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Sulfate () concentrations and fluxes were studied for multiple storm events in the Point Peter Brook watershed, a glaciated, forested
watershed located in Western New York, USA. Investigations were performed across one large (696 ha) and three small (1.6–3.4 ha)
catchments with varying extent of riparian and wetland areas. Concentrations of in groundwater sources (mean values: 238–910 μmolc L−1) were considerably greater than concentrations recorded for rainfall (60 μmolc L−1) and throughfall (72–129 μmolc L−1). Seasonality in concentrations was most pronounced for valley-bottom riparian waters with maximum concentrations in late winter–spring (February–March)
and a minimum in late summer (August). Concentrations of in wetland water were considerably less than riparian water indicating the likelihood of reduction in anoxic wetland conditions. Storm events displayed a dilution pattern in concentrations with a minimum coinciding with the maximum in throughfall contributions. End member mixing analysis (EMMA)
was able to predict the storm event concentrations of for four of the six comparisons. Concentrations of at the outlet of the large (696 ha) catchment were much greater than values recorded for the smaller catchments. Exports
of in streamflow exceeded the inputs from atmospheric deposition suggesting that watersheds like Point Peter Brook may not show
any immediate response to decreases in atmospheric deposition. 相似文献
Inamdar S 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2007,133(1-3):347-363
Storm event exports of dissolved were explored for multiple events in the Point Peter Brook watershed (PPBW), a glaciated, forested watershed located in Western
New York, USA. Investigations were performed across four catchments (1.6–696 ha) with varying topography and the extent of
surface-saturated areas. While wetland and riparian waters were important sources of during non-storm periods, throughfall and litter leachate were the dominant contributors of during storm events. Ammonium concentrations in catchment discharge displayed a sinusoidal seasonal pattern with a maximum
during early spring (March) and a minimum in late summer (August–September). Storm event concentrations of in streamflow were much greater than baseflow values and showed a consistent temporal pattern with an increase in concentrations
on the hydrograph rising limb, a peak at or before the discharge peak, followed by a decline in concentrations. Storm event
patterns of DON were similar to while the patterns of differed from for the summer and fall events. The storm event expression of was attributed to throughfall and throughfall-mediated leaching of the litter layer. The reactive behavior of precluded its use in an end member mixing model (EMMA) for predicting streamflow concentrations. While concentrations of
in precipitation and streamflow were high for the spring events, exports of in streamflow were highest for the large and intense storm events. Baseflow concentrations increased with the percent wetland/saturated area in the catchment but the same trend did not hold for storm-event
concentrations. 相似文献
Mercury (Hg) fractionation was investigated in contaminated soil in the Idrija Hg-mine region, Slovenia. The main aim of this study was to test and apply sequential extraction and quantification of different Hg phases in order to estimate the mobility and potential bioavailability of Hg in contaminated soils. Separation of Hg phases was performed by means of a selective sequential extraction procedure complemented by volatilization of elemental mercury (Hg0). The influence of temperature, moisture and storage on Hg0 volatilization was also investigated. The total Hg concentrations varied between 8.4 and 415 mg kg(-1) and were up to 40-fold higher than the maximum permissible set by Slovenian legislation. Fractionation measurements indicated cinnabar as the predominant Hg fraction, followed by Hg0. Accumulation of cinnabar predominantly occurred in coarse grained flood plain sediments, where on average it constituted more than 80% of total Hg. In contrast non-cinnabar fractions were found to be enriched in areas where fine grained material was deposited, reaching up to 60% of total Hg. The strong positive correlation (R2 = 0.71-0.99) among non-cinnabar fractions suggested that these fractions predominantly control the mobility and potential bioavailability of Hg. Sample pretreatment before fractionation influenced the partition of Hg between different fractions, and therefore fractionation in fresh, nontreated samples is suggested. In addition, the specificity of the extraction steps needs further attention, as it was shown that some extraction steps, such as the organo-chelating Hg fraction, do not provide meaningful results. This further suggests that protocols for mercury fractionation need further harmonization in order to improve the comparability of the results and their use in risk assessment. Volatile mercury fluxes averaged between 0.04 and 6.5 ng g(-1) h(-1). Good agreement (R2 = 0.81-0.95) was found between the non-cinnabar fractions and evaporation of Hg0. Both the temperature and sample moisture had significant effects on mercury volatilization. The results in this study were obtained at 70 degrees C, which may be somewhat high, in particular for bacterial activity which may also play an important role in Hg volatilization. Therefore it is strongly suggested that further optimisation of the protocol to assess Hg volatilization from soil is required. 相似文献
