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Pathogenic Vibrio species are an important cause of foodborne illnesses. The aim of this study was to describe the occurrence of potentially pathogenic Vibrio species in the final effluents of a wastewater treatment plant and the risk that they may pose to public health. During the 1-year monitoring, a total of 43 Vibrio strains were isolated: 23 Vibrio alginolyticus, 1 Vibrio cholerae, 4 Vibrio vulnificus, and 15 Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The PCR investigation of V. parahaemolyticus and V. cholerae virulence genes (tlh, trh, tdh, toxR, toxS, toxRS, toxT, zot, ctxAB, tcp, ace, vpi, nanH) revealed the presence of some of these genes in a significant number of strains. Intraspecies variability and genetic relationships among the environmental isolates were analyzed by random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR (RAPD-PCR). We report the results of the first isolation and characterization of an environmental V. cholerae non-O1 non-O139 and of a toxigenic V. parahaemolyticus strain in Tunisia. We suggest that non-pathogenic Vibrio might represent a marine reservoir of virulence genes that can be transmitted between strains by horizontal transfer.  相似文献   

The South Carolina Estuarine and Coastal Assessment Program (SCECAP) was initiated in 1999 to assess the condition of the state's coastal habitats using multiple measures of water quality, sediment quality, and biological condition. Sampling was subsequently expanded to include components required for the National Coastal Assessment (Coastal 2000) Program. Habitats are classified as either tidal creeks (<#60; 100 meters in width) or larger open water bodies. Approximately 30 sites are sampled within each habitat during the summer months using a probability-based random sampling design. Results obtained from the first two years of sampling documented significant differences in several water quality parameters (DO, salinity, pH, turbidity, fecal coliform bacteria, total nitrogen, TKN, total phosphorus) and biological measures (chlorophyll-a, finfish and crustacean abundance and biomass and a number of benthic species) between the tidal creek and open water habitats. These differences highlight the value of partitioning shallow water habitats separately from the larger open water bodies traditionally sampled in estuarine monitoring programs, especially since tidal creeks serve as critical nursery areas for many species. Based on the differences observed, there is a clear need to identify different physical and biological thresholds for evaluating the condition of each habitat type.  相似文献   

Monitoring changes in land cover and the subsequent environmental responses are essential for water quality assessment, natural resource planning, management, and policies. Over the last 75 years, the Lake Issaqueena watershed has experienced a drastic shift in land use. This study was conducted to examine the changes in land cover and the implied changes in land use that have occurred and their environmental, water quality impacts. Aerial photography of the watershed (1951, 1956, 1968, 1977, 1989, 1999, 2005, 2006, and 2009) was analyzed and classified using the geographic information system (GIS) software. Seven land cover classes were defined: evergreen, deciduous, bare ground, pasture/grassland, cultivated, and residential/other development. Water quality data, including sampling depth, water temperature, dissolved oxygen content, fecal coliform levels, inorganic nitrogen concentrations, and turbidity, were obtained from the South Carolina (SC) Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) for two stations and analyzed for trends as they relate to land cover change. From 1951 to 2009, the watershed experienced an increase of tree cover and bare ground (+17.4 % evergreen, +62.3 % deciduous, +9.8 % bare ground) and a decrease of pasture/grassland and cultivated land (?42.6 % pasture/grassland and ?57.1 % cultivated). From 2005 to 2009, there was an increase of 21.5 % in residential/other development. Sampling depth ranged from 0.1 to 0.3 m. Water temperature fluctuated corresponding to changing air temperatures, and dissolved oxygen content fluctuated as a factor of water temperature. Inorganic nitrogen content was higher from December to April possibly due to application of fertilizers prior to the growing season. Turbidity and fecal coliform bacteria levels remained relatively the same from 1962 to 2005, but a slight decline in pH can be observed at both stations. Prior to 1938, the area consisted of single-crop cotton farms; after 1938, the farms were abandoned, leaving large bare areas with highly eroded soil. Starting in 1938, Clemson reforested almost 30 % of the watershed. Currently, three fourths of the watershed is forestland, with a limited coverage of small farms and residential developments. Monitoring water quality is essential in maintaining adequate freshwater supply. Water quality monitoring focuses mainly on the collection of field data, but current water quality conditions depend on the cumulative impacts of land cover change over time.  相似文献   

