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春天是什么?春天是一种感觉,是一种意象,是韵律,是节奏,是爱情。春是天之骄子,是大自然的宏儿,是人们的希望,是万物的期待。是那种似真似幻,如诗如画,既远又近,似虚又实,似是而非,似无还有,似有还无,忽焉在后,观之在眼,藏之在心,看得见,摸不着的感觉;是一首诗,一首乍读明白晓畅,再读辞简意丰,越读越深奥的诗。  相似文献   

李雪清 《福建环境》1997,14(6):14-16
甲壳素原料来源丰富,制备方法简单,性能优异,甲壳素,壳聚糖及其衍生物用途极其广泛,例如,在水处理,环境保护,化学工业,纺织工业,食品,饲料,造纸,医药,金属提取和回收以及农业肥料等方面,均显示了广阔应用的前景。  相似文献   

“市场”是商品交易的空间载体,这是一个广泛运用的概念,在计划经济体制下,尽管存在着市场及商品货币交换关系,但实际上只是实现计划对物资分配的手段,市场机制、市场操作规则遭到排斥,交易主体不是商品所有者,也不是商品经营者,市场对资源配置不起作用,在社会主义市场经济体制下,市场确是社会存在、发展的细胞核,经济再生过程中的正常运转、资源配置,国民收入的分配与再分配,人民生活的提高,无不通过市场来实现,市场是一种经济,在计划经济时期再生资源行业受国家特行政策的保护,按计划收购、调拨,狡家经营,不少企业,曾经有过辉煌,曾经是各级供销社系统的经济支柱产业、盈利大户,但进入市场经济以后,这个行业受到了极大的冲击和考验,走过了不少坎坷之路,付出了巨大的代价,不少企业在经历了迷茫之后,开始清醒,他们选择了创办再生资源交易市场的方向,把创办市场作为定位之举,作为再生资源行业实现二次创业的突破口,走上了一条由单纯经营向经营、管理转变的道路,使企业逐步走出困境,焕发生机和活力,笔者就创办再生资源交易市场问题谈三点粗浅认识,仅供参考。  相似文献   

红石峡位于陕西榆林城北3公里的红石崖上。榆溪河自内蒙蜿蜒入陕,水势湍急,穿峡直达城西。公元1472年,明成化八年,副都御史余子俊巡抚延绥,驻榆林,凿石为渠,引水由西而南,与无定河合流,定名“榆溪河”。渠成,夕阳东照,红石映日,分外耀眼,故名为“红石峡”。峡东西对峙,峭拔宏伟,故又称“雄石峡”。峡分南北两段,南段又东西两壁对峙,雄伟壮观,秀美旖旎,为塞北难得的一处游览胜境。早年,此峡两壁中分,上部天然湖泊,下部瀑布飞流直下。明代就此建坝,截榆溪河北来之水西流,穿西壁石窟而下,水石相击,如狮孔雷鸣,浪翻…  相似文献   

生态建设的生态效益转换的经济效益的转换速度,转换数量,转换成本,转换难易等直接影响生态建设的活力,效率和可持续发展,将生态效益转换的经济效益生态经营在其中起到关键作用,本文开创性探讨生态经营起因,内涵,功能,内容,技术,方法,手段等,为培育欠发达地区生态经营意识,能力,增强可持续发展能力指明了方向。  相似文献   

永泰,去过的人都说,山青水绿,风景宜人,这是由于青云山而闻名遐迩,迳走中华。但,我要说,除了青云山这个国家著名风景名胜区和4A级旅游区以及“无李不成乡,有乡必有李”享誉“中国李乡”外,最美的还算是大樟的竹。车进永泰地界,沿大樟溪两岸,放眼之处,绿竹袅袅娜娜,一簇簇,一丛丛,一片片苍翠欲滴,绿得炫目耀眼,绿得神奇发亮。让你想起“朱德的扁担”里所说的井岗山竹,想起郑板桥画的竹,还有那流传甚广的“门对千竿竹,家藏万卷书”,以及“宁可食无肉,不可居无竹”这些对竹的赞美来。  相似文献   

