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城市电磁辐射污染现状分析及其防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先阐述城市电磁辐射污染源,并介绍电磁辐射污染的危害,进而在分析我国城市环境电磁辐射现状及主要问题的基础上,针对电磁辐射环境管理办法与标准、电磁辐射控制技术、电磁辐射知识普及等方面提出可行性建议,旨在探索防治城市电磁辐射污染的办法,对强化城市电磁辐射环境管理,保障公众健康与环境安全,促进并规范电磁辐射应用的发展等方面具...  相似文献   

为研究电磁辐射场对微生物细胞的“非热效应”,选用几株工业微生物(产L-精氨酸钝齿棒状杆菌A6,产L-赖氨酸钝齿棒状杆菌LB6和产胞内SOD酶酵母菌S1)进行了初步探讨,试验结果表明,置于2μm-1mm频段电磁场接受辐射处理后的试验样本细胞对热的承受能力提高,表现为在较高温度下细胞生长速度的增加,处于对数生长期的细胞对辐射刺激有更明显的敏感反应,较低pH可以一定程度地强化辐射处理的效果,试验结果还进一步证明了以上效应产生于电磁辐射场的“非热效应”,而不是简单的热效应或微生物的自发突变。  相似文献   

温锐彪 《生态环境》2011,(6):1158-1160
按照《辐射环境保护管理导则—电磁辐射环境影响评价方法与标准》(HJ/T10.3—1996)的有关规定,GSM移动通信基站电场强度的管理目标值为5.4 V/m,功率密度的管理目标值为8μW/cm2。在根据麦克斯韦电磁场理论确定远场区范围,结合基站天线运行的基本参数,以及在对垂直波瓣图进行拟合的基础上,通过《辐射环境保护管理导则——电磁辐射监测仪器和方法》(HJ/T 10.2-1996)中的微波远场轴向功率密度计算公式计算GSM移动通信基站对周围环境的辐射水平进行预测。预测结果表明,基站周围的电磁辐射水平与天线的发射功率、公众活动区域与天线的高度差以及天线的主瓣方向关系密切。实际应用中可以通过减小发射功率,增加天线与公众活动区域的高度差以及调整天线的主瓣方向等措施来降低其对周围环境的影响,并通过制定有效的监测、管理计划和加强公众沟通,及时消除可能的电磁污染。  相似文献   

按照《辐射环境保护管理导则—电磁辐射环境影响评价方法与标准》(HJ/T10.3—1996)的有关规定,GSM移动通信基站电场强度的管理目标值为5.4 V/m,功率密度的管理目标值为8μW/cm2。在根据麦克斯韦电磁场理论确定远场区范围,结合基站天线运行的基本参数,以及在对垂直波瓣图进行拟合的基础上,通过《辐射环境保护管理导则——电磁辐射监测仪器和方法》(HJ/T 10.2-1996)中的微波远场轴向功率密度计算公式计算GSM移动通信基站对周围环境的辐射水平进行预测。预测结果表明,基站周围的电磁辐射水平与天线的发射功率、公众活动区域与天线的高度差以及天线的主瓣方向关系密切。实际应用中可以通过减小发射功率,增加天线与公众活动区域的高度差以及调整天线的主瓣方向等措施来降低其对周围环境的影响,并通过制定有效的监测、管理计划和加强公众沟通,及时消除可能的电磁污染。  相似文献   

防电磁波辐射的功能性服装   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
电磁波辐射已成为危害人类健康的第四大污染源,如何进行屏蔽是人们日益关注的问题,本文介绍了防电磁波辐射服装的功能及特点,提出了屏蔽服装今后的发展方向.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,人们生活水平越来越高,衣、食、住、行等基本生活已趋小康,生活又开始回归大自然,人们把自己的健康放在了首位,追求环保、安全、健康的生活方式,对野生中草药需求越来越多.近几年来,随着集体林权制度改革及配套改革的顺利进行,土地流转办法的制订,广大农民可灵活利用自己承包的土地,进行各种种植、养殖等项目,发展经济.近二年,由于野生黄精资源匮乏,市场上已供不应求,种植黄精、发展黄精产业,就成了广大农民的热门话题.  相似文献   

