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精选自Nicol Janecko, Lucie Pokludova, Jana Blahova, Zdenka Svobodova, Ivan Literak. Implications of fluoroquinolone contamination on the fresh water aquatic environment -A review. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 35, Issue 11, pages 2647–2656, November 2016. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3552

从20世纪40年代开始,排水毒性测试已用于评价排水的潜在生态影响,并据此找到必要的处理方法以保护环境。毒性测试、分析工具和生物监测的系统组合方案逐步发展起来。因为排水毒性测试中所用的脊椎动物数量远大于单一化合物毒性测试的,所以需要开发一种方案以减少脊椎动物(例如鱼类)的使用。发展中国家开始将脊椎动物用于毒性实验以评价排水水质,这样使得新的综合方案的开发更为重要。本文完成了几项任务:1)评价国际上排水毒性测试的研究现状;2)考察目前管理部门、工业界、私人实验室和学术界的实践现状;3)探寻脊椎动物(鱼类)的替代方法包括改进的/新开发的方法和手段。单一手段往往很难满足上述要求,因为需要同时考虑监管需求、有效基准和替代方法的广泛接受度。应用证据权重法的一整套方案可以拥有足够的灵活性,得以满足环境、监管机构、监管团体的多方面要求。这个“工具箱(toolbox)”式的解决方案可以减少对活体(in vivo)鱼类测试的依赖。本文简要综述了污水监管和排水毒性测试方法。我们讨论和描述了正在开发中的替代方法,以及若要将其应用于监管,尚需克服的一些局限和障碍,这些方案将来都可以应用于国家和地区的环境管理。 精选自Teresa J. Norberg‐King, Michelle R. Embry, Scott E. Belanger, Thomas Braunbeck, Joshua D. Butler, Phil B. Dorn, Brianna Farr, Patrick D. Guiney, Sarah A. Hughes, Marlo Jeffries, Romain Journel, Marc Lèonard, Mark McMaster, James T. Oris, Kathy Ryder, Helmut Segner, Thomas Senac, Glen Van Der Kraak, Graham Whale, Peter Wilson. An International Perspective on the Tools and Concepts for Effluent Toxicity Assessments in the Context of Animal Alternatives: Reduction in Vertebrate Use. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,2018,37:2745-2757.
详情请见 https://doi.org/10.1002/etc.4259

精选自Forbes, V. E., Salice, C. J., Birnir, B., Bruins, R. J.F., Calow, P., Ducrot, V., Galic, N., Garber, K., Harvey, B. C., Jager, H., Kanarek, A., Pastorok, R., Railsback, S. F., Rebarber, R. and Thorbek, P. (2017), A framework for predicting impacts on ecosystem services from (sub)organismal responses to chemicals. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 36: 845–859. doi: 10.1002/etc.3720

考虑到人类社会中大量使用化学物质,想要准确有效地评估这些化学物质对人类和生态受体的潜在风险,研发有效的手段和方法是至关重要的。鱼胚胎急性毒性试验是其中一种工具,已表现出与幼鱼急性毒性标准试验的预测结果高度吻合,而幼鱼试验对资源消耗更多。然而,也有证据表明,对于某些类型的化学物质,包括神经毒素,鱼类胚胎的敏感性低于幼鱼。本文利用已发表的斑马鱼胚胎毒性数据,与3种常用检测用鱼幼鱼(虹鳟鱼、蓝鳃太阳鱼、羊鲷)的半致死浓度50%(LC50)数据进行比较,研究了鱼类胚胎对农药危害评估的效用。在将农药视为单因素的情况下,斑马鱼胚胎和幼鱼毒性数据相关性较差,差异显著(r2=0.28;p2=0.64;p 精选自Glaberman, S., Padilla, S. and Barron, M. G. (2017), Evaluating the zebrafish embryo toxicity test for pesticide hazard screening. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 36: 1221–1226. doi: 10.1002/etc.3641

由于毒性评估项目很难与日渐增长的需要测试的污染物保持同步,所以较难将关注点集中在影响水生生态系统的最为生物相关的污染物上。由于评估潜在毒性污染物所造成的生物影响已被证明是有效的,内生性代谢物的研究(代谢组学)对于剔除那些较低可能造成生物影响的污染物或许有一定帮助,从而找出生物重要性最高的污染物。本研究在北美五大湖流域的18个地点针对置于笼中的黑头软口鲦(Pimephales promelas)进行实验。我们测定了水体温度和水样中的污染物浓度(目标污染物132种,检出86种),并使用1H-NMR谱测量了肝极性提取物中的内生性代谢物。利用偏最小二乘法回归来比对内生性代谢物的相对丰度与污染物浓度和环境温度。结果表明内生性极性代谢物的指标与最多49种污染物存在共同变化。因此我们认为至多52%的检出污染物与内生性代谢物变化的共同变化不显著,表明这些污染物很可能不会在这些地点造成可以检测到的影响。这是通过缩短对于实验地点有着潜在影响的污染物列表从而扫描出检出污染物生物相关性的第一步。类似的信息有助于风险评估者区分不同污染物的重要性并将重点毒性测试放在最为生物相关的污染物上。
精选自Nicol Janecko, Lucie Pokludova, Jana Blahova, Zdenka Svobodova, Ivan Literak. Linking field-based metabolomics and chemical analyses to prioritize contaminants of emerging concern in the Great Lakes basin. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 35, Issue 10, pages 2493–2502, October 2016. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3409

