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To select a marine teleost fish which can be used as a bioindicator of cadmium (Cd) pollution in the Gulf of Gabes in Tunisia, Cd concentrations in liver and gill were compared in three benthic fish species including Salaria basilisca, Zosterisessor ophiocephalus and Solea vulgaris. Fish samples were collected from three selected sites in the Gulf of Gabes, with different degrees of Cd contamination: the industrialized coast of Sfax (S1), the coast of Douar Chart (S2) and the coast of Luza ($3). The results shows that Cd concentrations in both sediment and water collected from S1 were significantly higher (p<0.0001) than those from S2 and $3. For each species, Cd concentrations, in both liver and gill, showed the decreasing order: S1>S2>S3. The highest concentration of Cd was detected in the liver of S. basilisca, and only S. basilisca showed bioaccumulation factors (BAF) greater than 1 in all studied sites. In S1 and S2, BAF values respect the following order: S. basilisca>Z. ophiocephalus>S. vulgaris. These results of significant bioaccumulation of Cd, in terms of hepatic concentrations and bioaccamulation factors, indicated that S. basilisca can be used as bioindicator to evaluate the evolution of Cd pollution in the Gulf of Gahes.  相似文献   

突发镉污染事件能引起江河水体恶化,破坏水生态环境和威胁人类健康.本研究为证实突发镉污染事件引起生态环境风险,以不同类型鱼类以及鱼类不同组织器官为研究对象,分别前后6次对龙江进行采样调查,并对各鱼类根据水层和食性进行分类及分析.调查结果表明,前3次调查鱼类肌肉镉含量显著高于后3次调查鱼类肌肉镉含量;草食性,肉食性和杂食性鱼类不同组织器官镉的含量大小均可排序为:肾肝肠鳃卵鳞≈肌肉,且3种类型肾的镉含量均显著高于其他任何组织器官(P0.05);鱼类同一组织器官镉的含量根据不同水层鱼类依次为:底层鱼类中下层鱼类中上层鱼类.不同食性鱼类肌肉中镉平均富集系数BAF从大到小依次为杂食性,肉食性和草食性,分别为8.32、6.33和5.15;不同生活水层鱼类肌肉中镉平均富集系数大小排序为:底层鱼类(8.18)中下层鱼类(7.70)中上层鱼类(4.99).  相似文献   

对泰国湾Chanthaburi海岸Welu河口区三根沉积物柱样(WLE08、WLE10和WLE12)进行了210Pb测年分析、AMS14C测年分析和粒度分析.粒度分析结果表明,研究区三根柱样的沉积物类型均属于粘土质粉砂,包含部分贝壳及生物碎屑,分选差,呈正偏态,属于中晚全新世以来形成的沉积物.通过粒级-标准偏差方法对沉...  相似文献   

马杰  佘泽蕾  王胜蓝  邓力  孙静  刘萍  徐敏 《环境科学》2023,44(9):5264-5274
以重庆市煤矸山周边农用地土壤和农产品(玉米和水稻)为研究对象,测定土壤和农产品(玉米和水稻)中Cd含量,评估摄入农产品(玉米和水稻)对人体的潜在健康风险,并基于物种敏感性分布法(SSD)推导土壤环境基准值.结果表明,重庆煤矸山周边旱地土壤Cd含量超风险筛选值的点位占55.8%,水田土壤Cd含量超风险筛选值的点位占31.6%,土壤Cd以较高生态危害和高生态危害为主,分别占47.4%和36.8%.玉米Cd含量超标点位占4.4%,水稻Cd含量均未超标.健康风险评价表明因食用玉米和水稻摄入Cd的非致癌健康风险可忽略,食用玉米摄入Cd存在可耐受致癌健康风险,食用水稻摄入Cd存在不可耐受致癌健康风险,且玉米和水稻Cd含量敏感度最高.SSD推导出煤矸山周边旱地土壤在pH≤5.5、5.57.5时Cd的环境基准值分别为0.491、0.382、0.376和0.588 mg ·kg-1,水田土壤Cd的环境基准值为0.807 mg ·kg-1.水田土壤和旱地土壤pH≤7.5时,现行土壤标准(GB 15618-2018)相对偏严;旱地土壤pH>7.5时,现行土壤标准(GB 15618-2018)相对偏宽松.应加强煤矸山周边土壤Cd污染防治和农产品安全利用研究,并对土壤Cd环境基准值进行适当调整.  相似文献   

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