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- Sustainable chemistry - Section editors: Klaus Günter Steinhäuser, Steffi Richter, Petra Greiner, Jutta Penning, Michael AngrickBackground, Aim and Scope Chemicals play a vital role in the day-to-day life of industrialised societies. Their use is not restricted to the chemical enterprises per se, but is a crucial part of production processes in a lot of industrial sectors. Traditional instruments of environmental policy (such as bans, restrictions) can only deal with the most hazardous substances. The Johannesburg Implementation Plan of 2002 calls for more sustainable patterns of production and consumption, and sets the year of 2020 as a goal to use chemicals in a way that human health and the environment are not endangered. Political instruments should not only gather more knowledge about the properties of chemicals, but should also stimulate the environmentally sound use of chemicals. Existing business models should therefore be reviewed in relation to this strategic approach to encourage marketing options with respect to the environmental focus.Main Features Business models were examined for their effects on the consumption of chemicals and amount of waste emissions in relation to their economic potential. Different possibilities for cooperation of supplier, user and disposal companies were elaborated and examined with a view to the specific situation in Austria.Results and Discussion A range of cooperative models – summarised under the term ‘chemical leasing’ - was identified, which can contribute to a more efficient use of resources. 12 main possible application areas (cleaning, lubrication, paint stripping and others) have been identified in Austria. If chemical leasing models were applied in these areas, the amounts of chemicals currently used could be reduced by one third (53,000 tonnes per year). Cost reductions of up to 15 % can be expected.Conclusion The application of chemical leasing models can contribute considerably to achieving more sustainable and resource-efficient patterns of production. The Austrian Ministry for Environment has therefore decided to subsidise the further practical implementation of these new service-oriented business models. Pilot projects in 4 enterprises, which are supervised by consulting companies, are currently being carried out. Recommendation and Outlook The experiences of the pilot projects will serve as valuable building blocks for the wider use of chemical leasing models. Furthermore, the UNIDO Cleaner Production Centres have expressed their clear interest and will examine the possibility to use chemical leasing as a part of their Cleaner Production Programmes.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Using the provincial panel data of China during 2012–2019, the present study employed spatial Durbin error model to explore the spatial effect...  相似文献   

Households consume direct energy, using natural gas, heating oil, gasoline and electricity, and consume indirect energy, the energy related to the production of goods and the delivery of services for the households. Past trends and present-day household energy use (direct and indirect) are analysed and described. A comparison of these findings with objectives concerning ecological sustainability demonstrates that present-day household energy use is not sustainable. A scenario towards sustainable household energy use is designed containing far-reaching measures with regard to direct energy use. Scenario evaluation shows a substantial reduction of direct energy use; however, this is not enough to meet the sustainability objectives. Based on these results, the possibilities and the limitations are discussed to enable households to make their direct and indirect energy use sustainable on the long run.  相似文献   

The significance of heterogeneous mechanisms in controlling gas-phase NOx (NO, NO2) mixing ratios in polluted urban air, especially during nighttime, is not well established. Several recent studies have suggested that carbon soot can provide an effective surface for mediating the inter conversion among several NOy members. However, a number of such reactions reported in the literature have widely varying reaction probabilities and often conflicting pathways. We evaluated several of these reactions and choose the NO2 conversion to HONO on the surface of soot particles for further analysis with a box photochemical model. These calculations show that the conversion of NO2 to HONO on particle surfaces produces a large, measurable signal (up to several parts per billion) in nighttime HONO mixing ratios. Inclusion of this reaction was also shown to have significant impacts on ozone, OH and HO2 in the polluted planetary boundary layer (PBL). The sensitivity of these results to the different reaction rate probabilities (γ) and particle surface areas was also examined. Results are then evaluated to find the combination of γ and surface areas that would mostly likely occur in the PBL within the limitations of the model.  相似文献   

This study investigated the benefits of an on-site sustainable solid waste treatment and utilization system for the greenhouse industry. The composts made from greenhouse wastes were tested and found to contain high nutrient values and good physical properties, and could be used as high quality growing media. The finished composts were tested in a greenhouse against the conventional growth media (sawdust) and resulted in a 10% yield increase by using the compost. An economic analysis was conducted to show the economic benefits of on-site composting for a greenhouse operation. Based on a four-hectare tomato or pepper greenhouse, and amortizing the capital equipment over five years, the net annual cost of composting represents a savings of dollars 8,000 annually.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis emanating both from a virus (SARS-CoV-2) and from the drastic actions to contain it. Here, we reflect on the immediate responses of most world powers amid the pandemic chaos: totalitarian surveillance and nationalist isolation. Drawing on published literature, we consider measures such as wildlife-use bans, lockdowns and travel restrictions, along with their reverberations for people, economies and the planet. Our synthesis highlights significant shortfalls of applying command-and-control tactics in emergencies. For one, heavy-handed bans risk enormous unintended consequences and tend to fail if they lack legitimacy or clash with people’s values. Furthermore, reactive and myopic strategies typically view the pandemic as a stand-alone crisis, rather than unravelling the complex interplay of nature-society interactions through which zoonotic diseases originate. A return to adaptive management approaches that recognise root causes and foster socio-ecological resilience will be essential to improve human and planetary health and mitigate future pandemics.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The protection of the air against pollutants from individual boiler plants is a big challenge in Poland. It results mainly from the preference for...  相似文献   