精选自Nienke Müller, Dick de Zwart, Michael Hauschild, Ga?l Kijko, Peter Fantke. Exploring REACH as potential data source for characterizing ecotoxicity in life cycle assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 36, Issue 2, pages 492–500, July 2017. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3542

本文作者主要研究了腐殖酸对聚乙烯吡咯烷酮包覆的纳米银颗粒(polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated AgNPs)毒性的影响,受试生物涵盖了水生系统不同的营养级别,包括藻类(Raphidocelis subcapitata)、水蚤类(Chydorus sphaericus)以及淡水鱼类(Danio rerio)。结果显示,腐殖酸可降低AgNPs对本研究中所有水生生物的毒性,并具有明显的剂量效应关系。原因为:1)腐殖酸使AgNPs表面带有更多负电荷,这阻碍了AgNPs与藻细胞的接触,使毒性降低;2)腐殖酸抑制了AgNPs中Ag+的溶出,而本研究显示自由Ag+的毒性高于团聚的纳米银颗粒。
精选自Zhuang Wang, Joris T.K. Quik, Lan Song, Evert-Jan Van Den Brandhof, Marja Wouterse and Willie J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Humic substances alleviate the aquatic toxicity of polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated silver nanoparticles to organisms of different trophic levels. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 34, Issue 6, pages 1239–1245, June 2015. DOI: 10.1002/etc.2936

植物保护品在农作物上的使用会导致鸟类和哺乳动物接触有毒化学物质。在欧盟,关于此类暴露的风险评估均以当前(2009)欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)颁布的指导性文件为依据,与之前的版本相比,该文件在理论风险评估的可实现性方面有所提高(SANCO/4145/2000)。自从7年前实施2009 EFSA 指导性文件以来,基于此已经对众多植物保护品的毒性进行了成功地评估。然而,在今后的修订版本中仍然存在需要改进的重要方面。这篇焦点文章讨论了目前方案的风险评估经验,包括输入参数的保守水平和监管当局的解释以及如何在不远的将来对指导性文件进行修订提出建议。明确了推进指导文件的几方面建议,例如与生态相关的鸟类和哺乳动物生殖端点的推导和情境风险评估中建模方法的使用。在完善现有数据库方面,本文也有所强调,包括校对全欧洲相关焦点物种和扩大食物残留数据库。为了能够在将来形成一个真实可用的指导性文件,强烈建议在产业、监管和欧洲食品安全局等部门之间进行开放和建设性的沟通和交流。这样的合作也将鼓励会员国之间的融合,从而减轻产业和监管机构工作负荷。
精选自Amy C. Brooks, Mike Fryer, Alan Lawrence, Juan Pascual, Rachel Sharp. Reflections on bird and mammal risk assessment for plant protection products in the European Union: past, present and future. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 36, Issue 3, pages 565–575, July 2017. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3719

本文作者主要研究了腐殖酸对聚乙烯吡咯烷酮包覆的纳米银颗粒(polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated AgNPs)毒性的影响,受试生物涵盖了水生系统不同的营养级别,包括藻类(Raphidocelis subcapitata)、水蚤类(Chydorus sphaericus)以及淡水鱼类(Danio rerio)。结果显示,腐殖酸可降低AgNPs对本研究中所有水生生物的毒性,并具有明显的剂量效应关系。原因为:1)腐殖酸使AgNPs表面带有更多负电荷,这阻碍了AgNPs与藻细胞的接触,使毒性降低;2)腐殖酸抑制了AgNPs中Ag+的溶出,而本研究显示自由Ag+的毒性高于团聚的纳米银颗粒。
精选自Zhuang Wang, Joris T.K. Quik, Lan Song, Evert-Jan Van Den Brandhof, Marja Wouterse and Willie J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Humic substances alleviate the aquatic toxicity of polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated silver nanoparticles to organisms of different trophic levels. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 34, Issue 6, pages 1239–1245, June 2015. DOI: 10.1002/etc.2936

