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2005年中国(南京)国际环保技术、设备展览会,这一环保界的年度盛会在参展商及各界人士的一致好评中圆满落幕。展会在南京国际展览中心举行,由江苏联亚国际展览有限公司和江苏省环保厅、江苏省科技厅共同携手主办,为期三天(11月24日-11月26日),吸引了5732名专业人士到访。从展会结束后的调查数据显示,展会获得巨大成功。  相似文献   

总量控制下环境容量产权交易及政府行为分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
吕伟明 《四川环境》2003,22(3):49-52,65
利用经济学的原理,本文分析了环境容量的经济特点(不是环境容量产权交易的特征),提出了环境容量产权交易的可行性和必要性。同时针对政府在环境容量产权交易中的作用进行了必要的分析。  相似文献   

Designing or transforming urban areas into 'sustainable cities' is becoming an increasingly common vision. It is, however, an unrealizable vision without agreement on how to determine whether a sustainable city vision has been fulfilled. In this paper we define a provisional set of urban environmental sustainability metrics, chosen to cover the spectrum of issues related to urban areas, and to be drawn from data that are customarily available. We devise a display technique to communicate efficiently the results of a metrics evaluation to a variety of stakeholders. The approach is illustrated by applying the metrics set to Vancouver, Canada, an urban area that has expended considerable effort toward achieving its own environmental vision.  相似文献   

福州市环境可持续性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文选取2000-2007年福州市城区环境数据,采用压力-状态-响应指标体系,对福州市近8年的环境动态进行可持续性评价。压力因子包括人口、经济和能耗,状态因子包括大气环境、声环境和水环境,响应因子包括污染控制、环境建设和环境管理。结果表明,福州市环境可持续发展能力2000年较差,2001-2002年一般,2003-2007年较好。  相似文献   

自2000年以来,中国环境保护产业协会受国家环境保护总局委托,承担环保产品认定工作。截至2004年底,共认定环保产品1645项(次)。其中,水污染治理产品229项,空气污染治理产品1048项,废物处理产品13项,噪声与振动防治产品162项,监测仪器产品149项,环境保护药剂及材料44项。环保产品认定取得了广泛的社会影响,得到了产品生产企业、用户和环境管理部门的广泛认同,为正式实施环保产品认证制度摸索了经验并打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

产品名称获证单位证书号有效期FLJ-A型复合式饮食业油烟净化设备[风量(m3/h):≥2000~<6000]武汉宏健环保厨房设备有限公司CCAEPI-EP-2007-0562007年5月~2010年5月LNGM-HX/IH型脉冲反吹袋式除尘器武汉汉信环保设备有限公司CCAEPI-EP-2007-0572007年5月~2010年5月HSJD型复合式  相似文献   

产品名称获证单位证书号有效期CDL-2型长袋低压脉冲式除尘器营口世泰锅炉辅机制造有限公司CCAEPI-EP-2007-0362007年4月~2010年4月YCT型一体化脱硫除尘装置(≤40T)营口世泰锅炉辅机制造有限公司CCAEPI-EP-2007-0372007年4月~2010年4月FCT复合式一体化脱硫除尘装置(≤100T)营口世泰锅炉辅机制造有限公司CCAEPI-EP-2007-0382007年4月~2010年4月STEP-CEMS型烟气(颗粒物、SO2、NOX、流速)连续监测系统深圳市世纪天源环保技术有限公司CCAEPI-EP-2007-0392007年4月~2010年4月STEP-COD型COD水质在线分析仪深圳市世…  相似文献   

产品名称获证草位证书号有胜翔WL一lA型超声波明梁流t计HG一c0D一I型化学孺社(CoD。‘)在线自动监侧仪LARE以1的型COD水质在线自动监侧仪HZS302一4型.电除尘器BSG型.电式烟称净化设备【风t(m3/h):)2以刃一‘2的加」邓RF一RFJD型.电式饮t业油烟净化设各[风t(m,/h):》6x泊一‘2的加』SMHY一HYJD型.电式伙食业油烟净化设备[风t(m,/h):》创托旧一‘2(盯阅] CYA一863型烟气(获粒物、S()卜NO、、流速)连续监侧系统LB一DJY型份电等离子式饮t业油烟净化设备[风t(m,/h):)2侧刃一‘2侧x洲)】及汀一2创场型萦外(UV)吸收水质自动…  相似文献   


