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Fuelwood is the only important source of energy in the mountainous region of the Garhwal Himalaya, India. Since the commercial source of energy is generally beyond the reach of ordinary people due to their poor socio-economic conditions and due to limited supply and lack of communication facilities for transport of LPG, the villages of the inner region of the Garhwal Himalaya depend on their fuel requirement from the forest. In the present study, two villages of the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve in Uttarakhand part of the Indian Himalaya i.e. Lata and Dunagiri located at 2,415 and 3,600 m altitudes, respectively, were selected for the study of socio-economic profile and vegetation and for estimation of per capita fuelwood consumption and the degree of disturbance. The study was conducted from 2002–2005. The population of these villages is migratory and belongs to the Bhotiya community, a scheduled tribe consisting of two subgroups known as Tolcha and Marchha. They grow traditional crops as well as cash crops. Important tree species used for fuelwood include Cedrus deodara, Pinus wallichiana, Cupressus torulosa, Taxus wallichiana, Acer indicum, Quercus dilatata and Viburnum cotinifolium. Maximum density among trees was shown by Pinus wallichiana (169.6 trees ha−1) in village Lata and by Cedrus deodara (89.6 trees ha−1) in village Dunagiri. The average per capita consumption of fuelwood in villages Lata and Dunagiri was 4.03 and 4.77 kg capita−1 day−1. Maximum number of trees (29 and 31% lopping for Lata and Dunagiri, respectively) belonged to disturbance class 1 (1–20% lopping) followed by the disturbance class 2 (20–40% lopping). Due to location of these villages in the buffer zone of the biosphere reserve, the fuelwood consumption may cause an adverse impact on the ecological status of this reserve, which urgently requires employing strategies for the conservation and management of this biosphere in terms of fuelwood sustainability e.g. regulation of livestock stock and grazing, using alternative sources of fuels, plantation of multipurpose trees and adoption of ecotourism.  相似文献   

The structure of the ichthyofauna in water bodies of Kaluga oblast has undergone significant rearrangements over the past 20 years. The abundance of some species has increased, while that of other species has decreased; spontaneous dispersal of some fishes is underway. Synchronous fluctuations of fish abundance (“waves of life”) take place simultaneously in the Western Dvina, Dnieper, and Volga basins. These processes differ in intensity depending on fish species and are conditioned by a number of factors, including changes in hydrological regimes of rivers, improvement of the ecological state of small rivers, and increased poaching pressure. The results of monitoring the ichthyofauna fauna of small rivers are used as an example to trace the routes of fish dispersal and discuss changes in the composition of fish communities.  相似文献   

Both climate extremes and agricultural disasters have been reported to increase in recent decades; however, so far, we have little idea on the characteristics of agricultural disasters changes, as well as their meteorological and agronomic causes. Here, using the observed records on rice disasters at agro-meteorological stations across China and the meteorological indexes, we investigated the temporal and spatial changes of major rice disasters occurrence frequency and their relationships to climate change, climate extremes and agronomic practices from 1991 to 2009. We presented the temporal and spatial changes in occurrence frequency of major rice disasters, including droughts, floods, heat stress, chilling damage, insects and diseases, during the warmer period of 2000–2009, in comparison with the period of 1991–2000, based on both the observed records and the meteorological indexes. The results showed that changes in rice disasters could be largely ascribed to changes in climate extremes in recent decades. Floods, insects and diseases occurred more frequently at earlier growth stages; in contrast, chilling damage occurred more frequently at later growth stages in southwestern China during the period of 2000–2009, in comparison with the period of 1991–2000. Our findings highlighted the options should be taken timely and scientifically to reduce the disasters and to cope with ongoing climate change, based on the characteristics of agricultural disasters changes in recent decades.  相似文献   

We used simple and explicit methods, as well as improved datasets for climate, crop phenology and yields, to address the association between variability in crop yields and climate anomalies in China from 1980 to 2008. We identified the most favourable and unfavourable climate conditions and the optimum temperatures for crop productivity in different regions of China. We found that the simultaneous occurrence of high temperatures, low precipitation and high solar radiation was unfavourable for wheat, maize and soybean productivity in large portions of northern, northwestern and northeastern China; this was because of droughts induced by warming or an increase in solar radiation. These climate anomalies could cause yield losses of up to 50 % for wheat, maize and soybeans in the arid and semi-arid regions of China. High precipitation and low solar radiation were unfavourable for crop productivity throughout southeastern China and could cause yield losses of approximately 20 % for rice and 50 % for wheat and maize. High temperatures were unfavourable for rice productivity in southwestern China because they induced heat stress, which could cause rice yield losses of approximately 20 %. In contrast, high temperatures and low precipitation were favourable for rice productivity in northeastern and eastern China. We found that the optimum temperatures for high yields were crop specific and had an explicit spatial pattern. These findings improve our understanding of the impacts of extreme climate events on agricultural production in different regions of China.  相似文献   