Measurements of carbonyl compound concentrations at different sites in the Paris area have been carried out. Interpretation of the results made use of the following data: general meteorological conditions, wind field analysis and type of primary pollutant sources. The principal phenomena observed were: a sharp formaldehyde decrease during rainfall; concentration levels of lower aldehydes in rural sites comparable to those found in the literature; an important variation in the ratio of primary aldehydes to secondary aldehydes depending on meteorological conditions; a significant increase in lower aldehyde concentrations downwind from the urban center despite vertical dispersion of the pollutants.  相似文献   

Chemical characteristics of aerosol and rainfall samples collected at five sites in Minnesota and one site in west-central Wisconsin during the summer of 1982 were generally similar with respect to the relative proportions of major constituents. The most abundant species measured in the aerosol was sulfate, occurring predominantly in the fine fraction ( < 2.5 μm aerodynamic diameter). The rain chemistry was also dominated by sulfate but not to the same extent as the aerosol. The concentrations of crustal materials in both the aerosol and the rain followed a gradient in which concentrations increased with proximity of the sampling site to the prairie. The concentrations of crustal materials in the aerosol were correlated with their concentrations in subsequent rain, whereas concentrations of other constituents were not significantly correlated between aerosol and rain. Since the aerosol was sampled at the surface this result provided evidence that crustal materials were transported at lower altitudes and were scavenged to a greater degree by below-cloud mechanisms. The measured components in aerosols were divided by factor analysis into: ammonium sulfates, crustal materials, and a group containing nitrates, metals and other materials.  相似文献   

A physical-chemical model which is an extension of that of Hong and Carmichael (1983) is used to investigate the role of formaldehyde in cloud chemistry. This model takes into account the mass transfer of SO2, O3, NH3, HNO3, H2O2, CO2, HCl, HCHO, O2, OH and HO2 into cloud droplets and their subsequent chemical reactions. The model is used to assess the importance of S(IV)-HCHO adduct formation, the reduction of H2O2 by HCHO, HCHO-free radical interactions, and the formation of HCOOH in the presence of HCHO in cloud droplets.Illustrative calculations indicate that the presence of HCHO inhibits sulfate production rate in cloud droplets. The direct inhibition of sulfate production rate in cloud water due to nucleophilic addition of HSO3 to HCHO(aq) to form hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMSA) is generally low for concentrations of HCHO typical of ambient air. However, inhibition of sulfate production due to formaldehyde-free radical interactions in solution can be important. These formaldehyde-free radical reactions can also generate appreciable quantities of formic acid.  相似文献   

The Swedish coastal zone is a scene of conflicting interests about various goods and services provided by nature. Open-access conditions and the public nature of many services increase the difficulty in resolving these conflicts. "Sustainability" is a vague but widely accepted guideline for finding reasonable trade-offs between different interests. The UN view of sustainable development suggests that coastal zone management should aim at a sustainable ecological, economic, and social-cultural development. Looking closer at economic sustainability, it is observed that economic analyses about whether changes in society imply a gain or a loss should take into account the economic value of the environment. Methods used for making such economic valuation in the context of the Swedish coastal zone are briefly reviewed. It is noted that the property rights context matters for the results of a valuation study. This general background is followed by a concise presentation of the design and results of four valuation studies on Swedish coastal zone issues. One study is on the economic value of an improved bathing water quality in the Stockholm archipelago. The other studies are a travel cost study about the economic value of improved recreational fisheries in the Stockholm archipelago, a replacement cost study on the value of restoring habitats for sea trout, and a choice experiment study on the economic value of improved water quality along the Swedish westcoast.  相似文献   

Hoekstra EJ 《Chemosphere》2003,52(2):355-369
This paper reviews the concentrations of trichloroacetate (TCA) in the atmosphere-plant-soil system. Data originate mainly from Europe. The median TCA concentration in rainwater and canopy drip decreased until 1995. From then the median TCA concentration in rainwater remains rather constant while for canopy drip later data are not available. The same seems to hold for concentrations in air although a very limited data set is available. The median concentrations in coniferous needles and groundwater are constant for the period observed. The median TCA concentrations in soil decreased until 1992 and then remained constant.The TCA formation from chlorinated solvents in the atmosphere may explain a substantial percentage of the TCA amount in the atmosphere. The TCA concentrations in rainwater and canopy drip indicate that there will be other sources contributing to 10-50%. Waste incineration, biomass burning and natural formation in the marine boundary layer are potential candidate sources of TCA, but nothing can be said as yet on their TCA emission rates. Anthropogenic emissions of chlorine could also be a source.TCA can be formed from chlorinated solvents by biota. However, for coniferous trees the uptake of TCA from soil may be the predominant route. Biotic and abiotic reactions can cause to formation of TCA in soil, but also formation of TCA from chlorinated solvents by biota that excrete TCA, may contribute. Mass balance calculations of the bioactive soil top layer show that the production rate of TCA in certain soil types could be substantial. The mass balance calculations could not distinguish between natural and anthropogenic sources in soil.  相似文献   


Industry is one of the main activities in the city and in many cities of the world, and the dominant industrial zones are the most significant morphological forms of concentration of industrial facilities in the city and are concentrated industrial and business activity. Industrial parks combine activities related to energy and resource consumption, emissions, waste generation, economic benefits, and regional development. The focus of this work is the path of transformation between the present and the vision of a sustainable city in the future. The problem and the subject of research related to two related objects of research: the city and sustainable development. In this paper, the co-author’s industrial symbiosis parks, modern tendencies of the spatial distribution of productive activities, circular economy, to attract leading corporations and open the way for new ventures while preserving the living environment in an urban area.


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