Systems for the preparation and administration of drugs are designed to ensure that the drug is not contaminated. They do not necessarily consider the work environment for the medical staff and new techniques are therefore desirable. The aim of this work is to compare a new closed system for the preparation and administration of drugs with the traditional technique with regard to airborne emission and surface spillage of drugs. Platinum, determined using adsorptive voltammetry, was used as the tracer for airborne emission. Air samples were collected during the preparation and administration, and the collected platinum on the filters was determined by adsorptive voltammetry. For determination of spills and leakage onto surfaces the radioisotope 99m-technetium was used as a tracer. The radiation from the isotope was determined on protective gloves and bench covers after preparation and administration. The mean airborne emission was 6 ng m(-3) with the closed system and 15 ng m(-3) with the traditional pump technique. The average surface spillage using the closed technique was 0.005 microL. This is significantly smaller than with the traditional technique, which resulted in an average spillage of 64 microL. Our results also show that the dominant part of the leakage is surface spillage. Inexperienced nurses could also adequately handle the closed system.  相似文献   

Fecal pollution may adversely impact water quality in coastal ecosystems. The goal of this study was to determine whether cattle were a source of fecal pollution in a South Carolina watershed. Surface water samples were collected in June 2002 and February through March 2003 in closed shellfish harvesting waters of Toogoodoo Creek in Charleston County, SC. Fecal coliform concentrations in 70 % of the water samples taken for this study exceeded shellfish harvesting water standards. Ribotyping was performed in order to identify animal sources contributing to elevated fecal coliform levels. Escherichia coli isolates (n?=?253) from surface water samples were ribotyped and compared to a ribotype library developed from known sources of fecal material. Ribotypes from water samples that matched library ribotypes with 90 % maximum similarity or better were assigned to that source. Less than half of the unknown isolates (38 %) matched with library isolates. About half (53 %) of the matched ribotypes were assigned to cattle isolates and 43 % to raccoon. Ribotyping almost exclusively identified animal sources. While these results indicate that runoff from cattle farms was a likely source of fecal pollution in the watershed, wildlife also contributed. Given the small size of the library, ribotyping was moderately useful for determining the impact of adjacent cattle farms on Toogoodoo Creek. Increasing the number and diversity of the wildlife sources from the area would likely increase the usefulness of the method.  相似文献   

Levels of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, manganese, selenium, and strontium88 were examined in heart, kidney, muscle, spleen and liver of raccoons (Procyon lotor) from four areas on the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site (SRS), including near a former reactor cooling reservoir and a coal ash basin, and from public hunting areas within 15 km of the site. Mercury is mentioned briefly because it is discussed more fully in another paper. We test the hypotheses that there are no differences in metal levels between raccoons on SRS and off the SRS (off-site), and among different locations on the SRS. Although raccoons collected off-site had significantly lower levels of mercury and selenium in both the liver and kidney, there were few consistencies otherwise. There were significantly higher levels of cadmium in liver of on-site compared to off-site raccoons, and significantly higher levels of chromium and strontium88 in kidney of on-site compared to off-site raccoons. Copper and manganese were highest in the liver; cadmium, lead, mercury and selenium were highest in the liver and kidney; chromium was highest in the spleen and muscle; arsenic was highest in the heart, and strontium88 was slightly higher in the kidney than other organs. Where there were significant differences on site, chromium, manganese were highest in raccoon tissues from Steel Creek; arsenic, lead and selenium were highest in the Ash Basin; cadmium was highest at Upper Three Runs; and strontium88 was highest at Upper Three Runs and Steel Creek. The patterns were far from consistent.  相似文献   