王丽娜 《环境科技》1996,9(4):40-42
采用气液分离型非挥发性溶液浓缩装置(WCG型浓缩法)回收合成法蒽醌生产过程中的废硫酸,可将30%的稀硫酸浓缩至52%的浓度,回用于化肥生产,经济效益,环境效益显著,并具有低温,常压,无酸雾产生;操作温度低,热损失少,节能降耗,劳动强度低,劳动力少,结构紧凑,占地面积小等优点,经过生产实践证明,该法可行,效果良好。  相似文献   

在瑞拉国家公园和巴尔干中央国家公园分别调查了1043和422个种的原生动物,线虫类,缓步纲,甲壳类,蛛形纲,多足类,软体动物示准类群,结果表明两山区有丰富的动物区系,在瑞拉和巴尔干中央公园有72和36个地方性的类别也证明了这一点,这些地区的森丛,山脉,和高山生态系统,喀斯特地貌和洞穴,河谷和海岸栖境等景观对保加利亚的无脊椎动物的生存具有极其重要的标准,濒临灭绝的物种,本地物种和烯有物种,无脊椎动物的数据较少且比较分解,今后,随着无脊有物种,无脊椎动物的数据较少且比较分解,今后,随着无脊推动物调查,收集的形展和维持,以及对无脊的椎动物分类,区系,个体生态学研究的加强,数据量将更加丰富,这个问题可以迎刃而解。  相似文献   

阿尔泰诺尔特地区晚古生代的沉积环境和古地理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
诺尔特地区位于新疆阿尔泰东北部,地理位置属富蕴县,该地区主体构造为北东向,出露地层为前震旦系富蕴群,震旦系哈巴河群,泥盆系忙代恰组和石炭系红山嘴组,其中后两者占主导地位,泥盆系为一套类复理石建造,主要岩性有粉砂岩,细砂岩,钙质粉砂岩和少量火山岩;石炭系红山嘴组可以分为三个段,一段为粉砂岩,粉砂质泥岩,细砂岩与粉砂岩交替的韵律沉积岩,岩屑砂岩等,二段为粉砂质泥岩,粉砂岩,钙质粉砂岩和生物屑灰岩,三段火山物质大量出现,下部为火山碎屑 和陆源碎屑的混合沉积,上部以凝灰岩为主,顶部出现火山砾岩,根据岩性特征和沉积构造分析,泥盆系的沉积环境为浅海-半深海,以大陆斜坡为主,石炭系的沉积环境为浅海陆棚,滨岸和开阔台地,其中又包括一些小环境,通过沉积环境的分析,可以得出三种沉积相模式。  相似文献   

北极冰化学元素含量及其分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了北极冰主要化学元素的浓度分布及其变化,在测定的31种成分中,高于仪器检测限的10种元素B,Mg,V,As,Rb,SDr,Ca,K,S,Na的硬度被用来统计分析。结果表明,同一地区,元素浓度相对稳定,不同地区浓度有较大差异。元素浓度与纬度关系的相关分析显示,随纬度增加,各元素显降低。  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is a potential cleanup technology for the removal of heavy metals from contaminated soils.Bidens maximowicziana is a new Pb hyperaccumulator,which not only has remarkable tolerance to Pb but also extraordinary accumulation capacity for Pb.The maximum Pb concentration was 1509.3 mg/kg in roots and 2164.7 mg/kg in overground tissues.The Pb distribution order in the B. maximowicziana was:leaf>stem>root.The effect of amendments on phytoremediation was also studied.The mobility of soil Pb and the Pb concentrations in plants were both increased by EDTA application.Compared with CK(control check),EDTA application promoted translocation of Pb to overground parts of the plant.The Pb concentrations in overground parts of plants was increased from 24.23-680.56 mg/kg to 29.07-1905.57 mg/kg.This research demonstrated that B.maximowicziana appeared to be suitable for phytoremediation of Pb contaminated soil,especially,combination with EDTA.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to compare the diversity of 2-, 3-, and 4-chlorobenzoate degraders in two pristine soils and one contaminated sewage sludge. These samples contained strikingly different populations of mono-chlorobenzoate degraders. Although fewer cultures were isolated in the uncontaminated soils than contaminated one, the ability of microbial populations to mineralize chlorobenzoate was widespread. The 3- and 4-chlorobenzoate degraders were more diverse than the 2-chlorobenzoate degraders. One of the strains isolated from the sewage sludge was obtained. Based on its phenotype, chemotaxonomic properties and 16S rRNA gene, the organism S-7 was classified as Rhodococcus erythropolis. The strain can grow at temperature from 4 to 37℃. It can utilize several (halo)aromatic compounds. Moreover, strain S-7 can grow and use 3-chlorobenzoate as sole carbon source in a temperatures range of 10-30℃ with stoichiometric release of chloride ions. The psychrotolerant ability was significant for bioremediation in low temperature regions. Catechol and chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activities were present in cell free extracts of the strain, but no (chloro)catechol 2,3- dioxygenase activities was detected. Spectral conversion assays with extracts from R. erythropolis S-7 showed accumulation of a compound with a similar UV spectrum as chloro-cis,cis-muconate from 3-chlorobenzoate. On the basis of these results, we proposed that S-7 degraded 3-chlorobenzoate through the modified ortho-cleave pathway.  相似文献   