Ide J Chiwa M Higashi N Maruno R Mori Y Otsuki K 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2012,184(8):4747-4762
This study sought to determine the lowest number of storm events required for adequate estimation of annual nutrient loads from a forested watershed using the regression equation between cumulative load (∑L) and cumulative stream discharge (∑Q). Hydrological surveys were conducted for 4 years, and stream water was sampled sequentially at 15-60-min intervals during 24 h in 20 events, as well as weekly in a small forested watershed. The bootstrap sampling technique was used to determine the regression (∑L-∑Q) equations of dissolved nitrogen (DN) and phosphorus (DP), particulate nitrogen (PN) and phosphorus (PP), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), and suspended solid (SS) for each dataset of ∑L and ∑Q. For dissolved nutrients (DN, DP, DIN), the coefficient of variance (CV) in 100 replicates of 4-year average annual load estimates was below 20% with datasets composed of five storm events. For particulate nutrients (PN, PP, SS), the CV exceeded 20%, even with datasets composed of more than ten storm events. The differences in the number of storm events required for precise load estimates between dissolved and particulate nutrients were attributed to the goodness of fit of the ∑L-∑Q equations. Bootstrap simulation based on flow-stratified sampling resulted in fewer storm events than the simulation based on random sampling and showed that only three storm events were required to give a CV below 20% for dissolved nutrients. These results indicate that a sampling design considering discharge levels reduces the frequency of laborious chemical analyses of water samples required throughout the year. 相似文献
Figueira E Freitas R Pereira E Duarte A 《Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM》2012,14(8):2181-2188
Juncus maritimus is the most abundant macrophyte in Laranjo bay, a Portuguese salt marsh heavily polluted by mercury (Hg). With the aim to elucidate the role of this species in the salt marsh Hg cycling and restoration, plants were harvested between March 2006 and January 2008 from four locations differing in Hg contamination. Metal uptake and distribution between plant organs were evaluated, biomass and Hg pools were also determined. Results showed that J. maritimus may influence the sediment pH and Eh, thus increasing the Hg available for uptake. Most (95-98%) of the absorbed Hg was retained belowground, phytostabilizing the metal and reducing the amount of Hg in the sediments. These results suggest that in salt marshes dominated by J. maritimus the approach could be phytostabilization, where these plants can be used to immobilize metals and store them belowground, reducing the pool of bioavailable Hg within contaminated marshes and acting as a sink rather than a source of contamination to the surrounding areas. 相似文献
Mercury concentration in the muscle of seven fish species from Chagan Lake,Northeast China 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Chagan Lake is located downstream of the Second Songhua River basin in Northeast China. It is one of the top ten inland freshwater
lakes, and an important aquatic farm in China. The lake has been receiving large amounts (currently at 1.5 × 108 m3/a) of water from the river since 1984. This would pose a threat to the aquatic system of the lake because the river was seriously
polluted with mercury in 1970s–1980s. The current study is the first to report the total mercury concentrations in fish found
in the lake. Mercury concentrations in seven fish species collected from the lake in January 2009 were determined. The related
human health risk from fish consumption was also assessed. The average concentration of mercury in the fish was 18.8 μg/kg
of wet weight, ranging from 4.5 to 37.6 μg/kg of wet weight. A large difference in the mercury concentrations among the fish
species was found. The mercury concentration was found to be higher in carnivorous species and lower in omnivorous and herbivorous
species. This demonstrates greater mercury bioaccumulation in fish species at higher trophic levels. Mercury concentrations