Levels of 18 elements, including lead, mercury, selenium, and uranium, were examined in three species of snakes from an exposed and reference site on the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site in South Carolina. We tested the hypotheses that there were no differences as a function of species, and there were no difference between the exposed and control site for blood and muscle (tail) samples for banded water snake (Nerodia fasciata), brown water snake (N. taxispilota) and cottonmouth (Akistrodon piscivorous). The banded water snakes collected were significantly smaller than the other two species. For blood, there were significant species differences only for barium, copper, selenium, uranium and zinc, while for muscle tissue there were significant interspecific differences in aluminum, arsenic, barium, cobalt, cesium, copper, iron, lead, mercury, manganese, strontium, vanadium and zinc, suggesting that muscle tissue in the tail is a better indicator of potential interspecific differences. It is also easier logistically to collect tail tissue than blood. Where one species had significantly higher levels than the other species in muscle tissue levels, cottonmouth had higherlevels of five elements (aluminum, cobalt, lead, mercury, vanadium), brown water snake had two (lead, strontium), and banded water snake had only barium. There were few significant differences between the control and reference site for levels of blood, but several for muscle tissue. All three species had significantly higher levels of arsenic and manganese at Tim's Branch than the reference site, and nickel and uranium were significantly higher for banded watersnake and cottonmouth, the larger species. Individuals with high exposure of one element were exposed to high levels of other elements.  相似文献   

In South Carolina, U.S.A., mink have been reintroduced from two apparently healthy populations to areas where populations haveexisted in the past but have been extirpated. High mortality wasobserved during transport of mink from the source populations. Inorder to elucidate the potential effects of dioxin-like compoundson the survival and reproduction of mink, concentrations of totalpolychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), p,p-DDE, dioxin-likePCBs, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), anddibenzofurans (PCDFs) were measured in livers of mink collectedfrom the source populations in South Carolina and Louisiana. Concentrations of total 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxinequivalents (TEQs) for the South Carolina and Louisiana mink were21 and 14 pg g-1, wet wt., respectively. PCB and TEQ concentrations were close to the threshold values that can, under laboratory conditions, elicit toxic effects in ranchmink. Therefore, any additional exposures of these populations toTEQs might adversely affect their populations.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to collect information on contaminant levels and productivity of wading birds at the Drum Island heronry in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, before diversion of the Cooper River took place in 1985. The diversion was expected to reduce water flow by 80% into the Harbor, thereby concentrating industrial effluents near the heronry with potentially harmful effects. Hatching success of white ibises (Eudocimus albus) in 1984 averaged 66% and 1.0 chick per nest survived to three weeks post-hatch. Fresh eggs collected from a sample of nests contained only background levels of DDT, DDE, and Dieldrin; no PCBs, diphenyl ethers, or styrenes were detected. Pesticide residues in eggs were not correlated (P>0.05) with productivity in corresponding nests. Heavy metals and selenium in tissues of wading bird chicks were also representative of background levels. Follow-up studies after the diversion of the Cooper River were not feasible because the heronry was abandoned beginning in 1985. However, our baseline results will be useful in determining potential contaminant effects due to diversion of the Cooper River should wading birds return to Drum Island in the future.  相似文献   

Heavy metals are dangerous to aquatic organisms and it can be bioaccumulated in the food chain leading to diseases in human. Cumulative effects of metals or chronic poisoning may occur as a result of long-term exposure even to low concentrations. The accumulation of heavy metals varies depending upon the species, environmental conditions, and inhibitory processes. Concentrations of zinc, copper, lead, and cadmium were determined in finfish and shellfish species in the Gangetic delta using a PerkinElmer Sciex ELAN 5000 ICP mass spectrometer and expressed as milligrams per kilogram of dry weight. In finfish and shellfish species the concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd were comparatively higher at stations 1 and 2 than the permissible level of WHO. The concentration of metals exhibited significant spatial variation and followed the order station 1 > station 2 > station 3 > station 4, which may be related to different degree of contamination in different location. The metal accumulation exhibited species specificity.  相似文献   

