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In this investigation, concentrations of physico-chemical and bacteriological qualities of water samples from the major streams within the Owabi watershed in Kumasi, Ghana, were measured at five different locations. The streams were moderately soft and neutral, having a mean pH range of 7.08 ± 0.2 to 7.88 ± 0.6. Total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, grease and oil, alkalinity, and the major ion levels varied significantly at each sampling site. Nutrient levels were however low and did not show any clear variation at sample locations. The bacteriological quality of the water was poor, rendering it unsafe for domestic purposes without treatment. The poor bacteriological quality was due to direct contamination by animal and human wastes. The streams have an appreciable self-purification capacity which is stressed by persistent pollution overloads caused by expanding human activities within the catchment. Cluster analysis performed on the data to determine pollution patterns between the streams depicts that River Owabi was less polluted, Rivers Akyeampomene and Sukobri were moderately polluted, while River Pumpunase was highly polluted.  相似文献   

The central objective of this project was to utilize geographical information systems and remote sensing to compare soil erosion models, including Modified Pacific South-west Inter Agency Committee (MPSIAC), Erosion Potential Method (EPM), and Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), and to determine their applicability for arid regions such as Kuwait. The northern portion of Umm Nigga, containing both coastal and desert ecosystems, falls within the boundaries of the de-militarized zone (DMZ) adjacent to Iraq and has been fenced off to restrict public access since 1994. Results showed that the MPSIAC and EPM models were similar in spatial distribution of erosion, though the MPSIAC had a more realistic spatial distribution of erosion and presented finer level details. The RUSLE presented unrealistic results. We then predicted the amount of soil loss between coastal and desert areas and fenced and unfenced sites for each model. In the MPSIAC and EPM models, soil loss was different between fenced and unfenced sites at the desert areas, which was higher at the unfenced due to the low vegetation cover. The overall results implied that vegetation cover played an important role in reducing soil erosion and that fencing is much more important in the desert ecosystems to protect against human activities such as overgrazing. We conclude that the MPSIAC model is best for predicting soil erosion for arid regions such as Kuwait. We also recommend the integration of field-based experiments with lab-based spatial analysis and modeling in future research.  相似文献   

An assessment of suspended sediment transport was carried out in a number of semiarid catchments during flood events in order to quantify the degradation rates. In order to quantify these, a systematic sampling procedure of the episodic flood events was proposed for representative catchments. The procedure allows for an integration over the whole run-off episode using both the rising and falling limbs of the run-off hydrograph to compute the sediment quantities for each individual flood event. Higher sediment concentrations occurred in the rising limb than those at the recession for any stage of flow. The maximum suspended sediment concentration was observed at the peak of the flood hydrograph. An integration of the sediment concentration over its duration gave the total sediment yield from the flood event. For the ephemeral channels, only a small number of flood events were observed over a three-year experimental period each with a duration of the order of 3–6 h. It is notable that high sediment loads were associated with high flow volumes which were effectively the result of the catchment characteristics and incident rainfall causing the flood events in the respective catchments. A large percentage of the annual sediment yield from a catchment is transported by the ephemeral streams during a small number of flood events. The correct determination of the total sediment yield from any of the flood events depends entirely on the accuracy of the measurements. The understanding of run-off and sediment loss for the representative catchments aims at assisting planning, management and control of water and land resources for sustainable development in the semi-arid parts of the tropics. The sediment rates reveal the degradation of catchments which have repercussions on the crop and pasture production and this has a bearing on the soil and water conservation programmes in the delicate ecological balance of the semi-arid areas. Further, these rates will determine the lifespan of the reservoirs planned for the dry river valleys (ephemeral streams) and existing ones which serve livestock and domestic needs. These occasionally will require costly rehabilitation and scooping to increase effective storage unless conservation measures are taken, and these measures are bound to vary from place to place as per the representative catchments output.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to incorporate geostatistics, remote sensing, and geographic information system (GIS) technologies to improve the qualitative land suitability assessment in arid and semiarid ecosystems of Arsanjan plain, southern Iran. The primary data were obtained from 85 soil samples collected from tree depths (0–30, 30–60, and 60–90 cm); the secondary information was acquired from the remotely sensed data from the linear imaging self-scanner (LISS-III) receiver of the IRS-P6 satellite. Ordinary kriging and simple kriging with varying local means (SKVLM) methods were used to identify the spatial dependency of soil important parameters. It was observed that using the data collected from the spectral values of band 1 of the LISS-III receiver as the secondary variable applying the SKVLM method resulted in the lowest mean square error for mapping the pH and electrical conductivity (ECe) in the 0–30-cm depth. On the other hand, the ordinary kriging method resulted in a reliable accuracy for the other soil properties with moderate to strong spatial dependency in the study area for interpolation in the unstamped points. The parametric land suitability evaluation method was applied on the density points (150 × 150 m2) instead of applying on the limited representative profiles conventionally, which were obtained by the kriging or SKVLM methods. Overlaying the information layers of the data was used with the GIS for preparing the final land suitability evaluation. Therefore, changes in land characteristics could be identified in the same soil uniform mapping units over a very short distance. In general, this new method can easily present the squares and limitation factors of the different land suitability classes with considerable accuracy in arbitrary land indices.  相似文献   