in fish showed significant positive correlations with age, length, and weight. No significant relationship was found between
mercury concentrations in fish and the habitat preferences. Mercury concentrations in fish from the lake were within the limits
of the international and national standards of China established for mercury. According to the reference doses established
by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the maximum safe consuming quantity considering all the fish was 297.3 g/day/person,
which was more than five times as much as the current quantity (50 g/day/person) consumed by the local residents. This investigation
indicates that the historical pollution of the Second Songhua River has not caused mercury bioaccumulation in fish muscle
tissue of Chagan Lake. The present consumption of fish from the lake in the local area does not pose a threat to human health. 相似文献
Mercury and methyl mercury ratios in caimans (Caiman crocodilus yacare) from the Pantanal area, Brazil 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Vieira LM Nunes Vda S Amaral MC Oliveira AC Hauser-Davis RA Campos RC 《Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM》2011,13(2):280-287
The Pantanal region is the largest floodplain area in the world and of great biological importance due to its unique flora and fauna. This area is continuously undergoing increasing anthropogenic threats, and has also experienced mercury contamination associated with gold mining and other anthropogenic activities. Pantanal caimans are top-level predators, and, as such, show great potential to accumulate mercury (Hg) by biomagnification. In this study 79 specimens from four locations in the Pantanal were analyzed for total Hg and methyl mercury (MeHg) by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. Total Hg contents ranged from 0.02 to 0.36 μg g(-1) (ww), and most specimens presented MeHg ratios above 70%. One of the sites, impacted by anthropogenic activities, presented significantly higher total Hg in comparison to three less impacted sites, supporting the hypothesis that caimans can, in fact, be considered effective bioindicators of ecosystem health. 相似文献
The Watershed Assessment Model was used to simulate the runoff volume, peak flows, and non-point source phosphorus loadings from the 5870 km(2) Lake Okeechobee watershed as a case study. The results were compared to on-site monitoring to verify the accuracy of the method and to estimate the observed/simulated error. In 2008, the total simulated phosphorus contribution was 9634, 6524 and 3908 kg (P) y(-1) from sod farms, citrus farms and row crop farmlands, respectively. Although the dairies represent less than 1% of the total area of Kissimmee basin, the simulated P load from the dairies (9283 kg (P) y(-1) in 2008) made up 5.4% of the total P load during 2008. On average, the modeled P yield rates from dairies, sod farms and row crop farmlands are 3.85, 2.01 and 0.86 kg (P) ha(-1) y(-1), respectively. The maximum sediment simulated phosphorus yield rate is about 2 kg (P) ha(-1) and the particulate simulated phosphorus contribution from urban, improved pastures and dairies to the total phosphorus load was estimated at 9%, 3.5%, and 1%, respectively. Land parcels with P oversaturated soil as well as the land parcels with high phosphorus assimilation and high total phosphorus contribution were located. The most critical sub-basin was identified for eventual targeting by enforced agricultural best management practices. Phosphorus load, including stream assimilation, incoming to Lake Okeechobee from two selected dairies was also determined. 相似文献
D. A. Devitt L. E. Wright S. A. Shanahan E. Hausrath 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2014,186(5):3181-3197
A field study was conducted on a small urban watershed (residential and golf course dominated) in southern Nevada to assess the concentration and speciation of selenium (Se) in a series of drain lines and monitoring wells and to quantify the mass discharge of Se from the drain system. Water samples were collected on a monthly basis and analyzed for total Se, selenate (SeO4 =) and selenite (SeO3 =). In addition, where possible, flow was assessed as was, temperature, redox potential, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) along with all major cations and anions. The data were then modeled with PhreeqC to identify selenium speciation. Results revealed a SeO4 = dominated system with SeO4 = concentrations ranging from 13 to 62 ppb. In the monitoring wells, 66 % of the variation in the total Se concentration could be described based on depth to groundwater, temperature and sulfate concentrations (P?<?0.001). In particular, higher total Se concentrations were predicted for shallower depth to groundwater, suggesting the solubilization of Se evapo-concentrates near the surface could be reduced by lowering water tables. The highest of all correlations was found between SeO4 = concentrations (↑) and the sodium (↑) and DO (↑) concentrations in the monitoring wells (R 2?