碳纳米管已经以各种不同的方式进入我们的生活,因此,对碳纳米管可能给人们的健康与安全带来的影响需要有足够的认识.本文就近年来对碳纳米管引起免疫细胞毒性的研究进展进行综述,为人们进一步认识和更好地应用碳纳米管奠定基础.  相似文献   

“让森林走进城市、让城市拥抱森林”已成为保护城市生态环境、提升城市形象和竞争力,推动经济可持续健康发展的全新理念.分析福州城市森林建设的优势与不足,提出以创建国家森林城市为目标、发展城市森林的建议.参9.  相似文献   

食品级二氧化碳的产品质量与人们的生活息息相关,直接影响到人体健康和生命安全,但我国目前标准--GB10621-2006<食品添加剂液体二氧化碳>及所涉及仪器分析定值指标所用的国家标准物质则大部分为空白,严重制约了我国食品安全领域的发展.  相似文献   

城市生态系统健康是区域可持续发展的基础.本文以环长株潭城市群作为研究对象,根据压力—状态—响应(PSR)模型,选取25个指标构建城市群城市生态系统健康评价指标体系,采用熵值法确定指标权重,以模糊综合评价法建立评价模型,对环长株潭城市生态系统健康进行评价.结果表明:总体来看,环长株潭城市生态系统健康水平处于"较健康"状态(0.236 2),处于一个良性发展阶段;城市群内部健康水平存在较大差异,不同地区的城市生态系统健康状况不同.长沙市和株洲市的隶属度为"健康",湘潭市和益阳市属于"较健康"状态,岳阳市和常德市属于"临界状态",衡阳市属于"不健康"状态,娄底市的隶属度为"病态".未来,环长株潭城市群要加强城市生态服务功能建设,缩小城市群内部差距,提升城市生态系统健康水平.  相似文献   

汪凯  叶红  陈峰  熊永柱  李祥余  唐立娜 《生态环境》2010,19(5):1119-1124
基于8个站点1961年以来的长期太阳辐射及其它气象观测数据,通过线性回归、相关分析等方法,探讨近半个世纪以来中国东南部太阳辐射的变化特征,并分析了太阳辐射变化的影响因素以及对区域气候的影响。结果表明:该地区地表总太阳辐射自1961年以来呈下降趋势,变化率为-10.17MJ·m-2·a-1。太阳辐射下降主要集中在1961到1990年间,该时间段的下降趋势达到-39.43MJ·m-2·a-1,主要表现为直接辐射显著下降,散射辐射则变化不大;1990年代以后,地表总太阳辐射开始呈现上升趋势,变化率为13.21MJ·m-2·a-1。该地区太阳辐射变化与全球范围内太阳辐射"变暗"及"变亮"的变化是一致的。从云量对太阳辐射的作用来看,该地区太阳辐射的变化很有可能是受到低云量变化的影响;而太阳辐射的这种变化直接导致气温发生变化,使得最高气温和最低气温的变化出现不一致,日较差随之发生改变。  相似文献   

地球环境中广泛存在的放射性核素对人类和其他物种产生辐射安全风险,成为水环境质量的重要指标之一。随着人类生活水平和环境保护意识的提升,以及核与辐射安全复杂的国际形势,放射性核素水环境质量标准的关注度越来越高。饮用水水质标准中的放射性核素限值基于个人辐射剂量标准,评估方法已经建立,并在世界卫生组织、美国、加拿大和日本等国际组织和国家的饮用水水质标准中得到广泛应用。水环境质量标准中的放射性核素限值基于辐射环境、参考生物、个体单位时间内的辐射剂量限值,对此各国际组织和国家相继开展了放射性核素的生态风险评价研究,并逐步制定相关标准。与国际水平相比,我国水环境质量标准存在放射性核素指标数量少、修订频率滞后、科学适用性有待提升等问题。在我国核能发展与生态文明建设的新形势下,加强放射性核素的健康风险和生态风险评价研究,建立健全水环境质量标准中放射性核素指标体系成为我国水环境研究的紧迫任务。  相似文献   