近岸海域区域环境质量综合评价体系构建及应用实例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
建立了适用于我国现阶段海洋环境质量监测现状的基于水、沉积物和生物三大介质污染状况的近岸海域海洋环境质量综合状况评价体系,包括评价指标体系的选择、评价及等级分级标准的确定、评价流程的确定等内容。用所建立的综合评价体系对锦州湾海域进行了评价,评价结果表明,锦州湾海域总体状况较差,受到了严重污染,与锦州湾海域的实际污染状况相符,验证结果表明了该综合评价体系的适用性。  相似文献   

PLS and PCR Methods in the Assessment of Coastal Water Quality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Partial least squares regression analysis (PLS) and principal component regression analysis (PCR) were examined asmethodological procedures for assessing the quality of coastalwaters in a tourist area. Four variables related to the trophicstate of waters, namely nitrate, nitrite, ammonia and phosphate were analyzed. The models resulting from PLS and PCR were verysimilar. Both defined three groups of water masses characterizedby different nutrient loadings. These groups were in accordancewith those obtained by numerical classification. The PLS methodwas selected as the optimal model, on the basis of its lowerprediction errors (lower Press and Rmsd values). For managementpurposes, this statistical model allows mesotrophic conditions,reflecting some nutrient enrichment over background conditions,to be characterized and the successful diagnosis of additionalsamples within this context.  相似文献   

The Mobile Bay estuary in the northern Gulf of Mexico provides a rich habitat for many fish and shellfish, including those identified as economically and ecologically important. The National Estuary Program in Mobile Bay has focused on restoration of degraded estuarine habitat on which these species depend. To support this effort, we used statistical techniques of ordination, cluster analysis, and discriminant analysis to relate distributions of individual fish and shellfish species and species assemblages to two dozen water quality and habitat variables in a geo-referenced database. Species appeared to respond to dominant gradients of low to high salinity and upland to offshore habitat area; many of the 15 communities identified via cluster analysis showed aggregated spatial distributions that could be related to habitat characteristics. Species in the Mobile River Delta were distinct from those in other areas of the estuary. This analysis supports habitat management in the Mobile Bay estuary; however, due to mobility of organisms among sampling locations and the dynamic environmental conditions in estuaries, we conclude that the analyses presented here are most appropriate for an evaluation of the estuary as a whole.  相似文献   

基于2022年1—12月青岛市沿海区域臭氧(O3)自动监测数据和气象观测资料,对O3污染变化特征及影响因素进行了分析,结合后向轨迹聚类与潜在源区分析等方法,对O3外来输送通道及潜在源分布情况进行分析研究。结果表明:青岛市沿海区域O3污染主要集中在4—10月份,日变化特征呈单峰单谷趋势,峰值出现在15:00—16:00;气象因素中,地面短波辐射对O3浓度变化的相对贡献最大,偏南风易导致O3污染;受二氧化氮(NO2)滴定作用以及海陆风转换影响,沿海区域O3峰值与谷值均滞后青岛城区1 h左右;O3生成整体处于VOCs控制区,1-丁烯、正丁烷与异戊烷是O3污染期间导致O3浓度上升的关键组分;O3污染的主要潜在源区为长三角北部和黄海近岸海域,以及山东中南部地区。  相似文献   

于2019年10月,对江苏省(连云港、盐城和南通3市)近岸海域6个站位进行了1个航次的表层海水微塑料采样,监测分析了微塑料的粒径、丰度和组分分布情况.结果表明,江苏省近岸海域表层海水中微塑料污染广泛存在,监测站位检出率100%.微塑料粒径分布为0.02~4.80 mm,微米级微塑料占比最高(总体粒径占比83.4%),6...  相似文献   

于2019年春、夏、秋季对连云港近岸海域海水中营养盐、重金属等共19项指标进行3个航次采样监测.依照海水水质评价标准统计分析站点达标率,采用有机污染物指数法和富营养化指数法,对调查海域海水有机污染、营养水平等进行综合评价.结果表明:2019年连云港市海域站位全年达标率为86.4%,达标面积为6543 km2,占管辖海域...  相似文献   