=?0.77, P?<?0.001). An excellent curvilinear relationship was found between total Se and the electrical conductivity in the water (R 2?=?0.73, P?<?0.001). Based on the Se data and time line identified in this study, high concentrations of Se could be expected to drain from this area for many years to come, with salinity acting as a good proxy for Se concentration. In the drain lines, Se concentrations were found to be invariant to flow (P?>?0.05). Flow discharge from the main drain system to the Las Vegas Wash was estimated at 559 acre feet during the 1 year study period. This flow was estimated to carry 4,203 Mg of salts 6.71 Mg of nitrate-N and 27.1 kg of total Se. 相似文献
Seyed Hamidreza Sadeghi Shirko Ebrahimi Mohammadi Vijay P. Singh Kamran Chapi 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2017,189(5):238
The temporal variability of phosphorus (P) transport and the relationships between discharge, suspended sediment concentration and particulate (PP), and soluble (SP) phosphorus were examined. The study was conducted at the event scale in seven tributaries of the Zarivar Lake watershed in Kurdistan Province (Iran) from March 2011 to April 2012. Based on eight runoff events, 82% of the total P was the PP carried out by suspended sediment. Results showed a high variability of P transport during different runoff events. It was found that soil erosion was the source of the high P load. For all tributaries, PP was linearly related to both discharge and suspended sediment concentration. However, the relationships of SP and PP with discharge and suspended sediment concentration showed different hysteresis patterns. The relationship between PP and discharge was generally characterized by a clockwise pattern (i.e., lower part contribution of the sub-watersheds) but the patterns between SP and discharge were mainly anticlockwise (i.e., upper part contribution of the sub-watersheds or perhaps due to a subsurface flow contribution). 相似文献
George R. Southworth Ralph R. Turner Mark J. Peterson Mary Anna Bogle Michael G. Ryon 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2000,63(3):481-494
Approximately 250 000 kg of mercury was lost towater and soils at the U.S. Dept. of Energy Y-12 Plantin Oak Ridge, Tennessee in the 1950s and early 1960s. A creek originating within the plant receivedcontinuous inputs of waterborne mercury, predominantlyas dissolved inorganic mercury, from groundwater,streambed contamination, and sump and process waterdischarges to the contaminated storm sewer network.These produce aqueous total mercury concentrations of1–2 g L-1 in the upper reaches of the stream,decreasing to about 0.1–0.2 g L-1 in its lowerreaches. A program to reduce mercury concentrationsin the creek identified specific sources (buildingsumps, contaminated springwater seeps, foundationdrains, and contaminated piping) and rerouted wateraround contaminated portions of the drain system orcollected and treated mercury-contaminated waterbefore discharging it. As a result, waterbornemercury concentrations in the creek and total mercuryloading were reduced from 1.8 g L-1 to0.6 g L-1 and 100 to 20 g d-1, respectively, in the last 5 yr.Mean mercury concentrations in fish nearest sourceareas in the creek headwaters decreased at roughly thesame rate as waterborne total mercury concentrationsover the past five years, but at the facility boundarydownstream the decline in mercury bioaccumulation wasmuch less. At sites 5–15 km farther downstream, nodecrease was evident. Dissolved methylmercury tendedto increase with distance downstream in a patterninverse to that noted for its dissolved inorganicmercury precursor.Improvements in water quality and modification ofweirs to allow the passage of fish have resulted inthe establishment of large populations of fish inmercury-contaminated headwater areas previously devoidof fish. It may be that the accumulation, retention,and eventual downstream transport of this reservoir ofbiologically incorporated methylmercury has acted tobuffer against expected reductions in mercury in fishat downstream sites. 相似文献