本研究的目的是回顾目前关于可离子化有机化合物(IOCs)的生物累积潜力的认知,重点讨论鱼类经验数据的有效性。IOCs在鱼体内的生物积累潜力可以很好地表征为:依赖pH的鳃摄取和排泄,肠道吸收和磷脂吸附(膜-水分区)。关键的挑战包括缺乏关于IOCs生物转化和血浆结合的经验数据。鱼拥有多种蛋白质,可以在细胞膜上传输IOCs。然而,除了少数情况下,这种传输对环境污染物的吸收和积累的意义是未知的。本文提出了2个研究案例。第一个描述了pH值和生物转化对有机酸和碱的生物富集的建模作用,而第二个则采用了一个更新的模型来研究导致全氟烷基酸积累的因素。全氟化烷基酸个案研究是值得关注的,因为它说明了膜转运蛋白在肾脏中可能具有的重要性,并强调了交叉比对方法(read-across approaches)的潜在价值。认识到当前需要对IOCs进行生物累积危害评估和生态风险评估,作者提供了一个分层策略,从保守的假设(模型和相关数据)到需要化学特定信息的更复杂的模型。
精选自Armitage, J. M., Erickson, R. J., Luckenbach, T., Ng, C. A., Prosser, R. S., Arnot, J. A., Schirmer, K. and Nichols, J. W. (2017), Assessing the bioaccumulation potential of ionizable organic compounds: Current knowledge and research priorities. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 36: 882–897. doi: 10.1002/etc.3680

在如今超过1 500种在用原料药中,环境中发现几率明确和对环境影响明确的原料药所占比例很小。由于很难监管所有在用原料药,众多先前的研究提议将原料药按照受关注程度排序,从而可以将研究资源集中于那些最受瞩目的药物。然而这些研究都存在局限性,本文从之前优先性方法的实践经验出发,提出了一种更为全面的原料药排序方法。该方法基于对水生生物、土壤生物、鸟类、野生哺乳动物和人类的风险,综合考虑了食物链顶端存在的生态毒理学研究终点和由这些治疗性药物作用机制带来的非顶端效果。对于在英国社区以及医院设置中使用的146种活性药物的分析可以更为详细地说明该方法的运用。根据这一方法,我们将16种化合物列为优先考虑的药物。这些药物包括了抗生素、抗抑郁药、抗炎药、抗糖尿病药、抗肥胖药、雌激素类化合物以及相关的代谢产物。我们建议这种优先性方法在将来可以更广泛地应用于世界上不同的地区。
精选自Jiahua Guo, Chris J. Sinclair, Katherine Selby, Alistair B.A. Boxall. Toxicological and ecotoxicological risk based prioritisation of pharmaceuticals in the natural environment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 35, Issue 7, pages 1550–1559, July 2016. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3319

Abstract:  It has been suggested that transgenics and vertebrate cloning have a role to play in conservation. Now is the time to evaluate their risks and benefits, before these technologies are widely implemented in our field. Direct risks of transgenics include escape and introgression of transgenes into wild populations; weedy invasion by transgenic organisms; toxicity or pathogenicity of engineered organisms and their products; and human error in the field testing and tracking of transgenic organisms. Indirect risks include environmental effects of increased herbicide use; the danger that engineered organisms may aid the development of bioweapons; the likelihood that gene patenting will lead to the privatization of natural resources; and the diversion of support from less glamorous forms of conservation. Formal risk assessments are commonly used to evaluate transgenic procedures, but our incomplete understanding of both ecosystem processes and the action of transgenes renders most of these assessments scientifically and socially unjustified. Nevertheless, a few, low-risk applications of transgenics may be possible: for example, "super-sterile" ornamental cultivars. Vertebrate cloning poses little risk to the environment, but it can consume scarce conservation resources, and its chances of success in preserving species seem poor. To date, the conservation benefits of transgenics and vertebrate cloning remain entirely theoretical, but many of the risks are known and documented. Conservation biologists should devote their research and energies to the established methods of conservation, none of which require transgenics or vertebrate cloning.  相似文献   

氟虫双酰胺对蚯蚓的生化毒性与细胞毒性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双酰胺类杀虫剂已成为全世界第4大类最常用的杀虫剂,具有非常广阔的应用前景。然而,目前关于双酰胺类杀虫剂生态毒性评估方面的研究还比较少。为探究双酰胺类杀虫剂对非靶标生物的毒性作用,选取赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia fetida)为受试生物,研究了典型双酰胺类杀虫剂氟虫双酰胺对非靶标动物蚯蚓的生化毒性和细胞毒性以及其在人工土和蚯蚓体内的浓度变化情况。结果表明,氟虫双酰胺在人工土壤中十分稳定,在整个暴露期间氟虫双酰胺的浓度变化不超过20%。氟虫双酰胺在蚯蚓体内的含量随染毒浓度的升高和暴露时间的推移而增加,呈明显的时间和剂量-效应关系;在染毒浓度为0.1和1.0 mg·kg-1的处理组中,氟虫双酰胺未对蚯蚓产生明显的氧化胁迫效应。在染毒浓度为5.0和10.0 mg·kg-1的处理组中,蚯蚓体内活性氧(ROS)含量显著高于其他处理组,过量的ROS诱导蚯蚓体内各种抗氧化酶活性发生异常变化,并在蚯蚓体内造成了脂质过氧化、蛋白质羰基化和DNA损伤。研究表明,当土壤中氟虫双酰胺的浓度为5.0和10.0 mg·kg-1时可能会对蚯蚓产生很高的风险。此外,彗星实验对氟虫双酰胺诱导的氧化胁迫较为敏感,可以作为敏感生物标志物对氟虫双酰胺造成的土壤污染进行预警。  相似文献   