Beyond adopting sustainability as a feel-good slogan, many communities are trying to translate this general principle into specific and measurable terms. Community indicators are being introduced as a tool for analysis and community development in US cities from Seattle, WA to Jacksonville, FL. Most efforts acknowledge that sustainability ought to serve communities as a whole; rather than privilege certain elites, sustainability should build social equity. Using a web-based methodology, this research reviews sustainability efforts in 33 of the largest US cities to see which have addressed environmental justice as a dimension of sustainability. Five projects are identified and their programmes are summarised in terms of educational, policy and implementation content. KEE WARNER, Enlazando Iniciativas de Sostenibilidad Local con Justicia Ambiental . Más allá de adoptar la sostenibilidad como un lema para estar bien, muchas comunidades estan tratando de trasladar este principio general en términos específicos y medibles. Indicadores comunitarios esta´n siendo introducidos como una herramienta para el análisis y el desarrollo comunitario en ciudades americanas como Seattle, Washington a Jacksonville, Florida. La mayoría de los esfuerzos reconocen que la sostenibilidad tiene que servir a las comunidades como un todo; más que privilegiar ciertas élites, la sostenibilidad debe construir equidad social. Usando una metodolgía basada en la red, esta investigación estudia los esfuerzos para promover la sostenibilidad en treinta y tres de las mas grandes ciudades de los Estados Unidos para ver cual a dirijido justicia ambiental como una dimensión de sostenibilidad. Cinco proyectos son indentificados y sus programas son resumidos en términos de contenido educacional, político y de implementacio´n.  相似文献   

Local food is a popular subject among consumers, as well as food producers, distributors, policymakers and researchers in many countries. Previous research has identified that the definition of local food varies by context, and from country to country. The literature also suggested that environmental sustainability is one of the goals for many of the local food movements. While there is a substantial body of literature on local food internationally, limited research has been undertaken in New Zealand. This paper aims to understand how consumers define local food, what attributes they associate with local food, and the extent to which life cycle-based environmental aspects are represented in these attributes. Primary research employed quantitative methodology. This study identified that a majority of the respondents considered that local food may be defined as food that was produced in New Zealand and that support for community was the most important attribute associated with local food. Reduced GHG emission, conserving the landscape, and organic production were the life cycle-based environmental attributes that were associated with local food. This study provides a basis for further research into understandings of local food in New Zealand and how to improve communication among different social actors with respect to demand and supply of local food.  相似文献   

/ Environmental impact assessment (EIA) has been identified as an important instrument for facilitating sustainability. However, to do so requires the integration of sustainability into EIA theory and practice. The sustainability concept is a valid and important environmental management perspective. However, many issues and obstacles need to be addressed further if the concept is to be translated into practical strategies. Sustainability can potentially infuse EIA with a clearer sense of direction, an ethical foundation, a mechanism for establishing priorities and assessing choices, and a means of linking EIA to other environmental management instruments. Conceptually, EIA and sustainability can be integrated, but frameworks should be refined, adpated to context, and linked to related initiatives. Sustainability should be explicitly incorporated into EIA legislation, guidelines, and institutional arrangements. An experimental approach to testing, assessing, and sharing experiences is suggested.A framework is first presented that defines and characterizes the sustainability concept. A further framework is then described for integrating sustainability into EIA at the conceptual level. The integration of sustainability and EIA at the regulatory level is next addressed through an overview of sustainability initiatives in EIA requirements in Canada. The Canadian examples include many promising initiatives but these and other experiences will need to be monitored, shared, and integrated into comprehensive environmental management strategies. Finally, means of incorporating sustainability into each activity in the EIA planning process are identified.KEY WORDS: Sustainability; Environmental impact assessment  相似文献   

中国环境保护产业协会2月5日公布了2005年第一批环保产品认定名录(见下表)。  相似文献   

中环协(北京)认证中心是经国家认监委批准成立的环保产品认证专业机构。依据《中华人民共和国认证认可条例》,为适应认证制度的需要,自2005年起,中环协(北京)认证中心按照“工厂检查 产品检验 认证监督检查”这一国际通用的产品认证模式进行环保产品认证,目前列入认证目录的产品有112项。  相似文献   

中国环境保护产业协会2004年12月31日公布了2004年第五批环保产品认定名录(见下表)。  相似文献   

试论环境管理中排污权交易政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
排污权交易是近年来备受各国关注的一项环境经济政策。这项政策是把环境容量转化为商品及出卖环境的纳污能力,并将其纳入价格机制。这种环境经济手段可以充分发挥市场经济的作用,同时克服了依靠行政手段控制环境污染的缺陷,对我国的环境保护有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article describes a template for implementing an integrated community sustainability plan. The template emphasizes community engagement and outlines the components of a basic framework for integrating ecological, social and economic dynamics into a community plan. The framework is a series of steps that support a sustainable community development process. While it reflects the Canadian experience, the tools and techniques have applied value for a range of environmental planning contexts around the world. The research is case study based and draws from a diverse range of communities representing many types of infrastructure, demographics and ecological and geographical contexts. A critical path for moving local governments to sustainable community development is the creation and implementation of integrated planning approaches. To be effective and to be implemented, a requisite shift to sustainability requires active community engagement processes, political will, and a commitment to political and administrative accountability, and measurement.  相似文献   

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