Eutrophic conditions, in both saline and freshwater systems, result from nutrient export from upstream watersheds. The objective of this study was to quantify the surface runoff losses of nitrate-nitrogen (NO?-N), total nitrogen (TN), dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), and total phosphorus (TP) resulting from prevailing practices on a managed golf course. Inflow and outflow discharge waters on a sub-area of Northland Country Club (NCC) located in Duluth, Minnesota were measured for both quantity and quality from April through November from 2003 to 2008. Nutrient losses were detectable throughout the year, had a seasonal trend, and routinely exceeded recommended levels to minimize eutrophication. The median outflow TN concentration (1.04 mg L?1) was significantly greater (p < 0.05) than the median inflow (0.81 mg L?1) concentration. Similarly, the median outflow TP concentration (0.03 mg L?1) was significantly greater (p < 0.05) than the median inflow concentration (0.02 mg L?1). Maximum recorded concentrations during the study period were 1.9 mg L?1 NO?-N, 3.93 mg L?1 TN, 0.34 mg L?1 DRP, and 1.11 mg L?1 TP. Mean annual export coefficients at NCC were 0.7 kg ha?1 NO?-N (1.7% of applied), 4.43 kg ha?1 TN (10.7% of applied), 0.14 kg ha?1 DRP (2.6% of applied), and 0.25 kg ha?1 TP (4.6% of applied). The findings of this study highlight the need for adopting conservation practices aimed at reducing offsite nutrient transport. 相似文献
Hussein Jaafar Kanbar Nour Hanna Antoine G. El Samrani Véronique Kazpard Ahmad Kobaissi Nafez Harb Nabil Amacha 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2014,186(12):8793-8806
The environment is witnessing a downgrade caused by the amelioration of the industrial and agricultural sectors, namely, soil and sediment compartments. For those reasons, a comparative study was done between soil cores and sediments taken from two locations in the Qaraaoun reservoir, Lebanon. The soil cores were partitioned into several layers. Each layer was analyzed for several physicochemical parameters, such as functional groups, particle size distribution, ζ-potential, texture, pH, electric conductivity, total dissolved solids, organic matter, cation exchange capacity, active and total calcareous, available sodium and potassium, and metal content (cadmium, copper, and lead). The metal content of each site was linked to soil composition and characteristics. The two sites showed distinguishable characteristics for features such as organic matter, pH, mineral fraction, calcareous, and metal content. The samples taken toward the south site (Q1), though contain lower organic matter than the other but are more calcareous, showed higher metal content in comparison to the other site (Q2) (average metal content of Q1 > Q2; for Cd 3.8?>?1.8 mg/kg, Cu 28.6?>?21.9 mg/kg, Pb 26.7?>?19 mg/kg). However, the metal content in this study did not correlate as much to the organic matter; rather, it was influenced by the location of the samples with respect to the dam, the reservoir’s hydrodynamics, the calcareous nature of the soil, and the variation of the industrial and agricultural influence on each site. 相似文献
Osei Akoto Theophilus Nicolas Bruce Godfred Darko 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2010,161(1-4):413-422
In this investigation, concentrations of physico-chemical and bacteriological qualities of water samples from the major streams within the Owabi watershed in Kumasi, Ghana, were measured at five different locations. The streams were moderately soft and neutral, having a mean pH range of 7.08 ± 0.2 to 7.88 ± 0.6. Total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, grease and oil, alkalinity, and the major ion levels varied significantly at each sampling site. Nutrient levels were however low and did not show any clear variation at sample locations. The bacteriological quality of the water was poor, rendering it unsafe for domestic purposes without treatment. The poor bacteriological quality was due to direct contamination by animal and human wastes. The streams have an appreciable self-purification capacity which is stressed by persistent pollution overloads caused by expanding human activities within the catchment. Cluster analysis performed on the data to determine pollution patterns between the streams depicts that River Owabi was less polluted, Rivers Akyeampomene and Sukobri were moderately polluted, while River Pumpunase was highly polluted. 相似文献
Mercury (Hg) records in natural archives such as peat bogs are often used to evaluate anthropogenic or climatic influences on atmospheric Hg deposition. In this context, there is an ongoing discussion about natural sources or processes of Hg enrichment in natural archives. In the present study we estimated Hg fluxes from rock weathering, direct atmospheric deposition and from indirect atmospheric deposition in the catchment of a pristine minerogenic fen (GC2) located in the Magellanic Moorlands, southernmost Chile. The Hg record in the bog covers 11 174 cal. (14)C years and shows Hg concentrations of up to 570 [micro sign]g kg(-1) with an average of 268 [micro sign]g kg(-1). Hg was found to be enriched in the peat by a factor of 81 if compared to the mean Hg concentrations in the rocks of the catchment (3.2 [micro sign]g kg(-1)). Hg and also Pb, Fe, and As were found to be enriched predominately in goethite layers indicating high retention of these elements in the bog by iron oxyhydrates. It could also be demonstrated that the high peat decomposition rates in minerogenic bogs can increase the Hg concentrations in the minerogenic peat by a factor of approximately 2 at the same atmospheric Hg deposition rate if compared to ombrotrophic sites. This study has shown that Hg in minerogenic peat can be naturally enriched especially through the retention by autochthonous formed goethite and can be a solely internal process which does not require increased external Hg fluxes. 相似文献