Biomass,as fuelwood,is one of the major sources of energy in rural areas,especially in the mountainous regions of the world.As the increasing human population exerts more pressure on the forest thereby inducing an adverse effect on the sustainability of the ecosystem,which consequently causes fuelwood crisis at a local level,this crisis is spatio-temporal in nature.Thus,the major objective of this study is to assess the sustainability of fuelwood at different probable scenarios at a micro watershed level.The present study was conducted in the Phakot watershed,the Tehri Garhwal district of central Himalaya in India,during 2006-2008.Based on the vegetation composition in the study area,the net primary productivity(NPP)value of the Oak forest,and mixed oak and sal forests,was used for the quantification of fuelwood availability in evergreen and deciduous forests,respectively.The fuelwood demand was calculated on the basis of seasonal fuelwood consumption values.Nine probable permutations for availability-demand scenarios assuming the existence of high(H),low(L)and average(A)conditions were analyzed for evaluating the stress.The available annual harvestable fuelwood in the watershed is in the minimum and maximum ranges of 2283.28 to 4066.00 tons,respectively,per year whereas it has a demand of 110.76 tons as the minimum to 3659 tons as the maximum annually.This shows that in the current availabilitydemand scenario,the watershed does not have fuelwood crisis in the present situation but needs to maintain the sustainability of the system.Based on our study,it is concluded that,globally,more spatio-temporal study is required to understand the issues at the local level.  相似文献   

The lake-rich glacial landscapes of north-eastern central Europe play an important role in the preservation and use of water resources, including protection of biodiversity, carbon storage and promotion of tourism. With a view to the last c. 20 years and the future, a regional ‘syndrome of water shortage’ has been frequently stated, which impairs particularly peatlands, flowing waters and lakes. Accordingly, the overall question addressed in this study is: What can regional and local gauging records tell us about decadal hydrological changes of lakes and their catchments? In the study area, most of the gauging records of lakes begin only in the late 1990s. Forty-five lake-level records were analysed by hierarchical agglomerative clustering, looking for the trend in the 1999–2008 time window. The analyses show that lake levels had varying dynamics, namely a negative, unclear or even a positive trend. The proportional shares of these three groups are 23 (51 %) to 15 (34 %) to 7 lakes (15 %), respectively. In group 1, largely groundwater-fed lakes, lake-level changes depend on groundwater-level changes. These are controlled by decreasing groundwater recharge in the catchments, which are caused by specific seasonal weather conditions in the observation period, and the impact of the dominating pine forests, which consume high quantities of water. In group 2, mainly stream lakes, direct human impact drives the lake levels through the management of weirs and ground sills. Nearly all lakes in group 3, consisting of river, stream and spring lakes, were subject to impoundment measures initiated by local rewetting projects. Thus, an important finding with respect to the impact of climate and land use is the fact that the (‘natural’) lakes of the region, primarily fed by groundwater and precipitation, show a predominantly negative lake-level trend in the period studied. Beyond the 10-year-time window analysed, further regional data show that periodic lake-level fluctuations with amplitudes of c. 1–2(–3) m are characteristic for regional groundwater-fed lakes.  相似文献   

Forest structure and regeneration were studied along the altitudinal gradient in the Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary of Uttarakhand Himalaya in India. Stratified random sampling of tree species was done by placing minimum 15 quadrats of 10 × 10 m at each aspect and altitude. The results reveal that along the altitudinal gradient there were three types of forest communities in the Sanctuary viz., chir pine (Pinus roxburghii), oakchir pine (Quercus leucotrichophora and Pinus roxburghii) and oak (Quercus floribunda and Quercus leucotrichophora). Rhododendron arboreum, Cornus macrophylla and Lyonia ovalifolia were main associates of these forest communities. The oak forests had larger shrub population as compared to chir pine. Myrsine africana was the most dominant shrub across the altitudinal gradient, whereas few shrub species were restricted to a certain altitudinal range. The regeneration of chir pine was best at lower altitude on south and east aspects, which indicates that it mostly regenerates on warm and dry slopes. In general, the regeneration potential in most of the tree species declines with the altitude. The density of saplings and seedlings also represented the dominant species at each altitudinal range, which indicates the cyclic regeneration of forests in the Sanctuary area.  相似文献   