Investigating relationships of benthic invertebrates and sedimentation is challenging because fine sediments act as both natural habitat and potential pollutant at excessive levels. Determining benthic invertebrate sensitivity to sedimentation in forested headwater streams comprised of extreme spatial heterogeneity is even more challenging, especially when associated with a background of historical and intense watershed disturbances that contributed unknown amounts of fine sediments to stream channels. This scenario exists in the Chattahoochee National Forest where such historical timber harvests and contemporary land-uses associated with recreation have potentially affected the biological integrity of headwater streams. In this study, we investigated relationships of sedimentation and the macroinvertebrate assemblages among 14 headwater streams in the forest by assigning 30, 100-m reaches to low, medium, or high sedimentation categories. Only one of 17 assemblage metrics (percent clingers) varied significantly across these categories. This finding has important implications for biological assessments by showing streams impaired physically by sedimentation may not be impaired biologically, at least using traditional approaches. A subsequent multivariate cluster analysis and indicator species analysis were used to further investigate biological patterns independent of sedimentation categories. Evaluating the distribution of sedimentation categories among biological reach clusters showed both within-stream variability in reach-scale sedimentation and sedimentation categories generally variable within clusters, reflecting the overall physical heterogeneity of these headwater environments. Furthermore, relationships of individual sedimentation variables and metrics across the biological cluster groups were weak, suggesting these measures of sedimentation are poor predictors of macroinvertebrate assemblage structure when using a systematic longitudinal sampling design. Further investigations of invertebrate sensitivity to sedimentation may benefit from assessments of sedimentation impacts at different spatial scales, determining compromised physical habitat integrity of specific taxa and developing alternative streambed measures for quantifying sedimentation.  相似文献   