根据浙江省舟山海洋生态环境监测站多年资料,对浙江省近岸海域环境功能区达标趋势及影响因素进行分析。结果表明,2009年浙江近岸海域环境功能区平水期、丰水期、枯水期达标面积分别为9541、10715、842km2,全年达标面积7333km2,占所监测海域面积的16.4%。浙江省近岸海域环境功能区水质达标的主要超标指标为无机氮和活性磷酸盐,另有部分区域溶解氧、化学需氧量、pH指标超标。整个杭州湾水体处于严重富营养化水平,象山湾和泗礁-大衢-岱山岛以西的舟山海域处于中度富营养化水平。东经122度以东的舟山海域及浙中南近岸海域处于轻度富营养或贫营养水平,2002年以来浙江近岸海域水体的富营养化程度逐步下降。2001—2004年近岸海域环境功能区达标率均低于3%,达标区主要分布在舟山海域,2005年开始达标区域扩展到温州海域,"十一五"以来浙江省近岸海域环境功能区水质达标率呈增加趋势。  相似文献   

This paper aimed to develop a depth-averaged explicit model for flow and pollutant transport in coastal waters based on the shallow water equations and the mass advection-diffusion equation. The proposed model was discretized using the finite volume method (FVM) with triangular cells. Then, it applied Roe’s approximate Riemann solution to compute the water momentum flux on the grid interfaces. This model enabled the higher accuracy in capturing the dry-wet moving fronts (discontinuous problems for flow and solute). The high-resolution scheme was evaluated to solve the advection and diffusion terms for mass transport. The model was verified by comparing the predictions of analytical solutions, laboratory tests, and other simulations for Gironde estuary with good computational accuracy. The developed model was also used to calculate the circulation and the motion of chemical oxygen demand (COD) pollutants from the sewage outfalls in the Zhuanghe coastal water with dry and wet moving boundaries. The research results showed that the residual current directions of spring and neap tides were basically the same in the Zhuanghe coastal water. However, the tide residual current of spring tide was slightly greater than that of the neap tide. In addition, there were tide residual currents from the northeast to the southwest in nearshore water and from the southwest to the northeast outside the banks, respectively. The tidal flows in the alongshore direction were strong, resulting in highly spread concentration distributions. In particular, the COD concentration reached some parts of the southern water. It could be seen that the excessive pollutant discharge from the sewage outfalls located at Zhuanghe district would cause serious pollution in aquaculture water near Shicheng island.  相似文献   

浅谈滨海湿地生态环境退化监测与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出了滨海湿地面临的主要环境问题。简述了美国、欧洲、澳大利亚等滨海湿地现状及监测评价方法。对我国滨海湿地管理与研究进展进行了分析探索。  相似文献   

Adaptive sampling designs are recommended where, as is typical with freshwater mussels, the outcome of interest is rare and clustered. However, the performance of adaptive designs has not been investigated when outcomes are not only rare and clustered but also imperfectly detected. We address this combination of challenges using data simulated to mimic properties of freshwater mussels from a reach of the upper Mississippi River. Simulations were conducted under a range of sample sizes and detection probabilities. Under perfect detection, efficiency of the adaptive sampling design increased relative to the conventional design as sample size increased and as density decreased. Also, the probability of sampling occupied habitat was four times higher for adaptive than conventional sampling of the lowest density population examined. However, imperfect detection resulted in substantial biases in sample means and variances under both adaptive sampling and conventional designs. The efficiency of adaptive sampling declined with decreasing detectability. Also, the probability of encountering an occupied unit during adaptive sampling, relative to conventional sampling declined with decreasing detectability. Thus, the potential gains in the application of adaptive sampling to rare and clustered populations relative to conventional sampling are reduced when detection is imperfect. The results highlight the need to increase or estimate detection to improve performance of conventional and adaptive sampling designs.  相似文献   

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