Laogang landfill near Shanghai is the largest landfill in China, and receives about 10000 t of daily garbage per day, Samples of topsoil and plants were analyzed to evaluate mercury pollution from the landfill. For topsoil samples, there were significant correlations among total mercury (HgT), combinative mercury (Hgc) and gaseous mercury (HgG), and content of total organic carbon (TOC), but, no significantly relationship was found between Hg content and filling time. Hg content changes in vertical profiles with time showed that the average Hgv of profiles 1992, 1996, and 2000 was similar, but their average HgG was quite different. HgT was significantly correlated with Hgc in profile 1992 and 2000, and Hgv was significantly correlated with Hg6 in profile 1996. HgG/Hgv ratio in profile samples decreased in the order of (HgG,/HgT)1992〉(HgG/HgT)1996〉〉(HgG/HgT)2000. A simple outline of Hg release in landfill could be drawn: with increasing of filling time, degradation undergoes different biodegradation, accordingly, gaseous mercury goes through small, more, and small proportion to total mercury. Distribution of Hg in plants was inhomogeneous, following the order of leaf〉root〉stem. The highest value of leaf may be associated with higher atmospheric Hg from landfill. Ligneous plants (e.g. Phyllostachys glanca, Prunus salicina and Ligustrum lucidum) are capable of enriching more Hg than herbaceous plants.  相似文献   

In this study an effort has been made to use plant polyphenol oxidases; potato (Solanum tuberosum) and brinjal (Solanum melongena), for the treatment of various important dyes used in textile and other industries. The ammonium sulphate fractionated enzyme preparations were used to treat a number of dyes under various experimental conditions. Majority of the treated dyes were maximally decolorized at pH 3.0. Some of the dyes were quickly decolorized whereas others were marginally decolorized. The initial first hour was sufficient for the maximum decolorization of dyes. The rate of decolorization was quite slow on long treatment of dyes. Enhancement in the dye decolorization was noticed on increasing the concentration of enzymes. The complex mixtures of dyes were treated with both preparations of polyphenol oxidases in the buffers of varying pH values. Potato polyphenol oxidase was significantly more effective in decolorizing the dyes to higher extent as compared to the enzyme obtained from brinjal polyphenol oxidase. Decolorization of dyes and their mixtures, followed by the formation of an insoluble precipitate, which could be easily removed simply by centrifugation.  相似文献   

Decomposition of alachlor by ozonation and its mechanism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Decomposition and corresponding mechanism of alachlor, an endocrine disruptor in water by ozonation were investigated. Results showed that alachlor could not be completely mineralized by ozone alone. Many intermediates and final products were formed during the process, including aromatic compounds, aliphatic carboxylic acids, and inorganic ions. In evoluting these products, some of them with weak polarity were qualitatively identified by GC-MS. The information of inorganic ions suggested that the dechlorination was the first and the fastest step in the ozonation of alachlor.  相似文献   

Sorption of chlorotoluron in ammonium sulfate, urea and atrazine multi-solutes system was investigated by batch experiments. The results showed application of nitrogen fertilizers to the soil could affect the behavior of chlorotoluron. At the same concentration of N, sorption of chlorotoluron decreased as the concentration of atrazine increased on the day 0 and 6 in soil, respectively. The sorption of chlorotoluron increased from 0 to 6 d when soils were preincubated with deionized water, ammonium sulfate and urea solution for 6 d. That indicated incubation time was one of the most important factors for the sorption of chlorotoluron in nitrogen fertilizers treatments. The individual sorption isotherms of chlorotoluron in rubbery polymer and silica were strictly linear in single solute system, but there were competition sorption between pesticides or between pesticides and nitrogen fertilizers. That indicated the sorption taken place by concurrent solid-phase dissolution mechanism and sorption on the interface of water-organic matter or water-mineral matter.  相似文献   