Narcisa G. Pricope 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2013,185(2):1883-1906
The Chobe River, characterized by an unusual flood pulsing regime and shared between Botswana and Namibia, lies at the heart of the world’s largest transfrontier conservation area (the Kavango–Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area). Significant ecological changes and vegetation conversions are occurring along its floodplains. Various scenarios for agricultural and urban water use are currently being proposed by the government of Botswana. However, the understanding of the river’s annual flow regime and timing of the relative contributions of water from three different sources is relatively poor. In light of past and future climate change and variability, this means that allocating water between ecological flows and economic and domestic uses will become increasingly challenging. We reconstruct the inundation history in this basin to help ease this challenge. This paper presents a spatiotemporal approach to estimate the contribution of water from various sources and the magnitude of changes in the flooding extent in the basin between 1985 and 2010. We used time series analysis of bimonthly NOAA AVHRR and NASA MODIS data and climatologic and hydrologic records to determine the flooding timing and extent. The results indicate that between 12 and 62 % of the basin is flooded on an annual basis and that the spatial extent of the flooding varies throughout the year as a function of the timing of peak discharge in two larger basins. A 30-year trend analysis indicates a consistent decline in the average monthly flooded area in the basin. The results may prove useful in future water utilization feasibility studies, in determining measures for protecting ecological flows and levels, and in ecosystem dynamics studies in the context of current and future climate change and variability. 相似文献
Yonghua Li Biao Zhang Linsheng Yang Hairong Li 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2013,185(4):3049-3055
This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate blood mercury (B-Hg) concentration of residents living in the vicinity of Chatian mercury mine (CMM) in southwestern China and to assess the possible effects on renal function. It evaluates the effects of gender and age (children, <18 years; adults, 18–60 years; elderly, >60 years) on the B-Hg and serum creatinine (SCR) and serum urea nitrogen (SUN) levels. In the CMM, elevated levels were found for B-Hg, SCR, and SUN with mean values at 6.09 μg/L, 74.21 μmol/L, and 13.26 mmol/L, which were significantly higher than those in the control area, respectively. Moreover, the coefficients between paired results for B-Hg and SCR and SUN levels were positive at statistical significance (B-Hg vs. SCR, r?=?0.45, p?<?0.01; B-Hg vs. SUN, r?=?0.20, p?<?0.05). The aforementioned results revealed that mercury exposure can cause human renal function impairment. B-Hg, SCR, and SUN can also be useful biomarkers to assess the extent of mercury exposure among residents in areas with extensive mining activities. Furthermore, data analysis revealed that there was a tendency for higher B-Hg, SCR, and SUN levels in females than in males, and the levels of B-Hg, SCR, and SUN increased among the older residents. We conclude that females and the elderly in the mining area were more susceptible to mercury exposure, and therefore, they deserve further research. 相似文献
A novel approach to formation of a mercury film electrode (MFE) at the surface of a carbon paste electrode is proposed in this paper. This MFE is easy to fabricate, has good reproducibility and avoids the use of a plating mercury solution. In this new type of MFE, mercuric diethyldithiocarbamate (Hg(DDTC)2) was mixed with graphite powder and paraffin oil to form a chemically modified carbon paste electrode. When a -0.95V potential was applied to the electrode, the Hg(II) (in Hg(DDTC)2) was reduced to metallic Hg, thus forming a mercury film at the surface of the carbon paste electrode. The characteristics of this MFE were studied. This modified electrode was used in anodic stripping voltammetry. Conditions for the simultaneous determination of trace amount of Pb(II) and Cd(II) were also investigated. 相似文献
采用固相萃取法对地下水、地表水和生活污水中的甲基汞和乙基汞的进行富集,利用液相色谱—原子荧光光谱法对其进行定量测试.设计一系列验证实验对前处理和测试过程中的关键环节进行优化,确定了最优化的方法条件.结果显示:对甲基汞和乙基汞测定的方法检出限分别为0.16 ng/L和0.29 ng/L;重复测定的相对标准偏差分别为1.3... 相似文献