Legally protected national parks provide an appropriate substrate for essential long-term study of ecosystem structure and function, and for detecting trends in natural and human-induced stress. The absence of unplanned site manipulation in such areas is especially valuable for such research. Our present research has two major components. The first is the long-term ecosystem-level study of the effects of atmospheric contaminants on ecosystem processes. The overall objective is to evaluate ecosystem aquatic/terrestrial linkages and their role in establishing aquatic ecosystem sensitivity to anthropic atmospheric inputs. Four watershed/lake ecosystems, representative of much of the region's diversity, are under study. Two mature boreal sites on Isle Royale are characterized by first-order perennial surface stream input and lake outflow. Two additional mainland northern hardwood sites, one with shallow soils and one with soils derived from glacial till, are characterized by sensitive aquatic systems. One site is in a private reserve and the other in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. Surface outflow is gaged by Parshall flume and stage height recorder. Meteorological stations record variables for estimating evapotranspiration. One-tenth ha plots have been established in all watersheds and three sites have had intensive study of precipitation modification by canopy and forest soil. Five-year mean maximum and minimum lake pH varies from 6.85 to 4.94, Ca2+ from 1070 to 54 eq l-1, K+ from 5.42 to 8.35 eq l-1, NH 4 + from 10.12 to 3.23 eq l-1, HCO 3 sup- from 635 to 24 eq l-1, NO 3 sup- from 3.27 to 1.54 eq l-1, and SO 4 sup2- from 110 to 52.7 eq l-1. The relatively high NO 3 sup- values observed in one lake are the result of stream drainage from a watershed dominated by Alnus rugosa, and another has high seasonal NO 3 sup- inputs during spring runoff. However, owing to periodic winter thaws, significant snowpack release of nutrients generally precedes maximum spring stream runoff. Water chemistry in both sensitive and non-sensitive lakes appears to be primarily reflecting how the conterminous terrestrial system is retaining atmospheric inputs more than the quality of direct lake atmospheric input. This is especially evident for H+, NO 3 sup- and SO 4 sup2- .The second component is the assessment of watershed acidification, SO 4 sup2- output and soil retention across an input gradient. An anthropic deposition gradient provides the opportunity for intersite time-trend analyses as to the effects of inputs. Our study objective was to see if the decreasing west to east input/output values for SO 4 sup2- , noted in small first-order watersheds in national parks from Minnesota to Ohio, might be related to present atmospheric inputs, potential and total soil SO 4 sup2- adsorption, or soil SO 4 sup2- desorption from earlier higher inputs. Precipitation pH ranged from 5.05 at Fernberg, Minnesota to 4.24 at Wooster, Ohio. Minimum and maximum concentrations of NH 4 + , NO 3 sup- , SO 4 sup2- and Cl- were also found at these stations. Stream water concentrations of NO 3 sup- and SO 4 sup2- increase in a similar but sharper gradient. Streams are well buffered. Cation, HCO 3 sup- , NO 3 sup- and especially SO 4 sup2- output increase west to east, but H+ output decreases. At the eastern site stream SO 4 sup2- concentration and output exceed HCO 3 sup- . Potential soil SO 4 sup2- adsorption capacity increases eastward, but this capacity is filled. Crystalline Fe hydrous oxides appear more effective than amorphous Fe hydrous oxides at adsorbing SO 4 sup2- . High anthropic anion inputs, inability of forest soil to adsorb additional inputs and perhaps SO 4 sup2- desorption appear responsible for the replacement of HCO 3 sup- by SO 4 sup2- in stream water. The major cation accompanying SO 4 sup2- is Ca2+.Contribution from Fourth World Wilderness Congress—Acid Rain Symposium, Denver (Estes Park), Colorado, September 11–18, 1987.  相似文献   

Universal soil loss equation (USLE) was used in conjunction with a geographic information system to determine the influence of land use and land cover change (LUCC) on soil erosion potential of a reservoir catchment during the period 1989 to 2004. Results showed that the mean soil erosion potential of the watershed was increased slightly from 12.11 t ha???1 year???1 in the year 1989 to 13.21 t ha???1 year???1 in the year 2004. Spatial analysis revealed that the disappearance of forest patches from relatively flat areas, increased in wasteland in steep slope, and intensification of cultivation practice in relatively more erosion-prone soil were the main factors contributing toward the increased soil erosion potential of the watershed during the study period. Results indicated that transition of other land use land cover (LUC) categories to cropland was the most detrimental to watershed in terms of soil loss while forest acted as the most effective barrier to soil loss. A p value of 0.5503 obtained for two-tailed paired t test between the mean erosion potential of microwatersheds in 1989 and 2004 also indicated towards a moderate change in soil erosion potential of the watershed over the studied period. This study revealed that the spatial location of LUC parcels with respect to terrain and associated soil properties should be an important consideration in soil erosion assessment process.  相似文献   

Monitoring land use and land cover change (LUCC) and understanding forest cover dynamics is extremely important in sustainable development and management of forest ecosystems. This study analyzed the spatial and temporal pattern of LUCC in the Yaln?zçam and U?urlu forest planning units which are located in the northeast corner of Turkey. The investigation also evaluates the temporal changes of the spatial structure of forest conditions through the spatial analysis of forest-cover type maps from 1972 and 2005 using geographical information systems and FRAGSTATSTM. As an overall change between 1972 and 2005, there was a net increase of 1,823 ha in forested areas, and cumulative forest improvement accounted for 2.06 %. In terms of spatial configuration, the landscape structure in the study area changed substantially over the 33-year study period, resulting in fragmentation of the landscape as indicated by large patch numbers and smaller mean patch sizes, owing to heavy grazing, illegal cutting, and uncontrolled stand treatments.  相似文献   