The influence of the nonionic surfactant Tween 80 on pentachlorophenol (PCP) oxidation catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase was studied. The surfactant was tested at concentrations below and above its critical micelle concentration (CMC). Enhancement of PCP removal was observed at sub-CMCs. The presence of Tween 80 in the reaction mixture reduced enzyme inactivation which occurred through a combination of free radical attack and sorption by precipitated products. A simple first-order model was able to simulate time profiles for enzyme inactivation in the presence or absence of Tween 80. At supra-CMCs, the surfactant caused noticeable reductions in PCP removal, presumably through micelle partitioning of PCP which precluded the hydrophobic PCP molecule from interacting with the enzyme.  相似文献   

An outdoor experiment was set up to investigate the effects of used lubricating oil(5 L/m~2)on Aegiceras corniculatum Blanco. and Avicennia marina(Forsk)Vierh.,two salt-excreting mangroves.A.marina was more sensitive to used lubricating oil than A. corniculatum and canopy-oiling resulted in more direct physical damage and stronger lethal effects than base-oiling.When treated with canopy-oiling,half of A.corniculatum plants survived for the whole treatment time(90 d);but,for A.marina,high mortality (83%)resulted from canopy-oiling within 3 weeks and no plants survived for 80 d.Base-oiling had no lethal effects on A.corniculatum plants even at the termination of this experiment,but 83% of A.marina plants died 80 d after treatment.Forty days after canopy- oiling,93% ofA.corniculatum leaves fell and no live leaves remained on A.marina plants.By the end of the experiment,base-oiling treatment resulted in about 45% ofA.corniculatum leaves falling,while all A.marina leaves and buds were burned to die.Lubricating oil resulted in physiological damage to A.corniculatum leaves,including decreases in chlorophyll and carotenoid contents,nitrate reductase,peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities,and increases in malonaldehyde contents.For both species,oil pollution significantly reduced leaf,root,and total biomass,but did not significantly affect stem biomass.Oil pollution resulted in damage to the xylem vessels of fine roots but not to those of mediate roots.  相似文献   

Effects of chitosan on a submersed plant, Hydrilla verticillata, were investigated. Results indicated that H. venicillata could prevent ultrastructure phytotoxicities and oxidativereaction from polluted water with high chemical oxygen demand (COD). Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents in H. verticillata treated with 0.1% chitosan in wastewater increased with high COD (980 mg/L) and decreased with low COD (63 mg/L), respectively. Ultrastructural analysis showed that the stroma and grana of chloroplast basically remained normal. However, plant cells from the control experiment (untreated with chitosan) were vacuolated and the cell interval increased. The relict of protoplast moved to the center, with cells tending to disjoint. Our findings indicate that wastewater with high COD concentration can cause a substantial damage to submersed plant, nevertheless, chitosan probably could alleviate the membrane lipid peroxidization and ultrastructure phytotoxicities, and protect plant cells from stress of high COD concentration polluted water.  相似文献   

Bottled water may not be safer, or healthier, than tap water. The present studies have proved that styrene and some other aromatic compounds leach continuously from polystyrene (PS) bottles used locally for packaging. Water sapmles in contact with PS were extracted by a preconcentration technique called as "purge and trap" and analysed by gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC/MS). Eleven aromatic compounds were identified in these studies. Maximum concentration of styrene in PS bottles was 29.5 μg/L. Apart from styrene, ethyl benzene, toluene and benzene were also quantified but their concentrations were much less than WHO guide line values. All other compounds were in traces. Quality of plastic and storage time were the major factor in leaching of styrene. Concentration of styrene was increased to 69.53 μg/L after one-year storage. In Styrofoam and PS cups studies, hot water was found to be contaminated with styrene and other aromatic compounds. It was observed that temperature played a major role in the leaching of styrene monomer from Styrofoam cups. Paper cups were found to be safe for hot drinks.  相似文献   

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