我国境内石油行业总体呈现原油开采量上升的态势,为之付出的经济和生态成本也越来越大。开展我国境内石油资源资产负债表的编制工作对于摸清我国石油资源的家底、评估我国石油资源开采的经济—资源—环境综合成本、探讨我国石油开采战略的合理性具有重要的意义。本文首先探讨了石油资源资产负债表的编制方法和框架,构建了集"生态系统服务"、"环境污染"和"资源消耗"三位于一体的"生态负债"账户。其次,收集并整理了重要的污染物处理成本和生态系统服务的价值评估成果,构建了价值化因子数据表。最后,基于2012年数据尝试编制了目前我国的第一份石油资源资产负债表。结果显示,(1)2012年末,我国石油资源的资产总额为1.47×109万元,负债总额为9.03×107万元,所有者权益为1.38×109万元;(2)石油资源资产总额占到当年政府资产总额的14.43%,占政府资源性资产比重达31.12%;(3)石油行业的资产负债率为6.15%,负债权益比达到了6.56%;(4)"生态系统服务"构成了负债的最大比重,达到了98.16%。总的来说,我国石油开采行业整体处于"高资产、高负债、强生态压力和弱可持续性"的状态。从这份资产负债表我们可以看出,我国境内石油开采的生态成本不容忽视。随着资源的不断开发,石油开采的边际生态成本只会越来越大,因此,能指向经济和生态两方面的综合成本应该取代账面成本成为政府进行石油资源开发的决策依据之一。此外,要落实石油资源资产负债表对于生态保护的实际指导意义,我们建议应该将石油资源开采的资产负债率、负债权益比等指标纳入官员的绩效考核体系。  相似文献   

The Central Indian Highland landscape (CIHL) represents a complex, diverse, and highly human-modified system. Nearly half the landscape is cropland, yet it hosts 21 protected areas surrounded and connected by forests. Changing farming practices with increasing access to irrigation might alter this intensifying landscape in the near future particularly in light of weather variability. We analyzed a decade of remote sensing data for cropping patterns and climatic factors combined with census data for irrigation and demographic factors to understand winter cropping trajectories in the CIHL. We quantified ‘productive cropped area’ (PCA), defined as the area with planted crop that is green at the peak of the winter growing season. We find three primary trajectories in PCA—increasing, fluctuating, and decreasing. The most dominant trend is fluctuating PCA in two-thirds of the districts, ranging from ~2.11 million to ~3.73 million ha between 2001 and 2013, which is associated with village-level access to irrigation and local labor dynamics. In 58 % of all districts, clay soils were associated with winter cropping (p < 0.05). Increasing irrigation is associated with increased winter PCA in most (94 %) districts (p < 0.00001). We find strong negative association between PCA and land surface temperature (LST) in most (66 %) districts (p < 0.01). LST closely corresponds to daytime mean air temperature (p < 0.001) for available meteorological stations. Fine-scale meteorological and socioeconomic data, however, are needed to further disentangle impacts of these factors on PCA in this landscape.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Ecology - A comparative study of four Coriaria nepalensis (hereafter Coriaria) dominated sites has been conducted to evaluate the facilitation effects on tree and shrub...  相似文献   

完善的自然资源资产负债表编制体系,能为国家和各级政府摸清“家底”,进行宏观经济管理、资源配置等工作提供重要的数据信息。党的十八届三中全会提出探索编制自然资源资产负债表之后,与此相关的理论研究迅速增加,但针对自然资源资产负债表编制和运用的理论与实践仍存在一些模糊认识;诸如自然资源负债等难以确定的问题。着眼于此,本文对我国自然资源资产负债表的编制现状进行了认真的思考,总结出自然资源资产负债表编制和运用的六个关键问题,即对国际规范SEEA2012和SNA2008的认识问题,对以县级单位为起点的编制主体的认识问题,对单式和复式表格根本区别的认识问题,对实物量和价值量转换难点的认识问题,对自然资源资产负债表信息渠道与平台建设的认识问题,对自然资源资产负债表编制中各部门权责关系的认识问题。以此为基础,本文从国际做法和国内实践两个角度进行了分析,并提出了本文观点:编制和运用自然资源资产负债表,应全面理解、充分借鉴SEEA2012和SNA2008的国际规范;确立以县级及以下政府层级为起点的编制主体;转变为“从单式到复式”的编表思路,坚持使用复式表格;迈出实物量向价值量转化的重要一步,重视价值量核算;建设自然资源数据收集的信息渠道与平台;处理好自然资源资产负债表编制中各部门间的权责关系。本文研究有利于推进自然资源资产负债表编制与运用工作,发挥自然资源资产负债表在我国的生态文明建设中的重要作用。  相似文献   

The dynamics of carbon pools in the live phytomass, necromass, and soil reservoirs have been analyzed in fallow arable lands of Novgorod oblast. The results show that the amounts of above- and belowground necromass increase with the age of fallows, while the dynamics of live phytomass have no distinct trend. Comparisons with archival data show that the stocks of soil organic carbon in the studied ecosystems have decreased by 1.39 t C/ha since 1983, which is equivalent to an annual loss of 0.03 t C/ha. The main factors accounting for changes in the carbon stocks of fallow soils are the initial organic carbon contents in topsoil, the intensity of agromeliorative measures taken during the period of agricultural land use, and carbon contents in soils of meadow communities typical for a given region (zone).  相似文献   