精选自Sponsler, D. B. and Johnson, R. M. (2017), Mechanistic modeling of pesticide exposure: The missing keystone of honey bee toxicology. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 36: 871–881. doi: 10.1002/etc.3661

由于人类社会的发展,环境污染也越来越严重,研究环境污染物对生态及人类健康的影响极为重要。生殖系统是人和动物繁衍后代的重要系统,常见环境污染物对生殖系统的影响正引起研究人员的广泛关注。秀丽隐杆线虫具有身体透明、品系丰富和遗传背景清楚等优点,为生殖毒理学研究提供了一个便利的平台。以秀丽隐杆线虫为模型已对多种环境污染物的生殖毒性进行了评价。本文重点叙述了重金属、纳米材料、有机物等化学污染,辐射、磁场等物理污染,以及病毒等生物污染对秀丽线虫生殖系统的影响,并归纳讨论了环境污染物造成生殖功能障碍的几种主要机制,如氧化应激、DNA损伤、内质网应激以及神经损伤等,但不同类型污染物的毒性效应与其自身的物化性质紧密相关。环境污染物诱导的生殖毒性中不同响应机制之间的关联性、不同发育阶段的敏感性差异、污染物的传代效应以及有效的缓解方式的筛选等都有待进一步的开展。  相似文献   



Since the 1960s the scientific community has become increasingly aware of the need for integrative and holistic approaches to solve environmental issues. It has not only been recognized that changing environmental conditions can alter toxicological properties of pollutants but also that susceptibility of organisms to man-made chemicals strongly depends on environmental factors. This is especially true with respect to the endocrine control of reproductive processes in many aquatic species including fish, which are mainly influenced by changes in the surrounding environment such as day length, temperature, water flow, etc. Thus, it is astounding that the use of integrative approaches to address the question of the ecotoxicological relevance of the disruption of endocrine and related reproductive functions is rate. As a consequence of this shortcoming, there is increasing demand both among scientists and politicians regarding more holistic approaches in the endocrine disruptor research.


This contribution aims to critically discuss current strategies and approaches as well as to identify alternative strategies in context with the environmental risk assessment of endocrine disruptors. This will be exemplified using an ecotoxicological study with bream (Abramis brama) that was conducted along a major European river, the Elbe.

Results and Discussion

Local bream (Abramis brama) populations collected along the river Elbe were characterized by different magnitudes and/or types of endocrine alterations. Although there is a relatively extensive data set available regarding its contamination with wide range of chemicals in the Elbe, it has not been possible to conclusively relate the observed endocrine effects to the exposure to individual compounds or mixtures of chemicals. However, during the gross morphological evaluations of the fish it was observed that at some locations a great number of the individuals caught were parasitized with the tapeworm Ligula intestinalis. Furthermore, statistical analysis revealed that a relatively great percentage of the variation of the biological endpoints observed both among individuals and sampling sites could be explained by the occurrence of this parasite. Overall, the findings of these studies indicate that there is a complex interaction not only among the exposure to chemicals and parasitism but also of both of these aspects with the occurrence of biological effects in fish.


The gaps in our current knowledge as well as the findings from the few studies available indicate, the there is a need to revise our current approaches to characterize and evaluate exposure scenarios regarding their potential to cause endocrine disruption in wild organisms. Given the complexity of most environmental exposure scenarios, involving multiple factors including anthropogenic and natural influences and their interactions, I therefore see the urgent need to initiate a discussion on more integrative approaches in this field in favor of true ‘ecotoxicological studies’ that integrate both ecology and toxicology.  相似文献   

The main aim of the present work is to discuss the methodological approaches that underpin the “contaminant migrationpopulation effects” models for the evaluation of the detriment to populations of moving organisms in environmental systems with spatial and time dependent pollution levels. A technique to couple the equations controlling the population dynamics and the pollutant dispersion is described and discussed. The domain of application and the limitations of the methodology are analysed and illustrated by some examples. Possible alternative approaches are briefly presented.  相似文献   

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