Different land uses affect the characteristics of a hydrographic basin, reflected in the river water quality, and consequently affecting the aquatic biota. The benthic community closely reflects the alterations caused by different human activities. In this study, the effects of different land uses were evaluated by analysis of the benthic community structure in streams with urban, agricultural and pasturage influences, as well as areas in better-conserved regions. The abiotic parameters showed distinct seasonal variability, which did not occur with the benthic organisms. A degradation gradient was observed among the study sites, in the headwaters-agriculture-pasture-urban direction. By the CCA its possible to observe that the density of organisms tended to increase along this gradient, whereas richness, diversity, evenness, and EPT families decreased. The most intense effects of land use on the benthic community composition, richness, and diversity were observed in urban areas (F (1,4) = 16.0, p = 0.01; F (1,4) = 8.97, p = 0.04; respectively). In conclusion a trend in the benthic community is observed in to predict alterations caused for the different land uses, mainly, when the source point pollution, as the case of urban area.  相似文献   

In its “Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe” (Communication COM(2011) 571 of 20 September 2011), the European Commission (EC) established an ambitious goal for the European Union (EU), that of achieving no land take by 2050; towards this aim, a key milestone for the year 2020 was set, by stating that European policies in the programming period 2014–2020 ought to consider both their direct and their indirect impacts on land use in the EU.Within this framework, this paper builds upon the findings of a previous paper (Zoppi and Lai, 2014), in which we estimated the magnitude of land take over a short period of time (2003–2008) in Sardinia, an Italian NUTS2 region, and we assessed whether and how land take is related to a set of variables that are regarded as important determinants in the literature, such as parcel size, accessibility, and proximity to main cities and towns, to the coastline, or to protected areas.In this paper we study the land-taking process taking Sardinia as a case study, in two larger time periods, 1960–1990 and 1990–2008. We assess if, and to what extent, these factors reveal similar, or different, effects in the two periods, and try to identify consistencies concerning the determinants of land take.  相似文献   

Experiencing climate changes and increased human pressure, Mediterranean regions are considered representative hotspots of desertification. However, relatively few studies have been devoted to quantify the individual impact of different factors shaping land sensitivity to desertification in these contexts. Our study contributes to this deserving (positive and normative) issue with a diachronic analysis of the impact of multiple drivers of desertification risk on six indicators of land sensitivity based on the Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) approach. Indicators (average and maximum ESA score, coefficient of variation and normalized range in the ESA scores, share of ‘fragile’ and ‘critical’ areas in total landscape) were calculated in 777 rural districts of Italy at three time points (early-1960s, early-1990s, and early-2010s). Multivariate models were used to determine the impact of 12 predictors (climate, soil, vegetation, and land management quality) on each indicator of land sensitivity. Results of the analysis identified two non-redundant dimensions respectively associated with the average level of land sensitivity and its intrinsic variability across space. Impacts of climate and vegetation qualities on the level of land sensitivity were high, decreasing over time, and more intense respectively in Northern and Southern Italy. Impacts of soil and land management qualities were moderate, increasing over time, and involving almost all the country's area. Our study emphasizes the role of context-based measures promoting sustainable land management. The ‘local’ dimension proved to be crucial in any strategy of risk mitigation undertaken at disaggregated spatial scales.  相似文献   

The roots of land degradation in the arid region of the United States are set firmly in the era of open range conditions that led to the depletion of rangeland resources in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Upon closure of the open range and establishment of the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management, public lands in the arid region were protected from the classic tragedy of the commons. Private lands, in turn, fell under the stewardship guidance of such organizations as the Soil Conservation Service, the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, and the Cooperative Extension Service. Despite these institutional protections, arid land degradation continues at an ecologically and socially unacceptable rate. The most likely explanation for this degradation resides in the institutions and public policies that shape and control livestock grazing. Flaws and disincentives endemic to the grazing permit system have encouraged destructive grazing. Federal subsidies to public- and private-land ranchers have encouraged rangeland stocking rates in excess of carrying capacity on economically and ecologically marginal lands and consistently favored unsound land management practices over superior ones. Policy-generated distortions of market forces have lead to unanticipated and environmentally undesirable land use outcomes. Land management, technical support, and educational institutions have also inadvertently contributed to land degradation in the arid region. Reversing the trend of land degradation in an advanced country like the United States demands that we understand the role of public policy in land use outcomes and that we structure future public policies in accordance with the lessons of recent history.  相似文献   

