article presents site closure strategies of source material removal and dissolved‐phase groundwater natural attenuation that were applied at two manufactured gas plant (MGP) sites in Wisconsin. The source removal actions were implemented in 1999 and 2000 with groundwater monitoring activities preceding and following those actions. Both of these sites have unique geological and hydrogeological conditions. The article briefly presents site background information and source removal activities at both of these sites and focuses on groundwater analytical testing data that demonstrate remediation of dissolved‐phase MGP‐related groundwater impacts by natural attenuation. A statistical evaluation of the data supports a stable or declining MGP parameter concentration trend at each of the sites. A comparison of the site natural attenuation evaluation is made to compare with the requirements for site closure under the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources regulations and guidance. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

EOS, or emulsified oil substrate, was used to stimulate anaerobic biodegradation of trichloroethene (TCE) and tetrachloroethene (PCE) at a former Army‐owned manufacturing facility located in the Piedmont area of North Carolina. Previous use of chlorinated solvents at the facility resulted in soil and groundwater impacts. Ten years of active remediation utilizing soil vacuum extraction and air sparging (SVE/AS) were largely ineffective in reducing the TCE/PCE plume. In 2002, the Army authorized preparation of an amended Remedial Action Plan (RAP) to evaluate in situ bioremediation methods to remediate TCE in groundwater. The RAP evaluated eight groundwater remediation technologies and recommended EOS as the preferred bioremediation alternative for the site. Eight wells were drilled within the 100 × 100 feet area believed to be the primary source area for the TCE plume. In a first injection phase, dilute EOS emulsion was injected into half of the wells. Distribution of the carbon substrate through the treatment zone was enhanced by pumping the four wells that were not injected and recirculating the extracted water through the injection wells. The process was repeated in a second phase that reversed the injection/extraction well pairs. Overall, 18,480 pounds of EOS were injected and 163,000 gallons of water were recirculated through the source area. Anaerobic groundwater conditions were observed shortly after injection with a corresponding decrease in both PCE and TCE concentrations. Dissolved oxygen, oxidation‐reduction potential, and sulfate concentrations also decreased after injection, while TCE‐degradation products, ferrous iron, and methane concentrations increased. The reduction in TCE allowed the Army to meet the groundwater remediation goals for the site. Approximately 18 months after injection, eight wells were innoculated with a commercially prepared dechlorinating culture (KB‐1) in an attempt to address lingering cis‐1,2‐dichloroethene (cis‐DCE) and vinyl chloride (VC) that continued to be observed in some wells. Dehalococcoides populations increased slightly post‐bioaugmentation. Both cis‐DCE and VC continue to slowly decrease. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

燃烧过程中氮氧化物的生成机理   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18  
简述了自然界氮氧化物的来源及其对环境的危害,重点介绍了燃烧过程产生NOx的3条主要途径,详细介绍了NOx的生成机理,可作为控制NOx排放的参考。  相似文献   

A gas-solid fluidized bed separator using various bed materials was used to separate shredded municipal bulky waste (SBW). Using 290 microm glass beads as the bed material, the apparent density of the fluidized bed was 1.5 g/cm(3) and the SBW could be separated into combustibles such as wood, paper and plastics and incombustibles such as metals and glass. The overall efficiency (Newton's efficiency) of the separation was calculated to be 0.93. In order to obtain high efficiency, the superficial velocity must be adjusted so that the fluidized bed is agitated moderately and at the same time there is no weak fluidized region. Using a mixture of particles of nylon shot and 68 microm glass beads, the apparent density of the fluidized mixture bed could be varied between 0.63 and 0.99 g/cm(3) by changing the mixing ratio of the two materials. In the case of a mixing ratio of 20% for glass beads, an apparent density of 0.65 g/cm(3) was produced, in which wood and paper components were recovered while plastics remained in the bed to give a final overall efficiency of 0.88.  相似文献   

Cameron Highlands has a long history of intensive horticulture especially vegetable and flower cultivation. This industry uses large amounts of nutrients and pesticides. Several simulation models were used to assess the movement of pesticides and nutrients in relation to agronomic practices in farm plots cultivated with cabbage and chrysanthemum. It was shown that most of the pesticides are absorbed by the topsoils which are enriched by organic fertiliser, and are not leached beyond the top 10 cm layer. Methamidophos, dazomet, cyromazine, triforine and NO3N were predicted to cause soil contamination. The application of high amounts of fertilisers can cause nitrate contamination to the groundwater in Cameron Highlands.  相似文献   

To establish the per capita household waste arisings, door-to-door measurement of discharged waste was carried out. Survey was done in four 2-week phases over a period of 13 months. A questionnaire survey was also carried out to obtain data on household size and other household characteristics as well as the extent of reduce and recycle activities. The results showed that there is a big variance among households on waste arisings, and that household size is an important socio-economic factor in determining per capita waste generation.  相似文献   

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