In the present study total 21 forest stands on different aspects and locations (Hill base, mid slope and ridge top) on the slope were studied to assess the importance of these two parameters in supporting species regeneration and biodiversity in a mixed broadleaved forest between 380 and 850 m elevation in the Kumauau Himalayan region. A total of 36 tree species were recorded in the forest. In all aspects the tree, sapling and shrub richness was higher at hill base stands in comparison to mid slope and ridge top stand. Maximum tree richness (average across all aspects) was 9.7 and shrub richness was 9.3. Higher richness at hill base may be attributed to more soil moisture and deeper soils which accumulate the hill base where the slope steepness declines. The tree richness was higher in the northern aspect whereas southern aspect was more suitable for the shrub species. From the present study it becomes evident that the base of the hills can support higher biodiversity and are instrumental in supporting regeneration of several tree and shrub species in sal mixed broadleaved forest.  相似文献   

Regional Environmental Change - Integrated farming systems (IS) are one of the main strategies of the Brazilian government to reduce or compensate for carbon emissions from agriculture with...  相似文献   

To appreciate the sustainabilty of these plantations of Eucalyptus, it is necessary to make a comparative study of energy, carbon, mineral and water balances of two ecosystems, i.e. the original savannah ecosystem, and the man-made ecosystem the Eucalyptus plantations that have succeeded it. The aim of this work is to study the water balance of the two ecosystems and more particularly their actual evapo-transpiration. Throughfall, net interception during the rainy seasons (1996–99) were 867. mm and 112 mm for the Eucalyptus plantation and 878 mm and 101 mm for the savannah, respectively. The mean total annual actual evapo-transpiration respectively 1127. mm for a plantation and 821 mm for a savannah. During the year transpiration/potential evapotranspiration ratio (T/E p ) is related to the soil-water depletion: The T/E p ratio of 0.79 was not reduced from field capacity until 65% of R FC , and then it decreased quickly to near zero at wilting point. The drainage out of rooting depths of savannah during the rainy season was of 827. mm, a total over 3 years; while the drainage out of rooting depths of Eucalyptus plantation was of 470 mm, a difference in drainage between two ecosystems of 357. mm a total over these three years. The Eucalyptus plantation is manmade ecosystem which takes up and transpires every day throughout the year and uses all available water. The succession of several rain-deficient years will reduce the wood production of the plantation but, knowing that between 1949 and 1998 four successive rain-deficient years have only occured once while the length of rotation is seven years; this dry episode does not compromise the survival of the plantation, although it reduces its wood production. The savannah has a cycle of vegetation such that at the end of the dry season the water remaining in the rooting depths of savannah is sufficient for three successive rain-deficient years to have no impact on its production.  相似文献   

India’s continued development depends on the availability of adequate water. This paper applies a data-driven approach to estimate the intra-annual dynamics of water stress across the central Indian Highlands over the period 2002–2012. We investigate the spatial distribution of water demanding sectors including industry, domestic, irrigation, livestock and thermal power generation. We also examine the vulnerability of urban centers within the study area to water stress. We find that 74 % of the area of the central Indian Highlands experienced water stress (defined as demand exceeding supply) for 4 or more months out of the year. The rabi (winter) season irrigation drives the intra-annual water stress across the landscape. The Godavari basin experiences the most surface water stress while the Ganga and Narmada basins experience water stress due to groundwater deficits as a result of rabi irrigation. All urban centers experience water stress at some time during a year. Urban centers in the Godavari basin are considerably water stressed, for example, Achalpur, Nagpur and Chandrapur experience water stress 8 months out of the year. Irrigation dominates water use accounting for 95 % of the total water demand, with substantial increases in irrigated land over the last decade. Managing land use to promote hydrologic functions will become increasingly important as water stress increases.  相似文献   

The increasing demand of the growing population requires enhancement in the production of rice. This has a direct bearing on the global environment since the rice cultivation is one of the major contributors to the methane emissions. As the rice cultivation is intensified with the current practices and technologies, the methane fluxes from paddy fields will substantially rise. Improved high yielding rice varieties together with efficient cultivation techniques will certainly contribute to the curtailment of the methane emission fluxes. In this paper, the system dynamic approach is used for estimating the methane emissions from rice fields in India till the year 2020. Mitigation options studied for curtailing the methane emissions include rice production management, use of low methane emitting varieties of rice, water management and fertilizer amendment. The model is validated quantitatively and sensitivity tests are carried out to examine the robustness of the model.  相似文献   

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