Land-use change through degrading natural vegetation for agricultural production adversely affects many of soil properties particularly organic carbon content of soils. The native shrub land and grassland of Gaziantep-Adiyaman plateau that is an important pistachio growing eco-region have been cleared to convert into pistachio orchard for the last 50 to 60 years. In this study, the effects of conversion of natural vegetation into agricultural uses on soil erodibility have been investigated. Soil samples were collected from surface of agricultural fields and adjacent natural vegetation areas, and samples were analyzed for some soil erodibility indices such as dispersion ratio (DR), erosion ratio (ER), structural stability index (SSI), Henin’s instability index (I s ), and aggregate size distribution after wet sieving (AggSD). According to the statistical evaluation, these two areas were found as different from each other in terms of erosion indices except for I s index (P < 0.001 for DR and ER or P < 0.01 for SSI). In addition, native shrub land and converted land to agriculture were found different in terms of AggSD in all aggregate size groups. As a contrary to expectations, correlation tests showed that there were no any interaction between soil organic carbon and measured erodibility indices in two areas. In addition, significant relationships were determined between measured variables and soil textural fractions as statistical. These obtaining findings were attributed to changing of textural component distribution and initial aggregate size distribution results from land-use change in the study area. Study results were explained about hierarchical aggregate formation mechanism.  相似文献   

We quantified potential biases associated with lakes monitored using non-probability based sampling by six state agencies in the USA (Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio, Maine, and New Hampshire). To identify biases, we compared state-monitored lakes to a census population of lakes derived from the National Hydrography Dataset. We then estimated the probability of lakes being sampled using generalized linear mixed models. Our two research questions were: (1) are there systematic differences in lake area and land use/land cover (LULC) surrounding lakes monitored by state agencies when compared to the entire population of lakes? and (2) after controlling for the effects of lake size, does the probability of sampling vary depending on the surrounding LULC features? We examined the biases associated with surrounding LULC because of the established links between LULC and lake water quality. For all states, we found that larger lakes had a higher probability of being sampled compared to smaller lakes. Significant interactions between lake size and LULC prohibit us from drawing conclusions about the main effects of LULC; however, in general lakes that are most likely to be sampled have either high urban use, high agricultural use, high forest cover, or low wetland cover. Our analyses support the assertion that data derived from non-probability-based surveys must be used with caution when attempting to make generalizations to the entire population of interest, and that probability-based surveys are needed to ensure unbiased, accurate estimates of lake status and trends at regional to national scales.  相似文献   

Trace elements used in animal feed additives can be introduced to aquatic environments through application of manures from animal feeding operations to agricultural land as fertilizer. The use of poultry feed additives containing arsenic (As) is of particular concern in the Shenandoah River watershed (Virginia, USA), an agricultural landscape with a high density of poultry operations. This study investigated the relationship between watershed characteristics of Shenandoah River tributaries and trace element concentrations in streambed sediment and tissue of resident mollusks, including: Asian clams (Corbicula fluminea), which are commonly used biomonitors, and pleurocerid snails (Leptoxis carinata), which are generally understudied. Results failed to support the primary hypothesis of a predictive relationship between watershed densities of poultry operations and As concentrations in sediment and mollusk tissue. However, there were statistical relationships between land use in tributary watersheds and other trace elements in sediment (Cu, Mn, Pb, Zn) and tissue (Cd, Hg, Pb). Principal components analysis of the sediment data suggested a possible geologic source of As at some sites. Tissue concentrations of As were significantly higher in snails than in clams, but clams accumulated higher concentrations of other trace elements (Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb, Se). Snails may be useful biomonitors of environmental As, but appear to be less suitable than clams for studies of landscape sources of other trace elements.  相似文献   