Objects in the terrestrial environment interact differentially with electromagnetic radiation according to their essential physical, chemical and biological properties. This differential interaction is manifest as variability in scattered radiation according to wavelength, location, time, geometries of illumination and observation and polarization. If the population of scattered radiation could be measured, then estimation of these essential properties would be straightforward. The only problem would be linking such estimates to environmental variables of interest. This review paper is divided into three parts. Part 1 is an overview of the attempts that have been made to sample the five domains of scattered radiation (spectral, spatial, temporal, geometrical, polarization) and then to use the results of this sampling to estimate environmental variables of interest. Part one highlights three issues: first, that relationships between remotely sensed data and environmental variables of interest are indirect; second, our ability to estimate these environmental variables is dependent upon our ability to capture a sound representation of variability in scattered radiation and third, a considerable portion of the useful information in remotely sensed images resides in the spatial domain (within the relations between the pixels in the image). This final point is developed in Part 2 that explores ways in which the spatial domain is utilized to describe spatial variation in remotely sensed and ground data; to design optimum sampling schemes for image data and ground data and to increase the accuracy with which remotely sensed data can be used to estimate both discontinuous and continuous variables. Part 3 outlines two specific uses of information in the spatial domain; first, to select an optimum spatial resolution and second, to inform an image classification.  相似文献   

The presence of humic acid in drinking water treatment has received significant attention in recent years because of its adverse effects on the removal of many pollutants in coagulation. In this paper, the effects of water quality including pH, turbidity, alkalinity, and hardness on the removal of humic acid were investigated in a UV light hybridized coagulation process. Our results suggested that UV light radiation could effectively improve the removal rate of humic acid in coagulation under both neutral and basic conditions, and the variations of the selected water quality parameters had little adverse effect on the function of UV light. After UV light radiation, the removal rate of the nitro-humic acid (NHA) increased from 20% to 60% in coagulation, and increased further to 75% and 85% for the raw waters with 10.0 NTU kaolin and 100 mg·L-1 hardness, respectively. In addition to NHA, the removal rates of the humic acid extracted from peat coal (PHA) and the humic acid provided by Japan metals and chemicals company (JHA) in coagulation were also improved, both in the range of 80%–90% after undergoing UV light radiation. By changing the radiation location from prior to coagulation to the flocculation process, similar experimental results were obtained. The formation of positive charged sites after UV light radiation was considered to be the primary factor that led to an enhanced removal of the humic acid in coagulation.  相似文献   

It is discussed that the electromagnetic potential can cause the emergence of the coherent structures that in view of their coherence, openness and non-linearity, are able to self-organize and form various hierarchical levels of ecosystems. In the meantime the electromagnetic potential is also the physical agent acting as a messenger in these coherent structures. So it plays the task of reducing the number of independent microstates of a coherent system, becoming a candidate for implementing the concept of negentropy. Electromagnetic potential is shown to be essential for the self-organization and the time evolution of ecosystems, providing the mechanism for their non-locality, complexity and self-consistency (self-maintaining).  相似文献   

Adverse reactions of the skin to light comprise a number of different dermatologic conditions. In light-‘allergies’ in the narrower sense non-ionised electromagnetic radiation (ultraviolet (UV)-A/-B radiation or visible light) provokes an immunologic or allergic skin reaction. These include solar urticaria, an, immunoglobulin E-mediated, immediate-type allergic photoreaction, photoallergic contact dermatitis and photoallergic (drug) exanthema, which are cell-mediated, delayed-type allergic photoreactions due to photosensitization, chronic actinic dermatitis and polymorphic light eruption. Beyond it there are nonimmunologic photosensitive and photoaggravated skin diseases, like exogenous and endogenous phototoxicity, xeroderma pigmentosum, which is based on a genetic defect, or the autoimmune disease lupus erythematosus.  相似文献   

研究了在紫外线 (UV -B)辐射增强条件下与自然光下生长的玉米种子的发芽和幼苗生长特性以及对UV -B反应的变化。结果表明 :与自然光下生长的玉米种子相比 ,UV -B辐射增强条件下生长的玉米种子的发芽率和幼苗生长指标有不同程度的下降 ,但在连续两年UV -B强度增加条件下 ,其种子发芽和幼苗生长指标受高强度UV -B影响的程度显著下降。在连续两年UV -B辐射增强条件下生长的玉米种子萌发的幼苗叶片类黄酮含量显著高于在自然光下生长的玉米种子萌发的幼苗 ,这可能是在UV -B辐射增强条件下生长的玉米对UV -B辐射增强产生适应性的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

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