The combination of intensive agricultural activities and the close connectivity between land and stream emphasise the potential risk of pesticide exposure in Danish streams. Benthic macroinvertebrates are applied in the assessment of stream ecological status, and some sensitive species have been shown to respond strongly to brief pulses of pesticide contamination. In this study we investigate the impact of agriculturally derived pesticides on stream macroinvertebrate communities in Denmark. As a measure of toxic pressure we apply the Runoff Potential. We investigated a total of 212 streams. These were grouped into distinct classes according to the magnitude of pesticide contamination in the period from 2003-2006. A total of 24 different macroinvertebrate indices were applied to detect effects of pesticide runoff (e.g. the SPEAR-index and the number of EPT taxa). We found high predicted pesticide runoff in 39% of the streams, but we found no significant effect of predicted pesticide exposure on stream macroinvertebrate indices. We, additionally, examined the influence of a series of environmental parameters ranging from site scale to catchment scale on the macroinvertebrate community. Relative proportions of gravel, sand and silt in bed sediments explained most of the variation in macroinvertebrate indices as well as the upstream riparian habitat quality. We suggest that the Runoff Potential model overestimate pesticide runoff contamination in Danish streams due the presence of buffer strips enforced by Danish legislation. When pesticide runoff contamination is low to moderate, poor physical properties (indirectly related to agricultural activity) are the main impediment for the ecological quality of Danish streams.  相似文献   

This paper provides a framework for the managers to devise means to protect, restore, and maintain the remaining bi-species groves for sustainable management of fragile arid land ecosystem. At the moment, there is no information available about the structural and functional ecology of these dwindling remnants. The selection criteria for the classification of the groves are based on understanding the positive association between the two species, Prosopis cineraria and Salvadora oleoides, in terms of spatial pattern and morphological features. It was achieved by highlighting the attributes of the benchmark grove and classification of other groves in reference to it. The results clearly show that positive association in the groves is due to differences in the growth strategies of the two species in terms of above- and belowground biomass allocation and architecture. Most of the groves are in various stages of degradation, and anthropogenic interferences are the major determinant linked with the declining status of the groves. These activities affect the complimentary attributes of the bi-species groves, thus disturbing the characteristic structural features which contributed to the stability of this fragile landscape.  相似文献   

There has been increasing concern in highlands of semiarid Turkey that conversion of these systems results in excessive soil erosion, ecosystem degradation, and loss of sustainable resources. An increasing rate of land use/cover changes especially in semiarid mountainous areas has resulted in important effects on physical and ecological processes, causing many regions to undergo accelerated environmental degradation in terms of soil erosion, mass movement and reservoir sedimentation. This paper, therefore, explores the impact of land use changes on land degradation in a linkage to the soil erodibility, RUSLE-K, in Cankiri–Indagi Mountain Pass, Turkey. The characterization of soil erodibility in this ecosystem is important from the standpoint of conserving fragile ecosystems and planning management practices. Five adjacent land uses (cropland, grassland, woodland, plantation, and recreational land) were selected for this research. Analysis of variance showed that soil properties and RUSLE-K statistically changed with land use changes and soils of the recreational land and cropland were more sensitive to water erosion than those of the woodland, grassland, and plantation. This was mainly due to the significant decreases in soil organic matter (SOM) and hydraulic conductivity (HC) in those lands. Additionally, soil samples randomly collected from the depths of 0–10 cm (D 1) and 10–20 cm (D 2) with irregular intervals in an area of 1,200 by 4,200 m sufficiently characterized not only the spatial distribution of soil organic matter (SOM), hydraulic conductivity (HC), clay (C), silt (Si), sand (S) and silt plus very fine sand (Si + VFS) but also the spatial distribution of RUSLE-K as an algebraically estimate of these parameters together with field assessment of soil structure to assess the dynamic relationships between soil properties and land use types. In this study, in order to perform the spatial analyses, the mean sampling intervals were 43, 50, 64, 78, 85 m for woodland, plantation, grassland, recreation, and cropland with the sample numbers of 56, 79, 72, 13, and 69, respectively, resulting in an average interval of 64 m for whole study area. Although nugget effect and nugget effect–sill ratio gave an idea about the sampling design adequacy, the better results are undoubtedly likely by both equi-probable spatial sampling and random sampling representative of all land uses.  相似文献   

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